Swami Vivekananda and Modern Women

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Swami Vivekananda andSamvit

20 Modern Women Sept 2017


S wami Vivekananda while interacting

with children in America, before his
address at the Parliament of Religions, used
dominant and prominent that Swamiji
believed that it is because of women that
we have our civilizational, religious and
to tell stories about great people of India. spiritual values with us today. He further
During one such interaction with a boy said that through service and renunciation
named Austin, he narrated a story of our women have withstood and borne the
Jhansi’s Rani Lakshmi Bai. Mrs. Louise brunt of various kinds of invasions—
Burke, in her book Swami Vivekananda in political, social, religious and economic—
the West—New Discoveries, writes that through the millennia. The contribution of
whenever Swamiji spoke about the great Indian women was so great and wide-
Rani of Jhansi, tears used to roll down his spread that she was worshipped as the
cheeks. One may wonder how Swamiji, representative of the Divine Mother. She
who always said that the role models of was considered an embodiment of
Indian women were Sita or Savitri, could everything supreme in life and society—
be so moved when thinking about Rani of as Mother Earth, giver of life, as Ma
Jhansi? Saraswati, embodiment of knowledge, as
Ma Lakshmi, embodiment of wealth, as Ma
Complete Picture of Indian Durga embodiment of power. We may ask
W om a n today—what made Indian women so
great? Swamiji says purity, courage, and
Vivekananda indeed presented a intellect are the hallmarks of Indian women.
complete and comprehensive picture of According to him, three women who
Indian woman all through his life. Swamiji represented each of these characteristics,
was the first person to do so at a time when have shaped the ideal personality in the
there was acrimonious debate on Indian psyche: Sita, Lakshmi Bai, and Gargi
empowerment of women in our country. respectively. Sita, we can understand, Rani
He knew that women are the makers of of Jhansi we can somehow comprehend
any society. The standard of any society, but Gargi is a bit intriguing. That is because
civilization or nation can be judged by the narrative of the Indian womanhood that
looking at the status of women. Our has come down to us today is more of a
forefathers had constructed a healthy Sita-like-personality; pure, all forgiving,
society in which women played a very ever sacrificing Mother. The other two
constructive role. Indian women led a very traits of courage and intellect have been
active social, religious and domestic life. completely sidelined which is a loss of epic
As mothers, teachers, scholars, soldiers, proportions. Today what we are left with
judges,etc.,women stood shoulder to is only one side of one part, of what the
shoulder with men and built a robust social thinkers and the rishis of the Vedic
society. The role of women was so period had formulated.

Manjula is a lecturer at SRN Adarsh College, Bangalore.

Sept 2017 Swami Vivekananda and Modern Women 21

The Sadhyovadhu and present in universities in large numbers.

Brahmavadini Ideals Women had the right to formulate shastras
and there were several women rishis, who
It is very interesting to know that, were called “rishikas”. In the Rig Vedic
historically speaking, Indian women led a period they were well respected by other
life, which was comprehensive and fruitful. rishis for their intellectual and spiritual
Harita Smriti written by sage Haritasa accomplishments.
gives a complete picture of the way
women lived. He says, after the formal Deterioration in the status of
education under the guidance of a Guru at Wome n
the Gurukula, a young girl had a choice of
either to become a sadhyovadhu or a Due to several reasons this system
brahmavadini. A sadhyovadhu is a woman was done away with. Manu, in his much
who chooses to get criticized book Manu
married, raises a family Smriti, said that
and dedicates her life upanayanam to girls
to the welfare of her should be stopped.
family. Brahmavadini Thereby the
is a woman who upanayanam rituals
chooses to continue were stopped and girls
her academic pursuits, lost the right to formal
dedicate her life to education. The decline
acquire knowledge in the status of women,
and eventually as a result of this was
contribute intellectually enormous. Women lost
and spiritually to the the right to become
welfare of the larger Brahmavadinis and one
society. Girls, who facet of Indian
were educated and Yajnavalkya Gargi Samvad womanhood was
well informed, were completely lost.
considered an asset to the society. Gargi Ultimately girls had only one choice, that
was one such woman. After her formal of becoming a sadhyovadhu. The concept
education, she chose to become a of sadhyovadhu was glorified in every
brahmavadini. sphere of life and society and women
But the key to all these is a strong, completely forgot the concept of
formal education which was available to brahmavadini.
all girls. Girls had the right to upanayanam, The all-renouncing and independent
went and stayed in a Gurukula just like brahmavadini went out of the psyche of
boys. At the end of their formal education, Indian women. Women, no longer
it was quite normal for women to choose considered equal to men, lost the capacity
to become teachers and scholars. Panini in to think independently. The result was
his famous book Ashthadhyayi says society as a whole declined. As mothers,
women teachers and girl students were they could not instil independence and
22 Samvit Sept 2017

fearlessness in their children because they above everything else, so that they may
themselves became superstitious and develop a strong character by the force of
dependent on men, thereby reducing a which, in every stage of their life, whether
robust and fearless society to a married, or single, if they prefer to remain
superstitious one. By the time Vivekananda so, they will not be in the least afraid even
came, the social status of women was so to give up their lives rather than flinch an
low that they had lost all the rights that inch from their chastity. Is it little heroism
they enjoyed in the Vedic period. Girls to be able to sacrifice one’s life for the sake
were not allowed to go to school because of one’s ideal, whatever that ideal may be?”
there was a belief that if a girl becomes Education would be the first step.
literate she would become a widow! Holy Next, educated women be given a choice
Mother was also not spared; when she either to become a brahmavadini or a
tried to learn to read and write on her own, sadhyovadhu, and the third step that, in
with the help of a book, Hriday threw the either situation, women should conquer the
book in the River Ganga. world with purity, courage and intellect.
Through Sister Nivedita, Swamiji made
Reviving the Lost Position of ‘going to school’ a reality for girls after
Indian Women hundreds of years.
But it was not an easy task. People
Vivekananda gave back that status could not understand the prophetic advice
and right to the Indian woman which the of Swamiji. When Sister Nivedita called a
Vedic Rishis had given them. He gave back meeting of social leaders in Kolkata, to
the choice of becoming a brahmavadini. discuss the establishment of a school for
This is Swamiji’s gift to womankind. When girls, and to encourage girls to go to school,
Swamiji went to America, he was baffled not a single person stood up and said he
to see independent and fearless American would send his daughter to school. Sister
women working tirelessly in building the Nivedita struggled hard to convince people.
nation. He exclaimed in joy, “I see Lakshmis Holy Mother supported her and she
and Saraswatis here in America, not in succeeded. Nivedita eventually inspired the
India!” When he studied the American great freedom fighter Subramanya Bharati,
society deeply, he realized that education who in turn, started a new movement
was the key to all this. called “New Woman” in South India. This
revolution spread across South India like
The Importance of Education wild fire. Today, the position of women in
our society has improved remarkably. By
When Swamiji returned to India, he the grace of Holy Mother we may reach
emphasized that formal education, which the level of Vedic women one day, which
was denied to women, should be made Swamiji dreamt of.
available to women. He said “To make a
beginning in women’s education: our Hindu Realizing the Dream Today
women easily understand what chastity
means, because it is their heritage. Now, Today women are occupying
first of all, intensify that ideal within them powerful positions. Vivekananda asserted
Sept 2017 Swami Vivekananda and Modern Women 23

that with purity, courage and intellect defect is cruelty. The Greek is essentially
Indian women can build a great society and enthusiastic for the beautiful, but frivolous
can be role models for the entire world. and has a tendency to become immoral.
With these three, modern woman can be The Hindu type is essentially metaphysical
successful both in looking after her family and religious, but lacking in all the elements
and also the welfare of society. She can of organization and work...The Roman
be a loving mother, successful entrepreneur, type is now represented by the Anglo-
or a popular leader. There is a view among Saxon; the Greek type more by the French
professionals that women cannot look after than by any other nation; and the old
a family, and at same time be successful in Hindus do not die! Each type has its
her profession. This is not true. Swamiji has advantage in this new land of promise.
outlined the criteria for success in any field. They have the Roman’s organization, the
Besides we have a living example in Holy power of the Greek’s wonderful love for
Mother Sri Sarada Devi. Thus Vivekananda the beautiful, and the Hindu’s backbone of
places huge responsibility on women as the religion and love of God. Mix these up
mothers of civilization. He says: together and bring in the new civilization.
“[Aryan] civilization has been of three And let me tell you, this should be done by
types: the Roman, the Greek, and the women.”
Hindu. The Roman type is the type of I hope women will fulfil the dream
organization, conquest, steadiness — but of Swamiji and become role models to
lacking in emotional nature, appreciation upcoming generations for ‘the hand that
of beauty and the higher emotions. Its rocks the cradle, rules the world’.

There is no chance for the welfare of the world unless the

condition of woman is improved. It is not possible for a bird to
fly on only one wing. Hence in the Ramakrishna incarnation,
the acceptance of a woman as the Guru, hence his practising in
the woman’s garb and frame of mind, hence too his preaching
the motherhood of women as representations of the Divine
Hence it is that my first endeavour is to start a Math for
women. This Math shall be the origin of Gargis and Maitreyis,
and women of even higher attainments than these.

Swami Vivekananda
24 Life Dynamics
Samvit Sept 2017

A Study through Swami Vivekananda


T he word ‘life’ evokes different feelings

in different mindsets. For the
majority, life is a mystery as all its secrets
manifold universe emerged from one single
unit—all matter, all forces, life in each and
every form, everything is but the
are far from known. For some others, it is manifestation of that single unit— endorsing
a phenomenon conditioned by joy and the fact that everything in the universe is
sorrow, birth and death. But the word interlinked and interconnected. By arriving
sparks quite a different emotion in an at this grand truth of the kinship of all life,
introspective mind. It kindles modern science indeed blessed mankind.
inquisitiveness. What is life? How did it Swami Vivekananda repeatedly
come? What is its purpose? How to make emphasized the central message of the
it meaningful? These are the fundamental Vedantic philosophy, as unity and solidarity
questions that strike a sensitive mind— of the whole universe, and that the
more commonly of a mystic, a scientist, realization of this fundamental truth is the
or a poet— who devotes most of his/her goal of human life. In fact, this is also
time to find answers for them. Swamiji’s central message. He dreamt that
the Vedantic principles would stand on a
Prelude strong scientific basis as and when science
revealed the secrets of the universe.
In the long history of humanity, Science has succeeded in probing the
these questions were asked and answered anatomy of life, but has yet to arrive at its
many times, but they sound fresh each purpose and meaningfulness; it has yet to
time they are asked, because there are unfold the unseen forces that govern this
always fresh minds in which these complex phenomenon.
questions arise. The present scientific era
is a glorious period for exploring life, layer Probing the Purpose
after layer, and to understand its
underlying astounding phenomena. As to the uniqueness of the human
Methodical study and research have species, science is in consensus with the
unravelled the secrets of the farthest mystic traditions, which recognized the
galaxies as well as the depths of an atom, human being as unique in creation, way
and from a single living cell to the complex back in time. Evolutionary biologists also
human system. accept that the human species is the
When the Raja of Khetri asked highest. With its capacity for deliberate
Swami Vivekananda, “What is Truth?” his thinking, this species marks the culmination
immediate answer was ‘Truth is One, the of organic evolution, the next phase being
Absolute”. It is as if to prove this fact that the psychological. As Julian Huxley pointed
scientific advancement is converging on to out in his book Evolution and Modern
‘singularity’, which indeed is a most Synthesis, “Man, by now become the
welcome development. The entire trustee of evolution, must work and plan
Pravrajika Tyaganishthaprana is a sannyasini of Sri Sarada Math, Guntur.
Sept 2017 Life Dynamics 25

if he is to achieve further progress for unfolding of complexity, seems to be a

himself and so for life.” fundamental property of life.” This reaching
Erwin Schrodinger, the philosopher out, with the newly acquired cerebral
scientist, poetically wrote in his book, system, is the challenge for a human being.
What is Life , “We ourselves (human Another astounding fact to which
beings) are chisel and statue at the same the post-Darwinian concepts point out is
time.” But he laments at the inability of that there is coordination, cooperation, and
the scientific research to probe into the interdependence at all levels of life. Life is
real purpose of evolution. He writes, evolving; for that matter, the whole
“Most painful is the absolute silence of all universe is evolving with fine chords of
our scientific investigations towards our coordination tending towards intrinsic
questions concerning the meaning and the orderliness, which the Vedic tradition
scope of the whole display.” Today, it is called ‘ rtam ’. To quote Capra again,
joyful to notice that the evolutionary “Evolution is an ongoing and open
concepts have already bent, perhaps adventure, that continually creates its own
unconsciously, towards probing the purpose, in a process whose detailed
purpose of the evolution of life. Fritjof outcome is inherently unpredictable.”
Capra, the author of the celebrated book, However, the general pattern of evolution
Tao of Physics, with a comprehensive can be recognized and it is quite
approach in his research studies, threw new comprehensible. Its characteristics include
light on life. the progressive increase of complexity,
coordination, and interdependence; the
Three Strides integration of individuals into multilevelled
systems; and the continual refinement of
Capra identifies the evolutionary certain functions and patterns of
process as creatively dynamic through behaviour. As Ervin Laszlo sums it up,
self-organization, with its two ‘There is a progression from multiplicity and
complementary aspects: self-maintenance chaos to oneness and order.”
and self-transcendence. Self-maintenance Thus experiencing the orderliness
includes the processes of self-renewal, and oneness of the universe is the goal of
healing, homoeostasis, and adaptation, human life. It is not through competition
whereas self-transcendence expresses and struggle, as Darwin proposed, but
itself in the processes of development and through cooperation and coordination, that
evolution. It is through the second aspect, life on earth has evolved. Chaos is the
self-transcendence, that living organisms gross truth, perceived by the limited vision
enter into new domains to make the confined to small ecosystems, whereas
evolution meaningful. Fritjof Capra, in his orderliness is the subtle truth that can only
book Turning Point writes, “Living be perceived by the expanded and
organisms have an inherent potential for elevated vision extended to giant
reaching out beyond themselves to create ecosystems. Multiplicity is the gross truth
new structures and new patterns of perceived by the senses, whereas oneness
behavior. This creative reaching out into is the subtle truth that can only be
novelty, which in time leads to an ordered perceived by a subtle and purified mind.
26 Samvit Sept 2017

To perceive the oneness in multiplicity, and oneness and orderliness makes human life
the orderliness in chaos, the mind should ‘profoundly meaningful’, can’t it be
evolve. That’s why Indian philosophy understood as the final goal of evolution
hailed perception of oneness as the real of life on earth, i.e., to experience the unity
perception. “That by which the one and solidarity of the universe as
indestructible Substance is seen in all propounded by Swami Vivekananda, over
beings, undivided in the divided, know that a century ago, echoing the unnamed heroic
knowledge to be Sattvika ” says the sages of the Upanishads ? This is the
Bhagavad Gita. This perception gives the “golden handshake” of religion and science,
greatest joy in life, says the Taittiriya the philosophy of life finding its scientific
Upanishad. basis— the grand reconciliation!
Scientists have started recognizing
the inter-connectedness in the universe. Means to Meaningfulness
Fritjof Capra in The Hidden Connections
asserts: “This sense of oneness with the Once the purpose is known, how to
natural world is fully borne out by the new achieve it is the next question. When a
scientific conception committed sculptor
of life. As we has the clear imagery
understand how the or blueprint of the
roots of life reach end product, then
deep into basic every knock of the
physics and chisel will be
chemistry, how the consciously guided.
unfolding of The perfect image of
complexity began an ideal human being
long before the is established in his or
formation of the first her experience of
living cells, and how Inter-connected oneness. Because, in
life has evolved for such a human being,
billions of years by using again and again we find peace and harmony, love and
the same basic patterns and processes, we compassion; he or she becomes a blessing
realize how tightly we are connected with to humanity. Such a human being
the entire fabric of life. When we look at transcends the limitations imposed by
the world around us, we find that we are nature, and reaches that level of perfection
not thrown into chaos and randomness but through intense practice and by repeated
are part of a great order, a grand symphony conscious attempts. Swami Vivekananda
of life....We belong to the universe, we asserted that a human being must not
are at home in it, and this experience of follow nature but must transcend it, to get
belonging can make our lives profoundly freedom from the clutches of sense-bound
meaningful.” nature. In the process, the aspirant’s
Here we can pick up the scientist’s identification with the limited
answer to the question regarding the psychophysical system, slowly decreases.
purpose of evolution. If the experience of For example, the great mystics as also the
Sept 2017 Life Dynamics 27

great scientists are conquerors of their to trace his energies back to the origin.
lower nature. A person devoted to logical The origin of life is in consciousness and a
analysis or involved in higher emotions in human being alone has the capacity to
the search of Truth easily transcends his realize this blissful source.
or her lower nature attached to the body- “The One, which is the innermost
mind complex. Detachment from the body- reality of all beings, is untouched by the
mind opens out a new world of perceptions misery of the outside world” say the
and new heights of joy, where life finds its Upanishads. The purpose of the continuous
fulfilment. life-stream is fulfilled once it discovers its
blissful source, pure consciousness. One
Vivekananda’s View of Life may call it God or by any name one likes.
Life on earth, knowingly or unknowingly,
The aim of this article is to ponder runs after happiness. Happiness is the goal
over the concise, brilliant definition of life behind all pursuits of life. If we want
given by Swami Vivekananda against the continuous and permanent happiness, we
background of the above observations. It should depend only on such a thing, which
was the most spontaneous statement that is imperishable. God alone is imperishable.
came as an answer to the Raja of Khetri’s Rely on Him. Don’t rely on unreliable
question as to what was life. Vivekananda things. The goal of life is freedom from all
said, “Life is the unfoldment and fulfillment misery and the attainment of the highest
of a being under circumstances tending to bliss. Once we realize our imperishable
press it down.” Swamiji’s definition reveals nature and attain total detachment from
the goal of human life as well as the the body-mind, all the piled-up karma gets
methods to reach it. It answers two completely destroyed. The fire of
questions—what the purpose of life is and knowledge destroys all accumulated fruits
how to achieve it. A broad spectrum of of actions.
ideas that we find in Indian philosophical
traditions, is embedded in this single 2. The method is unfoldment or
definition. We can derive the following Yoga
points from this definition: If the goal is fulfillment then the
method is unfoldment, which is called
1. The goal of life is fulfilment or yoga in Indian scriptures. What is yoga?
mukti Focusing mind and the senses on the
According to Indian philosophy, life infinite dimension is called yoga. For this,
is the all-pervading principle in creation, first and foremost, one must approach
which is called by different names such as, an adept sculptor, who already has
prana, maya and shakti. Swamiji says that carved a beautiful statue out of himself,
the whole creation is the expression of this is efficient enough to know how to
life principle in different levels of vibration. sharpen the chisel, how to handle it and
It has consciousness, the infinite dimension, the different techniques in the carving
as its substratum. A human being is the procedure. The chisel is the instrument,
highest expression of this prana. Why? with which we carve the statue. What
Because he or she has the unique capacity is the chisel here? It is the human being’s
28 Samvit Sept 2017

capacity for conscious thinking. The faculties in a human being.

Indian scriptures call it buddhi. This is the Jnana Yoga: Everywhere in creation,
only faculty that differentiates the human there are two dimensions—finite and
being from animals. infinite. Always analyse and find out what
Food, sleep, fear and procreation is finite and what is infinite. Try to identify
are common in animals and human beings. yourselves with the infinite dimension.
Buddhi alone is the factor that Swami Vivekananda said, “The Self within
differentiates human beings from animals. is always shining forth resplendent.
A human being is equal to an animal if the Turning away from that people say I, I,
buddhi is non-functional. I—with the affection held up with the
The following equations reveal the body, this cage of flesh and bones. This is
role of buddhi in the evolution of man: the root cause of all weakness.”
Bhakti Yoga: Emotions usually drive
Human being – buddhi = animal
our energies. Direct these emotions
Human being + non-functioning towards a personal god. Who should one
buddhi = animal man (instinct level) select as a personal god? The one who is
Human being + functioning buddhi = compatible with one’s own mental
rational man (reason level) environment. Praise Him, worship Him,
and pray to Him. Develop intense love
Human being + enlightened buddhi =
towards Him. Thus give a higher direction
saint (intuition level)
to the lower emotions.
The buddhi can be sharpened by Karma Yoga: The will in us in its
constantly exercising it. With the buddhi normal state always prompts us to satisfy
thus sharpened, one can follow the path selfish desires. Direct it to do good to
of yoga, the union with the Infinite. others thinking that they are the
In the long religious history of India, manifestations of God. Then automatically
great people have introduced many the faculty of will also will be connected
techniques of yoga. There are different to God.
faculties in human personality—thinking, Raja Yoga: It is meant for disciplining
feeling and willing etc. Each yoga technique the mind through meditation.
tried to cultivate one of these human When the first three techniques of
faculties by constantly directing it towards Yoga are done with meditative awareness
God. Jnana Yoga focused on thinking gained through the practice of Raja Yoga,
faculty, Bhakti Yoga on emotional faculty all the faculties in a human being are
and Karma Yoga on the faculty of will. harmoniously developed. Constant and
persistent effort to connect with the infinite
Synthesis of the Paths of Yoga dimension (Yoga ) does not allow the
formation of fresh fruits of action as the
Swami Vivekananda developed a focus of attention is thus automatically
new scheme of Yoga—the synthesis of the shifted away from the individual’s unripe
four paths of Yoga viz., Jnana Yoga, Bhakti ego, which is the seat for the formation of
Yoga, Karma Yoga and Raja Yoga for the fresh karma . Thus a synthesis can be
harmonious development of all the naturally effected.
Sept 2017 Life Dynamics 29

The Unfoldment of Yoga faith in the infinite dimension within us and

in the universe. H.W. Longfellow wrote in
The path of yoga is not easy. There his celebrated poem, Psalm of Life
are innumerable obstacles and hurdles.
That’s why in the second part of his In the world’s broad field of battle,
definition, Swamiji says, “…under in the bivouac of Life,
circumstances tending to press it down.” Be not like dumb, driven cattle! Be
These circumstances are attributed to the a hero in the strife!
prarabdha karma, the unavoidable results Let us, then be up and doing, with a
of our past actions. We have to face them;
there is no escape. These obstacles, in the
heart for any fate;
form of suffering and misery, always Till achieving, still pursuing, learn
obstruct our way. This suffering is of two to labour and to wait.
kinds, caused by the nature outside and
This positive attitude towards life
the inner nature. That’s why Swamiji says—
helps us to fight our prarabdha karma with
The goal is to manifest divinity by
the maturity of understanding. This is called
controlling nature external and internal.
shraddha in Indian philosophy. Swami
Situations in life are not as we would
Vivekananda says, “Faith, Faith, Faith in
like them to be. Our reaction to the
ourselves, faith, faith in God—this is the
situations is all that we have in our hands. secret of greatness.”
Our reactions are indicators that measure
the intensity of our clinging to the gross Conclusion
world. Once there was an interesting
column in a newspaper with the heading, Life evolves till it becomes aware of
“I have no cancer”. It was the story of a itself. Matter and energy both at the gross
cancer patient, who passed away, and the and subtle levels are the components of
article was written by his wife. From the life. As life evolves, consciousness
day the disease was diagnosed till his death, manifests itself in the form of awareness.
he had repeated the sentence, “No, I have The great sage, Patanjali, says the evolution
no cancer”, to all his relatives and doctors. of life on earth is carried out by the infilling
He had not only repeated this statement, of nature. By the process of infilling of
he had behaved in that way as if he had no nature— the macrocosm involves into the
disease. At the same time, he had been microcosm and the microcosm evolves by
continuously undergoing treatment and had realizing its identity with the macrocosm.
continued to be as cheerful as always. This grand revelation came upon Swami
Even the doctors wondered at his Vivekananda in Almora—the macrocosm
behaviour. His wife wrote, “Cancer could and microcosm are built on the same plan.
not win over him. He won over the disease To discover the identity and inseparability
by choosing not to be affected by it.” This of the microcosm and macrocosm is the
is the art of living. purpose of the evolution of life. This purpose
If we mould our present life with this is enfolded in nature and it is for human beings
kind of positive attitude, no karma can to unfold it in order to remain blissful
affect us. The secret of this art lies in our forever.

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