Swami Vivekananda and Modern Women
Swami Vivekananda and Modern Women
Swami Vivekananda and Modern Women
fearlessness in their children because they above everything else, so that they may
themselves became superstitious and develop a strong character by the force of
dependent on men, thereby reducing a which, in every stage of their life, whether
robust and fearless society to a married, or single, if they prefer to remain
superstitious one. By the time Vivekananda so, they will not be in the least afraid even
came, the social status of women was so to give up their lives rather than flinch an
low that they had lost all the rights that inch from their chastity. Is it little heroism
they enjoyed in the Vedic period. Girls to be able to sacrifice one’s life for the sake
were not allowed to go to school because of one’s ideal, whatever that ideal may be?”
there was a belief that if a girl becomes Education would be the first step.
literate she would become a widow! Holy Next, educated women be given a choice
Mother was also not spared; when she either to become a brahmavadini or a
tried to learn to read and write on her own, sadhyovadhu, and the third step that, in
with the help of a book, Hriday threw the either situation, women should conquer the
book in the River Ganga. world with purity, courage and intellect.
Through Sister Nivedita, Swamiji made
Reviving the Lost Position of ‘going to school’ a reality for girls after
Indian Women hundreds of years.
But it was not an easy task. People
Vivekananda gave back that status could not understand the prophetic advice
and right to the Indian woman which the of Swamiji. When Sister Nivedita called a
Vedic Rishis had given them. He gave back meeting of social leaders in Kolkata, to
the choice of becoming a brahmavadini. discuss the establishment of a school for
This is Swamiji’s gift to womankind. When girls, and to encourage girls to go to school,
Swamiji went to America, he was baffled not a single person stood up and said he
to see independent and fearless American would send his daughter to school. Sister
women working tirelessly in building the Nivedita struggled hard to convince people.
nation. He exclaimed in joy, “I see Lakshmis Holy Mother supported her and she
and Saraswatis here in America, not in succeeded. Nivedita eventually inspired the
India!” When he studied the American great freedom fighter Subramanya Bharati,
society deeply, he realized that education who in turn, started a new movement
was the key to all this. called “New Woman” in South India. This
revolution spread across South India like
The Importance of Education wild fire. Today, the position of women in
our society has improved remarkably. By
When Swamiji returned to India, he the grace of Holy Mother we may reach
emphasized that formal education, which the level of Vedic women one day, which
was denied to women, should be made Swamiji dreamt of.
available to women. He said “To make a
beginning in women’s education: our Hindu Realizing the Dream Today
women easily understand what chastity
means, because it is their heritage. Now, Today women are occupying
first of all, intensify that ideal within them powerful positions. Vivekananda asserted
Sept 2017 Swami Vivekananda and Modern Women 23
that with purity, courage and intellect defect is cruelty. The Greek is essentially
Indian women can build a great society and enthusiastic for the beautiful, but frivolous
can be role models for the entire world. and has a tendency to become immoral.
With these three, modern woman can be The Hindu type is essentially metaphysical
successful both in looking after her family and religious, but lacking in all the elements
and also the welfare of society. She can of organization and work...The Roman
be a loving mother, successful entrepreneur, type is now represented by the Anglo-
or a popular leader. There is a view among Saxon; the Greek type more by the French
professionals that women cannot look after than by any other nation; and the old
a family, and at same time be successful in Hindus do not die! Each type has its
her profession. This is not true. Swamiji has advantage in this new land of promise.
outlined the criteria for success in any field. They have the Roman’s organization, the
Besides we have a living example in Holy power of the Greek’s wonderful love for
Mother Sri Sarada Devi. Thus Vivekananda the beautiful, and the Hindu’s backbone of
places huge responsibility on women as the religion and love of God. Mix these up
mothers of civilization. He says: together and bring in the new civilization.
“[Aryan] civilization has been of three And let me tell you, this should be done by
types: the Roman, the Greek, and the women.”
Hindu. The Roman type is the type of I hope women will fulfil the dream
organization, conquest, steadiness — but of Swamiji and become role models to
lacking in emotional nature, appreciation upcoming generations for ‘the hand that
of beauty and the higher emotions. Its rocks the cradle, rules the world’.
Swami Vivekananda
24 Life Dynamics
Samvit Sept 2017
To perceive the oneness in multiplicity, and oneness and orderliness makes human life
the orderliness in chaos, the mind should ‘profoundly meaningful’, can’t it be
evolve. That’s why Indian philosophy understood as the final goal of evolution
hailed perception of oneness as the real of life on earth, i.e., to experience the unity
perception. “That by which the one and solidarity of the universe as
indestructible Substance is seen in all propounded by Swami Vivekananda, over
beings, undivided in the divided, know that a century ago, echoing the unnamed heroic
knowledge to be Sattvika ” says the sages of the Upanishads ? This is the
Bhagavad Gita. This perception gives the “golden handshake” of religion and science,
greatest joy in life, says the Taittiriya the philosophy of life finding its scientific
Upanishad. basis— the grand reconciliation!
Scientists have started recognizing
the inter-connectedness in the universe. Means to Meaningfulness
Fritjof Capra in The Hidden Connections
asserts: “This sense of oneness with the Once the purpose is known, how to
natural world is fully borne out by the new achieve it is the next question. When a
scientific conception committed sculptor
of life. As we has the clear imagery
understand how the or blueprint of the
roots of life reach end product, then
deep into basic every knock of the
physics and chisel will be
chemistry, how the consciously guided.
unfolding of The perfect image of
complexity began an ideal human being
long before the is established in his or
formation of the first her experience of
living cells, and how Inter-connected oneness. Because, in
life has evolved for such a human being,
billions of years by using again and again we find peace and harmony, love and
the same basic patterns and processes, we compassion; he or she becomes a blessing
realize how tightly we are connected with to humanity. Such a human being
the entire fabric of life. When we look at transcends the limitations imposed by
the world around us, we find that we are nature, and reaches that level of perfection
not thrown into chaos and randomness but through intense practice and by repeated
are part of a great order, a grand symphony conscious attempts. Swami Vivekananda
of life....We belong to the universe, we asserted that a human being must not
are at home in it, and this experience of follow nature but must transcend it, to get
belonging can make our lives profoundly freedom from the clutches of sense-bound
meaningful.” nature. In the process, the aspirant’s
Here we can pick up the scientist’s identification with the limited
answer to the question regarding the psychophysical system, slowly decreases.
purpose of evolution. If the experience of For example, the great mystics as also the
Sept 2017 Life Dynamics 27
great scientists are conquerors of their to trace his energies back to the origin.
lower nature. A person devoted to logical The origin of life is in consciousness and a
analysis or involved in higher emotions in human being alone has the capacity to
the search of Truth easily transcends his realize this blissful source.
or her lower nature attached to the body- “The One, which is the innermost
mind complex. Detachment from the body- reality of all beings, is untouched by the
mind opens out a new world of perceptions misery of the outside world” say the
and new heights of joy, where life finds its Upanishads. The purpose of the continuous
fulfilment. life-stream is fulfilled once it discovers its
blissful source, pure consciousness. One
Vivekananda’s View of Life may call it God or by any name one likes.
Life on earth, knowingly or unknowingly,
The aim of this article is to ponder runs after happiness. Happiness is the goal
over the concise, brilliant definition of life behind all pursuits of life. If we want
given by Swami Vivekananda against the continuous and permanent happiness, we
background of the above observations. It should depend only on such a thing, which
was the most spontaneous statement that is imperishable. God alone is imperishable.
came as an answer to the Raja of Khetri’s Rely on Him. Don’t rely on unreliable
question as to what was life. Vivekananda things. The goal of life is freedom from all
said, “Life is the unfoldment and fulfillment misery and the attainment of the highest
of a being under circumstances tending to bliss. Once we realize our imperishable
press it down.” Swamiji’s definition reveals nature and attain total detachment from
the goal of human life as well as the the body-mind, all the piled-up karma gets
methods to reach it. It answers two completely destroyed. The fire of
questions—what the purpose of life is and knowledge destroys all accumulated fruits
how to achieve it. A broad spectrum of of actions.
ideas that we find in Indian philosophical
traditions, is embedded in this single 2. The method is unfoldment or
definition. We can derive the following Yoga
points from this definition: If the goal is fulfillment then the
method is unfoldment, which is called
1. The goal of life is fulfilment or yoga in Indian scriptures. What is yoga?
mukti Focusing mind and the senses on the
According to Indian philosophy, life infinite dimension is called yoga. For this,
is the all-pervading principle in creation, first and foremost, one must approach
which is called by different names such as, an adept sculptor, who already has
prana, maya and shakti. Swamiji says that carved a beautiful statue out of himself,
the whole creation is the expression of this is efficient enough to know how to
life principle in different levels of vibration. sharpen the chisel, how to handle it and
It has consciousness, the infinite dimension, the different techniques in the carving
as its substratum. A human being is the procedure. The chisel is the instrument,
highest expression of this prana. Why? with which we carve the statue. What
Because he or she has the unique capacity is the chisel here? It is the human being’s
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