Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering: Constantin Cranganu

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Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 65 (2009) 76–80

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Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering

j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. e l s ev i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / p e t r o l

In-situ thermal stimulation of gas hydrates

Constantin Cranganu ⁎
Brooklyn College of the City University of New York, Department of Geology, 2900 Bedford Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11210, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Gas hydrates are increasingly considered a potential energy resource. Various methods of exploiting gas
Received 4 October 2007 hydrates (thermal stimulation, depressurization, inhibitor injection, etc.) have been proposed so far, but each of
Accepted 26 December 2008 them has some drawbacks. To overcome some of these drawbacks, we propose a new technology for producing
methane from gas hydrates. The method uses in situ thermal stimulation by introducing a specially designed
hydrate heating apparatus into a horizontal borehole drilled into a gas hydrate zone (GHZ). Instead of using
gas hydrates
thermal stimulation
water or other hot fluid injected from the surface or another location away from the GHZ, an air/gas fuel
energy efficiency mixture is introduced into a combustion vessel from the surface via a fuel injection tubing string directly into
GHZ. Burning the fuel mixture results in the heat necessary to dissociate gas hydrate. The freed natural gas is
then conveyed to the surface via a casing that is lining the wellbore. This technology has the advantage of
permitting the dissociated gas to be produced through the same wellbore through which the air/gas fuel
mixture is injected, thereby avoiding the need of using two wells (injection and exploitation). An estimated
energy gain efficiency of the proposed method shows that only about 1.1 to 1.7% of gas produced will have to be
burned to decompose hydrates. Previous estimates of other thermal decomposition methods, for example
steam injection, show that about 50% of gas produced will have to be burned just to decompose hydrates. An
added advantage is that the produced natural gas is not mixed with the combustion gases, thus avoiding the
problem of the resulting gas having a BTU content that is too low.
© 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction there remain significant technical challenges in converting these

resources into economic exploitation enterprise.
The present paper relates generally to a technology for producing
natural gas from gas hydrates, and more particularly, but not by way of 2. Methods of producing natural gas from gas hydrate deposits
limitation, to a method for producing natural gas from gas hydrates by
thermally stimulating the gas hydrates by internal combustion of an air/ To produce natural gas from hydrates, it is necessary to disassociate
gas fuel mixture in a vessel positioned within a gas hydrate formation. the gas from the hydrate structure. In short, this entails dissociating
Gas hydrates are naturally occurring crystalline substances com- the hydrate. Four major potential methods for producing gas from
posed of water and gas, mainly methane, in which a solid water-lattice hydrates have been previously identified (Ohgaki et al., 1994; 1996;
accommodates gas molecules in a cage-like structure or clathrate. They Makogon, 1997; Sloan, 1998; Moridis et al., 2008). These include
are formed naturally in numerous settings, but most predominantly in thermal stimulation, pressure reduction, inhibitor injection, and gas
permafrost zones and deep marine environments, such as outer con- phase exchange.
tinental margins and deep-sea bottoms.
The amount of natural gas held in hydrate form in geologic re- 2.1. Thermal stimulation
servoirs in sub-bottom sediments and artic permafrost zones is vast
(Sloan, 1998; Kvenvolden, 1998, 2000; Milkov et al., 2003; Collette, Thermal stimulation involves heating the deposit temperature
2004). In 1995, the U.S. Geological Survey conducted a study to assess above the temperature of hydrate formation at a specified tempera-
the amount of natural gas hydrate resources in the United States and ture. The usual scenario that is invoked is injection of steam or hot
found that the estimate quantity exceeded known conventional brine from a surface-placed facility, using fire flooding or electro-
domestic gas resources (Collette, 2004). Recovery of natural gas from magnetic heating. More innovative ideas, such as using electromag-
these hydrate-bearing deposits has the potential for being economic- netic heating, microwave heating or pressure pulse stimulation have
ally viable (Collette, 2004; Moridis et al., 2004; Circone et al., 2005), but also been discussed in the literature (Kantzas et al., 1994; Kamath,
1998). To decompose hydrates containing 1 mol of methane requires
between 60 and 90 kJ (Holder et al., 1984). This represents a relatively
⁎ Tel.: +1 718 951 5000x2878; fax: +1 718 951 4753. large amount of heat. The primary difficulty in thermal stimulation
E-mail address: consists in delivering heat efficiently to the location where hydrates

0920-4105/$ – see front matter © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
C. Cranganu / Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 65 (2009) 76–80 77

are to be dissociated. High energy losses occur during the injection of where C is average heat capacity and M is the total mass. A cubic meter
the hot water or steam from the surface to the non-hydrate portion of of reservoir rock with 30% porosity and 50% hydrate saturation has an
the reservoir and difficulties exist in establishing and maintaining average heat capacity of
high permeability flow paths between injection wells and production
wells (Holder et al., 1982, 1984). Those energy losses from the source C = ð0:7Þð800Þ + ð0:3Þð0:5Þð2040Þ = 866 J=kgo C ð4Þ
to the reservoir or through pipelines would significantly increase the
production costs. where we have assumed the heat capacity of the rock matrix to be
800 J/kgoC. The total mass is
2.2. Pressure reduction (depressurization)   
M = ð0:7Þ 1 m3 2650 kg=m3 + ð0:3Þð0:5Þ 900 kg=m3 = 1990 kg ð5Þ
Pressure reduction (depressurization) was considered a more effi-
where we have assumed the rock matrix has a density of 2650 kg/m3
cient method of extracting gas from gas hydrates (e.g., Makogon, 1997,
and that hydrate density does not differ significantly from ice density
Max and Dillon, 1998; Collette, 2004, Sun et al., 2005). It involves
(900 kg/m3).
decreasing the reservoir pressure below hydrate equilibrium, thus
If the energy for the dissociation of hydrate in 1 m3 of reservoir rock
allowing the gas to disassociate. However, depressurization process
comes from a cubic meter of rock saturated 50% with hydrates that rock
is self-limiting in that once the pressure of the formation drops
will experience a temperature drop ΔT of
below a certain level, the temperature of the formation will also be
caused to drop, thereby resulting in the hydrates maintaining a solid ΔH 5:7×107
state. We will try to demonstrate next what the main drawback of ΔT = = = 33o C ð6Þ
CM 866×1990
this method is.
Hydrate stability depends upon both temperature and pressure, so A temperature drop of 33 °C would probably move the remaining
it is possible to initiate dissociation by either raising the temperature hydrate into a stable position where dissociation would no longer be
or lowering the pressure, or by some combination of the two. The possible unless heat were added. At the very least, further dissociation
amount of hydrates which can be dissociated by pressure reduction would likely result in the formation of ice in the pore space, lowering
alone is limited by the amount of the available ambient heat. Dis- the permeability and preventing further gas production.
sociation by pressure reduction absorbs the same amount of heat
(thermal energy) as dissociation by other means. Conservation of 2.3. Inhibitor injection
energy requires that the heat of fusion be supplied even though the
dissociation takes place by pressure reduction instead of temperature The inhibitor injection involves injecting an inhibitor, such as
increase. If the ambient environment contains insufficient heat to methanol or glycol, into the reservoir to decrease hydrate stability
supply the heat of fusion, then dissociation by pressure reduction will (Kvenvolden, 1998; Sung et al., 2002). Production by inhibitor injection
stop after the initial thermal reservoir has been exhausted. would be similar to thermal stimulation, the difference being the
A back-of-the-envelope calculation suggests that if the thermal dissociation would be produced by chemical means rather than by heat
energy for dissociation is supplied by the ambient environment, the melting. It is important to note that even if dissociation is by inhibitor
temperature drop in that environment will be large enough to shift the injection, heat is nevertheless required. As the hydrate dissociates, it
hydrate back into a stable situation despite the change in pressure. absorb heat from the ambient environment. The situation is analogous
Consider a cubic meter of a reservoir rock with a porosity of 30% and a to melting ice by adding salt. If salt is added to an ice–water mixture, the
hydrate saturation of 50% of the pore volume. The initial pressure/ ice melts. The heat necessary to melt the ice is provided by the heat
temperature (P/T) conditions of the hydrate-bearing reservoir rock are content of the surrounding water, and the water temperature drops until
close to the hydrate/free gas phase boundary. Hydrates commonly a point is reached at which the ice will no longer melt. In a reservoir, the
contain 10–15% gas by weight, so let us use an average of 12.5% (Holder process may be similar. As inhibitor injection continues, the temperature
et al., 1984, p. 427). If the gas is methane (CH4), one mole weighs 16 g. will continue to drop until the hydrate is in equilibrium with the inhi-
Suppose the density of hydrate is about 900 kg/m3 (the density of bitor and does no further dissociate. There appears to be no advantage
ice). Then this cubic meter of reservoir with 50% hydrate saturation to inhibitor injection over hot-water stimulation. Even if inhibitors
contains: are injected, the endothermic phase change is still present. Hydrate
dissociation will be a self-limiting process unless external heat is
 kg g 1 mole provided. Both inhibitor injection and thermal stimulation have a
1 m3 × 0:3 × 0:5 × :125 × 900 3 × 1000 ×
m kg 16 g ð1Þ similar problem of delivering efficiently the dissociating agent to the in
= 1055 mole methane situ hydrates.

The total energy necessary to dissociate the hydrate in one cubic 2.4. Gas phase exchange
meter of our reservoir (either at the phase boundary or well within the
hydrate stability zone) is therefore at least Finally the gas phase exchange involves using CO2 or mixed CO2 and
N2 to replace CH4 in the hydrate structure (Ohgaki et al., 1994; 1996;
J Seo et al., 2001; Lee et al., 2003; Park et al., 2006). Apart from releasing
54; 200 × 1055 mole = 5:7 × 107 J ð2Þ CH4, this method is considered a potential alternative for reducing CO2
emissions through sequestration as hydrates. Neither Ohgaki et al.
where 54,200 J/mole is the hydrate heat of dissociation (Handa, 1986). (1996) or Nakano et al. (1998) addressed the important issue of the
Assume as a first-order approximation that the density and heat kinetics of the gas exchange reaction. Using a Raman spectroscopic
capacity of the hydrate are the same as ice (900 kg/m3 and 2040 J/kgoC). method, Uchida et al. (2001) confirmed the swapping reaction at the
As calculated above, the amount of heat necessary to dissociate the hydrate-gas interface. Although the authors did not directly address
hydrate in a cubic meter of rock is 5.7 × 107 J. If the energy is supplied the issues in their paper, their results suggest that the exchange
from a cubic meter of hydrate, how much will its temperature drop? mechanism was slow with induction times requiring several days.
Temperature change (ΔT) and heat change (ΔH) are related by They did not address the more difficult question of the rate of CO2 gas
penetration further into bulk hydrate, beyond the first few hundred
ΔH = ΔTCM ð3Þ nanometers at the interface. McGrail et al. (2004) performed scanning
78 C. Cranganu / Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 65 (2009) 76–80

Raman spectroscopy experiments and determined that CO2 penetra- To this end, a need exists for an improved technology for producing
tion rate into bulk methane hydrate was only a few mm per hour. natural gas from gas hydrates. It is to such a novel technology that the
In his review of CH4 production with CO2 sequestration Goel (2006) present paper is directed.
pointed to a number of contrasting observations concerning the in-situ
enthalpy of dissociation of CO2 and CH4 hydrates and concluded that to 3. Detailed description of the proposed novel technology
understand the gas exchange technology there is a need for quan-
titative estimates of formation and dissociation processes in geologic The novel technology proposed in this article was initiated back in
media core samples. 1998 and refined later (Cranganu, 2005). The present version in-
While each of the above mentioned methods have been used to corporates a more developed mathematical model, along with more
show that gas can theoretically be produced from hydrates at suffi- geologic and economic considerations.
cient rates to make hydrates a technically recoverable resource, each Referring now to Fig. 1, shown therein is a schematic illustration of a
method has drawbacks which at this point raise questions about the hydrate heating apparatus for producing natural gas from a gas hydrate
commercial resource potential of gas hydrate. zone. The hydrate heating apparatus utilizes a horizontal or steeply

Fig. 1. Proposed technology for producing natural gas from gas hydrates. Because the technology described herein is patent pending, some details, especially dimension values, have
been omitted.
C. Cranganu / Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 65 (2009) 76–80 79

inclined borehole drilled within hydrate-bearing sand. The hydrate It should be noticed that the technology described in Fig. 1 applies
heating apparatus includes a combustion vessel located within the to a marine environment. If the proposed technology will be used in a
horizontal segment of the borehole. An air/gas fuel mixture is in- permafrost area, minimum modifications will be necessary and easy
troduced into the combustion vessel from the surface via a fuel injection to implement by the drilling company.
tubing string. Upon the air/gas fuel mixture being introduced into the It will be appreciated that the process described herein overcomes
combustion chamber to a predetermined pressure as measured by a the disadvantages associated with the injection of hot water and
pressure sensor, an inlet valve is closed and a sparking device will ignite steam into the gas hydrate zone in that the heat which is delivered to
the combustible air/gas fuel mixture. After the fuel mixture has burned, the gas hydrate zone is produced in situ thereby avoiding the high
an exhaust valve is opened to cause the evacuation of the exhaust gases energy losses which occur during the production and injection of the
via an exhaust tubing string. After the exhaust gases have been hot water or steam from the surface to the formation. In addition, this
evacuated, the exhaust valve is closed and the cycle repeated process avoids the negative impact on production that may occur
automatically or based on temperature conditions surrounding the when water is injected into a gas reservoir.
combustion vessel monitored with a temperature sensor.
Ignition of the fuel mixture in the combustion vessel results in the 4. Estimated efficiency of the proposed method
production of heat that is transferred to the gas hydrate zone by the
combustion vessel. Heating of the gas hydrate zone causes the gas The method presented here overcomes the main drawbacks of the
hydrates to dissociate, resulting in the production of natural gas. The thermal stimulation method by delivering heat directly into hydrate
freed natural gas is then conveyed to the surface via tubing within the deposits, thus avoiding heat losses through adjacent rocks and pipe-
well casing. The exhaust from the combustion chamber is vented lines. The energy required dissociating the gas hydrates is provided in
separately to the surface so that no mixing with the production string situ by burning a small amount of gas extracted from hydrates.
occurs. This is perhaps the most important aspect of the design. One of To estimate the efficiency of the proposed method, following
the problems with other downhole combustion systems is the mixing assumptions are made:
of combustion gases (and often nitrogen if air is used rather than pure
Rock porosity: 30%;
oxygen) with the produced natural gas. This lowers the BTU content of
Hydrate saturation in rock pores: 50%;
the resulting gas, making it unsuitable for pipelines without expensive
gas separation. Methane content by weight: 10–15% (Holder et al., 1984);
The combustion vessel has a generally cylindrical shape and is Hydrate density: 900 kg/m3;
constructed of a corrosion resistant material. It will be appreciated that Heat capacity of hydrate: 2040 J/kgoC;
the diameter of the combustion vessel will be sufficient to permit the Rock matrix density: 2650 kg/m3;
combustion vessel to pass through the borehole into the horizonta1 Heat capacity of the rock matrix: 800 J/kgoC;
segment (horizontal well). The metallurgy and wall thickness of the Average heat capacity of hydrate-rock matrix complex (30%
combustion vessel should be suitable to withstand the pressures ex- porosity, 50% saturation): 866 J/kgoC (Eq. (4));
perienced in the downhole environment. The total mass of a one m3 of hydrate-rock complex: 1990 kg
To further increase the efficiency of heat transfer from the com-
(Eq. (5))
bustion vessel to the gas hydrate zone, it is desirable that the length of
Heat of dissociation (Handa, 1986): 54.2 kJ/mole;
the combustion vessel be as long as possible. To this end, the combustion
vessel may be constructed of a plurality of segments (not shown) sized to The rock matrix is heated by 10 °C;
permit easy passage into the horizontal borehole. Each segment is then One m3 of methane releases 3.475 × 107 J of energy (SPE, 2009)
attachable to an adjacent segment via threads or the like. Dissociation of 1 m3 of hydrates may release 150–160 m3 of methane
The combustion chamber is pressurized with the air/gas fuel mix- (Kvenvolden, 1998; Max and Dillon, 1998), or 5.2–5.6 × 109 J.
ture to permit a controlled burning of the air/gas fuel mixture within
Using a simple thermodynamic calculation (Eqs. 1–6), the follow-
the combustion vessel to produce a gradual temperature increase to
ing values were obtained:
the gas hydrate zone surrounding the combustion vessel, as opposed to
creating an explosion within the combustion vessel which can be Energy required to dissociate 1 m3 hydrates: 4.6–6.9 × 107 J (for 10%
dangerous as well as result in melting the gas hydrate too quickly and 15%, respectively);
and thus possibly damaging the gas hydrate formation. The hydrate Energy required to heat up by 10 °C the volume of hydrate-rock
heating apparatus has the advantage of permitting the disassociated complex 1 m3 of hydrates: 1.7 × 107 J.
gas to be produced through the same wellbore through which the air/ Total energy consumed to dissociate the hydrate and heat up the
gas fuel mixture is injected, thereby avoiding the need of having both
hydrate-rock complex: 6.3–8.6 × 107 J.
injection wells and production wells. Furthermore, the gas used for the
air/gas fuel mixture may be provided from the gas produced from the The energy efficiency of the proposed method is: ∼ 6000%–8900%
gas hydrate zone. or only ∼ 1.1%–1.7% of gas produced will have to be used to decompose
As shown in Fig.1, the fuel injection tubing string is positioned within hydrates. For comparison, the literature estimates of thermal stimula-
the exhaust tubing string. Locating of the fuel injection string within the tion efficiency range between 1000% and 1200% (Holder et al., 1982;
exhaust tubing string provides the advantage of allowing the air/gas fuel 1984) or 8–10% of gas produced will be necessary for consumption.
mixture to be preheated, thus enhancing its burning properties. To avoid The computational model was based on a heat transfer solution and
any mixing between the exhaust gases and natural gas, packers have did not consider a process flow. Viscous fingering, out-of-pattern gas
been placed at the bottom of extraction strings (Fig. 1). migration, reformation of free gas and water into hydrates, perme-
Fig. 1 further illustrates that a cluster of horizontal wellbores ability variations, and presence/absence of fractures are among the
drilled in various directions within the gas hydrate zone may be problems not considered in the above calculations. The progression of
utilized. That is, Fig. 1 shows the use of a second combustion vessel the heating front in space and time was not specifically addressed at
disposed within a second horizontal segment of the borehole. Fueling this time, but simulations using hot water injections (e.g., McGuire,
and exhausting of the additional combustion vessel may be provided 1982; Moridis et al., 2004), approximating our method, indicated that
through the fuel injection tubing string and the exhaust tubing string, gas production is maintainable through time provided that a heating
or each combustion vessel may be provided with its own fuel injection flux rate is applied to gas hydrate layers. The heating of the connate
tubing string or exhaust tubing string. water released from the hydrate layer due to dissociation or the
80 C. Cranganu / Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 65 (2009) 76–80

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I am grateful to Marlan Downey who introduced me to and sup- methane hydrate reservoir stimulated by inhibitor injection. Energy Sources. 24 (6),
ported my early gas hydrate research. I am thankful to David Deming Uchida, T., Takeya, S., Ebinum, T., Narita, H., 2001. Replacing methane with CO2 in
for discussions about geothermal implication of hydrate exploitation. clathrate hydrate: observations using Raman spectroscopy. In: Williams, D.J., Durie,
I would like to thank Art Johnson and three anonymous reviewers R.A., McMullan, P., Paulson, C.A.J., Smith, A.Y. (Eds.), Proceedings of the Fifth
International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technology. CSIRO Publishing,
who provided useful comments that improved an earlier version of Collingwood, Australia, pp. 523–527.
the manuscript. This work was partially supported by PSC-CUNY
Award # 64266-00 33.

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pFad v3 Proxy

pFad v4 Proxy