Strategies For Culture of Unculturable' Bacteria
Strategies For Culture of Unculturable' Bacteria
Strategies For Culture of Unculturable' Bacteria
developing methods for the in vitro culture of those species Some bacterial growth factors have been considered
hitherto refractory to cultivation. analagous to mammalian cytokines – circulating regulatory
molecules that mediate cellular communication. The term
‘bacterial cytokine’ was coined by Mukamolova et al. (1998)
Reasons for ‘unculturability’ for the resuscitation-promoting factor (Rpf), a protein that
The finding that certain bacterial species have never been revived dormant Micrococcus luteus cells and increased the
identified by culture may be a simple matter of coincidence: growth rate of vegetative cells. Rpf also stimulated the
an organism that has a low prevalence or is particularly growth of other members of the Actinobacteria including
slow-growing may have been overlooked in cultural ana- Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and a family of related growth
lyses. Additionally, many genetically distinct phylotypes factors was identified (Kell & Young, 2000). A family of
are phenotypically indistinguishable and are lumped proteins with a similar function in the Firmicutes was
together if conventional biochemical methods for identifica- subsequently discovered (Ravagnani et al., 2005). Rpf was
c 2010 Federation of European Microbiological Societies FEMS Microbiol Lett 309 (2010) 1–7
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Culturing the unculturable 3
media. Consequently, the use of dilute nutrient media has bacteria under laboratory conditions have sometimes been
led to the successful cultivation of previously unculturable met with success only when these bacteria are cocultivated
bacteria from various aquatic and terrestrial habitats (Watve with helper strains (Ohno et al., 1999, 2000; Nichols et al.,
et al., 2000; Connon & Giovannoni, 2002; Rappe et al., 2002; 2008).
Zengler et al., 2002). Factors released from helper bacteria into the environ-
Various methods have been used to physically reduce the ment are often growth-stimulatory for otherwise uncultur-
number and diversity of bacteria within mixed samples able bacteria even in the absence of the actual helper strain.
before cultivation. These include filtration methods (Hahn Thus, the conditioning of media with spent culture super-
et al., 2004), density-gradient centrifugation or elutriation natants or cell-free extracts derived from helper strains has
and extinction-dilution whereby samples are diluted, ideally been used for the growth stimulation of species such as
down to single cells, before their culture in isolation (Watve Catellibacterium spp., Psychrobacter spp., Sphingomonas spp.
et al., 2000; Connon & Giovannoni, 2002; Ben-Dov et al., and Symbiobacterium spp. (Tanaka et al., 2004; Bae et al.,
culture previously uncultivated bacteria. Ben-Dov et al. permeabilization and fixation procedures, and may not
(2009) encapsulated individual bacteria (following dilution therefore be subsequently cultured in isolation.
of samples) in agar spheres encased in a polysulphonic The colony hybridization method, on the other hand, is
polymeric membrane before incubation in a simulated or a undertaken on membrane transfers from plate cultures that
natural environment, and was successful in growing several remain viable (Salama et al., 1993). Consequently, hybridi-
novel organisms. zation detections on membranes may be used to locate
Another innovative technique mimicking natural condi- matched microcolonies within mixed cultures, from where
tions, this time used for the microcolony cultivation of they may be isolated. This method has been used in recent
uncultivated soil bacteria, is the soil substrate membrane work (Vartoukian et al., 2010), leading to the successful
system (Ferrari et al., 2005, 2008), which includes a poly- isolation from dental plaque of a previously uncultivated
carbonate membrane support and soil extract as a substrate. member of the Synergistetes phylum. Enrichment of the
Although this system allowed the microcultivation of novel subcultured microcolonies with candidate feeder organisms
c 2010 Federation of European Microbiological Societies FEMS Microbiol Lett 309 (2010) 1–7
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Culturing the unculturable 5
technique of optical trapping differing only in the method of Bollmann A, Lewis K & Epstein SS (2007) Incubation of
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heterotrophic bacteria from the central Baltic Sea. Appl
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of as-yet-uncultivated bacteria. Furthermore, the use of Chen G & Brown A (1985) Bacterial growth and the
combinations of techniques has proven successful on several concentrations of cyclic nucleotides in Legionella pneumophila
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