Selamawit Proposal
Selamawit Proposal
Selamawit Proposal
Advisor: - Endas
Arsi University
College of Business and Economics
(Department of Marketing Management)
July, 2021
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Table of Contents
1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 1
1.1. Back Ground of the Study ...................................................................................................1
1.2. Statement of the Problem ....................................................................................................2
1.3. Basic Research Questions ...................................................................................................3
1.5. Significance of the Study ....................................................................................................3
1.6. Scope of the study ...............................................................................................................4
2. Review of Related Literature .....................................................................................................5
2.1. Definition of Advertising ....................................................................................................6
2.2. Features of Advertising .......................................................................................................6
2.3. Importance of Advertising ..................................................................................................8
2.4. Role of Advertising .............................................................................................................8
2.5. Types of Advertising ...........................................................................................................9
2.5.1. Product-Oriented Advertising ......................................................................................9
2.5.2. Image Advertising ......................................................................................................10
2.5.3. Advocacy Advertising ............................................................................................... 10
2.5.4. Public Service Advertising ........................................................................................10
3. Research Design and Methodology .........................................................................................11
3.1. Introduction .......................................................................................................................11
3.2. Description of study Area .................................................................................................11
3.3. Research Design ................................................................................................................11
3.4. Source of Data and Type ...................................................................................................11
3.5. Population and Sampling Techniques ...............................................................................11
3.6. Data collection method......................................................................................................12
3.7. Method of data analysis.....................................................................................................12
4. Work Plan and Cost Breakdown .............................................................................................. 13
4.1. Work Plan..........................................................................................................................13
4.2. Cost Breakdown ................................................................................................................14
1. Introduction
1.1. Back Ground of the Study
Today’s world is more turbulent, chaotic and challenging than ever before (Kanter, 2016). It is not
enough for a business to have good and quality products or services sold at appealing prices. To
generate sales and profits, the benefits of products have to be communicated to consumers via
different channels. In marketing, this is commonly known as promotion. A business‟ total marketing
communication program is called the promotional mix and consists of a combination of advertising,
personal selling, sales promotion, public relation and direct marketing (Asnake M. 2018).
According to (Belch, 2003:17) advertising can defined as non-personal form of promotion that is
delivered through selected media outlets that, under most circumstances, require the marketer to pay
for message placement. Marketers also defined advertising as a communication process, a marketing
process, an economic and social process, a pubic relation process or information and persuasion
process. In support of the above idea (Kumar, 2006:212) the essence of being by any business firm
is to produce for sales and profits. In order to remain in business an organization must generate
enough sales from its products to cover operating coast and earn reasonable profits. For many
organizations sales estimate is the starting point in budgeting or profit planning. It must be
determined before decision on production units could be arrived at as production units will in turn
affect material purchase. Advertising is a component of promotional mix, which is used to create
awareness about products and services for influencing purchase decisions. Marketers use these types
of tools for communication Purposes. Nowadays, advertising has become one of the crucial
commercial activities in the competitive globalized business environment.
competitively growing today. Analyzing the significance of sales for business survival and the
connection between customers and sales, it is essential for organization to engage in programs that
can influence customer decision to purchase their products. On account of this preferable situation,
the Nifas Silk Paint Factory focuses to offer user friendly and environmental friendly decorative
paints. There are different media available for advertising. In fact any medium can be used for
advertising. Advertising is a powerful communication tools directed toward specific target audience
customers in order to carry the message regarding the particular product meaningfully and
persuasively with a view to achieve certain specific objective such as establish brand loyalty,
expansion of the existing market and increase sales volume. (Kummar and mital 2002:2)
The current study will focuses on the characteristics of advertisement being practiced in Nifas Silk
Paint Factory that has an effect on advertising.
There is not only an identified sponsor, but also an Identified media and message behind every
advertisement. Through an advertisement the advertiser intends to spread his ideas about his
offering among his customers and prospects. Advertising is any paid form of non-personal
presentation and promotion of ideas, goods or services by an identified sponsors. (Kumar & Rmittal,
2002). Moreover, (Belech, 2004) indicated that advertising can be used to create brand images and
symbolic appeals for company or brand, a very important capability for differentiate on functional
attributes. (Belech , 2004).
The gap that exist when Nifas silk paint factory advertise its product through TV and radio are:
TV advertisements by the company are not targeted to our culture because they simply
transmit the copy advertisements from outside. So there is a communication gap on creating
advertising package related to our society especially urban area community. Radio advertisement is
not visual so it is less expensive then TV to initiate people effectively. The company allocating large
amount of money for poster advertisement could result in high promotional costs.
In general the company is not give equal attention while advertising its product. In relation to the
above mentioned gaps the student’s researcher will try to assess the major gaps related to
advertising practice of Nifas silk paints factory.
1. Why the company doesn’t give equal attention to advertise all its products?
The general objective of the study is to understand the effectiveness of advertising practice in Nifas
Silk Paints Factory.
Specific Objectives
1. To assess the reason why company give equal attention to all its products while
2. To assess that how company measure the effectiveness of advertising
3. To identify the advertising elements that utilized by Nifas silk paints
it will be created good opportunities to get more knowledge and expertise in the subject area and to
have experiencing in conducting research. Finally it will serve as input for another researcher who
will become interested to make further study.
2. Review of Related Literature
In the early 20th century, psychologists Walter D. Scott and John B. Watson contributed Applied
Psychological theory to the field of advertising. Scott asserted that “Man has been called the
reasoning animal but he could with greater truthfulness be called the creature of suggestion. He is
reasonable, but he is to a greater extent suggestible” (Benjamin & Baker, p. 119-120). He
demonstrated this through his advertising technique of a direct command to the consumer. The
former chair at Johns Hopkins University, John B. Watson was a highly recognized psychologist in
the 1920s. After leaving the field of academia he turned his attention towards advertising where he
implemented the concepts of behaviorism into advertising. This focused on appealing to the basic
emotions of the consumer: love, hate, and fear. This type of advertising proved to be extremely
effective as it suited the changing social context which led to heavy influence of future advertising
strategy and cemented the place of psychology in advertising.
Moreover Promotion is the most visible as well as the most culture bound of the firm’s marketing
functions. Marketing includes the whole collection of activates the firm perform in relating to its
markets, but in other function the firm relates to the market in a quieter, more passive way. With
the promotional function, however, the firm is standing up and speaking out, wanting to be seen and
heard. (Belch, 2004:661) There are five promotion mixes (Advertising, personal selling, sales
promotion, publicity and direct marketing). Advertising is any paid form of non-personal
communication of company idea and message by identified sponsor. Personal selling is use of
personnel to interact with the target customer. Sales promotion is providing short
term incentives when there is lack of cash and high stock. Publicity is non-paid, non-personal and
uncontrollable communication.
2.1.Definition of Advertising
According to (Kumar and Mittal, 2002:1). Advertising is any paid form of non-personal presentation
and promotion of ideas, goods and services by identified sponsor The word advertising comes from
Latin word “Advert ere” which means to turn the mind broadly speaking advertising turn the
attention of public to a commodity or service and in the broad sense it might be said that anything
that turn attention to an article or service might be called as attention (Pride and 1998:404).
Moreover, (Wright and 1994:10) stated that advertising is controlled identifiable information
and persuasion by means of mass communication media. It is considered controlled information
because it has to use the time, space and content of the message effectively and economically. It is
controlled because it is directed at a particular group. Advertising should not be messily done to
attract a number of persons without fruitful result. It is identifiable because it identifies the product
and the source of the product, so that the message should be definite and appealing to the target
group. Persuasion is the main objective of advertising, which is creative and information is designed
to attract prospective buyers. In addition, advertising is any paid, paid for the time and space to a
medium of information and persuasion of consumer, non-personal communication that involves
mass media and cannot receive immediate feedback by identified sponsor, identifiable for the source
of the product and product itself so that the message convince the target group.
According to (Pride& Ferrell, 2000:404) advertising has a history of being considered a one-way
form of marketing communication where the message receiver (i.e. target market) is not in position
to immediately respond to the message (i.e. seek more information). The simplest definition of
advertisement was that it is a public announcement and in earlier times to advertise meant merely
to announce or to inform. It is an announcement to the public of a product, service or idea through
a medium to which the public has access. The medium may be print, electronic or any other. An
advertisement is usually paid for by advertiser at rates fixed or negotiated with the medium. As,
(Pride & Ferrell, 2000:405) advertisement is paid for by the identified sponsor. This element means
that advertising is openly and directly paid for as against publicity, which is not openly paid for. As
it is paid, the sponsor has control over the form, content and scheduling of the advertising.
2.2.Features of Advertising
According to (Khan and et al, 2004) advertising has so many features from those basic
features some of them are as follows:
Communication: Advertising is means of mass communication reaching the masses.
It is a non-personal communication because it is addressed to masses.
Information: Advertising informs the buyers about the benefits they would get when they purchase
a particular product. However, the information given should be complete and true.
Persuasion: The advertiser expects to create a favorable attitude which will lead to favorable
actions. Any advertising process attempts at converting the prospects into customers. It is thus an
indirect salesmanship and essentially a persuasion technique.
Profit Maximization: True advertising does not attempt at maximizing profits by increasing the
cost but by promoting the sales. This way it won’t lead to increase the price of the product. Thus, it
has a higher sales approach rather than the higher-cost approach.
Identified Sponsor: A sponsor may be an individual or a firm who pays for the advertisement. The
name of reputed company may increase sale or products. The product gets good market because of
its identity with the reputed corporate body.
Art, Science and Profession: Advertising is an art because it represents a field of creativity.
Advertising is a science because it has a body of organized knowledge. Advertising is profession is
now treated as a profession with its professional bodies and code of conduct for members.
2.3. Importance of Advertising
According to (Khan and et al, 2004:20) advertising has become an essential marketing
activity in the modern era of large scale production and serves competition in the market. It performs
the following functions:
Promotion of Sales: It promotes the sale of goods and services by informing and persuading the
people to buy them. A good advertising campaign helps in winning new customers both in the
national as well as in the international markets.
Introduction of New Product: It helps the introduction of new products in the market. A business
enterprise can introduce itself and its product to the public through advertising. A new enterprise
can't make an impact on the prospective customers without the help of advertising. Advertising
enables quick publicity in the market.
Creation of Good Public Image: Builds up the reputation of the advertiser. Advertising enables a
business firm to communicate its achievements in an effort to satisfy the customers' needs. This
increases the goodwill and reputation of the firm which is necessary to fight against competition in
the market.
big ticket items and such advertising often includes a telephone number or website so the consumer
can seek more information.
To relate product to needs: A less direct form of advertising, this category includes those
advertising that draw a link in the consumers’ minds between product and their needs as a consumer.
Advertisements work because they make an effective appeal to some need or desire in the people
who view, read or listen to them. The advertising appeal is an attempt to draw a connection between
the product and audience. At the broadest level, there are two main types of appeals, logical and
emotional. Logical appeal aim for the buyers head while, emotional appeal aim for the buyers heart
(Jones J.P, 1999:254).
2.5.2. Image Advertising
Image advertising is undertaken primarily to enhance an organization’s perceived importance to a
target market. Image advertising does not focus on specific products as much as it presents what an
organization has to offer. In these types of ads, if products are mentioned it is within the context of
“what we do” rather than a message touting the benefits of a specific product. Image advertisingis
often used in situation where an organization needs to educate the targeted audience on some issue.
(Kumar and Chunawalla, 2004:40).
3. Research Design and Methodology
3.1. Introduction
This chapter was details the research design, sources of data, population of the study, sample,
sampling technique, procedures of data collection, questionnaire and the method of data analysis.
3.6. Data collection method
The student researcher will be used both open and close ended questionnaire, and interview to
collect primary data. The secondary data will be gathered through referring different text books,
internet and published and unpublished data of the corporation; related with the subject matter.
4. Work Plan and Cost Breakdown
4.1. Work Plan
S.No Activities Time to finish the activities
August Sep.
W1 W2 W3 W4 W1 W2 W3 W4
4.2. Cost Breakdown
S.N Items Description Unit Of Qty Unit Cost Total Cost
Total 2,080.00
Asoke K. Ghosh, (1996). Advertising Management. 5th Edition, India; Prentice-Hall Pvt. Ltd.
Belch, George and Belch Michael, (2003). Advertising and Promotion. 11 Editions; New Delhi: Tata
B.S Rathor (2005).Advertising management Mumbai: Himalaya Publishing House.
Belch G.and M. Belch (2004). Advertising and promotion. New Delhi: Tota MC GRAW Hill
publishing company limited.
Belch, George and Belch Michael, (2004). Advertising and Promotion. 12 Editions; New Delhi: Tata
Chunawalla, (2003). Advertising an Introductory Text. 1st Edition, Himalaya Publishing
Kotler and Armstorng(1996). Principal marketing. New Delhi,prentelee hall of India.
Kotler (1996).Marketing Management. New Delhi:Viva books pvt. Ltd...
Kotler,P.(2002). Marketing Management 10th Edition. NewDelhi:Asokek Gosh Prentice Company.
Kumar and mittal, (2002). Advertising management. First Edition.Anmol publication.
Mc Graw-Hill Pvt. Ltd.
Mc Graw-Hill Pvt. Ltd.
Rather, (2005). Advertising management. Mumbai: Himalaya Publishing House.
S.A chunawalla(2003). Adverising an Introductory text. Mumbai: Himalaya Publishing House.