Em-17 Manual Servicio Electrocauterio Erbe 50c
Em-17 Manual Servicio Electrocauterio Erbe 50c
Em-17 Manual Servicio Electrocauterio Erbe 50c
All rights to this manual, in particular rights of duplication, dissemination and translation, are reserved. No part of this man-
ual may be reproduced in any form (by photocopying, microfilming or other methods) or processed, duplicated or dissem-
inated by the use of electronic systems without the written consent of Erbe Elektromedizin GmbH.
The information contained in this manual may be amended or supplemented without prior notice and represents no obli-
gation on the part of Erbe Elektromedizin GmbH.
Printed in Germany
Copyright © Erbe Elektromedizin GmbH, Tübingen 2018
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
1 Safety information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Classification of the safety information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Knowledge of the User Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Protection from the risk of electric shock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Electrostatically sensitive components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Liability and warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2 Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Controls at the front . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Controls at the rear. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3 Technical Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
4 Service mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
General information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Setup overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Service overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Call up Service mode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Exit Service mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
5 Remedying malfunctions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Safety information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Error messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
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Table of Contents
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1 • Safety information
Safety information
ATTENTION! The ATTENTION! safety indication refers to a risk which can cause
equipment to become unserviceable.
For safety reasons, multiple outlets and extension cords should not be
used. If their use is unavoidable, they also must be provided with proper
WARNING! Unplug the power cord from the outlet before exchanging parts of the
unit or cleaning it.
WARNING! Do not plug a wet power cord into the unit or into an outlet.
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1 • Safety information
WARNING! Do not touch any unprotected wires or conductive surfaces while the
unit is opened and under voltage.
WARNING! Blown line fuses may only be replaced by a competent technician. Only
replacement fuses of the rating specified on the unit's name plate may
be used. Before resuming operation the unit must be subjected to a
performance test by a competent technician.
It is recommended that the technical safety check also be performed by
Erbe or persons trained by Erbe.
ATTENTION! Only use original Erbe spare parts. The manufacturer accepts no liability
and the warranty rights becomes void if original spare parts are not
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2 • Controls
IMPORTANT! This chapter contains an overview of the controls of the unit(s). The rel-
evant User Manual for the unit(s), knowledge of which is assumed for
servicing work, provides detailed information about how to use the
VIO 100 C 8
2 5
3 6 9
4 7
Fig. 2-1
1 Power Switch
2 Selection button for programs
3 yellow selection button (CUT)
4 blue selection button (COAG)
5 Selection button for activation type
6 yellow Plus/Minus buttons (CUT)
7 blue Plus/Minus buttons (COAG)
8 Focus button for bipolar socket
9 Focus button for monopolar socket
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2 • Controls
1 2 3
Fig. 2-2
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3 • Technical Data
Technical Data
Power connection
Operating mode
Temperature -40 °C to + 70 °C
Relative humidity 10% – 95%
Temperature +10 °C to + 40 °C
Relative humidity 15% – 80%, noncondensing
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3 • Technical Data
If the unit has been stored or transported at temperatures below +10 °C or above +40 °C, the unit will
require approx. 3 hours to acclimatize at room temperature.
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4 • Service mode
Service mode
General information
This unit has a service mode with two levels:
• Level 1 = Setup (adjustment of settings that affect the operation of the
unit, e.g. display brightness)
• Level 2 = Service (adjustment of settings that affect the operation of
the unit + service settings + test programs)
Setup overview
1 Volume for Volume setting of Activate setup: Press the yellow selection button.
CUT activa- the CUT activation The current setting appears in the
tion tones in 10 levels. blue display.
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4 • Service mode
2 Volume for Volume setting of Activate setup: Press the yellow selection button.
COAG activa- the COAG activation The current setting appears in the
tion tones in 10 levels. blue display.
Change settings: Press the blue Plus/Minus buttons.
The setting change appears in the
blue display.
Save setting change: Press and hold the top left selection
button until a check mark in the
adjacent display indicates the end of
the process.
Exit setup: Press the yellow selection button
again. The settings display goes out
in the blue display.
3 Volume but- Volume setting of Activate setup: Press the yellow selection button.
ton the buttons in 10 The current setting appears in the
levels. blue display.
Change settings: Press the blue Plus/Minus buttons.
The setting change appears in the
blue display.
Save setting change: Press and hold the top left selection
button until a check mark in the
adjacent display indicates the end of
the process.
Exit setup: Press the yellow selection button
again. The settings display goes out
in the blue display.
4 Warning tone Volume setting of Activate setup: Press the yellow selection button.
volume the warning tones in The current setting appears in the
8 levels. blue display.
Change settings: Press the blue Plus/Minus buttons.
The setting change appears in the
blue display.
Save setting change: Press and hold the top left selection
button until a check mark in the
adjacent display indicates the end of
the process.
Exit setup: Press the yellow selection button
again. The settings display goes out
in the blue display.
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4 • Service mode
5 Display Selection of the dis- Activate setup: Press the yellow selection button.
brightness play brightness in The current setting appears in the
10 levels. blue display.
Change settings: Press the blue Plus/Minus buttons.
The setting change appears in the
blue display.
Save setting change: Press and hold the top left selection
button until a check mark in the
adjacent display indicates the end of
the process.
Exit setup: Press the yellow selection button
again. The settings display goes out
in the blue display.
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4 • Service mode
Service overview
ATTENTION! In this table, service programs are described that are used for basic ser-
vicing work. In addition, the service level provides a series of test pro-
grams with a number of diagnostic and inspection options in the unit.
Test programs are described in the repair instructions and may not be
used without precise knowledge of their function.
Plus/Minus buttons can be used to
switch between errors.
Clear error list: Press and hold the top left selection
button until a check mark in the
adjacent display indicates the end of
the process.
Exit service pro- Press the yellow selection button
gram. until only the number of the service
program appears in the yellow dis-
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4 • Service mode
22 Activation Setting of the unit Activate service Press the yellow selection button.
period limit activation period program: The current setting appears in the
between 1 and blue display.
99 seconds.
Change settings: Press the blue Plus/Minus buttons.
The setting change appears in the
blue display.
Save setting Press and hold the top left selection
change: button until a check mark in the
adjacent display indicates the end of
the process.
Exit service pro- Press the yellow selection button
gram. until only the number of the service
program appears in the yellow dis-
23 Test program -> Description, see repair instructions.
24 Test program -> Description, see repair instructions.
25 Software ver- Display of the soft- Display software Press the yellow selection button.
sion ware version of the version: The three-digit software version
unit. appears (first and second digit in the
yellow display, third digit in the blue
Exit service pro- Press the yellow selection button
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4 • Service mode
28 Return elec- Display of return Display NE resis- Press the yellow selection button.
trode resis- electrode resistance tance: The current NE resistance appears in
tance values. the blue display.
Exit service pro- Press the yellow selection button
gram: until only the number of the service
program appears in the yellow dis-
29 Test program -> Description, see repair instructions.
30 Test program -> Description, see repair instructions.
31 Test program -> Description, see repair instructions.
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4 • Service mode
Call up Setup
VIO 100 C
1. When switching on the unit, press and hold the top left selection but-
ton. The unit switches on to the Setup and shows <Setup 1> in the
yellow display. The yellow Plus/Minus buttons can be used to switch
between setup settings. For more about setup settings, see table on
page 13.
Call up Service
VIO 100 C
1. When switching on the unit, press and hold the top left selection but-
ton. The unit switches to the Setup.
VIO 100 C
2. Press and hold the three buttons as illustrated above. The unit
switches on to the service level and shows an <S> in the top left dis-
play. The yellow Plus/Minus buttons can be used to switch between
service programs. For more about service programs, see table on
page 16.
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4 • Service mode
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5 • Remedying malfunctions
Remedying malfunctions
Safety information
ATTENTION! Adjustments, technical tests, modifications, maintenance and repair
work may only be performed by Erbe or persons trained by Erbe. If the
work is not performed by trained persons, Erbe accepts no liability and
warranty rights become void.
Error messages
1 Reaching the activation period limit. If the activation period limit has
been set too short, service
program 22 can be used to
extend it.
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5 • Remedying malfunctions
10 – 18 Restart the unit. If the error
occurs again, notify Erbe Ser-
19 After assigning the AUTO START Occurs when an elec- Check the connecting cable to
function, an activation was detected trically conductive the forceps or forceps for short-
within a period of 200 ms. contact exists circuit.
between the elec-
trodes of the con- Ensure that there is no electri-
nected instruments cally conductive contact
during AUTO START between the forcep branches
assignment. during AUTO START assignment;
place the forceps on an insu-
lated base and open the forcep
branches (electrical contact is
If the error still occurs, notify
Erbe Service.
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5 • Remedying malfunctions
20 The CUT footswitch pedal was Do not press the CUT footswitch
pressed when switching on the unit. pedal when switching on the
Check the correct function of
the footswitch.
If the error still occurs, notify
Erbe Service.
21 The COAG footswitch pedal was Do not press the COAG
pressed when switching on the unit. footswitch pedal when switch-
ing on the unit.
Check the correct function of
the footswitch.
If the error still occurs, notify
Erbe Service.
22 The CUT fingerswitch was pressed Do not press the CUT finger-
when switching on the unit. switch when switching on the
Check the correct function of
the fingerswitch.
If the error still occurs, notify
Erbe Service.
23 The COAG fingerswitch was pressed Do not press the COAG finger-
when switching on the unit. switch when switching on the
Check the correct function of
the fingerswitch.
If the error still occurs, notify
Erbe Service.
24 The selection button (CUT) was Check whether the correspond-
pressed when switching on the unit. ing button was pressed when
switching on the unit.
If not, notify Erbe Service.
25 Only for V 1.0.0: The selection button Check whether the correspond-
(COAG) was pressed when switching ing button was pressed when
on the unit. switching on the unit.
If not, notify Erbe Service.
26 The selection button for activation Check whether the correspond-
type was pressed when switching on ing button was pressed when
the unit. switching on the unit.
If not, notify Erbe Service.
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5 • Remedying malfunctions
27 The Plus selection button (CUT) was Check whether the correspond-
pressed when switching on the unit. ing button was pressed when
switching on the unit.
If not, notify Erbe Service.
28 The Minus selection button (CUT) was Check whether the correspond-
pressed when switching on the unit. ing button was pressed when
switching on the unit.
If not, notify Erbe Service.
29 The Plus selection button (COAG) was Check whether the correspond-
pressed when switching on the unit. ing button was pressed when
switching on the unit.
If not, notify Erbe Service.
30 The Minus selection button (COAG) Check whether the correspond-
was pressed when switching on the ing button was pressed when
unit. switching on the unit.
If not, notify Erbe Service.
31 The focus button for bipolar socket Check whether the correspond-
was pressed when switching on the ing button was pressed when
unit. switching on the unit.
If not, notify Erbe Service.
32 The focus button for monopolar Check whether the correspond-
socket was pressed when switching ing button was pressed when
on the unit. switching on the unit.
If not, notify Erbe Service.
33 More than one button was pressed Check whether buttons were
when switching on the unit. pressed when switching on the
If not, notify Erbe Service.
34 – 42 Restart the unit. If the error
occurs again, notify Erbe Ser-
43 The unit temperature is outside the If the temperature is too high,
operational range. allow the unit to cool down.
If the temperature is too low,
allow the unit to acclimate to
room temperature.
If the error still occurs, notify
Erbe Service.
44 – 50 Restart the unit. If the error
occurs again, notify Erbe Ser-
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5 • Remedying malfunctions
Germany only).
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5 • Remedying malfunctions
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6 • Maintenance and servicing
Maintenance and servicing
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6 • Maintenance and servicing
Safety information
WARNING! For safety reasons (personnel protection) the test specimen should
generally be operated by a suitable isolating transformer.
An exceptional case is the tests for grounded conductor resistance,
ground leakage current, and patient leakage current, in which the test
specimen is supplied with current via the safety tester.
ATTENTION! In the event of a fault occurring in the test specimen or individual com-
ponents during the technical safety check the test steps taken so far no
longer apply.
Remedy the defect and repeat the technical safety check from the
ATTENTION! The specifications made in this chapter for the test programs allow the
service technician to perform the safety check. In addition, the test pro-
grams provide a number of diagnostic and inspection options in the
unit; detailed descriptions are available in the repair instructions. Erbe
expressly states that the full functional range of the test programs may
not be used without precise knowledge of the test programs.
IMPORTANT! It is assumed that the user knows how to operate the test specimen,
the test equipment, the measuring equipment, and auxiliary test equip-
ment. The test instructions only apply in conjunction with the relevant
test steps.
IMPORTANT! The test report for the technical safety check can be requested from
Erbe Technical Service Tübingen. For the address see address sheet on
last page.
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6 • Maintenance and servicing
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6 • Maintenance and servicing
2. Use the Plus/Minus button to select and the yellow selection button
to activate the test program <Setup 24>.
3. Close the relay of the bipolar receptacle. Use the Plus/Minus buttons
next to the CUT and COAG displays and perform the following set-
– CUT display: <Setup 1> (= bipolar receptacle)
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6 • Maintenance and servicing
From V 1.0.1:
1. Press and hold the blue selection button (COAG) when switching on.
The unit jumps via quick access to the appropriate test program.
2. All relays close. Press the blue selection button (COAG) again. Both
relays (bipolar + monopolar) are closed or opened together. The
switching state of the relays is shown as a symbol in the COAG dis-
DC resistance
Testing and measuring equipment
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6 • Maintenance and servicing
Test setup
WARNING! Across the measuring lines there is the DC voltage of 500 V! In order to
avoid injuries, only switch on the test specimen and safety tester when
all the electrical connections have been made.
Fig. 6-1
• The test specimen is connected to the power supply via the power
• The NE socket of the test specimen is connected to the safety tester
via the patient cable NE with the adapter cord.
• The AE socket of the test specimen is connected to the safety tester
via the patient cable AE and the electrode handle with the laboratory
measuring cable.
Test procedure
1. Start safety tester in the "Insulation resistance" function The mea-
sured value displayed should be >200 MOhm.
2. Start the test specimen and call up test program <Setup 24>.
3. Close all output relays of the test specimen in the test program
<Setup 24>.
4. Determine insulation resistance using the safety tester. The measured
value must be >2 MOhm.
5. Document the measured value.
6. Exit the test program <Setup 24>. Switch the test specimen off.
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6 • Maintenance and servicing
Performance tests
Testing and measuring equipment
Test setup
• The test specimen is connected to the power supply via the power
• The dual-pedal footswitch is connected.
• The NE patient cable with the shorted adapter cable is connected to
the NE socket on the test specimen.
Test procedure
Power switch 1. Check power switch for smooth operation. The power switch must be
easy to operate and must neither stick nor scrape.
2. Press power switch. The power switch must snap into the "ON" posi-
Start routine / 1. The test specimen must perform the system start without error mes-
acknowledgement tone sage(s).
2. The test specimen must emit an acoustic signal (acknowledgement
tone) during the self-test.
1. When starting the system, all LEDs must briefly light up at the same
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6 • Maintenance and servicing
Activation tones 1. Press CUT pedal on the dual-pedal footswitch at least twice. When
pressing the pedal there must be an acoustic signal every time
(=acknowledgement tone).
2. Press COAG pedal on the dual-pedal footswitch at least twice. When
pressing the pedal there must be an acoustic signal every time
(=acknowledgement tone).
Footswitch activation
Testing and measuring equipment
Test setup
• The test specimen is connected to the power supply via the power
• The dual-pedal footswitch is connected.
Test procedure
to activate the test program <Setup 26>.
Dual-pedal footswitch 1. Press the CUT pedal on the two pedal footswitch. The "X" character
activation CUT / COAG must appear in the left segment in the CUT display 1 during activa-
2. Press the COAG pedal on the two pedal footswitch. The "X" character
must appear in the right segment in the CUT display during activa-
3. Remain in the Test program.
1. Legend: "–" not yet activated, "X" successful activation, "0" = activation finished
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6 • Maintenance and servicing
Fingerswitch activation
Testing and measuring equipment
Test setup
• The test specimen is connected to the power supply via the power
Test procedure
Electrode handle 1. Connect the electrode handle with patient cable AE to the Monopolar
Activation CUT / COAG socket of the test specimen.
2. Press the CUT button on the electrode handle. The "X" character must
appear in the left segment in the COAG display 2 during activation.
3. Press the COAG button on the electrode handle. The "X" character
must appear in the right segment in the COAG display during activa-
2. Legend: "–" not yet activated, "X" successful activation, "0" = activation finished
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6 • Maintenance and servicing
Test setup
• The test specimen is connected to the power supply via the power
Test procedure
1. Switch on the test specimen without it being connected to the test
2. Activate AUTO START if necessary. To do so:
– Call up service level (see page 19)
– Use the Plus/Minus button to select and the yellow selection but-
ton to activate <Setup 27>.
– Use the top right selection button to set <AUTO ON>.
– Save the setting. Press and hold the top left selection button until
a check mark in the adjacent display indicates the end of the pro-
– Exit Service mode. Switch the test specimen off.
3. Switch on the test specimen without it being connected to the test
box and set it to:
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6 • Maintenance and servicing
T1 T2
BP1 1 2 BP2
Testbox 20100-102
4. Use the bipolar cable and adapter to connect the test specimen's
bipolar socket to the test box (see image). The test specimen must
start the activation automatically.
If this does not occur, press the T1 button on the test box. The test
specimen must start the activation automatically.
5. Press button T2. The test specimen must terminate activation.
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6 • Maintenance and servicing
Test setup
HF power meter
Fig. 6-2
• The test specimen is connected to the power supply via the power
• The levels of power are determined with the HF power meter. The
measuring cables are plugged into the HF power meter direct.
4. Determine and document measured value. The tolerance range is 40
to 60 watts.
1. Set the test specimen to:
DRY CUT, 50 Watt
2. Set HF power meter to:
RL = 500 ohms
3. Activate test specimen via CUT button on the electrode handle.
4. Determine and document measured value. The tolerance range is 40
to 60 watts.
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6 • Maintenance and servicing
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6 • Maintenance and servicing
HF power meter
Fig. 6-3
• The test specimen is connected to the power supply via the power
• The levels of power are determined with the HF power meter. The
measuring cables are plugged into the HF power meter direct.
3. Activate test specimen via COAG button on the electrode handle.
4. Determine and document measured value. The tolerance range is 40
to 60 watts.
1. Set the test specimen to:
2. Set HF power meter to:
RL = 500 ohms
3. Activate test specimen via COAG button on the electrode handle.
4. Determine and document measured value. The tolerance range is 40
to 60 watts.
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6 • Maintenance and servicing
HF power meter
Fig. 6-4
• The test specimen is connected to the power supply via the power
• The levels of power are determined with the HF power meter. The
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6 • Maintenance and servicing
Monitor circuits
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8
9 10 11 12
Fig. 6-5
• The test specimen is connected to the power supply via the power
• The test is performed without a load.
• The NE socket of the test specimen is connected to the VIO Testbox via
the patient cable NE with the adapter cable.
• The dual-pedal footswitch is connected.
1. Set the test specimen to:
AUTO CUT, 10 Watt
2. The return electrode indicator light must light up red on the test
3. Activate AUTO CUT via the footswitch. The test specimen must inhibit
activation and emit or display an optical and acoustic warning.
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6 • Maintenance and servicing
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8
9 10 11 12
Fig. 6-6
• The test specimen is connected to the power supply via the power
• The test is performed without a load.
• The NE socket of the test specimen is connected to the VIO Testbox via
the patient cable NE with the adapter cable.
• The dual-pedal footswitch is connected.
1. Keep the setting on the test specimen.
2. The return electrode indicator light must light up green on the test
3. Activate AUTO CUT via the footswitch. It must be possible to activate
the test specimen without error or warning signals.
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6 • Maintenance and servicing
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