I1Iil!Iyfi) Iij1I: Be or Ou - Module Summary
I1Iil!Iyfi) Iij1I: Be or Ou - Module Summary
I1Iil!Iyfi) Iij1I: Be or Ou - Module Summary
Before You.
Read I
Module Summary
Module 30 describes the process of observational learning and the impact of mirror neurons. A discussion
of modeling, both prosocial and antisocial, and its impacts on human behavior concludes the module.
Before beginning the module, take a moment to read each of the following terms and names
you will encounter. You may wish to make vocabulary cards for each.
1. Summarize and explain the implications of Albert Bandura's work with the Bobo doll and the modeling of
172 Module 30 Learning by Observation
3. What are mirror neurons and how do they work? What is their significance in life?
4. How does the work with mirror neurons explain children's theory of mind?
1. What are some outcomes of prosocial modeling? Provide an example from your life.
2. What are some outcomes of antisocial modeling? Provide an example from your life.
a. How would his research support the view that media violence triggers violent behavior?
b. Suggest two alternative explanations for the existence of this violent behavior.
After You Read 173
S. Which of the following is an example of a prosocial behavior that might be learned through modeling?
a. Justin acts like a bully to the kids at school after watching his favorite TV character bully on a TV show.
b. Manahil learns to he by watching her older brother get away with it.
c. Emma learns to tease her cousin James by watching her aunt tease him as well.
d. Ahad learns to care for his younger brother by watching his father feed and change him.
e. Melissa thinks women are incapable of a career in business because all the important women in her life are
stay-at-home mothers.
174 Unit VI Learning
V heck Yourself Now that you have mastered the basics, work through the problems below to see if
you can synthesize, evaluate, and analyze what you have learned.
1. Apply the principles of operant, classical, and observational learning, and your knowledge of psychological
vocabulary, to explain
Taste aversion:
Superstitious behavior:
Learned helplessness:
2. Austin is a teenager who has been suspended from school for possessing illegal substances. He has a long
history of acting out, enraged resistance to adult authority and other antisocial behaviors. Suggest how the
following can be used to address Austin's behavioral problems:
• biofeedback
•' coping strategies
• self-control
- -
3. Interpret the graphs below and show how they depict the components of classical and operant conditioning.
Be sure to incorporate correct usage of psychological terms.
a. Discuss how the graph below, based on Pavlov's experiments with salivating dogs, demonstrates general-
ization and discrimination.
30 - -
20 --- -
Hind Pelvis Shoulder Front
paw paw
Thigh Trunk Foreleg
Part of body stimulated
b. Discuss how the graph below demonstrates extinction and spontaneous recovery.
176 Unit VI Learning
c. Discuss how the graph below demonstrates the impact of various reinforcement schedules on learning.
Number of 1000 Fixed
responses Variabl e ratio
ratio Reinforcers
Fixed interval
\ Variable interval
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Time (minutes)
a) 180
$ 120
5 10 15 20
4. Draw a graph that would show the results of Seligman's experiments with learned helplessness. Be certain to
I. label the x-axis and y-axis correctly.
Before You Move On 177
Before You Move On
Use the checklist below to verify your understanding of the unit's main points.
Do I know the difference between classical conditioning, operant conditioning and observational learning?
[I'] Can I provide examples of how biological constraints create learning predispositions?
[j] Can I describe the characteristics and differences between insight learning, latent learning and social
E Can I apply learning principles to explain emotional learning, taste aversion, superstitions and learned
E Can I describe how operant conditioning techniques can be used for behavior modification?
LII Can I describe how biofeedback, coping strategies, and self-control can be used to address behavioral
Can I describe the work of:
Albert Bandura
John Garcia
LII Ivan Pavlov
El Robert Rescorla
LII B. F. Skinner
LI Edward Thorndike
LII Edward Tolman
0 John B. Watson