MBA - Business Strategy - 2021
MBA - Business Strategy - 2021
MBA - Business Strategy - 2021
Trimester: IV
Title of the Course: MBA 5211 – Business strategy
Name of Lecturer: Prof. P. Dharmadasa, and Dr W.P. Gamage
Course Status: Compulsory
No. of Credits: 02
Contact Hours: 30
Strategic Management is concerned with making a company perform well in a dynamic and
competitive business environment. Successfully crafting and implementing corporate strategies is a
key responsibility for business managers, especially those in the upper echelon. Strategic
Management can be hard to pin down and define at times, complex to implement, and
challenging. Strategic Management is integrating the foresightedness skills of the people and core
capabilities of the firm.
Course Description
The course of Strategic Management is a capstone course of any Business Administration program.
This course will integrate all the economic, finance, marketing, accounting, and other disciplinary
knowledge to analyze, formulate, and implement corporate strategies.
The course will examine the central problems of the business and the application of strategic
management in both developing and executing corporate goals and strategies. This course explores
the issues of defining corporate vision, mission, objectives, and strategies. The course focuses on
analyzing the firm’s external and internal environment to identify strategically valuable
capabilities and formulate value-creating strategies for sustainable, above-average return.
Developing conceptual skills and analytical skills are the main aims of this course.
Pedagogical Methods:
To effectively reach the goals of this practical-oriented course, the transformative pedagogy will be
used to maximize participants’ contributions. Different teaching methods will be used to develop an
active learning environment in the class and create student-centered learning and positive relationships
between fellow students and the facilitator. Lecture methods, class discussion, group discussion,
presentations, debriefing previous class proceedings by students and discussion about the students’
perceptions, summarizing required readings, case discussion, and workshops will be used as
teaching methods.
Learning Outcomes
This course uses the transformative education pedagogy to enhance the conceptual skills,
knowledge, values, and abilities to formulate and implement strategies in the new environment.
Therefore, at the end of this course, participants will be able to develop skills to analyze corporate
issues and formulate solutions efficiently and effectively. At the end of this course, participants will
have sound knowledge about:
Recognized the significance of having vision and mission statements of the firm be
familiar with the key strategy concepts as well as recent research regarding corporate
and competitive advantage.
Recognized the effective and efficient tools and methods to strategic evaluation and
Contents of Course:
Goals and objectives
Macro-environment &
Industry analysis case
Competitive assessment
5 Strategic hierarchy & Prof Dharmadasa
7 Dr. Premartahne
Strategy Analysis and Choice &
Strategy Analysis and Choice & Dr. Premartahne
9 Handouts
Strategy implementation, review,
& Dr. Premartahne
evaluation, and control
End-of-Semester Examination 50%
Continuous Assessment 50%
Case development and Analysis – Instructions will be given in the class
End-of-Semester Examination:
The duration of end-of-semester examination will be three hours. Students need to answer 5 essay
type questions and will have a choice to select from. Students will be assessed for their theoretical
knowledge and their ability to link theory with practice.
Recommended Text(s):
Gerry Johnson, Kevan Scholes, & Richard Whittington, (2017), Exploring Strategy,
FT Prentice Hall, 11th New edition
Additional Readings:
Hill W.L. Charles & Jones R. Gareth (2008), An Integrated Approach to Strategic
Management, Cengage Learning
Course manual