Syllogism Definition:: Syllogism Is Originally A Word Given by The Greeks. Whichmeans?
Syllogism Definition:: Syllogism Is Originally A Word Given by The Greeks. Whichmeans?
Syllogism Definition:: Syllogism Is Originally A Word Given by The Greeks. Whichmeans?
S y l l o g i s m i s o r i g i n a l l y a w o r d g i v e n b y t h e G r e e k s . Which means?
‘Inference’ or ‘deduction’- conclusion or inference.
Syllogism is a form of deductive reasoning where you arrive at a specific conclusion by
examining two other premises or ideas.
That makes no sense, since the major premise is wrong. Spiders have eight legs; snakes have
none; birds have two. Anything built from that incorrect, major premise (that all animals have
four legs) is, then, invalid.
A syllogism can also have a faulty conclusion from valid premises. Look at this, and spot the
Major Premise
Minor Premise
Syllogisms consist of three things: major & minor (the premises) and a conclusion, which
follows logically from the major and the minor and is derived from the given statements.
Logically, the conclusion follows from applying the major to the minor.
For example, all roses are flowers (major premise). This is a rose (minor premise). Therefore, I
am holding a flower (conclusion).
Example 1
Example 2
Major term: The category mentioned in both the minor premise and the conclusion. The second
term is the conclusion
Minor term: the category mentioned in both premises but not the conclusion. It is what links
major term and minor term together in the syllogism.
Figure: the figure of a categorical syllogism is the position of its major, minor and middle terms.
There are four figures. The major and minor terms have standard positions in the conclusion
which are the same for all figures.
Ram is a man;
Ram is smart
3. Third figure: M P; M S; S P.
No snake lives in Himalaya.
4. Fourth Figure: P M; M S; S P.
Some bows are wood objects;
4. The middle term must be universally quantified in at least one premise-you cannot
deduct anything from particular observations
Fallacy means a mistake in the reasoning which makes the argument invalid. The fallacy of four
terms is a logical fallacy that occurs when a three-part syllogism has four terms as we have
established that the syllogism will only have three things.
Valid syllogisms always take the form: Major premise (connects the minor premise and the
For example
In the above example, it should be clear that there are four terms and therefore the major premise
does not actually connect the minor premise and the conclusion. When premises are not
connected to the conclusion it is called a d non sequitur
Such examples may seem ridiculous but the nature of human language makes it possible to hide
premises and the exact number of terms may not always be clear in casual writing and speech.
Equivocation is a common sub fallacy where two terms use the same word or phrase but with
different definitions giving a false appearance of a valid syllogism:
For example –
The Qualities referred here are of two types- the affirmative and the negative. They refer to
whether the proposition affirms or denies the inclusion of a subject to the class of the predicate.
Whereas a quantity refers to the number of subjects in one class which are included in the other
class. The first quantifier is universal all. This means every subject of one class has membership
in the predicated class.
The other quantifier is called particular. It is an indefinite number which could mean two,
twenty-two or perhaps, all, but always at least one. From quality and quantity there are four types
of categorical propositions designed:
All S is P
No S is P
Some S is P
Some S is not P
Al four types have different distribution properties. Distribution refers to what can be inferred
from the proposition.
All cows are mammals. All cows are indeed mammals but it would be false to say that all
mammals are cows. Here we have to understand that although all x is said to be y but it’s
nowhere mentioned that the entire y is x too.
The second proposition does distribute in a bidirectional way between the subjects and predicate.
From categorical proposition: no deer are mammals, we can infer that no mammals are deer.
Both terms in I proposition are undisturbed.
For example, some Indians are conservatives. Neither term in this proposition can be entirely
distributed to the other term. Form this proposition it is not possible to say that all Indians are
conservatives or that all conservatives are Indians in this third proposition only the predicate
term is distributed.
Now that we can differentiate between the various types of categorical propositions, we can
easily identify the mood of the syllogism. To do so, simply identify the types of propositions in
the first premise, the second premise and the conclusion then state them in that order. In the
categorical syllogism
All A is B
All C is A
Therefore, all C is B
The term occurring as the predicate of the conclusion is the major term the minor term is the
term that occurs as the subject of the conclusion; C is the minor term. Finally, by process of
elimination, it can be deduced that the middle term is the term which does not occur in the
conclusion but instead once in each premise.
Accordingly, A is the middle term, the figure of a categorical syllogism can be known by
identifying the four possible arrangements of the middle term. The figures are represented
numerically 1-4:
1. The middle term occupies the subject of the first premise and three predicates of the
second premise
2. The middle term occupies the predicate of both the first and second premise
3. The middle term occupies the subject of both the first and second premise
4. The middle term occupies the predicate of the first premise and the subject of the
second premise
A valid syllogism is one where the conclusion logically follows from its premises. To emphasise
the difference between a valid argument and a sound argument, all premises and conclusions are
randomly generated, such that many will be false.
The validity of an argument does not depend upon whether its premises or conclusions are true.
It merely depends on the formal relations between the premises and conclusion. A valid
syllogism can have false premises or false conclusions.
An argument is sound when it valid and has true premises. Validity is only part of what it takes
to make an argument sound. Very few of the randomly generated syllogisms will be sound but a
fair number will be valid.
The last method is to memorise six rules using the information presented thus far.
1. Categorical syllogisms must contain exactly three terms, no more no less (avoid
Fallacy of four terms), beware of synonyms and antonyms because they can create the
illusion of invalidity, but can sometimes be rectified by substituting the
interchangeable terms for one choice
The rules are so specific that only 256 infinite number of possible arguments structures qualify
as a categorical syllogism. Not all categorical syllogisms are good arguments; though only 16 of
256 forms are valid. Invalid arguments we recall true premises guarantee a true conclusion.
The conclusion connects the universal truth of the major premise to the immediate example of
the minor premise: "Then this three-sided polygon is a triangle." Conclusions often begin with
1. If a = b
2. and if b = c
3. then a = c
Taking the same example from earlier and recasting the premises as conditional statements, we
could write:
1. If all triangles have three sides and three interior angles,
2. And if this is a three-sided polygon,
3. Then this three-sided polygon is a triangle.
The law of syllogism provides for two conditional statements ("If …") followed by a conclusion
("Then …"). Logicians usually assign letters to these parts of the syllogism:
Statements 1 and 2 are called the premises of the argument. If they are true, then statement 3
must be a valid conclusion
A proposition is a sentence that makes a statement and gives a relation
b e t w e e n t w o t e r m s . I t c o n s i s t s o f three parts (a) the subject; (b) the predicate; (c) the
relation between the subject and the predicate. Some examples of propositions are
being given below:
(i)All coasts are beaches.
( i i ) No students are honest.
( i i i ) Some documents are secret
( i v ) Some cloths are not cotton.
Subject and Predicate
A subject is that part of the proposition about which something is being said. A
predicate, on the other hand, is that term of the proposition which is stated about or
related to the subject. Thus, for example, in the four propositions mentioneda b o v e , ‘ c o a s t s ’ ,
‘ s t u d e n t s ’ , ‘ d o c u m e n t s ’ a n d ‘ c l o t h s ’ a r e subjects while ‘beaches’, ‘honest’, ‘secret’
and ‘cotton’ are p r e d i c a t e s .
Categorical Propositions
A categorical proposition makes a direct assertion. It has no conditions attached
with it. For example, “All Sare P”, “No S are P”, “Some S are P” etc are
categorical propositions, but “If S, then P” is not a
c a t e g o r i c a l proposition.
Types of Categorical Propositions
(a)U n i v e r s a l P r o p o s i t i o n :
Universal propositions either fully include the subject
or fully exclude i t . Examples are, all coasts are beaches. No Students are
honest. Universal propositions are further classified as
(i)Universal Positive Proposition:
A proposition of the form “All S are P”, for example, “All coasts are beaches”, is called
a universal positive proposition. And it is usually denoted by a letter “A”.
(ii)Universal Negative Proposition:
A p r o p o s i t i o n of the form “No S are P”, for example, “No students a r e h o n e s t ” , i s
c a l l e d a u n i v e r s a l n e g a t i v e proposition. And it is usually denoted by a
letter “E”. syllogism .
(b) Particular Proposition:
P a r t i c u l a r p r o p o s i t i o n either only partly include or only partly exclude the subject while
making a statement. Examples are, some documents are secret. Some cloths are not cotton.
Particular propositions are also further classified as
(i)Particular Positive Proposition:
A proposition of the form “Some S are P”, for example, “Some
documents are secret”, is called a particular positive proposition and it is denoted by the letter
(ii)Particular Negative Proposition:
A p r o p o s i t i o n of the form “Some S are not P” for example, “Some cloths are not cotton”, is
called a particular negative proposition. And is usually denoted by the letter
Important Note
The definition of the
A, E, I, O
Propositions are very, very important and the student must have the ability to
immediately recognise these types. With this need in mind w e a r e l i s t i n g t h e s e f o u r
t y p e s o f p r o p o s i t i o n s i n t h e following table: