ChemEngineering 05 00020
ChemEngineering 05 00020
ChemEngineering 05 00020
Simulation of a Downdraft Gasifier for Production of Syngas
from Different Biomass Feedstocks
Mateus Paiva 1 , Admilson Vieira 2 , Helder T. Gomes 1 and Paulo Brito 1, *
1 Centro de Investigação de Montanha (CIMO), Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, Campus de Santa Apolónia,
5300-253 Bragança, Portugal; (M.P.); (H.T.G.)
2 Departamento de Engenharia Química, Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Campus Londrina,
Londrina 86036-370, Brazil;
* Correspondence:
Abstract: In the evaluation of gasification processes, estimating the composition of the fuel gas for
different conditions is fundamental to identify the best operating conditions. In this way, modeling
and simulation of gasification provide an analysis of the process performance, allowing for resource
and time savings in pilot-scale process operation, as it predicts the behavior and analyzes the effects
of different variables on the process. Thus, the focus of this work was the modeling and simulation
of biomass gasification processes using the UniSim Design chemical process software, in order to
satisfactorily reproduce the operation behavior of a downdraft gasifier. The study was performed for
two residual biomasses (forest and agricultural) in order to predict the produced syngas composition.
The reactors simulated gasification by minimizing the free energy of Gibbs. The main operating
parameters considered were the equivalence ratio (ER), steam to biomass ratio (SBR), and gasification
temperature (independent variables). In the simulations, a sensitivity analysis was carried out, where
Citation: Paiva, M.; Vieira, A.;
the effects of these parameters on the composition of syngas, flow of syngas, and heating value
Gomes, H.T.; Brito, P. Simulation of a (dependent variables) were studied, in order to maximize these three variables in the process with
Downdraft Gasifier for Production of the choice of the best parameters of operation. The model is able to predict the performance of the
Syngas from Different Biomass gasifier and it is qualified to analyze the behavior of the independent parameters in the gasification
Feedstocks. ChemEngineering 2021, 5, results. With a temperature between 850 and 950 ◦ C, SBR up to 0.2, and ER between 0.3 and 0.5, the
20. best operating conditions are obtained for maximizing the composition of the syngas in CO and H2 .
Biomass gasification is the conversion of organic materials into an energetic gas, rich
in hydrogen (H2 ) and carbon monoxide (CO), through oxidation and reduction reactions at
elevated temperatures. In the evaluation of gasification processes, estimating the composi-
tion of the fuel gas for different conditions is fundamental to identify the best operating
conditions. In this way, gasification modeling and simulation provide an advance virtual
analysis of the process performance, allowing for resource and time savings in pilot-scale
process operations, as it predicts the behavior and analyzes the effects of different variables
on the process [9–14].
Thus, the focus of this work is the modeling and simulation of biomass gasification
processes using the UniSim Design chemical process software, applying the tools available
in the simulator database in order to satisfactorily reproduce the operation behavior of a
gasifier. The work is associated with a parallel project concerning the design, construction,
and test of a pilot downdraft gasifier, aiming for the energetic valorization of residual
biomass from fire-hazard areas. So, the developed model is focused specifically on the
production of syngas from complex sources represented by mixtures of carbon rich organic
wastes, which can show a variety of compositions. Hence, the chosen simulated gasifier
has a downdraft design and it will be studied for the processing of forest and agricul-
tural waste type biomasses. Optimization and sensitivity analysis will be performed to
observe the influence of significant parameters affecting the process (e.g., equivalence ratio,
steam to biomass ratio, and temperature) on the properties of the synthesis gas produced
(e.g., composition and heating value).
This gas is a mixture composed mainly of carbon monoxide (CO), hydrogen (H2 ), and
methane (CH4 ). The gas produced can be standardized in quality and is easier and more
versatile to use than the original biomass, either for fueling gas engines and gas turbines or
as a chemical raw material for liquid fuel production [15]. Gasification adds value to low
or negative value raw materials by converting them into fuels. This conversion process is
more complex than simple combustion and is influenced by many factors, such as amount
of oxidant, feedstock composition, gasifier temperature, and reactor geometry [16,17].
The main gasification reactions are shown in Table 1 [3,4,14,16,18,19].
The downdraft gasifier design (see Figure 1) is a reactor where the solid material
is inserted in the top and the oxidizing gas enters the reactor laterally above the grid.
The gasifying agent is introduced directly into the combustion zone, then flows into the
reduction zone, and is extracted from the gasifier. The synthesis gas exits the gasifier
after passing through the hot zone, allowing partial cracking of the tars formed during
gasification, which provides a gas with low tar. However, the gases leave the gasifier at
high temperatures (900–1000 ◦ C), leading to low efficiencies, due to the high heat content
carried by the hot gas. This reactor is suitable to convert biomass with high volatile content,
but it is limited in scale. It also needs specific biomass conditions and is not suitable for
various types of biomass [9,16].
temperatures (900–1000 °C), leading to low efficiencies, due to the high heat content
ried by the hot gas. This reactor is suitable to convert biomass with high volatile con
ChemEngineering 2021, 5, 20 but it is limited in scale. It also needs specific biomass conditions and is3not
of 24 suitable
various types of biomass [9,16].
consists of several unit operation blocks and, as in this work, the process is divided into
three blocks: drying and decomposition, combustion, and gasification. In the drying and
decomposition block, the moisture content is reduced, and the biomass is decomposed into
volatile and char compounds. In the combustion and gasification block, the oxidation and
reduction reactions will be modeled, minimizing Gibbs free energy. The approach will be
non-stoichiometric, requiring the specification of the ultimate and approximate biomass
composition and the reactions involved in the process.
Chemical engineering software provides databases for conventional fluids and solids
properties. Therefore, when unconventional materials such as biomass are employed, a
strategy should be used to inform the software about the composition of the material
entering the process. The strategy that will be used in this work is to consider biomass as
a generic char material. This allows, from the approximate and ultimate analysis of the
material, the calculation of the properties of this unconventional material, hence, obtaining
the feed stream characteristics.
The next step is the drying and decomposition block, where the goal is to reduce
the moisture content of the biomass and the dried material will be converted into compo-
nents such as carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and ashes, specifying the distribution
according to the ultimate and approximate analysis.
Finally, there is the combustion and gasification stage, where a Gibbs reactor will
be used to minimize Gibbs free energy by calculating the gas composition reaching full
chemical equilibrium. In this block, air will be introduced as a gasification agent. Upon
exiting this reactor, the gas produced will pass a separating block that will remove water.
Therefore, the gaseous output stream obtained from this separator contains the desired
syngas at the end of the process.
2. Simulation Model
A gasification model was constructed in UniSim Design. In this process, a series
of unit operations were selected, integrated, and sequenced in order to simulate the
entire process.
2.1. Assumptions
Some considerations were made for the construction of this model considering a
downdraft gasifier configuration:
1. The process operates in steady state;
2. The operation takes place at atmospheric pressure and all pressure losses
are neglected;
3. The produced char is 100% carbon;
4. Peng–Robinson equation of state was selected as the thermodynamic package for the
whole process;
5. Air consists of 79% N2 and 21% O2 on a molar basis;
6. N2 is a diluent and an inert gas, so it does not react;
7. Sulfur (S) and chlorine (Cl) bounded to the fuel are converted in hydrosulfuric acid
(H2 S) and hydrochloric acid (HCl), respectively;
8. Since the temperature conditions can be very different in the two reaction zones
(combustion and reduction), even for small scale gasifiers, these reaction zones are
simulated using two different reaction systems;
9. The formation of tar is significantly reduced in the process, so it is neglected during
the simulation; therefore a sufficiently high temperature is fixated in the combustion
zone (1000 ◦ C) to account for a reasonable tar degradation yield;
10. The reduction reaction zone is simulated using two Gibbs reactors in series,
operating adiabatically.
ChemEngineering 2021, 5, 20 5 of 24
2.2. Feedstock
The selected biomass sources were hardwood chips and almond shells, considered as a
hypothetical char simulated from the parameters shown in Table 2. The input values (kg/h)
of air and steam are listed in Table 3, in addition to the conditions of process operation.
Air Feedstock
Temperature 25 ◦C
Flow rate 0.3–2.4 kg/h
Steam Feedstock
Temperature 100 ◦C
Flow rate 0.18–3.6 kg/h
Operating conditions
Temperature 600–1200 ◦C
Pressure 1 atm
ChemEngineering 2021, 5, 20 Table 4. Mass and molar composition of the decomposed biomass. 6 of 24
Model Description
Model Description
simulated in three
drying andand decomposition,
decomposition, combustion,
and gasification. For this, a conversion reactor, Gibbs reactors, as well as other equipment
and gasification. For this, a conversion reactor, Gibbs reactors, as well as other equipment
such as as mixersand
mixers andsplitters
splitters were
were used.
flowsheet is illustrated
sheet in Figure
is illustrated 2. 2.
in Figure
Figure 2. UniSim
Figure Design
2. UniSim Designflow
sheet for thedowndraft
for the downdraftgasification
gasification process.
2.5.1. Drying
2.5.1. and
Drying andDecomposition
“Biomass” waswasdefined
definedbyby Python
Python software
software fromfrom the ultimate
the ultimate and and
approximate analysis,shown
analysis, shownininTable
This streamenters
stream 500°C◦ C
entersatat500 inin
thethe splitterequip-
ment, named named
“Water“Water Splitter”
Splitter” to separate
to separate the the water
water present
present ininthethebiomass,
biomass, leading
leading thus
thus to the streams “Dry Biomass”
to the streams “Dry Biomass” and “Water”. and “Water”.
Another Splitter equipment, named “Volatile Splitter” was used to separate volatile
Another Splitter equipment, named “Volatile Splitter” was used to separate volatile
materials from char, obtaining the streams “Volatile Materials” and “Char”. After that,
materials fromMaterials”
the “Volatile char, obtaining the streams
stream enters another“Volatile Materials”
Splitter equipment, and “Char”.
named After that,
“Acid Splitter”
“Volatile Materials”
the acids presentstream enters another
in the volatile materialsSplitter equipment,
are separated. Thus,named “Acid
at the end Splitter”
of this
where the acids present in the volatile materials are separated. Thus,
block the currents “Volatile Feed”, “Char”, “Acid Gases”, and “Water” are obtained. at the end of this
block the currents “Volatile Feed”, “Char”, “Acid Gases”, and “Water” are obtained.
2.5.2. Combustion
This block is where the combustion reactions are simulated: carbon oxidation (2),
2.5.2. Combustion
carbon partial oxidation (3), carbon monoxide oxidation (4), and hydrogen oxidation
This block is where the combustion reactions are simulated: carbon oxidation (2),
(5), according to Table 1. For this, a conversion reactor equipment was used, named
carbon partial oxidation
“Combustor”, (3), carbon
which is operated monoxide
at 1000 ◦ C, whichoxidation (4), and
was considered hydrogenhigh
a sufficiently oxidation
value (5),
according to Table 1. For this, a conversion reactor equipment was used, named “Com-
bustor”, which is operated at 1000 °C, which was considered a sufficiently high value in
ChemEngineering 2021, 5, 20 7 of 24
in order to ensure a reasonable tar degradation yield. The input streams in this equipment
are “Volatile Feed”, “Char”, “Air” and “Combustor Duty”. From this equipment, the
streams “Flue Gases” and “Comb Bottom” are obtained.
2.5.3. Gasification
Gasification reactions are a set of equilibrium reactions. To facilitate modeling in
UniSim Design, the set of reactions was separated into two Gibbs reactors. Both reactors
operate adiabatically for the whole analysis with the exception of the study presented in
Section 3.4, where the influence of the gasification temperature is assessed. For feeding in
the first reactor, mixer equipment, named “Mix”, was used to mix the following streams:
“Flue Gases”, “Comb Bottom”, “Acid Gases”, and “Water”, thus obtaining a unique stream
named “To Gasif” that enters the first Gibbs reactor named “Gibbs Gasificator”. The
following reactions are considered in this reactor: Boudouard reaction (6), reforming
of char (7), and hydrogasification (9), according to Table 1. The first two reactions are
endothermic and the third one is exothermic. The streams exiting this reactor are “Gasif
Gases” and “Gasif Bottom”, both of which enter the next reactor, in addition to the “Steam”
stream inlet.
In the second reactor, named “CO Shift”, two reactions are modeled: water gas shift
reaction (8) and steam–methane reforming (10), according to Table 1. The first reaction is
exothermic and the second one is endothermic. From this reactor, two streams are removed:
“Product Gases”, which enter the next equipment, and the “Solid Bottom” stream. Finally,
there is a “Splitter” device, named “Syngas Splitter” that simulates the removal of water
from the gas. This equipment has as input stream “Product Gases” and as output two
streams: “Water” and “Syngas”. The “Syngas” being the final stream, thus obtaining the
product gas at the end of the process.
3.1.1. Simulation
Considering the developed model, base simulation runs were performed with each of
the two selected biomass sources (hardwood chips and almond shell). In this simulation,
the steam to biomass ratio (SBR) chosen was 0.2 for both biomass. The chosen equivalence
ratio (ER) was 0.4 for hardwood chips and 0.45 for almond shells, in which air entered the
process at 25 ◦ C and steam at 100 ◦ C as shown in Table 5.
In Tables 6 and 7 are presented the main process streams, temperatures, flows (molar
and mass), syngas heating values, and molar compositions. The decomposed inlet stream
“Biomass” enters the process at 500 ◦ C with a mass flow of 5 kg/h with the compositions
determined from the ultimate and approximate analysis using the Python software, having
a high composition of C, O2, and H2 . The “Flue Gases” stream is the equipment’s output
ChemEngineering 2021, 5, 20 8 of 24
that simulates oxidation reactions. It is observed that the stream leaves the equipment with
a fixed temperature of 1000 ◦ C. It is interesting to note that the main reaction favored was
carbon partial oxidation (3), due to the low intake of air, favoring the formation of CO. The
other reactions are favored when the amount of air for combustion is higher.
In the stream “To Gasif” all the previous streams are joined together to enter the first
reactor that simulates the reduction reactions. The temperature in the stream “To Gasif”
decreases slightly in relation to the stream that leaves the combustion equipment, due to
the lower temperatures of the other streams, entering in thermal equilibrium. This stream
contains the char that has not been volatized, the acid gases, in addition to the stream
that comes from the combustor. Therefore, an amount of C is noted, due to the char, the
presence of water, due to the biomass moisture, and also the gases already formed before
(CO, H2, and inert N2 ).
ChemEngineering 2021, 5, 20 9 of 24
The “Gasif Gases” stream is the output of the first equipment that simulates the
reduction reactions. In this stream, it is noted that there was an increase in the composition
of CO, in addition to the formation of CH4 and all consumption of C. This is due to the
favoring of reactions such as reforming of char (7) and hydrogasification (9). The reaction
(9) is exothermic and the reaction (7) endothermic, however the reaction of reforming of
char has an enthalpy 2.3 times higher, thus the temperature in this area of the gasifier is
lower in relation to the inlet stream because there was a higher consumption of energy
compared to the energy released by the exothermic reaction.
The stream “Product Gases” is the outlet stream of the second gasifier reactor “CO
Shift” that simulates the reduction reactions. It is observed that the temperature has de-
clined in relation to the inlet stream. It is also noted that there was a rise in the composition
of H2 and CO2 , and a reduction in the composition of CH4 and CO. This behavior is due to
the fact that the steam entering the gasification step “CO Shift” favors the water gas shift
reaction (8) and steam–methane reforming (10) reactions, consuming CO, CH4, and H2 O,
to form mostly H2 and CO2 . A possible explanation for the decrease in temperature is that,
in spite of reaction (8) being exothermic, reaction (10) is endothermic with an enthalpy
five times higher. In addition, the steam enters at 100 ◦ C, so the reaction temperature is
expected to diminish through the establishment of a thermal equilibrium. The behavior
of the variations, both of the compositions and of the temperatures, was similar for the
two biomasses. The “Syngas” outlet stream has high compositions of CO and H2 , close
to 45%, and low compositions of the other components (H2 S, HCl, CH4, and N2 ). Only
CO2 showed a formation between 6 and 7%. However, with the steam inlet, it is inevitable
to favor the water gas shift reaction (8) and consequently the formation of CO2 . The feed
of steam promotes the formation of H2 , but it also has the problem of favoring the forma-
tion of CO2 . Therefore, it is advisable to work with a low steam value in order to avoid
this difficulty.
3.1.2. Literature
The results of two studies of biomass gasification reported in the literature [27,29],
one regarding the gasification of hardwood chips and the other of almond shells, are here
presented and discussed, to be compared to the study performed in this work (Table 8).
Studies Model 1 [27] This Work Model Model 2 [29] This Work Model
Type of biomass Hardwood chips Hardwood chips Almond shells Almond shells
Type of gasifier Downdraft Downdraft Fluidized bed Downdraft
Gasifying agent Air Air and steam Air and steam Air and steam
Software Aspen Plus UniSim Design UniSim Design UniSim Design
Pressure (atm) 1 1 1–3 1
Temperature (◦ C) 500–1000 600–1200 700–1100 600–1200
Moisture (%) 8.91 5.39 3.30 3.30
ER 0.20–0.45 0.10–0.80 0.00–1.00 0.10–0.80
SBR – 0.00–0.75 0.44–1.00 0.00–0.75
CO (%) 21.31 (41.54) * 44.94 59.60 44.61
H2 (%) 18.29 (35.58) * 44.45 23.18 46.30
CO2 (%) 11.36 (22.48) * 7.82 0.01 6.28
CH4 (%) 0.20 (0.39) * 0.45 6.12 0.39
N2 (%) 48.99 (0.00) * 2.33 8.29 2.40
* N2 -free basis.
Regarding the simulation of almond shells gasification, the gasifier selected was
a fluidized bed gasifier [29]. The gasifying agent used was air and steam. The study
was also carried out using the chemical processes simulation software UniSim Design.
The pressure varied between 1 and 3 atm and the temperature ranged between 700 and
1100 ◦ C. In the analysis of air intake, a decrease in CO and H2 was observed with a rise in
ChemEngineering 2021, 5, 20 10 of 24
air flow. The ER varied between 0.00 and 1.00. Another parameter analyzed was steam
added to the process: SBR varied between 0.44 and 1.00, and an increase in the steam feed
led to a reduction of the CO composition and to a rise of the H2 composition. Additionally,
it was observed that the composition of CO and H2 in the syngas stream increased with
temperature value.
The simulation of the gasification of hardwood chips was carried out in a downdraft
gasifier [27]. The gasifying agent used in the process was just air. The study was done using
Aspen Plus. The pressure was fixed at 1 atm and the temperature varied between 500 and
1000 ◦ C. In the analysis of air intake, the compositions of CO, H2, and CH4 in the syngas
were found to decrease with the rise of ER, while the composition of CO2 increases with
the rise of ER. The ER varied between 0.20 and 0.45. In relation to the growth in the gasifier
temperature, the composition of the syngas increased in CO and decreased in CO2 and CH4 .
H2 behaved in such a way that its value increased until the temperature of 750 ◦ C and after
that, the composition of H2 declined. It is concluded that the recommended temperature
for the gasification is between 650 and 800 ◦ C and that the equivalence ratio is between 0.2
and 0.3 to obtain the best syngas composition parameters. Although the biomasses are of
different sub-classifications (forestry residues and agricultural solid waste), they are similar
in relation to the composition (ultimate and approximate analysis), so a similar behavior is
expected for the final composition of the syngas. If the syngas composition obtained with
the hardwood chips is presented in a N2 -free basis, the amount of CO would be 41.54%, H2
35.58%, CH4 0.39%, and CO2 22.48%. As excess air was used to obtain this syngas stream,
a considerable amount of CO2 was produced. It would be interesting to work with a low
air intake to avoid the production of CO2 and the presence of N2 in the outlet composition
of the synthesis gas produced.
Table 8 shows that the outlet gas compositions diverged from those obtained in the
almond shell study, where the amount of CO was higher (approximately 30%) compared
to our study, while the amount of H2 was lower (approximately 50%). It may be due to the
fact of considering a low amount of steam. The study with hardwood chips was closer in
terms of composition. In a N2 -free basis composition, it should be noted that CO differs 8%
and H2 20%. It is also seen that there is a large amount of CO2 (22.48%), compared to our
study (7.82%). As previously discussed, this high presence of CO2 is due to the fact that a
large amount of air is used to carry out the process.
It can be noted that both ER and SBR are parameters that significantly change the
composition of the outlet gas. For the simulations that will be presented in the next section,
low air intakes were applied in order to avoid formation of CO2 , in addition to analyzing
whether the steam input significantly interferes with the expected syngas composition.
Therefore, in the next sections, the sensitivity analysis will be carried out with the focus of
studying the effect of the equivalence ratio (ER) and of the steam to biomass ratio (SBR) on
the following variables: molar composition of the syngas, flow of syngas (molar and mass),
syngas heating value and gasifier temperature; and the effect of the gasifier temperature
on the molar composition of the syngas, flow of syngas (molar and mass) and syngas
heating value.
The equivalence ratio is defined as the air to biomass ratio required for gasification
divided by the stoichiometric ratio required for combustion. As the ER rises, the amount
of oxygen supplied
3.2.1. Molar to the gasifier
Composition also grows, providing a higher conversion of the carbon
of Syngas
present in Thethe fuel. However,
equivalence ratio is an excessive
defined as theamount of oxygen
air to biomass will completely
ratio required oxidize,
for gasification
leading to the decline of the fuel and the production of syngas. Therefore,
divided by the stoichiometric ratio required for combustion. As the ER rises, the amount ER is an essen-
tial parameter
oxygen supplied in thetogasification
the gasifier alsoprocess
providing aFigure
higher 3 shows the
conversion effect
of the of the
present in ratio
the on theHowever,
fuel. composition of the synthesis
an excessive amount gas for both
of oxygen studied
will biomasses.
completely oxidize,The
leading to the decline of the fuel and the production of syngas.
behavior for both biomasses was similar. Initially, the amount of hydrogen increases, me- Therefore, ER is an
decreases, parameter
due tointhe thefavoring
gasification process [4,12,27,30].
of hydrogen formation Figure 3 shows
reactions, namelythe effect of
the (7),
of char equivalence
water gas ratio onreaction
shift the composition
(8), andofsteam–methane
the synthesis gasreforming
for both studied
(10). Inbiomasses.
addition to
The behavior for both biomasses was similar. Initially, the amount of hydrogen increases,
the fact that carbon monoxide has a minimal decline, this is also due to the amount of inert
methane decreases, due to the favoring of hydrogen formation reactions, namely reforming
N2 that rises with increasing air intake. However, in the ER close to 0.4, for hardwood
of char (7), water gas shift reaction (8), and steam–methane reforming (10). In addition to
fact 0.5
thatfor almond
carbon shells,has
monoxide thea minimal
amount decline,
of hydrogen stabilizes
this is also due to and beginsof
the amount toinert
and Nthe formation of carbon dioxide begins. At this ER value, the amount
2 that rises with increasing air intake. However, in the ER close to 0.4, for hardwood chips,
of oxygen pre-
sent and
causes thealmond
0.5 for processshells,
to be the
amountto combustion, with a decrease
of hydrogen stabilizes and beginsin Hto2 and
decayCO andtothe
Thus, theofair intake maximizes gasification in the range of 0.2 to 0.5
carbon dioxide begins. At this ER value, the amount of oxygen present causes of ER, obtaining
the highest
the process H2 values, hightoCO
to be similar composition,
combustion, withand virtually
a decrease in Hzero
2 andCOCO 2 composition.
to form CO2 . Thus,For ER
values air intake0.2,maximizes
gasification gasification in the range
is incomplete, of 0.2 to
and above 0.5,0.5gasification
of ER, obtaining the highest
is similar to com-
H2 values,
bustion, with thehighincreased
CO composition,
formation and of
CO2. zero CO2 composition. For ER values below
0.2, gasification is incomplete, and above 0.5, gasification is similar to combustion, with the
increased formation of CO2 .
70 70
H2 H2
60 60
Syngas mole composition (%)
50 CH4 50 CH4
N2 N2
40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
Equivalence ratio Equivalence ratio
Molar andand
Molar Mass Flow
Mass of of
Flow Syngas
Another important
important parameter
parameter totoanalyze
analyzeisis the
the production
production ofofsyngas.
shows the amount of gas that is produced as a function of time.
shows the amount of gas that is produced as a function of time. Both molar and Both molar and mass
quantities of this production were studied as a function of the equivalence
quantities of this production were studied as a function of the equivalence ratio. As ratio. As thethe
independent variable is the air intake, the flows were also analyzed in a N2 –free basis.
independent variable is the air intake, the flows were also analyzed in a N 2–free basis.
Therefore, Figure 4 shows the behavior of the molar and mass flow as a function of the
Therefore, Figure 4 shows the behavior of the molar and mass flow as a function
equivalence ratio for both studied biomasses. It is observed that the mass flow rate increases
of the
equivalence ratiooffor
with the rise both studied
air intake. biomasses.
This is expected It is observed
because that theofmass
a greater amount flow rate
air promotes thein-
creases with the rise of air intake. This is expected because a greater amount
formation of H2 and, for ER values higher than 0.4, the formation of CO2 , in addition of air pro-
motes the formation of H and, for ER values higher than 0.4, the formation
to increasing the amount of the inert gas N2 . When N2 is not considered in the mass
2 of CO 2, in
flow, to increasing
there the amount
is a reduction of the inert
of approximately 1%gas N2. ER
at low When N2 is
values andnot considered in
approximately 6%the
at high ER values. The molar flow increases until approximately an ER value of 0.4, for
hardwood chips, and 0.5 for almond shells, after which the molar flow decreases. This can
be explained by the fact that from this equivalence ratio there is a decline in the amount of
H2 and a rise in CO2 . As the molar mass of CO2 is greater than the molar mass of H2 , a
mass flow, there is a reduction of approximately 1% at low ER values and approximately
6% at high ER values. The molar flow increases until approximately an ER value of 0.4,
for hardwood chips, and 0.5 for almond shells, after which the molar flow decreases. This
can be explained by the fact that from this equivalence ratio there is a decline in the
ChemEngineering 2021, 5, 20 amount of H2 and a rise in CO2. As the molar mass of CO2 is greater than the molar 12 of 24
of H2, a greater mass of CO2 gas is required to obtain the same molar amount of H2. This
behavior is observed in the curves at the moment when H2 starts to decline and CO2 in-
creases, which
greater mass is
of where
CO2 gasthe molar flow
is required of thethe
to obtain synthesis gas amount
same molar starts toofdecrease. When N2 is
H2 . This behavior
removed from in
is observed thethe
molar flow,
curves there
at the is a fallwhen
moment in theHproduction of syngas
2 starts to decline and by
2 increases,
at lowisER
where the molar
values, flow
and 4% atofhigh
the synthesis
ER values. gas starts to decrease. When N2 is removed
from the molar flow, there is a fall in the production of syngas by approximately 1% at low
ER values, and 4% at high ER values.
6.8 6.8
0.36 0.36
Syngas molar flow (kmol/h)
5.8 5.8
0.28 Molar flow 0.28 Molar flow
Molar flow without N2 5.6 Molar flow without N2 5.6
0.26 Mass flow 0.26 Mass flow
5.4 5.4
Mass flow without N2 Mass flow without N2
0.24 5.2 0.24 5.2
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
Equivalence ratio Equivalence ratio
3.2.3. Heating
3.2.3. Value
Heating Value
The heating
The heatingvalue
value of aaproduct
product gasgas
is aismeasure
a measure of quality.
of quality. This value
This heating heating value de-
as more
creases air is supplied
as more [20,31]. [20,31].
air is supplied Figure 5Figure
shows 5the behavior
shows the of the highofand
behavior thelow heating
high and low
values due to the growth in the equivalence ratio for both studied biomasses.
heating values due to the growth in the equivalence ratio for both studied biomasses. As As predicted,
both heating
predicted, both values
heating decline
valueswith increasing
decline ER (approximately
with increasing 33% for hardwood
ER (approximately 33% for and
wood and 30% for almond shell). This is due to the fact that the increase of air ina the
30% for almond shell). This is due to the fact that the increase of air in the process causes
greater amount of N2 in the synthesis gas, in addition to favoring the formation of CO2 . If
ChemEngineering 2021, 5, x FOR PEER REVIEW causes a greater amount of N2 in the synthesis gas, in addition to favoring13the of 24
N2 is removed from the synthesis gas, there is a rise in the heating value (approximately
formation of CO 2. If N2 is removed from the synthesis gas, there is a rise in the heating
5% for hardwood and 6% for almond shell). However, the same decreasing behavior is
value (approximately
observed when the ER5% for hardwood
is varied. Therefore, and
the 6%
CO2for almond
upsurge shell).
is the factorHowever, the same
that most affects
decreasing behavior
the calorific is observed
value. Thus, when
the heating the ER
value is varied.
of the Therefore,
gas declines with thethe CO2 upsurge
increase in ER. is the
factor that most affects the calorific value. Thus, the heating value of the gas declines with
21 the increase in ER. 21
20 HHV without N2 20 HHV without N2
19 LHV 19 LHV
LHV without N2 LHV without N2
Heating value (MJ/kg)
18 18
17 17
16 16
15 15
14 14
13 13
12 12
11 11
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
Equivalence ratio Equivalence ratio
1350 1350
1300 1300
1250 1250
Gasifier temperature (°C)
1200 1200
1150 1150
1100 1100
1050 1050
1000 1000
950 950
900 900
850 850
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
Equivalence ratio Equivalence ratio
60 60
H2 H2
50 CO2 50 CO2
Syngas mole composition (%)
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
Steam to biomass ratio Steam to biomass ratio
Molarand andMassMassFlow
also important to analyzethe
important to analyze theproduction
steam into the gasifier. Thus, the influence of steam on the molar and mass amountofof
into the gasifier. Thus, the influence of steam on the molar and mass amount
syngasflow flow waswas studied.
studied. Figure
Figure8 shows
8 showsthe behavior of theofmolar
the behavior and mass
the molar flow of
and mass syn-of
syngas as a function of the steam to biomass ratio for the two studied biomasses. that
as a function of the steam to biomass ratio for the two studied biomasses. Note Note
both andmassmolar production
and molar of syngas
production increase
of syngas with increasing
increase SBR. SBR.
with increasing This can
explained by the
by thefactfact
surgein steam
in steampromotes
promotes thetheformation
formationofofHH2 and CO2 mainly
2 and CO2 mainly
ChemEngineering 2021, 5, x FOR PEER because of the water gas shift reaction (8). This causes the mass productiontotoincrease
REVIEW of the water gas shift reaction (8). This causes the mass production increase
15 of 24
with the growth of the SBR. Regarding molar production, the increasing behavior canbebe
the growth of the SBR. Regarding molar production, the increasing behavior can
explainedby bythe thefact
analyzed,the theamount
amountof ofHH22and
andCO CO2 2
isisalways increasing,
always increasing, with
with no change in the behavior of the molar composition of syngas
composition (as seen in theno
the behavior
also theofproduction
the molar composition
of syngas toof syngas
(COand andHH 2), ),
2 that
that are
are always
always increasing,
increasing, without
without increasing
increasing and
and then
then decreasing
decreasing ininHH2 2
in a similar way.
composition (as seen in the ER study), making also the production of syngas to perform in
a similar way.
7.8 7.8
0.46 0.46
Syngas molar flow (kmol/h)
7.6 7.6
Syngas mass flow (kg/h)
0.44 0.44
7.4 7.4
6.8 6.8
0.38 0.38
6.6 6.6
0.36 Molar flow 6.4
0.36 Molar flow 6.4
Mass flow Mass flow
0.34 6.2 0.34 6.2
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
Steam to biomass ratio Steam to biomass ratio
18 LHV 18 LHV
17 17
Heating value (MJ/kg)
15 15
14 14
13 13
12 12
11 11
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
Steam to biomass ratio Steam to biomass ratio
860 860
840 840
820 820
Gasifier temperature (°C)
780 780
760 760
740 740
720 720
700 700
680 680
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
Steam to biomass ratio Steam to biomass ratio
3.4. Effect
3.4.1. Molarof the Temperature
Composition of of the Gasifier
The analysis of temperature
The gasification the influence of the gasification
is another temperature
important parameter onsyngas
in the the molar composi-
tion and Hydrogen
process. the heatingisvalue of the
expected syngas was
to increase withcarried out with temperature,
the gasification the gasification temperature
reaching the
as an independent
maximum, and then variable,
graduallyand with the
decrease atcomposition of syngas,
higher temperatures. flow of syngas,
Gasification and heat-
is generally
satisfactory ◦ C [12,27,33]. Figure 11 shows the behavior of the
ing value asatdependent
a temperature of 800For
variables. this study, a biomass input of 5 kg/h is fixed. In
addition, the gasification temperature wasthe
molar composition of the synthesis gas with growth
varied in the
from 600gasifier
to 1200temperature
°C, the air for bothwas
biomasses. While CO increases, H rises to a maximum and then declines
fixed at 1.25 kg/h (approximately 20.4 ER) and there was no vapor inlet, so only the water with growing
present in theCO 2 and CH
biomass 4 decrease.
moisture wasThis is due to the fact that the reactions of Boudouard
(6), reforming char (7) and steam–methane reforming (10) are endothermic. Thus, with
3.4.1. Molartemperature,
Compositionthe of balance
Syngas shifts to the formation of products, leading to the
consumption of more CO2 and CH4 and to the production of more CO. The reactions of
shift reactiontemperature is another important
(8) and hydrogasification parameter
(9) are exothermic, so a in the syngas
higher produc-
tion process. Hydrogen is expected to increase with the gasification temperature,
makes the reaction more difficult and the production of less CO2 , H2, and CH4 . Hydrogen reaching
the maximum,
fluctuation and
can be then gradually
caused decrease
by the combined at higher
effects temperatures.
of reactions Gasification
in the gasification zone.isThe
ally satisfactory at a temperature of 800 °C [12,27,33]. Figure 11 shows
water gas shift reaction (8) is one of the most important for the final composition of the the behavior of the
gas due toof thethe synthesis
ability gaswith
to react withCO the
H2 O andin the gasifier
to form CO2temperature
and H2 . At for
both temperatures, the CO
While water gas shift H
increases, reaction (8)aprevailed
2 rises to maximum in the
then declinesof Hwith
2 , while
at higher
ing temperatures
temperature. the action
CO2 and was impaired.
CH4 decrease. The
This is dueother twofact
to the reactions
that thefor reactions
the formation
of Bou-
of H2 reforming
douard char (7)
(6), reforming charand(7)steam–methane
and steam–methane reforming (10) are
reforming endothermic
(10) and may
are endothermic. Thus,
contribute to the increase. However, after the temperature of 800 ◦ C, the reactions may be
with increasing temperature, the balance shifts to the formation of products, leading to
the due to the of
consumption lack of reagents
more CO2 and such
CHas4 and
CH4 toand H2production
the O. Thus, theofcombined
more CO. effects
The of the
reactions 7, 8, 9, and 10 can cause a reduction in hydrogen after 800 ◦ C.
of water gas shift reaction (8) and hydrogasification (9) are exothermic, so a higher tem-
perature makes the reaction more difficult and the production of less CO2, H2, and CH4.
Hydrogen fluctuation can be caused by the combined effects of reactions in the gasifica-
of H2, while at higher temperatures the action was impaired. The other two reactions for
the formation of H2 reforming char (7) and steam–methane reforming (10) are endother-
mic and may contribute to the increase. However, after the temperature of 800 °C, the
reactions may be limited due to the lack of reagents such as CH4 and H2O. Thus, the com-
ChemEngineering 2021, 5, 20 bined effects of the reactions 7, 8, 9, and 10 can cause a reduction in hydrogen after 800 °C.
17 of 24
58 58
56 H2 56 H2
Syngas mole composition (%)
52 52
50 50
48 48
46 46
44 44
42 42
40 40
38 38
36 36
600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200
Gasifier temperature (°C) Gasifier temperature (°C)
7 CH4 7 CH4
6 6
Syngas mole composition (%)
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
0 0
600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200
Gasifier temperature (°C) Gasifier temperature (°C) Heating
Heating Value
The The heating value tends to rise with increasing temperature in the gasifier since a
heating value tends to rise with increasing temperature in the gasifier since a
surge in the composition of H2 and CO in the synthesis gas is expected [17,34]. Figure 12
surge in the composition of H2 and CO in the synthesis gas is expected [17,34]. Figure 12
shows the behavior of the heating value when the temperature is varied for both biomasses.
showsIt isthe behavior
noticeable the of
risethe heating
in the heating value
valuewhen theincrease
with the temperature is varied temperature
in the gasification for both bio-
masses. It is noticeable the rise in the heating value with the increase
(approximately 4% for hardwood and 3% for almond shell). This is due to the fact in the gasification
that a
growth in(approximately
temperature favors 4%theforformation
hardwood of Hand
2 and 3%CO for
in almond
the syngas,shell).
rising This
the is due to
the fact
value.that a growth
Even with thein temperature
stabilization andfavors the formation
slight decrease of H2after
of hydrogen andtheCO in the syngas,
temperature of
the CO value.
continuesEven with theand
to increase stabilization and slight
a higher amount of CO decrease of hydrogen
in the syngas after
causes the
energy released
the temperature by the
of 800 °C,syngas
the COtocontinues
be higher,to
thus the growth
increase and aofhigher
CO tends to augment
amount of CO inthethe
syngas causesvalue.
the energy released by the syngas to be higher, thus the growth of CO tends
to augment the heating value.
ChemEngineering 2021, 5, x FOR PEER REVIEW 18 of 24
ChemEngineering 2021,5,5,x20
FOR PEER REVIEW 1818ofof2424
15.2 LHV 15.2
15.2 LHV 15.2
13.6 13.6
13.6 13.6 HHV HHV
13.2 13.2
13.2 13.2
12.8 12.8
12.8 12.8
12.4 12.4
12.4 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 600
12.4 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200
600 700 800
Gasifier 900 1000(°C) 1100
temperature 1200 600 700 temperature
Gasifier 800 900
(°C) 1000 1100 1200
Gasifier temperature (°C) Gasifier temperature (°C)
56.25 53.98
0.6 0.6
Steam to biomass ratio
51.30 49.45
51.30 49.45
0.2 31.50 0.2 31.35
46.35 44.92
41.40 40.40
21.60 22.30
0.0 0.0
0.2 0.4 0.6 36.45 0.2 0.4 0.6 35.88
Equivalence ratio Equivalence ratio
0.2 31.50 0.2 31.35
26.55 26.83
(a) hardwood chips (b) almond shells
21.60 22.30
0.0 0.0
13. Combined
0.2 Combined 0.4 effects of
of ER
effects0.6 and SBR
ER and SBR on
on the
syngas produced
0.2produced with
0.4 with hardwood
0.6 chips
chips (a)
(a) and
and almond shells (b).
almond shells (b). ratio Equivalence ratio
ChemEngineering 2021, 5, 20 19 of 24
3.5.2. Hydrogen
The previous ER study showed that the increase in air first increases the amount of
3.5.2. Hydrogen
H2 and after values of 0.4 and 0.5 (for hardwood chips and almond shells, respectively)
The previous
that amount decreases. ER study showed
The SBR that the
analysis increase
showed inthe
that air first increases
increase the amount
of steam of
feed favors
H2 and after values of 0.4 and 0.5 (for hardwood chips and almond shells, respectively)
the composition of H2 in the syngas. Figure 14 shows how the combination of these two
that amount decreases. The SBR analysis showed that the increase of steam feed favors
parameters affects the composition of H2 for both biomasses. It is observed that the in-
the composition of H2 in the syngas. Figure 14 shows how the combination of these two
crease of ER up to 0.4 (in Figure 14a) and 0.5 (in Figure 14b) causes the composition of H2
parameters affects the composition of H2 for both biomasses. It is observed that the increase
ER updecreasing after 14a)
to 0.4 (in Figure thatand
value. The
0.5 (in upsurge
Figure in steam
14b) causes the favors the formation
composition of H2,
of H2 to grow,
decreasing compositions higher
after that value. Thethan 50%.inItsteam
upsurge is observed thatformation
favors the the best values to obtain a
of H2 , obtaining
syngas rich in H is with ER between 0.3 and 0.5 because the lack of air
compositions higher than 50%. It is observed that the best values to obtain a syngas rich
2 or the excess causes
a decline in H . The feed of steam favors the formation of H , but it
H2 is with ER between 0.3 and 0.5 because the lack of air or the excess causes a decline in
2 2 also favors the for-
mation of feed
H2 . The CO2 ofand decreases
steam favors the
the composition
formation of H of2 ,CO.
but Therefore,
it also favors it is
decreases the of composition
CO2 to choose the best
of CO. SBR input
Therefore, parameter.
it is necessary to analyze the composition
of CO2 to choose the best SBR input parameter.
47.51 48.71
0.6 0.6
Steam to biomass ratio
39.14 39.94
0.4 0.4
34.95 35.55
30.76 31.16
22.39 22.39
18.20 18.00
0.0 0.0
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.2 0.4 0.6
Equivalence ratio Equivalence ratio
quentlyCOthe molar
flow(%)as well. The feeding of steam favors the molar
composition production
CO mole composition (%)of syn- 2
creases the composition
21.18 of CO2. 0.6
Steam to biomass ratio
15.13 13.31
CO2 mole composition (%) CO2 mole composition (%)
0.4 0.4
12.10 10.6521.30
9.075 7.98818.64
0.6 0.6
0.2 0.2
Steam to biomass ratio
15.13 2.66313.31
0.4 0.4
12.10 0.00010.65
0.0 0.0
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.2 0.4 0.6
9.075 7.988
Equivalence ratio Equivalence ratio
0.2 6.050 0.2 5.325
0.0 15. 15.
Figure Combined
Combined effects of of
effects ERER
and SBR
and ononthe
SBR composition
the compositionof
ofCO in
in the
CO220.0 the syngas produced with
syngas produced withhardwood
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.2 0.4 0.6
almond shells
almond (b).(b).
Equivalence ratio Equivalence ratio
It isMolar and Massthat
also observed Flow ofincrease
the Syngas of both ER and SBR rises the mass flow of syngas.
(a) hardwood chips
As observed in the molar
The previous ER study showed flows, afterthat
ER thevalues (b)
of 0.4
increase ofalmond
and shells thechips
0.5 increases
air first (hardwood molarand flowal-
Figure 15. Combined effects of ER
of shells,
and SBRandrespectively)
on theafter there
0.4 andis
composition a (for
of decrease
in theinsyngas
CO2hardwood thechips
molar andflow
produced caused
with by respectively)
hardwood the chips
decline (a) of
and almond shells (b). H2the
andflowthe decreases.
increase inRegarding
SBR favors thethe
flow, there of is aHrise
2, but also increases
in value, regardless theofcomposi-
the ER.
tion ofanalysis
CO2. Thus, of thealthough
SBR effectthe showed
ER and thatSBRthe increase
increase inthesteam
flow the molar and
of syngas, thismassflow
may not Figure
It ishave
also the 16 shows how
best compositions
observed the combination
of H2 of
that the increase and of
both these two
and SBRin parameters
rises interferes
to the
the mass in
flow the
of syngas.
of syngas, and
observed mass
it is in production
the of
molar flows,to syngas
work for
after ERboth
ER biomasses.
values It is 0.5
of between
0.4 and observed that
0.3 (hardwood
and 0.5 andthechips
low SBR.
and al-
of ER up to 0.4 for hardwood chips and 0.5 for almond shells, causes the molar flow to
mond shells, respectively) there is a decrease in the molar flow caused by the decline of
increase, decreasing after that value. The upsurge in steam favors the molar production
H2 and the increase in SBR favors the composition of H2, but also increases the composi-
of syngas. Note that the best values for higher molar flow occur between
Molar flow (kmol/h)
0.3 and 0.5
dueoftoCO the2. fact
Thus, that although the ER and SBR increase the mass flowMolar
0.4430the lack of air or the excess causes the amount of H2 to decline
of flow (kmol/h)
may not have the
consequently the0.4193 best compositions of H 2 and CO. Therefore, in relation to the production
molar flow as well. The feeding of steam favors the molar production 0.4403
0.6 ofofsyngas,
is recommended the growth to work 0.6 with ER values between 0.3 and 0.5 and low SBR.
in SBR, in addition to increasing the composition of H2 ,
Steam to biomass ratioSteam to biomass ratio
0.3956 0.4135
increases the composition of CO2 .
0.3719 0.3868
0.4 0.4
Molar flow (kmol/h)
Molar flow0.3600
0.4430 0.4670
0.3246 0.3333
0.4193 0.4403
0.6 0.6
0.2 0.3009 0.2 0.3065
Steam to biomass ratio
0.3956 0.4135
0.2772 0.2798
0.3719 0.3868
0.3483 0.3600
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.2 0.4 0.6
Equivalence ratio 0.3246
Equivalence ratio 0.3333
0.2772 0.2798
0.2535 0.2530
0.0 0.0
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.2 0.4 0.6
Equivalence ratio Equivalence ratio
7.813 7.900
0.6 0.6
7.455 7.530
7.098 7.160
0.4 0.4
6.740 6.790
6.383 6.420
0.2 6.025
0.2 6.050
5.668 5.680
5.310 5.310
0.0 0.0
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.2 0.4 0.6
It is also observed
3.5.5. Temperature thatGasifier
of the the increase of both ER and SBR rises the mass flow of syngas.
As observed in the molar flows, after ER values of 0.4 and 0.5 (hardwood chips and almond
The analysis of the SBR influence showed that the growth in steam decreases the
shells, respectively) there is a decrease in the molar flow caused by the decline of H2 and
temperature ofSBR
the increase in gasification.
favors theThe previousofER
composition H2study showed
, but also thatthe
increases thecomposition
increase in of
lowers the gasification
Thus, although temperature
the ER and andthe
SBR increase that
flow0.4of(for hardwood
syngas, chips)
this flow andhave
may not 0.45 (for
the bestshells) the temperature
compositions starts
of H2 and CO. to
Therefore, Figure
relation17toshows the combined
the production influence
of syngas, it is of
these two parameters in the reaction temperature for both
recommended to work with ER values between 0.3 and 0.5 and low SBR. biomasses. The decreasing tem-
perature with increasing steam was evident with any value of ER. However, it should be
3.5.5. that
noted Temperature of the Gasifier
the behavior of decreasing the temperature and then rising when the ER is
The analysis of
increased does not happen inthe SBR influence
all steam showed
input that the growth
values. It can be in steam decreases
observed that fromthe the
temperature of gasification. The previous ER study showed that the
steam to biomass ratio of 0.1, the gasification temperature does not decrease and thenincrease in air initially
lowers the
increases gasification
with temperature
the variation andintake.
of the air that after 0.4 (for
A rise hardwood
in the temperaturechips) only
and 0.45 (for with
almond shells) the temperature starts to rise. Figure 17 shows the combined influence
the surge of ER. This can be explained by the fact that the steam input ends up favoring
of these two parameters in the reaction temperature for both biomasses. The decreasing
more than the others the formation reactions of H2 water gas shift reaction (8) and steam–
temperature with increasing steam was evident with any value of ER. However, it should
be notedreforming (10). And
that the behavior as steam–methane
of decreasing reforming
the temperature is endothermic
and then rising whenwith the ERan en-
thalpy five times greater than the water gas shift reaction, the tendency
is increased does not happen in all steam input values. It can be observed that from the is for the gasifica-
tion temperature
steam to biomasstoratio
reduce. However,
of 0.1, as of the
the gasification input of 0.1
temperature SBR,
does notonly the water
decrease gas shift
and then
favored because of
the variation thetheCH that was
air4 intake. available
A rise was consumed.
in the temperature only Therefore,
occurs withthere
the be a greater
surge release
of ER. This canofbeenergy thanbyconsumption.
explained the fact that theThus,
to steam to biomass
up favoring
ratio, than the others the
temperature formation
tends to onlyreactions
rise with of the
H2 water gas of
increase shift
ER.reaction (8) and steam–
methane reforming (10). And as steam–methane reforming is endothermic with an enthalpy
five times greater
Gasifier than
temperature (°C) the water gas shift reaction, the tendency is for thetemperature
Gasifier gasification
temperature to reduce.1188
However, as of the input of 0.1 SBR, only the water gas shift1344
0.6 is favored because 1118 the CH
4 that was available
0.6 was consumed. Therefore, there 1255 will be a
greater release of1048 energy than consumption. Thus, from 0.1 to steam to biomass ratio, the
Steam to biomass ratio
Steam to biomass ratio
0.4 0.4
908.0 986.0
838.0 896.5
0.2 768.0
0.2 807.0
698.0 717.5
628.0 628.0
0.0 0.0
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.2 0.4 0.6
Equivalence ratio Equivalence ratio
1118 1255
0.6 0.6
1048 1165
978.0 1076
0.4 0.4
908.0 986.0
838.0 896.5
0.2 768.0
0.2 807.0
698.0 717.5
628.0 628.0
0.0 0.0
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.2 0.4 0.6
Equivalence ratio Equivalence ratio
Thus, with the analysis of the influence of the variation of ER and SBR in the com-
position of syngas for CO, H2 , CO2, and CH4 , it can be inferred that a combination of ER
between 0.3 and 0.5 and SBR up to 0.2 is the range in which the best CO and H2 composi-
tions are obtained, with small amounts of CO2 and CH4 . These compositions are obtained
at temperatures between 850 and 950 ◦ C.
4. Conclusions
In this work, a downdraft gasifier was modeled and simulated for two residual
biomasses (forest and agricultural) in order to predict the composition of the syngas
produced. The reactors simulated gasification by minimizing the free energy of Gibbs.
The main operating parameters were the equivalence ratio, steam to biomass ratio, and
gasification temperature. In the simulations, a sensitivity analysis was carried out, where
the effects of these parameters on the composition of syngas, flow of syngas, and heating
values were studied.
The model is able to predict the gasifier’s performance and is qualified to analyze the
behavior of the independent parameters in the gasification results. The following are the
main results achieved with the simulation:
• The mass flow of syngas is favored by the increase of ER and SBR;
• The molar flow upsurges with higher SBR, however, it reaches a maximum value with
rising ER;
• The heating value of the syngas declines with increasing ER and SBR, but increases
with the growth of gasification temperature;
• The composition of H2 and CO2 improves with SBR increase, while CO declines
• An SBR value up to 0.2 is an acceptable value to promote the production of H2 without
so much formation of CO2 in the syngas;
• The equivalence ratio is a key parameter in the process as it favors the production
of H2 . A low amount causes the absence of gasification and a high amount causes
formation of CO2 , decrease of CO, and the presence of N2 in the synthesis gas;
• An ER value between 0.3 and 0.5 is within the favorable range to maximize the amount
of CO and H2 in the process;
• The favorable temperature of the gasifier must be between 850 and 950 ◦ C, controlling
the feeds of air and steam to obtain these values.
Additionally, it is concluded that in the specific conditions where the gasification
temperature is specified and changed for a fixed air intake, the content of CO tends to rise
ChemEngineering 2021, 5, 20 23 of 24
with increasing temperature, but the content of H2 reaches a maximum for an optimal
temperature value, while CO2 and CH4 tend to decrease continuously.
In summary, with a temperature between 850 and 950 ◦ C, SBR values up to 0.2 and
ER values between 0.3 and 0.5, the best operating conditions are obtained to maximize the
composition of the syngas rich in CO and H2 .
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, M.P., P.B., H.T.G. and A.V.; methodology, M.P., P.B. and
H.T.G.; validation, M.P., P.B. and H.T.G.; formal analysis, M.P., P.B., H.T.G. and A.V.; investigation,
M.P., P.B., H.T.G. and A.V.; resources, P.B., H.T.G.; writing—original draft preparation, M.P.; writing—
review and editing, P.B., H.T.G. and A.V.; supervision, P.B., H.T.G. and A.V. All authors have read
and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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