Review Article: Predicting The Quality of Pasteurized Vegetables Using Kinetic Models: A Review
Review Article: Predicting The Quality of Pasteurized Vegetables Using Kinetic Models: A Review
Review Article: Predicting The Quality of Pasteurized Vegetables Using Kinetic Models: A Review
Review Article
Predicting the Quality of Pasteurized Vegetables Using
Kinetic Models: A Review
Copyright © 2013 Muhammad Aamir et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly
A resurgence in interest examining thermal pasteurization technologies has been driven by demands for “cleaner” labeling and
the need of organic and natural foods markets for suitable preventive measures to impede microbial growth and extend shelf
life of minimally processed foods and ready-to-eat foods with a concomitant reduction in the use of chemical preservatives. This
review describes the effects of thermal pasteurization on vegetable quality attributes including altering flavor and texture to improve
consumer acceptability, stabilizing color, improving digestibility, palatability and retaining bioavailability of important nutrients,
and bioactive compounds. Here, we provide kinetic parameters for inactivation of viral and bacterial pathogens and their surrogates
and marker enzymes used to monitor process effectiveness in a variety of plant food items. Data on thermal processing protocols
leading to higher retention and bioactivity are also presented. Thermal inactivation of foodborne viruses and pathogenic bacteria,
specifically at lower pasteurization temperatures or via new technologies such as dielectric heating, can lead to greater retention of
“fresh-like” properties.
pH greater than 4.6 and water activity that is higher than 0.92. food processing operations [7]. Thermophysical properties
Thermotolerant spoilage microbes as well as bacterial spores such as specific heat, enthalpy, thermal conductivity, thermal
survive pasteurization and can grow and cause deterioration diffusivity, and heat penetration are dependent upon the
of pasteurized products even when they are refrigerated, chemical composition and structure of a food product and
resulting in a shelf life for these foods of about one month or can vary with temperature.
less depending on the composition. This is substantially less Pasteurization and sterilization are designed specifically
than the shelf life of commercially sterile foods which is one to inactivate or destroy enzymes and microorganisms in
to three years. The optimal thermal process for pasteurization foods. Cooking is a thermal process that is conducted by
depends upon the nature of the food product, pH, microbial either the manufacturer or consumer to yield a food item
load, and resistance of target microorganisms; generally a with particular quality attributes while also contributing
number of combinations of time-temperature relationships to improved safety. Dehydration may also help to improve
can be equally effective for microbial control. Selection of the safety of the food product since a thermal treatment
the optimal process is usually dependent upon which will is usually involved, but microbial control in a dehydrated
provide the best sensory properties and overall quality for the food is through the removal of water, reducing the amount
pasteurized food. available for microbial growth. Recent research on nonther-
Determining what an adequate thermal process is has mal processing methods including high pressure processing
been transformed from an art to a science. Quantitative and pulse electric treatments alone or in combination with
predictions of the impact of a particular thermal process thermal processing show promise for juices and purees
in terms of safety and quality have become more common. and whole tissue to a lesser extent. Combined thermal and
Kinetic models can be developed to predict important param- nonthermal treatments can have a less detrimental impact
eters for process and equipment design, process optimization, on the sensory and nutritional properties of foods enhancing
monitoring, process verification, and control. These are then consumer acceptability [8, 9] either through greater sensory
experimentally validated. Safety and quality are the two most quality or an increase in perceived product safety than a
important parameters of a food product and a summation nonthermal treatment alone. High pressure often causes
of the effect of these combined reactions for a particular textural changes and may not be effective in deactivating
food product from production to the consumption. One important spoilage microbes. Pulsed electric field treatments
model that summarizes these various characteristics is the tend not to be effective for microbial control in solid or
“preservation reactor” presented in (Figure 1) [4]. nonhomogeneous foods. Regardless, more research is needed
This preservation reactor model applies to the entire in the area of combined treatments employing nonthermal
product cycle, preparation, packaging, processing, distri- methods particularly on microbial resuscitation following
bution, and storage [4] and is appropriate for modeling processing and inactivation of bacteria or pressure-stable
thermal processes and the interrelationship of the extrinsic enzymes in vegetable foods. Pasteurization can provide one
and intrinsic factors these processes have on the quality and of the hurdles for microbial control but is not enough by itself
safety of a pasteurized food. The time-temperature combina- to maintain the safety and quality of pasteurized vegetables.
tion associated with a particular pasteurization process will Often, additional hurdles are used to control microbes such
control to a major extent the chemical, biochemical, and as reduction of water activity, change in pH, change in redox
microbiological changes that will occur in a food product potential by incorporation of certain food additives, and use
[4] and how alteration in the time-temperature relationship of preservatives [10].
can influence both the desirable and undesirable reactions
occurring during pasteurization, for example, undesirable
browning that would occur at higher but not at lower pas- 2. Requirements for Vegetable
teurization temperatures; also loss of heat labile nutrients in Pasteurization Processes
a longer compared to a shorter process. Among the extrinsic
factors, temperature is usually considered to be the most vital Maintaining fresh-like quality is an important feature in veg-
factor to ensure safety and quality during the production and etable processing. Quality is a human construct comprising
subsequent storage [5], but this notion should be replaced many food characteristics encompassing sensory properties
with an assessment of total heat associated with a thermal (appearance, texture, taste, and aroma), nutritive values, pres-
process. ence or absence of specific chemical constituents, functional
Thermal processes involve different unit operations so properties, and defects [8, 9]. The major concern consumers
that the desired eating quality, safety, and shelf life for a par- have with thermal processing of vegetables is retention of
ticular food is obtained, for example, dehydration, blanching, maximal sensory and nutritional quality. Changes in sensory
pasteurization, sterilization, and cooking [6]; for this review, and nutritional quality can occur at either a faster or slower
pasteurization is the primary focus, although data will also rate than microbial inactivation [11, 12]. Unfortunately, even
be provided for commercial sterilization processes for com- a mild thermal process tends to cause a significant loss of
pleteness an comparative purposes. Regardless of the process color and changes to texture, flavor, and potentially nutritive
employed, understanding the intrinsic physical and thermal value. Because the basic objective of a thermal process is to
properties of the food is necessary, at least empirically, to provide a safe high quality food with respect to microbial load
design, optimize, and control a food production process and presence of pathogenic microorganisms and inactivation
over the range of 50–150∘ C, the most range important for of deleterious enzymes, these factors need to be balanced
International Journal of Food Science 3
Final quality
- Hidden quality
Preservation (safety, nutrition, spoilage)
Initial quality reactor
of food - Purchase quality
(color, appearance, firmness,
Extrinsic processing factors - Consumption quality
- Temperature (mouth feel, flavor)
- High pressure
- Residence time
- Residence time distribution
- Irradiation
- Packaging material
- Postprocess handling
Figure 1: The preservation reactor: intrinsic and extrinsic factors that can influence the rate of deterioration of the quality of the product
(adapted from [4]).
against the maintenance of nutritional quality including limits the diversity of available pasteurization processes for
retention of bioactive components such as antioxidants. vegetables, juices, and purees [15–17], since a more severe
To optimize the time-temperature combination for ther- heat treatment would be required to reduce the survival of
mal processing, many factors need to be considered, such as and risk of subsequent growth of Listeria monocytogenes than
the type of the food, type of microorganism and microbial for lower pH fruits and fruit juices. Vegetable purees have
load, chemical composition of food material, nutrient value, a higher buffering capacity than juice, and this also tends
and reaction kinetics for microbial death. The morphological to increase the severity of the thermal process. However, to
and chemical composition of vegetables is different from maintain quality, attempts are made to use as mild a thermal
fruits, requiring different thermal processing conditions. process as possible to maintain sensory quality and color.
Clearly, vegetables vary greatly in their biological functions Despite the need for improved thermal processes as an option
[13, 14]. available for vegetable processing, there has been relatively
Vegetables represent intact structural plant tissues, for little systematic research conducted on pasteurization of
example, celery, bamboo, and spinach, reproductive tissue vegetable products generally, and the information that is
such as peas and corn, and nutrient storage tissues repre- available has emphasized higher temperature processes such
sented by carrots, beets, and potatoes. Fruits for the most part as blanching and quick cook treatments.
are seed containing reproductive tissues of plants. Furthermore, vegetables tend to contain both a greater
It is well understood that the main purpose of thermal variety and a higher concentration of heat resistant soil
processing is to inactivate pathogenic microorganisms and microorganisms than fruits. Therefore, vegetables products
endogenous enzymes that make the food unfit for human almost always require a more severe heat treatment to micro-
consumption, but another important consideration is with bial spores. Strategies to reduce the level of soil microbes
the retention of nutrients, specifically vitamins as well as on vegetables through cultivation techniques such as plas-
less studied nutritive component that may have antioxidative tic mulching which limits the airborne dispersion of soil
properties, anticarcinogenic or antiadiposity factors, and microbes onto the edible portion of the plant or staking which
natural antimicrobial activity. Little work has been done in limits direct contact of the plant with the soil may reduce
this area with the exception of studies on heat labile vitamins microbial contamination [18].
and some antioxidants. Certain heat sensitive nutrients such Maintaining plant tissue in an intact form is important for
as ascorbic acid and thiamine are reduced [10] during thermal its chemical and biochemical stability as a food product. The
processing, and these two compounds are commonly used presence of membrane-bound organelles within plant cells
to monitor quality changes: vitamin C for pasteurization compartmentalizes cellular functions [14]. When membranes
and some drying operations, and thiamine for higher heat are mechanically damaged, deleterious biochemical reactions
processes including canning. Thermal effects on color and can occur. As cell membranes begin to deteriorate after the
texture are commonly accepted and for some foods such as plant is harvested, membranes becomes more permeable [19,
canned mushrooms and tomato juice are desirable despite the 20] allowing for diffusion of cellular components and leading
impact these might have on nutrients. to quality loss resulting from biochemical reactions. Both of
Vegetables are generally low acid foods (pH > 6.0) with these phenomena will occur during thermal processing to
the notable exception of tomatoes (Table 1). The higher pH some extent, and a knowledge of how cell structure could
4 International Journal of Food Science
Table 1: pH values of selected vegetables. during thermal processing and storage. These models provide
useful data engineering design and process optimization.
Vegetable pH Models developed for microbial inactivation for different
Rhubarb 3.1–3.4 time-temperature combinations (TTCs) (discussed in greater
Tomatoes 3.9–4.5 detail in a later section) can be correlated with models that
Eggplant 4.7–5.7 predict changes in food product quality [4, 13] following
Cauliflower 4.9–5.5 processing and during subsequent storage. However, the
Potatoes 5.0–6.0 kinetic parameters predicted from mathematical models such
Cabbage 5.2–6.3 as reaction order, rate constants, and activation energy should
Broccoli 5.2–6.5 be experimentally validated before they are used to reliably
Artichoke 5.38–6.89
predict microbial lethality for a commercial food process.
Various models can predict thermally induced loss of
Asparagus 5.5–5.8
nutrients, enzyme inactivation, and changes to color, flavor,
Celery 5.5–6.0 and texture. This rate of conversion depends upon many
Pumpkin 5.5–7.5 factors, such as temperature, moisture, acidity, reactant con-
Cucumber 5.6 centration, packaging, and packaging properties [4]. The
Endive 5.8 reaction rate equation for 𝑛th-order reaction is given by
Bean 6.0
Parsnip 6.0 = −𝑘𝐶𝑛 , (1)
Zucchini 6.0
Coriander leaf 6.0–6.25 where 𝐶 is the concentration of reactant at any time 𝑡, 𝑘 is the
Lettuce 6.0–6.4 reaction rate constant, with unit (concentration)1−𝑛 /(time),
Beets 6.0–6.5 and 𝑛 is the order of the reaction. The negative sign represents
a decrease in concentration with time [4].
Turnip 6.0–6.5
In terms of concentration, (1) is generally expressed as
Jalapeno pepper 6.0–6.6
Onion 6.0–6.7
Spinach 6.0–7.0 𝐶1−𝑛 − 𝐶0 1−𝑛 = (𝑛 − 1) 𝑘𝑡, 𝑛 > 1, (2)
Radish 6.0–7.0 where 𝐶0 is the concentration of reactant at zero time.
Peas 6.0–7.0 The reaction rate is actually represented by zero-, first-,
Carrot 6.3 and second-order reaction kinetics which are
Okra 6.5
Zero order: 𝐶 − 𝐶0 = −𝑘𝑡, (3)
Brussels sprout 6.5
Leek 6.5–7.0 𝐶
First order: ln ( ) = −𝑘𝑡, (4)
Data from [4, 18, 42, 82, 83, 180, 181]. 𝐶0
1 1
Second order: − = 𝑘𝑡, (5)
change during processing is important if we are to attempt 𝐶 𝐶0
to lessen the impact of processing on both the structural
where 𝐶 is the concentration of a nutritive component, viable
integrity of a plant based food as well as maintain sensory
microorganisms, or component associated with a specific
quality that is lost due to changes in flavor and color that
quality factor at time 𝑡, 𝐶0 is the initial concentration, and 𝑘 is
result from membrane damage. Quantification of the degree
reaction rate constant (1/min). Sometimes fractional reaction
of cellular disruption will allow for a comparison to be made
orders have been observed for changes in quality parameters
between different processes and also for process optimization
in foods. Care must be taken when conducting experiments
[21, 22].
to determine or validate the reaction order since the resultant
models need to be correct if these are to be used to develop
3. Thermal Inactivation Kinetics Associated accurate thermal processes [4, 23].
with Quality Changes An important factor in the development of models for
thermal processing of foods is to understand the temperature
To model quality and safety changes occurring in foods dur- dependence of the reaction in question. The rate constant (𝑘)
ing thermal processing, predictive models are often employed is temperature dependent and is described by the Arrhenius
and can be of different reaction orders (zero-order, first- equation shown here:
order, and second-order) or follow a Weibullian power law
model [3]. Degradation kinetics of components tied to food ln 𝑘 = ln 𝐴 − , (6)
quality attributes can be explained by such mathematical 𝑅𝑇
models [13] and have been shown to be effective tools for where 𝐴 is a preexponential factor (1/sec), 𝐸𝑎 is activation
calculating the rate of chemical and biochemical reactions energy (kJ/mol), 𝑇 is the temperature (K) and 𝑅 is the
occurring either in homogenous liquid or semisolid foods universal gas constant (8.314 J/(mol.k)).
International Journal of Food Science 5
Temperature Activation
Reaction type Vegetable type Order of reaction Reference
range (∘ C) energy (KJ/mol)
Thermal inactivation of
peroxidase and Broccoli (floret) Biphasic 1st 70–95 58 [182]
Thermal inactivation of
peroxidase and Green asparagus Biphasic 1st 70–95 43–53 [182]
Thermal inactivation of
peroxidase and Carrot Biphasic 1st 70–95 83–86 [182]
Overall sensory
Vegetable puree 1st 110–134 125–167 [183]
1st order with two
Ascorbic acid degradation Mushroom degradation 110–140 46.36–49.57 [184]
Green color degradation Coriander leaves 1st 50–110 21.1–29.3 [82, 83]
Color parameter A Spinach Zero-order 65–85 117.7 [57]
B Spinach Zero-order 65–85 13.2 [57]
Δ𝐸 Spinach Zero-order 65–85 199.1 [57]
Betanin Beet 1st 61.5–100 76.2 [160]
Vulgaxanthin Beet 1st 61.5–100 83.4 [160]
Chlorophyll degradation Broccoli juice 1st 80–120 69 [58, 77]
Chlorophylls Spinach 1st 94–132.2 79.5 [58, 77]
Chlorophylls a and b Asparagus 1st 70–89 54.6 [91]
Chlorophylls a and b Green beans 1st 80–148 72 [95]
Chlorophylls Peas 1st 80–148 76 [95]
Chlorophylls Peas 1st 90–122 102.4 [2]
Chlorophylls Pea puree 1st 94–132.2 92 [2]
Chlorophyll a Spinach 1st 127–148 66.9 [2]
Chlorophyll a Spinach 1st 116–126 114.2 [59]
Chlorophyll b Spinach 1st 127–148 34.8 [59]
Chlorophyll b Spinach 1st 116–126 103.4 [59]
Texture analysis Dry peas 1st 70–100 146.69 [185]
Texture degradation Beans 1st 90–120 97.0 [4]
Texture softening Asparagus (green) 1st 70–98 100.8 [91]
Texture softening Asparagus (green) 1st 115 56.4 [32]
Texture softening Beetroot 1st 104.4–121.1 65.3 [92]
Texture softening Beans (black) 1st 98–127 148.6 [92]
Texture softening Beans (brown) 1st 98–127 156.9 [92]
Texture softening Brussels sprouts 1st 100–150 125.7 [2]
Texture softening Carrot 1st 104.4–121.1 63.6 [92]
Texture softening Dry white beans 1st 104.4–121.1 104.2 [92]
Texture softening Peas 1st 90–122 94.6 [4]
Activation energy is the minimum amount of energy and from 104 to 1011 sec−1 for bimolecular reactions. As
required to initiate a reaction and is commonly calculated examples of the importance of these parameters in models
from a regression equation of ln(𝑘), versus the recipro- for food quality, kinetic parameters associated with qual-
cal of absolute temperature (1/𝑇). The magnitude of 𝐴 ity attributes for a number of vegetables are presented in
varies from 1014 to 1020 sec−1 for unimolecular reactions Table 2.
6 International Journal of Food Science
4. Factors Affecting Heat Transfer during validate the effectiveness of conductive heating processes
Vegetable Pasteurization are recommended but how these experiments are conducted
will determine the applicability of the results obtained for
Thermal processing involves the transfer of heat from the the related food items. Selection of an appropriate kinetic
surface to the interior of the food. Heat transfer in foods is model for textural changes can depend upon whether the
typically by conduction, convection, or radiant heat. Solid heating is conducted under steady-state (isothermal heating)
foods are heated from the external surface to the interior or non-steady-state (nonisothermal heating) conditions [32].
by conduction. Because mixing is possible for liquids, both For short thermal processes this distinction is important. As
conduction and convection may be involved [24]. If a an example, for longer heating times, the force required to
phase change occurs during thermal process, for example, fracture asparagus was similar under steady-state and non-
conversion of water to steam, the heat associated with the steady-state heating methods. However, a non-steady-state
phase change should also be factored in when calculating a method at a shorter heating time for asparagus resulted
thermal process. Penetration of heat into the center of the texture degradation when compared to steady-state method.
food product and determination of the “cold spot” for food Similar results have been found for other intact vegetables
products heated in containers is controlled in part by the with a cylindrical geometry, for example, whole cucumbers,
resistance to heat transfer within the product which is a whole carrots, and corn-on-the-cob [33]. High-temperature
function of the thermal conductive properties intrinsic to the short-time (HTST) processes are widely employed [25, 26];
food and the size and geometry of the food material. non-steady-state processes and the steep thermal gradients
For foods heated in containers, the heat transfer at the and rapid heat transfer rate provide an advantage for heating
boundary of the container and the heating medium and then many solid and viscous foods [34] but not necessarily intact
between the container and the food [25] must also be taken plant tissue.
into consideration, although in most cases the contribution
of these two factors to the overall heating of the food is
relatively small. Heat transfer through the container wall is by
5. Microbial Thermal Inactivation
conduction. For metallic container of normal thickness and Thermal death rate kinetics of microorganisms must be
thermal conductivity, there is no appreciable resistant to heat studied to optimize time-temperature combinations of a
transfer. Heat transfer from the container wall into the food thermal process to obtain the desired lethality. Most research
depends upon the viscosity and thermal conductivity of the support the proposition that inactivation or degradation
liquid component that is in contact with both the container of microorganisms follows first-order reaction kinetics (4),
wall and the solid food. The liquid at this interface is heated by represented as follows:
both conduction and to a lesser extent by convective heating.
For heterogeneous foods, heating is by a combination 𝑁
of conduction and convection and making their heating ln( ) = −𝑘 ⋅ 𝑡, (7)
behavior difficult to model. For vegetables, the brine or
liquid fraction is heated primarily by convection and the where 𝑁0 represent number of viable microorganisms at time
particulate matter by conduction [26–28]. One example of zero and 𝑁 at time 𝑡 and 𝑘 is the reaction rate constant.
how conduction and convective heating could play a role in By the use of equation (6) for the thermal inactivation
heating processes of the one vegetable in different product kinetics of microorganisms at reference temperature 𝑇ref and
forms is described for mushrooms showing how packing reference reaction rate constant 𝑘ref , as in the following:
density, shape, and particle orientation can affect heating.
A conductive heating model would apply to slices that are 𝐸𝑎 1 1
ln 𝑘 = ln 𝑘ref − [( )( − )] . (8)
densely packed. A combination of conduction and convec- 𝑅 𝑇 𝑇ref
tion would apply to a container of smaller fragments or dices
that are not tightly packed. Whole mushrooms would heat The activation energy (𝐸𝑎 ) for bacterial spores has been
primarily by conduction. Models for heterogeneous foods reported in a range of 217–513 kJ/mol [35, 36]. This high
such as this require that the thermal conductivity of both the magnitude of activation energy has been explained in various
brine and the vegetable be known. A temperature distribution ways by many researchers, and a modified form of the
within the brine and within large food particles should also Arrhenius model has been proposed to describe nonlinear
be determined so that an appropriate model for the thermal forms of microbial inactivation curves.
process can be developed. Regardless of the type of food to be
processed, knowing the heat transfer coefficients is important 6. Microbial Inactivation
for kinetic models and when models are being developed to
predict product temperature distribution during processing 6.1. Temperature Sensitivity of Microbial Inactivation. The
[29–31]. temperature sensitivity of 𝐷-values is measured as a 𝑍-
A number of models for heat transfer in foods have value which represents the influence of temperature on
been developed that are applicable to conductive heating of 𝐷-values. 𝑍-value is a thermal resistant constant and can
vegetable foods. Many of these models emphasize changes in be defined as the increase in temperature causing 90%
an important quality parameter such as texture as subjective reduction in 𝐷-value. All microorganisms have different
criteria for assessing the thermal process. Experiments to 𝑍-values, and this value can be affected by a number of
International Journal of Food Science 7
environmental factors for the same species such as pH, water interactions and physical processes such as gelatinization
activity, product form and dimensions, type and level of that alters heat transfer properties occur during thermal
nutrients, buffering capacity, level of salt, and presence of processing. Commonly, a simpler model system tested under
inhibitory compounds. Therefore, for each food, a series ideal conditions is used as a first approximation for mathe-
of time-temperature combinations (TTC) that are specific matical modeling. A nutrient as a component in a complex
for the product are determined, and from this the process food exhibits a different rate of degradation, potentially by
requirements can be predicted and compared. 𝐷- and 𝑍- a different mechanism, than the same nutrient in a pure
values for a number of different food products are shown in state as a single component in a simple matrix such as water
Table 3. or buffer. For work on thermal degradation kinetics of heat
labile components in vegetables, most researchers have used
first-order models [39–41]. A summary of research in this
7. Pasteurized Vegetables: Degradation area specifically for chlorophyll in vegetables is presented
Kinetics for Quality Parameters in Table 5 at different pH and temperature. In general, 𝐸𝑎
drops with increasing pH. Quality parameters such as texture
The acceptability of a food products depends upon a variety of changes in legumes can be predicted using kinetic models,
quality parameters. The sensory attributes (appearance, color, Table 6. For other vegetables such as asparagus, difference in
texture, etc.) are the first criteria for acceptance or rejection 𝐸𝑎 as affected by the concentration of cellulosic structural
of foods [37]. Thermal processing at both pasteurization component, higher in the stem compared to the bud, was
temperatures and at the higher temperatures required for reflected in 𝑘 and 𝐸𝑎 values.
commercial sterility have significant effects on quality param-
eters particularly for sensory attributes, but the available
information on the kinetic data on sensory attributes and 8. An Overview of Thermal Processes in
other properties is limited, and a compilation of the available Vegetable Processing
information is presented here in Table 4.
8.1. Pasteurization. Pasteurization is a relatively mild heat
The kinetic parameters for degradation of a food com-
treatment having the objective of inactivating pathogenic
ponent can be calculated using one of two procedures, a
vegetative microorganisms of public health significance as
steady-state procedure and a non-steady-state procedure. In
previously mentioned. A mild heat treatment (70–100∘ C)
a steady-state procedure, the thermal lag (heating period
inactivates vegetative cells and many enzymes while pre-
or come up time and postprocess cooling period) times
serving the nutritional quality of heated vegetables. A plate-
are considered to be insignificant compared to the overall
type heat exchanger (PHE) is commonly used to pasteurize
processing time, and the process is considered to occur at
low viscosity fluids (<5 Pa⋅sec) such as juices or milk. The
constant temperature. In a non-steady-state procedure, the
cold fluid is pumped to the regeneration section of PHE
reaction is considered to occur at a variable temperature
followed by heating at a desired temperature (e.g., 72 to
based upon the concentration of the degraded component
75∘ C), holding for a predefined residence time (15 to 30 sec),
and secondly the temperature profile of the sample during
and finally cooling to a refrigeration temperature. Viscous
the heating period up to the targeted process temperature
products can be pasteurized using a scraped-surface heat
along with the cooling stage is determined. Each method has
exchanger in which case the inside surface of the heat
its pros and cons, but for pasteurization, a non-steady-state
exchanger is in contact with the product. The surface is
is more appropriate because it takes into account the fact
continuously scraped by molded plastic to prevent fouling.
that the sample maybe subjected to various time-temperature
The scope of pasteurization for vegetables products is limited
heating profiles and that the amount of heat exposure and
for shelf stable foods because vegetables tend to have higher
rate of exposure would be different throughout the heating
pH [42] requiring a thermal process sufficient to inactivate
process. Kinetic factors are determined experimentally and
Clostridium botulinum spores in addition to vegetative cells
with the level of a targeted thermally labile component used
of pathogenic bacteria.
to monitor the heating process at different time points; from
Pasteurization is commonly conducted using a hot liquid
this, an average retention of components can be obtained.
medias, such as water or steam. Vegetables are packed in bags
Degradation of the component during a thermal lag is
or other suitable containers and then heated in boiling water,
incorporated into process models.
this tends to limit the loss of flavor and soluble nutrients
Adams and Robertson [38] compared experimental
into the cooking water. Using steam can speed the process
results for the thermal inactivation of horseradish peroxidase
due to the contribution of latent heat from condensing steam
with the predictions of the 𝐷- and 𝑍-values and 𝑘- and 𝐸-
that aids product heating [43]. Foods treated with moist
values in reaction rate models. They found little difference
heat (steam or hot water immersion) reduce populations of
between a predictive model for enzyme inactivation com-
surface organisms that may be responsible for spoilage or
pared with that of microbial inactivation over a pasteuriza-
cause illness and can also lead to enhanced refrigerated shelf
tion temperature ranges, indicating that microbial survival
could be predicted from a measure of residual enzyme
Model thermal inactivation parameters in real foods are 8.2. Dielectric Pasteurization. Microwave energy for heating
very difficult to process due to the complex nature of nutrient food product was patented in 1945 and the first commercial
8 International Journal of Food Science
Table 3: Continued.
Temperature 𝑍-value
Type of microorganism Medium/substrate 𝐷-value (Min) Reference
(∘ C) (∘ C)
Listeria monocytogenes 60 Salmon 3.55 — [199]
Listeria monocytogenes 65 Tilapia meat 1.13 — [200]
Listeria monocytogenes 60 Orange juice 0.43 — [117]
Listeria monocytogenes 61.1 Egg yolk 2.3 6.35 [201]
Escherichia coli
Escherichia coli 51.66 Raw cream 34.4 — [202, 203]
Escherichia coli 51.66 Raw milk 28.2 — [202, 203]
Escherichia coli 51.66 Ice cream mix 39.3 — [202, 203]
Escherichia coli 51.66 Chocolate milk 32.2 — [202, 203]
Escherichia coli 51.7 Chocolate milk 34.4 10.2 [202, 203]
Escherichia coli 51.7 Cream 32.2 10 [202, 203]
Escherichia coli 51.7 Ice cream milk 39.3 10.3 [202, 203]
Escherichia coli 51.7 Milk 28.2 10.2 [202, 203]
Escherichia coli 51.7 Ground beef 115.5 (30.5% fat) — [194]
Escherichia coli 51.7 Skim milk concentrated 49.3 4.9 [204]
Escherichia coli 52.4 Skim milk concentrated 33.3 4.6 [204]
Escherichia coli 53 Skim milk concentrated 29.2 6.3 [204]
Escherichia coli 54 Egg white 1.82 3.98 [205]
Escherichia coli 54 Whole egg 9.1 3.95 [205]
Escherichia coli 54.44 Raw cream 10 — [202, 203]
Escherichia coli 54.44 Raw milk 5.1 — [202, 203]
Escherichia coli 54.44 Ice cream mix 15.2 — [202, 203]
Escherichia coli 54.44 Chocolate milk 10.4 — [202, 203]
Escherichia coli 55 Skim milk concentrated 23.5 7.9 [204]
Escherichia coli 55 Pork patties 32.11 ± 6.58 — [195]
Escherichia coli 55 Apple cider 9.66 — [206]
Escherichia coli 55 Minced beef 21.13 5.98 [207]
Escherichia coli 58 Apple cider 1.44 — [206]
Escherichia coli 58 Brain heart infusion broth 5.6 4.7 [208]
Salmonella 49.2 Alcohol-free beer 11.5 4.36 [209]
Salmonella 49.2 Lager 0.504 6.54 [209]
Salmonella 51.4 Skim milk concentrated 49 4 [204]
Salmonella 51.7 Skim milk concentrated 59.8 4.6 [204]
Salmonella 52.8 Skim milk concentrated 48.5 6 [204]
Salmonella 53 Skim milk concentrated 20.4 4.1 [204]
Salmonella 53.3 Skim milk concentrated 41.7 6.2 [204]
Salmonella 54 Egg white 1.51 4.03 [205]
Salmonella 54 Whole egg 5.7 4.08 [205]
Salmonella 55 Egg white product 0.73 4.7 [210]
Salmonella 55 Egg yolk 9.06 3.6 [210]
Salmonella 55 Whole egg modified 4.21 6.1 [210]
Salmonella 55 Whole egg product 6.05 3.8 [210]
Salmonella 55 Egg white product 1.08 4.4 [210]
Salmonella 60 Skim milk 3.6 8 [211]
10 International Journal of Food Science
Table 4: Kinetic factors affecting overall sensory quality of thermally processed vegetables.
Temperature range Activation energy Reaction rate, 𝑍-value
Type of product destruction Reference
𝑇 (∘ C) (KJ/mol) 𝑘𝑇 (×103 /s) (∘ C)
Rate, 𝐷𝑇 (10−3 s)
Peas 100–121 81.6 16 0.15 32.2 [94]
Green beans 84–116 171.6 38 0.06 15.6 [94]
Green beans 80–148 104 10 0.20 28.8 [94]
Corn whole kernel 80–148 94.6 70 0.26 31.7 [94]
Corn whole kernel 100–121 67 16 0.15 36.6 [212]
Carrots 80–116 160 27 0.084 16.7 [212]
Broccoli 100–121 54.4 8.7 0.26 44.4 [212]
Beetroot 80–110 142 19 0.12 19 [212]
Vegetable puree 110–134 125–167 — — 18–24 [183]
Tomato sauce 110–134 111–187 — — 16–27 [183]
Table 5: Kinetic parameters associated with chlorophyll and color degradation in mint and coriander at different pH and temperatures.
Table 6: Kinetic parameters associated with texture degradation in asparagus, peas, beans, and dry beans.
oven was introduced in 1955 [44]. The frequencies commonly product heating but often higher leaching of minerals and
used for microwave heating are 915 ± 25 MHz and 2450 ± vitamins [20, 49]. Some water blanchers use a screw or a chain
50 MHz, with penetration depth ranging from 8–22 cm at conveyer to transport the product through a blanching tank,
915 MHz to 3–8 cm at 2450 MHz, depending on the moisture where hot water is added and others use a rotary drum to
content of the product [45]. Dielectric heating in foods occurs immerse and convey the product through the blancher.
due to coupling of electrical energy from an electromagnetic In steam, blanching is an alternative to water blanching.
field within a microwave cavity with the food and then Here, product is placed on a belt conveyer that transits
disperses this energy throughout the food product through through a chamber containing food grade steam. It is a
the phenomenon of volumetric heating. Friction is created highly effective method since the heat transfer coefficient of
between molecules within the food resulting from dipole condensing steam is greater than that of hot water [20, 49]
rotation of polar solvents and from the conductive migration and is used extensively for vegetables that are cut into small
of dissolved ions. The final product temperature depends pieces. Gas blanching is based on the combustion of hot gas
upon the amount of electromagnetic energy applied, and with steam. This type of blanching has the advantage of waste
unless the food is also processed under pressure, the product reduction and nutrient retention [48].
temperature does not exceed 100∘ C and would be insuffi- Microwave blanching can be conducted as a batch or
cient to kill Clostridium botulinum spores. The benefit of continuous process. Many of the initial studies with this
microwave heating includes potential energy savings through technology were conducted on modified home microwave
reduction of processing time and higher product throughput ovens making comparison of unit operations that would not
rate. Reduced come-up time often leads to greater retention be appropriate at an industrial level and problematic due to
of nutrients, flavor, and texture than the same foods prepared variability in equipment performance. Recently, the use of
using conductive heating processes with the same heating fiber optic temperature probes and infrared imaging make
intensity [3, 45]. it possible to improve process control and monitoring of
microwave processes allowing firms to take advantage of
the high heat penetration and efficiencies associated with
8.3. Blanching. Blanching is one of the important unit opera- volumetric heating [47].
tion conducted prior to freezing, canning, or drying in which Flavor, texture, and color are affected by blanching.
vegetables are heated up to the desired temperature for the Food quality is greatly affected by the type and extent
purpose of inactivating enzymes, inducing textural changes, of blanching. Mathematical equations are used to describe
preserving color, flavor, and nutritional value and removing the effect of thermal treatments on the quality of foods.
the entrapped air and metabolic gases within vegetable cells Sometimes blanching increases flavor retention and removes
and replaces them with water, forming a semicontinuous undesirable bitter flavor [50, 51]. However, blanching can
water phase that favors a more uniform crystal growth during cause undesirable softening of vegetable tissues. Calcium
freezing and making the product more deformable and com- can be added to reduce softening [52] encouraging pectin
pressible so that it is easier to fill into containers for subse- cross-linking. A combination of low-temperature blanching
quent freezing or canning. Hot water and steam are the most along with addition of a calcium salt can be effective in
commonly used heating media for blanching in the industry, firming vegetables destined for canning [20]. Blanching has
but microwave and hot gas blanching have also been studied both direct and indirect effects on color of vegetable by the
[46]. Different hot water and steam blanchers have been destruction of chlorophyll and other coloring pigments and
designed to improve product quality, increase yield, and facil- Maillard browning due the presence of reducing sugars [2, 4].
itate processing of products with different thermal properties A number of different enzymes can cause quality prob-
and geometries. More recently, energy conservation and lems during storage of vegetables since these remain active
waste reduction have driven further improvement of equip- and cause loss of flavor and color and affect nutrient retention.
ment design [47, 48]. Although blanching seems as a simple Among the most problematic group enzymes are oxidative
operation, heat transfer to a conveyed bed of product and its enzymes. Peroxidase (PO) is commonly the most heat resis-
effects on product properties are very difficult to accurately tant of these and inactivation of this enzyme is a challenge
model. Processing conditions are usually established to inac- for either a pasteurization or a blanching process if product
tivate enzymes, but other quality parameters, such as color quality is to be maintained [46, 53].
and texture, are commonly monitored during the process.
Blanching provides either complete or partial pasteurization.
For a given product, typically mass flow rate is fixed, temper- 9. Effects of Pasteurization on Quality
ature is measured, and heating media flow rate is adjusted to Attributes of Vegetables
ensure that the temperature is kept at the set point [47].
Water blanching can involve a low-temperature long-time Quality is defined as the degree of compliance with technical
(LTLT) or high-temperature short-time (HTST) process. A specifications, and commonly, foods that have greater attrac-
typical temperature is ranging from 70 to 100∘ C depending tiveness to consumers based upon their sensory features are
upon the product and process conditions [20, 49] and which considered to be of higher quality. Kramer and Twigg [54]
component, such as polyphenol oxidase is being targeted for defined quality as “the composite of those characteristics that
inactivation during the blanching process. Water blanching differentiate individual units of a product, and have signifi-
is performed at lower temperature and results in uniform cance in determining the degree of acceptability by the buyer.”
12 International Journal of Food Science
Food quality consists of both sensory attributes that are first 0.75
and immediately perceived by the human senses and some
hidden quality parameters such as safety and nutritional value
of the product [55]. The quality parameters for vegetables are 0.65
Greenness (at/bt)
relatively well defined although there are regional preferences
with a trend in most major markets to prefer vegetables that
have received less rather than more cooking. The exception 0.55
to this would be markets in South Asia; although as a
greater variety of cuisines are introduced into this region,
a shift in preference is also anticipated. Regardless of the 0.45
market, quality parameters fulfill two important aspects, one
to produce a food that is safe and, secondly, to produce a 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
consistent product that meets customer needs. Time (min)
Processed vegetables lose quality during processing and
storage. The major quality attributes at jeopardy are color, 65 80
70 85
aroma, taste, and texture and less tangible quality attributes
75 90
include nutritional value and safety both chemical and
microbial [42]. Color has a major impact on appearance, Figure 2: Greenness changes in whole spinach leaves (adapted from
processing, and acceptability of vegetables when a vegetable is [57]).
exposed to light; about 4% of incident light is reflected at the
outer surface visible as specular reflectance or gloss, and the
remaining 96% of the incident energy is transmitted through
the surface into the cellular structure of the product, where it is only an intermediate in the thermal degradation of
is scattered at small interfaces within the tissue or absorbed chlorophyll to pyropheophytin, a decarboxy-methoxylated
by cellular constituents [56]. New imagining technologies can magnesium-free chlorophyll derivative. During the heating,
provide accurate color measurements of fruits and vegetables the central magnesium atom of the chlorophyll porphyrin
using multi- or hyperspectral cameras that allow for the rapid ring is easily removed, thus forming pheophytin. Upon
acquisition of images at many wavelengths [8]. This kind of prolonged heating, pheophytin degrades further, by decar-
imagining provides information about the spatial distribu- bomethoxylation of the isocyclic ring C-10 center, forming
tion of constituents (pigments, sugar, moisture, fat, etc.) in pyropheophytin derivatives, which are the final degradation
vegetables taking advantage of the vibrational properties of products of chlorophyll [58].
important functional groups in the food, for example, 960 𝜂m Textural properties are another important factor in the
for water and 920 𝜂m for fat in the infrared region, 325 𝜂m for quality of pasteurized vegetables. Rheology properties are
acetate moieties and 450 𝜂m for 𝛽-carotene in the UV/visible measured. Rheology is the study of the deformation and
region, and then mapping the relative concentrations of these flow of matter and is applied to understand the relationship
components across a cut surface. between structural, mechanical properties such as tensile
Aamir et al. [57] reported increasing greenness during the strength, fracturability, compression, and shear that can
pasteurization of spinach leaves. They reported that green- be related to sensory characteristics of vegetables includ-
ness increased during the initial heating period (1–13 min ing changes associated with thermal processing. Various
depending upon temperature). At higher temperatures, a researchers have defined the food texture in different ways,
greater increase in greenness could be observed, followed by but the greatest insight is by Bourne [60], who clearly
a rapid loss at longer treatment times (Figure 2). Tijskens et describes how sensory assessment of food texture can be
al. [2] reported an increase in green color in green beans with correlated with mechanical measurements of vegetable tissue
loss of greenness upon further heat treatment. However, the material properties.
chemical and physical factors associated with this change in
color are not well understood. It has been demonstrated that 9.1. Enzyme Activity as a Quality Parameter. Peroxidase (PO)
the opacity of cells could be decreased by blanching, resulting is one of the most heat stable enzymes in vegetables and
in altering their optical properties through replacement of pasteurization processes are often designed with inactivation
intercellular air with blanching water followed by the release of this enzyme in mind since residual PO can cause off flavors
of cellular liquids as cell membranes deteriorate [57]. In during storage [61]. Thermal inactivation of PO or any other
addition, in fresh produce, colorless or weakly colored green enzymes depends upon the morphological characteristics
precursors that are converted into visible green components of a particular plant, the cellular structure of the edible
would increase color intensity during blanching treatments portion, and how enzymes may be compartmentalized within
as chlorophyll degrades. vegetable cells. From a thermal processing stand point, the
The observed decrease in color later in the blanching thickness and geometry of vegetable tissue to be processed
treatment is most likely due to chemical degradation of and the thermal conductivity of the tissue will be important to
chlorophyll [58] and a loss of the liberated colored com- the overall effectiveness of thermal inactivation. Selecting an
pounds into extracellular water [16] decreasing color inten- appropriate time-temperature combination (TTC) is impor-
sity. It was noted by Schwartz and Elbe [59] that pheophytin tant for enzyme inactivation processes and maintaining
International Journal of Food Science 13
the overall quality of vegetables. Usually a quick blanching time-temperature combination based upon an 80% reduction
process with reduced heating time maintains quality, and of lipoxygenase in carrots follows a first-order kinetic model
treatments for enzyme inactivation should take into con- [75] and may be sufficient inactivation for a blanching
sideration how this would affect other quality parameters. process. Thermal stability of lipoxygenase is consistent for pH
For example, Olson and Dietrich [62] found that green in the range of 4–7 at least for asparagus [76].
beans blanched in water at 100∘ C for 60 s retained 94.4% of Polyphenol oxidases are another class of enzymes impor-
chlorophyll; if blanching time increased to 300 s the chloro- tant for food quality and catalyzes the oxidation of phenolic
phyll retention was only 75.5%. First-order reaction kinetics compounds to produce brown pigments following tissue
effectively describes peroxidase inactivation and generally damage and exposure of cut surfaces of fruits and vegetables.
other enzymes such as lipoxygenase or polyphenol oxidase Browning is accelerated at higher temperatures and also at
associated with quality loss during subsequent storage of neutral pH. The thermal stability of PPO is high at neutral
vegetable foods. pH and, in mushroom, constant from a pH of 5.5–7.5 [77].
Peroxidase inactivation is dependent upon tempera- Browning leads the development of off-flavors and losses in
ture and additives added to the blanching medium and nutritional and overall sensory quality and is a problem for
mass/volume and dimensions of vegetable pieces. Peroxidase sliced fresh, frozen, and dehydrated items. Many plant mate-
inactivation in Savoy beet, amaranth, and fenugreek was rials have one or more isozymes of PPO, some of which are
reduced to a negligible amount in 1 min in hot water (95 ± highly thermostable. PPO has been used as blanching indi-
3∘ C) followed by a potassium metabisulphite (KMS) dip cator for potatoes, apples, peaches, mango, banana, and other
[63]. This is similar to what has been observed for spinach products. Following PPO initiation of phenols, hydroxylation
at 85∘ C for 30 sec or 95∘ C for 15 sec [64] and at 99∘ C for at the o-position adjacent to an existing OH group occurs
2 min in fenugreek leaves [65]. Okoli et al. [66] also reported with oxidation to o-benzoquinones and then nonenzymatic
that blanching of spinach and amaranth for 1 min at 95∘ C polymerization proceeds to form melanins [78]. PPO actively
was sufficient for a negative peroxidase test, whereas 3– often correlates to color changes making color measurement
6 min steam or hot water blanching (97–99∘ C) is necessary a suitable indirect index of PPO activity [78].
for fenugreek to achieve the same effect [67]. Blanching of
fenugreek leaves at 99∘ C for 2 min was adequate for reduction
of peroxidase activity [65]. These temperatures are greater 9.2. Effect of Pasteurization and Commercial Sterilization on
than what would be necessary for pasteurization of a product Vegetable Color and Pigment Content. The color of foods
for vegetative bacterial pathogens and food borne viruses. is one of the most important quality factors for vegetables
Microwave blanching (batch treatment, 915 MHz) of arti- and plays a considerable role in the overall acceptability
chokes at 2 min completely inactivate PO without a loss of of foods. Color is a component of total appearance and
ascorbic acid showing advantages over boiling water at 8 min incorporates visual recognition and assessment of the sur-
and steam blanching at 6 min which resulted in 16.7 and face and subsurface properties [79–81]. Instrumental color
28.9% loss of ascorbic acid along with peroxidase inactivation measurement provides an indication of visual quality and
[68]. There is some evidence that the quality of blanched or tristimulus colorimetry is a well-established rapid and simple
processed food is superior even if some peroxidase activity instrumental method to predict the visual perception of foods
remains because the additional time for complete inactivation [82, 83].
can result in browning, excessive textural softening, or Color by tristimulus colorimetry is commonly repre-
changes in appearance such as ragged edges. The percentage sented in terms of 𝐿, 𝑎, and 𝑏 values (brightness, green to
of residual activity that can remain without causing adverse red, blue to yellow, resp.) or a combination of these three
quality changes varies from product to product for peas parameters depending upon the nature of the pigment in the
(2–6.3%), green beans (0.7–3.2%), cauliflower (2.9–8.2%), food material and the optical properties of the food surface
and brussels sprouts (7.5–11.5%). Another problem associated [2, 80, 81, 83–87]. Parameters derived from 𝐿, 𝑎, and 𝑏 values,
with the complete inactivation of peroxidase is the presence such as the total color change (Δ𝐸), are commonly calculated.
of 1–10% of more heat-stable peroxidase isoenzymes in most Chroma indicates color saturation and is proportional to
vegetables [51, 69], which are difficult to inactivate. In some color intensity. Hue angle is frequently used to specify color
vegetables, complete inactivation of peroxidase enhances in food products with an angle of 0 or 360∘ representing
nutrients loss [70]. red hue, and angles of 90, 180, and 270∘ indicating yellow,
The thermal sensitivity of an enzyme is affected by a green, and blue hues, respectively. Browning index (BI)
number of different factors such as pH with a maximum is a parameter associated with heating processes involving
stability observed at mild acidic conditions [71]. For example, enzymes or oxidative browning [2, 80, 81] and is calculated
peroxidase in asparagus was more stable at pH 6.0 and less at from 𝐿, 𝑎, and 𝑏 values.
both higher and lower pH over a range from 4 to 7 [72]. One of the most important parameters in quality assess-
Lipoxygenase is extensively found in vegetables and is ment for vegetables is a quantitative assessment of greenness.
often involved in off-flavor development and color loss This reflects changes to chlorophyll that occur during cooking
[73]. Several researchers suggested that analysis of lipoxy- and commercial sterilization processes [88]. For pasteuriza-
genase activity may be a more accurate index of blanch- tion, an increase in green color has been observed during the
ing adequacy instead of peroxidase [73, 74], even though initial stage of heating in broccoli (40–96∘ C, 180–4 min) [2,
inactivation of lipoxygenase requires less heat treatment. A 79, 83, 84] and as an increase in green color observed during
14 International Journal of Food Science
the blanching of spinach and mustard greens at the ranges of degradation can be used to optimize a thermal process min-
75 to 115∘ C and 50 to 120∘ C, respectively. Heat induced color imizing textural degradation and yielding a higher quality
changes (from bright green to olive brown) are attributed to product. A number of studies report thermal softening and
the conversion of chlorophylls 𝑎 and 𝑏 to their respective textural degradation kinetics for vegetables. Textural degra-
pheophytins and further degradation to pyropheophytins dation kinetics is a very complex phenomenon and various
[2, 87]. Upon prolonged heating, pheophytins is formed by approaches have been used to analyze the data of textural
exchange of Mg2+ with H+ in the center of the porphyrin degradation during thermal processing of vegetables. The lit-
ring of chlorophyll [2]. Others have shown that instrumental erature indicates that thermal degradation kinetic of vegeta-
color measurements compare well with chemical determina- bles follow first-order reaction kinetics. For example, a kinetic
tion of chlorophyll loss in heated green vegetables such as model for green pea softening at 110∘ C expressed as firmness
broccoli and shows the advantage of greenness as a useful fit empirical data [92]. Kinetic data on heat induced textural
quality assessment measure that closely reflects consumer changes is available on a variety of vegetables [33, 93] with a
perceptions since green color and visual appearance are more summary of data for softening presented in Tables 7 and 8.
important for preference than residual chlorophyll content This model has been successfully applied to asparagus,
[58]. peas, knoll-kohl, and carrots [33, 46]. Softening for fruits and
Thermally induced loss of quality, including color, can vegetables occurs in the cell wall and middle lamella compo-
be predicted from kinetic models, usually first order. A nents, and a two-phase model can reflect these changes in the
number of different and useful models have been developed tough and fibrous cell walls, present in appreciable amounts
for pigment and color degradation in fruits and vegetables and component in the Bourne model [92]. The cell wall is
such as broccoli [2, 58], peas [87, 89], leafy green vegetables made up of cellulose fibrils imbedded in a matrix consisting
[59, 79–81, 84], chili [82, 83], and peach [90]. of pectin substances, hemicellulose, proteins, lignin, lower
Studies on kinetics of color change in green vegetables molecular weight solutes, and water. Cellulose gives rigidity
are commonly conducted with macerated tissue or purees and resistance of tearing, while pectin and hemicellulose
to remove some of the confounding factors associated with grant plasticity and ability to stretch.
biological variability. For example, visual changes in green The mechanism for textural changes during thermal
color and the kinetics of color change in spinach puree under processing may be different at high temperature than at lower
different temperature treatments, such as 50 to 100∘ C for 20– temperature [93]; however, this two-stage model is robust
60 min in studies by [79, 84], and from 75 to 115∘ C for up to and should provide a basis for developing new pasteurization
20 min [82, 83], showed a predictable and consistent loss in processes and verification protocols as required under newly
color. Few studies have been conducted on whole tissues. In mandated hazard analysis critical control point (HACCP)
one study, using whole tissues studied changes in color and based food protection programs.
moisture diffusivity in whole leaf spinach and okra during The main defects in many studies of softening caused dur-
microwave dehydration [80, 81]. ing heating have been the lack of correction of thermal lag and
Most studies on color change from heat treatments refer uneven heating of samples, with loss of turgor and changes
to a decrease of green color [2], but only a few researchers in cell wall polysaccharide matrix [93] in thermal processing
mention an initial increase in green color upon heating. For models. A thermal lag correction procedure was proposed by
example, [91] noticed an increase in green color of green monitoring the temperature history at the geometric center
asparagus during the initial stages of heating between 70 and of a cylindrical container showing that this strategy could
98∘ C; [2] also reported a change in green color due to the heat be used to estimate the transient temperature distribution
treatments consisting initially of an increase in color followed [94, 95]. The lag correction method has been employed for
by a decrease in greenness in both broccoli and green beans softening studies by others [25, 39, 96] and this method
(40 to 96∘ C). Failure to detect this phenomenon in earlier is easy to use. Results are comparable to more elaborate
studies may have been due in part to the time points selected schemes such as numerical integration of the transient heat
for monitoring the heat treatment. Most studies focus on conduction [97].
prolonged heating at higher temperatures, for example, under Two-step mechanisms for texture degradation have some
sterilization conditions and not at the time-temperature limitations, particularly at the second step where the degra-
combinations for pasteurization conditions where this phe- dation reaches equilibrium in the softening stage and the
nomenon is apparent. In many studies, an increase in green calculated activation energy becomes negative. Because of
color is not observed because vegetables were blanched before this, a fractional conversion technique has been employed to
color measurements were performed. A summary of color describe thermal softening of vegetables inferring that first-
loss associated with heating in green vegetables, carrots, and order reaction kinetics were appropriate to describe texture
tomato is presented in Table 7. degradation during thermal processing [23, 98, 99].
Rizvi and Tong [98] applied the fractional conversion
technique taking into account nonzero equilibrium texture
9.3. Effects of Thermal Processing on Vegetable Texture. Tex- properties. The texture index expressed as the extent of
tural changes occur in food during thermal processing, and texture change, 𝑓, at any time, 𝑡, is expressed as follows:
they cause softening of the tissues due to physical and
chemical changes that may render the food unacceptable (𝑇𝑃0 − 𝑇𝑃𝑡 )
𝑓= , (9)
to consumers [35]. Understanding the kinetics of textural (𝑇𝑃0 − 𝑇𝑃∞ )
International Journal of Food Science 15
Temperature Reaction rate 𝑘
Product 𝐸𝑎 (kJ/mol) destruction rate 𝑍-value Reference
(∘ C) (min−1 ) × 10−3
𝐷 (×10−3 s)
Asparagus 70 0.0029 ± 0.0002 12.9 ± 0.4 — — [91]
Asparagus 80 0.0050 ± 0.0002 — — [91]
Asparagus 90 0.0087 ± 0.0005 — — [91]
Asparagus 98 0.0130 ± 0.0010 — — [91]
Asparagus 70 0.0032 ± 0.0002 — — [91]
Asparagus 80 0.0054 ± 0.0004 — — [91]
Asparagus 90 0.0069 ± 0.0006 — — [91]
Asparagus 98 0.0167 ± 0.0010 — — [91]
Asparagus 70–89 0.11 54.6 — — [91]
Peas 90 8.22 85.4 — — [4]
Peas 80–148 1.5 76 1.50 39.4 [95]
Peas 121–148 1.23 67.9 31.1 42.9 [89]
Peas 90–122 0.09 102.4 25.8 26.4 [4]
Pea puree 94–132.2 0.34 92 6.90 32.5 [4]
Spinach 127–148 0.10 66.9 0.21 51.1 [4]
Spinach 116–126 2.8 114.2 0.82 26.2 [59]
Spinach 127–148 5 34.8 0.46 98.3 [59]
Spinach 116–148 1.36 103.4 1.70 29 [59]
Spinach 94–132.2 0.23 79.5 9.80 17.7
Carrot betanin 61.5–100 1.8 76.2 1.28 36.5 [215]
61.5–100 1.96 83.4 1.17 33.4 [215]
61.5–100 2.2 64.5 1.05 43.1 [215]
Tomato puree 50–120 0.0004–0.0028 — — — [79]
Mustard leaves 75–115 — 36.42 — — [82, 83]
where 𝑇𝑃0 is the initial texture property at zero time, 𝑇𝑃𝑡 is in sample size [92, 101–104]. Mittal [104] concluded that
the texture property at a given time, 𝑡, and 𝑇𝑃∞ is the nonzero textural properties such as hardness, brittleness, cohesive-
equilibrium texture property after prolonged heating time. ness, elasticity, gumminess, chewiness, and penetration force
According to Levenspiel [100], for 1st order reaction decreased with the increase in potato and carrot treatment
kinetics, (1 − 𝑓) plotted against time (𝑡) is linear, and the temperature (20–90∘ C) showing the effects of thermal pro-
rate constant (𝑘) is the negative of the slope. The equation is cessing on textural softening from the breakdown of the
written as cellular material. Most vegetables soften when heated due to
the loss of turgor and changes in cell wall polysaccharides
(𝑇𝑃 − 𝑇𝑃∞ )
ln(1 − 𝑓) = ln = −𝑘𝑡. (10) and lignified materials. The edible portions of vegetables are
(𝑇𝑃0 − 𝑇𝑃∞ ) composed of parenchymatous tissue and the cells of this par-
ticular tissue are thin walled and are joined together through
When we predict the texture index as a function of
pectin substances of the middle lamella. Another mechanism
heating time (𝑡) at a constant temperature, (10) can be
for softening of the cell wall involves decreased cohesiveness
rearranged as follows:
of the matrix and intercellular adhesion, which is followed
𝑇𝑃𝑡 = 𝑇𝑃∞ + (𝑇𝑃0 − 𝑇𝑃∞ ) ⋅ exp (−𝑘 ⋅ 𝑡) . (11) by absorption of water by exposed polysaccharide moieties.
Studies of potato hardness showed significant changes up
The main benefit of applying the fractional conversion to 60∘ C but fewer changes after 70∘ C due starch swelling
technique in data reduction is that there is no need to and gelatinization at temperature around 60–70∘ C [105]. In
standardize the experimental protocol [99]. Process activa- a case of carrot, textural changes are promoted due to the
tion energies during thermal softening of potato and texture de-esterification of the pectic substances, either by formation
degradation of carrot varied significantly. Some variations in of gel-like structures of the pectinic acid produced by the
texture measurements were explained based upon differences enzyme or reaction of the free carboxyl groups with divalent
16 International Journal of Food Science
ions [104]. The stress relaxation data for carrot has been starches, and solubilization of hemicelluloses and loss of cell
described in a linear Maxwell model as follows: turgor resulting in changes in the cell wall, particularly the
middle lamella [20, 108].
𝐸 (𝑡) = 𝐸0 + ∑ 𝐸𝑖 exp (−𝑡/𝜏𝑖 ) , (12) In some cases, high-temperature short-time (HTST)
where 𝐸(𝑡), 𝐸0 , and 𝐸𝑖 are the decaying parameters (force or blanching has many advantages over low-temperature long-
stress), 𝜏𝑖 is the relaxation time, and 𝑡 is for time [104]. time (LTLT) blanching. Carrot tissues subjected to HTST
Blanching affects the texture of vegetables either posi- (100∘ C for 0.58 min) retained a firmer texture than if sub-
tively or negatively. For some vegetable, texture softening jected to LTLT (70∘ C for 71.10 min) [75]. Two-stage blanching
is desirable, but for others, it is undesirable, such as sweet was found to be more effective as compared to single-stage
potato, carrot, and jalapeno pepper. The low-temperature blanching. In two-stage blanching, first blanch is at 70∘ C
long-time (LTLT) blanching has been found to be effective followed by high-temperature blanching resulting in firmer
for snap beans and cauliflower, tomato, potato, and carrot texture of green beans [20].
[20, 106–109]. Blanching at 55 to 85∘ C for times ranging
from several minutes to several hours showed a firming
effect for some vegetables. For sweet potato, blanching at 10. Effect of Thermal Processing on Sensory
62∘ C for 90 min resulted in maximum firmness, while high- and Nutritional Quality of Vegetables
temperature blanching disrupted cell integrity and cell adhe-
sion and reduced tissue rigidity [108]. Blanching at 55∘ C Vegetables are a primary source of macronutrients including
for 60 minutes produced maximum firmness of jalapeno fiber and carbohydrates and micronutrient vitamins, miner-
[106]. The LTLT blanching followed by canning of vegetables als, polyphenolics, carotenoids, and glucosinolates. The most
caused more fracturability and hardness of texture and also important of them are dietary fiber, folate, potassium, vitamin
resulted in gumminess and springiness of canned sweet A, and vitamin C [111]. Consumers prefer vegetables that
potato, more firmer texture in carrot, jalapeno pepper, and are a good source of dietary fiber and many vitamins and
green beans [20, 106–109]. During LTLT blanching, pectinase minerals but unfortunately are unable to distinguish between
enzymes partially demethylate pectin leaving OH sites free the vegetable foods that have high versus low concentrations
on the pectin chain to cross link with other pectin molecules of phytonutrients.
through a calcium bridges resulting in a firmer texture [38, Among different vitamins in vegetables, ascorbic acid
110]. (vitamin C) is the most heat labile and easily oxidizes by
Thermal textural softening of vegetables is caused by ascorbic acid oxidase. The loss of ascorbic acid is increased
many factors like hydrolysis of pectin, gelatinization of with increasing temperature and time during heat treatments
International Journal of Food Science 17
Table 9: Effect of temperature and solids content on degradation of ascorbic acid in grape juice and concentrate. Adapted from [215].
Solids content Temperature Rate constant Half life 𝑇1/2 Correlation Arrhenius equation
𝐸𝑎 (kcal/mol)
(∘ Bx) (∘ C) 𝐾 × 103 (min−1 ) (min) coefficient-𝑟 coefficient ln(𝐾0 )
61 1.276 4.98 543.2 0.968
11.2 80 1.899 365.0 0.983 0.845
95 2.503 276.9 0.983
96 2.642 264.2 0.968
60 1.349 5.24 514.0 0.962
31.2 75 1.874 369.7 0.987 1.297
82 2.165 320.1 0.978
91 2.701 265.8 0.89
61 1.430 6.69 485.0 0.981
80 2.460 281.8 0.988
47.1 3.531
90 3.121 221.9 0.982
96 3.777 183.8 0.967
61 1.618 8.60 428.4 0.975
55.0 75 2.715 255.3 0.985 6.528
81 3.348 207.0 0.986
91 4.712 147.1 0.994
68 3.022 11.28 229.4 0.973
62.5 76 4.261 162.7 0.964 10.802
81 5.365 129.2 0.972
96 10.680 64.9 0.961
and with blanching; loss is affected by the style of blanching Steam blanching as a pretreatment, though causing some
since ascorbic acid leaches out easily [112]. With respect to initial losses of carotene due to degradation of tissues, can
ascorbic acid retention in potato, significant differences were yield higher overall carotene retention during dehydration
observed during blanching at 80 to 93∘ C [113]. Microwave and subsequent storage [22].
blanching may result in greater retention than steam blanch- Addition of sulfite agents following blanching can reduce
ing as observed in a study of broccoli [114, 115]. However, leaching in some cases resulting in greater retention of 𝛽-
this same effect was not found comparing microwave and carotene, ascorbic acid and chlorophyll in amaranth, and
a boiling water treatment of beans prior to freezing. Com- fenugreek in hot water (95 ± 3∘ C for 1 min) followed by a
prehensive data on vitamin C retention can be found for potassium metabisulfite (KMS) (5 g/L in water) dip for 1 min.
fruit juices with little data available for vegetable products, Losses are dependent upon the type of vegetable treated
although the trends would be similar. As an example, com- with high leaching observed in Savoy beet, 53% of carotene
parison of vitamin C loss during heat treatments is presented and 80% ascorbic acid (dry weight basis) as compared to
in Table 9 for grape and Table 10 for orange juice. fenugreek and amaranth [63]. Song et al. [117] concluded that
Nutrient leaching is dependent upon changes in cell blanching of vegetable soybean at 80∘ C for 30 min, 90∘ C for
morphology during heating. Cell walls are stiff and give 20 min, and 100∘ C for 10 min led to significant decreases in
structural integrity to the plant cell, but the cell membranes glucose, fructose, and sucrose due leaching but observed little
are flexible. However, during heating in a moist environment, loss of amino acids and tri- or tetrasaccharides and vitamin
the cell absorbs water; the cell membrane presses against B1. This is because only 19% of the amino acids in vegetable
the cell wall. This is called turgor pressure and it makes soybean are present in a soluble form.
vegetable crispy [63]. A loss of water causes vacuoles to shrivel High-temperature short-time (HTST) blanching is ben-
and cell membrane to pull away from the cell wall allowing eficial keeping in view the nutritional value of vegetables.
vitamin C and other water soluble nutrients inside the plant Blanching of edamame (young soybean or vegetable soybean)
cell to escape [63]. Steam blanching effects the nutritional at different time-temperature combinations (TTCs) (80∘ C for
quality of many vegetables such as maximum loss (30%) were 30 min, 90∘ C for 20 min) resulted in nutrient losses such as
observed in broccoli, 14% in carrot, while green beans showed sugar and vitamins B1 , B2 , and C, the loss was lowest at 100∘ C
the least effect as compared to microwave blanching [116]. for 10 min [115].
18 International Journal of Food Science
Table 10: Effect of temperature and solids content on anaerobic degradation of ascorbic acid in orange serum and in whole orange juice.
Adapted from [216].
11. Thermal Processing and Effect on Pigment the phenolic acids such as ferulic and syringic acids play a role
and Bioactive Compounds in stability [1]. Magnitude and time of heating have a strong
influence on anthocyanin stability, and after 3 h of heating at
Anthocyanins are the bioactive compounds present in dif- 95∘ C, only 50% of anthocyanin based pigments in elderberry
ferent fruits and vegetables and are the basis for the red, were retained [123]. This level of loss is fairly typical for
blue, and purple colors of fruits and vegetables. They have heating processes. Storage temperature plays critical role for
a series of conjugated bonds capable of absorbing a light up anthocyanin loss and this will play an important in preserv-
to 500 nm, which provide basis for the red, blue, and purple ing remaining anthocyanins following pasteurization [124],
colors in different fruits and vegetables. They are readily since retention is greatly enhanced as storage temperature is
degraded during thermal processing leading to loss of color lowered. Fast degradation of anthocyanins in colored juices
and nutritional quality. and nectars was shown when stored at 37∘ C compared to
Anthocyanins are glycosylated anthocyanidins; sugars are refrigerated storage [125, 126]. Much slower degradation is
attached to the 3-hydroxyl position of the anthocyanidins also observed at 20∘ C compared to 37∘ C [127].
[118] (Figure 3). Various structural modifications including Blanching, boiling, and steaming resulted in anthocyanin
the number of hydroxyl groups, degree of methylation, nature losses of 59%, 41%, and 29%, respectively, in red cabbage
and number of sugar moiety, and nature and number of [128]. However, the anthocyanins in certain products appear
aliphatic or aromatic acids [118, 119] result in the creation to be more stable. For black carrot, anthocyanins showed
of a number of anthocyanin compounds in foods. Antho- reasonable stability during heating at 70–80∘ C [125, 126] and
cyanin degradation results from oxidation during thermal 70–90∘ C [129] with these differences in stability related to
processing and cleavage of covalent bonds with the degree anthocyanin structure and the pH value [128]. Black carrot
of degradation depending upon the severity of the heat anthocyanins may be more stable to heat and pH as compared
treatment. Degradation rate of anthocyanins increases during to other sources due to the presence of di-acylation in
processing and storage as temperature rises [120]. anthocyanin structure. Acylation of the molecule is believed
Anthocyanins are rapidly degraded during thermal pro- to improve anthocyanin stability by protecting it from hydra-
cessing even at pasteurization temperatures [121, 122]. The tion [125, 130]. The presence of inter- and intramolecular
stability of anthocyanins depend upon many factors besides copigmentation with other moieties, polyglycosylated, and
heat such as pH, storage temperature, chemical structure of polyacylated anthocyanins provides greater stability towards
the anthocyanin compound, presence of UV light, oxygen, change in temperature, pH, and light [131, 132]. Storage
oxidative and hydrolytic enzymes, proteins and phenolic temperature also had a very strong influence on the stability
compounds that could have a protective effect, and the metal- of black carrot anthocyanins colored juices and nectars.
lic ions that could enhance oxidation. The exact mechanism Dyrby et al. [133] reported greater stability of antho-
for the stability of anthocyanins is difficult to establish, but cyanins present in red cabbage at temperature ranges from 20
International Journal of Food Science 19
HO O+ HO + B O
Deglycosylation O Cleavage
O Glu
Pelargonidin-3-glucoside Pelargonidin Cl Protocatechuic acid
ge Phloroglucinaldehyde
OH OH lea
A C A C Cleavage O
O Glu OH
Figure 3: Thermal degradation mechanism of two common anthocyanins (adapted from [121]).
to 80∘ C and at treatment times ranging from 15 to 360 min as Carotenoids are also a class of important pigments and
compared to anthocyanins in black currant, grape skin, and micronutrients in the human diet and a group of naturally
elderberry in a soft drink model system. This was thought occurring fat-soluble pigments. Carotenoids are abundant in
to be due to the protection of flavylium system through yellow, orange, and dark green leafy vegetables. The degrada-
copigmentation in cabbage. tion of carotenoids is a major issue in vegetables. Carotenoids
The most stable anthocyanins during storage at 8∘ C for are comprised of eight isoprenoid units (Figure 4). They are
12 months were cyanidin and delphinidin-ruti-nosides, and classified on the basis of chemical structure as oxycarotenoids
storage at 4∘ C in an inert atmosphere may induce a slow or xanthophylls. The primary carotenoids required by plants
degradation process of anthocyanins. In beverages, reactions for photosynthesis are 𝛽-carotene, violaxanthin, and neox-
of sugar and ascorbic acid may enhance transformation at anthin. Other carotenoids localized in fruits and flowers
anthocyanins to brown compounds [134]. include 𝛼-carotene, 𝛽-cryptoxanthin, zeaxanthin, antherax-
Oxygen plays an important role and accelerates the anthin, capsanthin, and capsorubin [139]. Carotenoids play
degradation of anthocyanins either through a direct oxidative a beneficial role in different foods as colorant, precursors
mechanism or through the action of oxidizing enzymes [124]. of vitamin A, and as antioxidants [140]. Carotenoids may
Enzymes such as PPO catalyze the oxidation of chlorogenic have important plant protective roles; for example, corn
acid (CG) into the corresponding O-quinone in the presence carotenoids modify enzymes activity inhibiting synthesis of
of oxygen. These quinones further react with anthocyanins aflatoxin by Aspergillus flavus by up to 90% and Aspergillus
to from brown condensation products [135]. Anthocyanin parasiticus by 30% [141].
degradation under isothermal heating is reported to follow Unfortunately, carotenoids are unstable under a number
the first-order reaction kinetics for different fruits and veg- of different processing and storage conditions including
etables [125, 136–138]. Degradation kinetics of anthocyanins heating [142]. 𝛽-Carotene loss is accelerated in the presence
can be modeled as follows [121]: of high levels of linolenic acid, and some components of
pepper enhance 𝛽-carotene oxidation. Ascorbic acid can
𝐶𝑡 = 𝐶0 × exp (−𝑘𝑡) serve as either a prooxidant or antioxidant for 𝛽-carotene
depending upon its concentration and the presence of copper
log 𝑒2
𝑇1/2 = (13)
ions. The presence of enzymes such as peroxidase may have
𝐾 a confounding effect. A high ascorbic acid concentration
𝐾𝑇 𝐸𝑎 1 1 (100 𝜇mol/g of cellulose) in the presence of copper ion
Log ( )=− [ − ], inhibits the prooxidative activity of peroxidase [143].
𝐾0 2.303 × 𝑅 𝑇1 𝑇2
Moderate thermal processing does not cause a loss of
where 𝐶𝑡 is anthocyanin concentration (mg/100 mL) at time many important carotenoids unless oxygen or ultraviolet
𝑡 (min), 𝐶0 is the initial concentration (𝑡 = 0), 𝐾 is a rate light are present or heating is extensive. One hour boiling
constant (min−1 ), 𝐸𝑎 is activation energy (KJ mol−1 ), and 𝑅 is of tomatoes leads to total destruction of epoxycarotenoids
universal gas constant (8.314 KJ mol−1 C−1 ). [144]. Similar results were obtained with other vegetables
20 International Journal of Food Science
O Violaxanthin
Figure 4: Chemical structure of the main chloroplast carotenoids of higher plants (adapted from [140]).
from carotenoids saponification resulting in greater loss of losses of carotenoids would be minimal under pasteurization
xanthophylls compared to carotenes [145]. Slower drying, conditions.
likely at lower temperatures, appears to result in lower Blanching (98 ± 1∘ C for 5 min), cooking (98∘ C for 15,
loss of carotenoids in peppers [146, 147]. During milling 30, and 60 min), and drying using direct sunshine and shade
of pepper, the carotenoids most affected were 𝛽-carotene (photo protected) at ambient temperature (25∘ C ± 6∘ C for
followed by 𝛽-cryptoxanthin and zeaxanthin, while the most 24 ± 12 hours) of regionally important Tanzanian vegetables
stable were capsanthin and capsorubin, unfortunately no (amaranth, cowpea, peanut, pumpkin, and sweet potato
additional information was provided as to the stability of leaves) [150]. A blanching treatment resulted in a reduc-
these components following exposure to moist heat treat- tion of 𝛽-carotene concentration, significant increase in 𝛼-
ments. carotene concentration, an apparent increase in recoverable
Chen et al. [148] studied the effect of processing on the carotenoids as a result of cooking, and reduced the concentra-
carotenoids content of carrot juice comparing pasteurization tion of carotenoids from sun drying [150]. Thermal process-
at 105∘ C for 25 seconds with 110∘ C for 30 seconds finding ing increased the vitamin A activity of all the vegetables tested
minimal loss of 𝛼-carotene but up to 45% for 𝛽-carotene in this study except amaranth. Thus, blanching and cooking
and 30% for lutein. Sterilization processes at 121∘ C for 30 min may be beneficial processes for increasing the nutritional
resulted in higher losses of 55.7% for 𝛽-carotene, 60% for availability of provitamin A. For a country such as Tanzania
𝛼-carotene, and 50% for lutein [149] with indications that where vitamin A deficiency is common, consumption of 100 g
International Journal of Food Science 21
Table 11: Lycopene contents of different fruits and vegetables. lycopene was lost when heated at 65∘ C for 3 h and 35% at
100∘ C for 3 h [176].
Lycopene content
Product Reference
(mg/100 g wet basis)
Carrot 0.65–0.78 [217, 218] 12. Conclusion: Quality Optimization
Sweet potato 0.02–0.11 [217, 218] for Vegetables
Pumpkin 0.38–0.46 [217, 218] Quality optimization for thermal processing of vegetables
Rosehip puree 0.68–0.71 [217, 218] involves balancing retention of quality attributes and inacti-
Fresh tomato fruit 0.72–20 [217, 218] vation or destruction of pathogenic and spoilage microorgan-
Watermelon 2.3–7.2 [217, 218] isms and enzymes. The amount of heat that a product receives
Guava (pink) 5.23–5.50 [217, 218] depends upon its consistency, thermal processing conditions,
and the package size, type, and configuration [36]. The need
Grapefruit (pink) 0.35–3.36 [217, 218]
to optimize thermal processing conditions is necessary to
Papaya 0.11–5.3 [217, 218] maintain quality and usually the rate of a chemical reaction
Apple pulp 0.11–0.18 [217, 218] will double with each 10∘ C rise in temperature while bacterial
Apricot 0.01–0.05 [217, 218] destruction may increase by as much as a factor of ten [36].
Exposure of vegetables to higher temperatures initially
disrupts essential metabolic and respiratory processes. Fol-
causes of lycopene isomerization are heat, light, and acid lowing this, cell structure changes occur, therefore, knowl-
[168]. Nutritional quality and health benefits of lycopene edge of cell structure and how this causes loss of texture
depend not only on the total lycopene content but also on and leaching of nutrients as a result of thermal processing.
the formation of lycopene isomers. Characterization and Increased fluidity of membrane lipids at higher temperatures
quantification of lycopene isomers would provide a better (above 50∘ C) correlates with the loss of functional cell
understanding of the potential nutritional quality and health compartmentalisation considerably enhancing membrane
benefits of the processed tomato products [169, 170]. permeability [177], leakage of electrolytes, and reduction of
Lycopene is an important natural color ingredient in turgor pressure. Temperature induced phase transitions in
different food formulations, and the use of tomato paste lipid causes alterations in membrane structures leading to
as a colorant makes this commercially important natural transmembrane protein conformational changes. Heat stress
pigment. Lycopene undergoes degradation through isomer- causes many cell proteins to unfold, aggregate, and precipitate
ization and oxidation during thermal processing which affect [178]. Lipid peroxidation is one induced by heat shock and
the sensory and nutrition quality of the fruits and vegetables can also result in various structural and functional distur-
[170]. It is found primarily in tomatoes, tomato products, and bances in the plant cell [179]. Understanding and controlling
other fruits and vegetables and is an important part of western these processes will allow for improvement of shelf life and
diet and the most abundant in human serum [144, 165]. It is quality of processed vegetables, preferably with technolo-
the main carotenoids responsible for the red color of tomato gies that can maintain greater “fresh-like characteristics.”
products and has been suggested as the main phytochemical Quantification of the degree of cellular disruption will allow
responsible for the beneficial effects of tomatoes [165]. researchers to compare and optimize preservation processes
Lycopene is restricted to the chloroplasts of fruits and [21].
vegetables and found among the thylakoid membranes in the The food industry particularly the vegetable processing
photosynthetic pigment-protein complex [171, 172]. In fruit industry has faced many challenges for the production of
and vegetable, the dominant pigment in the chloroplasts is thermally processed foods that fulfill all the safety and quality
green chlorophyll, but when it degrades, the color changes demands of the consumers. Thermal processing remains the
from green to white, and further when chlorophyll in the most common technique for the production of processed
chloroplasts is reduced, lycopene is biosynthesized with vegetables that are free from food-borne pathogens. Reducing
changes in the ultrastructure and color changes from white detrimental changes that affect quality parameters such as
to red [173, 174]. The final stage of chromoplast development color, texture, and flavor, sensory and nutritional value must
is the formation of lycopene crystals [175]. be taken in to consideration. The quality of vegetables is based
Heating of tomato juice at 90–100∘ C for 7 min resulted on four main attributes such as color, texture, flavor, and
in a 1.1–1.7% decrease in lycopene, but at higher temperature nutritional value which are mainly affected by thermal pro-
loss is even more such as 17.1% at 130∘ C for 7 min [176]. The cessing. The knowledge of chemical and biochemical nature
nature and extent of lycopene degradation depends upon of different pigment present in vegetables like chlorophyll,
temperature and time of heating. In solution, 26.1% of the carotenoids, lycopene, betalains, and xanthophylls among
International Journal of Food Science 23
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