Learning Module 1

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SUBJECT: Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century

MONTH/WEEK: August 2021/Week 3
TEACHER: Excenel Lene E. Queral
CONTACT #: 0965-582-2898
The course provides opportunities for students to discover patterns and extract meanings from
emerging trends. It aids in developing their critical thinking skills – essential tools for decision
making and understanding “ethics of care.”

LESSON 1 The learner Differentiate a HUMSS_MCT12- The learner will be
Trend Vs Fad understands the trend from fad la-b-3 able to:
emergence of -distinguish a trend
LESSON 2 trends and Explain the HUMSS_MCT12- from fad;
Spotting a patterns. process on how la-b-2 -identify the processes
Trend to spot a trend of spotting a trend;
-identify the different
LESSON 3 Point out the HUMSS_MCT12- elements of a trend in
Elements of a elements that la-b-4 a given situation; and
Trend make up a trend -define clearly the
characteristics of
LESSON 4 Describe the SHUMSS_MCT12- trends; and
Characteristics different la-b-5 -enumerate and
of a Trend characteristics specify every
of a trend. characteristic.

After the lesson, the learners are expected to differentiate a trend from fad, explain the process
on how to spot a trend, point out the elements that make up a trend, and describe the different
characteristics of a trend.



What is a Trend?
- Trend is an emerging phenomenon that last for a long period of time and transmit existing ventures
to the future generations.
- Trends are best guesses for the future events or patterns that are based on present peripheral and
historical information. This information can be obtained by sophisticated methods such as computer
modelling, polling, surveying, or it can be compiled through retroactive analysis of past trends.
Example: The trend toward portable music players, on the other hand, started with the invention
of big, heavy, portable “boom boxes” and morphed into personal CD players – continuing to grow
and change into the MP3 portable music player phenomenon that we see today.

1 In everything you do put God first and He will

crown your efforts with success. - Proverbs 3:6
Categories of Trends
Microtrends These are “little things that happen all Smartphone Apps/Games which
around us all the time, the tiny shifts that are dependent on the
occur in everything from clothes we wear capabilities of a smartphone
and the snacks we eat to the way we work, (these apps/games oftentimes
play, and love.” lose their popularity overtime).
These trends happen right now and are outright
Macrotrends These are “aggregated microtrends or more Varying Smartphone brands
sweeping changes that are affecting society.” (iPhones vs. android phones)
They provide major changes that are perceptible Battle for popularity of these
in the societal level for a longer period smartphones
Megatrends These are macrotrends that have grown up Smartphones which are
and moved out. They are big, bold and affect dependent on the internet.
the lives of great swathes of the human race. Smartphones are widely used by
They can last for decades and are “so pervasive almost all people in the world.
as to be generally known.” They have become
the prevailing condition that has become too
Gigatrends These are “trends that are so general that Internet or the World Wide Web
they affect most areas of human life─ or, at which may be considered as the
least, more than one aspect of life or more soul of almost all technology.
than one industry.” They are usually identified
to define an era

Trend Analysis
Is an examination of these phenomenon and speculations on the likely impact they will have in
the future. Any given phenomenon and prediction which likely to happen or any craze/fad or trend
that would likely emerge needs to be examined.

a. Trends are composed of wide variety of information from an existing field of complex ideas.
b. Trends use overwhelming recognition and pattern dentification to create presages in knowing the
c. Trends evolution are being evaluated and observed by the use of timeframes.

Is a phenomenal scenario that is currently popular to the eyes and taste of the many. It allows
preemptive judgments and reactions up to future events. It is something that people follows either in
social media or in fashion. Trends are considered as “complex fusion” of yesterday, today, and

What is a Fad?
- Fad is something, such as an interest or fashion, that is very popular for a short time (Merriam-
Webster’s Learner’s Dictionary).
- A fad is a product that has little, if any, utility but is characterized by a quick rise in sales and
popularity followed by a quick decline in sales and popularity. This quick up and down in sales is
because fad products usually do not satisfy a strong consumer need.
Classic examples of fad:
• Hula hoop • Yoyo • Virtual pets
• Frisbee • Pokemon • Hello Kitty

2 In everything you do put God first and He will

crown your efforts with success. - Proverbs 3:6
Four categories of fads
1. Object fads – are items that people purchase even though they have little use value.
2. Activity fads – includes pursuits such as body piercing of flash mobs.
3. Idea fads – new age thoughts and ideas.
4. Personality fads – surrounding or involving celebrities.

Difference of Trend from Fad

The table below summarizes the distinction between a fad and a trend according to Arzadon et.al.
Notions of Change The new things that we The way we do things
currently do fade when the
perception of novelty is gone
Behavior Intense Sustained behavior that turns
into lifestyle, mindset, and
Effects Me-too mentality Meets needs, solve problems,
Starts with technology and issues
Time and Nature of Growth Appears suddenly Appears suddenly
Enormously popular Enormously popular
Suddenly disappears Does not disappear
Unexplainable growth Gets stronger over time
Sticks around
Scope and Limitations Stays within one company Can cross over many companies
Single brand/limited brands Encompasses entire area of


Complete the graphic organizer below by providing the similarities and differences, in your own
understanding, of Trend and Fad. You may add boxes in giving differences if needed. Write it on a sheet
of paper.




Differences In everything you do put God first and He will
crown your efforts with success. - Proverbs 3:6
Trend is a gradual change or development that produces a particular result. The following are words
which describe what a trend is:
 trend towards/to: “We’ve seen a trend towards more violent film this year.”
 trend: “The latest trend in popular music is…”
 an upward/downward trend: “Today’s figures continue the upward trend in the stock market.”
 follow a trend: “Everyone seems to be following the trend for straight shiny hairstyles.”
 buck a trend (not to be affected by a general trend): “Dell announced profits up by 30%, bucking
the trend in the troubled high-tech market.”
Trends never turn on a dime. Reversals build slowly. The first sharp dip always finds buyers and
the first sharp rise always finds sellers. – Alan Farley
It is important for us to understand that trends do not go straight up or straight down. They tend
to zigzag back and forth from a new high back to a lower high, then to a higher high and go down. Thus,
it has no consistency on its own manner.
Trend is considered as a collage of present circumstances that extend current patterns into the
future (Cornish, 2004 and Canton, 2006). However, an examination of these phenomena and
speculation on the likely impact they will have in the future is called trend analysis. In addition, the
practice of collecting information and attempting to spot a pattern, or trend, in the information is
also known as trend analysis.
Sanders, Soper, and Rotwell (2002) stated that ―an examination of trends phenomena and
speculation on its likely impact in the future is called as trends analysis. Moreover, trends analysis
grants ―future vision. It allows populations to be proactive in response to future events.
Furthermore, trends analysis is the widespread practice of collecting information and attempting to
spot a pattern in the information. It will be used in predicting future events or estimating uncertain
events in the past, and distracting present events just to promote new ones.
The process of identifying of trends is called trend spotting. Rehn and Lindkvist (2013)
define trend spotting as attempting to see the future in the present situation. On the other hand, the
people who notice and report on new fashions, activities that people are starting to do is called as trend
spotter. Conversely, an act that assumes the future that will be a logical extension of the past is defined
as act of projecting trends. Thus, projecting trends will be based from the past, present and what will be
in the future regardless of defined and undefined factors that contribute from its changes or


Many successful businesses were started by entrepreneurs with an ability to see a trend before
everyone else. They were able to take their insight and capitalize on it in a new and creative way.
Businesses from Uber and Lyft to Airbnb and HomeAway are just some of the most recent examples of
entrepreneurs benefiting from emerging trends. But just because it’s been done before doesn’t mean it is
easy to see trends first and find ways to capitalize on them.
The keen competition around the market regardless of its kind and the rapid change of
customers’ behavior, smart entrepreneurs are always looking for an edge. They want to know how they
can identify trends, and how they can use that skill to build and grow a business for them not to be
eradicated from the market place. Fortunately, here are five ways in spotting trends and capitalizing on

4 In everything you do put God first and He will

crown your efforts with success. - Proverbs 3:6
them before your competition does, and these will help you a lot the moment you apply and develop
these to your business.

1. Anticipate change
The constant thing in this world is change. Assume that change is coming and look for it. Change
can be either social -- as in the rise of socially responsible business – or technological, as
exemplified by the growth of gadgets. Sometimes change can be both. The great example of it is
social media. Don’t forget the cyclical, up-down, back-forth nature of business while you are
searching. Change doesn’t have to be permanent to provide a viable opportunity for business
creation and growth. Remember, the nature of trends has no consistency.
2. See it coming
The basic tools of the trend tracker are seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting and touching. In other
words, every sense that can be used to get information about the world should be employed in seeing
for upcoming changes. Start by reading and watching everything you can. That should include
general interest news outlets, trade publications, blogs, government reports and casual conversations
overheard in elevators. Be updated of problems people are talking about. Be proactive as it

3. Distinguish between short-lived fads and long-term trends

Strive to identify big changes that create lasting problems that many customers will be happy
to pay to solve. The idea is to wind up with a business model in which revenues are larger than costs
for a long period, not one that limps by on slender profit margins before competitors take even that
away. To filter out fads, talk to the potential buyers of the solution to the problem. The more
frustrated they are, the more likely they are to pay for a solution. In extreme cases, potential
customers may be willing to fund the development of solutions. With this, it is not hard for you to
win them. Another way around is by talking to experts.
4. Make sure your solutions are realistic
Again, it’s relevant to talk to target customers. Make sure the solution you envision is one you
can realistically provide with features. Costs must establish alternatives will compare favorably. It
is not all about your desire product to proposed, it’s about their problem to be solved. What you can
do conveniently and inexpensively may be of little value to customers. The sweet spot for a trend-
exploiting start-up is at the intersection of business capability and customer’s need.
5. Create a competitive advantage
To get the biggest benefit, be the first doer. Be courageous! It is uncommon for any single
entrepreneur to be the only one who sees an opportunity. Most will hesitate and not move at all.
Many others will not move quickly enough. Lasting competitive advantage usually goes to the first
entrant to stake a market out and capture customer loyalty. Those who come later usually have to
settle for slimmer profits and more competition. Being first is not sufficient, of course! Business
history is besieged with well-financed start-ups directed by well-regarded leaders who committed
too much, too early and in the wrong place. So, test before committing. Again, look for revenues
that overwhelm costs and customers who are overjoyed.


Complete the table below by enumerating the five (5) ways to spot and capitalize a trend and giving
your understanding in every way. Write your answer on a sheet of paper.
Five (5) Ways to Spot and Understanding/Explanation

5 In everything you do put God first and He will

crown your efforts with success. - Proverbs 3:6
Capitalize a Trend


What makes a trend a trend? In the previous module, you have learned the distinction between a
fad and a trend. A trend is a pattern of behavior demonstrated by a big number of people within a
particular period and that which continuously grow and evolve overtime while a fad is an intense but
short-lived fashion. With this distinction, we can therefore identify the elements which comprise a trend.
In this regard, Urgel (2017) enumerated the following elements of a trend:

Elements of a Trend

1. Number of participants pertains to people who follow a certain trend which is started by an
individual or a group of people. The group then grows into a community, and eventually swells into
national and international societies.
2. Pattern of behavior refers to a trend that is formed from repetitive actions of people.
3. Long period of time is one of the crucial elements of a trend which means that a trend has to have
a long-time frame, sometime running for decades. A trend may experience some ups and downs in
popularity, may fade away, and may recur.
4. Cause refers to the starting point of a trend which can be an idea, a technology, an event or a
person. All trends have beginnings and someone or somebody definitely started it. The question
here is, how did it start? Now, this becomes quite obvious as all material elements of a culture
started with one’s ideas, therefore, it is also conclusive that one starting point of a trend was an idea.
Someone or somebody thought about it in the first place. Let us go back to the evolution of
telephone mentioned above.
5. Consequence refers to the considerable impact or influence of a trend. Social networking has
become an encompassing trend that tends to influence behaviors of online users. With the popularity
of smartphones, users began subscribing to various social networking portals which enable them to
post activity statuses and photos, and even connect with celebrities. Currently, these social media
platforms and their messaging and video conferencing features are finding their relevance today
especially for the students and teachers.


Read and analyze the following statements below. Identify which of the elements of a trend is being
emphasized. Only choose the letter of the correct answer, write it on a sheet of paper.

A. Number of participants B. Pattern of behavior

C. Long period of time D. Cause
E. Consequence

1. Due to the pandemic, teachers, students and parents use messaging and conferencing features for the
virtual teaching and learning process. However, this trend can create a rather negative consequence
among its followers. One example is quality time among family members to share one another’s
presence is being diverted to other less relevant concerns brought about by the social media. They
can literally be described as “near yet so far” which means that they may be physically near each
other, in fact, sharing food on the same table, yet their attention is far from the family moment.

2. The prevailing fashion of a period, follows what celebrities are wearing or what fashion designers
offer. People often copy the trendsetters and so a new fashion trend develops. In the recent century,
styles of clothing are usually distinguished by decades. One example of this is denim jeans that
became a casual wear by all genders on a regular basis. Jeans are especially perfect for crafting

6 In everything you do put God first and He will

crown your efforts with success. - Proverbs 3:6
swoon-worthy ensembles mostly due to the fact that they work well with just about anything
especially when it comes to different looks.

3. A good example of a trend is the telephone. It is a communication instrument that revolutionized

modern living and created various social impacts. It was soon overtaken by the popularity of mobile
phones in the late 1990s that have text messaging feature. Then newer technologies allowed
smartphones to include many applications and internet connectivity. Although telephones are still
present in homes and offices, smartphones clearly have gotten ahead in functionality and usage.

4. The simple act of taking a selfie has now become a cultural trend. It is almost impossible not to see
someone taking a selfie in any place - be it in a tourist spot, in a restaurant, in a hotel lobby, beside a
movie poster in a cinema, in a concert hall, and at an event, among others. Before smartphones and
portable digital cameras, pictures or portraits were taken by another person. The selfie phenomenon
enabled people to construct themselves visually and present it to the public by putting it on social
media. Others view the taking of selfies with disdain as a symbol of narcissism and superficiality,
while others consider it as an act of self-exploration and a gauge for acceptance.

5. It was Alexander Graham Bell who first invented and engineered the very first telephone back in
1876 What do you think prompted him to such an endeavor? Well, if you guessed that it began with
an idea of bridging the gap of a long – distance relations though live voice communication then you
must be right. So, besides the snail mails which were already prevalent those times, people had
another option – the telephone. Fast forward a bit, back in the late 1990’s, these messages through
mails or letters evolved and entered the digital world through beepers while telephones also evolved
into cellular mobile phones. At present, all those separate features plus some more were combined
into the devices we presently called “smartphones.” Believe it or not, all of these were one’s ideas
which eventually turned into a reality.


As a pattern of gradual change in condition, output, and or process trend has its own
characteristics. Merriam Webster dictionary defines characteristic as a distinguishing trait, quality, or
property. However, in business dictionary it means ―a distinguishing feature or attribute of an item,
person, phenomenon, etc., usually divided into three categories: physical, functional, and operational.

Characteristics of a Trend
1. Culture Basis
A trend is rooted on the people/s cultural traditions, belief and values. It continues because people
see it as part of society.
2. Transitory Increase or Decrease
A trend shows transitory increase or decrease of a particular idea, event, or phenomenon.
3. Duration of Time
Trend have long staying power and enjoy a long period of popularity.
4. Acceptability
Trends are usual popularly accepted by many industries and people.


Complete the table below by listing down the characteristics of a trend, providing an explanation based
on your understanding, and giving a sample scenario to support your statement.


7 In everything you do put God first and He will
crown your efforts with success. - Proverbs 3:6
Trend vs. Fad
- Trend is an emerging phenomenon that last for a long period of time and transmit existing
ventures to the future generations.
- Fad is something, such as an interest or fashion, that is very popular for a short time.
Spotting a Trend
1. Anticipate change
2. See it coming
3. Distinguish between short-lived fads and long-term trends
4. Make sure your solutions are realistic
5. Create a competitive advantage
Elements of a Trend
1. Number of participants - people who follow a certain trend which
2. Pattern of behavior - a trend that is formed from repetitive actions of people.
3. Long period of time - one of the crucial elements of a trend which means that a trend has to have
a long-time frame, sometime running for decades.
4. Cause - the starting point of a trend which can be an idea, a technology, an event or a person.
5. Consequence - the considerable impact or influence of a trend.

Characteristics of a Trend
1. Culture Basis
A trend is rooted on the people/s cultural traditions, belief and values. It continues because people
see it as part of society.
2. Transitory Increase or Decrease
A trend shows transitory increase or decrease of a particular idea, event, or phenomenon.
3. Duration of Time
Trend have long staying power and enjoy a long period of popularity.
4. Acceptability
Trends are usual popularly accepted by many industries and people.


Exercise A: True or False

Direction: Write T if the given statement is True, and F if otherwise. Write your answer on a sheet
of paper.
1. 3-D Printing is an example of a trend.
2. Online ticketing is an example of a fad.
3. A Fad uses methods such as polling and surveying to attain information.
4. There is no need for a trend spotter to foresee change.
5. A trend spotter must use his/her all senses to gain information.
6. To be idealistic is a must when spotting a trend.
7. Every generation has its own fads.
8. A person who starts a trend is called trendsetter.
8 In everything you do put God first and He will
crown your efforts with success. - Proverbs 3:6
9. Trends allow population to be proactive in response to future events.
10. A trend can become a fad.

Exercise B: Matching Type

Direction: Match the statements to the terms which best describes it. Write only the letter of the
correct answer, do it in a sheet of paper.

Column Term

___ 1. Trend Analysis ___ 2. Consequence ___ 3. Trend Spotting

___ 4. Gigatrends ___ 5. Rehn and Lindkvist ___ 6. Objective Fads
___ 7. Technological ___ 8. Trend ___ 9. Cause
___ 10. Cornish and Canton ___ 11. Personality Fads ___ 12. Change
___13. Macrotrends ___ 14. Fad ___ 15. Activity Fads

Column Statement
a. A type of changes which is exemplified by the growth of gadgets
b. They are authors who stated that trend is considered as a collage of present circumstances that
extend current patterns into the future.
c. A category of Fad which includes surrounding or involving celebrities
d. The practice of collecting information and attempting to spot a pattern, or trend, in the
e. Trends that affect most of human life
f. Refers to the considerable impact or influence of a trend
g. It is a constant thing that can be both social or technological
h. The process of identifying of trends
i. A gradual change or development that produces a particular result
j. They are authors who defined trend spotting as attempting to see the future in the present
k. A product that has little, if any, utility but is characterized by a quick rise in sales and popularity
followed by a quick decline in sales and popularity
l. Trends that cause sweeping changes affecting the society
m. A category of Fad which includes items that people purchase even though they have little use
n. A category of Fad which includes pursuits such as body piercing of flash mobs
o. A trend element which answers the question, how did the trend start?

Write a 100-word Essay. You may choose from any of these two titles: “Which Fad or Trend Shall
I Accept or Reject?” or “How Do I Accept or Reject a Trend?”

Mangiduyos, G. (2017). Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century, First Edition.
Schröder, K. & Leder, F. (2005). Exploring Trends and their Characteristics.

9 In everything you do put God first and He will

crown your efforts with success. - Proverbs 3:6

SUBJECT: Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century
MONTH/WEEK: August 2021/Week 3
TEACHER: Excenel Lene E. Queral
CONTACT #: 0965-582-2898
In today’s world, people are looking forward of what is trend in social media, fashion, and other
sources that help them find their comfort. As a learner, we must give ourselves a chance to discover
what the meaning of trend is. And we found that in our last lesson what the difference between
trends and fad is. This time let’s open our minds on what are some issues when it comes to trends;
the emerging pattern or part of a whole or causes and consequences.



LESSON 1 The learner Identify parts of HUMSS_MCT12 The learner will be
Parts of a understands the a whole. -Ia-b-6 able to:
Whole emergence of -gain understanding on
trends and Identify and HUMSS_MCT12 parts of a whole;
LESSON 2 patterns. explain an -Ia-b-7 -distinguish parts of a
Emerging emerging whole;
Pattern pattern. -define emerging
HUMSS_MCT12 patterns;
LESSON 3 Identify causes -Ia-b-8 -give the importance
Causes and and of emerging patterns;
Consequences consequences. -understand the
relationship of cause
and consequence; and
-determine the causes
and consequences of

After the lesson, the learners are expected to identify parts of a whole, identify and explain an
emerging pattern, and identify causes and consequences.



It was the great Aristotle who first claimed that the whole is not equal to the sum of the parts,
and conversely, the sum of the parts is not equal to the whole. But the proponent of the idea of atom,
10 In everything you do put God first and He will
crown your efforts with success. - Proverbs 3:6
who is Democritus, somehow believed that the parts are of great significance in understanding the
essence of the whole. As a trend was born because of an idea of an individual or groups of individuals,
and these become prevalent, growing and evolving in the course of time, it is but crucial for us to trace
the movement of these growth, expansions and evolutions of trends.
Trends as they grow and evolve tend to influence or give birth to other trends and become
interconnected and interrelated. It was mentioned in the previous module that trends are formed from
the combination of things. Thus, a trend has constituent parts of portions that are interrelated. Their
influence, as well as how the people adopt them, especially the megatrends and gigatrends, makes the
trend viable.
Take as example the Japanese animation (animé) trend that is associated with several generations
spanning decades. In retrospect, Urgel (2017) illustrated the popularity of anime which was brought
about by a number of developments such as the ones shown below

Emergence of Manga (Japanese

Otaku Japanese Pop comics) and other Home Video
Music adaptations Availability

experimentation Widespread
V andi stylistic
s u a l c u lIndication
t u r

Movie sharing through
Industry internet

Electronic Development
Subtitling Animé of Subculture

Influences from
Walt Disney
Digital Piracy Films

Popularity of Penetration of
seiyuu (voice International

English Animation Rise of

Dubbing Technology and Animation Cosplaying
Innovation Studios

digital camera, smartphone, internet, Wi-Fi technology, social media, mobile apps, computer, fashion,
art, photography, to name a few. Internet memes, infographics, and sharable videos seemed to be a
microtrend only, but they eventually became a mainstay in disseminating information. Even large news
11 In everything you do put God first and He will
crown your efforts with success. - Proverbs 3:6
organizations and government websites use them. This visual culture trend which can be considered a
megatrend, has evolved further with the advent of the internet. The smartphone and Wi-Fi access greatly
helped the new form of visual culture which is subscribed to by many social media users, if not all.

Remember that microtrends can become macrotrends if they affect more lives and societies.
Then, macrotrends can become a megatrend if it can affect a much larger group for a longer period like a
decade. Megatrends can become gigatrends if they have everlasting effects and influences. Therefore, it
is evident that the whole which comprises the large part is made up of small things or parts. This can be
visualized below:

This was once a microtrend which began

as an idea of connecting small groups of
television people via local area network (LAN) and
eventually evolved into an inter-network
(internet) which was popularly known as
the world-wide-web. Now it was a
Transactions Wide Productivity



iPhone Smartphone
was also once
a microtrend
but then
Mobile became a
games megatrend
and Apps and currently
is already
considered a
Productivity gigatrend
(Excel, Word, Facebook

Twitter Instagram
Same is true with
social media. It was
once a microtrend
and currently is in
between being a My Space
megatrend and
considering the
scope of its influence 12
and effects to
In everything you do put God first and He will
people’s lives. crown your efforts with success. - Proverbs 3:6
Based on the lesson, use a suitable graphic organizer of your choice, containing different trends
that are interconnected, like the given examples.
By simply looking at the previous diagram, you will somehow have an idea on identifying
emerging patterns of a trend. Urgel (2017) defined pattern as a design, shape, form or configuration that
emerges from repetitious appearance of lines, curves, and behavior. According to him, in the study of
trends, repetitive behavior that gives rise to an emerging pattern is the main interest.
In order to follow and observe if a pattern emerges out of various events and phenomena, one
should have the tools necessary to detect it. According to Rehn and Lindkvist (2013), the tools that a
trend spotter should find handy to use are categorized into four activities which are as follows:
1. Documentation means being able to record your observations which you consider related to any
trend. The primary tools for documentation, however simple, are notebook and pen. Some opt to use
note-taking features or apps on a smartphone or tablet. The camera has also become necessary in
providing visuals. Others bring a voice recorder which is best for saving audio. Whatever tool one
uses, the important thing in documentation is the ability to physically keep information and data
wherever and whenever you may be.

2. Archive or Memory is used to easily retrieve any documentation you have kept. Notes can be
scanned or converted to a portable document format (PDF) while digital pictures can be easily saved.
Physical archiving can, of course, still be used. There are various digital archiving systems that are
available, too. Tagging and cross-indexing are helpful in labeling files.

3. Analysis is the stage where examination and combination happen. Looking for patterns on
prospective trends can be achieved through these methods: brainstorming, grouping, and crafting
combinations. In brainstorming, you decide which from your data is important and which can be
discarded. Here, you can confirm emerging patterns like events becoming more frequent and things
following a cycle. In grouping, you create headings where observations and data can fall under
several categories. In crafting combinations, you begin to link one thing to another and think what
could happen if these are taken step further, more like imagining or generating new ideas. The above
diagram presenting the evolutionary aspect of a trend is an example for this analysis.

4. Presentation is representing your findings for easy understanding as a way of analysis. You can
represent your findings through, among others, a mood board and a storyboard. A mood board is a
collage of images, text, and object samples. This is used to capture your intuition and stimulate
creative discussions about trends. A storyboard presents a narrative of possible scenarios. It
functions to connect trends to a timeline and to different contexts, something that can enable you and
others to see interesting new things. A slideshow is also another option. Sometimes, new trends are
labeled with new names or terms in the hope of popularizing a phenomenon. Again, the sample
diagram presented above is an example of this consisting of the linkages of the influences of the root
trend to the development of new trends within the link plus the explanatory analysis.
Identifying emerging patterns can be used to introduce to individuals, organizations, and
communities change, improvement, transformation and new opportunities.
Once patterns are identified, trends are given rational explanations for their emergence or existence
and are provided with a better understanding of their cultural origins.


13 In everything you do put God first and He will
crown your efforts with success. - Proverbs 3:6
Answer the question below. Write it on a sheet of paper. Write your answer in a sheet of paper.
QUESTION: Why is it useful to identify emerging patterns in looking for a trend? Cite two examples
and explain your answer concisely.


A cause refers to an agent that brings about a result or a consequence. A consequence is always
traceable to a cause which can be a person, thing, principle, motive, act, or event. There is no cause
without a consequence and vice versa. (Urgel, 2017)
Let us try to look at some of the popular fashion trends among the teenagers these days ranging
from hairstyles, clothing, and music preferences to mention a few. Clearly a number of them, if one will
try to observe, were patterned from a dominant and prevailing trend. To date, Korean fashion trends is
quite widespread in the country. In fact, you can watch from the news almost every beginning of the
year in a certain portion of those news about the fashion trend for the year. In other words, these news in
the media somehow sets these so – called fashion trends which will then be the baseline of fashion sales
of the business sectors in the market. People then especially the young and those who wanted to “fit in”
to these popularized trends would eventually patronize them. For almost a number of years already,
Korean culture became popular in the country especially among the young. With this, if we will look
around us, it resulted to the establishments of Korean restaurants, Korean mini marts which boosted the
small – scale entrepreneurship business. In terms of travel, Korea became one of the popular lists for
Filipino tourists.
This cause and consequential aspect of a trend does not only cover the example mentioned
above, in fact, it covers all types of trends in all categories such as in ideologies, politics, beliefs,
lifestyle, social life and many others. One simply need to identify the emerging patterns and look at the
causal and consequential relations of these patterns in order to understand these trends.
The string of events characterizing a trend can exemplify the cause-consequence relationship
where one event may lead to another and so on. A cause brings about one or more consequences
which may be either positive or negative. Whatever the results of a cause, the events that are noted in
each result will help produce a picture of a trend which is studied to be adopted in many life
applications. The relationship between cause and consequence is salient to strategic thinking and


Cite a trend that you notice nowadays. Give the cause/s of its appearance, as well as its consequences.
Write it on a sheet of paper.
________________ CONSEQUENCES
________________ __________________________
________________ __________________________
(Write the Trend here) _______________________

14 In everything you do put God first and He will
crown your efforts with success. - Proverbs 3:6
Parts of a Whole
Trends as they grow and evolve tend to influence or give birth to other trends and become
interconnected and interrelated. It was mentioned in the previous module that trends are
formed from the combination of things. Thus, a trend has constituent parts of portions that
are interrelated. Their influence, as well as how the people adopt them, especially the
megatrends and gigatrends, makes the trend viable.

Emerging Patterns
Emerging patterns are sets of items whose frequency changes significantly from one
dataset to another. They are useful as a means of discovering distinctions inherently
present amongst a collection datasets and have been shown to be powerful method for
constructing accurate classifiers.
Tools that a trend spotter might find handy:
1. Documentation
2. Archive or Memory
3. Analysis
4. Presentation
Causes and Consequences
The string of events characterizing a trend can exemplify the cause-consequence
relationship where one event may lead to another and so on. A cause brings about one or
more consequences which may be either positive or negative. Whatever the results of a
cause, the events that are noted in each result will help produce a picture of a trend which
is studied to be adopted in many life applications. The relationship between cause and
consequence is salient to strategic thinking and analysis.

True or False
Directions: The following are statements about TREND. Write TRUE if the sentence is correct, write
FALSE otherwise. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.
1. Trends are formed from the combination of things.
2. Music videos, image-sharing mobile apps, and emojis are some of the more physical manifestations
of people captivated by the visual culture.
3. A larger thing (the whole) does not consist of smaller things or parts.
4. Megatrend includes urbanization, automation and changing demographics.
5. Microtrend shows the tendency in the direction of some phenomenon that is fairly pervasive within
a given sphere of influence and lasts for only a few years and is common to business management.
6. Macrotrends can endure for surprisingly a long time and affect most of the society.
7. Notebook and pen are basic in documentation.
8. Interviews and friendly-group discussions (FGD) are ways to catch emerging patterns.
9. Identifying emerging patterns can be used to introduce individuals, organizations and communities
change, improvement, transformation, and new opportunities.
10. Documentation is the stage where examination and combination happen.
11. The important thing in documentation is the ability to physically keep information and data
wherever and whenever you may be.
15 In everything you do put God first and He will
crown your efforts with success. - Proverbs 3:6
12. New trends are labeled with new names or terms in the hope of popularizing a phenomenon.
13. The tools that a trend spotter should find handy to use are categorized into four activities such as
documentation, archive or memory, analysis and representation.
14. Tagging and cross-indexing are helpful in labeling files.
15. Once patterns are identified, trends are given irrational explanations for their emergence or
existence and are provided with a better understanding of their cultural origins.

Define the following base on your understanding, relate your answers to trends. Write it on a
sheet of paper.
1. Parts
2. Whole
3. Emerging Patterns
4. Causes
5. Consequences
Mangiduyos, G. (2017). Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century, First Edition.

16 In everything you do put God first and He will

crown your efforts with success. - Proverbs 3:6

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