PCR Final
PCR Final
PCR Final
Executive Summary
The Irrigation and Water Resources Management Project (IWRMP) was initiated with the aim of supporting
the national goal of poverty reduction through improving irrigated agriculture productivity and management
of selected irrigation schemes, and enhancing institutional capacity for integrated water resources
management. The target beneficiary groups of the Project were the water users of the selected irrigation
The Government of Nepal and International Development Association (IDA) had signed a financial
agreement on 31st January, 2008 for the implementation of the Project with total amount of US$ 65 million
for a period of five years (WB Grant: US$ 50 million, GoN: US$: 10 million, WUA: US$ 5 million). There
was an additional agreement dated 2nd November, 2008 for National Food Crisis Response Program with
total cost of US$ 14.3 million. Further, there was an additional agreement dated 24th March, 2014 for
activities related to the Original Project. The additional support was US$ 50 million (US$ 20 million: Grant
and US$ 30 million: Loan) from IDA, US$ 5 million by GoN and US$ 3.1 million by WUA (US $ 58.1 million
in total). The completion date for the additional financing of the Project was fixed as 30th June, 2018.
To achieve the Project Development Objective (PDO), the Project was divided into four components:
The Project was designed to be implemented in the three western regions of Nepal i.e. Western, Mid-
Western and Far-Western covering 40 districts under Component A for the improvement of surface
irrigation schemes under FMIS and GW tube well clusters. Whereas under Component B, four major AMIS
(Fully or partly) were taken from Eastern to Far-Western Terai region. Component C was designed to
support the stakeholders within the Government of Nepal (WECS) related to water resources planning and
policy formulation. Whereas, Component D integrated the irrigation system rehabilitation and improved
irrigation service provided through component A and B with agriculture activities.
Component A rehabilitated Farmer Managed Irrigation Systems (FMIS) and implemented new ground
water tube-well irrigation clusters. A total of 239 sub-projects (134 in OS and 105 in AF) covering a
combined agricultural command area of 38,861 hectares were approved by the Project Appraisal
Committee on various dates throughout the Project implementation period. These selected sub-projects
were supported with various infrastructure improvement works to achieve year-round irrigation in the
command area along with institutional support and agricultural activities. Out of a total of 239 sub-projects,
230 sub-projects (OS: 128, AF: 102) were implemented successfully achieving 97% completion rate on the
basis of number of sub-projects. The total command area which was brought under year round irrigation
facility with the successful completion of these 230 sub-projects was 34,095 ha (OS: 18,733 ha, AF: 15,362
ha). Out of the original target of 38,827 ha, this achievement was 88% considering the combined non
IWRMP Project Completion Report
completion of nine sub-projects. The total population directly benefitted by the implementation of the sub-
projects under component A was 384,361 with total households (HH) 59,228. The share of Janajatis and
Dalits were 18% and 10% respectively. Since most subprojects under component A comprised of
rehabilitation works, there were no significant social and environmental issues reported during
implementation. Most of the minor issues reported were mitigated with the preparation and implementation
of Social & Environmental Management Plan (SEMP). There was an inbuilt feature of Component A to
prepare and implement Gender & Vulnerable Community Development Plan (GVCDP) at the sub-project
A total of 7 sub-systems were taken up for IMT under IWRMP Component B. Kankai Irrigation System
(7000 ha), Sitagunj Branch (8000 ha) & Ramgunj Branch (7800 ha) of Sunsari Morang irrigation system,
Block 2 (3000 ha) & Block 8 (3000 ha) of Narayani Irrigation system and Stage I (4800 ha) and Stage II
(5700 ha) of Mahakali Irrigation system were taken up for Irrigation Management Transfer with the aim of
transferring these systems beyond a certain part to a fully responsible and capable Water User’s
Association, represented by the farmers of the system. The major works under IMT were Essential
Structure Improvements (ESI), water management activities and institutional development works. ESI
works were carried out at each of the ISPs to upgrade the quality of the canal networks to provide more
water to farmers, especially in the tail end regions of the canal systems. The implemented volume of ESI
works in all systems were more than the original targets as the savings gained from currency exchange
rate, low bidding and savings from contingencies were further channelled into these system for increasing
the scope of ESI activities. Water management was the key issue for an irrigation system and concerned
WUA to be sustainable since it ensured availability of sufficient irrigation water from head to tail efficiently
and equitably and thereby, justified strictness in the collection of irrigation fees. Major activities under water
management were calibration of irrigation structures, development and implementation of canal operation
plan, canal maintenance plan and assets management plan. Institutional development activities were
carried out in all systems selected for IMT which included the formation of WUAs, infrastructure support
and capacity building of WUAs, and Irrigation Service Fee (ISF) collections. At the end of IMT, exit plan
was prepared for each system and disseminated to the concerned farmers. The basic objective of the exit
plan was to sustain project benefits and best practices of the completed schemes by institutionalizing them
in both WUA and DoI.
The aim of the Component C was to help provide more effective and streamlined water resources
management services at the national level and within selected basins through institutional strengthening
of relevant institutions and policy support to the Government of Nepal. The major activities carried out
under this Component were the establishment of Water Resources Information System (WRIS), preparing
the draft of Integrated Water Resources Policy, Initiating to prepare selected river basin plans, installation
and operation of telemetric system in major rivers and canal systems, establishment of river basin offices,
and establishment of GIS-based management information systems.
The Component D had provided a package of appropriate agronomic and water management practices
and investment support as deemed appropriate in the sub-projects under Components A and B. The
Component focused on on-farm crop water management, cropping pattern improvement, crop
IWRMP Project Completion Report
diversification and intensification, quality seed production in the command area, farm mechanization and
organized market. The key activities carried out were social mobilization, field-based training, farmer field
school on integrated crop water management and integrated pest management, livestock shed
improvement, seed production, income generation program to attract youth in agriculture and
demonstration of off-season vegetables in plastic tunnel, distribution of small farm machinery and capacity
building of the technical staff, water users, agro- input suppliers and farmers.
All key targets as defined in the Project Development Objective (PDO) and project indicators were achieved
by the Project. The Project provided year round irrigation facilities for 73,876 ha of agriculture land with the
rehabilitation of schemes under FMIS and AMIS. It was noted that 87% water users were satisfied with the
WUA and most of the schemes (87%) collected sufficient fund (cash+labour) for their O&M expenditures.
The total number of beneficiaries directly benefitted by the project was 764,611 which was about 85% more
than its target. The productivity of major crops e.g. rice, wheat, maize and potato were increased by 51%,
55%, 122%, and 79% respectively in comparison to the baseline values. The average cropping intensity
was increased up to 243% from its base value of 168%. Further, the seed replacement rate in the sub-
projects were 13%, 13% and 16% for rice, wheat and maize respectively.
Apart from those specified project outcome indicators, employment generation at local level were increased
significantly and also the technical knowledge of water users in relation to water resource management,
construction management, and financial resources management were increased. Women participation as
farmers and as WUA members was also promising. WUA contribution to the physical construction works
were also very high (around 8.5%). Crop diversification and commercialization increased in all AMIS after
the intervention of IWRMP. It was noted that farmers have started to produce their own seeds for all
agricultural products as much as possible. IWRMP was a pioneer project for the promotion of small farm
machinery in Nepal. Promotion of small farm-machinery has contributed to reduce the cost of production,
drudgery, and workload.
In spite of having many challenges during the course of project preparation and implementation, IWRMP-
AF nevertheless, did not reschedule its completion timeline beyond June, 2018, the original date of
completion as agreed during its inception. Both parts of the Project, original scope and additional finance,
were in its combination, able to achieve most of the target outcomes with the successful completion of
more than 97% of sub-projects in the field level by the final deadline of the Project.
Currently, a probable shock to the Project outcome could be the national restructuring into three tier federal
government system. Local and Provincial governments should be aware of IMT activities and should
recognize the importance and overall contribution to national benefit by FMIS system in Nepal.
The achievements of IWRMP underscore the importance of irrigated agriculture for income generation,
employment opportunities and food security at the rural level. It highlights the goals that are both attainable
and sustainable by integrating irrigation, agriculture and marketing. It is important that the lessons learned
by IWRMP should be redirected by future interventions for improving the economy in the rural areas of
IWRMP Project Completion Report
1 PROJECT CONTEXT AND DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVE ................................ 1
1.1 Context at Appraisal ........................................................................................................................ 1
1.2 Goals and Objectives ...................................................................................................................... 3
1.3 Scope of Project .............................................................................................................................. 5
Component A: Irrigation Infrastructure Development & Improvement ............................... 6
Component B: Irrigation Management Transfer ................................................................ 6
Component C: Institutional and Policy Support for Improved Water Management ........... 8
Component D: Integrated Crop and Water Management .................................................. 8
1.4 Significant Changes during Implementation ................................................................................. 10
2 PROJECT OUTCOME ...................................................................................... 11
2.1 Relevance of PDOs ....................................................................................................................... 11
2.2 Achievement of the PDOs ............................................................................................................. 11
Component A: Irrigation Infrastructure Development & Improvement ............................. 11 Sub-Project Implementation ............................................................................................. 13 Overall Achievements on infrastructure development ..................................................... 14 Uncompleted Subprojects ................................................................................................ 15 Institutional Development Activities ................................................................................. 16 Agriculture development activities under Component A sub-projects ............................. 20 Implementation of Social and Environmental Management Plan (SEMP) ...................... 20 Implementation of Gender & Vulnerable Community Development Plan (GVCDP) ....... 22 Irrigation Water facilities and other monitoring of PDOs indicator ................................... 22
a. WUA Performance ........................................................................................................... 25
2.2.2 Component B: Irrigation Management Transfer (IMT) ..................................................... 27 IMT Methodology ............................................................................................................. 27 Essential Structures Improvement (ESI) works ............................................................... 28 Water Management activities for IMT .............................................................................. 30 Institutional Development activities for IMT ..................................................................... 33 Exit Plan of IMT sub-system ............................................................................................ 37
2.2.3 Component C: Institutional and Policy Support for Improved Water Management ......... 38
2.2.4 Component D: Integrated Crop and Water Management ................................................ 40
2.3 Other Outcomes and Impacts ....................................................................................................... 51
3.1 Key factors during preparation ...................................................................................................... 55
3.2 Key factors during Implementation ............................................................................................... 55
DEVELOPMENT OUTCOME ............................................................................ 57
4.1 Quality of Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) ................................................................................. 57
4.2 Environmental, Social, and Fiduciary Compliance ....................................................................... 58
4.3 Performance of Government Institutions and Departments, Non-Government Entities, the
principle TA provider, the Supervisory Entity involved in the project ............................................ 60
IWRMP Project Completion Report
List of Tables
Table 1 Project Cost of IWRMP ................................................................................................................... 2
Table 2 Results Framework for Component A ............................................................................................. 4
Table 3 Sub-Projects under Component B as per the Appraisal ................................................................. 7
Table 4 Sub-Projects under Component B (Actual) ..................................................................................... 8
Table 5 Component wise project cost ........................................................................................................ 10
Table 6 Distribution of completed sub-project under Component A .......................................................... 15
Table 7 Distribution of population and HH under Component A sub-projects ........................................... 15
Table 8 Training in FMIS during IWRMP ................................................................................................... 17
Table 10 Season wise farmer's perception of water availability in component A sub-projects ................. 24
Table 11 Perception of increment of crop area in Tail Enders farmers in component A sub-projects ...... 25
Table 12 Percentage of farmers on WUA's performance in Component A sub-projects .......................... 26
Table 13 IMT steps for component B sub-projects .................................................................................... 27
Table 14 Command area of Sub-Projects under Component B (Target Vs. Achieved) ............................ 30
Table 15 Steps in COP Preparation ........................................................................................................... 31
Table 16 Steps in AMP Preparation ........................................................................................................... 32
Table 17 Target vs. Progress for various activities under Component B sub-projects .............................. 32
Table 18 Infrastructure support to WUA under component B sub-projects ............................................... 33
Table 19 Training topics for WUAs ............................................................................................................ 34
Table 20 Total number of participants in various trainings ........................................................................ 35
Table 21 ISF rates in sub-projects under IMT ............................................................................................ 36
Table 22 Trend of total ISF collection in IMT sub-projects ........................................................................ 36
Table 23 Annual resources collection by IMT sub-projects as of 2073/74 ................................................ 37
Table 24 Small Irrigation Schemes completed under Component D ......................................................... 43
Table 25 various interventions under completed small irrigation schemes ............................................... 44
Table 26 Livestock shed constructed under Component D ....................................................................... 46
Table 27 Number of Farm Machinery distributed....................................................................................... 46
Table 28 Micro-Irrigation activities under Component D (DoI part) ........................................................... 47
Table 29 Achievements in Project Indicators (Result Framework) ............................................................ 48
Table 30 Financial Returns of Cereal Crops in Completed Sub-Projects under component A ................. 52
Table 31 Financial returns in Cash Crops in completed Sub-Projects under component A ...................... 53
IWRMP Project Completion Report
List of Figures
IWRMP Project Completion Report
ADP Agriculture Development Plan
ADS Agriculture Development Strategy
AF Additional Financing (for IWRMP from March 2014 to June 2018)
AMIS Agency- Managed Irrigation System
AMP Asset Management Plan
AO Association Organizer (Social Worker)
BC Branch Canal
BSC Branch Secondary Canal
CA Command Area
CBO Community Based Organization
CCA Culturable Command Area
CDMA Code Division Multiple Access
CMP Canal Maintenance Plan
COI Conflict of Interest
COP Canal Operation Plan
DAC District Appraisal Committee
DADO District Agriculture Development Office
DDC District Development Committee
DDRC District Disaster Relief Committee
DFSR Detailed Feasibility Study Report
DG Director General
DHM Department of Hydrology & Meteorology
DoA Department of Agriculture
DoI Department of Irrigation
DTT District Technical Team
DTW Deep Tube Well
EC (WUA) Executive Committee
EDMS Enterprise Database Management System
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment
ESI Essential Structures Improvement
FAO Food & Agriculture Organization
FCRP Food Crisis Response Program
FFS Farmer’s Field School
FMIS Farmers Managed Irrigation System
FY Fiscal Year
GoN Government of Nepal
GMC Grievance Management Committee
GPRS General Packet Radio Service
GRM Grievance Redress Mechanism
GVCDP Gender & Vulnerable Community Development Plan
GW Groundwater
GWIDD Groundwater Irrigation Development Division
ha hectare
HH Households
HW Head Work
ICM Integrated Crop Management
IWRMP Project Completion Report
IWRMP Project Completion Report
IWRMP Project Completion Report
a) traditional farmer irrigation systems developed, owned and managed by the communities
b) systems developed with full or partial support of the government
c) large-outlay surface irrigation schemes
d) government developed tube well irrigation schemes both deep and shallow tube-wells
e) Individually owned and operated tube-wells and pumps (mostly using shallow aquifers,
streams, ponds, and dug wells).
The first and second categories account for nearly three-quarters of total irrigated area in Nepal and the
farmers are fully responsible for all management activities, ranging from diversion of flows at the water
source to operation of the canals and delivery to the agriculture field. Over the years and generations that
many of these systems have been in operation, the communities responsible for them have also developed
their own rules, norms and procedures for managing such irrigation schemes.
The third category includes medium and large systems jointly managed by the government and farmers.
The fourth category covers government-developed deep and shallow tube wells (DTWs and STWs) and
the fifth is fully privately owned and operated.
The defining characteristics of irrigation systems vary significantly between the hills and the Terai. Hill
schemes are predominantly traditional farmer-managed irrigation systems (FMIS) and often suffer from
infrastructural weaknesses owing to informal design (earthen canals with rocks, mud and grass used for
flow control/diversions) as well as natural damage from landslides and floods. Moreover, abstractions are
predominantly made from medium and small watercourses driven by the Monsoon hydrological pattern,
with limited capacity for providing year-round water supply and thereby limiting the scope for diversification.
Optimising these resources is therefore a priority.
In the Terai, on the other hand, irrigation is characterised by relatively large public irrigation systems
(agency-managed irrigation systems or AMIS) which suffer from below capacity performance, poor
operation and maintenance (O&M), negligible cost recovery and inadequate maintenance funds. Both the
hill and Terai irrigation systems suffer from low water use efficiency leading to low agricultural productivity.
IWRMP Project Completion Report
The PAD cites past efforts by the Government of Nepal (GoN) to reform the irrigated agriculture sector.
The National Water Plan (NWP), 2005 calls for Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM). It points
out the potential for expanding the nation’s irrigated area, and highlights the poor coordination between the
Irrigation and Agriculture development sectors as a major shortcoming. The NWP sets forth an ambitious
agenda of needed irrigation improvements including management, planning, and capacity development for
all stakeholders including water user’s groups within the country. These needs are further emphasized in
Department of Irrigation’s (DoI) Irrigation Development Vision (IDV), 2005. To promote efficiency and
effectiveness of water delivery the IDV emphasizes that the DoI must focus on institutional building.
Further, Nepal’s Poverty Reduction Strategy (PRS) envisages that improved irrigation facilities,
uninterrupted supply of chemical fertilizer and expansion of rural credit along with rural roads and higher
resource allocations would help achieve annual agriculture growth of about 4.1%. Realizing the importance
of Integrated Water Resource management, the GoN stressed the river basin planning approach for water
resource development activities. However, there was a lack of a comprehensive, legislative and regulatory
framework to enable integrated water resource management.
Recognising the above mentioned facts, the Government of Nepal and International Development
Association (IDA) (IDA & WB refers same and use interchangeably in this report) had signed a financial
agreement on 31st January, 2008 for the implementation of “Irrigation and Water Resources Management
Project (IWRMP)” with total amount of US$ 65 million. According to the signed agreement, the GoN
received the Grant Support from IDA of US$ 50 million. The remaining amount was from GoN (US$ 10
million) with obligatory contribution from WUA (US$ 5 million). The project was launched for the period of
five years (2008-2013), however, the project period was extended up to 30 June, 2016. There was an
additional agreement dated 2nd November, 2008 for National Food Crisis Response Program (NFCRP)
with total cost of US$ 14.3 million. Further, the GoN and IDA entered into an additional agreement dated
24th March, 2014 for the purpose of providing additional financing for activities related to the original project
(signed dated 31st January, 2008). The additional support was US$ 50 million (US$ 20 million: Grant and
US$ 30 million: Loan) from IDA, US$ 5 million by GoN and US$ 3.1 million by WUA (US $ 58.1 million in
total). The deadline of the additional financing of the project was fixed up to 30th June, 2018. The Table 1
summarizes the total cost of the project.
Grant Loan
IWRMP Project Completion Report
Key indicators for measuring the achievement of the Project Development Objective (PDO) were:
a) Increase in productivity of selected crops namely: Rice, Wheat, Maize & Potato
c) Percent of transfer irrigation schemes whose O&M expenditures is undertaken by the concerned
WUAs as per agreed Asset Management Plan
g) Water users (Number of beneficiaries) provided with new/improved irrigation and drainage
h) Water users (Number of Female beneficiaries) provided with irrigation and drainage services
To achieve the Project Development Objective (PDO), measuring accomplishments by the use of the key
indicators above, the project was divided into four components:
While Component A and B were implemented by the Department of Irrigation (DoI), Component C and D
were implemented by Water and Energy Commissions Secretariat (WECS) and Department of Agriculture
respectively. The project was managed by the Office of Project Director (OPD), based at DoI in Kathmandu.
Field level implementations were carried out by respective district and regional offices.
In addition to the PDO and its key indicators, each component had its own indicator to monitor its
performance. Key indicators for measuring the achievement of the PDO in relation to Component A were:
c) Percent of WUAs collecting water charges (in cash, kind & labour) required for adequate O&M
IWRMP Project Completion Report
e) Area irrigated by Ground Water (GW) from deep and shallow tube wells
2 Financially and institutionally Percentage of WUAs formally constituted and holding regular
sustainable WUAs meetings.
Percentage of WUAs collecting water charges (in cash, kind and
labour) required for adequate O&M
Percentage of WUAs maintaining appropriate accounts and cash
The overall objective of Component B was to improve irrigation service performance and service delivery
in selected irrigation systems in the Terai through the principles of Irrigation Management Transfer (IMT)
to the relevant Water Users Association (WUAs). The component was designed to address problems
exhibited in large public irrigation schemes i.e. AMIS characterized by below capacity performance, poor
O&M, low cost recovery, and inadequate maintenance funds. Key indicators for measuring the
achievement of the PDO in relation to Component B were:
c) Number of WUAs collecting water charges (ISF) required for adequate O&M
f) Adequate O&M expenditures by DoI and WUA according to agreed Asset Management Plan
The major goal of Component C, Institutional and Policy Support for Improved Water Management, was to
provide more effective and streamlined water resources management services at the national level and
within selected river basins through institutional strengthening of relevant institutions, namely WECS, and
the DoI. The component was designed to address sector issues relating to the lack of appropriate
regulatory framework and sufficient institutional capacity for undertaking effective planning and inter-
IWRMP Project Completion Report
sectorial allocation of water resources. Key indicators for measuring the achievement of the PDO in relation
to Component C were:
The objective of Component D was to increase production, productivity and profitability of agriculture and
related production activities in the schemes selected under the project. The component integrated the
irrigation system rehabilitation and improved irrigation service provided through Components A and B with
agricultural production activities. It focused on the issues of insufficient integration between agriculture and
water management interventions in order to derive full benefits from investments in irrigation. The expected
outputs are higher productivity in agriculture and related production activities; increase in cropping intensity;
and diversification into vegetables and other high-value crops. Overall, the component would seek to
provide a package of appropriate agronomic and water management practices and investment support in
the concerned irrigation schemes.
Key indicators for measuring the achievement of the PDO in relation to Component D were:
The Project was designed to be implemented in the three western regions of Nepal i.e. Western, Mid-
Western and Far-Western covering 40 districts under Component A for the improvement of surface
irrigation schemes under FMIS and GW (deep and shallow) tube well constructions. Whereas under
Component B, four major AMIS (Fully or partly) were taken from Eastern Terai to Far-Western Terai. The
project coverage area is shown in figure 1 below.
IWRMP Project Completion Report
The component wise scope of the project are described in the following sub-sections:
Component A was designed to address the following issues in selected surface and ground water schemes
in the Mountain, Hills and Terai:
a) Structural and Operational weakness in the traditional FMIS, with consequent low water use
efficiency and low agricultural productivity.
With regard to the irrigation schemes the component was designed to support rehabilitation and/or
construction of a total of 217 irrigation schemes both surface and GW (OS: 134, AF: 83) covering around
33,360 ha of command area. However during the implementation of the sub-projects, savings were realized
due to the gain from dollar exchange rate, low bidding from contractors and also saving from contingencies,
hence the OPD proposed to increase the scope of the project. Finally, the component targeted to support
rehabilitation and/or construction of a revised total of 239 irrigation schemes (OS: 134, AF: 105) covering
around 38,827 ha of command area.
Capacity building of WUAs in the target ISPs in order to improve the levels of service they provide
to their members
Agricultural extension and training to help farmers in the target ISPs exploit the full potential of
their rehabilitated irrigation systems
Capacity building of the Department of Irrigation (DoI) through in-house training, overseas courses
and study tours, and regional workshops.
The total cost of Component A was US$ 70.85 million (OS: US$ 39.85 million, AF: US$ 31.0 million)
b) Preparation and implementation of an assets management plan that defines the O&M needs of
the irrigation systems
c) Provision of training and other capacity building activities for WUAs to enable them to take overall
responsibilities for the governance, management and maintenance of the irrigation systems,
including the collection and administration of water charges for undertaking O&M activities of the
irrigation systems and related equipment to be transferred to WUAs pursuant to IMT agreement
between DoI and WUAs.
IWRMP Project Completion Report
d) Essential structural improvement works of the irrigation systems and sub-systems to bring them to
an operational stage
e) Preparation and implementation of a water management plan to run the system efficiently and
optimally to distribute available water resources in the system
Initially, Component B envisaged within its scope, the Irrigation Management Transfer with the legally
empowered WUAs of 9 schemes from 4 different AMIS covering a total of 61,000 ha of command area as
shown in Table 3 below:
After the mid-term review mission of the World Bank (WB) in October, 2011, the scope of work of
Component B was confined to working with 4 WUAs within 4 AMIS covering only 23,100 ha of command
area. However, during the formal agreement of AF in November, 2013, it was agreed to add three other
systems namely Ramgunj (7800 ha), Narayani Block 2 (3000 ha) and Mahakali Stage II (5700 ha) as
shown in Table 4 with a total target of 39,300 ha of irrigated agriculture land.
IWRMP Project Completion Report
Total cost of this component was US$23.43 million (OS: US$ 10.59 Million, AF: US$12.84 million).
The major scope of Component C of IWRMP was to establish a central Water Resources Information
Centre (WRIC) at the WECS to develop and maintain national water resource database and disseminate
water related data to the concerned stakeholders. Further, the component had aimed to prepare a new
integrated water resources policy and with all necessary legal instruments relating to the extraction and
use of GW, coordination of water licensing powers, mechanism for legalization of customary water rights,
and regulation and promotion of private sector participation. Establishment of telemetric system for real
time measurement of water availability in selected rivers was one of the primary tasks of this component.
The major activity of this component in the AF period was the preparation of basin plan for Karnali, Gandaki,
Babai and West Rapti basin.
Furthermore, this component had to ensure the capacity building activities for DoI aimed at enhancing its
capacity for implementing irrigation sector reform, including development of management information
system (MIS) and an integrated monitoring and evaluation system (M&E) with associated equipment and
The total cost of this component was US$ 7.60 million (OS: US$ 4.12 million, AF: US$ 3.48 million)
This component integrated the irrigation system rehabilitation and improved irrigation service provided
through Component A and B with downstream agricultural activities. It provided a package of modernized
agriculture practices and institutional support for farmers and landless vulnerable communities in the
command area toward achieving optimal level of agriculture production. ICWM had to be implemented by
the farmers themselves using participatory planning, implementation, and monitoring approach. This
component ensured intensive training and support to the farmers which included:
IWRMP Project Completion Report
c) Introduction of site specific agronomic practices relevant to local needs and market opportunities
d) Provision of pre and post production support to small farmers in the form of small rural access
infrastructure, improved availability of quality inputs, cooperative processing and marketing,
strengthening of supply chains, improved storage structures/handling practices, and efficient
marketing information.
The sub component D1 focused on improvement of production practices, better water use and
management practices which had to be implemented through:
Field level demonstration for crop and on farm water management (IPM, ICM, FFS etc.)
The sub component D2 focused on improvement of water distribution structure at field level which would
be done through:
The sub component D3 had to enable farmers and other producers to enhance their production system
through demand driven augmentation of productive capacity and infrastructure. This support was provided
on a matching grant basis, where the farmers group contributed a portion of the total cost of the
infrastructure, in kind and cash. The scope of infrastructure would be:
Shallow tube-wells
Community managed resources centre for farm mechanization and information dissemination
Total cost of this component was US$ 30.3 million (OS: US$7.72 million, AF: US$ 22.58 million)
IWRMP Project Completion Report
The original scope of the project had a timeline till June 30, 2013 for its completion. This timeline was
extended to June 30, 2016 due to a number of reasons including the devastating earthquake of 2015
followed by broader blockade. However, the scope of the four different components, A, B, C and D
remained unchanged.
IWRMP Project Completion Report
The PDO of Irrigation and Water Resources Management Project (IWRMP) was well aligned with the
Government Policy Priority and overall need of the country. At a national policy level, the Project’s scope
was founded on the Nepal Water Resources Strategy (NWRS) (2002), the National Water Plan (NWP)
(2005), Nepal Irrigation Development Vision, 2005 and the Agricultural Development Strategy (ADS).
Together, these recognised the importance of year-round irrigation and emphasised the proper
management of the surface and groundwater resources. These improvements were to lead to significant
increase in crop production resulting in food self-sufficiency, employment generation and poverty reduction.
The PDOs of IWRMP is still a relevant objective as the 14th plan (2016/17 – 2018/19) of Nepal envisages
an expansion of year round irrigation service in cultivable land and a goal of supporting agricultural yield
and production with reliable and sustainable irrigation services.
The prime objective of IWRMP was to “improve irrigated agriculture productivity and management of
selected irrigation schemes and enhance institutional capacity for integrated water resources
management”. This was achieved through the four components as discussed above. The various activities
performed under each component with its methodology, process and results to achieve the PDOs and
component indicators are described in the following sub-section on component wise.
This component rehabilitated Farmer Managed Irrigation System (FMIS) and new ground water tubewell
irrigation clusters. A total of 239 sub-projects (134 in OS and 105 in AF) covering a combined agricultural
command area of 38,861 hectares were approved by the Project Appraisal Committee on various dates
throughout the project implementation period. These selected sub-projects were supported with various
infrastructures improvement works to achieve year-round irrigation in the command area along with
institutional support and agricultural activities.
In the implementation initiation stage, the concerned DoI and DoA at the district level were responsible for
the disseminating of information to farmers’ groups about the project and how to avail of its benefits in their
respective areas including the preparation and submission of application forms. From this, a sub-project
list was prepared and the officials at the DoI/DoA went through this list to refine it on the basis of
determining which sub-project were aligned with IWRMP selection criteria. Thereafter, the concerned
farmer’s groups/WUAs were approached to explain to them how IWRMP worked and ask them whether
they would be interested in having the schemes rehabilitated under IWRMP. The criteria were as follows:
a) there were no potential water rights disputes within the river sub-basin;
IWRMP Project Completion Report
b) the command area was not less than 25 ha in the hills and 200 ha in the Terai, unless they
were in a known food deficit or very remote area;
c) the beneficiaries were committed to taking responsibility for all future O&M;
d) the beneficiaries were willing to contribute to construction costs (10% for surface and 15% for
groundwater irrigation schemes) either in cash or kind (including labour work).
ii Application
At this stage, the farmer group would have to had completed the required application form, signed by all
beneficiary households, and had submitted it to their respective DoI field office along with an upfront cash
deposit of NRs 50 per hectare. If the farmers’ group or WUA was not already legally registered at the time,
the beneficiaries were permitted to form an adhoc WUA committee to represent them.
Feasibility studies were generally initiated by the local DoI field offices, using their own expertise or local
consultants. Designers were encouraged to work closely with the respective WUAs/farmers groups in the
field and discuss the scope of works and preliminary cost estimates with them. Given the small size of most
schemes, the resulting detailed feasibility study reports (DFSR) often included detailed designs as well.
It was during the feasibility study phase that a separate social and environmental management plan
(SEMP) would be prepared for each subproject by the concerned DoI district level office. The SEMP
identifies key social and environmental issues as a result of project intervention and plans counter
measures for its mitigation during the sub-project implementation itself. These typically included: training
in the safe use of pesticides (with intensification of agriculture), guideline preparation of safe use of agro-
chemicals, training to agro-vets for safe distribution of agro-chemicals, forestry protection, sanitation of the
labourers’ camp, control of dust where construction activities are in proximity to inhabited areas and access
crossings over the canals for vehicles, pedestrians, livestock and wildlife.
v Appraisal
After review by the District Appraisal Committee (DAC) and the technical assistance (TA) team, the DFSR
of a candidate subproject would be submitted to the Regional Irrigation Directorate (RID), which instigated
its own field-level verification of the proposed works. It would then be forwarded to the Regional Appraisal
Committee (RAC) for ratification and forwarding to the Project Implementation and Coordination Committee
(PICC) at the centre for approval for inclusion in the project.
In parallel, the DoI field office would also submit the subproject’s SEMP to the IWRMP’s Office of the
Project Director (OPD) for approval.
IWRMP Project Completion Report
sub-project. The plan specified the responsibilities of the WUA, DoI and Department of Agriculture (DoA).
At this stage the WUA was also required to deposit the balance (ie less the NRs 50 per hectare already
paid) of the upfront cash up to 0.5% of the investment cost.
If not already officially registered, the WUA of a subproject approved under IWRMP would then be
constituted at a general assembly and registered with the DoI and WUA members would receive initial
training in the roles and responsibilities of a WUA. A memorandum of agreement would also be signed
between the DoI and WUA, detailing the cost-sharing arrangements and work breakdown arrangements
of the proposed works. This became the first formal step of the Institutional Development Framework (IDF)
which the project used to structure its WUA capacity building activities.
The overall planning and implementation of IWRMP was done through Office of the Project director (OPD)
based in Kathmandu with the guidance from PICC and Project Steering Committee (PSC) chaired by the
secretary of Ministry of Irrigation. The sub-project level implementation was carried out by the district level
DoI’s and DoA’s. The overall arrangement of sub-project implementation is shown in Figure 2 below:
IWRMP Project Completion Report
procurement process for the construction works. In parallel, it would also initiate training of the WUA’s
supervision and quality control subcommittee under the IDF so that the WUA could take an active role in
construction supervision as well as quality control of its own works carried out under “payable” and/or
“contribution” contracts (see below).
a) DoI Contribution
Using funds from the GoN and WB, this component comprised the biggest single component of the
project’s intervention to rehabilitate/renovate an irrigation subproject. The bulk of the construction works
were carried out by local contractors appointed under national competitive bidding (NCB). However, some
works (particularly on surface water irrigation schemes) were carried out by the concerned WUA under
“WUA Payable” contracts, where the WUA received the engineer’s estimated rate for works less 15% (less
contract profit). The size of these WUA Payable contracts were limited by GoN procurement rules to
NRs 6 million (~ US$ 60 Thousand) up to the end of the 2073/74 fiscal year and to NRs 10 million (~ US$
1 Million) from the beginning of the 2074/75 fiscal year. WUA Payable contracts were generally not used
on groundwater ISPs because much of the work involved was electromechanical and therefore required
more highly skilled labour.
b) WUA Contribution
Target WUA contributions towards the cost of construction under IWRMP were 10% and 15% for surface
water and groundwater ISPs, respectively. Farmers could contribute either by agreeing to carry out part
of the works at their own cost (under a “WUA Contribution” contract) or in cash. In practice, WUAs of
surface water ISPs opted for contribution contracts and mobilised village labour to carry out earthworks,
canal lining, gabion works and some minor structures. WUAs of groundwater ISPs, on the other hand,
mostly opted for cash contributions.
The completion of the sub-project physical infrastructure development activities were very encouraging in
both OS and AF phase of IWRMP. Out of total 239 sub-projects (OS: 134, AF: 105), 230 sub-projects (OS:
128, AF: 102) were implemented successfully achieving 97% completion rate on the basis of number of
sub-projects. The total command area which has come under year round irrigation facility with the
successful completion of these 230 sub-projects was 34,095 ha (OS: 18,733 ha, AF: 15,362 ha). Out of
the original target of 38,827 ha, this achievement was 88% considering the combined non completion of
nine sub-projects.
The region and ecological wise distribution of the completed sub-projects are shown in the Table 6 below.
The table clearly shows that a large number of sub-projects were in Western region (107 number), probably
in view of the area being more accessible to the sub-project sites in this region followed by Mid-Western
(79 number) and Far-Western (44 number). With the similar reason, the Mountain geographic region had
less number of sub-projects (35 numbers), followed by Terai (59 numbers) and hills (136 numbers). The
main reason for lesser number of sub-project in Terai than in hill was due to the larger size of sub-projects
in Terai.
IWRMP Project Completion Report
The total population directly benefitted by the implementation of the sub-projects under Component A were
384,361 with total households (HH) 59,228. The share of Janajatis and Dalits were 18% and 10%
respectively. The overall distribution of population and HH in all three ecological regions are shown in the
Table 7 below:
This sub-project was taken up during OS phase of the project. Issues of working inside forest zone were
triggered during sub-project implementation. The EIA report was submitted to Ministry of Forest however,
still remains undecided for its approval which eventually led the sub-project to be incomplete.
Due to the passiveness of contractor and WUA during sub-project implementation, the sub-project remains
IWRMP Project Completion Report
Conflict between IDD, WUA and contractor led to contract arbitration and remains under judiciary
consideration to date, hence the sub-project remains incomplete.
River bed degradation up to 1.5 meters near the HW site and landslide to the extent of 200 meters along
the main canal led to the contractor and WUA becoming passive towards the work. Afterwards, the sub-
project was deemed to be technically and contractually unfeasible for further implementation and hence
remains incomplete.
The sub-project was completed 80% physically and already capable of supplying improved irrigation
services to 70% of the 240-ha command area, however very slow mobilization of the contractor and WUA
led the sub-project to be incomplete. Outstanding works comprise a 300-m guide bund, 30% of the
headworks, two aqueducts, dismantling of the old head regulator and 2,767m 3 of backfilling.
Despite the best efforts of the IDD, the sub-project remains incomplete although the sub-project achieved
90% of physical progress and was capable of supplying improved irrigation services to 80% of the 2,500-
ha command area. Outstanding works comprise RCC block work, 120m of canal lining and one escape
The outstanding works for this ISP comprise 1km of pipe laying which means that although the subproject
was completed about 80% physically, it was not able to deliver water to any part of the command area.
One of the objectives of Component A, IWRMP was to provide institutional support to the WUAs of target
FMIS. A pre-condition to this end was the formalization of such beneficiary WUAs such that they registered
themselves at the concerned DoI district office so they may avail of such support. In fact, all 233 WUAs of
FMIS were newly registered legally in concerned IDD/IDSD as all of them were managed by some form of
(un)official WUA for many years and one of the target outcomes of the project was to ensure that these
WUAs were financially and institutionally sustainable. DoI district field offices (IDD/IDSD/GWIDDs) had
primary responsibility for institutional development of WUAs through a structured programme of training
IWRMP Project Completion Report
and activities known as the Institutional Development Framework (IDF), which was developed by the
project to be implemented in three phases:
i Phase I – Preparation Activities under this phase were primarily concerned with formation and
registration of the WUA, training of WUA executive committee (EC) members in their roles and
responsibilities, formation of WUA subcommittees and basic governance. Activities also included
training of the WUA’s supervision and quality control committee in anticipation of construction
works starting on site in order that the WUA could be confident in the quality of work being carried
out by the contractor as well as controlling their own works carried out under WUA payable and
contribution contracts.
ii Phase II – Implementation Much of the activity under this phase of the IDF was concerned with
setting up financial management systems for operation and maintenance of the irrigation system.
For example, work was started on preparing budgets for irrigation service fee (ISF) collection,
training WUAs in financial regulations and organising financial audits. In parallel, the WUA was
supported in developing an O&M plan for the completed works and strengthening working ties with
other line agencies.
iii Phase III – Operation & Maintenance The final phase of the IDF was an ongoing process of
support for the WUA as it took over long-term O&M of the completed scheme. This was also the
stage when WUAs were encouraged to set up grievance redress mechanisms (GRM) and
establish a complaint register.
The number of training events during IWRMP (2008-2018) are given in the table 8 below. The total
numbers of participants in 1006 of the organized events were 28,241 of which 48 % were female
participants. These data only count for the training packages basically organized by Component A
under DoI. Other agriculture extension related training events were also organized by the Component
D of IWRMP for FMIS sub-projects separately.
FMISs like those rehabilitated/renovated under Component A of IWRMP do not receive support from GoN
for routine O&M of their systems. This is the responsibility of the farmers organised collectively through
informal farmers’ groups (as they have done historically since the schemes were first built) or through
formally registered WUAs. For traditional systems with an open intake from the water source and earthen
canals, O&M activities are dominated by the need to clean debris, sediment and weeds from the canals
and farmers contributed to these activities with their own labour.
IWRMP Project Completion Report
Upgraded schemes are able to deliver more water to farmers’ lands by reducing seepage losses and
improving the performance and robustness of diversion and cross drainage structures. However, they do
also change the O&M needs of the scheme. As well as labour to clean out canals and sediment traps,
materials also need to be bought to repair damaged sections of concrete lining or road bridges and paint
control gates. On schemes with long main canals remote from the command area, there may also be a
need to formally appoint someone to operate and monitor the condition of a remote headworks as well as
the main canal. Finally, while the GoN does support farmers to rebuild their schemes after major damage
caused by floods or landslips, it cannot always respond as quickly as necessary to limit crop damage and
the farmers therefore need to build up a fund for emergency repairs.
With this in mind, as a part of the institutional development framework, the project worked with WUAs to
develop annual budgets for operating and maintaining their schemes. Budget headings included:
O&M of headworks, main canals, branch canals, flow control structures, bridges, etc.
administrative costs of running the WUA itself and organising general assemblies
After preparation of these budgets (usually by TA team), each irrigation service fee (ISF) collection plan
was prepared which first was forwarded to the concerned IDD/IDSD for fine tuning before ratification by
the WUA’s general assembly. Since preparation of ISF collection plan was initiated by OPD around the
end of the project, it was not completed for all 233 FMIS. The ISF collection plan was prepared for only 71
FMIS and of which 48 FMIS had already rectified the plan by their general assembly. The remaining 23
FMIS are under the process of its rectification by concerned WUAs. All IDD/IDSD were given the proper
instruction to continue the preparation of ISF collection plan for remaining FMIS. Further, the preparation
and updating of these plans are a continuous process for a liveable FMIS. A summary of the ISF target
rates, collection in the year 2017/18 in both kind and cash for 48 FMIS in tabulated in Annex: F.
Since the O&M of all FMIS that were rehabilitated under IWRMP will be the responsibility of concerned
WUAs, there will be no further support from the government side for its O&M until there will be a need of
major rehabilitation or any emergency rehabilitation. Hence, a general understanding is that the WUA will
collect adequate water charges in terms of cash and kind for its annual maintenance work. However, Annex
F gives the picture of 48 sub-projects regarding collection of water charges in comparison to their actual
need. The average ISF targets for these 48 sub-projects of 2074/75 was NRs. 357,000 per sub-project
whereas the average collection was NRs. 260,753 which gives the figure of 73%.
In all practicality IDF activities were not completed up to its upper limit due to several limiting factors. Some
of those limiting factors were:
Many WUAs still do not see the value of IWRMP administrative requirements such as maintaining
minutes of meetings, lists of water users or audit documents or holding meetings on a regular
IWRMP Project Completion Report
basis. Many young people from the villages go overseas for employment, leaving women and old
people to conduct WUA activities.
With the exception of their local DADOs, most of WUAs have not maintained active links with line
agencies due to lack of knowledge, financial issues and hesitation. However, links with DADOs
have also been disrupted recently as agricultural services are restructured in line with the new
federal constitution.
A major limitation for its implementation was the lack of appropriate and sufficient man-power in
division (local) offices. Only 60% offices had an Association Organizer (AO) and then a single AO
had to cover all sub-projects in that district and not just IWRMP sub-projects. The numbers of sub-
projects were usually more than 25 in each district including Government Funded sub-projects.
Further, long distances between office centre and sub-projects, particularly in hills and mountains
was another challenging factor to implement IDF activities. With such low level of interaction, many
WUAs didn’t appreciate the importance of the IDF activities in helping them manage their irrigation
system in sustainable way.
b) Department of Irrigation
The principal components of institutional development in the DoI under Component A of IWRMP were
foreign training courses and observation tours and regionally based residential workshops. Foreign training
courses for GoN experts were not specific to any one component of IWRMP but are discussed here for
completeness. Subjects covered included:
groundwater development
During the course of IWRMP, a number of residential workshops were organised by the OPD, with the
support of its technical assistance (TA) team, in the three regions. Participants were technical and
accounting officials from the irrigation field offices as well as staff from the OPD, RID, Regional Agriculture
Directorate (RAD), DoI and Ministry of Irrigation (MoI). During each workshop, field officers were
encouraged to share their experiences on IWRMP subprojects in their districts and take part in general
discussions on how best to address any problems that may have arisen. The OPD and TA team also
conducted refresher training courses and Q&A sessions in areas such as:
agriculture extension
IWRMP Project Completion Report
WB procurement processes
rules on employment of construction labourers and their health and safety on site
site management relating to sanitation and refuse management facilities for construction labour
preserving access across canals and other structures for people, livestock and wildlife
training farmers in the safe use of pesticides as agricultural activities intensify after project
Examples of other project-specific measures aimed at social and environmental enhancement rather than
simple mitigation of the impacts of the project’s interventions included:
Though not actually included in the SEMP itself, construction of ponds along the main canal of
Thure ISP where it passed through Bardiya National Park for wildlife, including tigers and
elephants, to use for drinking water.
Diverting irrigation flows in Maspatal and Gangru Pinathang ISPs for domestic and sanitary use by
Dalit women. This water is reused in canal going to command area.
A graph illustrating SEMP implementation in the three regions according to the type of mitigations
measures involved is presented according to category of mitigation measure in Figure 5, based on the
following categories:
Land Stabilisation: gabions, retaining walls and plantation to stabilise river banks and slopes
liable to landslides
IWRMP Project Completion Report
Site Management: location, sources of fuel, sanitation facilities and refuse management for
workers camp / fire safety / enforcement of poaching bans / working methods and their possible
impact on forests
Employment: preference for employment of locals and/or Dalits / enforcement of minimum wage
and equal pay rules for men and women / ban on child labour / health and safety for workers
Chemical Use: training in the safe and environmentally sustainable use of chemical fertilisers and
pesticides / integrated pest management (in response to an intensification of agricultural
With reference to Figure 3, noncompliance with regard to land stabilisation generally involves planting
programmes in landslip-prone areas by the respective WUAs which the WUAs have not carried out. The
few noncompliant site management issues relate to the WUA failing exercising control over the contractors
in sourcing firewood for their labour camps. Most non-compliance with respect to employment came from
enforcement of health and safety rules, such as supply of personal protective equipment.
IWRMP Project Completion Report
The following additional categories, comprising 51% of the total number of mitigation measures, were also
included in SEMPs and therefore also reported on in Figure 3, above. However, their relevance to an
SEMP is questionable either because they included activities that the project was intending to do anyway
as part of its work to improve the performance of irrigated agriculture or because they are not relevant to
the implementation or impact of the project.
mushroom farming
The project provided training and basic equipment to the participant farmers/non-farmers. Participants in
Bhorlebas have reported success in cultivating seasonal vegetables and its sales in the local markets.
Participants in Gamkhola Kholtepani have had a similar experience with regard to mushroom farming.
In relation to performance of the WUA, the farmers were asked the following yes/no questions:
Does the WUA deliver all the water you are entitled to?
Does the WUA deliver the water to your field in time for your crops’ needs?
IWRMP Project Completion Report
Again, all farmers were asked these questions and their answers were disaggregated according to the
location of the lands in the irrigation system. They were structured in a yes/no format to avoid ambiguity
and misinterpretation while at the same time giving the project as means of assessing the overall level of
satisfaction amongst farmers and identifying any inequities in the WUA’s performance. Finally, the farmers
were asked a more subjective question on how they rated the performance of the WUA. The sample of
“Yes/No” question can also be accessed in http://dwri.gov.np/iwrmp/index.php/2018-03-12-10-35-47 .
Table 9 summarises the farmers’ perceptions of water availability through all three cropping seasons based
on the questionnaires. Altogether, 764 farmers in 32 completed ISPs (Mountain: 5, Hill: 20, Terai (Surface):
5, Terai (GW): 2) have completed questionnaires in the due course of the project and, in general, the
biggest benefits noticed by hill and Terai farmers are in the summer and winter growing seasons when
often well over 80% of farmers have experienced an increase in irrigation water supplies. Fewer of these
farmers have experienced increased supplies in the spring season (particularly in the Far West and in the
Terai) but this is to be expected since overall water availability is at its most limited at this time of year.
Mountain farmers also report increases in summer water supplies but less so in winter when those at higher
altitudes abandon cultivation because of low temperatures.
IWRMP Project Completion Report
Hill 28 21 11 88 85 86
Terai (GW) 4 2 2 80 80 80
Mountain 7 1 0
Hill 18 12 7 100 92 83
Terai (GW) 5 3 0
Far West
Mountain 9 2 2 86 86 57
Hill 11 8 2 83 77 63
Terai (S) 3 2 1 60 40 50
Terai (GW) 2 0 0
Mountain 19 6 5 94 40 83
Hill 57 41 20 92 87 83
Terai (S) 18 11 5 92 62 44
Terai (GW) 11 5 2 80 80 80
Similarly, Table 10 summarises how many tail-end farmers have been able to increase their cropped areas
in each season as a result of the rehabilitation works in their areas. When reading these figures, it should
be remembered that they document simple yes/no responses to questions and not, for example, what
percentage increase there has been in cropped areas. In some cases, the sample sizes are also still
relatively small and consequently, results can vary widely. In surface systems in the Terai, for example,
reports of increase water supplies vary from 60% to 100% between the regions in the summer season and
0% to 84% in the spring. Overall, however, the results confirm those in Table 10, with the biggest benefit
is in the summer.
IWRMP Project Completion Report
Table 10 Perception of increment of crop area in Tail Enders farmers in component A sub-projects
No of ISPs Percentage Cropping More Land
Total Completed Completed Summer Winter Spring
& Surveyed
Hill 28 21 11 82 69 83
Terai (GW) 4 2 2 60 60 60
Mountain 7 1 0
Hill 18 12 7 99 89 78
Terai (GW) 5 3 0
Far West
Mountain 9 2 2 86 71 43
Hill 11 8 2 77 69 69
Terai (S) 3 2 1 60 40 50
Terai (GW) 2 0 0
Mountain 19 6 5 94 34 77
Hill 57 41 20 87 76 80
Terai (S) 18 11 5 92 48 50
Terai (GW) 11 5 2 60 60 60
a. WUA Performance
The results given in Table 11 relate to the farmers’ rating of their respective WUAs’ performance in terms
of (i) water entitlements, (ii) water availability to meet crop needs, (iii) irrigation scheduling and
communication, and (iv) overall WUA performance. Overall, results from 32 surface ISPs (764 responded)
surveyed show that although there is some variation between ecological belts (farmers from the hills areas
appear to receive a better overall service from their WUAs), results from head, middle and tail are generally
of the same order of magnitude. This suggests that regardless of any weaknesses that may persist in the
WUAs, the benefits of their work are being distributed equitably.
IWRMP Project Completion Report
They receive all the irrigation water they feel they are entitled 77 72 61
They always know when they will receive their irrigation water 23 47 28
They receive all the irrigation water they feel they are entitled 95 90 87
They always know when they will receive their irrigation water 92 87 82
Terai (Surface)
They receive all the irrigation water they feel they are entitled 85 71 83
They always know when they will receive their irrigation water 77 49 80
Terai (Groundwater)
They receive all the irrigation water they feel they are entitled 100 91 80
They receive their irrigation water when their crops need it 83 100 80
They always know when they will receive their irrigation water 83 55 80
They receive all the irrigation water they feel they are entitled 91 84 82
They always know when they will receive their irrigation water 78 73 73
IWRMP Project Completion Report
A total of 7 sub-systems were taken up for IMT under IWRMP. Kankai Irrigation System (7000 ha), Sitagunj
Branch (8000 ha) & Ramgunj Branch (7800 ha) of Sunsari Morang irrigation system, Block 2 (3000 ha) &
Block 8 (3000 ha) of Narayani Irrigation system and Stage I (4800 ha) and Stage II (5700 ha) of Mahakali
Irrigation system were taken for the Irrigation Management Transfer with the aim of transferring the of the
system beyond a certain part to a fully responsible and capable water user’s association, represented by
the farmers of the system. A brief descriptions of IMT methodology and its key activities are presented in
the following sub-sections.
Step 1: Initial assessment of command area (ha) and its ESI needs DOI Division Office
Step-7: Third consultation with central WUA and General Assembly WUA/SMU/TA
Step-13: Performance evaluation of irrigation system and WUA OPD/SMU/ DOI Division Office
Step-14: Exit Plan for WUA sustainability (wrap up program, WUA OPD/IMD/SMU/WUA/TA
support linkages etc
IWRMP Project Completion Report
o canal lining
o head regulators
o cross regulators
o gates
o outlets
o cross drainage works like culverts
The implementation rate of ESI works in all systems were more than the original targets as the savings
gained from currency exchange rate, low bidding and savings from contingencies were further channelled
into these system for increasing the scope of ESI activities.
The ESI works in Kankai irrigation system included the rehabilitation of all branch canals (Branch 0 to
Branch 21) and all tertiary canals. Before the IWRMP implementation, command areas under braches 0 to
16 were in partial irrigated condition whereas command areas under branches 17 to 21 were totally un-
irrigated. After IWRMP intervention for ESI implementation, and additional 1000 ha previously un-irrigated
and out of service of the system has now been brought under year round irrigation. Further, drained water
was re-used in the system to irrigate about 235 ha of land at the tail end of two braches (S15 and S17). By
the end of IWRMP implementation, more than 7000 ha of command area was being irrigated by Kankai
irrigation system.
Likewise, the ESI works in Sitagunj irrigation sub-system of SMIP was the rehabilitation of Sitagunj branch
(S9) (14 km in length), 10 Sub-Secondary canal (28 km length in total), and 40 tertiary canals. Out of 273
water courses, 24 water courses were rebuilt. The major ESI activities included canal lining, additional
culverts and field outlets etc. The total command area under this rehabilitation works was 8000 ha.
The ESI works in another branch canal of SMIP were in the Ramgunj branch (S10) (11.5 km in length), 6
Sub-Secondary canals (21.8 Km length in total), and 21 tertiary canals. Out of 229 water courses, 180
water courses were rebuilt. A total of 7000 ha command area was fully irrigated with the improvement of
the irrigation systems.
IWRMP Project Completion Report
In Block 8 of Narayani Irrigation System, the major rehabilitation works under ESI were in the Main
Secondary Canal (MSC-8) (4.7 km), Six Branch Secondary Canal (BSC) (16.3 km), 14 Sub Secondary
Canal (SSC) having total length of 10 km and 102 tertiary canals. Other ESI works in this system included
construction of outlets in Nepal Eastern Canal (NEC), turnout structures, canal linings, embankments, and
installation of new gates etc. From this rehabilitation works, a total of 3000 ha command area is now under
irrigation service.
Similarly, in block 2 of Narayani Irrigation System, rehabilitation works under ESI were carried out in Main
Secondary Canal (MSC-2) (10.7 km), Six Branch Secondary Canal (BSC) ( 22.4 km), and 8 Sub-Secondary
Canal (SSC) having total length of 6 Km and 118 tertiary canals. The total command area under this sub-
system was 3000 ha.
Mahakali Irrigation System (MIS) which lies in the far-western part of Nepal was also brought under IMT of
IWRMP. The command area of MIS is separated into two parts by the Suklaphanta wildlife reserve. The
upper part of the command area is known as MIS Stage I and the lower part as MIS stage II. Both Stage I
and Stage II were handed over to the fully functional WUAs. In stage I, the ESI works were carried out in
all five blocks (A, B, C, D & E) which included 11 Branch and Minor canals having total length of 40 km.
The rehabilitation works in 201 tertiary canal were also concluded during implementation of IWRMP. Major
rehabilitation works were canal lining, construction of outlets and gated structures. With the implementation
of these rehabilitation works, a total of 5100 ha land is now under year round irrigation facilities.
In stage II, the ESI works were carried out in all four blocks (5,6,7 & 8) which included 20 branch and minor
canals having total length of about 50 Km. 167 tertiary canals (out of 274) were also rehabilitated during
the IWRMP implementation. The fully defunct minors namely Bhuda minor, Bhudagauri minor, Jhilmila
minor, Kamari minor, Imiliya minor, Khairighat minor were successfully rehabilitated which contributed
about 1700 ha of command area. The partially functional minors viz. Pachoi minor & Singhpur minor were
also completely rehabilitated to deliver water up to their tail ends. One of the big achievement of ESI work
in stage II was to reclaim agriculture land of about 500 hectare out of total 890 ha of water logged area.
Only one minor named ZZR of Pachoi branch could not be rehabilitated. This was mainly due to the fact
that this minor has never been fully constructed, hence the difficulty to start a full scale rehabilitation. The
costs involved were too high and beyond the scope of an ESI intervention. Total command area under year
round irrigation system achieved in Mahakali stage II was 6200 ha.
Table 13 below summarizes the total command area under component B of IWRMP:
IWRMP Project Completion Report
a) Calibrate the irrigation structures at necessary locations particularly in the off taking points for
branch canal.
b) Develop a holistic strategic water management plan which includes canal operation plan
(COP) and canal maintenance plan (CMP)/Asset Management Plan (AMP) to deliver irrigation
service efficiently and equitably right from the main canal to farmers’ field with defined
standards and indicators as specification of the service such that these services are sustained
in future.
c) Conduct a rigorous training program for the WUAs and gate operators about the use of COP
and CMP/AMP.
Calibration is needed to develop a relationship between the depth of flow and discharge through the
canal. The objective of calibration is to evaluate the hydraulic performance of the flow control structures
and to measure the water flow (discharge) through the canal system. The calibration of the various
structures along the canal system ensures equitable water distribution to the system from head to tail.
The Main Canal COP establishes a schedule and quantity of reliable irrigation water delivery for the
intake of each Branch Canal. Each Branch Canal WUA is then guided through developing its COP
based on the amount of water the MC COP provides their sub-system. The COP is created with an
objective of providing an equitable amount of water throughout the system.
The AMP is developed with an inventory of all the infrastructure assets identified, along with the
maintenance of each asset for the system to remain functional. The maintenance needs are labor,
materials, and financial resources. This helps the WUA members to understand how much ISF is
IWRMP Project Completion Report
There were three basic steps involved in the development and implementation of COPs and AMPs.
Step One - Preparation: All the information needed were gathered in terms of canal layout,
structure location, command areas, cropping pattern and crop area, and so on. A participatory
approach was used to gather all the required information. After the calibration of the hydraulic
structures, COP was developed for all sub-systems with the technical assistance of the
consultants. Table 14 lists the preparatory steps of COP. With the inventory of all the infrastructure
assets, their maintenance and other related O & M expenditures, the AMP were prepared for all
sub-systems following the step as in Table 15.
Step Two - Dissemination: After the COPs and AMPs had been prepared, the next step was
“dissemination”, that is, presentation of the completed product to the WUA members. The TA
consultant, SMU leader, and WUA Chairman participated in community discussion of these plans.
Step three – Implementation: The final step was the actual implementation of the COP and AMP.
The MC COPs have been implemented during the cropping seasons (Monsoon, Winter & Spring)
of the final year of the project under the supervision of concerned SMUs/TA consultants. As regard
to the branch canals, the COPs and AMPs were prepared and provided to the concerned WUAs
with the trainings on its proper use.
Crop data collection (crop calendar, cropping pattern and cropped area) for all the crops
grown in the command area. This data is then used in FAO’s CROPWAT software program
2 to estimate the optimal water demand schedule.
IWRMP Project Completion Report
1 Prepare updated inventory of canal systems / subsystems and other WUA assets
7 Ongoing M&E
On-going knowledge and skill development trainings during IMT-B for WUAs and DOI/SMU
8 for effective implementation of AMP
The progress of the water management activities in all irrigation sub-systems are tabulated below
(Table 16):
Table 16 Target vs. Progress for various activities under Component B sub-projects
Calibration 19 19 15 15 6 6 9 9 7 7 9 9 22 22 87
MC COP 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7
BC COP 22 22 13 13 6 6 9 9 7 7 6 6 20 20 83
MC AMP 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 7
BC AMP 22 22 13 13 6 6 11 11 7 7 6 6 20 20 85
Exit Plans 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7
IWRMP Project Completion Report
a) Formation of WUAs
b) Infrastructure development for WUA
c) Capacity building activities (Training etc.) for WUA and farmers
d) Irrigation Service Fee (ISF) collections
In most of the sub-systems that were taken for IMT under IWRMP, there are two levels of WUAs, a main
canal (MC) WUA at the MC level, and a branch canal (BC) WUA for each of the branch canals. In some of
the schemes, there was also a third level of WUAs created for the tertiary level canals, called “water
courses” the SMIS system being a case in point. During the implementation of IWRMP, WUA committees
were formed in all the irrigation schemes under IMT: 7 at the MC level, 68 at the BC level, and 1251 at the
TC level. Each level of WUA has an elected working committee usually led by the president. In general,
WUA executive committee usually forms other sub-committees to carry out the following responsibilities.
ISF Collection
Conflict Management
Monitoring and Evaluation
Construction Management
The project has supported all WUAs with logistic support for their infrastructure development activities as
well. The details of the infrastructure support by IWRMP to the sub-systems are given in the Table 17
Grant to WUA 8,26,000 9,44,000 8,00,000 3,54,000 8,00,000 6,01,800 8,00,000 5,125,800
Buildings (New & 12 ( 1, 11 1 (MC) 2 (1 MC, 1 (MC) 2 (MC) 6 (1 RC, 5 BC) 5 (1 RC, 4 BC) 29
BC) 1 BC)
Excavators/backh 3 2 2 3 3 2 2 17
Tractors 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7
Motorcycles 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 10
IWRMP Project Completion Report
Similarly, the managerial and technical development trainings were designed and given to the concerned
WUAs and farmers during the course of project implementation. The prime topic of the training are listed
in Table 18 below:
3 Observation Tour
6 Computer Training
9 Financial Management
20 Conflict management
IWRMP Project Completion Report
The number of targeted training events and its achievements for each sub-system are given in the Table
19 below. The total number of participants in the training were 19,013 of which 25% were female
A key concept in IMT concerns the amount of ISF (irrigation Service Fee) that irrigating farmers pay to the
WUA for the water service they receive. The intent of this ISF is to provide funds that cover the cost of
O&M for the part of an irrigation system for which the WUA is responsible. Since the contribution of the
irrigating farmers for O&M is not just cash, but also labor they contribute for canal cleaning, it is more
appropriate to think of “ISF” as more accurately “Irrigation Service Resources”, or ISR. However, this report
will continue to use the familiar concept of “ISF”, but with the understanding based on the experience of
IMT-B ISPs that the “fee” is a combination of cash plus labor.
At the start of the IWRMP the OPD engaged the services of a local consultant firm to visit each of the 7
sub-system for IMT, assess their layout and condition, and make an estimate of the annual cost per hectare
required to keep the scheme in good working condition, the ISF Target Rate. The consultant’s original
estimates included the cost of maintaining the entire system, including the headwork, the main canal,
secondary/branch canals, and down to the tertiary level canals. However, the WUAs decided that this
estimate would be too high for the farmers, so it was decided to remove the cost of maintaining tertiaries
from the ISF Target Rate with the understanding that the farmers themselves would do this tertiary
maintenance work (primarily cleaning silt from the small tertiary canals) with their own “in-kind” volunteer
labor. Accordingly, the OPD decided that costs of head-works and main canal O&M would not be included
as these were not a part of IMT as such.
As the IMT under IWRMP progressed over the years, in the beginning WUA’s initial estimates for the ISF
target rate that their farmers considered reasonable were lower than the ISF Target Rates as calculated in
Table 20. Each year the WUAs would reassess what their farmers could afford and increase the estimate,
an increase that reflected the WUAs growing understanding of what maintenance was required, and
satisfaction at seeing the improved water availability resulting from the ESI work. Despite these increases,
actual ISF collections remained lower that the targets. Table 21 shows the evolution of ISF targets between
the beginning and the end of the project.
IWRMP Project Completion Report
Original Consultant ISF Estimate 615 700 650 616 800 635 564
WUA Starting ISF Rate 210 300 210 200 315 400 250
WUA Ending ISF Rate 300 450 210 450 600 635 564
The WUAs’ ISF Target Rates, when multiplied by the WUAs’ command areas, gives their respective ISF
Target amounts. These amounts represent a target for collecting the ISF, and a target for spending on
O&M. Following the administrative training by the Project, the WUAs maintain accounting records that
itemize their cash income sources and expenses. They also maintain records of in-kind labor contributions
for canal cleaning and other labour tasks. Typically, the WUA members agree that each family should
contribute 2-3 person-days per year as labour contribution in the canal system. In the presentations below
for these three indicators the in-kind labour is converted into a cash equivalent using the established GON
labour rates for each WUA area. This in-kind labour cash equivalent is recorded as both an income source,
and as an expense. Table 22 below shows annual O&M resources collections from different sources by
each sub-system in the year 2017.
IWRMP Project Completion Report
AMP O&M Target 4,336 5,600 1,800 3,141 5,600 1,800 3,666
ISF, fees, rent income 2,412 1,203 125 1,041 545 493 2,593
nomination fee 66 0 0 0 0 0 0
entry fee 6 0 0 0 0 0 0
Equipment services
1,230 285 256 567 740 182 0
excavator 891 200 128 333 500 116 0
thresher 82 25 0 0 0 0 0
Total cash income 3,642 1,488 381 1,608 1,285 675 2,593
In-kind O&M labor 3,350 3,328 910 2,835 4,937 1,303 2,884
Total cash plus labor 6,992 4,816 1,291 4,443 6,272 1,978 5,477
IWRMP Project Completion Report
Review the Irrigation Management Transfer Agreement (IMTA) against the program requirement
and justify the relevance of these activities for the future reference and evaluation of the
implementation process;
Document project achieved input status against planned inputs for each component;
Document project component tasks against outputs, status and their level of utilization;
Segregate completed tasks by outputs, inputs and performance to be achieved;
Prepare post-turnover support plan including necessary tasks to be completed during the IWRMP
project implementation period;
Document applied processes and best practices to be followed by the departmental mother
institutions, and;
Provide and introduce to the mother institutions all manuals, processes, and guidelines developed
during project operation through an orientation workshop.
2.2.3 Component C: Institutional and Policy Support for Improved Water Management
The aim of the component was to help provide more effective and streamlined water resources
management services at the national level and within selected basins through institutional strengthening
of relevant institutions, namely the Water and Energy Commission Secretariat (WECS) and the Department
of Irrigation (DoI). The component addresses sector issues relating to the lack of appropriate regulatory
framework and sufficient institutional capacity for undertaking effective planning and inter-sectoral
allocation of water resources.
Water Resources Information System: The main outputs of the component under IWRMP were
establishment of a central Water Resources Information Center (WRIC) and computerized Water
Resources Information System (WRIS) at the WECS. WRIC was the National Center to develop and
maintain a national water resources database (availability, allocation, and use) and disseminate water-
related data to interested users engaged in, for example, basin planning and management. WRIC is an
organizational, physical entity with defined structure, systems and processes, while WRIS is a combination
of hardware and GIS-based computerized system which would provide data to support activities of basin
planning and management. WRIS also share hydrologic and meteorological data collected by the
Department of Hydrology and Meteorology (DHM), strengthened with the telemetric system established in
West Rapti and Babai Sub-basins.
Integrated Water Resources Policy: The WECS formed a task force on July 1, 2009 coordinated by the
Joint Secretary, Legal Division, WECS and comprising Joint Secretaries of Water Resources, Energy, and
Environment Divisions along with the Project Coordinator as the members. A draft ‘Integrated Water
Resources Policy’ was prepared. As the country has gone through political restructuring and has become
a Federal State with seven provincial governments and several empowered local governments, WECS
reinitiated in drafting National Water Resources Policy in the changed context. The draft Policy document
is now under discussion among several stakeholders.
IWRMP Project Completion Report
River Basin Management Plans: Under the OS, RBMP was to be prepared for two pilot basins. Two more
basins were added in the additional financing. The basins were: Babai, West Rapti, Gandaki and Karnali
rivers. Later, with the availability of funding support from SAWI RE TF which is part of the Power Sector
Reform and Sustainable Hydropower Development Project (PSRHDP, P150066), three additional river
basins were added with the objective of preparation of Master Plan of the Power Sector. The IWRMP is to
fund this activity by IDA grant of around $3.5m. However, the total estimated cost of this sub-component
is US$6m, which is now being co-funded by $3.5m from IWRMP-IDA grant and $2.5m from SAWI RE
TF. When this activity was funded solely by IWRMP until 2015, procurement of the consulting firm was
stalled by April 2015 as a conflict of interest (COI) issue came up during the procurement
process. However, the World Bank responded that there was no COI. Later on, it was agreed to cancel
the procurement and increase the scope of works to prepare river basin plans and hydropower
development master plans for all river basins of the country. After mobilizing SAWI TF, procurement was
re-launched in early 2016, and then encountered some delays. Financial bids were opened on April 23,
2018. With the IWRMP-IDA grant closing in June 2018, the SAWI RE TF is the only financing
source. SAWI’s $2.5m is available until December 2019. The GoN has requested the Bank to explore other
grant resources. The contract was signed in June 2018.
Telemetry Systems: This is an automatic system for determining the depth of water level and discharge at
the particular point of river or canal where the system has been installed. This system has a sensor placed
over the water surface which detects the water level and transmits it to a central server through GPRS or
CDMA. So, data can be assessed from anywhere through internet.
The establishment of real time data acquisition system with code division multiple access (CDMA) based
telemetry in Narayani basin has been highly successful and the same technology were followed in Babai
and West Rapti basins also. Telemetry systems were installed in 32 stations (9 hydrological and 23
meteorological stations) in Babai, West Rapti and Karnali River basins. 11 hydro-met stations were
upgraded and information from telemetry systems uploaded into water resources information system
DOI has also taken initiative to establish telemetric system in its canal network to monitor the real time
canal discharge in four stations (two at Kankai Irrigation system and remaining two at Mahakali Irrigation
system). At Kankai, the system was installed at ‘Sardare’ (intake of Kankai Irrigation Canal) and ‘Janata
Chowk’ and the data can be assessed through www.wscada.net/display/kankai . Similarly, at Mahakali,
the system was installed at border weir near Gaddha Chawki and on the bridge of Daiji Minor and the data
can be assessed through www.wscada.net/display/mahakali. Also, the display system has been set up
at office from where regular monitoring is being done by the office staff.
Preparation of Water Use Evaluation Model: Preparation of a preliminary Water Use Evaluation Model
for West Rapti Basin was completed in November 2009 with the support from the international expert
provided through the Bank’s South Asia Water Initiative (SAWI) fund.
Establishment of River Basin Offices: RBOs have been established at Nepalgunj for Karnali basin and
at Narayanghat for Gandaki (Narayani) basin jointly by WECS and the Department of Hydrology and
IWRMP Project Completion Report
Meteorology (DHM). Hydrology units of DHM were shifted to Nepalgunj from Surkhet and to Narayanghat
from Pokhara. The requirement of logistics were jointly assessed by the WECS, DHM and OPD. The RBOs
are responsible for developing procedural guidelines and decision making tools (for formal water access)
for the sub-basins and providing training to the stakeholders.
Establishment of a Regional Cooperation Cell for Trans-boundary Water Management: The concept
and the mandate for establishing the Regional Cooperation Cell to look after trans-boundary water
management were approved by the 54th meeting of Water and Energy Commission held on November 23,
2009. The cell was established with the operational responsibility entrusted to a Joint Secretary of WECS.
Establishment of GIS-based Management Information System: GMIS application was designed and
developed for capturing and storing specifically for irrigation subproject profile information at the
preparation stage as well as status information of implementation stages during construction of surface
and ground water irrigation subprojects. The GMIS was built in two versions: Desktop and Web. Currently,
Desktop GMIS is under operation in all division, sub-division, and regional offices. OPD has been receiving
required data offline from each cost-centre which have been processed for summary and reporting.
However, Web based GMIS was replaced by DoI central database system EDMS and hence ceased to be
relevant and in now not in operation.
The Component D: Integrated Crop and Water Management has provided a package of appropriate
agronomic and water management practices and investment support as appropriate in the sub-projects
under Components A and B of IWRMP. The component focuses on on-farm crop water management,
cropping pattern improvement, crop diversification and intensification, quality seed production in the
command area of selected ISPs under Components A and B, farm mechanization and organized market.
The key activities carried out were social mobilization, field-based training, farmer field school, livestock
shed improvement, seed production, income generation program to attract youth in agriculture and
demonstration of off-season vegetables in plastic tunnel, distribution of small farm machinery and capacity
building of the technical staff, water users, agro-vets and farmers.
In addition to IWRMP (IDAH3380, IDAH53340), IWRMP Component D also supported the Food Crisis
Response Program (FCRP) (IDA45150) under Social Safety Nets Project (SSNP). The specific activities
under this part included support to: a) Rehabilitation and Improvements of FMIS (small scale) and Non-
Conventional irrigation technologies (shallow tube-wells, rainwater harvesting, lift irrigation, drip & sprinkler
systems etc.) and b) increase local production of improved seeds and soil management.
Most of the task under Component D was implemented by Department of Agriculture (DoA) where at
central level, the Project Coordination Office (PCO) had been established in order to implement, monitor
and coordinate the agricultural programs. Sub-project level activities were implemented through the
respective District Agriculture Development Offices (DADO) of the DOA while Regional Agriculture
Directorates (RADs) were involved basically in monitoring and reporting of the Component D activities of
their respective development regions.
IWRMP Project Completion Report
a) Seasonal Planning workshop: This activity involved the preparation of seasonal calendar of
b) Farmer’s field school (FFS): FFS dealt about better crop production techniques, safe use of
pesticides and integrated crop and water management techniques.
d) Livestock shed improvement: It aims to improve sanitation and proper use of cow dung and
urine and thereby contribute to soil nutrient management. It is reported that urine collection has
multiple benefits such as increased efficiency of bio-gas and uses as liquid fertilizer in kitchen
e) Seed Production: Seed multiplication of suitable variety and subsequent use by local farmers was
visualized as one of the key interventions of the project to increase seed replacement rate that in
turn contributes to enhance crop productivity. So far, seed production was carried out in 3,569 ha
(paddy: 919 ha, wheat: 888 ha, maize: 976 ha, potato: 670 ha and others: 116 ha) that has
produced about 19,616 metric ton of quality seeds (paddy: 3,226 mt, wheat: 2,822 mt, maize: 2,952
mt, potato: 10,494 mt and others: 122 mt) which were sufficient to cover about 194,300 ha of
command area (Paddy: 51,600 ha, Wheat: 18800 ha, Maize: 118100 ha , Potato: 3350 ha , and
other: 2450 ha ). Additionally, in case of NFCRP, 2090 mt of quality seeds (Paddy: 350 mt, Wheat:
450 mt, Maize: 600 mt, and Potato: 690 mt) were produced which cover nearly 33600 ha of
command area.
f) Farm Mechanization Support: Farm mechanization was one of the important interventions since
the beginning of the project. Particularly, this project was one of the pioneer projects promoting
small farm machineries in Nepal. It is reported that the farm machinery introduced through the
project has contributed to reduce drudgery, work load and cost of production and make farming
more attractive for young generation. The major farm machineries distributed during the project
were power tiller, mini tiller, winnowing fan, rotavator, threshing machine, ripper, harrow, corn
sheller and cultivator.
g) Poly House Farming: Vegetable farming under plastic roof/tunnel is becoming quite popular in
Mid and high hills, hence the project has supported poly house farming in some of these areas. In
addition, the project had also sent 13 staffs to train on high tech plastic tunnel/poly house farming,
drip irrigation and integrated crop and water management in Israel. The learned technologies have
been introduced in three ISPs namely, Darimjula ISP of Salyan, Khurkot ISP of Parbat and Subeda
Tallojyula, of Bajhang district.
IWRMP Project Completion Report
h) Youth Promotion Program: In order to attract youth in agriculture, the project also supported
youth to carry out different types of agro-based enterprises based on their business plan. The
project has supported up to NRs. 40,000 per entrepreneur on instalment basis under this scheme.
They were mainly engaged in off season vegetable farming, mushroom farming and so on.
i) Income Generation Activities for Poor and Marginal communities: In order to provide the
benefits of the project to the landless, marginal and poor households of the irrigation command
area, the project provided small grant of a maximum of NRs. 50,000 to carry out need-based
income generation activities such as mushroom cultivation, bee keeping, spice cultivation and off-
season vegetable production.
j) Model ICWM Program in partnership with WUA: The project has implemented its agriculture
program through Water Users' Association (WUA) in five locations, namely: Mahakali irrigation
system (Second phase, block seven) of Kanchanpur; Manpur ISP of Dang: Adhikhola ISP of
Shyanja, Gajedi ISP of Rupandehi and Kankai irrigation system of Jhapa district. The objective of
this activity is to make WUA responsible and accountable for agriculture development within the
sub project area. The modality adopted to implement this model program includes: (i) formation of
agricultural sub-committee under WUAs comprising of progressive farmers to implement this
program; (ii) preparation of seasonal plan with detail activities and its target by the agricultural sub-
committee in consultation with the farmers; (iii) refinement and finalization of the seasonal plan
through a workshop in the presence of WUAs, farmers, DADO and PCU; (iv) tripartite agreement
between WUA, DADO and PCU signed to implement the seasonal plan; (v) technical support and
continuous monitoring by DADO, PCU and local resource person; (vi) upon the completion of the
seasonal plan, WUA forwards necessary documents like original bills, receipt and reports to the
respective DADO for payment; (vii) After the field verification, the DADO finally transfers an eligible
payment to the account of WUA directly.
k) Capacity Enhancement: Under the capacity building, the project has supported to conduct
different types of trainings, seminars and exposure visits to the farmers/water users of the sub-
project areas, inputs suppliers (agrovet and seed entrepreneurs), social mobilizers and the staff
related to the project. The subject of the training included seed production, soil fertility
management, on-farm water management, social mobilization, safe use of pesticides, agri-
insurance and so on.
l) Social Mobilization Support: Considering the high work load of the field level technicians and
necessity of social mobilization support at the sub project level, the project has mobilized part-time
social mobilizers. They have worked in close coordination with DADO and WUA as a bridge
between DADO and farmers/water users. The project has trained them on wide range of topics
including social mobilization, crop insurance, data collection, reporting and legal aspects of
agriculture input trade.
m) Construction and Rehabilitation of Small Irrigation Schemes: One of the key activities
supported under the FCRP was the construction and rehabilitation of small irrigation schemes (less
IWRMP Project Completion Report
than 25 ha in hills and mountain and less than 200 ha in Terai). The principal objective of the
construction and rehabilitation of small irrigation schemes was to improve food security of small-
farmers by increasing the agricultural productivity and production. The major activities includes
rehabilitation of community managed small irrigation schemes, rain water harvesting, and water
pumping. The analysis of the progress reports of the project districts reveals that 3491 small
irrigation schemes have been constructed and/or rehabilitated in the project area under the FCRP
that added total irrigated area of about 373 ha serving total 28,394 HHs. Table 23 presents the
number of small irrigation schemes completed, additional irrigated area and beneficiary
households by district. Also various intervention under rehabilitation of small irrigation schemes
are presented in the Table 24:
IWRMP Project Completion Report
08/09 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13
Supply of irrigation pipe/ water pump 183 331 453 281 67 1315
Moreover, the project also supported to establish large scale community seed processing and
storage centre under community and public partnership in four locations i.e.
Dibyapuri, Nawalparasi
Maharanijhoda, Jhapa
Rajapur, Bardiya
Motipur, Rupandehi
IWRMP Project Completion Report
The centres consisted of drying cum transitional shade, seed processing house, seed storage (100
metric ton capacity) and separate office building. Seed processing plant were equipped with all the
machines needed for efficient cleaning and grading operations. The seed processing setups were fully
computerized system (in-line processing) with the capacity of 2 metric ton per hour. While the project
contributed 80% of the cost for construction of the centre, the cost of the seed processing plant and
the associated equipment were fully subsidized.
o) Post Disaster Agriculture Rebuilding Activities: IWRMP-AF (FCRP: IDA Credit 4515) also
supported rebuilding agriculture following the devastating earthquake in April 2015 as an
immediate response.
Figure 4 Districts for food crisis response program & relief program
Rebuilding activities were implemented only in four districts: Gorkha, Ramechhap, Khotang and
Solukhumbu (Figure 4) which fall within the 23 districts supported by the FRCP and within 31 districts
affected by the earthquake. Within the framework of recommendations made by the Post-Disaster Needs
Assessment (PDNA) report, the rebuilding activities included (i) construction of livestock sheds, (ii)
establishment of community grain and seed storage, and (iii) supply of small farm machineries.
Construction of Livestock sheds: The Project supported the construction of 5944 livestock
sheds for the earthquake affected rural farmers. The livestock shed construction activity was
implemented through the respective DADO in close coordination with the District Disaster Relief
Committee (DDRC). The main roles of the DDRC in livestock shed construction were to develop
household selection criteria and identify target households. Each selected household after the
completion of the work as per the guidelines of the project was provided NPR 25,000.00 financial
support irrespective of the total cost involved for it. The details of the livestock shed constructed
by district is presented in Table 25.
IWRMP Project Completion Report
Establishment of Community grain and seed Storage: The project supported the affected
communities in building and improving grain and seed storage facilities.Upon the
recommendation of the DDRC of the respective districts, the project constructed seven new
community grain and seed storage centres: three in Gorkha district, two in Ramechhap district
and one each in Khotang and Solukhumbu districts with the involvement of local community.
In addition, the project renovated three community seed storage centres (Palungtar, Gorkha;
Khimti, Ramechhap and Tingala, Solukhumbu) that was constructed previously under the
Supply of Small Farm Machineries: The project distributed 90 small farm machineries (60
mini tillers and 30 power-tillers) based on the demands of the earthquake affected communities
through concerned DADOs (Table 26).
Gorkha 15 18 33
Khotang 0 12 12
Ramechhap 15 9 24
Solukhumbu 0 21 21
Total 30 60 90
IWRMP Project Completion Report
sprinkler system, treadle and solar pumps. To implement this program, OPD had selected three
different NGOs respectively for western, mid-western and far-western development regions. The
major task of the NGOs were to support micro-irrigation activities which consisted both of hardware
(construction, installation) and software (training/skill development) part. With the implementation
of this program, a total of 2,318 HH were directly benefitted. Table 27 below is the summary of the
hardware part carried out under this program.
With the intervention of all these four components, the agriculture productivity for the selected crops,
cropping intensity and seed replacement rate in the sub-projects under IWRMP has been significantly
increased. The overall achievement at the end of the project as per the PDO and result framework are as
shown in the Table 28 below:
IWRMP Project Completion Report
Increase in productivity of selected Wheat-2.0 Mt/ha Wheat- 3.09 Mt/ha Wheat-3.2 Mt/ha
(main) crops Maize-2.1 Mt/ha Maize- 4.66 Mt/ha Maize-3.6 Mt/ha
Potato-10 Mt/ha Potato- 17.83 Mt/ha Potato-16 Mt/ha
IWRMP Project Completion Report
Component A = 195489
Water users (number of female
beneficiaries) provided with irrigation 0 Component B = 193115 215904
and drainage services
Total = 388604
IWRMP Project Completion Report
IWRMP Project Completion Report
With the implementation of both the project activities in the sub-project level: i.e. hardware and software
part, the project has achieved most of its targets as per the Project Development Objectives and other
project outcome indicators. Apart from those specified project outcome indicators, some additional and
related positive outcomes/impacts are as stated below:
Employment generation in local level was increased and technical knowhow of WUAs and farmers
both in water resource management, construction management, and financial management were
also enhanced. An example: The impact study of the western region’s sub-projects reveals that all
selected ISPs have well maintained and operated bank accounts indicating proper financial
management. The project has generated additional full time, seasonal and part time employment
opportunities among the farming population. These employment opportunities were generated as
a result of construction and maintenance of canal, shifting from two to three crop production,
traditional to cash crop production, seed production, processing and marketing, input supply,
production and processing Agri-products. Similarly, mushroom farming and bee keeping promotion
has increased employment among economically disadvantaged, landless and vulnerable
community people.
Women participation as farmers and as WUA members was promising. They had actively
participated in all training packages and in most of the cases; their participation was around 50%.
In addition, the impact study of GW sub-projects reveals that women participation in marketing has
increased by 16% after project intervention.
In some of the sub-project areas, particularly, in Terai (e.g. Bhairahawa Lumbini Ground water
irrigation sub-project), due to its promising returns and seen as breaking away from long time
tradition, fisheries became one of the main attractions among the farmers after rehabilitation of the
sub-projects under IWRMP. It was noted that after the completion of IWRMP rehabilitated works
in BLGWIP, dedicated areas for fish farming have been increased by around 10%. These fish
ponds range in size from 0.068 to 6 ha and together account for 10% of command area. It has
been reported that the farmers harvest approximately 3,600 tonnes fish per year from 400 ha area
and generate a combined net income of around NRs. 456 million.
WUA contribution in FMIS was also promising with an average of about 8% of total sub-project
infrastructure development cost in surface irrigation schemes whereas in GW irrigation sub-project,
it was about 9%.
The Grievances redress mechanism were well established in each of the sub-project level from
WUA to the central project office because of which the implementation process of sub-projects
became more smooth and transparent.
Institutional development activities for WUA and DoI, were inbuilt into IWRMP so as to support the
capacity improvement of both WUA and DoI Officials. Capacity enhancement from these activities
were instrumental in helping to overcome several issues in gender and vulnerable community,
IWRMP Project Completion Report
The beneficiary income was substantially increased in most of the ISPs after the rehabilitation work
under IWRMP. Table 29 shows beneficiaries' financial returns of cereal crops in 41 completed
subprojects. In the mountain ISPs, the cereal crop offering the best return was paddy. On the other
hand, maize appeared to be the profitable crop in hills and wheat in the Terai. Overall, maize was
seen to be most profitable.
Mountain 3 148,500 85,000 63,500 81,133 53,000 28,133 82,266 55,300 26,966
Hill 25 118,753 79,813 38,940 85,110 55,324 29,786 81,638 51,572 30,066
Terai (S) 9 101,555 70,989 30,566 78,744 51,922 26,822 73,405 48,656 24,749
Terai (GW) 4 94,949 73,675 21,274 73,975 54,420 24,505 88,924 59,273 24,701
Average 41 114,832 77,657 37,175 82,335 54,319 28,499 80,587 51,956 28,149
In all areas, financial returns per hectare from cash crops like potatoes and vegetables were
significantly higher than for cereal crops (Table 30). Mountain farmers achieved highest returns
from potato, whereas hill and Terai farmers could expect better returns from vegetables. Overall,
vegetable farming offered the best returns. An example for such an observation comes from the
impact evaluation of the western region sub-project i.e. in Motipur Kadwa ISP, where this increase
was more than 110%.The difference in returns between cereal and cash crops was less marked
for groundwater-irrigated subprojects where the farmers had to balance the higher cost of irrigation
water with better year-round availability of supply.
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After the implementation IMT in AMIS, ISF collection rate was increased significantly to cope with
the regular O&M. For example in Kankai Irrigation system, the amount of annual ISF collection
was increased by 8 times in 2016/17 in comparison to 2009/10.
ISF collection was started based on per hectare per crop basis in Kankai Irrigation System which
was socially/economically justified and also total collection was increased significantly.
By the end of the project, a number of water courses were developed and/or rehabilitated in both
Ramgunj and Sitagunj sub-system of SMIP which was initially out of the scope of IWRMP, however
with this development, water distribution system in field level has become more effective.
As a result of IWRMP intervention, about 500 ha of water logged area was reclaimed in Mahakali
Irrigation system (Stage II) which was reused as agricultural land yielding three crops per year.
Crop diversification and commercialization have increased in all AMIS after the intervention of
IWRMP. For example; wheat cultivation area was considerably increased in Kankai irrigation
system; Banana farming was introduced and getting more popular in MIS, farmers have shifted to
vegetable farming from traditional Maize farming in NIS.
Farmers have started to produce their own seeds for all agricultural products as much as possible.
For example, during the impact evaluation it was revealed that 60% of respondent of MIS produce
their own seeds. The increase in seed replacement rate was attributed to a system of seed
production and distribution established by the project. In this, Nepal Agriculture Research Council,
Research Centers and DoA owned farm centers have provided source seeds of improved varieties
for multiplication to the command area farmers through respective DADOs. The source seeds were
then multiplied by the farmers and then distributed to other farmers in the command area.
The productivity of other crops has been increased in all the systems e.g. in Sitagunj sub-system
the productivity of vegetables has increased by 34%, oilseeds by 40% and lentil by 67%.
Promotion of small farm-machinery has contributed to reduce the cost of production, drudgery, and
work load. It has been noted that the use of ‘power tiller’ can save 1/3 of the cost of ploughing and
90% of the time of ploughing. Similarly, the use of ‘reaper’ reduces the cost of harvesting by 40-
60%. It has also been observed that the promotion and use of farm mechanization has helped to
attract youths into agriculture activities.
The independent impact evaluation report of Kankai Irrigation System reveals that the number of
conflicting events in relation to irrigation management among farmers had decreased significantly
and WUA was capable of operating the system efficiently and sustainably even after the handover
of system. Similar results have been observed from impact evaluation in Far-Western Region’s
IWRMP Project Completion Report
Given the political and security situation at the time of project preparation, IWRMP was designed with
modest institutional and policy reform component having simple implementation strategy. The project
therefore had proposed a substantial upfront investment in performance improvement of small and medium
irrigation system, on-farm water and agricultural productivity along with an embedded agenda for gradual
institutional reform.
There was difficulty acquiring accurate baseline data for some of the project outcome indicators e.g. water
user’s satisfaction level to WUA, tail-ender’s satisfaction level etc.
Other than the facts mentioned above, there were no any major issues that came up during preparation of
the project.
IWRMP Project Completion Report
Nevertheless, IWRMP-AF did not reschedule its completion timeline beyond June, 2018, the original date
of completion as agreed during its inception. Both parts of the project, original scope and additional finance,
were in its combination, able to achieve most of the target outcomes with the successful completion of
more than 97% of sub-projects in the field level by the final deadline of the project.
IWRMP Project Completion Report
At the centre level, the Project Steering Committee (PSC) chaired by the Secretary of Ministry of Irrigation
had provided the overall policy guidance and necessary coordination among the central level stakeholders
for the successful implementation of the project. The Project Implementation and Coordination Committee
(PICC), chaired by the Director General (DG) of the Department of Irrigation (DoI) had the function of
examining and approving individual irrigation sub-projects based on their technical and financial feasibility.
Overall responsibility of the project was placed with the Office of Project Director (OPD), which worked
under the guidance of PSC and PICC. The Office of the Project Director (OPD) had overall responsibility
for planning and coordinating, monitoring and evaluation (M&E) activities while the day-to-day project
implementation in the field was the responsibility of the district level DoI and DoA offices. There was a
parallel Project Coordination Office (PCO) in the Department of Agriculture (DoA) which had the role to
coordinate and monitor the corresponding regional and district offices.
a) The OPD had the responsibility to consolidate all project activities at the centre and coordinate
with various implementing agencies
b) A Regional Project Support Unit (RPSU) in each Regional Irrigation Directorate (RID) along with
Regional Agriculture Directorate (RAD) had the responsibility for supervision and implementation
of sub-project activities
c) A Sub-Project Management Unit (SMU) in each separate district implemented the sub-project at
the district level. In addition, a District Technical Team (DTT) was established under each SMU to
implement component D activities at the sub-project level.
The project management unit in WECS for Component C was headed by the division chief of the Water
Resource Division at WECS. The implementation of telemetric activities were carried out with the
assistance of Department of Hydrology and Meteorology (DHM).
The project was implemented according to the norms, rules and procedures outlined in the Project
Implementation Plan (PIP) and the Project Implementation Manual (PIM) which clearly defined the roles
and responsibility of different stakeholders and provided details of project processes and project cycle.
The OPD had overall responsibilities for M&E activities. Collection of appropriate data from sub-project
level, its analysis and producing final report were made with the help of appointed Technical Assistance
(TA) team for both Components A and B, regional directorate and district level offices. M&E data collection
activities mainly focussed on:
construction progress
financial disbursement
IWRMP Project Completion Report
SEMP implementation
The project had also surveyed the farmers’ experiences of the impacts in the rehabilitated systems through
structured questionnaires covering:
The data collections were done both through online and offline mode. The Desktop based GMIS was
installed in all cost centres from which the sub-project level progress data were collected via. Regional
Directorates. Separate database sheets were also developed in user-friendly excel sheets which included
all technical, financial, agricultural and institutional data. Such data collected from the field offices helped
the OPD to continuously monitor activities carried out at the sub-project level.
Furthermore, independent consultants were hired to carry out the evaluation of SEMP implementation in
all three regions. Additionally, impact study of the sub-projects under original scope were carried out for
both FMIS (GW & SW) and AMIS systems.
IWRMP has been hosting a well-structured website (www.dwri.gov.np/iwrmp) with all the information
regarding IWRMP activities which include reports, documents and related photographs and videos
ensuring transparent and easy access to information for all relevant people and stakeholders.
The regular implementation support mission from the World Bank has also ensured close monitoring of the
project activities the details of which can be found in their respective implementation support reviews.
The Environment Protection Act (EPA) 1996 makes it mandatory to carry out an IEE or EIA of all
projects/sub-projects. However, since the project’s civil works only comprised rehabilitation of existing
structures, construction of DTW pump houses and laying pipelines, it was categorised as a type “B” project.
Under this category, the project was only required to prepare social and environmental management plans
(SEMP) for each sub-project to identify and mitigate the impacts of the project’s interventions. The main
areas of concern were:
Equal access to project benefits for women and vulnerable communities such as indigenous
peoples and Dalits. Work affecting women and vulnerable communities was guided by the World
Bank’s (WB) Operational Manuals (OP) 4.10 (Indigenous Peoples) and 4.20 (Gender and
IWRMP Project Completion Report
Development). The GoN has established minimum criteria of 33% for the participation of women
in WUAs and the project routinely maintained and evaluated disaggregated data on the
participation of other vulnerable groups.
Land acquisition and resettlement. In addition to the WB’s OP 4.12 (Involuntary Resettlement),
the 1977 Land Acquisition Act, Rule 1969 of the 1962 Land Acquisition Act and the 1993
Guidelines are the core legal documents on private land acquisition, property valuation, and
compensation grievance redress. However, this did not prove to be an issue in the project’s
rehabilitation schemes, where works were generally confined to historically established alignments
for both FMIS and AMIS. For new small community systems such as deep tubewells (DTWs) which
each serve an area of around 40 ha in general, beneficiaries themselves willing to provide required
land for pump house and overhead tank in which OPD has received documentary evidence of their
land contribution .
Preservation of access for wildlife and local livestock across the canals. This was addressed
through the inclusion of footbridges and culverts in the rehabilitation/construction designs.
National parks and conservation areas. The National Park and Wildlife Preservation Act 1973 and
its regulations: the National Park and Wildlife Preservation Rule 1973 (2030) and the Buffer Zone
Management Rule 1994 set out provisions for the protection of wild flora and fauna. Where
irrigation infrastructure was located within areas covered by this legislation, the concerned
authorities were included in consultations concerning the design of the works as well as
mobilisation of contractors’ and WUAs’ work teams and working methodologies.
Other issues such as health and safety during construction, sanitation of the construction workers’ camp
and protection of adjacent ecosystems were addressed through the construction contractors’ contracts
under the supervision of the DoI.
The office of Project Director along with financial consultant regularly carried out monitoring of the financial
issues in all the cost centres to access the fiduciary compliances at different intervals of the project period.
It was found that all district cost centres had fulfilled the requirements in line with financial regulations. The
internal and external audits were carried out in timely manner in each district by the concerned district
account control office and office of auditor’s general office respectively. The unaudited financial
statements/Financial Monitoring Reports (FMR) were prepared and submitted to the World Bank on a
timely basis.
IWRMP Project Completion Report
The government organizations mainly engaged for the successful completion of the project were Ministry
of Finance (MoF), National Planning Commission (NPC), Ministry of Irrigation (MoI), Ministry of Agriculture
Development (MoAD), Water & Energy Commission Secretariat (WECS), Department of Irrigation (DoI),
Department of Agriculture Development (DoAD), and Department of Hydrology and Meteorology. Other
major stakeholders were National Federation of Irrigation WUA, Nepal (NIFWAN), Concerned WUAs, Non-
Governmental Organizations (NGOs), District Development Committees (DDCs), and project hired
Technical Assistance (TA) team.
As discussed earlier, both Components A and B were implemented by DoI, whereas Component C was
implemented by WECS and some parts by DoI and Component D was jointly implemented by DoA and
DoI. Implementation of telemetric system was carried out under Component C with the assistance from
DHM. NIFWAN were engaged during the preparation of implementation guidelines, norms and directives.
Some pilot micro irrigation technology transfer schemes were carried out through NGOs.
Two separate TA teams were mobilized for Component A and Component B to support the work of the
OPD and to advise and assist DoI/DoA field offices as and when necessary in areas such as:
For Component A, the TA team comprised of 13 full-time and 7 part-time experts including one expatriate
team leader. Final input from this TA team were 421.2 person-months including 14.6 P-M international
inputs. Likewise, for Component B, the TA team comprised of 12 nationals and 1 international team leader
with total inputs of 310 P-M and 12 P-M respectively.
Overall, the government agencies as well as concerned stakeholders had performed efficiently and above
satisfactory level to achieve the overall goal of the project.
One of the major issue persists for all FMIS and AMIS sub-project was its sustainability, particularly in
AMIS that were handed over to the WUA recently. The complexity of the technical features of canal
operation and management requires different types of high skilled workers in the system for continuous
technical backstopping. The retention of trained farmers within the sub-project is always a key issue for
institutional development of the system. The progress made during the IWRMP intervention in ISF
IWRMP Project Completion Report
collections should be continued by WUA and should also be increased annually as per agreed AMP. Any
failure of irrigation system management and institutional management will lead to the loss of agriculture
productivity and production so far achieved during the IWRMP interventions.
At this moment, probable a major shock is the national restructuring into three tier federal government
system. Local and Provincial governments should be aware of IMT activities and should recognize the
importance and overall contribution to national benefit by FMIS system in Nepal.
IWRMP Project Completion Report
After the completion of the project, a number of factors that were overlooked/experience gained during the
inception, planning and implementation have lent lessons learned, that at this stage, come as
recommendations. These are as follows:
i Sub-projects under Component A were distributed very thinly across the western regions, often
with only one or two ISPs in any one district. This had hindered effective management, monitoring
and evaluation and it has been recommended that in future, subprojects be clustered together
whenever possible.
ii Opportunities to optimise designs were missed because agriculture development plans (ADP)
were prepared after detailed engineering designs had been completed. It is recommended that
ADPs be incorporated into the detailed designs so that the engineering proposals can more closely
reflect the needs and ambitions of the farmers.
iii The DoI had encountered some difficulties in persuading farmers to contribute to the levels
specified in IWRMP. This was because farmers in groundwater sub-projects resented having to
pay more (15%) than farmers in surface water projects (10%) and contributions were higher than
those required on rehabilitation sub-projects entirely funded by the GoN. It is recommended to
follow the Irrigation policy for farmer’s contribution part.
v AMIS sub-systems, e.g. in Narayani and SMIP, under Component B have been facing the problem
of sufficient discharge as only a branch/part of the system were taken for IMT. The possibility of
achievements being undone is high. It is hence recommended to take an entire system for IMT
implementation rather than just parts of a system.
vi Due to complicated technical features of canal operation for water management and assets
management, a regular technical support to the WUAs will be required for their sustainability.
vii A major challenge facing implementation of the environmental and social framework was the
tendency to treat it as a distinct component of project implementation, with its own budget line and
administration, separate from those of the main construction works. As a result, implementation
of SEMP mitigation measures often lagged behind the main part of the rehabilitation/construction
works on site. Many mitigation measures identified in SEMPs (such as village road bridges and
covered canals) form an integral part of the irrigation infrastructure and could be more efficiently
implemented as part of the main works contracts.
IWRMP Project Completion Report
viii Dedicated social mobilization and technical support in each ISP is important to reap the benefits
of irrigation facilities through agriculture diversification. Agriculture development was constrained
by an inadequate range of activity support. In order to provide a full range of needed agriculture
support inputs from on-farm production up through the value chain to marketing, farm level
investment in agriculture development should be increased.
ix It was realized from the project implementation that agriculture extension program is much more
effective if delivers through WUA and this can reduce workload of public extension system and
increase transparency and accountability. If utilized properly, WUA can substantially transform
agriculture in the command area. Thus, WUA should be developed as a multi-functional community
organization looking after development of irrigation and agriculture sector rather than just for
construction and maintenance of irrigation canals and related infrastructure.
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1 Mustang Namgel ISP 32 Sept. 24, 2010 9,872
2 Mustang Dhakmaar ISP 90 Dec. 29, 2010 27,544
3 Manang Tenki ISP 45 Feb. 28 ,2012 21,862
4 Manang Shyarkhu Ghatte ISP 25 Dec. 4, 2009 6,200
5 Manang Gowa khola ISP 26 Dec. 29, 2010 12,131
6 Lamjung Tarawali ISP 25 March 17, 2009 3,772
7 Lamjung Sheraphant ISP 65 Dec. 4, 2009 18,416
8 Lamjung Eklephant ISP 25 May 20, 2010 5,780
9 Lamjung Majuwa khola ISP 80 Dec. 29, 2010 22,392
10 Lamjung Kirinchekandabote ISP 52 May 13, 2014 14,523
11 Lamjung Sitikhola Bhatbesi ISP 50 Feb. 28, 2012 14,858
12 Syangja Suraudi ISP 80 Dec. 29, 2010 23,345
13 Syangja Tamakhubari ISP 30 May 20, 2010 9,744
14 Syangja Jyagdi thulokulo ISP 40 Dec. 29, 2010 9,647
15 Kaski Puranbesi ISP 48 29-Dec.-2010 10,853
16 Kaski Bagadi Birauta ISP 75 29-Dec.-2010 18,732
17 Kaski Polyangtar ISP 110 Feb. 28, 2012 25,307
18 Palpa Aath Bishe ISP 25 March 17, 2009 5,408
19 Palpa Churi Chaurasi ISP 30 Dec. 4, 2009 5,495
20 Palpa Gethi Chaur ISP 34 Dec. 4, 2009 6,858
21 Palpa Dailatung ISP 40 March 17, 2009 7,718
22 Palpa Legduwa Jhumsa ISP 34 March 17, 2009 6,177
23 Palpa Jhyangla Phant ISP 35 Dec. 29, 2010 7,994
24 Palpa Maidani Phant ISP 45 Sept. 24, 2010 6,050
25 Palpa Amerai ISP 53 March 27, 2014 15,071
26 Palpa Talmul ISP 78 March 27, 2014 25,582
27 Palpa Argali ISP 215 Feb. 28, 2012 58,347
28 Palpa Materi kulo ISP 28 Dec. 29, 2010 8,013
29 Baglung Lekhani ISP 62 May 13, 2009 9,393
30 Baglung Kusmishera ISP 57 Dec. 29, 2010 12,374
31 Myagdi Babiyachaur ISP 34 June 3, 2009 6,606
32 Myagdi Ghara ISP 80 Dec. 29, 2010 20,278
33 Gorkha Hajariphant ISP 38 March 17, 2009 7,515
34 Gorkha Dhumwakot ISP 54 Dec. 29, 2010 10,674
35 Gorkha Nimel phant ISP 25 Feb. 28, 2012 5,540
36 Gorkha Kaldheri khet ISP 25 Dec. 29, 2010 7,971
37 Gorkha Bhandarthok ISP 50 March 17, 2009 7,852
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Western Region
1 Mustang Syang ISP 42 29 Dec, 2016 14,238
2 Mustang Jhong Putak ISP 50 11 Mar, 2015 21,895
3 Manang Tilche ISP 25 11 Mar, 2015 9,992
Total of Mountain-West- 3 (Nos.) 117 46,125
4 Lamjung Bangrebeshi ISP 75 16 Jan, 2014 20,376
5 Lamjung Kesidi Lamabagar ISP 25 11 Mar, 2015 8,708
6 Gorkha Pokharatar ISP 70 13 May, 2014 19,990
7 Gorkha Bakrang Besi ISP 75 20 Jan, 2015 25,926
8 Tanahun Bilmade Mulpani ISP 45 27 Mar, 2014 15,697
9 Tanahun Bhanu Barah ISP 40 20 Jan, 2015 13,985
10 Kaski Kharikhola Bhalabhat ISP** 34 27 Mar, 2014 12,574
11 Kaski Dhiprangbesi ISP 28 29 Dec, 2016 14,616
12 Kaski Kotre Kafaltar ISP 38 11 Mar, 2015 15,291
13 Kaski Tallo Dabake ISP 27 29 Dec, 2016 11,190
14 Parbat Aguwa khola ISP 35 16 Jan, 2014 11,917
15 Parbat Sibdi Chiluwa ISP 37 11 Mar, 2015 15,352
16 Parbat Gyandi ISP 170 29 Dec, 2016 25,126
17 Parbat Rati khola ISP 95 29 Dec, 2016 20,628
18 Myagdi 2023 Sale kulo ISP 33 20 Jan, 2015 13,148
19 Baglung Chhisti ISP 52 16 Jan, 2014 14,532
20 Baglung Tallo Lamahi Phant ISP 38 20 Jan, 2015 14,380
21 Syangja, Palpa Aandhi khola ISP 330 16 Jan, 2014 59,697
22 Syangja Kamtitar ISP 32 11 Mar, 2015 16,743
23 Palpa Itiya khola ISP 29 27 Mar, 2014 9,018
24 Palpa Sardewa ISP 50 27 Mar, 2014 17,006
25 Palpa Serakhet ISP 26 11 Mar, 2015 9,755
26 Palpa Gairapanari Binapate ISP 56 27 Mar, 2014 27,759
27 Gulmi Waorgati Sanichaur ISP 55 16 Jan, 2014 24,035
28 Gulmi Jherdi khola ISP 25 16 Jan, 2014 10,671
29 Gulmi Damkaphant/Sota ISP 100 20 Jan, 2015 44,742
30 Gulmi Rumta Aambot ISP 80 29 Dec, 2016 31,970
31 Arghakhanchi Damaidhunga ISP 50 16 Jan, 2014 13,886
32 Arghakhanchi Kopche Damare ISP 64 20 Jan, 2015 24,087
Total of Hill-West -29 (Nos.) 1,814 562,806
33 Nawalparasi Tokare ISP 520 16 Jan, 2014 86,609
34 Nawalparasi Bhedabari ISP 200 29 Dec, 2016 17,599
35 Nawalparasi Bhorlebas ISP 120 16 Dec, 2016 21,640
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Total O&M cash + in-kind contributions 630,640 1,919,693 3,029,751 4,416,892 5,460,649 6,002,930 5,362,527 6,152,761
% of O&M target reached (cash + in-kind) 15% 44% 70% 102% 126% 138% 124% 142%
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IWRMP Project Completion Report
ANNEX: E Comparison of Irrigation Service fee Collection Rates in the 2017/18 Fiscal Year with Plans
ISF Targets ISF Collection
ISP Name District Ecology CCA Population HH % of % of
Overall 2074/75 Cash Labour Total Rs/Ha Rs/Ha
Overall 2017/18
Damaidhunga Arghakhanchi Hill 50 696 65 303,150 125,600 3,500 81,200 81,200 1,694 1,303 28% 67%
Kopehe Damare Arghakhanchi Hill 64 352 66 425,632 134,432 - 61,600 61,600 963 933 14% 48%
Damkaphant/Sota Gulmi Hill 100 3028 388 1,647,500 354,300 4,800 157,500 157,500 2,055 530 12% 58%
Jherdi Khola Gulmi Hill 25 562 109 107,650 55,125 - 42,000 42,000 1,680 385 39% 76%
Sanichaur Gulmi Hill 55 1000 218 1,109,045 518,620 - 371,000 371,000 6,745 1,702 33% 72%
Bhari Khola Kapilvastu Terai S 200 1500 160 929,400 499,400 - 392,000 392,000 1,960 2,450 42% 78%
Madwan Sikari Kapilvastu Terai S 535 5678 1103 1,507,570 693,300 - 490,000 490,000 916 444 33% 71%
Kotre Kafaltar Kaski Hill 38 380 68 310,390 149,118 - 108,800 108,800 2,863 1,600 35% 73%
Bangrebeshi Lamjung Hill 75 665 199 653,050 421,825 - 364,000 364,000 4,853 1,829 56% 86%
Kesidi Lamabagar Lamjung Hill 25 345 54 332,200 149,325 - 103,600 103,600 4,144 1,919 31% 69%
Tilche Mustang Mountain 25 370 53 296,000 193,600 - 168,000 168,000 6,720 2,170 57% 87%
Syang Mustang Mountain 42 650 130 483,994 319,539 - 280,000 280,000 6,667 2,154 58% 88%
2033 Sale Kulo Myagdi Hill 33 1100 240 1,012,872 912,948 - 888,000 888,000 26,909 3,700 88% 97%
Tokare Nawalparasi Terai S 520 5000 1000 2,428,560 1,605,712 - 1,400,000 1,400,000 2,692 1,400 58% 87%
Binapate Palpa Hill 56 1219 167 858,152 592,152 - 482,000 482,000 8,607 2,886 56% 81%
Sardewa Palpa Hill 50 854 112 496,950 378,400 - 280,000 280,000 5,600 2,500 56% 74%
IWRMP Project Completion Report
Serakhet Palpa Hill 56 331 61 496,758 387,142 9,776 336,000 336,000 13,299 5,668 70% 89%
Aguwa Khola Parbat Hill 35 927 145 465,360 248,045 - 175,000 175,000 5,000 1,207 38% 71%
Sibdi Chiluwa Parbat Hill 37 980 106 518,057 260,500 - 168,000 168,000 4,541 1,585 32% 64%
Kamtitar Syangja Hill 32 528 71 997,144 815,536 - 770,000 770,000 24,063 10,845 77% 94%
Bhanu Barah Tanahun Hill 40 1043 171 447,000 358,700 4,000 280,000 280,000 7,100 1,661 64% 79%
Bilmade Mulpani Tanahun Hill 45 687 128 414,290 288,538 4,500 200,000 200,000 4,544 1,623 49% 71%
Oat ISP Rolpa Hill 45 300 60 274,510 176,500 90,000 64,500 64,500 3,433 2,575 56% 88%
Manghat Rolpa Hill 50 1010 147 533,800 315,000 - 215,000 215,000 4,300 1,463 40% 68%
Mathillo Bahuni
Chaur Surkhet Hill 44 665 122 295,520 211,920 - 97,520 97,520 2,216 799 33% 46%
Gamkhola Khotte
Pani Surkhet Hill 40 987 125 133,100 121,100 - 85,100 85,100 2,128 661 64% 70%
Ambasa-Balanti Bardiya Terai S 213 1086 196 724,100 298,100 - 85,100 85,100 400 288 12% 29%
Batule-Kurule Bardiya Terai S 70 800 70 400,100 267,100 - 85,100 85,100 1,216 1,216 21% 32%
Chauke Takuri Rukum Hill 45 1500 300 470,390 243,000 - 198,000 198,000 4,400 660 42% 81%
Darimjyuala Salyan Hill 56 1100 160 315,408 145,000 20,048 89,000 89,000 1,947 682 35% 75%
Gartung Khola Pyuthan Hill 55 700 135 507,155 275,000 - 220,000 220,000 4,000 1,630 43% 80%
Ghari Khola Pyuthan Hill 30 2000 300 248,880 136,500 - 82,500 82,500 2,750 275 33% 60%
Jhakhet Surkhet Hill 28 880 160 232,500 152,000 48,020 82,500 82,500 4,644 813 56% 86%
Lohadabre Dang Terai S 800 4134 689 2,419,700 1,154,100 12,000 754,100 754,100 958 1,112 32% 66%
Paruwa Banke Terai S 200 2500 200 767,510 510,000 - 310,000 310,000 1,550 1,550 40% 61%
IWRMP Project Completion Report
Ratgaiyan Dang Hill 495 3024 458 924,130 739,470 148,500 491,970 491,970 1,294 1,398 69% 87%
Sakure Rukum Hill 45 1800 300 536,238 270,000 45,000 180,000 180,000 5,000 750 42% 83%
Thure Banke Terai S 215 4500 600 1,005,171 803,400 215,000 425,000 425,000 2,977 1,067 64% 80%
Badhuwa Dadeldhura Hill 26 300 60 2,972,990 141,796 - 84,000 84,000 3,231 1,400 3% 59%
Subeda Tallo Jyula Bajhang Mountain 35 1099 175 1,303,260 400,645 - 175,000 175,000 5,000 1,000 13% 44%
Jogijala (Re-
appraised) Dadeldhura Hill 29 822 80 376,987 142,580 - 84,000 84,000 2,897 1,050 22% 59%
Manekuda Baitadi Hill 27 696 70 541,501 164,300 - 70,000 70,000 2,593 1,000 13% 43%
Ratipur Kailali Terai S 367 1580 225 1,299,790 310,358 - 63,000 63,000 172 280 5% 20%
Bagun Kanchanpur Terai S 256 3099 498 564,248 163,250 17,215 63,000 63,000 313 161 14% 49%
Dhittadi Dadeldhura Hill 29 901 70 450,495 168,499 - 98,000 98,000 3,379 1,400 22% 58%
Goiladi Darchula Mountain 26 300 35 329,762 93,342 - 35,000 35,000 1,346 1,000 11% 37%
Limuda Baitadi Hill 50 806 104 462,800 140,550 - 60,000 60,000 1,200 577 13% 43%
Nwali Baitadi Hill 40 597 40 435,720 131,160 - 55,000 55,000 1,375 1,375 13% 42%
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