Indian Journal of Psychiatry
Indian Journal of Psychiatry
Indian Journal of Psychiatry
Psychotic disorders form the core of severe mental illnesses and contribute to substantial disability and health‑care costs
worldwide. A growing research framework to understand and treat psychotic symptoms using a transdiagnostic paradigm
is the social brain perspective of psychoses. The theme of my oration is to highlight how the growing knowledge of
evolutionarily preserved social brain networks can help integrate social contextual, psychological, and neurobiological
aspects of the genesis of psychotic symptoms and use that knowledge in a translational manner to identify potential
therapeutic avenues that extend beyond conventional treatments. The concepts and empirical study of social cognition,
social brain (e.g., mirror neuron system), social behaviors (e.g., symptoms and real‑world functioning) are illustrated.
These give insights into potential newer therapies with brain stimulation, oxytocin, and yoga.
Key words: Evolution, mirror neurons, schizophrenia, social cognition, social connectome
How to cite this article: Mehta UM. The social neuroscience
of psychosis: From neurobiology to neurotherapeutics. Indian
J Psychiatry 2020;62:470-80.
as abnormal social behaviors of the psychotic syndrome and as attention, concentration, memory, and processing speed
thereby the devastating social disability. and executive functions such as planning and reasoning.[16]
It is comparatively free of emotions. These functions are
Given the recent emphasis on the large genetic overlaps used in both nonsocial (e.g., remembering a shopping list)
across the broader psychiatric phenotype,[6,7] and the and social (e.g., responding to an angry friend) situations. In
shared and rather nonspecific environmental risk factors contrast, social cognition embodies the interface between
across disorders,[8] it is important to identify fundamental emotional and cognitive processing, with an intersubjective
processes that are deranged transdiagnostically, which can quality, requiring reflective (metacognitive) and social
potentially explain symptom manifestation and the resulting inferential abilities.[17] These include processing biologically
dysfunction from a neuroscience‑informed perspective. relevant motion and detection of eye gaze to understanding
The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)‑sponsored perspectives, intentions, and feelings of others that we so
Research Domain Criteria provides such a template by often encounter in our daily living. This division was posited
identifying five fundamental processes to be studied at by the observation of selective impairment of either of these
various levels ranging from genes to behavior, through abilities in specific conditions.[18]
cells and networks.[9] Social cognition, not surprisingly, is
one such fundamental process that has been identified for However, in order to demonstrate a more data‑driven
transdiagnostic study. While disturbances in social behavior understanding about this division, we performed a
and the resulting social disability across a broad range of systematic review of empirical data from factor analysis
psychiatric disorders are well described and characterized, studies that have examined the factor structure of cognition
the omnipresent nature of social cognition impairments in schizophrenia.[19] Here, we could show consistent
across most psychiatric disorders is only recently evidence for the existence of distinct social and nonsocial
emerging.[10] It is in this context that a social neuroscience cognitive factors, with eight out of nine studies supporting
perspective provides a compelling conceptual framework to this separateness of the two cognitive dimensions, thus
study the origins and treatment of severe mental disorders providing construct validity for cognition in schizophrenia.
by providing key substrates at the neurobiological (social While this does not propose a complete distinction, there
brain), psychological (social cognition), clinical (social are strong correlations between social and nonsocial
behaviors), and real‑world functional (social disability) cognition. Yet, there is a significant nonoverlap resulting
levels. This essay highlights evidence that pieces together in distinct cognitive factors that perhaps reflect different
parts of this “social connectome,” with a special focus latent structures and neurobiology driving them. While
on understanding the pathogenesis, manifestations, neurocognition has been in the forefront of cognitive
and determinants of social dysfunction in psychotic neuroscience research over several decades now, social
disorders (mostly schizophrenia) from a social neuroscience cognition and its neurobiology are being examined only
perspective [Figure 1] and the translational impact of this recently.
approach in developing and delivering targeted treatments
with the ultimate goal of recovery and reintegrating the Measuring social cognition
affected individual into society. The measurement of cognition over the last several
decades has predominantly focused on quantifying general
CLINICAL RELEVANCE OF SOCIAL COGNITION or neurocognitive abilities. The study of social cognition
IN PSYCHOSIS began in the late 1960s as a purely social‑psychological
investigation[20] and extended to examining developmental
Construct of cognition in schizophrenia milestones and ontogeny of these processes.[21] At the same
Cognition is a broad set of mental processes that subserves time, evolutionary psychology approaches were used to
our ability to understand and respond to information in understand the phylogeny of these abilities by identifying
our environment. It is largely hardwired,[11] determined comparative processes in social animals like nonhuman
genetically,[12] and acquired during various stages of primates.[22] The next decade saw its implementation
human development.[13] Cognition can, however, be in clinical populations by examining social cognition
shaped and pruned by a wide range of environmental impairments in children with mental retardation[23] and
influences.[14] Cognitive impairment is ubiquitous to a host adults with traumatic brain injuries.[24] However, it was
of neuropsychiatric disorders ranging from autism and much later that social cognition was seriously examined
schizophrenia to depression and the dementias.[15] in disorders such as autism[25] and schizophrenia,[26] which
today are considered social brain disorders.[4]
When cognitive abilities are studied in the context of
neuropsychiatric disorders, they are conceptualized as two Meetings of the NIMH – Measurement and Treatment
overlapping yet distinct constructs – general or neurocognition Research to Improve Cognition in Schizophrenia
and social cognition. Conceptually, neurocognition involves initiative[27,28] – recommended a set of subdomains of social
general information acquiring and processing functions such cognition to be examined in future studies. These include
theory of mind, emotion processing, social perception, and all recommended dimensions listed above. This exercise
attributional styles. Theory of mind is the capacity to impute began with a detailed literature review and discussions
mental states to oneself and to others; the “gold standard” with national and international experts in the field of
test of comprehending other persons’ minds is the ability social cognition to identify appropriate tests that could be
to understand that others can hold false beliefs that are modified to the Indian context. Next, a thorough process
different from one’s own (correct) knowledge.[29] Measures of task adaptation was undertaken – making drawings for
of emotion processing (perceiving and using emotions) picture stories, framing content of social interaction stories
include rating of emotions displayed in faces (facial and videos, shooting of social perception videos, and
emotion recognition) or voices (affective prosody) or rating performing conceptual rather than translations (to Hindi and
from brief vignettes of how individuals manage, regulate, Kannada) of original English‑version tests with the focus on
or facilitate emotion.[30] Social perception refers to initial retaining the construct of assessment but modifying content
stages in the processing of information of social situations based on prevailing cultural norms. Tests were adapted
that culminates in the accurate analysis of the dispositions to cover domains of theory of mind, social perception,
and intentions of other individuals.[31] Attributional style and attributional styles. Finally, we undertook a thorough
refers to explanations people generate regarding the validation exercise by obtaining content validity from 18
causes of positive and negative events in their lives. This is mental health experts and then administering the final
assessed using hypothetical positive and negative events for shortlisted tests in healthy and schizophrenia populations.
which the participants are asked to draw causal inferences Bilingual volunteers were additionally administered
and label them as internal‑personal, external‑personal, or English‑version tests to compare their performance across
situational.[32] both versions. Additional tests of empathy[34] and emotion
processing[35] were also administered. Content, concurrent,
The prevailing cultural environment in which the social ecological, and known‑groups validity of these tests were
brain develops and expresses itself can moderate the satisfactory. The internal consistency of the individual test
processing of social cognition. This brought about the items was also high.[36,37] Taken together, these tests form the
need for a culturally appropriate test battery for measuring Social Cognition Rating Tools in Indian Setting (SOCRATIS)
social cognition within the Indian sociocultural setting. [Figure 2]. SOCRATIS in conjunction with the existing Tool
We highlighted this need through sociopsychological, for Recognition of Emotions in Neuropsychiatric Disorders
developmental, and neurobiological perspectives – all of (TRENDS),[35] forms a comprehensive method of assessing
which underscore cultural differences in the experience most social cognition in the Indian sociocultural setting.
of social interactions and the processing of social Since 2008, SOCRATIS has been used across various centers
cognition.[33] We, therefore, undertook an adaptation and in India [Figure 3] to assess social cognition in a broad range
validation process of social cognition measurement across of psychiatric disorders. Regular training workshops are
arranged biannually to facilitate administration and scoring functioning in schizophrenia.[41] Patients with borderline
skills. A software‑based application has been developed personality also demonstrate social cognition deficits, but
that facilitates easy administration and automatic scoring. these were restricted to social perception deficits – especially
In summary, the development of SOCRATIS has given for subtle low‑emotion cues and attributional styles – higher
impetus to a thus‑far neglected research area, and the last tendency to attribute negative events to external people
decade has witnessed an exponentially higher effort to not than situations.[42]
just study the clinical and biological correlates of social
cognition but also develop specific and unique treatment Social cognition and its functional significance
strategies. The above findings paved the way toward heuristic and
clinical applications of studying social cognition, especially
Social cognition deficits across psychiatric disorders in psychotic disorders – (a) its potential endophenotypic
With the availability of a comprehensive test battery to status since deficits (though state‑dependent) were observed
measure social cognition, we examined if social cognition was even during symptom remission (state‑independent) and (b)
impaired in patients with schizophrenia who had remitted its potential association with real‑world social functioning.
from their active positive symptoms. This clinical stage was In one of these studies, a blind rater assessed the social
chosen so as to understand the relationship between social functioning of patients using the WHO‑Disability Assessment
cognition and socio‑occupational functioning – a clinical Schedule‑based Groningen Social Disabilities Schedule.[43]
need most prominent after resolution of active symptoms. Among a host of social and neurocognitive measures studied,
We found that social cognition performance was substantially we found that second‑order theory of mind was best associated
reduced in remitted schizophrenia patients (n = 60) as with social functioning. Here, we also demonstrated by
compared to matched healthy controls (n = 60), with effect means of indirect mediation analyses[44] the role of negative
sizes ranging from 0.4–2. These deficits were found to be symptoms in mediating the relationship between theory
independent of their general cognition deficits, as assessed of mind and social functioning.[45] In a larger study of 150
using covariate analysis.[38] Next, using both cross‑sectional[39] remitted schizophrenia individuals, we not only replicated
and longitudinal[40] study designs, we demonstrated a these observations but also demonstrated a path model to
state‑dependent worsening of social cognition performance study the interdependent relationship between important
in schizophrenia as compared to remitted states, indicating determinants of social functioning. This model showed that
a potential relationship between impaired social cognition while the influence of social cognition on social functioning
and expression of active psychotic symptoms. The magnitude was mediated by negative symptoms, especially amotivation,
of social cognition deficits was much less in patients with neurocognition deficits determined social functioning via
bipolar disorder (during remission, n = 40); in fact, these effects on clinical insight into the illness [Figure 4].[46] In
patients performed better than healthy individuals on the same sample, we also demonstrated that theory of
second‑order theory of mind performance – the same test mind was not just relevant for social functioning but also
which was found to have a significant association with social had an important contribution in predicting parenting role
Figure 3: The training and use of the Social Cognition Rating Tools in Indian Setting battery across India
functioning in parents with schizophrenia.[47] However, there an illness‑specific misattribution component that was absent
was no relationship between social cognition and social in the healthy group. There was some external validation
functioning in this sample of euthymic bipolar disorder of these three components by virtue of their differential
patients,[41] perhaps owing to a ceiling effect in measures of association (~4%–40%) with neurocognitive performance
cognition and real‑world functioning. in the same dataset. The socio‑emotional (30%–40%), social
inferential (12%–20%), and misattributional (~4%) component
NEUROBIOLOGY OF SOCIAL COGNITION IN had different grades of association with neurocognition
PSYCHOTIC DISORDERS performance as examined using general linear regression
models.[50] These are important observations that contribute
Latent structure of social cognition to our overall understanding of the underlying latent
In order to understand the latent structure of social cognition, structure of social cognition abilities in schizophrenia and
we have conducted a series of factor analytical studies. This healthy individuals, which were hitherto recommended
is a multivariate statistical approach that identifies patterns
objectives in expert consensus meetings.[28]
in large datasets to segregate the cognitive data into
potential latent structures that could potentially have shared
Social brain in schizophrenia
origins. First, we studied the distinction of social cognition
Several lines of investigations have now started to
and metacognition (thinking about thinking) in a sample
give concerted information regarding neural networks
of 60 schizophrenia patients.[48] A principal components
underlying social cognition. This social brain network has
analysis revealed three factors – two social cognitive
factors (inferential component – theory of mind and been under investigation in patients with schizophrenia and
socio‑emotive component – emotion processing and social autism since the late 1990s.[5] Recent studies identify four
perception) and one metacognitive factor (scores on clinical important subsystems operating in a coordinated fashion
and cognitive insight that focuses on self‑reflective abilities). that represent the social brain, and these include the social
Next, in a larger sample of 170 schizophrenia patients, cue perception system (amygdala, inferior frontal gyrus,
a three‑factor solution representing socio‑emotional and fusiform gyrus), the affect sharing (insula and anterior
processing, social inferential ability, and external attribution cingulate cortex) and motor resonance systems (premotor
components emerged that accounted for 64.43% of the cortex, inferior frontal gyrus, and inferior parietal lobule),
variance. In contrast, a two‑factor solution representing the mentalizing system (medial prefrontal cortex, precuneus,
socio‑emotional processing and social inferential ability and temporoparietal junction and posterior cingulate
was derived in the healthy comparison group (n = 111) that cortex), and the emotion regulation system (dorsal and
explained 56.5% of the variance,[49] potentially highlighting lateral prefrontal cortices).[51,52]
Figure 4: The relationship between cognition and real‑world functioning. Note: CFI – Comparative Fit Index; TLI – Tucker‑Lewis
Index; RMSEA – Root Mean Square Error of Approximation
The prime focus of our approach to studying the internal template to decode intentions underlying gestures,
neurobiology of social cognition has been to examine the actions, and emotions in an automatic reflexive manner.
motor resonance system, also referred to as the mirror
neuron system (MNS). Mirror neurons are defined as nerve This hypothesis was examined in a small sample of
cells that discharge while we perform an action, as well as schizophrenia patients, where we demonstrated for the
when we observe someone else perform the same action. first time a relationship between putative MNS activity
Giacomo Rizzolatti’s group at Parma, Italy, first discovered measured using TMS and social cognition performance in
mirror neurons (accidentally) in the premotor cortex of schizophrenia.[58] The TMS experiment [Figure 5] involved
the macaque monkey.[53,54] During one such experiment, in recording motor‑evoked potentials from the right hand
which neural responses to food (as an object) were being of individuals observing static images and goal‑directed
recorded, the investigators discovered to their surprise that actions (e.g., locking/unlocking actions) of the right hand.
some neurons discharged not when the monkey looked at The degree of facilitation of motor cortical reactivity
the food but when the experimenter grasped the food.[53] potentials during action observation relative to static
In humans, the first direct recording and demonstration of image viewing formed a measure of putative MNS activity.
mirror neuron activity were done in patients undergoing In a larger case–control study implementing the same
surgery for refractory epilepsy in 2010.[55] However, indirect TMS experiment, we demonstrated reduced MNS activity
measurements of MNS activity are possible by quantifying in untreated drug‑naïve schizophrenia patients (n = 33),
the change in putative neural response during action as compared to medicated (antipsychotics) patients and
observation relative to static image viewing by means of healthy comparison controls. In the patient group, MNS
functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), transcranial activity was significantly associated with theory of mind and
magnetic stimulation (TMS), electroencephalography, emotion processing abilities, suggesting that patients with
magnetoencephalography, and optical imaging. better MNS activity had higher scores on social cognition
A meta‑analysis of 125 such fMRI studies has identified tests.[39] This not only confirmed our earlier report but also
an extensive network comprising the ventral premotor was the first time such findings were being reported in a
cortex, inferior frontal gyrus, inferior parietal lobule, and large sample of schizophrenia and healthy individuals.
the insula[56] – several of these regions overlapping with
those described as having mirror properties in monkeys. Next, we modified the experimental paradigm by
Mirror neuron‑driven embodied simulation, captured by incorporating a social context to the action observation
the “neural exploitation hypothesis,” has been proposed sequence. A brief socio‑emotive contextual prelude to
as a physiological substrate of social cognitive abilities in the same action observation (locking/unlocking) sequence
humans.[57] In other words, these are neural circuits that are resulted in greater facilitation of motor potentials as
active when one engages in social situations (e.g., shaking compared to neutral action and static image viewing
hands or greeting with a namaste). Interestingly, parts of in both – schizophrenia patients and healthy controls.
these circuits are active even when one observes someone However, the degree of this facilitation was diminished in the
else engaging in the same social behavior, thus providing an patient group. The other difference in this experiment was
an ongoing process of learning and adapting in an iterative therefore, we have attempted to engage other social brain
manner until we finally achieve substantial gains. networks in bringing about a change in social cognition.
In a three‑group randomized controlled trial, we examined
Noninvasive brain stimulation the potential augmentation of cognitive remediation by
A direct advancement of our evidence suggesting a delivering 20‑Hz TMS to bilateral dorsolateral prefrontal
relationship between MNS activity and social cognition regions, which underlie not just cognitive control but
in schizophrenia was to use focal neuromodulation in also emotion regulation functions. Schizophrenia patients
activating the MNS, with the ultimate hope of achieving with cognitive impairments received (a) true TMS and
cognitive and behavioral change with long‑term cognitive remediation, n = 15; (b) sham TMS and cognitive
neuromodulation. A pilot experiment that we conducted remediation, n = 15; and (c) treatment as usual, n = 12.
using a single individual who received true and sham Both active groups demonstrated a significant improvement
high‑frequency (20‑Hz) TMS on different days demonstrated in not just social and neurocognition performance but
a significant activation of MNS activity as assessed using also negative symptoms over a period of 3–4 weeks of
fMRI.[70] Incidentally, this was the first ever report to show training.[73] This study suggested that cognitive training
that the MNS can be modulated using externally applied was sufficient to produce therapeutic gains in the short
TMS. Next, we conducted a randomized controlled term. However, it needs to be seen if similar augmentation
experiment to examine this with a single session of strategies could improve the long‑term durability of such
true versus sham repetitive high‑frequency (20‑Hz) TMS benefits.
delivered to the left premotor cortex/inferior frontal gyrus
in a group of healthy individuals (n = 30). MNS activity Yet, another hub within the social brain is the cerebellum,[74]
was measured using single/paired TMS pulses as described which has important functional connections not just with
earlier. High‑frequency TMS is known to enhance activity the regulatory lateral prefrontal cortices but also with the
in the underlying cortical region and its trans‑synaptic mentalizing network comprising the medial prefrontal
connections.[71] In keeping with our hypothesis, we found cortex.[75] In a novel structural MRI‑guided intervention,
a small but statistically significant enhancement of MNS we conducted a randomized controlled trial to examine
activity following true TMS as compared to sham TMS, the benefits of true versus sham intermittent theta‑burst
suggesting the malleability and plasticity of this neuronal stimulation (patterned TMS) over the cerebellar vermis
network.[72] Current experiments are underway to examine delivered twice daily for 5 days in schizophrenia patients
similar target engagement in patients with schizophrenia. with persistent negative symptoms (n = 60). Cognitive,
If found to have similar effects, then subject‑specific clinical, and functional outcomes were examined at the
MRI‑guided TMS can be a potential therapeutic avenue for end of treatment and after 6 weeks. Resting‑state fMRI
treating social cognition deficits in psychotic disorders. was also performed before and after treatment. While
both groups showed improvement in the outcomes
It is also important to understand that the MNS is but one assessed, the true TMS group showed a significant
of the many diverse networks within the social brain, and enhancement in the connections between the cerebellar
vermis and the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, which country. Second, we found associations between MNS
was associated with the percentage change in negative activity and social cognition performance, especially
symptoms.[76] This experiment identifies an important in patients with schizophrenia. The role of the mirror
neuronal circuit (cerebellum‑prefrontal cortex) that neuron system in social cognition (especially theory of
underlies negative symptoms and is likely to be modulated mind) and social behavior (echolalia) is a useful heuristic
with TMS. Future interventions can be designed to that can be examined in further longitudinal empirical
selectively alter connectivity in this neural circuit to bring research. While there is understandable skepticism in
about long‑term clinical gains. this line of research, given the overtly exaggerated claims
in popular culture, data‑driven science is the best way to
Yoga arrive at logical and firm conclusions based on testable
Yoga is a multicomponent practice that involves physical hypotheses.
postures and exercise, breath regulation techniques,
deep relaxation practice, and meditation/mindfulness The results of our experiments in the last decade have
techniques involving attention control.[77] While earlier not only demonstrated the clinical relevance of social
studies have demonstrated the utility of yoga therapy cognition deficits in psychotic disorders but also identified
in improving social connectedness,[78] depression,[79] important neurobiological underpinnings of these
and negative symptoms of schizophrenia,[80] recent unique higher‑order brain functions. In addition, we
studies have examined its effect on specific social are beginning to engage these neural systems in driving
cognitive processes.[81] A randomized controlled trial therapeutic gains. As the cliché goes, there is no magic
of yoga versus treatment as usual in schizophrenia pill that is likely to bring about improvement. Utilizing
examined domains of social cognition using SOCRATIS technology to individualize treatments based on one’s
and TRENDS. In this study, yoga not only improved all neurobiology, sociopsychological and cultural milieu will
domains of social cognition over a period of 20 sessions bring about better and perhaps more sustained therapeutic
delivered over 4–6 weeks but also improved social gains. Given the heterogeneous, persistent, and often
behavior (negative symptoms) and real‑world functional resistant nature of cognitive and negative symptoms of
outcomes.[82] Given the effectiveness and feasibility of psychotic disorders, successful treatments will require
yoga therapy, this is the most clinically feasible and being multifold, complementary, transdisciplinary,
effective treatment of social cognition deficits in our and pragmatic. A combination of social enrichment
opinion. Yoga therapy for social cognition deficits is via building opportunities for social engagement and
now in the process of being put to regular clinical use interactions and the above‑described brain stimulation and
at NIMHANS in a graded manner. This is not just for yoga‑based therapies may be examined in future studies.
individuals with schizophrenia but also patients with Figure 7 illustrates a therapeutic framework based on
other neuropsychiatric disorders – adults with autism, this social neuroscience conceptualization that includes
social deficits following traumatic brain injury, and the methods described above, and also preventive and
borderline personality disorder. Possible neurobiological early intervention approaches, as well as community
mechanisms through which yoga improves social integration and policy‑level changes to facilitate them.
cognition are discussed in a recent review article.[83] Here, Consistent demonstration of the effectiveness of such
we propose how learning and performing coordinated concerted biopsychosocial treatment paradigms will then
physical postures (asanas) with a teacher facilitates lead to additional efforts for adapting and scaling these
imitation and the process of being imitated. This treatments for delivery across resource‑limited settings in
two‑way process can improve social cognition and the community.
empathy through reinforcement of the premotor and
parietal mirror neuron system.[84] Oxytocin may play a Acknowledgments
role in mediating these processes that further lead to I have been supported by the Wellcome Trust/DBT India
better social connectedness and social outcomes.[85,86] Alliance Early Career Fellowship (Grant No. IA/E/12/1/500755).
I also acknowledge the kind support and trust of all study
SUMMARY participants and my colleagues, mentors, and supervisors at
NIMHANS, Bangalore, and Harvard Medical School, Boston,
A social neuroscience perspective of psychosis provides USA. I am also grateful to all the funding agencies including
a strong research framework to study the key processes Indian Council of Medical Research, Department of
of psychosis from neural systems to real‑world functional Biotechnology and Department of Science and Technology,
outcomes via cognition and behavior. Using this model, we Government of India, for their support of the research
have found some consistent findings. First, an association highlighted here.
between second‑order theory of mind and real‑world
functional outcomes has been demonstrated – this Financial support and sponsorship
finding is replicated across different centers in the Nil.
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