Chronic Renal Failure Nursing Care Plan
Chronic Renal Failure Nursing Care Plan
Chronic Renal Failure Nursing Care Plan
K 5.11 3.5-5.1
Bicarbonate L 21 23-29
Protein +++
Sugar +
Keton +
pH 5.0
Vital signs
BP: 144/98 mm Hg
Weight: 105
Respiratory Rate: 20 BPM
Captopril 25mg orally eight hourly;
Lasix intravascular 200mg twice daily;
Prednisolone 80 mg orally daily;
Cefixim 400mg orally daily;
Atorvastatin 40mg orally daily; and he is on daily
Fluid restrictions of 500mls every 24 hours
Nursing Concerns
Sin integrity
Fluid volume
Knowledge gaps
This promotes
Explain nutrition clients
and a list of understanding of
nutritional needs the relationships
and acceptable between food
food choices intake and kidney
disease and
provides positive
approach to
dietary restriction
Knowledge gaps
Assessment Nursing Planning Interventions Rationale Evaluation
Subjective: Knowledge Short Term: Assess the patient Important for Short Term:
Patients states “I deficit related to Within one hour current planning of Within one hour
have itching skin misinterpretation of intervention, knowledge of the learning of intervention,
after bath” of information as patient will disease objectives to be patient verbalized
Objective: evidenced by verbalize discussed with understanding of
Presence of patient asking understanding of the patient the disease
edema questions about the disease process,
Observation of the disease, process, Fluid volume prognosis, and
patient patient prognosis, and Discuss the restriction is key potential
scratching self requesting for potential importance of to the complications
information, and complications fluid volume management of Patient
in accurate follow Patient will be restrictions chronic kidney understood
through of able to disease therapeutic needs
instructions understand Patient
regarding diet therapeutic needs Protein intake is appreciated and
and other Patient will regulated in demonstrated
interventions. appreciate and Discuss chronic kidney needs to change
demonstrate nutritional disease as its life style.
needs to change concerns with metabolites are
life style patient such as unable to be
regulating protein excreted and
intake accumulate as
Understanding of
the drugs a client
Discuss drug is taking gives
therapy such as them power and
diuretics, kind of control
antihypertensive and may promote
including their compliance.
mechanisms of
action and side
effects Written
Provide written reinforces
information with teaching and
visual aids to help visual aids
with memory or improves recalls
retention or recall of information
of learnt