Syllabus General Mathematics
Syllabus General Mathematics
Syllabus General Mathematics
1. An ability to apply learning in the computation of business related problems using key
Professionally competent concepts acquired in business mathematics.
2. An ability to apply critical thinking skills in solving problems and in making decisions.
Critical Thinker
3. An ability to adhere to the context of accountability and responsibility in the changing
world using collaborative learning and peer teaching.
Morally upright
4. An ability to commit to values integration through application in everyday lives.
C. Activities
Activities are given thru
module so that students can
able to refer to the discussion
and examples included. (see
attachment below)
Basic Business Simple Interest A. Introduction Activities are included
Mathematics Compound illustrates simple and compound A quote from Warren Buffet on the detailed learning
Interest Simple VS interests. will be given to them and the module attached below.
Compound Interest distinguishes between simple and teacher will ask their insights
Basic Concepts compound interests. about it.
Stock market.
B. Content Acquisitions
A detailed module will be
given to them so they can
have an additional reference
and will serve as their guide
and will be discussed thru
MS Education. Links,
examples and other
resources were also
included on the learning
module. (see attachment
Students will sort out their
ideas or questions from the
module. For the schedule
given to their class, students
will share their insights thru
MS Team video call.
C. Activities
Activities are given thru
module so that students can
able to refer to the
discussion and examples
included. (see attachment