LSE Key Concepts: Criminal Law W I C B ? M R - I: Martin v. State Variations
LSE Key Concepts: Criminal Law W I C B ? M R - I: Martin v. State Variations
LSE Key Concepts: Criminal Law W I C B ? M R - I: Martin v. State Variations
• Impossibility is not a defense at CL or MPC • Reasonable amount of force
• Abandonment or withdrawal: o Can use deadly force to meet threat of deadly force, non-
o CL – must communicate w/d to each co-conspirator; no deadly force with non-deadly force
liability for subsequent crimes (but not retroactive) o Deadly force is intended or likely to cause death or GBI
o MPC – must renounce criminal purpose and thwart success o Must be proportionate
of enterprise to have a full defense o MPC: deadly force may be used to prevent rape or
• Reasonable and sincere belief necessary
RAPE AND STATUTORY RAPE o Danger must be imminent (pressing or urgent)
Knowingly having sexual intercourse with another person o Non-aggressor (first aggressor—the one who “ratchets up”
without that person’s consent. to deadly force—cannot later claim self-defense)
• Modern laws are gender neutral o Words are not enough
• Some form of marital immunity in minority of jurisdictions o MPC: first person who purposely provokes deadly force
cannot use self-defense
Actus Reus – Nonconsent o Withdrawal (retreat and communicate intent to withdraw)
• Proof of force or threat of force AND/OR proof of resistance US v. Peterson (D who went after thief of wipers with a pistol
by victim was not entitled to use deadly self-defense, even when victim
• “No” had responded to pistol with lug wrench)
• Absence of affirmatively expressed consent o Retreat – traditionally, retreat was necessary if possible
• Other forms (e.g., drugged, unconscious, mentally disabled) Slight majority: no duty to retreat (“Stand Your
• Rape by fraud? Ground” laws)
o Fraud in the inducement: convincing someone to have sex Minority and MPC: still a duty to retreat if safe;
by telling lies (e.g., about willingness to marry) – NO RAPE even in these jurisdictions “Castle Doctrine” says no
o Fraud in the facts: telling someone penetration is with a duty to retreat if attacked in own home.
medical instrument – RAPE o Reasonableness is an objective standard
Unreasonable belief gives rise to voluntary
Mens Rea – D’s knowledge of Nonconsent manslaughter in minority of jurisdictions (“imperfect
• Recklessness (honest mistake about consent, reasonable or self-defense”)
unreasonable) • Defense of Others (right of intervenor is co-extensive with
• Negligence (honest and reasonable mistake) victim’s right to use force in self-defense)
• Strict liability (no mistake is permissible) o Force must appear reasonably necessary (need not be
• D’s will argue proof of nonconsent (actus reus) first, before correct)
claiming mistake o MPC: no more force than third party would use; actually
believe force is necessary; unreasonable use can give rise
Statutory Rape (sexual intercourse with a person who is not to reckless/negligent homicide
old enough to provide consent; negligence or strict liability)