Unit 5 - Week 4: Assignment 4
Unit 5 - Week 4: Assignment 4
Unit 5 - Week 4: Assignment 4
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Unit 5 - Week 4
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Week 4
Lecture 16
Lecture 17
PERFORMANCE No, the answer is incorrect.
METRICS Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
Lecture 18
2) Which statement about outliers is true? 1 point
Lecture 19
METRICS Outliers should be identified and removed from a dataset.
Outliers should be part of the training dataset but should not be present in the test data.
Lecture 20
Outliers should be part of the test dataset but should not be present in the training data.
METRICS The nature of the problem determines how outliers are used.
No, the answer is incorrect.
Quiz :
Score: 0
Assignment 4
Accepted Answers:
Week 5 The nature of the problem determines how outliers are used.
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DOWNLOAD 4) Which of the following is not true about Classification Matrix? 1 point
Most accuracy measures are derived from the classification matrix
Text Transcripts
Classification matrix is also called as confusion matrix
Rows and columns of the classification matrix correspond to the actual and predicted classes
6) 1 point
Statement I: The first step is most classification algorithms is to estimate the probability that a case
belongs to each of the classes.
Statement II: if overall classification accuracy is of interest, the case can be assigned to the class with
the highest probability.
Which of the following is true?
It changes the rule of classification, the cut off value in every field can be synchronised in that
It shows the scenario of costs with analysing data, which can minimize loss and maximize
It enhances the values for prediction, so accuracy increases averaging the error pruned
through the datasets.
It represents the processed data, that can be collected and models and various data
visualisation techniques can be applied.
10)Which of them not included as a step when partitioning is done with oversampling. 1 point
Randomly select class 0 records to maintain the original ratio of class 0 to class 1 records for
validation partition.
Randomly select class 0 records for training partition equal to no. of class 1 records.
Half the records from class 1 stratum are randomly selected into training partition.
Validate the models using the training set of class 0 to class 1 to maintain the accuracy of the
validation sets.