Evidence My Sense of Justice
Evidence My Sense of Justice
Evidence My Sense of Justice
genetic and y% is derived from their environment. The two are inextricably
linked over the many years it takes to build ourselves with the raw material of
genes and the medium. What geneticists try to do is determine how much of the
underlying thesis is that "the people are good and noble", but the lack of
opportunities forces them to commit crimes. Let's assume this was true. The
common thing, then, would be crimes of hunger, for modest amounts of money,
the statistics question the hypothesis that there is a direct cause between crime
Prisons, far from becoming a solution, are part of the problem. Prisons make
criminals. Prisons, far from becoming a solution, are part of the problem. Prisons
make criminals.
Prisons are 'humanized' disciplinary mechanisms, unlike the torture and physical
punishment of previous centuries. But far from avoiding crime and reforming
prisoners, prisons have become a stimulus for crime in many countries, although
others have set the tone and shown that change is possible.
If a survey were conducted in many countries in Latin America and the Caribbean
on what should be done to reduce crime and violence, probably a large part of the
population would respond that only more police officers are needed on the streets
dedicated to preventing crime and catch criminals. However, the evidence
indicates that this measure alone is not enough and that the security forces are not
the only ones responsible for preventing and controlling crime. Such a complex
challenge requires the participation of other actors in society, state and non-state,
and even the security forces themselves can carry out other very significant tasks
to lower crime rates.
Strong public support for the death penalty is generally accompanied by a lack of
evidence to support it. The fundamental factors that underpin the way in which the
death penalty is applied are generally not understood, including the risk of
the discriminatory nature of the death penalty, all which contributes to having a
should promote respect for human rights through public education programs. Only