Ionic-Framework For The New People

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Ionic framework

step by step from idea through prototyping to the

app stores

Nikola Brežnjak
This book is for sale at

framework This version was published on 2015-12-15

This is a Leanpub book. Leanpub empowers authors and publishers with the Lean Publishing
process. Lean Publishing is the act of publishing an in-progress ebook using lightweight tools
and many iterations to get reader feedback, pivot until you have the right book and build
traction once you do.

©2015 Nikola Brežnjak


How to get started with Ionic framework on Mac and Windows..............................................1

Why should you listen to me?.........................................................................................1
Ways you can make an app these days.................................................................................5
What is Ionic and why it’s so good.................................................................................7
Installing prerequisites for both Mac and Windows............................................................8
Installing Ionic....................................................................................................................12
Using Ionic CLI...................................................................................................................13
Starting a project with Ionic by using the existing templates............................................14
Running the Ionic application............................................................................................16

How to create a calculator application with Ionic framework by using Ionic Creator for
Calculator interface mockup...............................................................................................21
Calculator interface prototype............................................................................................22
Starting a project with Ionic CLI by using the template made in Ionic Creator................30
Ionic application folder structure................................................................................................33
Refactoring our application.........................................................................................................38
Calculator logic with controllers.........................................................................................46
Finishing the calculator template................................................................................................48
Run the application............................................................................................................49

How to polish our existing calculator application.....................................................................51

Sanitization check...............................................................................................................51
Design changes...................................................................................................................53
How to create icons and splash screen images automatically in Ionic framework...........58
How to implement Google AdMob ads..............................................................................69
How to use cloud service to share our application with other users without going
through the app store.................................................................................................79
How to test our application on the real physical devices and emulators...........................84

How to publish our calculator application to the Apple’s App Store and Google’s Play
Google Play Store..............................................................................................................102
Apple App Store...........................................................................................................115

How to get help with Ionic framework.....................................................................................133

How to get started with Ionic
framework on Mac and
This is the first post in a series of posts which will teach you how to take advantage of
your web development knowledge in building hybrid applications for iOS and Android.
This first post explains:

• How to make an app these days

• What actually is Ionic framework
• How to install Ionic on both Mac and Windows
• How to use Ionic CLI to start an Ionic project
• How to run an Ionic application

Why should you listen to me?

If you’re like

How to get started with Ionic framework on Mac and 2

Then let me share with you my current (YMMV¹ based on the time of your visit)
StackOverflow profile² image:

You can clearly see that I’m the top answerer in the ionic tag for the last month and in
the top 10 answerers of all time. If you want to see what those answers actually are, you
can take a look at my StackOverflow profile³. Also, I’m the guy behind the MEAN stack
series⁴ here on HackHands,
with a self-published (pay what you want) Getting MEAN with MEMEs⁵ blog2book at
Leanpub. If that’s not enough, I’m currently a technical reviewer for the book “Getting
started with Ionic” by PacktPub, and also a technical reviewer for the video “Rapid Ionic”,
also by PacktPub. Anyways, if nothing else, give it a shot with my unique “humorly”
approach, and you just might like it and learn something.

Ok, enough about me, let’s teach you some Ionic, since

85% of mobile time is spent in apps

You’re bombarded with reports all⁶ over⁷ the⁸ web⁹ that users tend to spend way more time on their
phones and especially in apps (rather than surfing the web using their phones) and you decided that
it’s time to learn how to make an app.
If you’re a web developer, you have a decent knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript; also,
you’re most likely using one of the ever so slightly popular frameworks these days like
AngularJS, Ember or React, just to name a few. If you’re even proficient enough with the
MEAN stack, you are a well-rounded full stack developer, and you basically have it all. Well,
except the apps part, right?

If you want to see what’s all that fuss about the MEAN stack, you can check
out the free four part tutorial series here on HackHands, starting with the first
post on How to get started on the MEAN stack¹⁰.

But, where to start with making an app? Could you use some of your existing skills? Up
until fairly recently, if you wanted to make an app for (currently) two most popular mobile
operating systems (iOS and Android) your only bet was to make the, so-called, native
application by using the SDKs of the intended platforms.
This, of course, meant that you needed to make two versions of your application; one for iOS
and one for Android. If you are a solo developer, chances that you’re proficient in both are
not so great.
Therefore, for some time, developers were opting for either iOS or Android, whereas big
firms had two developing departments, one for each platform (worth mentioning Windows
phone here as well).
Nowadays, luckily, with the Ionic Framework (and few others like PhoneGap¹¹, OnsenUI¹², Famo.us¹³)
you can create one application by using the skills you, as a web developer, already have (others,
don’t fret - this isn’t rocket science to be afraid of it) and then deploy this one codebase as an
app to both iOS and Android stores. How cool is that, right? You can see the comparison
review between the noted frameworks here¹⁴.
Ways you can make an app these days
We’ve kind of touched all three in the Introduction section, but let’s keep it nice and concise
and list them here too. So, there are actually 3 ways that you can make an application for
mobile devices these days:

• Native app
• Mobile website
• Hybrid app

Now, let’s talk a bit more about the pros and cons of each of them.

Native app
As mentioned previously, you can make an app specifically for iOS and Android by using
their specific SDKs. If you want to build a native application for iOS you have to:

• have a Mac computer. Sure, there are ways around it, but I honestly don’t recommend
them; for starters, a cheap Mac Mini will do just fine - at least it did so in my case
• download Xcode¹⁵ from the App Store (it’s actually free)
• buy the Apple Developer license¹⁶ that costs 99$ per year (if you want to publish to the
App Store; and dooh!, you do)

You can write the apps by using the language Swift¹⁷, or it’s predecessor ObjectiveC¹⁸.

If we’re honest here, I think that Swift is a great step up from the clunky ObjectiveC, but
that’s just my own opinion (some people, of course, disagree¹⁹). Anyways, if you ever decide
to go native just make sure you go with Swift as you’ll get to know your way around it
way sooner than with ObjectiveC, especially if you have a background in web
If you want to build a native application for Android you have to:

• have any computer

• download the appropriate SDKs (we’ll cover this in the next section)
• buy the Google Developer license²⁰ which is 25$ per year

One of the pros of a native applications would be it’s speed and direct access to a native
API (you don’t have to use any middleman wrappers, like in hybrid apps). A definite con of a
native applications is that you need to build two (or more) applications, one for each desired
Mobile website
Mobile website is actually a “normal” website (yeah, don’t go jumping because of the
terminology; you’re smart, you get the point) that you visit with your browser on your phone,
designed specifically to adapt to your phone’s screen. As we’ve noted in the Introduction
section, researches show that in todays world mobile websites tend to have a way lower
engagement than they used to.
Developers used to make specific sites just for mobile browsers (on it’s own domain; usually but this proved to be hard to maintain. A practice called responsive
website design²¹ is used these days, where you basically have one HTML codebase, and you
determine the look for specific devices (based on resolutions) by using the so-called
media queries²².
A great example of a mobile framework is jQuery mobile²³ that is soon coming out with its
new 1.5 version, so we’ll see if they bring something new to the table. From my personal
experience with the framework from two years ago, I have all but good words for it; so,
definitely use it if you’re “only” making a mobile version of your web application.
A definite advantage of the mobile websites is that you can update them as you see fit,
without waiting for the approval from Apple or Google. One of the disadvantages are
definitely the fact that the mobile websites these days have way lower engagement than they
used to, and that you can’t basically use any of the additional phone features like for
example camera or GPS.

Hybrid app
A hybrid app is a bassicaly a mobile application, written with the same languages that you
use when building websites, with the addition that it contains an isolated browser instance,
called WebView, which runs this web application inside of a native app. Hybrid apps can
access the mobile device and use the additional phone features like for example camera or
Definite advantage of the hybrid apps is the fact that you can access the additional phone
features via plugins and that you can do all the development with the same set of skills as
you use when developing “normal” web applications. One of the disadvantages is the fact
that, even though it’s improving, the so-called Web View has it’s limitations in terms of
speed. So, it might not be best suited if you’re on a quest to make the next best game with
full blown 3D graphics.

What is Ionic and why it’s so good

As I gave an answer on StackOverflow²⁴:
Disclaimer: This will sound like advertisement, so I have to say I’m in no way
affiliated with Ionic, I just happen to like it so much that I’m sharing the love
for it.
Ionic is so much more than “just” an UI framework. Ionic allows you to:

• generate icons and splash screens for all devices and device sizes with a
single command: ionic resources. This alone saves you at least a day of
image preparing for various sizes.
• instantly update your apps with code changes, even when running directly on
your device with ionic run --livereload
• build and test iOS and Android versions side-by-side and see changes
instantly with ionic serve --lab
• share your Ionic apps with clients, customers, and testers all around the world
without ever going through the App Store with ionic share
• easily access the full native functionality of the device using ngCordova
(here you get to use any Cordova plugin) Also, Drifty²⁵ (the team behind the
Ionic framework) is building a full-stack backend services and tools for your
Ionic app like Deploy (for deploying a new version without going through
Apple review process! - this is huge!), Analytics²⁶, Push notifications²⁷. Ionic
CLI (command line interface) uses Cordova in the backend and allows you to
build (directly using Ionic CLI) apps for iOS and Android (just by doing
ionic build ios or ionic build android). Ionic uses Angular as a frontend
framework so if you’re familiar with it, it will come as a bonus. They’re
working closely with the Angular 2.0 team²⁸ too. All in all, I personally
think Ionic framework has a bright future, so if nothing else – give it a try I
bet you’ll like the ease of making an app with it.

Do I have your attention now? Great, let’s install all the needed prerequisites in the next section
and start using Ionic!

Installing prerequisites for both Mac and Windows

We need to have Node.js and Git installed in order to install both Ionic and Cordova. If you
already have (and if you’re a web developer chances are that you do) these tools installed, you
can skip this section, and go straight to installing Ionic.

Installing Node.js
In order to download Node.js, visit²⁹, where you’ll see the following
Installation on Windows and Mac OS is simple as you just have to download and run the
appropriate installer and follow the familiar instructions (next, next, next, sure I accept,
next, finish).
If you have brew on your Mac then you can also install Node.js with:
brew install node

In both cases, npm (Node Package Manager - used to install other packages) will be installed
along with Node.js.
To verify that you installed Node.js correctly on a Windows machine, run the following command
in your Command prompt (or, even better, use Console 2³⁰):
node -v

You should get an output similar to:

To verify that you installed Node.js correctly on your Mac, run the same command as above
in your Terminal (or, even better, use iTerm³¹), and you should get the same similar output
as above.

Installing Git
In order to install Git, visit³², where you’ll see the following options:

Installation on Windows and Mac OS is as simple as for Node.js as you just have to download
and run the appropriate installer and follow the, yet again, familiar instructions.
To verify that you installed Git correctly on your Windows/Mac machine, run the
following command in your Command prompt/Terminal:
You should get an output similar to:
1 usage: git [--version] [--help] [-C <path>] [-c name=value]
2 [--exec-path[=<path>]] [--html-path] [--man-path] [--info-path]
3 [-p|--paginate|--no-pager] [--no-replace-objects] [--bare]
4 [--git-dir=<path>] [--work-tree=<path>] [--namespace=<name>]
5 <command> [<args>]
7 The most commonly used git commands are:
8 add Add file contents to the index
9 bisect Find by binary search the change that introduced a bug
10 branch List, create, or delete branches
11 checkout Checkout a branch or paths to the working tree
12 clone Clone a repository into a new directory
13 commit Record changes to the repository
14 diff Show changes between commits, commit and working tree, etc
15 fetch Download objects and refs from another repository
16 grep Print lines matching a pattern
17 init Create an empty Git repository or reinitialize an existing one
18 log Show commit logs
19 merge Join two or more development histories together
20 mv Move or rename a file, a directory, or a symlink
21 pull Fetch from and integrate with another repository or a local branch
22 push Update remote refs along with associated objects
23 rebase Forward-port local commits to the updated upstream head
24 reset Reset current HEAD to the specified state
25 rm Remove files from the working tree and from the index
26 show Show various types of objects
27 status Show the working tree status
28 tag Create, list, delete or verify a tag object signed with GPG
30 'git help -a' and 'git help -g' list available subcommands and some
31 concept guides. See 'git help <command>' or 'git help <concept>'
32 to read about a specific subcommand or concept.

You don’t have to worry if you don’t know how to use Git since you won’t be needing it
directly (npm uses it download packages). However, if you would like to learn (and there’s no
reason why you shouldn’t expand your knowledge), you can check out this good interactive
tutorial³³ made by CodeSchool.
Installing Ionic
If you’ve installed the needed prerequisites from the previous section, then in order to install
Ionic (both on Mac and Windows) you just have to run the following command:
npm install ionic cordova -g

Ionic uses Cordova in the background, thus the need for it. We’re using the -g flag here, in
order to install the packages ionic and cordova globally³⁴.
To verify that you’ve installed Ionic correctly on your Windows/Mac machine, run the
following command in your Command prompt/Terminal:
ionic -v

You should get an output similar to:


To verify that you’ve installed Cordova correctly on your Windows/Mac machine, run the following
command in your Command prompt/Terminal:
cordova -v

You should get an output similar to:


If you had Node.js installed before (and haven’t used it much since), you may get a
notification like this:

1 ******************************************************
2 Upgrade warning - for the CLI to run correctly,
3 it is highly suggested to upgrade the following:
5 Please update your Node runtime to version >=0.12.x
6 ******************************************************

To resolve this issue, just update Node.js; either by re-downloading it (on Windows) or by
executing the following command in the Terminal (on a Mac):
brew update; brew upgrade node

I would like to take a moment here and encourage you that you post a comment
about any problems you may have (and from my experience from StackOverflow
there tends to be quite of them) with these (seemingly simple) installation tasks.
There always tends to be some older version of Node.js installed, or problems with
cache and npm, blah blah blah… I will do my best to try to resolve your issue.
Using Ionic CLI
If you run ionic in your Terminal/Command prompt you will get an output similar to the one below:

1 > ionic
2 _ _
3 (_) (_)
4 _ _ _
5 | |/ _ \| '_ \| |/ |
6 | | (_) | | | | | (
7 |_|\ /|_| |_|_|\ | CLI v1.6.4
9 Usage: ionic task args
11 =======================
13 Available tasks: (use --help or -h for more info)
15 start .......... Starts a new Ionic project in the specified PATH
16 serve .......... Start a local development server for app dev/testing
17 platform ....... Add platform target for building an Ionic app
18 run ............ Run an Ionic project on a connected device
19 emulate ........ Emulate an Ionic project on a simulator or emulator
20 build .......... Locally build an Ionic project for a given platform
21 plugin ......... Add a Cordova plugin
22 resources ...... Automatically create icon and splash screen resources (bet\
23 a)
24 Put your images in the ./resources directory, named splash or icon.
25 Accepted file types are .png, .ai, and .psd.
26 Icons should be 192x192 px without rounded corners.
27 Splashscreens should be 2208x2208 px, with the image centered in the\
28 middle.
30 upload ......... Upload an app to your Ionic account
31 share .......... Share an app with a client, co-worker, friend, or customer
32 lib ............ Gets Ionic library version or updates the Ionic library
33 setup .......... Configure the project with a build tool (beta)
34 io ............. Integrate your app with the platform services (al\
35 pha)
36 push ........... Upload APNS and GCM credentials to Ionic Push (alpha)
37 config ......... Set configuration variables for your ionic app (alpha)
38 browser ........ Add another browser for a platform (beta)
39 service ........ Add an Ionic service package and install any required plug\
40 ins
41 add ............ Add an Ion, bower component, or addon to the project
42 remove ......... Remove an Ion, bower component, or addon from the project
43 list ........... List Ions, bower components, or addons in the project
44 ions ........... List available ions to add to your project
45 templates ...... List available Ionic starter templates
46 info ........... List information about the users runtime environment
47 help ........... Provides help for a certain command
48 link ........... Sets your Ionic App ID for your project
49 hooks .......... Manage your Ionic Cordova hooks
50 state .......... Saves or restores state of your Ionic Application using th\
51 e package.json file
52 docs ........... Opens up the documentation for Ionic

What you got is actually a nice summary of all the commands that you can run using the
ionic CLI, along with their short descriptions. Btw, if you’re wondering what this CLI thing is
(and you haven’t Googled it yet³⁵); it’s actually an acronym from Command Line Interface,
and in Ionic terms it’s actually a tool that makes it easier to start, build, run, and emulate,
(and a lot more), Ionic apps³⁶.
In the following chapters we will cover most of these commands, but for now let’s not burden you
too much, and let’s do a quick skin deep dive by making a simple project using ionic start

Starting a project with Ionic by using the

existing templates
Cool, you’ve made it so far - I promise, you’re going to see some code now!
Ionic CLI allows us to start and initialize your project by using the aforementioned ionic
start command. If you take a look at the official documentation for the start command³⁷ you
will see something like the following definition:
ionic start appname [template]

If you just run ionic start appname the Ionic CLI will make a bootstrap application with
all the needed parts in the appname folder, with the so-called blank template.
There are three named template starters: blank, sidemenu, and tabs.
Additionally, you can use Github repo starters and Codepen URL starters. For a comprehensive
list of (currently 20) starter apps check out the post from my friend Dragan over at

In our example, we will use the sidemenu template, so execute the following command from
your Terminal/Command prompt:
ionic start Ionic_1stTutorial sidemenu

You should see something similar to the following output:

1 C:\Users\Nikola\Desktop\IonicTesting>ionic start Ionic_1stTutorial sidemenu

2 Creating Ionic app in folder C:\Users\Nikola\Desktop\IonicTesting\Ionic_1stTutor\
3 ial based on sidemenu project
4 Downloading:
5 [=============================] 100% 0.0s
6 Downloading:\
7 ip
8 [=============================] 100% 0.0s
9 Updated the hooks directory to have execute permissions
10 Update Config.xml
11 Initializing cordova project
13 Your Ionic project is ready to go! Some quick tips:
14 * cd into your project: $ cd Ionic_1stTutorial
15 * Setup this project to use Sass: ionic setup sass
16 * Develop in the browser with live reload: ionic serve
17 * Add a platform (ios or Android): ionic platform add ios [android]
18 Note: iOS development requires OS X currently
19 See the Android Platform Guide for full Android installation instructions:
21 * Build your app: ionic build <PLATFORM>
22 * Simulate your app: ionic emulate <PLATFORM>
23 * Run your app on a device: ionic run <PLATFORM>
24 * Package an app using Ionic package service: ionic package <MODE> <PLATFORM>
26 For more help use ionic --help or ionic docs
27 Visit the Ionic docs:
29 New! Add push notifications to your Ionic app with Ionic Push (alpha)!
31 +---------------------------------------------------------+
32 + New Ionic Updates for August 2015
33 +
34 + The View App just landed. Preview your apps on any device
35 +
36 +
37 + Invite anyone to preview and test your app
38 + ionic share EMAIL
39 +
40 + Generate splash screens and icons with ionic resource
41 +
42 +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

Running the Ionic application

Now that we’ve initialized our Ionic application based on the sidemenu template, we have to
run it in order to see what Ionic CLI generated for us.
First, change the directory to the name of the application you gave in the ionic start
command. In our case, that is Ionic_1stTutorial:

1 C:\Users\Nikola\Desktop\IonicTesting\Ionic_1stTutorial>```
3 If you open up the project in your editor (I use [Sublime Text 3](http://www.sub\
4 you will see the following folder structure:
6 ![](images/vKpZhByl.jpg)
8 In the following chapters, we will spend most of the time in the **www** folder.
10 > Since Ionic is based on [AngularJS]( framework, you wil\
11 l need at least a basic understanding of it, and you can start exploring it with\
12 a [free interactive tutorial]( by CodeSchool. Al\
13 so, you can take a look at my [fourth tutorial in the MEAN stack](https://hackha\
14 series, which \
15 is all about AngularJS.
17 There are few ways in which you can get your Ionic application running:
19 + `ionic serve` - starts the app in a local web browser
20 + `ionic emulate android` - starts the app in an emulator (in this example andro\
21 id is used; you can also use **ios** if you're on a Mac and have all the prerequ\
22 isites installed)
23 + `ionic run android` - starts the app on the actual device that's plugged into \
24 your computer
25 + `ionic build android` - creates an **.apk** file which you can physically copy\
26 to your Android device and run it (this scenario doesn't work for iOS devices i\
27 n normal circumstances; you have to go through Xcode, as we'll describe in detai\
28 l in the next chapter)
30 So, now run the following command in your Terminal/Command prompt:
32 `ionic serve`
34 You should see the following similar output:

C:UsersNikolaDesktopIonicTestingIonic_1stTutorial>ionic serve Running live reload server: http://localhost:35729

Running dev server: http://localhost:8100 Ionic server commands, enter: restart or r to restart the
client app from the root goto or g and a url to have the app navigate to the given url
consolelogs or c to enable/disable console log output serverlogs or s to enable/disable server log
output quit or q to shutdown the server and exit
ionic $ “‘
Also, you should get your local browser started up automatically, pointing to the address
with an output similar to the one on the image below (I resized the window for clarity - if
you’re using Chrome³⁹, you can get the use the Window Resizer plugin⁴⁰, or use the Chrome
Dev Tools Emulate feature⁴¹):

Awesome thing about this is that you have automatically set up live reload feature, which
means that as soon as you change the code in your www folder, the application will reload
automatically so that you don’t have to keep pressing the F5 (+R) key on your Windows
(Mac) machine.

If you like, you can get this project on Github⁴².

In this chapter we’ve gone through the options that you have in making an app these days.
Then we explained what actually is Ionic framework and how to install it on both Mac and
Windows. With the use of the Ionic CLI we started a project based on the sidemenu template,
and finally we ran it locally in the browser with the use of ionic serve command. In the next
chapter I’ll show you how to create your own calculator application by making use of
Ionic Creator.

How to create a calculator
application with Ionic framework
by using Ionic Creator for UI
This is the second post in a series of posts which will teach you how to take advantage of your
web development knowledge in building hybrid applications for iOS and Android. The first
post in this series was all about How to get started with Ionic framework on Windows
and Mac⁴³.
This second post explains:

• How to create a calculator interface mockup

• How to create a calculator interface prototype without coding by using Ionic Creator
• How to start the Ionic application based on the created interface
• Which are the most important folders and files and what is the starting point of the application
• How to create the calculator logic by using

controllers Finished project:

• clone the code from Github⁴⁴

• in the project directory execute ionic serve to run the project locally in your browser
• you can check out the live example⁴⁵ of this application

Since there are not so many Calculator applications in the App store (around 500 according
to my search shown on the image below), who knows, you just may create your own
bestseller in this category, if you add a needed tweak or two.

How to create a calculator application with Ionic framework by using Ionic Creator 2
for UI 0
All jokes and hopes aside, this seemed to be a decent “more serious”, but still easy to acomplish,
task. Let’s start this chapter by creating the interface for our application.

Calculator interface mockup

Before starting any application, we should know what we want (well, at least in general). We
should know what problem are we trying to solve with our application and how are we going
to solve it. Also, we would need to have a decent idea of how we would want our
application to look like.
The answer to the first two questions would be rather easy; the problem is that we can’t
do calculations fast enough in our mind (well, except if you’re Arthur Benjamin⁴⁶) and we
need a tool to help us with that. Surely, there are specific calculator devices, but it would be
too cumbersome to carry one with us all the time.
Besides, since these days almost everyone has a smartphone, it turns out it would be an
awesome idea to make an app for it. Because, as they say:

there’s an app for that

where that is basically everything these days. If you find that there isn’t an app for some
particular problem that you may have, that just may be your lucky break. Who knows, you
just may end up having your 5 minutes of fame on the AppStore, until another clone of your
app pushes you away.
Anyways, back to our calculator application; we don’t need any fancy options (at least not
yet, in this 1.0 version), we’ll just stick with the basic mathematical operations like adding,
substracting, dividing and multiplying.
These basic operations will be our MVP (Minimal Viable Product), as the author Eric Ries explains
in his awesome (and highly recommended) book Lean Startup⁴⁷. We can always add features
later, if it turns out that our idea was good. Or, we can pivot away from it, if it turns out it
was not a next best thing after Flappy Bird, by not spending too much time and money
building the app with dozen of features which in end would not be used at all.
As for the user interface, you can use various tools that help with mocking up your application’s
user interface (Balsamiq Mockups⁴⁸, Mockingbird⁴⁹, Mockup Builder⁵⁰, etc.), but I tend to be
old school about it and I made a little hand drawing of how I imagined the app should look
like, and this is what I came up with after few attempts:
Note: As you can see there’s no comma in our mockup, basically because we’re just trying to
keep it simple here.

Calculator interface prototype

Now that we know what our application needs to do, and how it basically has to look like, lets
start by creating our interface.
We could create our interface by manually entering HTML, but we’re going to show a
different approach here - the one which uses Ionic Creator⁵¹, which is an awesome web
application that lets you drag&drop components that make up the user interface. As such, this is
a great tool which helps in quick user interface prototyping.
The best thing is that you can then just download the created HTML and use it directly in
your Ionic application. Of course, some additional changes will be needed later in the HTML
and CSS code, but for creating a quick prototype this will be great.
Worth noting is that there are currently on the market lots of other tools for interface
prototyping (InVision⁵², Flinto⁵³, Mockup Builder⁵⁴, etc.), however these tools don’t (at least not

yet) have a “one-

click download and ready for your Ionic” option like Ionic Creator does.

Creating calculator interface with Ionic Creator

In order to use Ionic Creator⁵⁵ you have to signup/login on their website. The first time you
log in, you’ll be asked for additional info like Company or phone, but you can safely skip that.
In the initial screen you will be asked to name your application (I chose IonicCalculator):

The main screen of the Ionic Creator application looks like the one shown on the image below:
In the upper left hand side you’ll see the PAGES panel and inside it you’ll see Page item. Click
on Page, and on the right hand side change the TITLE to Calculator. Next, remove the
PADDING by switching off the slider. The way this should look like now is shown on the
image below:
First, we need some kind of a “display” which will show the numbers that we’re clicking.
Ideally, we would use a <label> component, however it’s not available in the Ionic Creator as
of yet. So, for this we will use the <input> element, and we can easily adjust this later when
we’ll download the generated HTML code.

Ionic Creator works in a drag&drop kind of way, which basically means that you
can drag any component from the Componenes pane on the left hand side and
drop it on the actual Phone image in the center of the screen.

Since we concluded that we’ll use the Input element, we can try to drag&drop it to the Phone,
but that won’t work. First you need to drag the Form component on the page, and then on it
you should drag&drop the Input component as well.
Select the Input component (by clicking it in the PAGES panel in the upper left corner mentioned
before) and change its PLACEHOLDER to 0 (zero digit) and NAME to display. The way this
should look like now is shown on the image below:

Next, according to our mockup, we should add buttons that would represent the digits from 0
to 9, and the buttons that would represent adding (+), substracting (-), multiplying (x) and
dividing (/) operations. Also, we will need the equals button (=) and a clear button (C).
In the first row we need to have 4 buttons, the ones representing digits 7, 8, 9 and one
representing a dividing operation. To acomplish this, we will use a Button Bar component
from the Components panel so that we’ll drag&drop it just below the Input field on the
screen. You should see something like this now in your Ionic Creator window:
As you can see from the previous image, three buttons were added inside the Button Bar
component. Click on a button with text 1 and change it to 7. Repeat the process for other two
buttons by changing the text to 8 and 9, respectively.
Ionic Creator adds 3 buttons within the Button Bar, but we need the 4th one. So, to add it,
drag&drop a Button component next to the button which you labeled as 9. Click on this newly
added button and change its text to /, and its style to Energized. Your interface should look
like the one on the image below:
Repeat the process by adding next three rows:

• buttons representing 4, 5, 6 and a button representing multiplication (x)

• buttons representing 1, 2, 3 and a button representing subtraction (-)

Your interface should look like the one on the image below:

In the last row you should also add four buttons:

• one button representing the Clear operation (C), with the Assertive style
• one button representing 0
• one button representing the equals operation (=), with the Positive style
• one button representing the addition operation (+), with the ‘Energized style

Your interface should look like the one on the image below:

Don’t worry about the slight missalignement or paddings, we’ll take care of this in the next
chapter when we’ll be polishing our application and preparing it for the App/Play store.
So, basically this is it, we have our interface ready and now we can export it by clicking
on the Export icon in the header, as shown on the image below:

After this a popup, with the following content, appears:

Starting a project with Ionic CLI by using the
template made in Ionic Creator
From the previous image we see that we have three options (Ionic CLI, ZIP file, and Raw
HTML) to start our application based on the mockup we created in Ionic Creator. We’re
going to use the Ionic CLI option, by running the following command from our
Terminal/Command prompt:
ionic start Ionic_2ndTutorial creator:167ff268a01d

Note: if you followed this chapter by creating the interface in Ionic Creator yourself, then you
will have a different creator number. Of course, you’re free to use mine if you wish to do so.
Also, you’re free to name your project any way you want, I chose Ionic_2ndTutorial in this
After you execute the upper command in your terminal, you should see something similar to
the following output:
1 C:\Users\Nikola\Desktop\IonicTesting>ionic start Ionic_2ndTutorial creator:167ff\
2 268a01d
3 Creating Ionic app in folder C:\Users\Nikola\Desktop\IonicTesting\Ionic_2ndTutor\
4 ial based on creator:167ff268a01d project
5 Downloading:
6 [=============================] 100% 0.0s
8 Downloading Creator Prototype:\api\v1\creator\167ff268a01d\
9 \download\html
10 Updated the hooks directory to have execute permissions
11 Update Config.xml
12 Initializing cordova project
14 Your Ionic project is ready to go! Some quick tips:
15 * cd into your project: $ cd Ionic_2ndTutorial
16 * Setup this project to use Sass: ionic setup sass
17 * Develop in the browser with live reload: ionic serve
18 * Add a platform (ios or Android): ionic platform add ios [android]
19 Note: iOS development requires OS X currently
20 See the Android Platform Guide for full Android installation instructions:
22 * Build your app: ionic build <PLATFORM>
23 * Simulate your app: ionic emulate <PLATFORM>
24 * Run your app on a device: ionic run <PLATFORM>
25 * Package an app using Ionic package service: ionic package <MODE> <PLATFORM>
27 For more help use ionic --help or ionic docs
29 Visit the Ionic docs:
31 New! Add push notifications to your Ionic app with Ionic Push (alpha)!
33 +---------------------------------------------------------+
34 + New Ionic Updates for August 2015
35 +
36 + The View App just landed. Preview your apps on any device
37 +
38 +
39 + Invite anyone to preview and test your app
40 + ionic share EMAIL
41 +
42 + Generate splash screens and icons with ionic resource
43 +
44 +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

As per the instruction in the output above let’s cd into our project:
cd Ionic_2ndTutorial

Now, let’s see how this application looks like in the browser by executing the following
command in the Terminal/Command prompt:
ionic serve

You should be familiar with this command from the first chapter, and if not
please take a look at it first. For those short in time, basically ionic serve starts
up a local web browser and shows how our application would look like; which,
actually is great for rapid development since you get to see changes instantly
without needing to reload your browser.

We should see something similar to the image below:

Btw, the ruller and the Device setting (Apple iPhone 6) are a part of an awesome Developer
tools in Chrome browser, which I highly recommend.
If you get an error similar to this: Unable to locate the ionic.project file.
Are you in your project directory? (CLI v1.6.4) then you didn’t run the ionic
serve command in the project directory (as the error clearly says), and so you
should first cd into that directory (as mentioned in the previous step).

Now, let’s go and see what our generated folder structure looks like and what is each
folder responsible for.

Ionic application folder structure

If you open up the project in your editor (I’m using Sublime Text 3 on the image below), you
will see something like:

Now we’re going to explain what each of these files and folders represent in Ionic framework.
hooks folder
hooks folder contains code for Cordova hooks, which are used to execute some code during the
Cordova build process. For example, Ionic uses Cordova’s after_prepare hook to inject
platform specific (iOS, Android) CSS and HTML code.

plugins folder
plugins folder contains Cordova plugins which are added to the project. You can add any
available Cordova plugin⁵⁶ to your project, and you can even create your own if you’re
technical enough. As you can see from the image above we currently have 5 installed plugins
(com.ionic.keyboard, cordova-plugin-console, cordova-plugin-device, cordova-plugin-
splashscreen, and cordova-plugin- whitelist).

scss folder
scss folder contains the file which is based on SASS⁵⁷. This file contains default
variables like for example theme colors.

SASS is an extension of CSS which adds additional features like nested rules,
variables, mixins, etc. There are few frameworks built with Sass like for example
Compass⁵⁸, Bourbon⁵⁹, and Susy⁶⁰. You can learn more about how to use Sass in
the official guide⁶¹.

You don’t need to use Sass in Ionic if you don’t want to (it’s actually turned off by default),
but if you’re familiar with it, you can initialize Ionic to use it with the ionic setup sass, and
Gulp (more about it below) will automatically compile the Sass code into CSS.

www folder
www folder is the most important since it contains all the files our application is made of,
and we will be spending most of our development time in this folder. This folder contains few
files and additional subfolders which we’ll address in more detail in the next section titled
Refactoring our application.
bower.json and .bowerrc files
bower.json is a configuration file for Bower⁶².

Bower is a package manager for front-end modules that are usually comprised of
JavaScript and/or CSS. It lets us easily search for, install, update, or remove these
front- end dependencies. If you want to learn more about Bower, you can check
out my post How to Manage Front-End JavaScript and CSS Dependencies
with Bower⁶³.

The contents of my bower.json file is shown below (you will see the same content if you
cloned the project from Github or started it from my Ionic Creator template): { "name":
"HelloIonic", "private": "true", "devDependencies": { "ionic": "driftyco/ionic-bower#1.1.0"
Bower stores the downloaded front-end modules in a folder which is defined in a .bowerrc
file, and is set to www/lib by default.
The contents of the .bowerrc file is shown below: { "directory": "www/lib" }

config.xml file
config.xml is a configuration file for the Cordova⁶⁴ project (as you may remeber from the
first chapter, Ionic is built on top of Cordova). It contains some meta information about the
app like permissions and a list of Cordova plugins which are used in the app. To learn more
about available settings in the config.xml file, please refer to the official documentation⁶⁵.

gulpfile.js file
gulpfile.js is a configuration file for Gulp⁶⁶.

Gulp is a JavaScript task runner that helps with rapid development by making
use of its multiple plugins for different tasks like concatenation, minifying, automatic
unit test running, LESS/SASS to CSS compilation, copying modified files to different
directories, etc…

Another popular task runner is Grunt⁶⁷. However, from my personal experience I tend to favor
Gulp as well.
Note: you don’t need to learn Gulp in order to use Ionic. If, however, you want, you can check
out the official Getting started documentation⁶⁸.
ionic.project is a configuration file for Ionic, used to store meta information about Ionic project
and the associated cloud account. We’re not going to use cloud account just
yet, we’ll show how to use it in the next chapter.

package.json is a file used by npm to store versions of the npm packages installed in the
current project.

npm (Node.js Package Manager) is a CLI tool which comes with Node.js installation
and it’s used for installing other tools like aftorementioned Bower, Gulp, etc…

Contents of my package.json file, shown below, is useful as we can see which Cordova plugins
and dependencies are installed for the project, as well as some meta information like name,
version and description:

1 {
2 "name": "ionic_2ndtutorial",
3 "version": "1.0.0",
4 "description": "Ionic_2ndTutorial: An Ionic project",
5 "dependencies": {
6 "gulp": "^3.5.6",
7 "gulp-sass": "^1.3.3",
8 "gulp-concat": "^2.2.0",
9 "gulp-minify-css": "^0.3.0",
10 "gulp-rename": "^1.2.0"
11 },
12 "devDependencies": {
13 "bower": "^1.3.3",
14 "gulp-util": "^2.2.14",
15 "shelljs": "^0.3.0"
16 },
17 "cordovaPlugins": [
18 "cordova-plugin-device",
19 "cordova-plugin-console",
20 "cordova-plugin-whitelist",
21 "cordova-plugin-splashscreen",
22 "com.ionic.keyboard"
23 ],
24 "cordovaPlatforms": []
25 }
.gitignore and file
Both .gitignore and are files related to GitHub⁶⁹.
I’m sure most of the readers know and use GitHub (and consequently Git⁷⁰), but just for brevity,
let see how Wikipedia defines GitHub⁷¹:

GitHub is a Web-based Git repository hosting service, which offers all of the
distributed revision control and source code management (SCM) functionality of
Git as well as adding its own features. Unlike Git, which is strictly a command-
line tool, GitHub provides a Web-based graphical interface and desktop as well as
mobile integration. It also provides access control and several collaboration features
such as bug tracking, feature requests, task management, and wikis for every

So, Git⁷² on the other hand is (quoted from the official site):

a free and open source distributed version control system designed to handle
everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency. Git is easy
to learn and has a tiny footprint with lightning fast performance. It outclasses SCM
tools like Subversion, CVS, Perforce, and ClearCase with features like cheap local
branching, convenient staging areas, and multiple workflows.

Now that we got the basics out of the way, let’s take a look at what the aftorementioned two
files represent.
.gitignore is a configuration file for GitHub. Contents of the .gitignore file, shown below,
basically instructs Git that it should not track folders node_modules, platforms and plugins
when uploading the code to GitHub. “‘ # Specifies intentionally untracked files to ignore when
using Git # http://git-
node_modules/ platforms/ plugins/ “‘ is a Markdown⁷³ file used on GitHub to explain the purpose and usage of your project.

If you’re not using Git (and Github) in your workflow, I highly encourage you to
do so, as it will prove really useful in the long run.
Refactoring our application
As said, we’ll be spending most of our development time in the www folder and that’s
why we mentioned it just briefly in the previous section. We’ll take a full deep dive in it here,
by taking the two most imporant files (index.html and app.js) and explain their contents
step by step.
Also, we’ll refactor our code into separate files, since Ionic Creator put everything in one.
Finally, we’ll add the calculator logic so that our calculator will work as expected.

Generally, putting all the code in one file and mixing logic and presentation
(JavaScript and HTML code) is simply a big NO-NO, and often referred to as
spaghetti code⁷⁴. You can learn more about refactoring your code from the cult book
Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code⁷⁵ by Martin Fowler, Kent
Beck, and others. If you’re searching for a bit lighter introduction to refactoring
and good programing practices in general I can’t recomment the classic Code
Complete 2⁷⁶ by Steve McConnell enough.

index.html file
The starting point of our Ionic application is index.html, whose contents is as follows:

1 <!DOCTYPE html>
2 <html>
3 <head>
4 <meta charset="utf-8">
5 <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, user-scalab\
6 le=no, width=device-width">
7 <title></title>
9 <style>
10 .angular-google-map-container {
11 width: 100%;
12 height:
504px; 13 }
14 </style>
16 <link href="lib/ionic/css/ionic.css" rel="stylesheet">
17 <script src="lib/ionic/js/ionic.bundle.js"></script>
19 <link href="\
20 ss" rel="stylesheet">
22 <!-- IF using Sass (run gulp sass first), then uncomment below and remove th\
23 e CSS includes above
24 <link href="css/" rel="stylesheet">
25 -->
27 <script>
28 // Ionic Starter App
30 // angular.module is a global place for creating, registering and retrie\
31 ving Angular modules
32 // 'starter' is the name of this angular module example (also set in a <\
33 body> attribute in index.html)
34 // the 2nd parameter is an array of 'requires'
35 // '' is found in services.js
36 // 'starter.controllers' is found in controllers.js
37 angular.module('app', ['ionic'])
39 .run(function($ionicPlatform) {
40 $ionicPlatform.ready(function() {
41 // Hide the accessory bar by default (remove this to show the access\
42 ory bar above the keyboard
43 // for form inputs)
44 if(window.cordova && window.cordova.plugins.Keyboard) {
45 cordova.plugins.Keyboard.hideKeyboardAccessoryBar(true);
46 }
47 if(window.StatusBar) {
48 // org.apache.cordova.statusbar required
49 StatusBar.styleDefault();
50 }
51 });
52 })
54 .config(function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) {
55 // Ionic uses AngularUI Router which uses the concept of states
56 // Learn more here:
57 // Set up the various states which the app can be in.
58 // Each state's controller can be found in controllers.js
59 $stateProvider
60 .state('page1', {
61 url: '',
62 templateUrl: 'page1.html'
63 });
65 // if none of the above states are matched, use this as the fallback
66 $urlRouterProvider.otherwise(''); 67
68 </script>
69 </head>
71 <body ng-app="app" animation="slide-left-right-ios7">
72 <div>
73 <div>
74 <ion-nav-bar class="bar-stable">
75 <ion-nav-back-button class="button-icon icon ion-ios7-arrow-back\
76 ">Back</ion-nav-back-button>
77 </ion-nav-bar>
79 <ion-nav-view></ion-nav-view>
80 </div>
81 </div>
83 <script id="page1.html" type="text/ng-template">
84 <ion-view title="Calculator">
85 <ion-content padding="false" class="has-header">
86 <form>
87 <label class="item item-input" name="display">
88 <span class="input-label">Input</span>
89 <input type="text" placeholder="0" />
90 </label>
91 </form>
93 <div class="button-bar">
94 <button class="button button-stable button-block ">7</button>
95 <button class="button button-stable button-block ">8</button>
96 <button class="button button-stable button-block ">9</button>
97 <button class="button button-energized button-block ">/</but\
98 ton>
99 </div>
100 <div class="button-bar">
101 <button class="button button-stable button-block ">4</button>
102 <button class="button button-stable button-block ">5</button>
103 <button class="button button-stable button-block ">6</button>
104 <button class="button button-energized button-block ">x</but\
105 ton>
106 </div>
107 <div class="button-bar">
108 <button class="button button-stable button-block ">1</button>
109 <button class="button button-stable button-block ">2</button>
110 <button class="button button-stable button-block ">3</button>
111 <button class="button button-energized button-block ">-</but\
112 ton>
113 </div>
114 <div class="button-bar">
115 <button class="button button-assertive button-block ">C</but\
116 ton>
117 <button class="button button-stable button-block ">0</button>
118 <button class="button button-positive button-block ">=</butt\
119 on>
120 <button class="button button-energized button-block ">+</but\
121 ton>
122 </div>
123 </ion-content>
124 </ion-view>
125 </script>
126 </body>
127 </html>

Here we’ll go step by step throguh the index.html file by explaining the needed lines
of code. I’m expecting that you have a decent understanding of HTML so I won’t
explain each and every HTML tag. Also, we’ll remove the unnecessary pieces, and
move some other parts of the code to different files.

The <meta> element:

1 <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=n\

2 o, width=device-width">
3 ``
5 is used to properly resize our application on mobile devices.
7 Next, you can safely remove the `<style>` element completely out of the file:

<style> .angular-google-map-container { width: 100%; height: 504px; } </style> “‘

This CSS style is for the map template example, which we don’t have here, so to be
completely honest I’m not sure why they included it in this template. I’m guessing that if
you’ll be following this book at a later stage this will be removed by the Ionic Creator
Since we’re not going to use SASS in this example (we will cover this in the later chapter), we
can safely remove the following <link> tag:

1 <!-- IF using Sass (run gulp sass first), then uncomment below and remove the CS\
2 S includes above
3 <link href="css/" rel="stylesheet">
4 -->

Next, as you can see, there is nowhere a reference to the js/app.js file inside the
index.html file, thus meaning it’s not used anywhere. If by any chance you’ve looked around
the file structure of the application we created in the first chapter you will most likely find
this strange. Indeed, Ionic Creator needs some additional tweaking, but I’m sure this will
all be dealt with in the future.
Since the code inside the <script> element is JavaScript (AngularJS to be more exact) and it’s
mixed with HTML, we don’t want to have that so we’re going to copy the contents of the
<script> element and paste it (by overwriting its whole contents) to the file app.js (resides
in the js folder).
So, our js/app.js file should now look like this (first few lines of comments are ommited):

1 angular.module('app', ['ionic'])
2 .run(function($ionicPlatform) {
3 $ionicPlatform.ready(function() {
4 // Hide the accessory bar by default (remove this to show the accessory bar \
5 above the keyboard
6 // for form inputs)
7 if(window.cordova && window.cordova.plugins.Keyboard) {
8 cordova.plugins.Keyboard.hideKeyboardAccessoryBar(true); 9
10 if(window.StatusBar) {
11 // org.apache.cordova.statusbar required
12 StatusBar.styleDefault();
13 }
14 });
15 })
17 .config(function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) {
18 // Ionic uses AngularUI Router which uses the concept of states
19 // Learn more here:
20 // Set up the various states which the app can be in.
21 // Each state's controller can be found in controllers.js
22 $stateProvider
23 .state('page1', {
24 url: '',
25 templateUrl: 'page1.html'
26 });
28 // if none of the above states are matched, use this as the fallback
29 $urlRouterProvider.otherwise('');
30 });

Since we removed the contents of the <script> element and pasted it in the js/app.js file,
we need to add a reference to it from the index.html file, and we can do this by placing the
<script> element just before the ending </head> element:

<script src="js/app.js"></script>

The next important thing is the ng-app directive which is added as an attribute on the <body>
tag. This is just a way to let AngularJS know how to bootstrap the application⁷⁷. Important thing
to note is that we have to use the same name in app.js file when we define the root
angular module. As you can see from the app.js file:
angular.module('app', ['ionic'])

and from the index.html file:

<body ng-app="app" animation="slide-left-right-ios7">

in our example this name is simply app.

There’s just one more thing we’re going to do in the index.html file. See the another
script tag inside our body tag:

<script id="page1.html" type="text/ng-template">

Well, this also looks like a good piece to take out and put into its own file. Again, if you saw
the file structure from the application in the first chapter you might remember that the default
place to put the template files is inside the templates folder.
Since we don’t have that folder in our example, let’s create it inside the www folder. Then,
create the calculator.html file and paste the contents of the previously mentioned <script>
tag. This is how our templates/calculator.html file should look like now:

1 <ion-view title="Calculator">
2 <ion-content padding="false" class="has-header">
3 <form>
4 <label class="item item-input" name="display">
5 <span class="input-label">Input</span>
6 <input type="text" placeholder="0">
7 </label>
8 </form>
9 <div class="button-bar">
10 <button class="button button-stable button-block ">7</button>
11 <button class="button button-stable button-block ">8</button>
12 <button class="button button-stable button-block ">9</button>
13 <button class="button button-energized button-block ">/</button>
14 </div>
15 <div class="button-bar">
16 <button class="button button-stable button-block ">4</button>
17 <button class="button button-stable button-block ">5</button>
18 <button class="button button-stable button-block ">6</button>
19 <button class="button button-energized button-block ">x</button>
20 </div>
21 <div class="button-bar">
22 <button class="button button-stable button-block ">1</button>
23 <button class="button button-stable button-block ">2</button>
24 <button class="button button-stable button-block ">3</button>
25 <button class="button button-energized button-block ">-</button>
26 </div>
27 <div class="button-bar">
28 <button class="button button-assertive button-block ">C</button>
29 <button class="button button-stable button-block ">0</button>
30 <button class="button button-positive button-block ">=</button>
31 <button class="button button-energized button-block ">+</button>
32 </div>
33 </ion-content>
34 </ion-view>

Just for reference, here’s the contents of the index.html file, as it should look like now:
1 <!DOCTYPE html>
2 <html>
3 <head>
4 <meta charset="utf-8">
5 <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, user-scalab\
6 le=no, width=device-width">
7 <title></title>
9 <link href="lib/ionic/css/ionic.css" rel="stylesheet">
10 <script src="lib/ionic/js/ionic.bundle.js"></script>
11 <link href="\
12 ss" rel="stylesheet">
14 <script src="js/app.js"></script>
15 </head>
17 <body ng-app="app" animation="slide-left-right-ios7">
18 <div>
19 <div>
20 <ion-nav-bar class="bar-stable">
21 <ion-nav-back-button class="button-icon icon ion-ios7-arrow-back\
22 ">Back</ion-nav-back-button>
23 </ion-nav-bar>
24 <ion-nav-view></ion-nav-view>
25 </div>
26 </div>
27 </body>
28 </html>

app.js file
Contents of the app.js file bootstraps our Ionic (well, more acurately AngularJS) application,
configures necessary plugings, and defines the states in our application. As we said before, the
name of the root module matches the value given to the ng-app directive in the index.html
file (app in our case). Also, we need to inject ‘ionic’ module dependency to our root module so
that we can use the Ionic library directives and other Ionic components.
$ionicPlatform.ready event is triggered after the device (your mobile phone on which the
application is started) is all set up and ready to use. This includes plugins which are used
with this project. If you would try to check if some plugin is available outside the ready
function callback, you could get wrong results due to the fact that it is possible that some
plugin would not have been set up just yet. Using the aforementioned $ionicPlatform.ready
event and placing your code to
check for plugin instantiations solves these issues. You can learn more about ionicPlatform
utility methods here:⁷⁸.
Inside the $ionicPlatform.ready function’s callback, we’re detecting if a Keyboard plugin is
available in our Ionic application. If so, we’re hiding the keyboard accessory bar (buttons like
next, previous and done). You can change these settings, and quite a bit of additional ones (see a
full list here⁷⁹), as per your project’s requirements.
As we mentioned before, you can check the list of installed plugins in your package.json
file. But, also, you can check them from your Terminal/Command prompt by executing the
following command:
ionic plugin list
In our case, the output should be as follows:

1 com.ionic.keyboard 1.0.4 "Keyboard"

2 cordova-plugin-console 1.0.1 "Console"
3 cordova-plugin-device 1.0.1 "Device"
4 cordova-plugin-splashscreen 2.1.0 "Splashscreen"
5 cordova-plugin-whitelist 1.0.0 "Whitelist"

From the listing above we can see that there is no StatusBar plugin
(org.apache.cordova.statusbar), so we can safely remove the corresponding lines in the
app.js file.
Inside the config function callback we’re setting the routes for our application. Ionic uses
AngularUI Router⁸⁰ which uses the concept of states. Since we moved our calculator UI
into the calcula- tor.html file inside the templates folder, we have to adjust the path to it
accordingly. Also, we’ll put our calculator logic inside the so called CalculatorCtrl
controller. The state definition, with the acompanying controller definition should now
look like this:

1 $stateProvider
2 .state('calculator',
{ 3 url: '',
4 templateUrl: 'templates/calculator.html',
5 controller: 'CalculatorCtrl' 6

Calculator logic with controllers

We will put the code of our CalculatorCtrl inside a new file. So, create a file called
Calcula- torCtrl.js inside the js folder. In the index.html put the reference to this new
controller file by adding:
<script src="js/CalculatorCtrl.js"></script>

just after the app.js inclusion script tag.

There are really multiple ways that we could have realized the calculator logic, but we’ll keep
it simple here. The contents of our CalculatorCtrl.js file will be as follows:

1 angular.module('calculator', [])
2 .controller('CalculatorCtrl', function($scope){
3 $scope.result = '';
5 $scope.btnClicked = function(btn)
{6 if (btn == 'C'){
7 $scope.result = '';
8 }
9 else if (btn == '='){
10 $scope.result = eval($scope.result);
11 }
12 else{
13 $scope.result += btn; 14
15 };
16 });

So, basically, what were doing here is we’re defining a new AngularJS module called
calculator, and we’re defining a controller called CalculatorCtrl. In the CalculatorCtrl we’re
injecting AngularJS’s $scope variable so that we can access the DOM in the
calculator.html file.

Before explaining this rather simple code, we must not forget to inject the calculator
module to our root app module in the app.js file, so that it will now look like this:
angular.module('app', ['ionic', 'calculator'])

Ok, so, back to our controller code; first, we’re defining a variable result on the $scope, so that
we can show it in our template file (calculator.html).
Next, we defined a new function called btnClicked which accepts one parameter named btn.
Inside the function we’re checking for the passed parameter and we have three cases based
on the value of the parameter that is passed:

• if the parameter equals C in that case we’re clearing the result

• if the parameter equals = in that case we calculate the equation and show the result
• in any other case we’re just appending the buttons value to the current equation
Please note that because of brevity we haven’t added any additional checks
like if someone accidentally clicks two times on a button which represents some
operation. We will “fix” this in the next chapter when we’ll be polishing the
application. Also, you may have read on the Internet that using eval is wrong or
just bad. True, it can be bad if used to evaluate some other user input, but in
this case we’ll be fine.

Finishing the calculator template

The only thing which is left for us to do is to add the appropriate function calls on the buttons
in the calculator.html template. Basically, all that we have to do is add the ng-
click="btnClicked() function call to each button, and pass in the appropriate parameter. The
way this should look like is as follows:

1 <ion-view title="Calculator">
2 <ion-content padding="false" class="has-header">
3 <form>
4 <label class="item item-input" name="display">
5 <span class="input-label">Result</span>
6 <input type="text" placeholder="0" ng-model="result">
7 </label>
8 </form>
9 <div class="button-bar">
10 <button class="button button-stable button-block" ng-click="btnClick\ 11
12 <button class="button button-stable button-block" ng-click="btnClick\
13 ed('8')">8</button>
14 <button class="button button-stable button-block" ng-click="btnClick\
15 ed('9')">9</button>
16 <button class="button button-energized button-block" ng-click="btnCl\
17 icked('/')">/</button>
18 </div>
19 <div class="button-bar">
20 <button class="button button-stable button-block" ng-click="btnClick\ 21
22 <button class="button button-stable button-block" ng-click="btnClick\
23 ed('5')">5</button>
24 <button class="button button-stable button-block" ng-click="btnClick\
25 ed('6')">6</button>
26 <button class="button button-energized button-block" ng-click="btnCl\
27 icked('*')">x</button>
28 </div>
29 <div class="button-bar">
30 <button class="button button-stable button-block" ng-click="btnClick\ 31
32 <button class="button button-stable button-block" ng-click="btnClick\
33 ed('2')">2</button>
34 <button class="button button-stable button-block" ng-click="btnClick\
35 ed('3')">3</button>
36 <button class="button button-energized button-block" ng-click="btnCl\
37 icked('-')">-</button>
38 </div>
39 <div class="button-bar">
40 <button class="button button-assertive button-block" ng-click="btnCl\
41 icked('C')">C</button>
42 <button class="button button-stable button-block" ng-click="btnClick\ 43
44 <button class="button button-positive button-block" ng-click="btnCli\
45 cked('=')">=</button>
46 <button class="button button-energized button-block" ng-click="btnCl\
47 icked('+')">+</button>
48 </div>
49 </ion-content>
50 </ion-view>

As you can see from the code, we’re passing to the function an argument which basically
represents the button which was clicked.
Also, worth noting is that we used the

on the input element, so that we can access it from the controller through the AngularJS $scope

Run the application

Now you can run the application by executing the command
ionic serve

and you should see your awesome calculator open up in your browser.
As mentioned in the begining of this chapter, you can take a look at the source code on
GitHub⁸¹, or you can take a look at the live example⁸² of this application.
In this chapter we showed you how to create a calculator application step by step. We showed
how to create a mockup of our idea, then we showed how to create an interface by using Ionic
Creator, and finally how to refactor our application and create the logic with controllers.
In the next chapter we’re going to take a look at how to test your application on the real
physical devices, and also how to use cloud service to share our application with other
users without going through the app store. Also, we’re going to take a look how to implement
Google Analytics and Google Admob ads, and how to prepare our application for the stores.
Also, we’ll take a look at how to customize the icons and the application’s splash screen.
This is the third post in a series of posts which will teach you how to take advantage of your
web development knowledge in building hybrid applications for iOS and Android. The first
post in this series was all about How to get started with Ionic framework on Windows and
Mac⁸³, the second one was about How to create a calculator application with Ionic
framework by using Ionic Creator for UI⁸⁴.
This third post explains:

• How to polish our existing calculator application

• How to create icons and splash screen images automatically in Ionic framework
• How to implement Google AdMob ads
• How to use cloud service to share our application with other users without
going through the app stores
• How to test our application on the real physical devices and emulators

How to polish our existing
calculator application
So, if you’ve been following this book chapter by chapter then you probably already have
the Calculator application ready and running on your machine in the web browser by using
the ionic serve command.
If you just dropped by, or you would like to “start anew” you can clone the finished version of
the 2nd tutorial from Github⁸⁵. After cloning, you should run npm install to install all the
dependencies. After this the command ionic serve should run the application locally on your
computer, and you should see it open up in your default browser.
So, what we have at this point is a working simple calculator application that lacks some
sanitization checks and design improvements. We’ll fix this in this section.

Sanitization check
In our current application, we don’t have a security measure against the possible malformed
input. For example, one could enter two plus (+) signs one after another, which would
consequently produce an error.
So, in order to handle this, we’re going to wrap our evaluation line of code in the try/catch
block and we’re going to show an alert to the user using the $ionicPopup⁸⁶ service (injected
as a dependency in the CalculatorCtrl controller). The whole contents of the
CalculatorCtrl.js file should look like this now:

1 angular.module('calculator', [])
2 .controller('CalculatorCtrl', function($scope, $ionicPopup){
3 $scope.result = '';
4 $scope.btnClicked = function(btn){
5 if (btn == 'C'){
6 $scope.result = '';
7 }
8 else if (btn == '='){
9 if ($scope.result == ''){
10 return;

How to polish our existing calculator application 52

11 }
12 try {
13 $scope.result = eval($scope.result).toFixed(0); 14
15 catch (err) {
16 $ionicPopup.alert({
17 title: 'Malformed input',
18 template: "Ooops, please try again..." 19
20 $scope.result = '';
21 }
22 }
23 else{
24 $scope.result += btn; 25
26 };
27 });

Additionally, we’re checking to see if the $scope.result variable contains anything at the time
the equals button is pressed, in order to avoid the undefined error that would otherwise
happen. You can test this yourself by running the application and then first clicking on the
equal button (=) and then on for example button 5, and you would see the text ‘undefined5’
appear in the Result area.

Also, you may have noticed that we added the toFixed⁸⁷ after our eval function
call, in order to show no decimal places in case of a division operation. At this
point you certainly realize the “problem” of our SuperSimple Calculator - it has no
way of entering the point (.), but I hope that by now you learned enough to add
this option yourself, if you would need it. If, however, you would like me to add
this, please request it in the comments and I’ll make sure to add it in the update
of this book.

The way this should look like now if we intentionally make an error while inputting the
formula is shown on the image below.
Clearly, there are multiple ways you could approach this problem further in order
to create a better user experience. One idea is to check on every button click if the
current formula would execute correctly with eval and if not then immediately
inform the user, or completely ignore the last clicked button. I encourage you to
create your own way of the “improved UX⁸⁸” and share it in the comments.

Design changes
If we’re being honest, our app currently doesn’t look quite representative. So, we’re going to
change that in order to make it a bit nicer. Most of the changes that we’re going to make will
be in the CSS files. However, if you talk with any web designer these days they will tell you
that using purse CSS is, well, outdated. Ionic, as awesome as it is, has a support for SASS⁸⁹. So,
in order to take advantage of the variables, nesting, mixins and all other great stuff that SASS
provides, we’re going to prepare our project to use SASS by entering the following command
in the Terminal/Command prompt:
ionic setup sass

Along with some other npm install related output, you should see something like this:

1 Successful npm install
2 Updated C:\Users\Nikola\Desktop\IonicTesting\Ionic_3rdTutorial\www\index.html
4 Ionic project ready to use Sass!
5 * Customize the app using scss/
6 * Run ionic serve to start a local dev server and watch/compile Sass to CSS
8 [14:56:01] Using gulpfile ~\Desktop\IonicTesting\Ionic_3rdTutorial\gulpfile.js
9 [14:56:01] Starting 'sass'...
10 [14:56:02] Finished 'sass' after 1.76 s
12 Successful sass build
13 Ionic setup complete

Our main starting point in changing how our application looks like is the
scss/ file. It’s contents is short, and even though you may not have used SASS
before, I’m sure it will look logical to you:

1 /*
2 To customize the look and feel of Ionic, you can override the variables
3 in ionic's _variables.scss file.
5 For example, you might change some of the default colors:
7 $light: #fff !default;
8 $stable: #f8f8f8 !default;
9 $positive: #387ef5 !default;
10 $calm: #11c1f3 !default;
11 $balanced: #33cd5f !default;
12 $energized: #ffc900 !default;
13 $assertive: #ef473a !default;
14 $royal: #886aea !default;
15 $dark: #444 !default;
16 */
18 // The path for our ionicons font files, relative to the built CSS in www/css
19 $ionicons-font-path: "../lib/ionic/fonts" !default;
21 // Include all of Ionic
22 @import "www/lib/ionic/scss/ionic";

As you can see, here we can override the default Ionic colors. Since you most probably
have programming background, I’m sure you realize how important and useful SASS is.
When, for example, you want to change the color you only need to change it in one place in
one variable, without having to trace it through all the files and change the certain color in all
the places that it is used.
Also, here you can see that we’re including (better said importing) the other Ionic SASS files,
which are nicely structured in different files. You don’t have to worry about multiple files
because the gulpfile task produces a single minified version of the CSS on every save. I
encourage you to check out the contents of the gulpfile.js file and see for yourself.
On the image below you can see what I came up with after changing few of the CSS rules
(and a slight addition to our HTML template that I’ll address additionally):

I’m sure that more design-inclined readers will come up with way more slick design than this
and I encourage you to share your images/scss changes with the rest of us, and I promise to
incorporate the best one in the version of the book (with the proper credits, of course).
Now we’re going to go through the parts that were changed so that you can follow along in
your example and see for yourself. But, before you start doing the changes you’ll need to add the
following link code to your index.html file just below the <title> tag in order to load the
CSS file generated through SASS (we removed this in the second chapter):
<link href="css/" rel="stylesheet">

As for the changes, here is the final content of the templates/calculator.html file: <ion-
view title="SuperSimple Calculator"> <ion-content padding="false" class="has-header"
scroll="false"> <section class = "home-container"> <div class="myInputRow"> <form>
<input type="text" placeholder="0" ng-model="result" class="myResultInput" /> </form>
</div> <div class="button-bar row"> <button class="button button-stable button-block"
ng-click="btnClicked('7')">7</button> <button class="button button-stable button-
block" ng-click="btnClicked('8')">8</button> <button class="button button-stable
button- block" ng-click="btnClicked('9')">9</button> <button class="button button-
energized button-block" ng-click="btnClicked('/')">/</button> </div>
<div class="button-bar
row"> <button class="button button-stable button-block" ng-click="btnClicked('4')">4</button>
<button class="button button-stable button-block" ng-click="btnClicked('5')">5</button>
<button class="button button-stable button-block" ng-click="btnClicked('6')">6</button>
<button class="button button-energized button-block" ng-click="btnClicked('*')">x</button>
</div> <div class="button-bar row"> <button class="button button-stable button-block"
ng-click="btnClicked('1')">1</button> <button class="button button-stable button-
block" ng-click="btnClicked('2')">2</button> <button class="button button-stable
button- block" ng-click="btnClicked('3')">3</button> <button class="button button-
energized button-block" ng-click="btnClicked('-')">-</button> </div>
<div class="button-bar
row"> <button class="button button-assertive button-block" ng-click="btnClicked('C')">C</button>
<button class="button button-stable button-block" ng-click="btnClicked('0')">0</button>
<button class="button button-positive button-block" ng-click="btnClicked('=')">=</button>
<button class="button button-energized button-block" ng-click="btnClicked('+')">+</button>
</div> </section> </ion-content> </ion-view> Here is the breakdown of the changes
that I made:

• I first removed the <span class="input-label">Result</span> and edited the form element
to just contain the following line of code:

<form><input type="text" placeholder="0" ng-model="result" class="myResultInput"></form>

• Notice the added class myResultInput on the input element

• Also, notice the scroll="false" on the ion-content tag, which disables content scrolling
• I changed the title to SuperSimple Calculator from just Calculator on the ion-view tag
• Then I wrapped this form element in a div element with the class myInputRow
• Next, on the every div element with the class button-bar I added the class row
• Finally, I wrapped this whole content in the div element with class home-container

In the scss/ file I added the definitions for these new classes:
1 .myResultInput {
2 font-size: 36px !important;
3 text-align: right !important; 4
width: 100%;
5 line-height: 36px !important;
6 height: 54px !important;
7 padding: 10px !important; 8
10 .home-container {
11 display: -webkit-flex;
12 -webkit-flex-direction: column;
13 height: 100%; 14
16 .home-container > .row {
17 -webkit-flex: 2;
18 padding: 0px !important; 19
21 .home-container > .myInputRow{
22 -webkit-flex: 1 !important; 23

Flexbox is used here as a basis in making the layout which fills the whole content
horizontally. You can learn more about it from this Ionic specific tutorial⁹⁰, or you can learn
more about Flexbox in general from this tutorial⁹¹.
Next, in the lib/scss/_variables.scss file I changed the values of the following variables:

1 $button-block-margin: 0px !default;

2 $button-font-size: 32px !default;
3 $button-height: 70px !default;

Finally, in the lib/scss/_button-bar.scss file I changed the value of the following rule inside the
button-bar .button rule:

border-width: 1px;

This way we now have an interface which fills the whole available content.
How to create icons and splash screen
images automatically in Ionic framework
The icon is an important part of your application because it represents your application’s brand,
and it helps to identify quickly where the app is on your phone. In case you’re familiar with
creating apps then you will remember that it is a tedious process to create a lot of different
size images both for iOS and Android platforms. Also, the same goes for the so-called splash
screen that shows up every time the application starts. Although having a splash screen is not
mandatory, it certainly adds up to the feeling of a complete and professional application,
which one would certainly want to convey with his application.
Ionic helps tremendously with this by providing a single Ionic CLI command to generate
all the needed icon and splash screen sizes for us automatically. Also, Ionic created
Photoshop Icon Template⁹² and Photoshop Splash Screen Template⁹³, which you can download
for free and use as a guideline for creating an icon.
For when you’re creating a branded product having a custom made icon is definitelly a must.
However, in this case, we’ll show how to use one of the free services to search for a free icon
which we can use in our application (even if our application is a commercial application). I
tend to use IconFinder⁹⁴ a lot, and here are the setting which you have to use in order to
filter out the calculator images which are Free (PRICE) and can be used in commercial
applications and which do not even require a link back (LICENSE TYPE). Of course, you can
also choose to buy an image if you happen to find one that you like. You can additionally search
by format, size and background. The filters should look like this:
We’re going to use the first one in the second row. Simply click on it, and you should get
to the download page that looks like it’s shown on the image below:
To download it just click on the green PNG button. We’re going to alter it just a bit by making
it a size of 128x128px, so that it will finally look like this:

Now (download if you haven’t yet and) open up the Photoshop Icon Template⁹⁵ and you should see:
Don’t worry if you don’t have Photoshop, you can use open source tools like for
example Gimp⁹⁶ or Paint.NET⁹⁷.

Now drag the calculator icon into the Photoshop and make sure you place the icon within the
bounds of the blue guides. You should have something like this:

Next, remove the guides by going to View->Show and remove the Guides option.
Also, you can remove the Grid in the same way if you like. Finally, remove the icon-cut-guide
layer by clicking on the eye icon next to it:

Now save the file by going to File->Save for Web and select PNG-24 and after that click the Save...
button and save the image to Desktop as icon.png:
Repeat the process to create the splash screen image and name is splash.png. The image I
came up with looks like this in Photoshop:
If you’ve followed the second chapter you should have the app. In case you don’t
have it, you can clone it from Github⁹⁸.

Now that you have both icon.png and splash.png images ready, you have to copy them in
the resources folder in the root of the application (next to the folders like www and
plugins). If you don’t have this folder, then create it. Next, navigate with your
Terminal/Command prompt to the root folder of the application and run the following
ionic resources

If at this point you get an error like this:

1 C:\Users\Nikola\Desktop\IonicTesting\Ionic_3rdTutorial>ionic resources
2 ? No platforms have been added.
3 ? Please add a platform, for example: ionic platform add ios
4 ? Or provide a platform name, for example: ionic resources android

that means that you haven’t added any platforms yet to which Ionic should build. Since we’re
going to build the app for both Apple Store and Android Play Store we’re going to use the
following two commands:
1 ionic platform add android
2 ionic platform add ios

You should see an output similar to this:

1 C:\Users\Nikola\Desktop\IonicTesting\Ionic_3rdTutorial>ionic platform add android

2 Updated the hooks directory to have execute permissions
3 Adding icons for platform: android
4 npm http GET
5 npm http 304
6 npm http GET
7 npm http 304
8 Adding android project...
9 Creating Cordova project for the Android platform:
10 Path: platforms\android
11 Package: com.ionicframework.ionic2ndtutorial616047
12 Name: Ionic_2ndTutorial
13 Activity: MainActivity
14 Android target: android-22
15 Copying template files...
16 Android project created with cordova-android@4.0.2
17 Running command: C:\NodeJS\node.exe C:\Users\Nikola\Desktop\IonicTesting\Ionic_3\
18 rdTutorial\hooks\after_prepare\010_add_platform_class.js
20 C:\Users\Nikola\Desktop\IonicTesting\Ionic_3rdTutorial
21 add to body class: platform-android
22 Installing "com.ionic.keyboard" for android
23 Installing "cordova-plugin-console" for android
24 Installing "cordova-plugin-device" for android
25 Installing "cordova-plugin-splashscreen" for android
26 Installing "cordova-plugin-whitelist" for android
27 Saving platform to package.json file
29 C:\Users\Nikola\Desktop\IonicTesting\Ionic_3rdTutorial>ionic platform add ios
30 Updated the hooks directory to have execute permissions
31 Adding icons for platform: ios
32 WARNING: Applications for platform ios can not be built on this OS - win32.
33 npm http GET
34 npm http 200
35 npm http GET
36 npm http 200
37 npm http GET
38 npm http 200
39 Adding ios project...
40 iOS project created with cordova-ios@3.8.0
42 Running command: C:\NodeJS\node.exe C:\Users\Nikola\Desktop\IonicTesting\Ionic_3\
43 rdTutorial\hooks\after_prepare\010_add_p
44 latform_class.js C:\Users\Nikola\Desktop\IonicTesting\Ionic_3rdTutorial
45 add to body class: platform-ios
46 Installing "com.ionic.keyboard" for ios
47 Installing "cordova-plugin-console" for ios
48 Installing "cordova-plugin-device" for ios
49 Installing "cordova-plugin-splashscreen" for ios
50 Installing "cordova-plugin-whitelist" for ios
51 Saving platform to package.json file

After this you can safely run the ionic resources command and you should get the
following output:

1 C:\Users\Nikola\Desktop\IonicTesting\Ionic_3rdTutorial>ionic resources
2 Ionic icon and splash screen resources generator
3 uploading icon.png...
4 uploading splash.png...
5 ? icon.png (192x192) upload complete
6 ? splash.png (2208x2208) upload complete
7 generating splash ios Default~iphone.png (320x480)...
8 generating splash ios Default@2x~iphone.png (640x960)...
9 generating splash ios Default-Portrait~ipad.png (768x1024)...
10 ? splash ios Default~iphone.png (320x480) generated
11 generating splash ios Default-Portrait@2x~ipad.png (1536x2048)...
12 ? splash ios Default@2x~iphone.png (640x960) generated
13 generating splash ios Default-Landscape~ipad.png (1024x768)...
14 ? splash ios Default-Portrait~ipad.png (768x1024) generated
15 generating splash ios Default-Landscape@2x~ipad.png (2048x1536)...
16 ? splash ios Default-Landscape~ipad.png (1024x768) generated
17 generating splash ios Default-Landscape-736h.png (2208x1242)...
18 ? splash ios Default-Portrait@2x~ipad.png (1536x2048) generated
19 generating splash ios Default-736h.png (1242x2208)...
20 ? splash ios Default-Landscape-736h.png (2208x1242) generated
21 generating splash ios Default-667h.png (750x1334)...
22 ? splash ios Default-667h.png (750x1334) generated
23 generating splash ios Default-568h@2x~iphone.png (640x1136)...
24 ? splash ios Default-736h.png (1242x2208) generated
25 generating splash android drawable-port-xxxhdpi-screen.png (1280x1920)...
26 ? splash android drawable-port-xxxhdpi-screen.png (1280x1920) generated
27 generating splash android drawable-port-xxhdpi-screen.png (960x1600)...
28 ? splash android drawable-port-xxhdpi-screen.png (960x1600) generated
29 generating splash android drawable-port-xhdpi-screen.png (720x1280)...
30 ? splash ios Default-568h@2x~iphone.png (640x1136) generated
31 generating splash android drawable-port-hdpi-screen.png (480x800)...
32 ? splash android drawable-port-hdpi-screen.png (480x800) generated
33 ? splash android drawable-port-mdpi-screen.png (320x480) generated
34 generating splash android drawable-port-ldpi-screen.png (240x320)...
35 ? splash android drawable-port-xhdpi-screen.png (720x1280) generated
36 generating splash android drawable-land-xxxhdpi-screen.png (1920x1280)...
37 ? splash android drawable-port-ldpi-screen.png (240x320) generated
38 generating splash android drawable-land-xxhdpi-screen.png (1600x960)...
39 ? splash ios Default-Landscape@2x~ipad.png (2048x1536) generated
40 generating splash android drawable-land-xhdpi-screen.png (1280x720)...
41 ? splash android drawable-land-xhdpi-screen.png (1280x720) generated
42 generating splash android drawable-land-hdpi-screen.png (800x480)...
43 ? splash android drawable-land-xxxhdpi-screen.png (1920x1280) generated
44 generating splash android drawable-land-mdpi-screen.png (480x320)...
45 ? splash android drawable-land-hdpi-screen.png (800x480) generated
46 generating splash android drawable-land-ldpi-screen.png (320x240)...
47 ? splash android drawable-land-ldpi-screen.png (320x240) generated
48 generating icon ios icon-small@3x.png (87x87)...
49 ? splash android drawable-land-xxhdpi-screen.png (1600x960) generated
50 generating icon ios icon-small@2x.png (58x58)...
51 ? icon ios icon-small@3x.png (87x87) generated
52 generating icon ios icon-small.png (29x29)...
53 ? icon ios icon-small.png (29x29) generated
54 generating icon ios icon-76@2x.png (152x152)...
55 ? splash android drawable-land-mdpi-screen.png (480x320) generated
56 generating icon ios icon-76.png (76x76)...
57 ? icon ios icon-small@2x.png (58x58) generated
58 generating icon ios icon-72@2x.png (144x144)...
59 ? icon ios icon-76@2x.png (152x152) generated
60 generating icon ios icon-72.png (72x72)...
61 ? icon ios icon-76.png (76x76) generated
62 generating icon ios icon-60@3x.png (180x180)...
63 ? icon ios icon-72@2x.png (144x144) generated
64 generating icon ios icon-60@2x.png (120x120)...
65 ? icon ios icon-60@3x.png (180x180) generated
66 generating icon ios icon-60.png (60x60)...
67 ? icon ios icon-72.png (72x72) generated
68 generating icon ios icon-50@2x.png (100x100)...
69 ? icon ios icon-60@2x.png (120x120) generated
70 generating icon ios icon-50.png (50x50)...
71 ? icon ios icon-60.png (60x60) generated
72 generating icon ios icon-40@2x.png (80x80)...
73 ? icon ios icon-50@2x.png (100x100) generated
74 generating icon ios icon-40.png (40x40)...
75 ? icon ios icon-40@2x.png (80x80) generated
76 generating icon ios icon@2x.png (114x114)...
77 ? icon ios icon-50.png (50x50) generated
78 generating icon ios icon.png (57x57)...
79 ? icon ios icon-40.png (40x40) generated
80 generating icon android drawable-xxxhdpi-icon.png (192x192)...
81 ? icon ios icon@2x.png (114x114) generated
82 ? icon android drawable-xxhdpi-icon.png (144x144) generated
83 generating icon android drawable-xhdpi-icon.png (96x96)...
84 ? icon ios icon.png (57x57) generated
85 ? icon android drawable-hdpi-icon.png (72x72) generated
86 generating icon android drawable-mdpi-icon.png (48x48)...
87 ? icon android drawable-xxxhdpi-icon.png (192x192) generated
88 generating icon android drawable-ldpi-icon.png (36x36)...
89 ? icon android drawable-xhdpi-icon.png (96x96) generated
90 ? icon android drawable-ldpi-icon.png (36x36) generated
91 ? icon android drawable-mdpi-icon.png (48x48) generated

From the output you can see how much icons were created and hopefully now you can see
how much time this saved. All the needed configuration regarding the icons and splash screens
was generated by Ionic and placed in the config.xml file.
It’s worth noting that you will not see the icon nor the splash screen when using the browser
testing or Ionic View testing (discussed in more detail in the How to use cloud
service to share our application with other users without going through the app store section
below). Instead, you will only see these once you deploy them to the actual physical device or
the emulator (which we’ll cover in the How to test our application on the real physical
devices and emulators section below).
You can add an iOS platform if your developing on a Windows machine, and ionic
resources command will generate icons and splash screens for it. However, keep in mind that
you will not be able to build the project for iOS on your Windows machine. Instead, you’ll
need a Mac computer in order to do so. We’ll cover building the app in more detail in the
aforementioned How to test our application on the real physical devices and emulators
section below.
How to implement Google AdMob ads
There are multiple ways you can earn money with your app these days and here are just a few:

• Paid app - ask for a flat out price for your app on the App/Play Store
• Freemium - give the app for free but charge for in-app purchases like adding some
extra features (think more gold or faster production in game apps)
• Ad-based - show ads inside your application. Potentially offer the in-app purchase to
remove the adds

What we’re going to cover here is the Ad-based monetization option where we’ll show how to
add Google AdMob ads to our calculator application. There are two parts to implementing
Google AdMob ads to our Ionic project. I broke down the steps in two parts: AdMob settings
and Ionic settings.

I made a short video tutorial⁹⁹ about how to add AdMob to your Ionic project, so
you can check that out too.

AdMob settings
Let’s start with AdMob settings:

1. Sign in/Sign up for AdMob at¹⁰⁰

2. Click the **Monetize new app **button:
1. If your app is not yet published you can add it manually:
1. Create new tracking ID:

1. Configure the adds type, size, placement, style, name:

1. You can read additional info on how to implement GA and AdMob, but for now let’s just
click Done:
1. You will now see the following similar screen:

The most important thing to note here is this Ad unit ID, which in my test case is ca-app-
pub- 7957971173858308/3599533362. Please make a note of this string as it’s the most
important part of this setting.

1. Create as much of the Ad units as you may need (for each platform[iOS, Android]
and ad format [Banner, Interstitial]). In my case, I just created the additional Interstitial ad
and will use them in both iOS and Android devices.
Ionic settings
Navigate to the root of the application with your Terminal/Command prompt and execute the
following command to add the cordova-plugin-admobpro¹⁰¹ plugin:
ionic plugin add cordova-plugin-admobpro

You should see the following output after running the command:

1 C:\Users\Nikola\Desktop\IonicTesting\Ionic_3rdTutorial>cordova plugin add cordov\

2 a-plugin-admobpro
3 Fetching plugin "cordova-plugin-admobpro" via npm
4 npm http GET
5 npm http 200
6 npm http GET\
7 -admobpro-2.9.6.tgz
8 npm http 200\
9 -admobpro-2.9.6.tgz
10 Installing "cordova-plugin-admobpro" for android
11 Fetching plugin "cordova-plugin-extension" via npm
12 npm http GET
13 npm http 304
14 Installing "cordova-plugin-extension" for android
15 Fetching plugin "cordova-plugin-googleplayservices" via npm
16 npm http GET
17 npm http 200
18 npm http GET\
19 ova-plugin-googleplayservices-19.0.3.tgz
20 npm http 200\
21 ova-plugin-googleplayservices-19.0.3.tgz
22 cordova-plugin-googleplayservices" will not install due to "C:\Users\Nikola\Desk\
23 top\IonicTesting\Ionic_3rdTutorial\plugins\" being instal\
24 led.
25 Installing "cordova-plugin-admobpro" for ios
26 Installing "cordova-plugin-extension" for ios

If you get an error like: Error: 404 Not Found: cordova-plugin-admobpro then please
check that you indeed have the latest version of cordova installed. You can update
to the newest version by executing npm install -g cordova

Now, add the following code to your app.js file, inside the .run function so that the run function
would now look like:
1 .run(function($ionicPlatform) {
2 $ionicPlatform.ready(function() {
3 // Hide the accessory bar by default (remove this to show the accessory \
4 bar above the keyboard
5 // for form inputs)
6 if (window.cordova && window.cordova.plugins.Keyboard) {
7 cordova.plugins.Keyboard.hideKeyboardAccessoryBar(true); 8
9 var admobid = {
10 banner: 'ca-app-pub-7957971173858308/9721191760',
11 interstitial: 'ca-app-pub-7957971173858308/3674658165'
12 };
13 if (AdMob) {
14 AdMob.createBanner({
15 adId: admobid.banner,
17 autoShow: true
18 });
19 }
20 })
21 })

Of course, change it according to your own admob_key which you obtained in the first part
(step 8). Also, you may want to have a different add for each platform and the way how you
would initialize the admobid object is this:

1 // select the right Ad Id according to platform

2 var admobid = {};
3 if( /(android)/i.test(navigator.userAgent) ) { // for android & amazon-fireos
4 admobid = {
5 banner: 'ca-app-pub-xxx/xxx',
6 interstitial: 'ca-app-pub-xxx/yyy' 7
8 }
9 else if(/(ipod|iphone|ipad)/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) { // for ios
10 admobid = {
11 banner: 'ca-app-pub-xxx/zzz',
12 interstitial: 'ca-app-pub-xxx/kkk' 13
14 }
15 else { // for windows phone
16 admobid = {
17 banner: 'ca-app-pub-xxx/zzz',
18 interstitial: 'ca-app-pub-xxx/kkk' 19
20 }

The documentation of this plugin is awesome with detailed examples and finished example
projects, so if you run into any problems make sure to check it out. Of course, you can always
ask below in the comments if you get stuck. One common thing that you might have to do is
to install some extras in Android SDK manager (type android sdk in your Terminal/Command
prompt to launch it) which are marked as Installed on the image below:

For more information about the Android SDK manager, take a look at the section about How
to test our application on the real physical devices and emulators.
This plugin’s documentation states an interesting fact that it is strongly recommend to use
the Interstitial ad type, because it brings more than 10 times profit than the banner Ad.
Here’s the table from the official documentation¹⁰²:
Ad Format Banner Interstitial
Click Rate < 1% 3-15%
RPM (1k impressions) 0.5$ - 4$ 10-100$

Banner ad is the small add that is usually placed in the bottom of the screen,
whereas Interstitial ads are full screen ads that cover the interface of their host
app. Therefore, you may want rather to opt for this kind of an ad instead for
the Banner one.

Of course, you can choose to use both also, which is exactly what we will do. First, add the
following line of code in the if (Admob) case in the app.js file which prepares the Interstitial
Ad for showing:

1 AdMob.prepareInterstitial( {adId:admobid.interstitial, autoShow:false} );

Now, lets say we want to show the Interstitial ad every 10th time the user clicks on any
of our calculator buttons. To achieve this, we’re going to set up a counter in our
CalculatorCtrl.js file

and increase it every time the button is pressed. Once the counter reaches the value 10, we
will show the Interstitial Ad and reset the counter. This is how this looks like in the code:

1 angular.module('calculator', [])
2 .controller('CalculatorCtrl', function($scope, $ionicPopup){
3 $scope.result = '';
4 $scope.counter = 1;
5 $scope.btnClicked = function(btn){
6 if (btn == 'C'){
7 $scope.result = '';
8 }
9 else if (btn == '='){
10 if ($scope.result == ''){
11 return;
12 }
13 try {
14 $scope.result = eval($scope.result).toFixed(0);
15 }
16 catch (err) {
17 $ionicPopup.alert({
18 title: 'Malformed input',
19 template: "Ooops, please try again..."
20 });
21 $scope.result = '';
22 }
23 }
24 else{
25 $scope.result += btn;
26 }
27 if ($scope.counter++ == 10){
28 AdMob.showInterstitial();
29 $scope.counter = 0;
30 }
31 };
32 });

So, the only novelties in this file are the $scope.counter variable and the added if statement
inside the $scope.btnClicked function.
We may need to play with the setting of after how many button presses we want to show
the Interstitial ad. We may even add it only after the users presses the equals (=) button
every 5th time, or we may even add it on a timer. Any way you choose, make sure you don’t
get too jumpy on your users or they’ll quit using your app.
Just for reference, here is the code which you would have to add to the if (AdMob) case in app.js
file in order to show the add every two minutes:

1 setInterval(AdMob.showInterstitial, 2*60*1000);

You can look at the accompanying StackOverflow question¹⁰³ which I answered which
discusses this matter in more detail.
Of course, you would then probably want to remove the Interstitial ad showing on every 10-
th click. Again, it’s important to note that there’s probably no exact formula here, but there
are some best practices, and this is what Google has to say about it:

Interstitial ads work best in apps with natural transition points. The conclusion of a
task within an app, like sharing an image or completing a game level, creates such
a point. Because the user is expecting a break in the action, it’s easy to present an
interstitial without disrupting their experience. Make sure you consider at which
points in your app’s workflow you’ll display interstitials, and how the user is
likely to respond.

You can learn a bit more about it here¹⁰⁴.

The solution for which I personally opted for in the end was to show the banner ads all the
time and to show the Interstitial ad every 5th time when the equals (=) button has been
pressed. Additionally I wait for 1 second after the 5th button click has been reached before
showing the Interstitial ad. Here’s how my CalculatorCtrl.js file looks like now:

1 angular.module('calculator', [])
2 .controller('CalculatorCtrl', function($scope, $ionicPopup){
3 $scope.result = '';
4 $scope.counter = 1;
5 $scope.btnClicked = function(btn){
6 if (btn == 'C'){
7 $scope.result = '';
8 }
9 else if (btn == '='){
10 if ($scope.result == ''){
11 return;
12 }
13 try {
14 $scope.result = eval($scope.result).toFixed(0); 15

16 catch (err) {
17 $ionicPopup.alert({
18 title: 'Malformed input',
19 template: "Ooops, please try again..." 20
21 $scope.result = '';
22 }
23 //on every 5th result show the Interstitial ad one second after the \
24 result appears
25 if ($scope.counter++ == 5){
26 setTimeout(function(){
27 if (AdMob){
28 AdMob.showInterstitial(); 29
30 $scope.counter = 1;
31 }, 1000);
32 }
33 }
34 else{
35 $scope.result += btn; 36
37 };
38 });

How to use cloud service to share our

application with other users without going
through the app store
Having the ability to immediately get feedback on something that you’re working on, without
having to install the app manually on your clients devices or waiting for the App
Store/Play Store approval is indispensable for constant feedback loop which is crucial in
rapid application development. This is something that Eric Ries stresses a lot in his book The
Lean Startup¹⁰⁵, which I already mentioned in the second chapter.
In Ionic this is actually easier than you may have thought. All you have to do is create the
account on https://apps.ionic.io¹⁰⁶ and after that in your Terminal/Command prompt in the
root of the project just type the following command:
ionic upload
This will prompt you to login with your username and password combination which you
created in the previous step. After successful login the app will be uploaded to the
cloud service and you will be able to view the app through an app called Ionic View¹⁰⁷,
which you can download for free on your smartphone from the App Store/Play Store.
The output of the above command is short: “‘ > ionic upload Uploading app…. Saved app_id,
writing to… Successfully uploaded (a82ec345)
Share your beautiful app with someone:
$ ionic share EMAIL
Saved api_key, writing to… “‘
And, as stated in the output, to share your app with a client or a friend, without first having
to go through the App Store/Play Store, just type:
ionic share EMAIL

where, of course, you change EMAIL with an actual email address.

On the image below it’s shown how the interface of¹⁰⁸ looks like
once you’re logged in and you can see the list of your uploaded apps:
After you entered the command for sharing your application the person gets an email like this:
After your client/friend clicks on the View app link he’s taken to the landing page shown
on the image below where they basically have to login or create an account:
Once the client/friend creates the account or logs in he will see the same app listed as we
showed before. As noted before, in order for them to test this application on their phone, all
they have to do is install the Ionic View¹⁰⁹ application, run it, login, click on the application
and select View App as shown on the image below:
How to test our application on the real
physical devices and emulators
If you run the application (to which you added AdMob) in the browser, you will see an error
in the Console output (if you’re using Chrome¹¹⁰ or Firebug¹¹¹) that AdMob is not defined, as
shown on the image below:

Also, if you view the app in Ionic View you will notice that no ads will show up. This is
because Cordova plugins don’t work in the browser, nor in the Ionic View. Instead, they
have to be tested on the real device or in an emulator (in iOS terminology the word
simulator is used).
In this section, we’re going to show how to install the needed prerequisites and how to run
our application in an emulator and on the actual physical device for both iOS and
Before we go any further, we have to add the cordova.js file.

In the previous versions of Ionic, during development in the browser, this file
would have resulted in a 404 Not found error, but once deployed on a real
physical device or emulator it would work fine. As of new versions of Ionic
this is fixed so that the cordova.js file has a simple content (when included in
index.html and tested in browser):
// mocked cordova.js response to prevent 404 errors during development

Add the following script tag just before the js/app.js script tag:
<script src="cordova.js"></script>

Just for reference, the whole contents of my index.html file is now as follows:

1 <!DOCTYPE html>
2 <html>
3 <head>
4 <meta charset="utf-8">
5 <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, user-scalab\
6 le=no, width=device-width">
7 <title>SuperSimple Calculator</title>
8 <link href="css/" rel="stylesheet">
9 <script src="lib/ionic/js/ionic.bundle.js"></script>
10 <link href="\
11 ss" rel="stylesheet">
12 <script src="cordova.js"></script>
13 <script src="js/app.js"></script>
14 <script src="js/CalculatorCtrl.js"></script>
15 </head>
17 <body ng-app="app" animation="slide-left-right-ios7">
18 <div>
19 <div>
20 <ion-nav-bar class="bar-stable">
21 <ion-nav-back-button class="button-icon icon ion-ios7-arrow-back\
22 ">Back</ion-nav-back-button>
23 </ion-nav-bar>
24 <ion-nav-view></ion-nav-view>
25 </div>
26 </div>
27 </body>
28 </html>

iOS settings
The main tool for developing native iOS applications is Xcode¹¹². Xcode is praiseworthily
free for download and it comes with a lot of simulators in which you can see how your app
would look like on a real device.
However, if you want to build and deploy iOS applications to the App Store, you need to have
a Mac computer¹¹³ since Xcode only works on their operating system. Yes, even if you’re
using Ionic, you need to use Xcode to build the application for iOS.
There are some ways around this, like for example with using a so-called Hackintosh¹¹⁴
computer, but honestly from my experience this is just not worth it.
If you’re really anti-Apple :), then you’ll be happy to know that there are services which allow
you to rent a Mac in the cloud¹¹⁵, just for the time you need to build your application. Also, Ionic
promissed to build a service that will allow you to build mobile apps for any supported
platform even if you don’t have a Mac, but we have to wait for this to become available.

To publish an app in the App Store (or test it on your own iOS device) you’ll
need to purchase the Apple Developer Program license which costs US $99 per
year. You’ll need to sign up at¹¹⁶, but don’t worry about
this for now; we’ll cover all the steps in the next where I’ll guide you through the
application deploy process for both the Apple’s App Store and Google’s Play

Installing the needed tools

As we’ve mentioned before, you need to install Xcode, and you can do that by opening
up the App Store application on your Mac and search for Xcode. You install it as any other
application by clicking on the download button and following the NextNextNext type of
installation just like any other.
After the installation is finished, open up Xcode, and navigate to Xcode -> Preferences ->
Downloads tab. Here you have to download the latest version of the Simulator available.
In my case, at the time of this writing, the version is iOS 8.4 Simulator, as you can see on the
image below:

Also, we need to install the ios-sim package with npm:

npm install -g ios-sim
Running our application in a simulator

Now, in order to test our application in a simulator all we have to do is execute the
following command:
ionic emulate ios

After a bunch of cryptic messages you should see an Xcode simulator open up and show
your awesome application along with a splash screen and ads:

If you test the app by doing five calculations, then after the fifth time you press the equals (=)
button the Interstitial ad will appear, as shown on the image below:
If you exit the simulator back to the home screen (by pressing ‘COMMAND + SHIFT + H)
you will see the application’s icon:

When we’re testing our application in browser with ionic serve we have that great live
realod feature. We can have that too in the emulator, if we run the emulator with the
extra flag –l. If we also want to see the console.log output, as we would see it in the browser,
then we have to add the flag –c:
1 ionic emulate ios -lc

Since we need to have an Apple Developer account in order to run the application
on our phsyical phone device, we will leave this for our next chapter where we’ll
also show how to deploy the application to the actual App Store.

Android settings
There are no prerequisites for Android development regarding the operating systems; you can
develop for Android on Mac, Linux, and Windows computers.
Android provides a number of tools for developers that are available for free from their website¹¹⁷.

To publish an app in the Play Store you’ll need to purchase the Developer Pro-
gram license which costs only US $25 one-time fee. You’ll need to sign up at¹¹⁸, but as said before - don’t worry; we’ll
cover all the steps in the next chapter.

Installing the needed tools

Here you basically have two options:

• Android Studio - full IDE with the SDK¹¹⁹ built in.

• Android SDK Tools - only the SDK

Both can be downloaded from¹²⁰ but I recommend that

you only download the SDK since we will not be using the actual Android IDE at all.

The installation of the SDK is also a simple NextNextNext type of installation on Windows
machine (if you downloaded the .exe version), and if you downloaded the zip file (on both
Mac or Windows) then you need to extract them to a certain folder (C:\Dev or
/Users/nikola/Dev for example) and set up the PATH variable correctly.

On Mac the PATH variable is set like this:

export PATH=$PATH:/Users/nikola/Dev/android-sdk/tools/

You may want to put this line to your .bash_profile (or any related that you may have) file.
For any further details about how to set the PATH variable you can take a look at this
As for Windows, the command would be:
set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Dev\android-sdk\tools

You may get a message that you don’t have java tools installed:

In that case simply click the More info button and you’ll go to their website where
you just have to click on the “Agree and start free download” button. After the
download run the .dmg file (on Mac OS) and finish the NextNextNext
installation. In that case, you will also have to download the JDK and you can do
so from the official site¹²².

To be honest, you may still encounter some errors while trying to get this to work and I’ve
answered quite a few issues on StackOverflow. So, if you get stuck at this point, just drop me a
line in the comments and I’ll do my best to help.
Once you’ve set the PATH variable correctly for your operating system, you can check if it’s
OK by opening up your Terminal/Command prompt and typing:
android --help

You should get an output similar to this one:

1 C:\Users\Nikola\Desktop>android
2 Usage:
3 android [global options] action [action options]
5 Global options:
6 -h --help : Help on a specific command.
7 -v --verbose : Verbose mode, shows errors, warnings and all messages.
8 --clear-cache : Clear the SDK Manager repository manifest cache.
9 -s --silent : Silent mode, shows errors
only. 10
11 Valid actions are composed of a verb and an optional direct object:
13 - sdk : Displays the SDK Manager window.
14 - avd : Displays the AVD Manager window.
15 - list : Lists existing targets or virtual devices.
16 - list avd : Lists existing Android Virtual Devices.
17 - list target : Lists existing targets.
18 - list device : Lists existing devices.
19 - list sdk : Lists remote SDK repository.
20 - create avd : Creates a new Android Virtual Device.
21 - move avd : Moves or renames an Android Virtual Device.
22 - delete avd : Deletes an Android Virtual Device.
23 - update avd : Updates an Android Virtual Device to match the folders o\
24 f a new SDK.
25 - create project : Creates a new Android project.
26 - update project : Updates an Android project (must already have an Android\
27 Manifest.xml).
28 - create test-project : Creates a new Android project for a test package.
29 - update test-project : Updates the Android project for a test package (must alr\
30 eady have an AndroidManifest.xml).
31 - create lib-project : Creates a new Android library project.
32 - update lib-project : Updates an Android library project (must already have an\
33 AndroidManifest.xml).
34 - create uitest-project: Creates a new UI test project.
35 - update adb : Updates adb to support the USB devices declared in the S\
36 DK add-ons.
37 - update sdk : Updates the SDK by suggesting new platforms to install i\
38 f available.

Finally, you need to set up the SDK packages, and to do so run the following command
in the Terminal/Command prompt:
android sdk
The SDK Manager allows you to download the platform files for any version of Android. I
recommend that you download just the most recent packages as shown on the image below:

As you can see from the image, the things you need to check and then click on Install are:

• Android SDK Tools

• Android SDK Platform-tools
• Android SDK Build-tools (choose the newest one)
• Android 6.0 (API 23) - here you can actually go with 5.1

As mentioned in the How to implement Google AdMob ads section, you need to install some
extra tools as shown on the image below:
Android SDK has an emulator that can emulate the screen size and resolution of most
Android devices, but to be honest it’s way too slow and klunky and I recommend that you do
not use it. Instead, download Genymotion¹²³ which is free for personal use.
After you install and run Genymotion you will see an iterface like this:
Now you have to add an emulator, and you can do this by clicking on the Add (+) button
where you’ll get a broad selection of options as shown on the image below.
Once you select one (I’m using a Samsung Galaxy S5) just click Next and confirm on the
confirmation window:
Once you have the device all set up you can run it by clicking the Start button and
Android will start up quickly:
Since Ionic sees the Genymotion device as a real device attached to your computer, you can’t
run ionic emulate android, as we did in the iOS section (with the obvious ios/android change).
Instead, you need to run the Ionic’s run command (before you do the build phase) like
ionic build android && ionic run android

This would now run the application on the Genymotion emulator and it would look like
shown on the image below:
If you would like to run the application on your own Android device then you first have to
run the following command to build the project:
ionic build android

The output of the command will be something like:

3 Total time: 5.536 secs
4 Built the following apk(s):
5 C:\Users\Nikola\Desktop\IonicTesting\Ionic_3rdTutorial\platforms\android\bui\
6 ld\outputs\apk\android-debug.apk

If you get an error saying something about graddle, please visit this
StackOverflow question¹²⁴ which shows how to resolve it by installing graddle
manually and changing the path to it in the build.js file.

To be able to test your application on your Android device, you have to enable the developer
settings and you can do that in few steps:

• Open the Settings view and scroll to About Phone

• At the bottom of the About Phone view find a Build Number and tap on it seven times
to enable the developer mode.
• After this you can go back to the Settings view and you’ll see a new option called
Developer Options

Now you have to enable the USB debugging, and you can do that in the next few steps:

• Select Developer Options item in the Settings view

• Scroll down until you see the USB debugging option
• Toggle it ON
• Now your device is set up for debugging, and when it’s connected to your computer
you’ll be able to deploy the application to the device

Now connect your device and execute the following command in your Termina/Command prompt:
adb devices

You should see a list of devices that are attached to your computer (Genymotion emulators
will also show up here), among which the one that you just attached.
Now, to install the application on your attached device first make sure that you’re in the
root directory of the project (Ionic_3rdTutorial in our case) and then run the following command
from your Terminal/Command prompt:
adb –d install platforms\android\build\outputs\apk\android-debug.apk

Find the application in your application list and open it. You should see the ads in the bottom
and after the fifth calculation you should see an Interstitial ad appear.
If for some reason the adb command wouldn’t work for you, you can always just
copy the generated .apk file manually to your connected device (for example in
the Down- loads folder). After that open the Downloads folder on your phone with
the file manager application that you use and open the .apk file that you
pasted. This way you’ll be prompted to install the application on your phone
and then you’ll be able to find it in the programs list:

In this chapter, we showed you how to polish our existing calculator application by
improving the design and user experience. Next, we showed how to automatically create
icons and splash screen images. Then we covered how to make money with our application
by using Google AdMob ads. Also, we showed how to share our application with other users
without going through the app stores. Finally, we showed how to test our application on the
real physical devices and emulators.
In the next chapter we’re going to show how to prepare the application for the Apple’s App
Store and Google’s Play Store and finally how to publish the application to both Apple’s App
Store and Google’s Play Store.
How to publish our calculator
application to the Apple’s App Store
and Google’s Play Store

This chapter wraps the series in a whole where we showed how to create an
application starting with an idea, through creating a prototype and implementing
the application using Ionic framework to finally (in this tutorial) publishing it
in the stores.

You can see the finished product on the header image and you can check out the application
by downloading it from the App Store or Play Store here¹²⁵.
This fourth chapter is divided into two sections, each for one store. We’ll start with Google’s
Play Store.

Google Play Store

In this section we’re going to go over the following steps:

How to publish our calculator application to the Apple’s App Store and Google’s Play 10
Store 3
• How to prepare the application for production
• How to create the keystore file
• How to build the production ready application
• How to get the developer license
• How to sign the APK file
• How to optimize the APK file
• How to build the update of your application
• How to create the application listing
• How to upload the application to the Play Store

Preparing our application for production

Basically, you should remove any unnecessary plugins or libraries which you may have
installed during development that you didn’t end up using. In our example, we can safely
remove the cordova- plugin-console by executing the following command: cordova plugins
remove cordova-plugin- console.

Next, in your package.json file you should change the name and description properties. This
is how I’ve set up mine:

1 {
2 "name": "SuperSimpleCalculator",
3 "version": "1.0.0",
4 "description": "SuperSimple Calculator by Nikola Brežnjak",
5 "dependencies": {
6 "gulp": "^3.5.6",
7 "gulp-sass": "^1.3.3",
8 "gulp-concat": "^2.2.0",
9 "gulp-minify-css": "^0.3.0",
10 "gulp-rename": "^1.2.0"
11 },
12 "devDependencies": {
13 "bower": "^1.3.3",
14 "gulp-util": "^2.2.14",
15 "shelljs": "^0.3.0"
16 },
17 "cordovaPlugins": [
18 "cordova-plugin-device",
19 "cordova-plugin-whitelist",
20 "cordova-plugin-splashscreen",
21 "com.ionic.keyboard",
22 "cordova-plugin-admobpro"
23 ],
24 "cordovaPlatforms": [
25 "ios",
26 "android"
27 ]
28 }

In the config.xml file make sure that you change the widget id, name, description and author
elements. My file looks like this now:

1 <widget id="com.nikola-breznjak.calculator" version="1.0.0" xmlns="http://www.w3\

2 .org/ns/widgets" xmlns:cdv="" xmlns:gap="http://\
4 <name>SuperSimple Calculator</name>
5 <description>
6 An Ionic Framework SuperSimple Calculator application.
7 </description>
8 <author email="" href="\ 9
10 Nikola Brežnjak
11 </author>

Setting up a keystore
A keystore file stores the security key that we’ll use later to sign our application. By doing this
we can verify that we’re the author of the application. You can learn more about application
signing from the official documentation¹²⁶.
In order to create a keystore, execute the following command (change SuperSimpleCalculator
keyword with your own):
keytool -genkey -v -keystore SuperSimpleCalculator.keystore -alias SuperSimpleCalcu-
lator -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000

You will be asked for a password two times (do not forget it!). The process looks like this:

1 C:\Users\Nikola\Desktop\IonicTesting\Ionic_4thTutorial>keytool -genkey -v -keyst\
2 ore SuperSimpleCalculator.keystore -alia
3 s SuperSimpleCalculator -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000
4 Enter keystore password:
5 Re-enter new password:
6 What is your first and last name?
7 [Unknown]: Nikola Brežnjak
8 What is the name of your organizational unit?
9 [Unknown]:
10 What is the name of your organization?
11 [Unknown]: Nikola Brežnjak
12 What is the name of your City or Locality?
13 [Unknown]: Zagreb
14 What is the name of your State or Province?
15 [Unknown]:
16 What is the two-letter country code for this unit?
17 [Unknown]: HR
18 Is CN=Nikola Bre×njak, OU=Unknown, O=Nikola Bre×njak, L=Zagreb, ST=Unknown, C=HR\
19 correct?
20 [no]: What is your first and last name?
21 [Nikola Bre×njak]:
22 C:\Users\Nikola\Desktop\IonicTesting\Ionic_4thTutorial>keytool -genkey -v -keyst\
23 ore SuperSimpleCalculator.keystore -alia
24 s SuperSimpleCalculator -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000
25 Enter keystore password:
26 Re-enter new password:
27 What is your first and last name?
28 [Unknown]: Nikola Breznjak
29 What is the name of your organizational unit?
30 [Unknown]:
31 What is the name of your organization?
32 [Unknown]:
33 What is the name of your City or Locality?
34 [Unknown]: Zagreb
35 What is the name of your State or Province?
36 [Unknown]:
37 What is the two-letter country code for this unit?
38 [Unknown]: HR
39 Is CN=Nikola Breznjak, OU=Unknown, O=Unknown, L=Zagreb, ST=Unknown, C=HR correct?
40 [no]: yes
42 Generating 2.048 bit RSA key pair and self-signed certificate (SHA256withRSA) wi\
43 th a validity of 10.000 days
44 for: CN=Nikola Breznjak, OU=Unknown, O=Unknown, L=Zagreb, ST=Unknown, C=\
45 HR
46 Enter key password for <SuperSimpleCalculator>
47 (RETURN if same as keystore password):
48 [Storing SuperSimpleCalculator.keystore]

This command will create a SuperSimpleCalculator.keystore file. You should place this file in
a place where you’ll remember it, because you’ll need this file for any app updates you’ll want
to push to the Play Store. However, just to make things clear; for every new application
that you make, you need to create a new keystore file.

Building the production ready application

To create a production version of your application, execute the following command:
cordova build --release android

This will generate a new unsigned APK file (Android app file type, just like .exe is on
Windows), inside the platforms/android/ant-build/ folder. The build process should end with
an output similar to this:

2 Total time: 35.208 secs
3 Built the following apk(s):
4 C:\Users\Nikola\Desktop\IonicTesting\Ionic_4thTutorial\platforms\android\bui\
5 ld\outputs\apk\android-release-unsigned.apk

Here you can see the exact full path to the unsigned, production (release-ready) APK file of
your application.

Signing the APK file

Now we’ll sign the unsigned version of the APK with a keystore. We can do this with the tool called
jarsigner. First, copy the keystore to the same directory where your unsigned APK file is (in my
case: C:\Users\Nikola\Desktop\IonicTesting\Ionic_4thTutorial\platforms\android\build\outputs\apk\ ).
Next, rename the .apk file to something more meaningful, like for example SuperSimpleCalculator-
In your terminal navigate to this folder and execute the following command:
jarsigner -verbose -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore SuperSimpleCalcula-
tor.keystore SuperSimpleCalculator-release-unsigned.apk SuperSimpleCalculator
You will be prompted for the keystore password. You can test that the app is signed properly
with the following command:
$ jarsigner -verify -verbose -certs CordovaApp-release-unsigned.apk

This should return something like jar verified.

If you get a warning like this: Warning: No -tsa or -tsacert is provided and this jar is
not timestamped. Without a timestamp, users may not be able to validate this jar after
the signer certificate's expiration date (2043-04-07) or after any future revocation
date. you don’t have to worry (you can learn more about it here¹²⁷), and you can move safely

Optimizing the APK file

With the zipalign tool we can optimize the APK file so that it reduces the amount of space
and RAM required by the app on a device. You can learn more about zipalign from the
official documentation¹²⁸.
The zipalign tool just takes the name of the signed file (we still have unsigned in the name of
our file because we didn’t change it in the previous step) and the name of the file to generate.
To optimize the APK file execute the following command:
zipalign -v 4 SuperSimpleCalculator-release-unsigned.apk SuperSimpleCalculator.apk

The process finishes with the Verification succesful output and you will get a
SuperSimpleCal- culator.apk file which you can submit to the Google Play Store.
You may get an error like:

zipalign is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program

or batch file.

In this case, you need to search your computer for the zipalign file, and make sure it’s in
your system PATH to fix this problem. Alternatively, you can enter a full path to the
zipalign file (in my case, on Windows, the the path to the file was C:\Android\android-
sdk\build- tools\21.1.2\zipalign.exe ).

Building the update of your application

To build an update of an existing app you have to follow the same steps except that you don’t
need to create another keystore. You have to use the same keystore to sign the application for
every update, becase the update will be otherwise rejected and you’ll have to create a new
app listing.
You must update the version in the config.xml file for the next release, otherwise the app will
not be properly updated on your users’ devices. To learn more about versioning you can take
a look at the official documentation¹²⁹, or this StackOverflow question¹³⁰.

Creating the app listing and uploading the app to the Play Store
The first thing you should do is sign up for the Google developer program at If you’re not going to make applications as an individial then
it’s recommended that you create a
separate Google account for your apps (you need it to sign up). You’ll need to pay $25 one-time fee
for a developer license.
You start by clicking the Add new application button on the right hand side as shown on the
image below:

Now the popup appears, as show on the image below, and you have to put a Title for
your application. Here you basically have options to Upload the APK and to Prepare the
Store Listing.

We’re going to upload our APK to production, by simply clicking on the Upload your first
APK to Production button once on the PRODUCTION tab, then selecting the signed APK that
we made in the previous section.

Once the upload is finished you’ll see something like it’s shown on the image below, and on
the left hand side you’ll see the green checkmark next to the APK, meaning that you’ve
completed the APK
upload step.

Next you have to set the graphics for your application. Please note that you have to put at
least 2 screenshots!
Then we have to select a category:
Next up is the Content rating where you’ll be asked quite a few questions (here you’ll be able
to better choose the category of your application because it will be listing a few example
Next you have to click on the Save questionnaire, and after that on the Get rating button.
After the content rating is done, you’ll be able to click the Apply rating button.
Finally, you will now have an option to click the Publish app button:

With this your app now goes into the review process which in my case took 4 hours. Until the
app is published you will see a In review status, and once the app is published you’ll see the

If you click on the View in play store¹³² link you’ll see the listing in Play Store:
You can use this link to share your application on a simple landing page like this one¹³³:
Apple App Store
First, you need to enroll in Apple Developer Program¹³⁴. As with Google, if you have a
personal account with Apple, you can create an additional one for your applications.
As I mentioned in the first chapter, the fee is 99$ paid yearly and in my case the process took
2 days to be accepted in the program. Also, you’ll have to have a Mac computer. Sure, there
are ways around it, but I don’t recommend them. For starters, a cheap Mac Mini will do
just fine.

Connecting Xcode with your developer account

After you receive your developer status, open Xcode on your Mac and go to Preferences ->
Accounts and add your account to Xcode by clicking the + button on the lower left hand
side, and follow the instructions:
Now that you linked Xcode with your developer account, go to Preferences -> Accounts,
select your Apple Id on the left hand side and then click the View Details button shown on
the previous image. You should see the popup similar to the one on the image below:

Click the Create button next to the iOS Distribution option.

You can learn more about maintaining your signing identities and certificates from the official

Setting up the app identifier

Next, through the Apple Developer Member Center¹³⁶ we’ll set up the app ID identifier
details. Identifiers are used to allow an app to have access to certain app services like for
example Apple Pay. You can login to Apple Developer Member Center with your Apple ID
and password.
Once you’re logged in you should choose Certificates, Identifiers, and Profiles option as
shown on the image below:

On the next screen, shown on the image below, select the Identifiers option under the iOS Apps.
One the next screen, shown on the image below, select the plus (+) button in order to add a
new iOS App ID.

On the next screen, shown partialy on the image below, you’ll have to set the name of your
app, and use the Explicit App ID option and set the Bundle ID to the value of the id in your
Cordova config.xml <widget> tag.
Additionally, you’ll have to choose any of the services that need to be enabled. For example, if
you use Apple Pay or Wallet in your app, you need to choose those option. By default you
can’t deselect Game Center and In-App Purchase options, but for details on how to do this
you can take a look at this Stackoverflow question¹³⁷.
You can learn more about registering app identifiers from the official documentation¹³⁸.
Creating the app listing
Apple uses iTunes Connect¹³⁹ to manage app submissions. After you login, you should see a
screen similar to the one on the image below:

Here you have to select the My Apps button, and on the next screen select the + button, just
below the iTunes Conenct My Apps header, as shown on the image below:

This will show three options in a dropdown, and you should select the New App. After this the
popup appears, as shown on the image below, where you have to choose the name of the
application, platform, primary language, bundle ID and SKU. As you can see on the image
below I had to name my application differently, because SuperSimple Calculator was taken by
some other application
already published in the store.

Once you’re done, click on the Create button and you’ll be presented with the following
screen where you’ll have to set some basic options like Privacy Policy URL, category and sub
Now, before we fill out everything in the listing, we’ll build our app and get it uploaded with
Xcode. Then you’ll come back to finish the listing.
You can learn more about managing your app in iTunes Connect from the official documentation¹⁴⁰.

Building the app for production

In the root directory of your application execute the following command: cordova build ios
-- release

If everything went well you’ll see the BUILD SUCCEEDED output in the console.

Oppening the project in Xcode

Now, open the platforms/ios/SuperSimpleCalculator.xcodeproj file in Xcode (of course you
would change SuperSimpleCalculator with your own name).
Once the Xcode opens up the project, you should see the details about your app in the
general view, as shown on the image below:
You should just check that the bundle identifier is set up correctly, so that it’s the same as the
value you specified earlier in the app ID. Also, make sure that the version and build numbers
are correct. Team option should be set to your Apple developer account. Under the
deployment target you can choose which devices your application will support.
Since we’re on this setting screen right now, I should mention that it’s very important
that you select the Requires full screen option, otherwise you may (as I did) get the
following error when uploading the app to the App Store (covered futher in the chapter):
Invalid Bundle. iPad Multitasking support requires these orientations:
Found 'UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait,UIInterfaceOrientationPortraitUpsideDown' in bun-
dle 'com.bitscoffee.PhotoMarks.iOS'.

You can learn more about this error from this StackOverflow question¹⁴¹.

Creating an archive of the application

In Xcode, select Product -> Scheme -> Edit Scheme to open the scheme editor. Next, select
the Archive from the list on the left hand side. Make sure that the Build configuration is set
to Release as shown on the image below:
To create an archive choose a Generic iOS Device, or your device if it’s connected to your
Mac (you can’t create an archive if simulator is selected), from the Scheme toolbar menu in
the project editor, as shown on the image below:

Next, select Product -> Archive, and the Archive organizer appears and displays the new
archive. At this point Xcode runs some preliminary validations on the archive and it may
display validation warnings in the project editor. At this point I got a few errors shown on
the image below:
This problem was resolved by the solution posted in this Stack Overflow question¹⁴² where
basically the solution was to double click the <multiple values> under Header Search Paths
and change
$(OBJROOT)/UninstalledProducts/include to $(OBJROOT)/UninstalledProducts/$(PLATFORM_-
NAME)/include‘ as shown on the image below:

Another error that I got was about bitcode support. You can learn more about the error and
solution from this StackOverflow question¹⁴³, but basically you have to set the Bitcode
support to No in the Build Options, as shown on the image below:
After you fix any errors you can repeat the Product -> Archive step and when it succeeds it
will bring up the window as shown on the image below:

Here it’s recommended that you click the Validate button which will check your app for
any additional issues. If everything goes well, you’ll see the following notification:
At this point you can click the Upload to App Store... button, and if everything goes fine
you’ll have an uploaded app, and the only thing that’s left to do is to complete the iTunes
Connect listing and submit it for review!
If you get an email from iTunes Connect shortly after you uploaded the archive with the
content similar to this:

1 We have discovered one or more issues with your recent delivery for "Super Simp\
2 listic Calculator". Your delivery was successful, but you may wish to correct th\
3 e following issues in your next delivery:
5 Missing Push Notification Entitlement - Your app appears to include API used to \
6 register with the Apple Push Notification service, but the app signature's entit\
7 lements do not include the "aps-environment" entitlement.

If you’re not using Push Notifications then you don’t have to worry, as stated in the official
Ionic framework forum¹⁴⁴.

Finishing the app list process

Now you should head back to the iTunes Connect portal¹⁴⁵ and login. Next, click on the
Pricing and Availability on the left hand side under ‘APP STORE INFORMATION. Basically,
all that I’ve set here is the price 0 (Free) as you can see on the image below:
You don’t have to worry about forgetting to insert any crucial and required
information about your application, since you’ll be notified about what’s missing
and what needs to be added/changed if you try to submit the app for review
before all details are filled in.

Next, click on the 1.0 Prepare for Submission button on the left hand side, as shown on the
image below. When we uploaded our archive, iTunes Connect automatically determined which
device sizes are supported. As you can also see on the image below, you’ll need to upload at
least one screenshot image for each of the various app sizes that were detected by iTunes
From my personal experience, the easiest way to generate these images is to simulate the app
in Simulator and make a screenshot of different screen sizes. However, please note that you
have to make sure that your Window -> Scale property in the Simulator is set to 100%,
otherwise the image size will not be the one as expected in iTunes Connect.
Next you’ll have to insert Description, Keywords, Support URL and Marketing URL (,
as shown on the image below:

In the Build section you have to click on the + button and select the build which we’ve
uploaded through Xcode in the previous steps, as shown on the image below:
Next you’ll have to upload the icon, edit the rating, and set some additional info like
copyright and your information. Note that the size of the icon that you’ll have to upload
here will have to be 1024 by 1024 pixels. Thankfully, you can use the splash.png from the
second chapter. If you’re the sole developer then the data in the App Review Information
should be your own. Finally, as the last option, you can leave the default checked option
that once your app is approved that it is automatically released to the App Store.
Now that we’re finished with adding all of the details to the app listing, we can press Save and then
Submit for Review. Finally, you’ll be presented with the last form that you’ll have to fill out:

The only “tricky” question may be the one about Content rights. In our example we can safely
select No. Since we’re using AdMob in our application we have to select Yes in the
Advertising Identifier and check the Serve advertisements within the app checkbox. You
can learn more about it from this StackOverflow question¹⁴⁶.
After you submit your app for review you’ll see the status of it in the My Apps as Waiting
for review, as shown on the image below. Also, shortly after you submit your app for review

you’ll get
a confirmation email from iTunes Connect that your app is in review.

Apple prides itself with a manual review process, which basically means it can take several
days for your app to be reviewed. You’ll be notified of any issues or updates to your app
status. From my personal experience it usualy takes up to 5 days for the app to be

Updating the app

Since you’ll probably want to update your app at some point you’ll first have to update the
build and version numbers in the Cordova config.xml file and then rebuild the application and
open it up from the Xcode and follow the same steps all over again.
Once you submit for the review, you’ll have to wait for the review process again. It’s pivotal to
note that if your changes aren’t too big you could use Ionic Deploy¹⁴⁷ to update your application
without going through the review process, but more about this in the future tutorials.

In this chapter, we showed you how to prepare the application for the Apple’s App Store and
Google’s Play Store, how to create the listings and finally how to publish the application to
both stores.
With this, I leave you and hope you had a great learning experience with this book.
I have few of the project ideas lined up already for the next posts over at Pluralsight.
However, I encourage you to share your wishes and ideas about what kind of an app would
you like to see built step by step. Remember, I’m here to help you get the best of Ionic
framework so don’t hesitate to ask.
How to get help with Ionic framework
Few of the resources that proved indispensable when I was learning about Ionic:

• For a quick framework reference, I’m suggesting the official documentation¹⁴⁸, which is
indeed very good.
• If you’re in search for a good book about Ionic, then you don’t need to look further than
Ionic in Action: Hybrid Mobile Apps with Ionic and AngularJS¹⁴⁹
• Of course, if you haven’t, check out my first three posts in this series
• One of the best resources on the net for programming related questions, about which
you’ve no doubt heard, is StackOverflow¹⁵⁰. You can view the specific Ionic tagged
questions via this link¹⁵¹ or even this one¹⁵². However, I urge you to please read their help
page¹⁵³ before posting questions (especially if you’re a new user to StackOverflow)
because otherwise you may have a bad experience. If you’re a new StackOverflow user,
who’s in a hurry to get acquainted with it, make sure you at least go through this 2-
minute tour¹⁵⁴.
• To get started with AngluarJS try these¹⁵⁵ few¹⁵⁶ resources¹⁵⁷, not necessarily in that
particular order.
• Let me just kind of repeat myself by saying that if you have any questions about
Ionic framework, or you had trouble following this tutorial (you couldn’t install
something), or you would like to suggest what kind of tutorials you would like to see
regarding Ionic in the future, then please share it in the comments below. Also, you
can reach me personally via @HitmanHR¹⁵⁸ or my blog¹⁵⁹. I’ll do my best to
answer all of your questions.
• If, however, you favor “one on one” help, you can reach me via HackHands¹⁶⁰.



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