Database Design 1-4: Major Transformations in Computing Practice Activities
Database Design 1-4: Major Transformations in Computing Practice Activities
Database Design 1-4: Major Transformations in Computing Practice Activities
Identify the vocabulary word for each definition below.
Infrastructure The basic framework or features of a system
Try It / Solve It
1. Provide a definition and an example of each of these:
a. Hardware
Hardware atau yang lebih dikenal dengan sebutan perangkat keras adalah semua jenis
komponen yang ada pada komputer yang mana bagian fisiknya dapat terlihat secara kasat
mata atau dapat dirasakan secara langsung. Jadi bisa dikatakan jika hardware adalah
peralatan fisik komputer yang berguna untuk melakukan proses input, proses, dan output.
Contoh Hardware : Printer, Monitor, Mouse, Keyboard, dll
b. Operating system
sistem operasi komputer berarti komponen dan metode kerja yang ada dalam komputer.
Tujuannya untuk menghubungkan manusia dengan komputer atau perangkat lunak dengan
perangkat keras. Sistem operasi dalam bahasa Inggris dikenal sebagai operating system
Contoh Sistem Operasi : Windows, Linux, Mac Os dan Chrome book
c. Software
Perangkat lunak atau peranti lunak (bahasa Inggris: software) adalah istilah khusus untuk
data yang diformat, dan disimpan secara digital, termasuk program komputer,
dokumentasinya, dan berbagai informasi yang bisa dibaca, dan ditulis oleh komputer. Dengan
kata lain, bagian sistem komputer yang tidak berwujud.
Contoh Software Berdasarkan Distribusi : Freeware, Adware, Shareware
Contoh Software Berdasarkan Jenis : Applications Software Seperti office word, Exel dll
2. How has the major transformation of cell phones impacted day-to-day activities of a service repair
company – what can the service repair person do today that they could not do before this
Jawaban : Now they can give support on phone. Even cross platform audio/video calling is
available. This reduces the distance b/w remote support representative and customer
3. List three e-businesses that use database software and describe how the database software is
being used.
4. Write down the steps of a simple credit-card transaction. How many places does the information
go, and what happens if the transaction is not complete at any one of the steps? What role does a
database play in this process?
Making the Purchase. The customer finds a product that he or she likes and decides to make
the purchase. The customer can use a credit card to pay for the item in the store, through an
online payment gateway, by phone or by mail.
Entering the Transaction. The credit card is swiped through a secure credit card terminal, or
the card and transaction information is entered in. For e-commerce transactions, the
cardholder keys in the payment option. Generally, online store gives the option to customer
to save credit card details to their DB for future use, if customer wishes to.
Transmitting the Data. The credit card data is transmitted for approval as the terminal, point
of sales system or secure payment gateway is connected to the processing network.
Approve or Decline. Once the data is transmitted, the credit card issuer can approve or
decline the transaction. This is based on the validity of the card, the transaction, as well as
the cardholder’s available funds. This is based on information retrieved from card provider
Responding. If the transaction is approved, the processor and the merchant receive an
authorization response (along with unique identifier). To identify this pending debit, a unique
identifier is maintained in payment gateway and is mapped to entries in card provider
database records too.
Completing the Transaction. The merchant completes the transaction. And stores relevant
information in orders in his DB.
Submitting a Batch Closure. The merchant completes the credit card payment process at the
end of the day with a batch closure. This closes out the transactions that have been
processed on that day. The processor’s acquiring bank then collects the funds from the credit
card issuers. This marks the transaction complete in merchant’s DB, payment gateway
provider DB and card provider DB.
Depositing the Funds. The processor’s acquiring bank then deposits the funds into the
merchant’s business account. This typically takes up to 48 hours.