PBPO008E Frontmatter
PBPO008E Frontmatter
PBPO008E Frontmatter
David Finney
This book has been written so that it can be understood by general techniques and operating in square wave
engineers, not just by experts in the field. It should therefore be and pulse modulated modes.
of great use to any engineer involved with variable speed drives in He has published a number of articles
any capacity. It should also be of interest to university and college and given lectures around the world in his
chosen subject.
electrical engineering departments and students.
Variable Frequency
AC Motor Drive
Other volumes in this series:
Volume 1 Power circuit breaker theory and design C.H. Flurscheim (Editor)
Volume 4 Industrial microwave heating A.C. Metaxas and R.J. Meredith
Volume 7 Insulators for high voltages J.S.T. Looms
Volume 8 Variable frequency AC motor drive systems D. Finney
Volume 10 SF6 switchgear H.M. Ryan and G.R. Jones
Volume 11 Conduction and induction heating E.J. Davies
Volume 13 Statistical techniques for high voltage engineering W. Hauschild and
W. Mosch
Volume 14 Uninterruptable power supplies J. Platts and J.D. St Aubyn (Editors)
Volume 15 Digital protection for power systems A.T. Johns and S.K. Salman
Volume 16 Electricity economics and planning T.W. Berrie
Volume 18 Vacuum switchgear A. Greenwood
Volume 19 Electrical safety: a guide to causes and prevention of hazards
J. Maxwell Adams
Volume 21 Electricity distribution network design, 2nd edition E. Lakervi and
E.J. Holmes
Volume 22 Artificial intelligence techniques in power systems K. Warwick, A.O. Ekwue
and R. Aggarwal (Editors)
Volume 24 Power system commissioning and maintenance practice K. Harker
Volume 25 Engineers’ handbook of industrial microwave heating R.J. Meredith
Volume 26 Small electric motors H. Moczala et al.
Volume 27 AC-DC power system analysis J. Arrill and B.C. Smith
Volume 29 High voltage direct current transmission, 2nd edition J. Arrillaga
Volume 30 Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS) Y-H. Song (Editor)
Volume 31 Embedded generation N. Jenkins et al.
Volume 32 High voltage engineering and testing, 2nd edition H.M. Ryan (Editor)
Volume 33 Overvoltage protection of low-voltage systems, revised edition P. Hasse
Volume 34 The lightning flash V. Cooray
Volume 35 Control techniques drives and controls handbook W. Drury (Editor)
Volume 36 Voltage quality in electrical power systems J. Schlabbach et al.
Volume 37 Electrical steels for rotating machines P. Beckley
Volume 38 The electric car: development and future of battery, hybrid and fuel-cell
cars M. Westbrook
Volume 39 Power systems electromagnetic transients simulation J. Arrillaga and
N. Watson
Volume 40 Advances in high voltage engineering M. Haddad and D. Warne
Volume 41 Electrical operation of electrostatic precipitators K. Parker
Volume 43 Thermal power plant simulation and control D. Flynn
Volume 44 Economic evaluation of projects in the electricity supply industry H. Khatib
Volume 45 Propulsion systems for hybrid vehicles J. Miller
Volume 46 Distribution switchgear S. Stewart
Volume 47 Protection of electricity distribution networks, 2nd edition J. Gers and
E. Holmes
Volume 48 Wood pole overhead lines B. Wareing
Volume 49 Electric fuses, 3rd edition A. Wright and G. Newbery
Volume 51 Short circuit currents J. Schlabbach
Volume 905 Power system protection, 4 volumes
Variable Frequency
AC Motor Drive
David Finney
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Preface ix
1 AC motors 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 The induction motor 2
1.2.1 Induction motor principles 3
1.2.2 The variable frequency induction motor 9
1.2.3 The equivalent circuit 14
1.2.4 The vector diagram 20
1.2.5 Equations and relationships 21
1.2.6 Examples of calculations 26
1.3 The synchronous motor 32
1.3.1 Synchronous motor principles 33
1.3.2 Equivalent circuits and vector diagrams 36
1.3.3 Equations and relationships 40
1.3.4 Examples of calculations 42
1.4 Harmonics in AC motors 45
1.4.1 Harmonic power losses 46
1.4.2 Torque pulsations 46
1.4.3 Harmonic equivalent circuits 47
1.5 Motor power losses 49
1.6 Motor voltages to earth 52
4 The six step voltage source inverter for induction motors 131
4.1 Introduction 131
4.2 Principles of operation 131
4.3 Detailed analysis of the system 135
4.3.1 Circuit waveforms 136
4.3.2 Relationships and equations 142
4.3.3 Examples of calculations 148
4.4 Practical circuit design considerations 151
4.4.1 Overcurrent protection 152
4.4.2 Overvoltage protection 154
4.4.3 Factors affecting specifications 154
4.4.4 Circuit variations 156
4.5 Overall control methods 158
4.5.1 Supply convertor control 159
4.5.2 Inverter control 159
4.5.3 Typical control schemes 160
4.6 Performance and application 161
4.6.1 Torque/speed characteristics 162
4.6.2 Speed control accuracy 164
4.6.3 Supply power factor and harmonics 164
5 The Pulse Width Modulated voltage source inverter for induction
motors 166
5.1 Introduction 166
5.2 Principles of operation 166
5.2.1 Pulse width modulation 167
5.2.2 The PWM drive system 174
Contents vii
10 The slip energy recovery system for wound rotor induction motors 349
10.1 Introduction 349
10.2 Principles of operation 350
10.3 Detailed analysis of the system " 354
10.3.1 Circuit waveforms 355
10.3.2 The motor equivalent circuit 357
10.3.3 The motor vector diagram 360
10.3.4 Circuit equations and relationships 360
10.3.5 Examples of calculations 364
10.4 Practical circuit designs 367
10.4.1 Overcurrent protection 368
10.4.2 Overvoltage protection 369
10.4.3 Circuit variations 370
x Contents
Bibliography 380
Index 390
During recent years there has been a surge of interest in the subject of AC
Variable Frequency Motor Drives and this has been mainly due to the many
technical and financial benefits which can be derived from being able to vary the
speed of a process. The plant can be operated under its optimum condition
whatever its loading and in many cases considerable energy savings can be made
compared to other drive arrangements.
During the same period there has also been considerable technical advance in
the capabilities of such drive systems due mainly to the emergence of high
quality semiconductor power switches and control microprocessors. This has
caused the cost of these drive systems to reduce so that the overall economics
of their application can be favourable in an increasing range of potential uses.
In writing this book my aim has been to explain the technicalities of these
drives in such a way that they can be understood by as wide a range of people
as possible so as to encourage the increasing use of these systems.
It has not been written just for the technical expert in this area of drives but
also for the people who will use, apply and maintain such systems as well as
those who only have a general interest in the subject. I have also included
information which will be of particular interest to the college and university
departments dealing with power electronic equipment and I hope this book
helps them widen the scope of their curriculum to include variable speed drives.
The preparation of this book was greatly assisted by my developing a set of
computer programmes designed to model the individual drive systems. As a
result I have decided to complete the development of these programmes and to
make them available to others.
These programmes model the steady state behaviour of the drive systems and
using them it is possible to:
a) Model any drive, of any size, of any speed range operating at any
voltage level.
b) Operate the computer as though it were the drive, using the keyboard
to input your requirements and observing the drive operation on the
xii Preface
c) Establish all the variable parameters of the drive under any condition
of operation. All the supply convertor, motor convertor and motor
currents, voltages and power factors, etc., are available at any
operating speed and torque.
d) Observe the switching sequences of the power circuits while con-
trolling the drive model from the computer keyboard.
e) Obtain printed graph plots of the variation of all the drive parameters
from a printer connected to the computer.
f) Carry out experiments on the drive model under a variety of con-
ditions, as though it was a set of laboratory equipment. It is possible
to start with a simplified system, e.g. neglecting power losses, etc. and
to gradually increase the system complexity until a full practical drive
is being modelled and studied.
These programmes are a very important aid to the full understanding of these
drive systems. Further details can be obtained from ORANGE ENTER-
I would like to thank all my colleagues at G.E.C. Industrial Controls, Rugby,
for the help they have given me, this book would not have been possible without
their help, specifically I would like to thank Mr. David Martin for much expert
advice. Special thanks are due to my wife, Lesley, for being patient during the
many hours of writing and for the time she spent transferring my untidy
handwriting into our word processor and hence into the typed manuscript.
Acknowledgement is also given to The General Electric Company of England
and to G.E.C. Industrial Controls, Ltd, for permission to publish this book, the
contents of which I learned while in their employ.
May I hope that all readers find this book interesting, informative and