Public Outrage and Criminal Justice: Lessons From The Jessica Lal Case

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March 16, 2009 12:22 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in JessicaLal



Department of Economics, Columbia University

Department of Economics, Barnard College, Columbia University

Witness tampering and public outrage have combined to affect judicial out-
comes in a series of high-profile criminal cases in India. We study how these
phenomena operate together in a country with extremes of wealth and poverty,
but with functioning judicial and political systems. Bribes and threats are intri-
cately linked in the strategic interaction between offenders and witnesses. Not
only do bribes provide a direct incentive that can suppress testimony, they also
signal a greater likelihood of retaliation and hence serve as implicit threats to
witnesses. The possibility of public outrage turns out to be an effective con-
straint on witness tampering. In many situations, greater media effectiveness
can improve the administration of justice, even when more obvious improve-
ments in judicial effectiveness cannot.

1. Introduction
During the early hours of April 30, 1999, a thirty-four year old model named
Jessica Lal1 was shot and killed at a private party in a South Delhi restau-
rant, allegedly for refusing to serve liquor to a guest after the bar had
closed. The man in question was identified by three eye witnesses as Manu
Sharma, the son of a senior Congress Party politician and former Union
minister. After several days in hiding, Sharma surrendered to authorities in
Chandigarh. In an interview with police that was subsequently broadcast
on national television, Sharma confessed to the murder. This confession was
later retracted, and a plea of non-guilty entered at trial. During the trial the
three critical eye witnesses recanted earlier statements made to the police,
and twenty-nine witnesses of lesser importance did the same. One of the
eye witnesses, Shyan Munshi, changed his testimony so completely that his
revised statement was used as exculpatory evidence by the defence.

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Sharma and eight other codefendants were acquitted of all charges in

February 2006, resulting in a public outcry against what was perceived to
be a gross miscarriage of justice. During the weeks that followed the verdict,
petitions were circulated, protest marches organized, and candlelight vigils
held. Prime Minister Mammohan Singh publicly expressed concern at the
general phenomenon of witnesses changing their testimony, in an oblique
reference to the Jessica Lal case. President Abdul Kalam received a petition
of 200,000 names collected by journalists at NDTV, and promised action.
The decision was appealed to the Delhi High Court by the prosecution in
March, and in December the lower court ruling was reversed with respect
to three of the defendants. Manu Sharma was convicted of murder and
sentenced to life in prison, and two other defendants were convicted for
conspiracy and destruction of evidence. (The verdict has been appealed to
the Supreme Court, but Sharma remains in prison.) Shyan Munshi and
other prosecution witnesses who turned hostile during the trial currently
face possible charges of perjury.a
The Jessica Lal case is one of several recent high-profile criminal cases
that illustrate in dramatic fashion the manner in which witness tampering
and public outrage can interact to determine judicial outcomes in India
(four others are discussed below). In countries with high levels of inequality
but with legal systems that function well enough that affluent individuals
fear what poor people will say about them in court, there are incentives
and opportunities for powerful criminal defendants to bribe or threaten wit-
nesses. There are costs to witnesses from accepting bribes, but also signifi-
cant risks associated with testifying against powerful interests in countries
with limited witness protection programs. The relative costs of different
actions depend, in expectation, on the extent to which public outrage over
miscarriages of justice can be channeled through the press. Freedom of the
press can therefore be an important constraint on the miscarriage of justice
in developing countries.
The mechanism through which public sentiment affects the function-
ing of the criminal justice system is an example of what Albert Hirschman
(1970)3 has called voice. Hirschman argued that voice could serve as an al-
ternative to competition in enhancing efficiency within organizations. Since

a For a collection of contemporaneous news reports from the earliest stages of the
case to the present day, see The Delhi
High Court decision is available online as Criminal Appeal No. 193 of 2006 at
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judicial systems, unlike firms, are not subject to the pressures exerted by
competitive markets, voice takes on even more importance in determining
their level of functionality.
This paper explores the manner in which voice interacts with more fa-
miliar incentives in determining the incidence of witness tampering. We
begin with the observation that the offer of a bribe can affect witness in-
centives in two quite distinct ways. There is a direct monetary inducement
to remain silent (or give false testimony), and there is a more subtle effect
on witness beliefs regarding the likelihood of retaliation. If the offer of a
bribe is a signal that the offender is more likely to retaliate, bribes can be
far more effective in reducing testimony than the monetary inducements
alone would predict. We show how such effects can arise in equilibrium,
and how the possibility of public outrage in response to a miscarriage of
justice affects beliefs and behavior.
Our model is characterized by unobserved heterogeneity among both
witnesses and offenders. Witnesses differ in the satisfaction they experience
from testifying, and offenders differ in the costs they would incur to harm
witnesses who testify, and the cost of giving bribes. Some offenders have
powerful revenge motives and gain from attacking witnesses who have tes-
tified against them, even after the fact, and even when those witnesses have
accepted no bribes. This motive is amplified if a witness testifies even after
accepting a bribe.
We identify the existence of equilibria in which offenders with strong
revenge motives are disproportionately more likely to offer bribes. Bribes
therefore serve as a (noisy) signal of the viciousness of the offender: on
average, offenders who offer bribes are more likely to attack witnesses than
those who do not. In addition, the acceptance of a bribe changes offender
payoffs in such a manner as to make retaliation more likely. Both of these
effects result in an increased subjective evaluation on the part of witnesses
of the likelihood that testimony will be met with retaliation. Bribes are not
simply bribes; they are also veiled threats.
Greater judicial effectiveness and greater media effectiveness have very
different equilibrium effects in this model. If the likelihood and severity of
punishment faced by offenders (conditional on truthful witness testimony)
is increased, more offenders offer bribes, and these are perceived by wit-
nesses to be less threatening on average. The rate of testimony conditional
on a bribe offer therefore increases, although overall levels of testimony may
decline since attempted bribery is more common. In contrast, an increased
likelihood of public outrage (for instance due to greater media effective-
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ness) results in fewer offers of bribes but a greater perception on the part
of witnesses that testimony will be met with retaliation. Bribes become less
frequent but more threatening. The likelihood of testimony conditional on
a bribe offer may decline, but the overall rate of testimony could never-
theless rise since in incidence of attempted bribery declines. Interestingly,
greater media effectiveness increases the rate of testimony whenever judi-
cial effectiveness fails to do so. Finally, more witness tampering occurs when
wealth differences between offenders and witnesses are great, and favor of-
fenders. Lowering inequality can therefore reduce the incidence of witness
This paper is a theoretical contribution to a growing body of litera-
ture that finds real effects flowing from the organization of communications
media. For instance Besley and Burgess (2002)4 show how newspaper cir-
culation affects the distribution of food aid and calamity relief in India,
Gentzkow, Glaeser, and Goldin (2006)5 relate the reduction in corruption
in US politics between 1870 and 1920 to changes in the newspaper busi-
ness, and Djankov et al. (2003)6 relate state media ownership to various
measures of poor government performance. Our result that greater press
freedom can be effective in securing convictions even when greater judicial
effectiveness cannot do so may perhaps be viewed as a theoretical corrobora-
tion of the empirical finding of McMillan and Zoido (2004)7 that Fujimori’s
government in Peru was willing to pay vastly more in bribes to influence
a television station than to influence a judge. Note, however, that notional
freedom of the press need not imply substantive freedom, and effective con-
trol of the media by governments can arise endogenously without formal
censorship; see Besley and Prat (2006)4 for theoretical insights into this
Before proceeding to the formal model and analysis, we survey four ad-
ditional cases involving prominent defendants, witness reversals, significant
media attention, and public outrage.

2. Other Cases
2.1. The Priyadarshini Mattoo Case
Priyadarshini Mattoo was a twenty-five year old law student when she was
raped, brutally beaten and strangled to death at her New Delhi residence on
January 23, 1996. Although there was no eye witness to the murder, physical
and circumstantial evidence pointed immediately to Santosh Kumar Singh,
the son of a senior police officer then posted in Pondicherry. Singh had been
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stalking Mattoo for over a year at the time of the murder, with multiple
instances of harassment having been reported to the police. He was seen
outside her residence by a neighbor immediately prior to the attack, and
blood stained pieces of his motorcycle helmet vizor were found beside the
body. DNA tests confirmed the presence of his semen on her clothes and
her blood on his helmet.
What seemed like an open and shut case, however, ended in an acquit-
tal in 1999. Defence claims that the physical evidence had been tampered
with while in police custody were given enough credence by trial judge to
allow for reasonable doubt. Suspicions were raised by the judge regarding
deliberate police misconduct, including false depositions, traced to the in-
fluence of the father of the accused: by the time of the trial Singh’s father
was among the most senior police officers in Delhi.
The acquittal triggered massive public outrage, and the case was ap-
pealed to the Delhi High Court in 2000. Little action was taken for several
years, until the 2006 acquittal of Manu Sharma for the Jessica Lal murder
led to renewed scrutiny and a sense of urgency in the part of the Court.
The verdict of the lower court was reversed in October 2006, with the High
Court finding that the “circumstantial evidence in the case is absolutely in-
consistent... with the innocence of the respondent.” Justices RS Sodhi and
PK Bhasin observed that the acquittal by the trial judge had “shocked the
judicial conscience” of their Court. Singh was sentenced a few days later to
death by hanging.

2.2. The Nitish Katara Case

While studying at the Institute of Management Technology in Ghaziabad in
1998, Nitish Katara became romantically involved with a classmate, Bharti
Yadav. Bharti was the daughter of D.P. Yadav, a major force in Uttar
Pradesh politics, and the sister of Vikas Yadav, who was subsequently con-
victed for destruction of evidence in the Jessica Lal case. Her family dis-
approved of the relationship and Katara received multiple threats over the
course of their relationship.
On the night of February 2, 2002, Katara attended a wedding at which
several members of Bharti’s family were present. Four witnesses observed
him leaving in the company of three men, including Vikas Yadav and
a cousin, Vishal Yadav. Katara’s remains, charred and battered beyond
recognition, were found on a roadside the next morning. Vikas Yadav and a
cousin, Vishal Yadav, went into hiding but were arrested a few days later. A
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detailed confession, admitting to the abduction and murder, was recorded

by UP police and aired on national television. Vikas admitted to having
killed Nitish with a hammer blow to the head and setting his lifeless body
on fire. He subsequently led police to the spot where the body had been
dumped and the murder weapon concealed.
Once the trail began, however, one witness after another “turned hos-
tile”, including all four witnesses who had earlier reported having seen
Katara depart with Vikas and Vishal Yadav. In testimony before the court,
Bharti Yadav denied a romantic relationship with Katara, admitting only
to a vague friendship. There remains a single witness, a passer-by whose
scooter broke down on the road taken by the accused, and who has testified
to seeing Katara in the vehicle. This witness has reported having received
threats against his life, and is currently under police protection. The case
remains unresolved, and under intense public scrutiny.

2.3. The BMW Hit-and-Run Case

At around 4am on January 10, 1999, a speeding black BMW crashed
through a police checkpoint in Delhi, killing four people on the spot. Two
others subsequently succumbed to injuries, leaving just one survivor, Manoj
Malik. Three of the dead were police constables. A passer by who witnessed
the crash, Sunil Kulkarni, came forward a few days later. According to his
initial report to police, three individuals stepped out of the car, briefly in-
spected the damage, then fled from the scene. The damage was so extreme
that the speed of the vehicle upon impact was estimated to be 140 kmph
(about 90 mph).
The car was alleged to have been driven by Sanjeev Nanda, son of
businessman and arms dealer Suresh Nanda, and grandson of Navy Admiral
S.M. Nanda. Also present in the vehicle were his friends Siddharth Gupta
and Manik Kapoor. They were returning to Delhi from a party in Gurgaon,
and Sanjeev was found to have elevated levels of alcohol in his blood several
hours after the incident. The BMW was traced by police following oil leaks
from the scene of the crash to the Gupta residence, where it was determined
to have been cleaned of blood and human remains. All three were charged
with culpable homicide and destruction of evidence.
The trial is still in progress, but there have already been extraordinary
changes in witness testimony. Claiming that his initial statement was made
under police pressure, Kulkarni testified in October 1999 that it had been
a truck rather than a BMW that had ploughed through the police check-
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point.b The prosecution dropped him as a witness, considering him to be

unreliable, but he was subsequently reinstated. In May 2007, Kulkarni iden-
tified Nanda as one of the three occupants of the vehicle, but then retracted
this testimony two months later, saying that he had been unable to see any
of them clearly.c Nanda now maintains that he was not in the vehicle at
the time and had nothing to do with the accident. A sting operation by
NDTV turned up evidence of attempted bribery, and it now appears that
the witness spent eighteen months residing at a farmhouse owned by the
lead lawyer for the defence. Nanda is free on bail while the proceedings

2.4. The Best Bakery Case

The Best Bakery was a Muslim owned and operated business in Vadodara,
Gujarat that was set on fire by a Hindu mob during communal riots on
March 1, 2002.10 Fourteen people were killed in the attack, including the
owner Habibullah Shaikh and eight other members of his family. Among
the witnesses was Zahira Shaikh, the owner’s eighteen year old daughter,
who identified several individuals in the mob in a March 2 statement to
police. The accused were also identified by Zahira in a statement before the
National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) of India three weeks later.
Twenty-one individuals were charged in the murder.
During the trial in May 2003, Zahira and other surviving members of
her family retracted earlier statements made to the police, resulting in the
acquittal of all the accused on June 27. Shortly thereafter, on July 11,
Zahira claimed in a sworn statement before the NHRC that she and other
family members had been threatened and forced to retract their statement.
In doing this, she was assisted by Teesta Setalvad, secretary of the NGO
Citizens for Justice and Peace. The NHRC petitioned the Supreme Court
of India to order a retrial in a state other than Gujarat, and the Court did
so on April 12, 2004. The retrial began in October 2004, before a Special
Court of Sessions in Mumbai.
At a dramatic November 3 press conference one day before she was due
in court, Zahira changed her testimony yet again, claiming that she had
been abducted by Setalvad and her organization, threatened and confined
for months, and forced to file false statements against the accused. A sting

b “BMW witness takes U-turn; says it was truck”, Indian Express, October 2, 1999.8
c “KeyWitness Identifies Nanda in BMW Case”, The Hindu, May 18, 2007;“BMW Case:
Another U-Turn by Kulkarni”, The Times of India, July 20, 2007.9
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operation by Tehelka magazine in December revealed that a substantial

bribe of 1.8 million rupees (about $40,000) was paid to Zahira and her
family in order to retract her testimony against the accused. On February
24 2006, nine of the original accused were convicted and eight acquitted by
the Court. In separate proceedings, Zahira was convicted of perjury and
contempt of court.

2.5. Overview
Two common themes run through these cases: dramatic changes in witness
testimony in response to threats or bribes, and significant media and pub-
lic involvement. In the Lal, Mattoo, and Best Bakery cases, public action
played a major role in the reversal of earlier verdicts. In the Best Bakery
case, such action was mediated through an NGO, Citizens for Justice and
Peace. Media outlets such as Tehelka magazine and NDTV aired confessions
which clearly galvanized public opinion.d We explore these common themes
more formally below, using a model of witness intimidation and public out-
rage which highlights strategic aspects of the interaction between offenders
and witnesses.

3. A Model of Witness Tampering

Several of the cases discussed above involve not only charges of witness
intimidation but also allegations of bribery. Why might threats to witnesses
be supplemented with bribes? The most obvious explanation is that they
offer witnesses an additional direct inducement to turn hostile. But there
is also a more subtle reason: bribes may affect witness beliefs regarding the
consequences of ignoring threats, and hence make testimony more risky.
If bribes can lower the rate of witness testimony to a greater extent than
threats alone, they may be worthwhile for offenders despite the greater costs
entailed. We explore these interactions in a model that allows for bribery,
retaliation, and the possibility that public outrage can lead to the reversal
of acquittals and the punishment of witnesses who accept bribes.e

d Even some of the main protagonists made an appearance in multiple cases: Delhi High
Court Justices RS Sodhi and PK Bhasin handled the cases of both Lal and Mattoo, and
Vikas Yadav was among the accused in the cases of Lal and Katara.
e The model developed here builds on our earlier work on witness intimidation

(O’Flaherty and Sethi, 2007),11 which was motivated by interactions between offend-
ers and witnesses in the United States. In that work we considered explicit threats but
not bribes, and did not take into account the possibility that public outrage could result
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3.1. Preliminaries
Consider a crime involving one offender and one witness. The testimony of
the witness is crucial to the case against the offender. If the witness does
not testify, the offender will be acquitted. If the witness testifies truthfully,
the offender suffers expected punishment ρ > 0. The magnitude ρ reflects
both the probability that the offender will be convicted conditional on the
witnesses testimony, and the severity of the punishment that will ensue
upon conviction. Thus ρ could increase either because of changes in the way
prosecutors and judges operate that increase the probability of conviction
contingent on witness testimony, or because of harsher sentences. We will
call changes in ρ changes in judicial effectiveness.
In order to deter the witness from testifying (or more generally to induce
false testimony) the offender may offer the witness a bribe, which the wit-
ness may either reject or accept. Acceptance of the bribe has value α > 0
to the witness. Following this decision, the witness may either testify or
decide against doing so. If the witness testifies, the criminal may retaliate
by harming the witness. In this case the witness suffers damages δ, and the
offender incurs a cost which is assumed to be private information and, for
reasons discussed below, contingent on whether or not a bribe was accepted
prior to the testimony.
An offender who does not attempt to bribe the witness, or whose bribe
is rejected, pays a cost γ to harm a witness who testifies. This cost is drawn
from a continuous distribution F (γ) with support [γmin , ∞), where γmin <
0. Hence there are some offenders who take pleasure in harming witnesses
who have testified against them, even if the witnesses have rejected a bribe
or were never offered one. We refer to γ as the offender type.
The cost of harming a witness who has accepted a bribe is dependent on
the offender type, and denoted c(γ), assumed to be continuous and strictly
increasing with c(γ) ≤ γ, with strict inequality holding for all γ > γmin . In
other words, the cost of harming a witness who testifies after accepting a
bribe is lower than the cost of harming a witness who has not accepted a
bribe. This is motivated by the idea that testimony following the acceptance
of a bribe is a form of betrayal, or a violation of an implicit contract, which
further inflames the revenge motive for harming witnesses who testify.

in the reversal of an acquittal. Akerlof and Yellen (1994)12 have also explored the man-
ner in which a fear of reprisals affects community cooperation with law enforcement and
the equilibrium level of crime, but without considering the strategic effects of bribery or
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Since c(0) < 0, there is some subset of offenders who are prepared
to harm witnesses who testify after having accepted a bribe, even if such
offenders would not harm witnesses who either reject the bribe or were not
offered one. Let γ̄ > 0 denote the offender type for which c(γ̄) = 0. Then
the proportion of offenders who are prepared to harm witnesses who testify
after accepting a bribe is simply F (γ̄); we refer to these offenders as violent.
Since γ is private information, a witness cannot be certain that an offer of
a bribe comes from a violent offender.
The cost of bribing a witness is also dependent on the offender type,
and given by a non-negative, continuous, and strictly increasing function
b(γ).Hence bribing a witness is cheapest for those offenders for whom harm-
ing the witness is also cheap.
Witnesses are also heterogeneous, and vary in the payoff they obtain
from testifying against offenders. A witness who testifies receives a (pri-
vately observed) payoff β > 0, drawn from a continuous distribution G(β)
also having support [0, ∞). We refer to β as the witness type. This payoff
may be interpreted as the satisfaction obtained from an act of retribution,
or simply from performing one’s civic duty. Which of these motives drives
witnesses to testify depends on the context; retribution may have been par-
ticularly important in the Best Bakery case. Since offenders cannot observe
β, they cannot know whether or not the offer of a bribe will induce a witness
to refrain from testifying.
We introduce voice into this simple model of witness tampering by al-
lowing for the possibility that public outrage can result in the reversal of an
acquittal that is perceived to be unjust. Specifically, if the witness accepts
a bribe and turns hostile, there is a probability η that the acquittal will
be reversed upon appeal. In this case the offender receives the same pun-
ishment, ρ, that would have followed an immediate conviction. In addition,
the witness receives punishment σ. This makes it more costly for witnesses
to accept bribes, and makes bribes less effective in securing acquittals. We
assume that α > ησ, otherwise bribes would never be accepted even by
witnesses who refuse to testify.f
The parameters α, δ, ρ, η and σ, the functions b(γ) and c(γ), and the
distributions F and G are all assumed to be commonly known.
None of our results are sensitive to the manner in which ties are broken,

f Oneway to interpret the condition α > ησ is that the size of the bribe is chosen by
offenders to be large enough to outweigh the expected penalty from accepting it. A fully
endogenous treatment of α beyond the scope of this paper.
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since the set of witnesses and offenders who are indifferent in equilibrium
is of zero measure. We adopt the convention that ties are broken in favor of
legality: witnesses indifferent between acceptance and rejection of a bribe
will reject, witnesses indifferent between testifying and not doing so will
testify, offenders indifferent between offering a bribe and not doing so will
not do so, and offenders indifferent between harming a witness and not
doing so will not do so.
We focus below on six key probabilities, all endogenously determined
in equilibrium. For a witness who has not been offered a bribe, let qn de-
note the likelihood of testifying, and pn the likelihood of being harmed
conditional on testifying. For a witness who has been offered a bribe, let
qr denote the likelihood of rejecting it and testifying, and pr the likelihood
of being harmed conditional on having done so. Finally, let qa denote the
likelihood of accepting and testifying, and pa the likelihood of being harmed
conditional on this.

3.2. Witness Behavior

A witness who has not been offered a bribe can either testify and obtain a
payoff β − pn δ, or remain silent and get payoff 0. Hence the likelihood that
the witness will testify is given by
qn = 1 − G(pn δ). (1)
A witness who has been offered a bribe has four options: accept and testify
(AT ), reject and testify (RT ), accept and not testify (AN ), and reject and
not testify (RN ). The expected payoffs to the witness from the first two
options depend on the endogenous probabilities of harm as follows:
πAT = α + β − pa δ,
πRT = β − pr δ. (2)
Note that there is no public outrage as long as the witness testifies, even
if he does so after accepting a bribe. In this case the offender is convicted
and the offer and acceptance of the bribe remain undetected.
Of the two options in which the witness does not testify, rejection of the
bribe yields πRN = 0 and is therefore strictly dominated by acceptance of
the bribe, yielding
πAN = α − ησ,
which we have assumed to be strictly positive.
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A witness will accept the bribe and refuse to testify if and only if β <
min{pa δ − ησ, pr δ + α − ησ}. Hence the likelihood of testimony conditional
on a bribe being offered is
qa + qr = 1 − G(min{pa δ − ησ, pr δ + α − ησ}). (3)
What if β ≥ min{pa δ − ησ, pr δ + α − ησ}? In this case the witness will
reject the bribe and testify if
α ≤ δ (pa − pr ) , (4)
and accept the bribe and testify if this inequality does not hold. Since (4) is
independent of β, it will never be the case that both AT and RT are selected
with positive probability. Hence either qa = 0 or qr = 0 in equilibrium.

3.3. Offender Behavior

Since witnesses who are not offered a bribe testify with probability qn , the
expected payoff to criminals who do not offer a bribe is
πn = −qn (ρ + min{0, γ}) (5)
The expected payoff to an offender who does offer a bribe is
πb = −qa (ρ + b(γ) + min{0, c(γ)})−qr (ρ + min{0, γ})−(1−qa −qr ) (b(γ) + ηρ) ,
Where the last term reflects that fact the conviction will result with prob-
ability η even if a bribe is accepted and the witness remains silent.

4. Equilibrium
Since the costs of bribery and retaliation both rise with γ, it may be conjec-
tured that there exists an equilibrium with a partitional structure, in which
offenders with high costs choose not to bribe and those with low costs bribe.
The bribe serves also as a threat since it signals a higher likelihood of retal-
iation. Witnesses are therefore less likely to testify when offered the bribe.
We identify conditions under which such an equilibrium does indeed exist.g
We focus on equilibria with the property that there exists some γ̃ > γ̄
such that all offenders with γ < γ̃ offer a bribe in the equilibrium and

g Without any restrictions on out-of-equilibrium beliefs, there always exists an equilib-

rium in which no intimidation occurs and witnesses who are offered a bribe (off the
equilibrium path) believe that the offer is from a nonviolent offender. Such equilibria are
discussed in the appendix, together with the restrictions on out-of-equilibrium beliefs
that are sufficient to rule out their occurrence.
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those with γ ≥ γ̃ do not. In this case, equilibrium probabilities of offender

violence conditional on witness testimony satisfy

pn = 0,
F (0)
pr = , (7)
F (γ̃)
F (γ̄)
pa = , (8)
F (γ̃)
so pa > pr > pn . Those who are offered a bribe face a greater likelihood
of violence conditional on testimony, and this likelihood is highest if they
accept the bribe before testifying. We show below that the following con-
ditions are sufficient for the existence of such an equilibrium:

b(0) + ηρ < G(F (0)δ) (ρ + γmin ) , (9)

b(γ̄) + ηρ < ρG(F (0)δ). (10)

These two conditions require that the costs of bribing witness are not too
large relative to the other specifications of the model, in the case of offenders
with γ = 0 and γ = γ̄. (Note that since γmin < 0, the second condition is not
implied by the first.) Condition (9) ensures that offenders are not so strongly
retaliatory that they want witnesses to testify against them simply to get
the satisfaction of harming them, while (10) ensures that the threshold γ̃
exceeds γ̄, so all potentially violent offenders offer bribes.
In addition, we assume the following:

α < δ (F (γ̄) − F (0)) . (11)

We show below that this condition ensures that (4) holds in equilibrium, so
witnesses who testify after being offered a bribe do so after rejection rather
than acceptance. As a consequence,

0 = qa < qr < qn = 1

in equilibrium. We then have (see Appendix for proof):

Proposition 1. If (9–11) hold, then there exists an equilibrium with the

following properties: (i) all violent offenders and some nonviolent offenders
offer bribes, (ii) all witnesses who do not receive bribe offers testify and
remain unharmed, and (iii) all witnesses who do receive bribe offers either
reject the offers and testify, or accept them and do not testify.
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5. Comparative Statics
5.1. Greater Judicial Effectiveness
Note that the marginal offender type γ̃ must be indifferent between bribing
the witness and not doing so: πb = πn for this type. Since qn = 0, πn = −ρ.
And since γ̃ > γ̄ > 0 and qa = 0, (6) simplifies to

πb = −qr ρ − (1 − qr ) (b(γ̃) + ηρ) .

Hence the indifference condition for the marginal type is simply

b(γ̃) = (1 − η) ρ. (12)

An increase in the penalty ρ that offenders face if the witness testifies

truthfully therefore implies an increase in the threshold γ̃, and hence and
increase in F (γ̃), which is the proportion of offenders who choose to offer
bribes. Assuming that the conditions (9–11) continue to hold, witnesses will
either reject the bribe and testify, or accept it and refrain from testifying.
The likelihood of violence conditional on testifying decreases, since
F (0)
pr = .
F (γ̃)
The probability of testifying conditional on receiving an offer of a bribe is

qr = 1 − G(pr δ + α − ησ),

which rises as a result.

Proposition 2. Greater judicial effectiveness results in an increased inci-

dence of attempted bribery, but a decline in the proportion of bribes that are
accepted, and a decline in the likelihood that witnesses who testify will be

The effect on the overall rate of testimony, however, is ambiguous. If qr is

initially low and changes little in response to the decline in pr , the increased
incidence of attempted bribery may result in a decline in testimony and
convictions. On the other hand if qr is initially high (so bribes are frequently
rejected) and is sensitive to changes in pr , the overall rate of testimony and
offender conviction will rise. To be precise, the overall rate of testimony
(and hence conviction) is
δF (0)
t = qr F (γ̃) + (1 − F (γ̃)) = 1 − F (γ̃) G + α − ησ . (13)
F (γ̃)
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Public Outrage and Criminal Justice 159

An increase in F (γ̃) , arising for instance from harsher penalties for con-
victed offenders, raises t if and only if
g F (γ̃) 1
> = , (14)
G δF (0) pr δ
where g is the density function derived from G, and g/G is evaluated at the
initial equilibrium. Thus harsher penalties are effective when the elasticity
g/G is high and the danger of turning down a bribe pr δ is great.

5.2. Greater Voice

From the indifference condition for the marginal offender (12), the effect of
an increase in the voice parameter η is to lower the threshold γ̃ and hence
the incidence F (γ̃) of bribery, but with an increase in the likelihood of
violence conditional on testimony:
F (0)
pr = .
F (γ̃)
But this need not result in a lower rate of testimony conditional on being
bribed, since
qr = 1 − G(pr δ + α − ησ).

Proposition 3. Public outrage results in a decreased incidence of attempted

bribery, but an increase in the likelihood that witnesses who testify will be

The effect on the rate of testimony is again ambiguous. Testifying is

less attractive because the expected cost of reprisals from the offender is
greater, but not testifying is also less attractive because the expected cost
of reprisals from public outrage is also greater.
Since greater media effectiveness reduces F (γ̃) while harsher penalties
increase it, greater media effectiveness always increases testimony when
(14) fails and greater judicial effectiveness reduce testimony. But the di-
rect effect of greater media effectiveness increases testimony holding F (γ̃)
constant. So there are instances when both greater media effectiveness and
greater judicial effectiveness raise testimony, and there are no instances
when neither does so.
Hence public outrage and greater judicial effectiveness have exactly op-
posite effects on the incidence of bribery and the likelihood of violence.
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160 Brendan O’Flaherty and Rajiv Sethi

Even though both may lead to greater convictions and overall testimony,
the channels through which they operate are very different. Voice is not
simply another form of deterrence, it leads to qualitatively different out-

5.3. Wealth and Inequality

In most of the cases that motivate this paper, the offender was rich and
powerful, and the witnesses were not. Does this inequality matter?
Rich offenders have lower b (γ) schedules than poor offenders. In (12)
a shift downward in the b(γ) schedule raises the bribe threshold γ̃. Richer
offenders are more likely to offer bribes. Thus comparing rich and poor
offenders, rich offenders act as if they face harsher penalties: they attempt
more bribes, but fewer bribes are accepted, and they are less likely to harm
witnesses who testify.
Richer witnesses would value the non-pecuniary benefits of testimony β
relatively more than the pecuniary benefits of bribery α. This is reflected
in a rightward shift of the G distribution. Richer witnesses do not affect the
propensity of offenders to bribe (12) but they are more likely to testify after
they have rejected a bribe: qr is higher. Overall, then, the rate of testimony
(13) rises as the wealth of witnesses rises.
These comparative statics results presume that conditions (9–11) con-
tinue to hold. But conditions (9) and (10) both have b on the left hand side
and G on the right. As offenders get poorer and witnesses get richer, the
left hand side rises and the right hand side falls. Thus the existence of the
witness-tampering equilibrium we have described depends on inequality be-
tween offenders and witnesses. Growing inequality can give rise to witness
tampering even without any changes in legal institutions.

6. Conclusion
In many ways the witness tampering cases that have motivated our analysis
reveal the strength of the Indian judicial system. Civilians were bribed and
threatened, not prosecutors or judges. Poor people were bribed because it
was feared that their testimony would be credible. And the media exposed
it. A lot has to be going right for witness tampering to be publicly acknowl-
edged problem. We have shown, moreover, that effective legal institutions
do not eliminate witness tampering and may even exacerbate it.
A major open question that remains is the following: what determines
the willingness of the media to expose witness tampering and the willingness
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Public Outrage and Criminal Justice 161

of ordinary people to testify in the face of threats, specific or amorphous?

Public outrage is seldom entirely spontaneous; it is often intentionally pro-
voked. This may be done by media outlets to increase circulation or ratings,
or by politicians for electoral advantage. Understanding this process, and
therefore understanding how the contentiousness of Indian politics gives
rise to such cases is an important missing piece of our analysis.
The central message of this paper is that legal institutions alone are
not enough to produce justice. In terms of Albert Hirschman’s memorable
formulation, effective judicial systems require a balance of exit and voice.
Open competition in politics and the media facilitates and amplifies the
expression of voice, keeping blatant miscarriages of justice at least occa-
sionally in check.

We thank participants at the ISI Conference on Comparative Devlop-
ment, especially Bhaskar Dutta, Parikshit Ghosh, Arunava Sen, and E.
Somanathan, for suggesting that our earlier work on witness intimidation,
suitably modified and extended, could be relevant to the Indian context.
We also thank Kai Friese for helpful comments and suggestions, and Om
Prakash Shokeen for assistance with sources. This material is based upon
work supported by the Behavioral Sciences Program at the Santa Fe Insti-

Proof of Proposition 1.

Consider a candidate equilibrium such that, for some γ̃ > γ̄ all offenders
with γ < γ̃ offer a bribe and those with γ ≥ γ̃ do not. At any such equilib-
rium, pn = 0 and qn = 1. Assume for the moment that (4) holds, so qa = 0.
(We show below that this is consistent with equilibrium). From (7) and (8),
and the fact that F (γ̃) < 1, we have
pr > F (0),
pa > pr .
Hence from (3) and the assumption that (4) holds and qa = 0,
qr = 1 − G(pr δ + α − ησ) < 1 − G(F (0)δ) (15)
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162 Brendan O’Flaherty and Rajiv Sethi

Now for any γ ≤ 0,

πn = − (ρ + γ)
and, since qa = 0,
πb = −qr (ρ + γ) − (1 − qr ) (b(γ) + ηρ)
≥ − (1 − G(F (0)δ)) (ρ + γ) − (1 − qr ) (b(γ) + ηρ)
≥ − (1 − G(F (0)δ)) (ρ + γ) − (b(γ) + ηρ)
≥ − (ρ + γ) + G(F (0)δ) (ρ + γmin ) − (b(γ) + ηρ) .
Hence an offender with γ < 0 will choose to bribe if
b(0) + ηρ < G(F (0)δ) (ρ + γmin ) ,
which is (9).
Now consider offenders with γ ≥ 0. For any such offender, πn = −ρ
and πb is decreasing, with limγ→∞ πb = −∞. So there exists a unique γ̃ for
which πn = πb . (This follows from the continuity of πb in γ at γ = 0.) To
verify that γ̃ > γ̄, we need to show that the type γ̄ strictly prefers to offer
a bribe. Note that for this type, using (15) and qa = 0, we have
πb = −qr ρ − (1 − qr ) (b(γ̄) + ηρ)
≥ − (1 − G(F (0)δ)) ρ − (1 − qr ) (b(γ̄) + ηρ)
≥ − (1 − G(F (0)δ)) ρ − (b(γ̄) + ηρ)
So type γ̄ prefers to offer a bribe if
b(γ̄) + ηρ < ρG(F (0)δ),
which is (10). Suppose this holds, so γ̄ < γ̃. The likelihood that the wit-
nesses will accept the bribe and refrain from testifying is given by (3).
Witnesses who testify will do so after rejection or the bribe if
α F (γ̄) − F (0)
≤ pa − pr = . (16)
δ F (γ̃)
Since F (γ̃) ≤ 1 a sufficient condition for this is (11). Hence (4) holds
and qa = 0 in equilibrium. 

Equilibria without Intimidation.

We have focused in the text on equilibria in which violent offenders in-

timidate witnesses. Without any restrictions on out-of-equilibrium beliefs,
however, there exists a trivial (and implausible) equilibrium in which no
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Public Outrage and Criminal Justice 163

offender type offers a bribe, and a witness who received a bribe (off the
equilibrium path) believes that it comes from an offender with γ > γ̄. In
this case the witness will simply accept the bribe and testify, believing that
pa = 0. Knowing this, no offender will offer a bribe. While this can be an
equilibrium, the beliefs that sustain it are entirely implausible: since b(γ)
is increasing, it would be far more reasonable to suppose that the offender
making the offer had a very low value of γ. We make the conservative as-
sumption that a witness receiving an offer of a bribe off the equilibrium
path believes that the offender type is drawn from the distribution F (γ),
which corresponds exactly to the prior belief of the witness. In other words,
the witness believes that the offer was made in error, and all types are
equally likely to make such an error.
This is sufficient to rule out the equilibrium in which no bribes are
offered. To see why, note that in any such equilibrium pn = F (0) and hence
qn = 1 − G(δF (0)) from (1). Hence the offender payoff, conditional on no
offer of a bribe, is given by
πn = − (1 − G(δF (0))) (ρ + min{0, γ}) .
If a bribe is offered, witness beliefs are pa = F (γ̄) and pr = F (0). Hence
from (3),
qa + qr = 1 − G(min{δF (γ̄), δF (0) + α}).
Now consider an offender with γ = γmin . If δF (0) + α < δF (γ̄), then qa = 0
and this offender’s payoffs satisfy
πb − πn = (G(δF (0) + α) − G(δF (0))) (ρ + γmin ) > 0,
so this offender type prefers to offer a bribe. Similarly, if δF (γ̄) ≤ δF (0)+α,
then qr = 0 and this offender’s payoffs satisfy
πb − πn = (G(δF (γ̄)) − G(δF (0))) (ρ + γmin ) > 0.
Again this offender prefers to offer a bribe, contradicting the hypothesis
that no bribes are offered in equilibrium.

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164 Brendan O’Flaherty and Rajiv Sethi

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