Ethiopian Technical University: General Winget Polly Technic College Campus

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Prepared By Member Groups ID NO

1 Tarekegn Dibaba--------------------------------------------------------------TTRS 354/11

2. Shasho Tujuba-----------------------------------------------------------------TTRS 348/11

3. Melese Gedebo ---------------------------------------------------------------TTRS 337/11

4. Teji Tadesse -----------------------------------------------------------------TTRS 355/11

5. Teshome Ejigu ---------------------------------------------------------------TTRS357/11

AUGUST, 2021

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Chair Person, GC/AC Signature Date

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Internal Examiner Signature Date

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External Examiner Signature Date


First and foremost, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my advisor Dagim Gidisa, for
his patience, motivation, enthusiasm, and immense knowledge. His guidance and support both
during lectures and research is very crucial for me the subject. I deepest gratitude to for his
valuable comments, encouragements and also for providing me with working space and other
facilities to conduct part of my research .I would also like to use this opportunity to convey my
gratitude to short term to stay and conduct part of my research .I am indebted to many of my
colleagues who supported me in distributing and collecting research questionnaires. It is also my
pleasure to thank those who made this research possible by responding to questionnaires and
interviews. Finally, I would like to thanks my family members for their unconditional support,
encouragement and love.


Contents Pages


TABLE OF CONTENTS................................................................................................................ii

List of Tables..................................................................................................................................iv

List of Figures..................................................................................................................................v


CHAPTER ONE..............................................................................................................................1

1. Introduction..................................................................................................................................1

1.1 Background of study..............................................................................................................1

1.2 Statement of the problem..................................................................................................1

1.3Objectives of the Research......................................................................................................1

1.3.1 General objective of the project......................................................................................1

1.3.2. The specific objectives...................................................................................................2

1.4 Scope of the Study.................................................................................................................2

1.5 Limitation of the Study......................................................................................................2

1.6 Significance of the Study.......................................................................................................2

1.7 Organization of the research..................................................................................................2

1. Quality......................................................................................................................................3

3. Economy..................................................................................................................................3

CHAPTER TWO.............................................................................................................................4

2. LITERATURE REVIEW............................................................................................................4

2.1 DEFINITION OF FORM WORK.........................................................................................4

2.2 Requirements for Formworks..............................................................................................4

2.3 FORM WORK MATERIALS...............................................................................................5

2.3.1 TIMBER FORM WORK................................................................................................5

2.3.2 STEEL FORM WORK...................................................................................................5

2.4 Ethiopian Formwork Construction Systems.....................................................................6

2.5 Selection of Formworks which can reduce chiseling during concrete casting....................7

CHAPTER THREE.........................................................................................................................8

3. RESEARCH DESIGNAND METHODOLOGY........................................................................8

3.1 Introduction............................................................................................................................8

3.2 Research Methodology........................................................................................................9

3.2.1 Study Strategy..............................................................................................................9

3.2.2 Data Collection and Analysis..........................................................................................9

CHAPTER FOUR.........................................................................................................................10

4 Research project data analysis method and value chain..........................................................10

4.1 Suitable Column and Beam Formwork Systems for Ethiopia.............................................11

4.2Ethiopian Formwork Construction Systems.........................................................................12

4.3 Footing Pad and Foundation Column Construction Systems..............................................12

4.4 Rental Formwork.................................................................................................................14

4.5. Price Structure for Rental Formwork..................................................................................14

4.5.1 Formwork Material Rental Charges It includes the following:................................15

4.5.2Project Materials.............................................................................................................15

4.6 Concrete as Formwork.........................................................................................................15

CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS..........................................................................17

5.1 Conclusion.........................................................................................................................17


List of Tables

Table 1 Project Materials...............................................................................................................15

List of Figures

Figure 1 Footing pad formwork construction system in Addis Ababa..........................................13

Figure 2 Column formwork construction systems in Addis Ababa..............................................13

Figure 4 form work that used to reduce chiseling sample and design...........................................14

Figure 3.Concrete as formwork material.......................................................................................16


The quality of resulting concrete can be dictated by the quality of formwork materials and
Workman ship. Many concrete related problems such as discoloration, stains, and dusting are
attributed to concrete formwork. Formwork operations are also risky and workers are exposed
to unsafe working conditions. Moreover traditional formwork construction has negative Impact
on the environment. The objectives of this research are the form work which cans eliminate
chiseling during casting concrete in construction of Ethiopia. Recommendations of modern
formwork systems which alleviate such problems are also the objective of this thesis. The results
of the research show that alternative formwork materials are not well known and used in
Ethiopian construction industry. Steel panels and timber are the prominent formwork materials.
The use of modern formwork systems will increase the local labor productivity to ten times the
traditional one new construction systems are adopted by construction firms in Ethiopia.
Formwork construction practice in Ethiopia is not safe and environmentally friendly.


1. Introduction
1.1 Background of study

The aims of this paper are to reduce the problem of chiseling during concrete casting and also
that reduce the cost of labor that pay during chiseling of the building structure. The researcher
can be observing the problem of that occur in the Forms are extremely important in concrete
construction. They mold the concrete to the required size and shape while eliminating or reduce
the chiseling during placing the concrete. They are self-supporting structures that are also
sufficient to hold the dead load of the reinforcement and fresh concrete and the live load of
equipment, workers, and miscellaneous materials.

1.2 Statement of the problem

Usage it building industry system in the construction at high rise building had significantly
giving advantage in various aspects such as; Reducing eliminate chiseling during concrete cast,
minimize man power, minimize cost of building in order to obtain the advantages of formwork
most suitable to use the project and reduce the wastage of material.

1.3 Objectives of the Research

1.3.1 General objective of the project

The main objective of this research is to introduce modern formwork systems which can eliminate
or reduce chiseling.

1.3.2. The specific objectives

 To investigate the materials of the formwork and methods used to reduce chiseling in
erecting the modern formwork systems in developing country.
 To recommend the best formwork system that cost of chiseling cost, requirements to the
Ethiopian construction industry.
 To investigate the delay of the local construction practices in not using modern
formwork systems.

1.4 Scope of the Study

The research focuses on the formwork which used to reduce chiseling during forecast concrete
for building projects. Different types of Wall, column, beam, slab and special formwork is used
to reduce chiseling

1.5 Limitation of the Study

Like all research, this study had limitations. The sources of difficulties encountered in this study
were described as follows: lack of budget, lack of time and also the researcher cannot get time
to-do the project by the given time by the lack of finance. It is very important to note that these
limitations did not have any significant interference with the outcome of the study.

1.6 Significance of the Study

The research is believed to reduce the chiseling during concrete casting formwork systems. Local
professionals can appreciate the modern formwork systems The environmental effects of
construction of formwork are also revealed through this research..

1.7 Organization of the research

The research will be generally organized in five chapters Chapter one Introduction It contains
the background of the project. It also describes in detail about form work, statement of the
problem, objectives of the study, significance, scope and limitations of the study and
organization of the research. Chapter two Literature Review This section covers literature
review, and comprises the various related works mainly focusing and analyzing issues associated
with formwork-related researches and needs of the industry. Chapter three Research
Methodology and Chapter four Data Analysis and Discussions. Chapter five Conclusions and
Recommendations and finally references










3.1 Introduction

In previous chapter review of the formwork producing companies were made and reduce
chiseling after casting concrete was selected for further investigation of its product. The detailed
description of the products and discussion on suitability for Ethiopian construction industry will
be made in subsequent sections of this chapter. It is known that the costs of formworks are
shaped by the working methods, the features of the Structure and the wage levels of the market.
This clearly shows where the success of Promising rationalization potential is in order to lower

the costs for the realization of concrete structures. It is for this reason that has successfully
established numerous products and System equipment on the market.

The size of the forms:-

 The shape of the forms

 The surface finish required
 The accuracy required
 The number of re-uses required
 The handling methods proposed
 fixing rough part on the surface of form work
Formwork succeeds in minimizing imperfections in the concrete finish and creates a neat
joint and ties arrangement. By means of a newly developed conical tie system, the wall
formwork system does not require any spacer tubes and work takes place from only one side
.That is there is no need to have worker on the opposite side of the wall. This means
maximum reductions in expense and considerable savings of time and resources. Apart from
the advantages of a panel formwork regarding flexibility and fast shuttering times, opens up
new possibilities of fashioning visible concrete surfaces through a particular arrangement of
individual elements. The uniform tie arrangement continues to underline the very
achievable results even more. It is a formwork system specially developed for work on a
small scale, and cuts the high costs of shuttering with the old system of timbers, boards and
nails. Few panel sizes ensure a high level for utilization for each element. All components
are light enough to be handled by just one person. Extremely short form working times as:

3.2 Research Methodology

The methods of research which is applied to achieve the objectives of this research are described
in the following sub sections.

3.2.1 Study Strategy

The study is carried the form work which can reduce chiseling during concrete castingin
construction projects. Formworks were investigated from different point of view such as
material, construction methods, safety, health and environment.

3.2.2 Data Collection and Analysis

The data which are used in this research are both primary and secondary. The first partis the
information gathered through these two methods was supplemented by discussions based on
literature review. Secondary data were obtained from Company documents.


4 Research project data analysis method and value chain

The research project can be analyzed by formwork elements were observed on construction sites
while assembling and dismantling. Many construction sites were also investigated where and
other companies’ formwork systems were used. The results show that the system is similar to
that was taken as case study to represent elimination of chiseling in the concrete cast formwork
producing companies for the purpose of this research. Quality of concrete structures casted using
traditional formworks and to supplement the questionnaires distributed to contractors. Since the
construction practice in other parts of Ethiopia is similar, observations were made in Addis

Ababa to represent the cases in Ethiopia. Cleaning method is done by adding water on set
concrete and using sharp metals to Release it. Such cleaning procedure affects the quality of
panels and subsequently quality of Concrete surfaces. Improper storage of steel panels has also
resulted in bending and rusting of the elements. The source of the formwork materials in
Ethiopia is through owning (purchase from both local and international markets), rental and
production by the firm itself. All contactors purchase formworks from local market. This is
mainly due to lack of adequate awareness on the modern formwork systems, which are
internationally used. Moreover, shortage of foreign currency may limit the contractors to local
markets only. However higher grade contractors import formwork from international markets. by
construction industry. The policy will also apply to other grades of contractors gradually. As
higher grade contractors are in better financial capacity, the policy can be implemented easily.

4.1 Suitable Column and Beam Formwork Systems for Ethiopia

In some construction projects in Ethiopia, many quality problems were observed on beams and
columns construction which has to be rectified through the use of modern and standard
formworks systems. Among the problems, the following are the major ones:

• The column cross sections are not the same at top, middle and bottom, the cross section at the
bottom is larger due to the increase in the pressure of concrete on the formworks. This is
attributed to the improper design and construction of formworks. The change in cross section has
influence on wall to be constructed between the columns. Blocks are cut to compensate for the
decrease in space at the bottom owing to bulging of columns. Therefore blocks are being wasted
due to change in dimension between columns.

• Extension of column formwork is not properly done in case where it is required to cast
relatively high column concrete. The lower and top cross sections of column are completely
different. As there is weak joint between lower and extended formwork, the upper section is
thicker than the lower. The situation is also true for beams. Chiseling of concrete surface is made
to rectify such errors. Besides adding cost to contractor, over chiseling may affect the structure.
Over chiseling can affect the durability of concrete as new concrete which is not well compacted
is applied to the affected area. Such problems can easily be alleviated by the standardization of
formworks. Moreover design of temporary works need to be submitted by contractor and
approved by the competent consultant.

• In some circumstances, the cross section of beam is not uniform due to the fact that formwork
tie materials and methods are inappropriate. Black wire is mostly used to tie side formworks of
the beam. The wire may not sustain the concrete pressure and the beam bulges. More over the
spacing and the strength of the ties need to be designed properly to avoid such problems. But
most local contractors lack the practice of designing formwork ties. Not only bulging out of
beams occurs but also over tying and reduction of cross-section is common. The latter is made in
anticipation that the dimension of will be adjusted after casting concrete and vibrating.

4.2Ethiopian Formwork Construction Systems

The technology of formworks in Ethiopia is at an infant stage. This situation is attested through
reviewing the construction practices of sites in all sub cities of Addis Ababa. Since the
construction methods and materials used in all sub cities in particular and country in General is
similar, representative sites in Addis Ababa are selected for review. As there are few literatures
written on the formwork construction practices in our country, investigations from sites are
considered as a review and presented in subsequent sections. Formwork Construction practices
for footing, column, slab and beam will be reviewed from quality, Safety and environment

4.3 Footing Pad and Foundation Column Construction Systems

Formworks for footing pads can be either timber or steel panel. The steel panels are joined Using
black wire and supported from back by timber (see figure 1).Incase of timber boards, The
members are nailed together and supported from back in the same manner as that of steel Panels.
Formwork release agents, mainly burnt oil is usually applied on the panels and boards before
placing of the formworks. Lean concrete is casted to form hard surface beneath the Formworks
which minimizes the settlement of the forms.

Figure 1 Footing pad formwork construction system in Addis Ababa

Figure 2 Column formwork construction systems in Addis Ababa


0.3m 0.05m

Figure 4 form work that used to reduce chiseling sample and design
4.4 Rental Formwork

The renting of formwork materials has become the most important area of business for formwork
manufacturers and companies selling construction equipment and materials. All businesses
working in these fields have appropriate rental equipment inventories which are offered and
utilized in the market. The rental company provides information about handling of formworks on
site and repairs and cleaning before return.

4.5. Price Structure for Rental Formwork

The price of rental formwork comprises of the following:

• Formwork material rental charges e.g. per month,

• Non-recurring costs,

• Additional services (special services).

Any other services between the hirer and Rental Company are to be agreed upon in advance.

4.5.1 Formwork Material Rental Charges It includes the following:

 Depreciation in value of the rented formwork as a result of use on the construction site.
 Standard repair of the materials outside of the equipment utilization period
 Interest charges for the capital employed &Risk and profit

4.5.2 Project Materials

Table 1 Project Materials


1 Sheet metal1mm thick 1 pcs 2500 2500

2 L bar 1pcs 2000 2000

3 Electrode 1 packet 500 500

4 Man power/welder 1 2000 2000

5 Transportation cost 1000 1000

6 Other cost 1800 1800

T0TAL 9800

4.6 Concrete as Formwork

It is commonly called "pre-cast" concrete. Shapes that are built in such a way that when

Concrete is added it will build the final structural shape and are never "stripped'(permanent

Formwork.This concrete is casted by the smooth form work so the researcher can solve the cost
of chiseling to do this research reducing the chiseling after the concrete casted. The below
concrete casted are not casted by the new form work.

Figure 3.Concrete as formwork material


1. Abu Dhabi Sewerage Services Company (2008), General Specification for Civil

2. ACI 318-05, Building code requirement for Structural Concrete.

3. ACI committee E-701, Aggregates for Concrete, ACI Education Bulletin


4. Andre Toveyetal. (2007), Design and Construction using Insulating Concrete

Formwork, Cromwell Press, Trowbridge, UK.

5.Alibala Group, Formwork Ties,


6. American Society of Concrete Contractors ASCC (2008), The Contractor’s Guide

to Quality Concrete Construction, USA

7. Neville, A.M (1994), Properties of Concrete third edition, Longman Group UK.

8, Arthur Lyons (2007), Materials for Architects and Builders, Elsevier's Science
&Technology Rights Department, Oxford, UK.

9,.Australian National Training Authority ANTA (1997), Formwork, Victoria,


10. Awed Hanna (1999), Concrete Formwork Systems, University of Wisconsin-

Madison, USA.

11. Boral Company, Formwork hardware brochure, 5 Mackie Way,rendale,Australia

1.2. Bluebay, Formwork Products brochures, http/

13. British Standards BS8110-1997 part 1, Structural Use Concrete.

14. Boaco Engineering Put ltd, How to Select the Right Crane for your Business, a
guide to Workstation cranes, Victoria, Australia.

15. Cement and Concrete Association of New Zealand, Formwork for Concrete,

16. Ethiopian Building Codes Standard, EBCS2 (1995), Structural Use of Concrete,
Addis Ababa.

17. Construction Safety Association of Ontario (2008), Formwork health and Safety,

18. Formwork Direct International LTD, Formwork Systems and Concrete Accessories, UK.


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