DSS Mid Ii Question Bank 2019 20

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Coarse Name: B.

Year/Sem: III/II
Department: Civil Engineering
Subject: DSS (CE601PC)
Faculty name: Mr. M.Mahesh

2M Questions.

S.No Question Taxonomy CO PI

1 Why buckling of web occur in beams? Remember C321.2 2.4.4
2 What is the correct orientation of placement of channel section Remember C321.6 2.4.2
purlins over roof trusses?
3 Under what conditions a beam should be checked for shear? Remember C321.2 2.4.4
4 What do you mean by web buckling? Remember C321.2 3.1.1
5 When the seated beam connections are preferred and name the types? Remember C321.2 2.1.2
1 Explain under what circumstances intermediate vertical stiffners and Understand C321.5 2.1.2
end bearing stiffners need to be provided in plate girder?
2 List the forces acting on the web splice of a plate girder? Remember C321.5 2.3.1
3 Why intermediate stiffners are required for plate girders? Remember C321.5 3.1.4
4 What is the purpose of providing the bearing stiffners? Remember C321.5 3.1.6
5 What is the minimum thickness of a plate girder when it is exposed to Remember C321.5 3.1.4
weather but accessible for painting?
6 Why the bearing stiffener is provided in plate girder? Remember C321.5 3.1.4
1 Generally purlins are placed at the panel points why? Remember C321.6 3.1.5
2 List out the assumptions involved in the design of purlins? Remember C321.6 3.1.4
3 What are the load combinations on the roof trusses? Remember C321.6 3.2.3
4 Define end bearing in roof trusses? Remember C321.6 3.1.1
5 What are the loads acting on the roof truss? Remember C321.6 3.1.4

3M Questions.

S.No Question Taxonomy CO PI

1 Explain the stiffened seat connection with neat sketch? Understand C321.2 2.1.2
2 Explain the design procedure for blotted framed connection? Understand C321.2 3.1.4
3 How is the building connections classified based on their moment Remember C321.2 3.1.4
rotation characteristics?
1 Explain short notes on flange splices and web splices? Understand C321.5 2.4.4
2 How do you improve the shear resistance in plate girder? Understand C321.5 2.4.4
3 List the components of plate girder and explain its important features Remember C321.5 2.4.4
related to design?
4 Explain the step by step procedure for design of vertical, intermediate Understand C321.5 3.1.5
and horizontal stiffeners in a plate girder?
5 Discuss about Economical depth of welded plate girder? Create C321.5 3.1.5
1 Explain briefly the design procedure of a roof truss? Understand C321.6 3.1.5
2 Explain different types of trusses with the help of figures and their Understand C321.6 3.2.3
salient features?
3 Define purlin and rafter? Remember C321.6 3.1.3

5M Questions.

S.No Question Taxonomy CO PI

1 An ISMB 400 transfer an end reaction of 160KN to the flange of an Create C321.2 3.1.4
ISHB 300@577 N/m. Design an un stiffened welded seat connection.
Take fb=185 N/mm2. Draw a sketch showing details of the section.
2 Design a stiffened seat connection for an ISMB 350@514N/m Create C321.2 3.1.4
transmitting an end reaction of 350KN (due to factored load) to a
column section ISHB 300@576.8 N/m. The steel is of grade Fe410
and bolts of grade 4.6.
3 A simply supported beam (laterally supported) of span 10m carries a Create C321.2 3.1.4
UDL of 60KN/m. In addition to UDL the beam is carrying a central
point load of 40KN. Design the section and checks the section for
shear and deflection.
1 Explain under what circumstances intermediate vertical stiffeners and Understand C321.5 2.3.2
end bearing stiffeners need to be provided in plate girder?
2 A railway steel bridge girder of span 18m carrying a uniformly Create C321.5 3.1.4
distributed load of 50KN/m. Design a welded thin web plate girder
with no intermediate transverse stiffeners. Assume depth to thickness
ratio of web as 150. Take yield stress of steel as 250 N/mm2.
3 Design intermediate transverse stiffeners and connections without Create C321.5 3.1.4
using tension field action for the welded plate girder section as
follows; Web plate = 3000mm x 8mm; Flange plates = 500mmx20
mm; Factored bending moment and shear force are 4500KN-m and
900KN respectively.
4 Design a splice for joining tension member sections 160x10mm and Create C321.5 3.1.4
320x16mm. The member is subjected to a factored tensile load for
360KN. Assume Fe410 grade of steel. Provide 20mm diameter bolts
of grade 4.6 for making connection.
5 Design a welded plate girder of span 20m. It is laterally restrained. It Create C321.5 3.1.4
has to support a UDL of 100KN/m thought the span exclusive of self
weight. Design the girder without intermediate transverse stiffeners.
Grade of steel is Fe410.
1 Design a purlin of a roof truss covered by roof sheeting: Create C321.6 3.1.4
Spacing b/w truss : 5m. Spacing b/w purlin : 1.2m
Span of truss : 10m. Self Wt. of roof sheeting: 171 N/m2
Self Wt. of purlin : 125 N/mm2 Live load : 0.4 KN/m2
Wind load : -2 KN/m
2 Design a purlin of a roof truss having the following data: Create C321.6 3.1.4
Span of the truss=9.0m, Spacing of truss=3m c/c, Inclination of
roof=300, Spacing of purlin=2m c/c, Wind pressure=1.5 KN/m 2, Roof
coverage= A.C Sheeting weighing 200N/m2, Provide a channel
section for Purlin.
3 A workshop of effective span 16m is to be provided with a pitched Create C321.6 3.1.4
roof. The supporting trusses are provided at a spacing of 3.0m. The
purlins are spaced at 1.50m c/c. Design the purlin when the roof is
inclined at 300 to the horizontal. Assume the dead load of roofing as
170N/m2 and wind pressure as 1100N/m2 normal to the roof.
4 Design a purlin of a roof truss covered by roof sheeting: Create C321.6 3.1.4
Spacing b/w truss : 6m. Spacing b/w purlin : 1.4m
Span of truss : 10m. Self Wt. of roof sheeting: 200 N/m2
Self Wt. of purlin : 130 N/mm2 Live load : 0.4 KN/m2
Wind load : -2 KN/m


Objective Question bank:


1. The beam column flexible connection is expected to resist and transfer [a]
a) only shear a) only moment
c) both shear and moment d) 50% of shear and moment
2. Clip and seating angle connection is provided for [a]
a) lateral support b) bending support
c) frictional support d) hinged support
3. In plastic analysis, the shape factor for circular sections, is [c]
a) 1.5 b) 1.6 c) 1.697 d) none of these
4. A beam is defined as a structural member subjected to [b]
a) axial loading b) transverse loading
c) axial and transverse loading d) none of these
5. Web crippling generally occurs at the point where [c]
a) bending moment is maximum b) shearing force is minimum
c) concentrated loads act d) deflection is maximum
Fill in the Blanks

1. When plastic analysis is used, the yield stress of grade of steel used shall not exceed 450 MPa.
2. In practice, secondary beams are connected to main beams by web cleats.
3.  Elastic Modulus of Steel is 2.0 x 105 N/mm2
4. Deflection can be reduced by increasing depth of beam.
5. The strength of steel beam depends on strength of compression flange.


1. A plate girder is used when [a]
a) span is large and loads are heavy b) span is small and loads are heavy
c) span is small and loads are light d) span is large and loads are light
2. Bending resistance of plate girders can be increased by [b]
a) decreasing distance between flanges b) increasing distance between flanges
c) reducing distance between flanges to half d) bending resistance cannot be increased
3. At high shear locations in the girder web, principal plane will be ______ to longitudinal axis
of member [a]
a) inclined b) parallel
c) perpendicular d) coincides
4. The function of bearing stiffener is to [b]
a) improve buckling strength of web b) preclude any crushing of web
c) restrain against torsional effects d) increase buckling resistance of web
5. The outstand of stiffener from face of web is restricted to [c]
a) 20tq/ε b) 120tqε c) 20tqε d) 50tqε
6. The effective length of intermediate transverse stiffener is taken as [d]
a) 2 times the length of stiffener b) 0.7 times the length of stiffener
c) 1.4 times the length of stiffener d) 0.5 times the length of stiffener
7. The nominal shear strength according to simple post-critical method is given by [b]
a) Av b) Avτb c) τb d) Av /τb
8. Intermediate vertical stiffeners are provided in plate girder to [a]
a) eliminate the web buckling b) eliminate the local buckling
c) transfer concentrated loads d) prevent excessive deflection
9. The d/tw ratio of web connected to flanges along one longitudinal edge only when transverse
stiffeners are not provided is _____ to meet serviceability criteria. [c]
a) >180ε b) ≥90ε c) ≤90ε d) >90ε
10. Which of the following angle should be ideally used in bolted plate girder flange? [d]
a) bulb angle b) equal angle
c) unequal angle with short leg horizontal d) unequal angle with long leg horizontal

Fill in the Blanks

1. The second moment of area of transverse web stiffeners not subjected to external loads or
moments is given by Is ≥ 0.75dtw2.
2. Bearing stiffeners are also called as transverse stiffeners.
3. Pate girders are built-up flexural members.
4. Welded plate girder is economical as compared to riveted/bolted plate girder.
5. The depth of the plate girder for which the area of steel used is minimum will have
minimum weight is called optimum depth.
6. The forces acting on the web splice of a plate girder are Shear and bending forces.
7. Economical depth of a plate girder corresponds to Minimum weight.
8. Intermediate transverse stiffeners are added which form web panels to increase the
critical buckling stress.
9. As per practical guide lines the depth of web of a plate girder usually varies from 1/15 to
1/25 for normal buildings.
10. The thickness of flange cover plate should be less than flange angle in bolted


1. For economical spacing of roof truss, if t,p,r are the cost or truss, purlin and roof covering
respectively, then [b]
a) t=p+r b) t=2p+r c) t=p+3r d) t=p+2
2. Slope of a truss is equal to its [c]
a) pitch/2 b) pitch c) two times pitch d) 1.5 times pitch
3. Live load for roof trusses should not be less than [b]
2 2 2 2
a) 0.2kN/m b) 0.4kN/m c) 0.75kN/m d) 1.5kN/m
4. The partial safety factors for dead load and wind load for a roof truss for limit state of strength
are respectively [b]
a) 1.0 and 1.5 b) 1.5 and 1.5 c) 1.2 and 1.5 d) 1.2 and 1.2
5. The principal rafter of a roof truss with purlin placed at intermediate points on the panel length
can be analyzed by [d]
a) method of joints b) method of sections
c) graphical methods d) moment distribution method
6. The minimum recommended rise of trusses with GI sheets is [c]
a) 1 in 4 b) 1 in 5 c) 1 in 6 d) 1 in 8
7. The wind load on a steel truss for an industrial buildings will depends upon [c]
a) location of the structure b) shape of the structure
c) shape and height of the structure d) location, shape and height of the structure
8. What are purlins? [c]
a) beams provided in foundation b) beams provided above openings
c) beams provided over trusses to support roofing d) beams provided on plinth level
9. The design capacity of channel/I-section purlin is given by [b]
a) M = Zp/fy b) M = Zpγm0fy c) M = Zpγm0/fyd) M = γm0/fy
10. For which of the following slope of roof truss, angle section purlin can be used? [a]
a) 25˚ b) 50˚ c) 75˚ d) 60˚

Fill in the Blanks

1. Purlin section is subjected to unsymmetrical bending.
2. If purlins are assumed to be simply supported, the moments will be wl2/8.
3. Sag rods are provided at one-third points between roof trusses.
4. For bolted construction of trusses, the bolt lines entering the joint must be concurrent to
avoid eccentricity.
5. The pitch of truss depends upon the roofing materials.
6. The method of design of steel framework for greatest rigidity and economy in weight is
known as fully rigid design.
7. Purlin section is subjected to unsymmetrical bending.

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