According to section 2(70) of the Companies Act 2013, Prospectus means any
document described or issued as a prospectus and includes red herring prospectus
referred in section 32 or shelf prospectus refereed on section 31 or any notice,
circular, advertisement or other document inviting deposits from the public or inviting
offers from the public for subscription or purchase of any securities of a body
▪Must be in writing
▪Invites subscriptions to shares and debentures
▪Invitation made to public
▪Invitation must relate to shares and debentures
▪Invitation must be made by or on behalf of the company
Requirements for prospectus
▪Dating and signing of prospectus
▪Experts consent
▪Registration of prospectus
▪Must be issued within 90 days of filling it with ROC
Contents of prospectus
▪General information: Company, Minimum subscription, Refund orders, Dates, Names
and address, Underwriting, Deposit of money, Credit rating
▪Capital structure of the company
▪Terms of present issue
▪Particulars of the issue
▪Company management and project
▪Stock market data
▪Particulars about company, listed under the same management
▪Outstanding litigation
Types of prospectus
▪Shelf prospectus
▪Red herring prospectus
▪Abridged prospectus
▪Deemed prospectus
Mis-statements in prospectus
▪A prospectus contains the information which is relied on by the public to either
subscribe or purchase the securities of a company. If it contains any misstatement
then it would invite serious consequences.
▪Any statement that is incorrect or misleading is included in the prospectus then it
would be termed as mis-statements in prospectus.
▪Any inclusion or omission of a fact which is likely to mislead the public shall also be
termed as a misstatement. Where a matter which is material enough has been
omitted from the prospectus and such omission is likely to mislead the public, the
prospectus will be deemed to be a prospectus with an incorrect statement.
Liabilities for Mis-statements in
prospectus/ Remedies
1. Civil Liability
2. Criminal Liability
Civil Liability
• The Remedies available to a person who has subscribed for shares on
the faith of misleading prospectus may be grouped in two categories:
Imprisonment Fine
Minimum amount involved in fraud
Minimum 6 Months
Maximum up to 3 times the amount
Maximum 10 years
involved in the fraud
Minimum Subscription
When the public company invites the public to subscribe for its shares, it cannot allot
those shares until the minimum amount stated in the prospectus has been
subscribed. This amount stated in the prospectus is known as the Minimum