Acctg 21 Learning Plan Student
Acctg 21 Learning Plan Student
Acctg 21 Learning Plan Student
Week 5b To determine the students’ Quiz 3: Corporate Governance Codes and Regulations Corporate Governance 50 items 60 mins
understanding of the topic. Review of Quiz 3
30 mins 90 mins
Week 6 Prelim Examination Prelim Examination 70 items
150 mins 150 mins
Week 7a Review of Prelim Examination Prelim Examination 70 items 90 mins 90 mins
Week 7b Distinguish between risk Gramling: Chapter 4 Audit Risk and Business Risk 90 mins 90 mins
management, issue Risk Management (Carroll)
management, and crisis Issue Management (Carroll)
management. Crisis Management (Carroll)
Nature of Risk
Managing Engagement Risk through Client Acceptance and
Retention Decisions
Managing Audit Risks
1. PSA 315 Identifying and Assessing the Risk of
Material Misstatements through understanding the
Entity and its Environment
2. PSA 330 The Auditor’s Responses to Assessed
Week 8a To determine the students’ Quiz 4 Audit Risk, Business Risk, and Risk Management Audit Risk, Business Risk, and Risk 60 mins
understanding of the topic. Review of Quiz 4 Management 50 items
30 mins 90 mins
Week 8b Define business ethics and Gramling: Chapter 3 Judgmental and Ethical Decision-Making 90 mins 90 mins
exhibit proper judgments. Frameworks and Associated Professional Standards
The Public’s Opinion of Business Ethics (Carroll)
Business Ethics (Carroll)
Ethics Issues Arise at Different Levels (Carroll)
A General Decision-Making Framework
An Ethical Decision-Making Framework
The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 as a Reaction to Ethical
Week 9a Understand the IFAC Code Approaches to Professional Codes of Ethics 90 mins
of Ethics for Professional 1. IFAC 2018 Code of Ethics for Professional
Accountants. Accountants: Part I and Part II
Further Considerations Regarding Auditor Independence
Short quiz
Week 13b Define the various types of Gramling: Chapter 9 Auditing for Fraud 90 mins 90 mins
fraud that affect Fraud and Auditor Responsibilities
1. Types of Fraud
2. Fraud Triangle
Auditing Standards – More Responsibility
1. PSA 240 The Auditor’s Responsibilities relating to
Fraud in an audit of Financial Statements
2. PSA 320 Revised and Redrafted and PSA 450:
Materiality in Planning and Performing an Audit,
and Evaluation of Misstatements Identified during
the Audit
Forensic Accounting
Week 14a To determine the students’ Quiz 6: Auditing for Fraud Auditing for Fraud 50 items 60 mins
understanding of the topic.
Review of Quiz 6 30 mins 90 mins
Week 14b Define internal control as Gramling: Chapter 5 Internal Control over Financial Reporting 90 mins 90 mins
presented in COSO’s 2013 Importance of Internal Control over Financial Reporting
Internal Control – Integrated (Carroll)
Framework and identify the Importance of Internal Control to Financial Statement
components of internal Audits
control. 1. COSO’s Internal Control – Integrated Framework
Week 15a Describe the responsibilities Auditor Evaluation of Internal Controls 90 mins
of the management and 1. PSA 265 Communicating Deficiencies in Internal
auditors relating to internal Control to those Charged with Governance and
control. Management
Management’s Responsibilities Related to Internal Control
over Financial Reporting (Carroll)
Management Reports on Internal Control over Financial Short quiz 30 mins 120 mins
Management Evaluation of Internal Controls
Documenting the Auditor’s Understanding and Assessment
of an Organization’s Internal Control
Week 15b To provide solutions to Case Study 2: Fraud and Internal Control Assessment Fraud and Internal Control 90 mins 90 mins
different case studies. Assessment (Group Activity)
Week 16a To provide solutions to Case Study 2: Fraud and Internal Control Assessment - Presentation Fraud and Internal Control 90 mins 90 mins
different case studies. Assessment (Group Activity)
Week 16b To determine the students’ Quiz 7: Internal Control over Financial Reporting Internal Control over Financial 60 mins
understanding of the topic. Review of Quiz 7 Reporting 50 items
30 mins 90 mins
Week 17a Grades and Target Score, and Final Coaching Individual Advisory 90 mins 90 mins