Unit - I - Vector Spaces Mcqs

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1. Let V be an vector space, and let Wbe a subset of V. What does it mean when we
say that W is closed under addition?
a) Whenever x and y are in V, then x + y is in W.
b) Whenever x and y are in V, then x + y is in V.
c) Whenever x and y are in V, then x + y is in V.
d) Whenever x and y are in V, then x + y is in W.

2. Let V be a vector space, and let W be a subset of V . What does it mean when we
say that W is closed under scalar multiplication?
a) Whenever x is in V and c is a scalar, then c. x is in W.
b) Whenever x is in V and c is a scalar, then c. x is in V.
c) Whenever x is in V and c is a scalar, then c. x is in W.
d) Whenever x is in V and c is a scalar, then c. x is in V.

3. Let V be a vector space, and let S be a subset of V. What does it mean when we say
that S is linearly independent?
a) Every element in V is a linear combination of elements in S.
b) The only way to write 0 as a linear combination of elements of S is the zero
combination (where one takes zero multiples of each element of S ).
c) The number of elements of S is less than or equal to the dimension of V.
d) S is a basis

4. Let V be a vector space, and let S be a subset of V . What does it mean when we say
that S is linearly dependent?
a) The span of S has smaller dimension than the dimension of V .
b) Every element of S is a linear combination of other elements of S.
c) Every element of S is a linear combination of other elements of V .
d) There is a way to write 0 as a linear combination of elements of S other
than the zero combination.
5. Let V be a vector space, and let S be a subset of V. What does it mean when
we say that S spans V ?
A. Every vector in V has exactly one representation as a linear combination of
vectors in S .
B. Every vector in V can be expressed as a linear combination of vectors in S.
C. The elements of S are all distinct from each other.

D. The rank of S is the same as the dimension of V.

6. Let V be a five-dimensional vector space, and let S be a subset of V which spans V .

Then S

C. Must be linearly independent.

D. Must be a basis for V.
E. Must have infinitely many elements
F. Must have exactly five elements
7. Let V be a five-dimensional vector space, and let S be a subset of V which is
linearly independent. Then S
A. Must have at most five elements.

B. Must be a basis for V.

C. Must span V.

D Must have infinitely many elements.

8. Let V be a five-dimensional vector space, and let S be a subset of V which is linearly

dependent. Then S
a. Must have exactly five elements.
b. Can have any number of elements (except zero).
c. Must be a basis for V.
D. Must span V.
9. Let V be a five-dimensional vector space, and let S be a subset of V which is a
basis for V. Then S
A. Must consist of at least five elements

B. Must have exactly five elements

C. Must span V.
D. Can have any number of elements (except zero).

10. Let V be a five-dimensional vector space, and let S be a subset of

consisting of three vectors. Then S

A. Cannot span V , but can be linearly independent or dependent.

B. Must be linearly dependent, but may or may not span V .

C. Must be linearly independent, but cannot span V .

D. Must be linearly dependent, and must span V .

11. Let V be a three-dimensional vector space, and let S be a subset of V consisting of

five vectors. Then S

A. May or may not be linearly independent, and may or may not span V .

B. Must be linearly dependent, but may or may not span V .

C. Must be linearly independent, but cannot span V .

D. Must be linearly independent, but may or may not span V .

12. Let V be a five-dimensional vector space, and let S be a subset of Vconsisting of

five vectors. Then S
A. Must be linearly independent, but cannot span V .

B. Can span V , but only if it is linearly independent, and vice versa.

C. Must be a basis of V .

D. Must be linearly dependent, and must span V .

13. Let B and C denote subsets of a vector space V

A. If B  C and C spans V then B spans V.
B. If B  C and C is independent then B is independent.
C. If B  C then span(C) = span (B).
D. If B  C and C is dependent, then B is dependent.
14. Let U and W denote nonzero subspaces of a vector space V where no two

of U, W and V are equal. If dim V = 3 then:

A. If dim(U) = 2, then U +W = V.

B. If dim( U W ) = 1, then U +W = V.

C. dim( U W ) = 2

D. dim( U W ) = 3.

15. Let B and D denote two bases of an n-dimensional vector space V.

A. There is no vector in both B and D.

B. If there exists a vector in both B and D then B = D.

C. B and D contain the same number of vectors.

D. Some vector in B is also in D.

16. Let {u, v, w} be an independent set in a vector space

A. u is a linear combination of v and w.

B. {u, v , u + v } is independent.

C. a u + b v + c w = 0 for some nonzero scalars a, b and c.

D. {u, u + v, u + v + w} is independent.

17. Let {v1, v2,…, vn } be independent vectors in a vector space V:

A. α1v1 + α2v2 + … + αn vn = 0 where not all the scalars αi are zero.

B. If dim V = n then {v1, v2,…, vn} spans V.

C. Some vi is a linear combination of the others.

D. There exists i  j such that vi = α vj for some scalar α.

18. Let {u, v, w, z} be independent vectors in a vector space V.

A. {u + v, v + w, w + z, z + u} spans V.

B. {u + v, v + w, w + z, z + u} is independent.

C. Span {u + v,v + w, w + z,z + u} is contained in span {u, v, w z}.

D. {u + v, v + w, w + z, z + u} is a basis of V.

19. Let {v1, v2, …, vn} be dependent, nonzero vectors in a vector space V.

A. There exists i  j such that vi = k vj for some scalar k.

B. {v1} is dependent.

C. Span {v1, v2 …, vn} has dimension smaller than n.

D. {vi, vj} is independent for some i  j .

20. Let B denote a basis of M2 x2.

A. B must contain an invertible matrix.

B. B cannot contain a matrix A such that A² = 0.

C. If X is in R 2 and A x = 0 for every A in B, then x = 0.

D. B must contain a symmetric matrix.

21. Let {A1, A2, …, An} be an independent set of matrices in Mn x n, n  2

A. {A1, A2, … , An} spans Mn x n.

 
B. A1T , A2T ,..., AnT is independent.

C. A1 + A2 + … + An = 0.

D. {A1, A2,… An-1, B} is independent where B = A1 + A2 + … + An-1.

22. For what value(s) of ‘a’ are the following vectors linearly dependent:

(1, 5, −2), (0, 6, a) and (3, 13, −3)?

A. a = 3

B. a = -3

C. a = 9

D. a = -9
23. Let B and C denote subsets of a vector space V.

A. If B ⊂ C and C spans V then B spans V.

B. If BC and C is independent then B is independent.

C. If BC then span(C) = span(B).

D. If BC and C is dependent, then B is dependent.

24. Let B and D denote two bases of an n-dimensional vector space V.

A. There is no vector in both B and D.

B. If there exists a vector in both B and D then B = D.

C. B and D contain the same number of vectors.

D. Some vector in B is also in D.

25. What is the Dimension of M 2x3 matrix is

A. 5
B. 3
C. 6
D. 2
26. What is the Dimension of Pn(x) matrix is

A. n + 1
B. n
C. n -1
D. 1

27. What is the Dimension of R matrix is


A. n + 1
B. n
C. n -1
D. 1
28. A set containing only one vector – say, v is linearly independent if and only if

A. v is not the zero vector.

B. v is the zero vector.
29. A set of two vectors v1 , v2  is linearly dependent if at least one of the vectors is

A. a multiple of the other

B. Both vectors are equal
C. Both vectors are different
D. Not a multiple of the other

30. Which one of the Dimension of a Vector Space V over the field F

A. The number of elements in a Linearly Independent set of V.

B. The number of elements in a Linearly dependent set of V.
C. The number of elements in a Generating set of V.
D. The number of elements in a Basis of V.
31. Any superset of a linearly dependent set is

A. linearly dependent.
B. linearly independent.
C. basis.
D. None of the above
32. Any subset of a linearly independent set is

A. linearly dependent.
B. linearly independent.
C. basis.
D. None of the above

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PART – B ( 2 MARKS )
1. Given that B = (1, -1, 0)T, (0, 1, -1)T, (2, 0, 2)T is an ordered basis of R3, and vector

v = (1, 1, 1)T with respect to the standard basis, the representation of v with respect
to B is

(a) (1/2, 1/2, 3/4)T

(b) (3/4, 1/2, -1/2)T

(c) (-1/2, 1/2, 3/4)T

(d) (1/2, -1/2, 1/2)T

2. Consider the following sets of vectors:

s1  1,0,1 ,  2,1,1 , 1,1,0 
 T

s   2,1,0  ,  3, 2,0  ,  0,1,0  


s  1, 1,0  ,  0,1, 1 ,  2,0, 2  

3 Of these sets, those which are bases of R3 are:

(a) All of them (b) S1, S3 (c) S2 (d) S3 (e) None of them.

3. B  1, 1  x, 1  x 
 is an ordered basis of P  x  , the vector space of polynomials of

degree less than or equal to 2, with real coefficients. Write down the vector that represents
the polynomial Q(x) = 1 - 2x - x2 relative to this basis.

A) Q(x) = (6, -4, -1)

B) Q(X) = (-6, 4, 1)

C) Q(X) = (6, -4, -1)

D) Q(X) = ( -6, -4, -1)

1 2 2
 
M   0 2 2  and V  {MxT : x  R 3 }.Then dim V is
0 1 1
 

A) 0

B) 1
C) 2

D) 3

1 1 0 0
 
2 2 0 0
5. The number of linearly independent eigen vectors of  is
0 0 3 0
 
0 0 5 5

A) 4

B) 1

C) 2

D) 3

 1 1   1 5   2 4 
6. The dimension of the subspace of M 2 X 2 spanned by  , ,  is
 1 5   4 2   5 7 

A) 4 B) 1 C) 2 D) 3

7. U and V are subspace of R 4 such that U  span [(1, 2,3, 4), (5, 7, 2,1), (3,1, 4, 3)] &

V  span [(2,1, 2,3), (3, 0,1, 2), (1,1,5,3)]. Then the dimension of U V is

A) 4 B) 1 C) 2 D) 3

2 2 0 0
 
2 1 0 0
8. Number of linearly independent eigen vectors of  is
0 0 3 0
 
0 0 1 4

A) 1 B) 2 C) 4 D) 3

9. Let S  2  x  3x 2 , x  x 2 ,1  2 x 2 be subset of P2 ( R) Then

(a) S is linearly independent

(b) S is linearly dependent

(c) (2,-1,3), (0,1,1), (1,0,-2) are linearly dependent

(d) S is a basis of P2 ( R)

10. Let u, v, w be three non-zero vectors which are linearly independent, then

(a) u is linear combination of v and w

(b) v is linear combination of u and w

(c) w is linear combination of u and v

(d) none of these

11. Let U and W be subspaces of a vector space V and U W is also a subspace of V, then

(a) either U  W or W  U (b) U W  

(c) U=W (d) None of these

1 3 5 1 

12. What is the rank of the matrix A A  2 4 8 0

 
 3 1 7 5

(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4

8 4 6
13. If A  4 0 2 is singular, then what is the value of x ?
x 6 0

A) 12 B) 8 C) 4 D) 1

14. Consider the set of (column) vector defined by

X  x  R3 | x1  x2  x3  0, where xT   x1 , x2 , x3 
 . Which one og the following options is

 a  1,  1, 0  , 1, 0, 1  is a basis for the subspace X.

b) 1,  1, 0  , 1, 0, 1
 is a linearly independent set, but it does not span X
and therefore is not a basis of X.

(c) X is a subspace for R 3.

(d) None of the above.

2 1
15. The number of linearly independent eigen vectors of   is
0 2

(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) Infinite

1  x  3
     
16. The following set of three vectors 2 , 6 and 4 is linearly depentent
     
1  x  2
     

when x is equal to

(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 3

17. Determine ′𝑥′ so that the vectors (1, −1, 𝑥 − 1), (2, 𝑥, −4), (0, 𝑥 + 2, − 8) in 𝑅3 are
linearly dependent over 𝑅.
A. x = 2 (or) -3
B. x = -2 (or) -3
C. x = 2 (or) 3
D. x = -2 (or) 3

18. A subset 𝐵 of a vector space 𝑉 over 𝐹 is called a basis of 𝑉 if

A. 𝐵 is linearly dependent & V ≠ 𝐿(𝐵)

B. 𝐵 is linearly independent & V ≠ 𝐿(𝐵)

C. 𝐵 is linearly dependent & V = 𝐿(𝐵) (𝐵 spans V)

D. 𝐵 is linearly independent & V = 𝐿(𝐵) (𝐵 spans V)

19. What is the standard ordered Bases for R


A. (1, 1, 0), (0, 1, 1) & (1, 0, 1)

B. (1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0) & (0, 0, 1)
C. (1, -1, 0), (0, 1, -1) & (-1, 0, 1)
D. (1, 2, 3), (1, -2, 3) & (-1, 2, -3)
20. What is the standard ordered Bases for P3 ( R)

A. 1, -x, - x2 & - x3
B. 1, x, x2 & x3
C. 1, x, & x3
D. 1, x2 & x3

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