Brochure Twinwall Sheets en
Brochure Twinwall Sheets en
Brochure Twinwall Sheets en
twinwall sheets
Wich product for wich application ?
You can use guttagliss profile sheets or twinwall sheets for open roofs. A The following overview and our application recommendations should
decisive factor for the selection is the property of the sub-structure and/ help you to decide correctly from the selection of items.
or your requirements on the visual effects. Further selection criteria are
material-related differences with respect to lifetime duration, UV stabili-
ty, processing or optics.
PC Acryl
polycarbonate acrylic
UV-resistance ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬
hail resistance ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬
transparency ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬
longevity ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬
°C temperature
resistance ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬
adaptation ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬
fire behavior ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬
guarantee 10 Years 20 Years
referred to warranty provisions referred to warranty provisions
roofing roofing
Recommendations wallcoverings wallcoverings
patio roofs patio roofs
patio roofs patio roofs
pergolas pergolas
carports carports
Choose the right material and your material requirements can be calculated online at our website !
2 3
dual twinwall sheets PC
Installation accessories
System compatible installation systems, as well as suitable accessories,
Applications such as screws, end brackets, etc. are listed on pages 14 – 23.
• Roof cladding
• Wall sheeting
• Terrace coverings
• Conservatories
• Pergolas
• Carports
• . . . and your ideas
The material
guttagliss dual twinwall sheets are made from polycarbonate and have
an additional surface protection layer (co-extrusion), which provides them
with excellent weather and UV stability. guttagliss dual twinwall sheets
are impact resistant and easy to process.
The bottom of the sheet also provides effective protection from fal- So as not to limit the service life of the sheets, please comply with our
ling droplets (condensate). This is especially important when designing installation instructions. Before installation, please read these instruc-
greenhouses. tions and ensure that you only use original guttagliss accessories for
installation purposes.
4 5
Technical specifications
Sheet width (mm) 1050 1050 980, 1200 980, 1200 980, 1200 980
Heat transmission
3.5 3.0 2.4 2.3 1.4 1.4
U-value (W/m² K)
Coefficient of linear
0.065 0.065 0.065 0.065 0.065 0.065
extension (mm/m°C)²
Cold flexural radius (mm/min.) 1050 1750 2800 2800 4375 4375
both sides
UV protection both sides both sides both sides both sides one sided
opal one sided
6 mm sheets should only be used for smaller structures, such as small
greenhouses, sheds, entrances to buildings, etc.
Expansion/shrinkage of 3 m long sheet and a temperature difference of 20°C: 0.065 x 3 x 20 = 3.9 mm Length expansion/shrinkage
6 7
acryl sz twinwall sheets Acryl
• Roof cladding
• Wall sheeting
• Terrace coverings
• Conservatories
• Pergolas
• Carports
• . . . and your ideas
The Material
guttagliss acryl sz twinwall sheets are manufactured from acrylic
(polymethyl methacrylate PMMA) and a special elastomer additive. This
additive produces a high resistance to impact and good resistance to
breakage. We recommend 16 mm thick guttagliss acryl sz twinwall
sheets for buildings with the highest demands with regard to appearance
and durability.
guttagliss acryl sz panorama So as not to limit the service life of the sheets, please comply with our
The guttagliss acryl sz panorama achieves a previously unattainable installation instructions. Before installation, please read these instruc-
high transparency due to the extremely wide twinwalls (96 mm). tions and ensure that you only use original guttagliss accessories for
installation purposes.
8 9
Technical specifications Requirements
Do not store in direct sunlight. When storing in a stack there is a risk of
Sheet type acryl panorama heat plus deformation in the event of direct solation. Store the sheets flat and protect
them from fouling and mechanical strain. A white foil or thick cardboard is
Sheet thickness (mm) 16 16 16
suitable as a covering.
2000 2000 2000
Sheet length (mm) – 6000 – 6000 – 6000 Expansion/shrinkage
The length of the sheet changes due to the effect of the temperature.
Sheet width (mm) 980, 1200 980, 1200 980
This must be noted in the design. The pertinent data is provided in the
Twinwall widths (mm) 32 96 32 table of “Technical data”.
GSM approx. (g/m²) 4000 4700 4000 Condensation may briefly occur in the twinwalls in specific types of
weather. This is due to the design. This will not have any effect on the
-20 to -20 to -20 to material and function of the sheets.
Thermal stability
+80°C +80°C +80°C
Fire rating according to
B2 B2 B2 Condensation may briefly occur in the twinwalls in specific types of
DIN 4102
weather. This is due to the design. This will not have any effect on the
material and function of the sheets.
Light transmission
Transmission ratio (%) Roof pitch
clear 84 87 – The roof pitch must not be less than 7°.
opal-white 76 – 74 This also applies in lower levels!
bronze 50 – – Strapping
Heat transmission Timber, where possible warp-free glued truss or also metal.
2.7 2.7 2.7 Paint the rafter surfaces white or laminate with reflecting guttagliss
K value (W/m² K)
adhesive tape silver, so as to prevent the accumulation of heat, which
Coefficient of linear can cause cracking and deformation. Timber preservatives/ impregnations
0.06 0.06 0.06 must be allowed to thoroughly dry and ventilate, since discolouration will
extension (mm/m°C)²
otherwise be possible.
Cold flexural radius not not not
bendable bendable bendable Rear ventilatio
In accordance with DIN 4108, adequate provision must be made for ven-
tilation from the rear. No special action is required for open structures, e.g.
UV-protection both sides both sides both sides carports, pergolas, etc.
Only accessible with weight-distributing access boards. Upholster the
* Formula for calculation of elongation/shrinkage: access boards!
Coefficient of linear extension x sheet length in m x temperature
difference in °C = Thermal expansion/shrinkage in mm
Expansion/shrinkage of 3 m long sheet and a temperature
difference of 20°C: 0.07 x 3 x 20 = 4,2 mm thermal expansion/shrinkage
10 11
Support spacing
for guttagliss acryl sz twinwall sheets
sheet type clear / bronze / heat plus panorama
Support spacing
for guttagliss dual twinwall sheets
sheet type dual dual dual dual easy dual dual
clean thermo sun Drilling
guttagliss twinwall sheets are installed with suita-
sheet thickness 6 10 16 16 25 25
(mm) ble profiles, so that drilling is not normally required.
Where drilling is required due to the design, the drilled
sheet width (mm) 1050 1050 980 1200 980 1200
holes must be 50% larger than the screw diameter.
load (kg/m²) support spacing Where possible, use a guttagliss plastic centre bit
75 1500 2200 * 2700 * *
(Art. No.: 3410241).
12 13
durotop profile system only use for 10 or 16 mm plates
A detailed laying instruction can
be found on
On request we send the
laying instruction to you.
Centre profile Final and retainer bracket Stainless steel metal Edging tape
1 10 or 16 mm
4 for centre profile 10 and 16 screws, 6.3 x 50 mm
inkl. screws with Membrane Art.-No.: 3410403
Art.-No.: 3442123 20 / bag, Art.-No.: 3410523 with Membrane Art.-No.: 3410456
Art.-No.: 3442206 100 / bag, Art.-No.: 3410529 without Membrane Art.-No.: 3410459
Edge profile Final and retainer bracket Aluminium wall Special silicone
2 5 7
10 or 16 mm for centre profile 10 and 16 junction profile 310 ml cartridge,
10 mm Art.-No.: 3442140 inkl. screws bright, with sealing lip Art.-No.: 3410251
16 mm Art.-No.: 3442183 Art.-No.: 3442203 Art.-No.: 3440823
14 15
PVC clamp cover profile only use for 10 or 16 mm plates
1 4
Centre profile Alu-U-profile 16 mm Aluminium wall
1 3 white or silver 8
10/16 mm junction profile
980, 1050 or 1200 mm length 5
for 10 and 16 mm bright, with sealing lip
16 mm, white, Art.-No.: 3440547
Art.-No.: 3445203 16 mm silver, Art.-No.: 3440480 Art.-No.: 3440823
PVC Clamping Stainless steel wood End angle and Edging tape
2 4 6 9
Profile Edge screws, 4.5 x 35 mm holding angle self-adhesive,
for 10 and 16 mm 20/bag, Art.-No.: 3410513 10 mm, Art.-No.: 3430292 with Membrane Art.-No.: 3410403
16 mm, Art.-No.: 3430295 with Membrane Art.-No.: 3410456
Art.-No.: 3445233 100/bag, Art.-No.: 3410519 without Membrane Art.-No.: 3410459
16 17
aluminium cap profile only use for 16 mm plates
1 4
Centre profile 16 mm Stainless steel wood screws, drilling screw Adhesive tape, silver
1 4 8
Art.-No.: 3441043 6.5 x 64 mm metal 70 x 5.5 mm 60 mm x 50 m
20/bag, Art.-No.: 3410533 20/bag, Art.-Nr.: 3411093 Art.-No.: 3410401
100/bag, Art.-No.: 3410539 100/bag, Art.-Nr.: 3411056
18 19
aluminium screw profile only use for 16 mm plates
1 2
3 5
Centre profile 16 mm Stainless steel wood End and holding angle Adhesive tape, silver
1 4 7 10
Art.-No.: 3441163 screws, 4.5 x 35 mm with brim 60 mm x 50 m
20/bag, Art.-No.: 3410513 Art.-No.: 3430281 Art.-No.: 3410401
100/bag, Art.-No.: 3410519
20 21
Alu-Thermoplus only use for 25 mm plates
1 2
3 5
Centre profile 25 mm Stainless steel wood End and holding angle Adhesive tape, silver
1 4 7 10
Art.-No.: 3445303 screws, 4.5 x 35 mm with brim 60 mm x 50 m
20/bag, Art.-No.: 3410513 Art.-No.: 3430281 Art.-No.: 3410401
100/bag, Art.-No.: 3410519
22 23
Product range
In addition to our guttagliss twinwall sheets, we also have many other
useful products for buildings, gardens and DIY applications:
guttanit corrugated bitumen sheets for roofs and walls in many dif-
ferent styles and colours.
guttagliss panel and easy click plus twinwall panels of PVC or po-
lycarbonate with tongue-and-groove joint.
Prospect-No.: 9501127 |