Drokk City02

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The document discusses the economy and industries of Mega-City One, including agriculture, defense, and various types of robots used.

Some of the major industries discussed include agriculture & farming, defense, and weapons manufacturing.

The document discusses various types of robots including GP robots, hitmeks (assassin robots), robodogs, watchmeks (defense robots), and sex meks.

Illustration by John Higgins. Copyright Rebellion A/S © 2004.

jun 04
issue 2

By John Caliber

Illustration by Brian Bolland. Copyright Rebellion A/S © 2004

Cover Art - John Higgins.
Interior Art - Brian Bolland,
John Caliber, Steve Dillon, Peter Doherty,
Carlos Ezquerra, Henry Flint, Ian Gibson,
Cam Kennedy, Ian Kennedy, Gary Leach,
Paul Marshall, Mike McMahon,
Colin MacNeil, Killian Plunkett,
Kim Raymond, Cliff Robinson,
Will Simpson, Ron Smith, Bill Ward.

Judge Dredd created by the amazing

John Wagner and Carlos Ezquerra.

1. business unusual ........................... 03

2. mega-culture ................................. 09

3. landmarks & hotspots .................. 17

4. working stiffs ................................. 38

5. mega-tech - robots ...................... 48

DROKK CITY - ISSUE 2 [June 2004] - is published periodically on an unofficial basis by Cast Iron Graphics, 1 Masefield Avenue, Radcliffe,
Manchester M26 3GZ, United Kingdom. ‘Judge Dredd’ and all related characters and situations are the copyright of Rebellion A/S ™ & © 2004.
The ‘Roll Call Rules’ and any original material in text or graphic form conceived for this publication are copyright John Caliber © 2004.

Illustration by Carlos Ezquerra. Copyright Rebellion A/S © 2004

sector 1

Mega-City One is a free-market economy, encouraging • Energy - Mega-City One is fifty-percent self-suffi-
investment and enterprise, unrestricted by City Hall. cient in the energy supply stakes, drawing on practical-
All major industries have long been deregulated, which ly infinite geothermal energies through the Power Tow-
encourages competition for business from the citizens ers. The remaining energy requirements are provided
and never-ending price wars. It also - unfortunately for by nuclear [driven by imported fuel rods], tidal and so-
the citizens - means a variable degree of disjointedness lar power corporations. The transport industry utilises
between service providers; a high quality of service sup- largely-imported synthoil and rechargeable fuel cells to
plied by the transport provider in certain regions of power the city’s millions of vehicles.
Mega-City One may connect to sub-par services in other
regions governed by competitors. Deregulated as the secondary
city’s business sector is, major corporate incompetence
• Manufacturing - Mega-City One’s manufacturing
leading to service inadequacies will not be tolerated by
base could not exist without a comprehensive recy-
the Justice Department who will waste little time in drag-
cling program. All mega-cities were designed to be as
ging chief executives from their luxy-apts and throwing self-sufficient as possible with the level of technology
them into an iso-cube for their crimes. available at the time. The amazing multipurpose ma-


Illustration by Ron Smith. Copyright Rebellion A/S © 2004.

• Agriculture & Farming - Mega-City One’s food
supply is divided between wholly synthetic and geneti-
cally-modified [GM] sources. An astounding variety of
foodstuffs can be contrived from reconstituting nut-vit
slime - the building blocks of human dietary require-
ments - into liquid and solid food. One of the constitu-
ents of nut-vit is the radiation-resistant, GM plant
Munce, grown by the millions in Cursed Earth aq-
uaponic farms. A market still exists for organic non-
GM and exotic, non-terrestrial foods, supplied by for-
eign import from global trading partners and space
farms. Pro-slab - concentrated Bisoon meat [a Buffalo-
Heifer hybrid] - is processed in huge Cursed Earth farms,
a joint venture by Mega-City One and Texas City.
• Defence - A relatively small percentage of Mega-
City One citizens carry firearms licenses, but they are
a sufficient number to sustain a healthy import/export
weapons industry. The Justice Department relies on
Cursed Earth aquaponic farms
private contractors to fill its armouries and those of owned by Mega-City One grow
block citi-def units. the wonder foodstuff Munce.

terial Polypropylop - made from reconstituted sew- City One’s Research and development corporations en-
age - is but the latest generation of decades of highly- joy high levels of government sponsorship and a mini-
efficient recycling technologies. Electronics, clothing, mum of restrictions placed on avenues of experimental
heavy construction materials [rockcrete, glasseen, plas- research. Mega-City One R&D industry excels in the cut-
teen], vehicle bodies and weaponry are collected and ting edge exploration of defensive armaments [laser de-
turned over to mega-waste disposal plants, broken fence, counterterrorism technologies], dimensional and
down into separate chemicals and then redistributed temporal studies [for possible commercial exploitation],
to city industry. Dead citizens are not immune to this genetic engineering and alternative energy applications.
process, for they are dismembered in Resyk plants and
reformed as basic chemical sludge.
currency & banking
tertiary The main form of currency within Mega-City one is the
• Entertainment - The world’s largest recreational credit, which replaced the Dollar in the mid-Twenty-
industry is to be found in Mega-City One, the world’s first Century. The credit was first circulated in coin and
most densely inhabited population centre. Astronomi- paper note formats [1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 500 and 1,000
cal rates of human unemployment caused by far less cr. denominations], but later was upgraded to a largely
expensive and more efficient robot labour alternatives electronic medium. Paycards are plasteen, credit card-
contribute to chronic frustration, aggression and self- sized wafers that store a fixed credit value until some
loathing among the citizens. Mega-City One’s leisure or all the paycard’s value is deposited through an ex-
industry is extremely well-developed, offering consum- change box into another’s account. Credit can be add-
ers thousands of tri-d channels, multimedia entertain- ed to the paycard’s balance just as easily. Note that pay-
ment packages and more physical pastime alternatives cards are not designed - nor recommended - to be the
such as long-term hobbies and team sports to help im- sole repository of a citizen’s entire bank account[s],
prove social relationships. The Mega-City One enter- merely a means of conveying partial amounts from that
tainment business has become a brand name in itself account to conduct street transactions. Alternatively,
and successfully exports its products across the world. bank account details can be provided to business part-
ners so they can transact with the bank personally. The
• Research & Development - The greatest advanc- Mega-City One banking system is very much like the
es in scientific advancement come in times of crisis, and banks of our time, hosting millions of bank accounts
Mega-City One has seen more than its fair share of and offering loans to private individuals, business and
threats. Driven by the Justice Department’s urge to pre- government. All banks are staffed by robot clerks and
vent the same disasters from afflicting the city, and to even have robot bank managers. Recognising the tran-
resolve ongoing consequences of past trauma, Mega- sient nature of the hectic mega-city life, robot ‘mo-
banks’ pursue their clientele along the city streets and
roads, recharging paycards and processing loan and ac-

Illustration by Ron Smith. Copyright Rebellion A/S © 2004.

count requests at the touch of a button. Mo-banks are
attractive targets for heisters and have been designed
to resist such attacks thanks to an armoured body shell,
stun beams and cling net casters.
Banking insitutions that have appeared in the Judge
Dredd comic strip include Bundy’s Bank, the First Mega-
Bank, the Mega-City Cred-Bank and the Mega-City Sav-
ings & Loan Bank.

business directory
The following is a sampling of businesses that have ap-
peared in the Judge Dredd comic strip:

arms merchants
• Colt - The oldest firearms arms manufacturer in
North America.
• General Arms - Firearms and light-to-medium ar-
tillery manufacturer.

market: middle-aged citizens and ‘Brithusiasts’.
Illustration by Ian Gibson. Copyright Rebellion A/S © 2004.

• Foord - Mega-City One’s largest native car manu-

facturer, dealing in reasonably-priced ground and
• Freeway - Pan-African aero-freighter manufactur-
er; central office in MegCentral.
• General Hovers - Hover vehicle offshoot of the
old General Motors corporation.
• General Slabsters - Twenty-second Century in-
carnation of the old General Motors corporation.
• Harley Farley - Classic and new street bike
• Hensi Corporation - Hondo City manufacturer;
sells mid-range ground and hover vehicles to the
Mega-City One market.
• Holy Roller - Renaissance Reclam enterprise - no
office presence in Mega-City One. Fantasy ground
and hover vehicles for the specialist markets.
• Hoverbeam - Sports hover vehicle manufacturer.
• Hoveryellow - Hovertaxi firm.
• Inter-Space Corp - Deep-space hauliers. Owns
private spaceport complex based in MegCentral.
• JCD - Plant hire and manufacture.
• Marple Spaceways - Orbital suburb/space condo-
minium manufacturer. Central office in MegSouth.
• Mopad Club - Accident & repair mopad insurers.
• Hondai - Hondo City ‘weapons technologists’ with • Mercury - Midi-to-heavy ground goods transport-
offices in MegNorth offering state-of-the-art [and er manufacturer.
hugely expensive] firearms; custom design orders ac- • Nijinski Trucking - Haulage company.
cepted. • Oostin - Modestly-priced groundcars of average
• KillCo - Outlawed arms dealer importing illegal reliability.
weaponry from arms factories beyond Mega-City • Ped-Power - Pedway vehicle manufacturer [zoot-
One’s jurisdiction. Not surprisingly, KillCo does not scoots, block buggies, etc].
have any offices in Mega-City One. • Road Baron - Ruhr Conurb vehicle manufacturer;
• Mauley - Supplies weapons to both judges and cit- central office in MegSouth.
izens, helping fan the flames of many a block war. • Roadliners, Inc. - People mover and midi-haulage
• Tac-Systems - Heavy weapons specialist. firm. Has contract to run sections of the Mega-City
• Walther Mitsubushi - German-Hondo federation One ground bus network.
selling high-precision, value-added armaments. • Secur-O-Pod, Inc. - Supplies armoured vehicles
to financial institutions and the Justice Department.
transportation • Stutz - Deluxe groundcars and hover convertibles.
• Transpan - Intercontinental aero-freighter fleet.
• Alienline - Taxi firm founded and staffed exclusive-
ly by extraterrestrials. Headquarters based in Alien-
town. energy
• Armoured Truck Company - Manufacturers of • Apollo-Goldstar - Solar power provider.
heavy-duty industrial vehicles for road and off-road • Meg-Oil - Synthoil manufacturer and distributor.
usage. Owns a private testing range in the Cursed Earth. Central offices in MegSouth.
• Bad Company - Battle craft for the civilian market. • Nukco - The city’s largest provider of nuclear
• Classic Carriages - Replicas antique ground and power.
aircraft built to customer specifications. Pollution • Power Tower Company - Geothermal. One Pow-
laws require that any classic vehicle intended for road er Tower [MegSouth] in operation, with a replace-
use must have synthoil or fuel cell engines installed. ment for the sabotaged Power Tower 2 [also Meg-
• Digby Motors - Quality Brit-Cit ground and hover South] recently going online. Power Tower 3 will
vehicle manufacturer. Principle Mega-City One be sited in MegEast.

Illustration by Cliff Robinson. Copyright Rebellion A/S © 2004.
• Wiffin Gas - Mothane gas refineries, with a con-
tract to vent methane gas from the Mega-City One
sewer system.

food & drink

• Amalgamated Munce, Inc. - Largest Munce-
sourced food producer in the city.
• Chuck Chicken - Junk food giant, owner of the Mc-
Duck and Pizza Hovel fast food franchises.
• Garbo Edibles - Biothetic food producer.
• Mega-Vit Synthi-foods - Artificial vegetable • Hondai Corporation - Hondo robotics, branch of-
[‘greenish’] and fruit manufacturer. fices in MegWest. State-of-the-art ‘full-steel’ or cy-
• Pireli Plankton, Inc. - Harvests mutant Blue Pacif- borg systems catering for civilian and military con-
ic plankton in sea-farms for the North-Am market. tracts [subject to Justice Department approval].
• Sunshine Synthifoods - The city’s most popular • Jonson - Servodroids.
breakfast cereal manufacturer. • Mega-Tinto Mining Company - Earth solar sys-
• Trimcit - Slimming aid manufacturer. tem mineral extraction.
• Universal Kneepad Corporation - Giant of the • Moderna Robots - Robots for domestic, office and
kneepad craze, later to expand into the butt- and light industry.
facepad markets. • NERDCO - Cutting edge technologies; brainchild
• United Munce - Owns half of the Munce aq- of Bill Nerd.
uaponic farms in the Cursed Earth, supplying to • Noxem Chemicals - Industrial compounds.
Amalgamated Munce. • Plastoid Industries - The city’s largest plasteen
manufacturing • Precision Robotex - High-quality Swiss robotics ca-
tering to the lucrative Hightown market.
• Agg-Bio - Provides ‘zombies’ [above right], human • Riochem - Front company for Justice Department
simulacrams with marginal intellect, for purposes of mass tranquillisation program.
commercial product experimentation.
• Serve-U-Well - Domodroids.
• Blaxochem - Pharmaceuticals.
• Singer - Servodroids.
• Commode - Static and portable computer systems.
• StigCorp - Heavy construction.
• Cybo-Comp - The city’s oldest robot manufactur-
• Sump Labs - Alternative nutrition and cosmetics
er, its motto: ‘for robots of distinction.’
• Cyclon Metalworks - Ore refinery & reconstitu- R&D.
tion plants. • Sweetair Ventilation Co. - Air conditioning
• Dot Com - Micro-electronics. provider.
• Global Dynamics Corp - Texas City robotics; • Tekbot - Heavy industrial robots.
branch office in MegSouth. • Unidroid - Servodroids and light industrial robots.
Illustration by Cam Kennedy. Copyright Rebellion A/S © 2004.

multimedia • Kneepad Crazee - Kneepad specialists.
• Miz-Meg, Gitt - Fashion house and designer cloth-
• Big-1 Publishing - Mass market vid-zines.
ing labels.
• Mega-Media, Inc. - The city’s largest multimedia
• Mega-City Stores - Lowtown shopplex chain.
• Megalot Ltd. - Administrates the ‘Megalotto’.
• Sprintprint - Copyshop franchise.
• Mosgrove & Thung - City’s largest shopplex chain
with healthy markets in both Low- and Hightown.
private services
• Robok - Juve clothing fashions.
• Bodybank - Purchases ‘healthy’, fresh cadavers • Universal Armpit - ‘Hygienic’ clothing, including
from the consenting bereft, selling to wealthy c l i - the best-selling 24-hour crotch and armpit liner.
ents who wish to transplant their minds into more
attractive/younger/healthier bodies.
• Garbo Bodywarp Salon - Comprehensive cos- business locations
metic surgery packages. dust zone
• Holiday Macabre - Travel agents with a difference,
arranging distasteful or dangerous vacations for the The heavily-industrialised areas [‘dust zones’] of Mega-
more discerning traveller. City One are a vision of Hell to many citizens and so
• Inter-Time - Time travel technologists responsi- are contained mainly within the sparsely-populated fac-
ble for the first localised time warp units. All In- tory-belts of MegSouth. With most of the city’s manu-
ter-Time operations are closely monitored by the facturing base operated by robots, human aesthetics are
Justice Department. not a design issue and so optimum productivity can be
• Mega-City Bullion - Protects and transports the obtained every square metre of available space. One
city’s gold reserves. the outside, the factory blocks of the dust zones are
• Mega-Guard - Insurance company. huge, intimidating grey boxes, their sheer faces broken
• New-U-Face Parlour - Face change surgery franchise. by exhaust ports, cranes, ever-busy ground truck load-
ing docks and hoverpads in the upper levels. The la-
retail bour robots of the factory blocks are efficiently designed,
with no extraneous weight, appendage or feature to
• Born To Surf - Skysurf specialist selling powerboard, impair their functionality. Most robots are bolted to the
related clothing and equipment. machinery they operate - some robots actually are the
• Emphatically Yess - Trouser specialist, with ex- plant manufacturing machinery, churning out plasteen,
clusive contract to supply bodysuits to the Justice metal and electronic products from their complicated
Department. innards, serviced by a legion of smaller robots. Once
completed, the finished products are safety-checked,

biz-dis glossary
A guide to Twenty-second Century terminology • Ecom unit - A single industrial storage unit. Sometimes
relating to commonly-encountered ‘high-slab’ an entire warehouse may be referred to as an ecom
businesses. Note that not all Mega-City One busi- unit.
• Factory Block - Fully-automated production plant.
nesses have a an alternate name - many retain tra- • Fash-up - Clothes retailer.
ditional titles [barbershop, garage, grocery store, • Fish & Chipperie - Brit-Cit delicacy takeaway.
hardware shop, solicitors for example]. • Freezy Whip Parlour - Ice cream vendor.
• Mek-mart - Robot showroom
• Biz-Cit - Businessperson. • Shopplex - Large shopping complex, also known as a
• Biz-Dis - Business District. Biz-dis’s located in city- shoppera.
blocks are called ‘biz-levels.’ • Slugshop - Book store.
• Burgostop - Fast food restaurant catering to hover- • Slug-vendor - Newsagents.
traffic. • Snackerie - Snack bar, also known as a snaketto.
• Chill-out - Snack bar & hang-out for juves. • Sume - Consumer; business customer.
• Con-shop - Convenience store. • Ro-biz - Robot business unit.
• Dust Zone - Industrial Zone. • Teksmith - Personal technologies repair shop; Twen-
• Eatery - Restaurant. ty-second Century locksmith.

the whims of the warehouse owner. Average ecom unit

Illustration by Cam Kennedy. Copyright Rebellion A/S © 2004.

dimensions are twenty-by-twenty feet, ten feet high,
about the size of a groundcar garage, often used as small
business units and civilian furniture storage. Like cityblock
apartment modules, ecom units can be attached to one
another and their partition walls removed to generate a
larger volume, limited by size of the warehouse the ecom
units are stored within. Most warehouse owners live on-
site, attending personally to customers’ needs. Ecom-
chain owners like Sidney Ransid have earned enough cred-
its to live elsewhere, entrusting the day-to-day adminis-
tration of their properties to cheap robot gaffers or trust-
ed friends and family. Anybody with good social and fi-
nancial credentials can rent ecom unit space for any rea-
son within legality - officially that is. The criminal under-
world makes extensive use of the more remote ware-
houses to conduct secret meetings, organise bite-, bot-
then packaged and sent along one of many dozens of or pit-rat fights, or lure enemies to their deaths at the
conveyor belts to waiting trucks and aero-freighters to hands of contract killers, their corpses thrown into the
be delivered to the block owner’s customers. Factory sewers for ‘gator food, or dissolved with acid jets to make
blocks are extremely noisy, hot and very dangerous for it virtually impossible for the judges to identify the body.
any human to attempt to walk through without a clear
direction. Heavy metal manipulator arms, las-welders, food & drink
cutters, molten metal and plasteen crucibles, snaking
hydraulic cables and moving floor plates will all do seri- Most of Mega-City One’s foodstuff is synthetic, necessi-
ous - if not lethal - injury to those who do not pay atten- tated by an absence of healthy, fertile soil and cropland.
tion. On occasion, slabpackers have broken into factory Advances in genetically-modified nutrition and molecular
blocks in search of warm lodgings for the night, only to reconstitution has led to the easy manufacture of synthet-
become part of the end product, grabbed by a robot ic foods and drinks that can look exactly like their organic
arm and pushed into a plasteen mould, pulped to death. predecessors, or be moudled into original foodstuffs nev-
er seen before. Consumers are offered a practically infi-
ecom unit nite choice of healthy eating or junk food. In the early dec-
ades of the GM movement, governments attempted to
The post-atomic warehouse districts of Mega-City one eradicate high-fat and sugar foods, but after realising that a
are long-established, former ‘no-go zones’ occupying
snack-starved population would see them out of power,
swathes of City Bottom. The zones are licensed without
charge to businesses on the condition that they first clean the plans were abandoned. The remainder of this section
up the debris and unexploded warheads left over from lists a sample of the food and drinks that have featured in
past conflicts. These plots of land have no value to the the Judge Dredd comic strip:
Housing Department as they are often contaminated with
radiation and/or seeping chemical pollutants, but are ideal • Food - Bacteria Soup, Bleenies, Chippies, Chunkies, Dunk-
for the storage of inorganic industrial goods. The reclam ies, Grool, Grot-pot [bavarian bratwurst, french fry, grots of the
district warehouses have many globe, rat madras, tibetan yak, trade
Illustration by Ron Smith. Copyright Rebellion A/S © 2004.

owners, often mildly ambitious biz- polish potato], Hagburgers, Hagdogs,

Hagfries, Hotties [eltzweltz, sticky tof-
cits out to make a modest, easy liv-
fee], Koko Candy, Krispy Slug Flake, Krispy
ing from renting their ecom units out
Snake Rings, Meatish Pie, Mockburgers,
to other businesses and private in- Mock-chok [chewbars, chok-bar, chunx,
dividuals - one of the biggest names dainties, dolly’s mixtures, krunchblox],
in ecom unit rental is Besmartco, run Mock-dog, Moonz Boonz, Munceburgers,
by slummy entrepreneur Sidney Munce Gum, Non-meatish Pie, Okey-
Ransid. There are no uniform stand- dogs, Ratburgers, Synthi-flakes.
ards to ecom unit design - some are
constructed cheaply from salvaged • Drink - Bananarak, Bileshake,
brick and reconstituted concrete, Doomlager, Dweebo, Fursters, Good Luck
while others are made from more Beer, Grud Beer, Munska, No-caf, Old
conventional rockcrete or plasteen. Spleen, Pigweiser, Shampaine, Soy Cola,
The unit size depends entirely on Synthski, Synthi-caf.

Illustration by Carlos Ezquerra. Copyright Rebellion A/S © 2004

sector 2

apocalypse day parade

The Apocalypse War of 2104 destroyed half of Mega-
As do all free city-states, Mega-City One hosts regular
City One. A special day of remembrance exists to hon-
festivals and public events to bring the citizens closer
our the dead, the missing and the judges who sacrificed
together... watched carefully by the Justice Department,
themselves to defend the city from the East-Meg One
of course. On the surface, most of these events are
invaders. The largest official parade is held in Sector 44,
quite harmless, if boisterous, but the criminal element
while smaller contributions are organised privately
is always present - tap gangs and dunks hunt for easy
across all five city precincts. Decorated floats and dra-
pickings, assassinations are carried out and contraband
matic reinactments move slowly down the slabs, ac-
passes from dealer to addict, cloaked by the hustle and
companied by demonstrations by pro- and anti-war
bustle of the crowds. Most major public events are
groups including the ‘Rad-Fellows Society’, the ‘Vic-
broadcast on tri-d pay-per-view channels.
tims Of The Apocalypse’, the ‘Pro-Nuke Alliance’ and
the ‘Daughters Of The Apocalypse’.

the born-again
Illustration by Ron Smith. Copyright Rebellion A/S © 2004.

lawful march
A group of reformed offend-
ers who parade their ‘enlight-
enment’ before the masses, as
approved by the Chief Judge.
The ‘Born-again Lawful’ [BAL]
present their crimes for all to
see, written on plaques
mounted on their chests and
backs while chanting ‘Justice
For All! Crime Must Fall!’ The
march is not exactly a crowd
pleaser, most visitors only lin-
ing the slabs to be visibly seen
to support any pro-Justice De-
partment movement. The
march is a target for gang of
thugs who pelt the Born-again
Lawful with rotten Munce fruit
and bottles, but the keen Jus-
tice Department presence
soon has the offenders bun-
dled into the waiting catch
wagons. Interestingly, a

number of the thugs will re-emerge as BAL marchers, megathon
prompting suspicion among conspiracy theorists that
the judges have brainwashed them. The Chief Judge The annual cross-city marathon ‘Megathon’ regularly at-
refuses to deign these accusations with a response. tracts over eight million participants despite a guaran-
tee of severe limb injuries and Vibe Bowl-sized blisters.
justice day parade The Megathon has its own tri-d channel [‘Thon-On-
The-Box’] offering live, twenty-four hour a day cover-
The Justice Department is honoured once a year with a age, and a whole micro-industry supporting the joggers,
parade that travels through Sector 44. Row after row offering liquid nourishment and mo-tels for flagging par-
of judges ride highly-polished Lawmasters, drive pat- ticipants. Ambulances follow the Megathon, ready to
wagons and Manta prowl tanks while H-wagons soar speed injured citizens to the nearest med-bay.
overhead in formation. The latest technologies in the
judges’ endless fight against crime are often previewed mega-vision song contest
to the masses for the first time at the Justice Day Pa-
rade, sure to deter many would-be criminals. The pa- The best of Mega-City One’s musical talent as voted by
rade ends in front of the Grand Hall Of Justice where the citizens ‘sing-to-win’ before a packed Vibe Bowl,
the Chief Judge gives a traditional speech. the event broadcast live on tri-d. There is no type of
music that cannot be considered for entry into the con-
mega-city 5000 test [pro-democracy protest songs excepted] and no
age limits, so the audience can expect to listen to eld-
Gangs of rival streetbikers take to the roads of Mega- sters crooning alongside pug-rock, pap, hov-garage, zzip
City One, their object to cross from one side of the house and Cursed Earth folk music acts. The audience
city to the other, evading the judges and smashing the votes for each act by entering their selection into their
opposition off the road. The biker gangs have no in- Vibe Bowl or tri-d remote controls. The winner receives
terest in the safety of innocent citizens and will happi- an exclusive slug-deal with a major slug-label and a guar-
ly run any down who obstruct their path. The most anteed world tour.
infamous Mega-City 5000 was held in 2099,
resulting in a record number miss & mister robo-world
of civilian fatalities. The judg-
es brought the race to a vio- Another of Mega-City One’s bizarre beauty pag-
lent end, but interest remains eants, ‘Miss & Mister Robo-World’ celebrates
strong among the outlaw the perfect union of cybernet-
streetbiker community in stag- ics and human aesthetics as
ing future competitions. epitomised by android
‘simulacra’, robots designed
to resemble human beings.

Illustration by Bill Ward. Copyright Rebellion A/S © 2004.

Twenty-second Century cy-
bernetics are so advanced
that it is virtually impossible
to tell a human and simulac-
ram apart without looking
beneath their skins. An-
droids are often designed to
appeal to the human ideol-
ogy of beauty and the mod-
els entered in ‘Miss & Mis-
ter Robo-World’ are not
only the most attractive an-
droids ever conceived, but
also considered the ultimate
‘Homo Sensual’. The an-
droids that enter the contest
have their own fan clubs de-
spite their being nothing but
metal and circuit shells with
preprogrammed personali-

ty matrices. A look on the Megaweb reveals hundreds of d networks. Fashion competitions are held to find the
‘cyrines’ dedicated to one or more simulacram models, city’s ‘Best-Decayed Zombie’. Psi-Division all the while
filled with tri-d images, design specifications and accounts maintains a vigilant watch over the proceedings, aware
of ‘cyberks’ who have met a simulacram in person. that some crazed citizens - necromantic cults or bon-
afide sorcerers - might try to exploit the spiritual pow-
er inherent in Remembrance Day and resurrect some
Illustration by Carlos Ezquerra. Copyright Rebellion A/S © 2004

zombies of their own ...

new year chub-up

New Year’s Day is still celebrated across the world
and Mega-City One hosts a party that matches its size
with exuberance. The Justice Department grants li-
censes allowing all bars and eateries to remain open
through the night, seeing in the new year with the
booming, synthesised chimes eminating from Times2,
all-night festivals held by the city’s premier entertain-
ment landmarks and a dazzling laser-light show over
the Statue Of Judgement joined by a parallel ceremo-
ny held on Luna-City 1, visible from Earth.

pro-democracy rallies
Following the ‘Great Referendum’ of 2113 which saw
the citizens vote the Justice Department back into pow-
er, proven officially that the majority of voters support
the harsh regime offered by the judges, the pro-democ-
racy movements have lost much of their momentum.
Even so, ongoing concerns about the Justice Depart-
ment’s treatment of Mega-City citizens is sufficient to
energize the occasionally protest march. Regular attend-
ees include the remnants of the ‘Democratic Charter
Group’, the ‘Democratic Coalition’, the ‘Freedom
League’ and the ‘Sons Of The Constitution’. The rallies
that once attracted millions of angry citizens now fail to
exceed the average population of a cityblock, but the
judgement day of rally organisers remain ever committed to their cause.
robot of the year show
The necromancer Sabbat’s campaign of genocide against
the citizens of the Earth resulted in untold millions of The ever-abundant robots of Mega-City One have their
deaths. The images of endless legions of zombies lurch- own event, a showcase for manufacturers to show off
Illustration by Peter Doherty. Copyright Rebellion A/S © 2004

ing through the streets of Mega-City One, tearing citi- the latest models and secure mass production deals with
zens apart wherever they fell into undead
hands, left a deep mental scar upon the city.
The Judgement Day Of Remembrance com-
memorates the world judges’ victory over Sab-
bat, in particular the role played by Mega-City
One’s Justice Department which lost thousands
of fine men and women defending the city wall
against the zombie incursion. Much of Remem-
brance Day is given over to solemn tri-d broad-
casts and speeches from respected Mega-City
One officials and celebrities; the rest sees the
city explode into carnificial chaos and endless
reruns of old and new zombie flicks on the tri-

customers who have travelled

Illustration by Kim Raymond. Copyright Rebellion A/S © 2004

from around the world to sell
their own units, admire the glis-
tening mekanoids, or try to steal
corporate secrets from compet-
itors. The ‘Robot Of The Year
Show’ has been heavily-policed
by the judges in the wake of two
robot wars and spikes of public
opposition to these mechanical
marvels. Protest groups like the
‘Men at Work’ campaign to have
robots replaced with human la-
bour, while extremist ‘neo-lud-
dite’ cells plan bombing raids
over factory blocks and devel-
op computer viruses designed
to permanently disable robots.
The ‘Robot Of The Year Show’
is a target they cannot ignore.
in the ring. All-In-Sumo also attracts overseas contend-
ers from legendary Sumo breeding grounds like Ha-
simp pride march waii, Kiwi-Cit and Hondo City, eager to prove them-
The city’s silliest citizens celebrate their diversity by selves against the Mega-City One newcomers.
marching in amusing costume and trumpeting their id- • American Football - The great game of American
iosyncrasies to any who can tolerate them. The ‘Simp football has survived into the Twenty-second Century,
Pride March’ has been a staple of city culture since but not without some modifications . Under the ‘Bion-
2119 and is a harmless, jovial and congenial affair, but ic Limitation Code’, twenty-five percent of all players’
not all bystanders find it amusing, particularly ‘Norm bodies must be bionic. This change has made the game
Pride’, yet another ‘strait-lace’ mob that finds diversi- more dangerous, adding a touch of ‘red spice’ that has
ty intolerable. helped reverse declining audience attendance figures.
The rules of American football are otherwise unchanged,
sports competitions with two teams of players seeking to take possession of
the ball and score touchdowns in the opposition’s end
This section examines the legal sports of Mega-City One. zone. The players’ bionics make for a faster-paced game,
• Aeroball - One of Mega-City One’s most popular more broken limbs and fountains of blood, to the audi-
sports, Aeroball has existed in an almost unchanged state ence’s howls of delight. American football is regulated
since its creation in the early Twenty-First Century. Two by the Mega-City Football League [MFL], which hosts
teams of players equipped with jetpacks compete for the annual Superbowl competition at the Crater Bowl.
possession of a plasteen ball in a game best described as • Biff - An updating of Baseball, Biff has a few new
a combination of football, boxing, kung-fu and basket- tricks to help keep the game fresh. As with traditional
ball. The aim of Aeroball is to score ‘air-strikes’ by plac- Baseball, two teams battle for the highest scores. The
ing the ball into elevated score-tanks; the team that pitcher attempts to strike the batter out, while the bat-
makes the most strikes wins the game. Mega-City One ter tries to hit the ball. He then runs around four fixed
has several, full-sized Aeroball stadiums, while many bases to score a run. The opposition fielding team have
cityblocks have their own, smaller versions where to try to catch the ball before it bounces, tagging a base
Aeroball champion wannabees play in a cutdown ver- before the batter can reach it. In Biff, the batter’s aim is
sion of the game known as ‘Jetball’.
not to hit the ball between the foul lines, but to strike a
• All-In-Sumo - Washed-up flab-sport contestants
fielder. If a fielder is thusly ‘biffed’, his uniform is illumi-
were offered a chance to repair their damaged slab-
nated and he must retire from the pitch. The more biffs
credibility by wrestling each other in the ancient and
the batter can make, the more runs he can make. How-
noble art of Sumo, a popular Hondo City import. In a
ever, the fielders can ‘arm’ the bases with a potent
crowded ‘Basho’, two fatties slap and grapple one an-
electric shock by throwing the ball at them. As the
other to force their opponent outside a large ring drawn
on the match floor - the victor is he who remains with- batter touches the booby-trapped base, he is stunned
and is disqualified from the game. Each team has three

batters. The winning team has to score the most runs, can eliminate any one panellist by throwing him over
with bonus points added for each fielder or batter re- the box’s side into a catch net, removing the panellist
moved from play. for the game’s duration. The object of Block-Out is to
• Blockleaping - The objective of blockleaping con- remove all the opposition panel, winning the match.
tests is obvious - to leap the distance between two neigh- Pigs can attempt to reach the box, but can only use
bouring cityblocks. The sport is a simple one, but attracts the pneumatic howitzer, a very tricky prospect that
a good audience turnout from the blocks involved and sees many pigs fly far over the heads of the panel. The
draws the local biz-cits onto the tweenblock plaza to sell winning team takes home the esteemed Crater Bowl
their wares from temporary stalls. As very few cityblocks Trophy, named after the former rad-pit crater the sta-
are actually close enough in proximity for a human to dium was built within.
leap between without certain death, special ‘Boing®- • Destruction Derby - Hover vehicles fight for su-
boots’ are used to increase his momentum. Should the premacy in the Hoverdrome, ramming and smashing
blockleaper fail to make the crossing, catch nets will break each other until only one remains in the air to take the
his fall. Blockleaping attracts dozens of contestants, all crown of the ‘Destruction King’.
having been declared residents of the competing blocks • Flab-Sports - The phenomenon of the ‘fatty’ - a
for at least twelve months. Even this simple sport has citizen who has eaten himself into hyper-obesity and
seen a measure of scandal - unscrupulous blockers smug- not managed to die of heart failure - is celebrated by
gling mutants with superhuman leaping capabilities or the flab-sport community, where fatties are sponsored
powers of flight into the city to take part. by big business to eat their stomachs off, the heaviest
• Block-Out - This relatively new sport, only two fatty standing to win millions of credits in prizes in the
decades old, has caused controversy during every ‘Heavyweight Eating Championship Of The World’ con-
championship due to the violence that invariably erupts test, held at the Chow Dome. Following the food short-
between the two cityblock teams taking part, select- ages caused by the Apocalypse War, the fatty was made
ed specifically by the Block-Out organisers because of a social pariah and the ‘grunt and guzzle’ game outlawed,
pre-existing animosities. In the game of Block-Out, two but the law have since been repealed and flab-sports
teams of panellists answer questions - correct answers once more thrive. Another major flab-contest is the
allow their teams of pigs and wallies to move across a ‘Intercity Eating Championship’ between Mega-City
large gameboard ever nearer to the opposing panel- One and Texas City; Mega-City Two was once a partic-
lists’ box. Pigs try to knock the wallies out of the game ipant before it was nuked. Aside from the mega-credit
by jumping on them. Wallies who get close enough to spectacles, flab-sports are pursued by lots of smaller
the opposition box try to leap into it by using a spring- eating contests around Mega-City One, the summit of
board or the extremely-powerful pneumatic howit- which is the ‘Fattie Of The Year’ contest and the title of
zer. If the wally succeeds in climbing into the box, he ‘Mega-Fats.’
Illustration by Carlos Ezquerra. Copyright Rebellion A/S © 2004

Illustration by Ian Gibson. Copyright Rebellion A/S © 2004.
• Pinboing® - The popularity of the hobby of Boing- into which the ‘shugster’ must pot all the balls. Shuggy
ing® prompted further exploitation of the miracle plas- is a difficult game to master and has inspired an armoury
tic’s commercial potential - the sport of Pinboing® was of trick shots - the leapfrog, sidewinder, frisbee flip, triple
born. Taking place in huge ‘Boingaramas’, Pinboing liquidator and the infamous booglariser, potting four or
matches are bizarre and thrilling spectacles. Contest- more balls consecutively into different holes. Shuggy
ants are encased in a Boing® bubble and fired into a halls are often frequented by the city’s coolest movers
vastly oversized replica of an old pinball machine. Like and shakers, making and breaking business deals - legal
the pinball players, the pinboinger must steer the pin- and illicit - over the table.
ball - in this case himself - into a series of bumpers, try- • Slopeskating - A rather uninspired hybrid of skat-
ing to strike the bumpers with the highest scores to ing and highboard diving, slopeskating competitors skate
beat off the opposition, emerging as Pinboing Wizard. down a curving board and launch into the air, perform-
• Shuggy - A strange hybrid of the table sports of ing complex acrobatics before they land in the swim-
Snooker, Billiards and Pool. Shuggy is a game played on ming pool below. For eldsters and the extremely easily
an oblong table with twenty-four ‘hills’ topped by holes entertained only.
• Target Ball - Tennis with added interest, Target Ball
has two contestant try to hit the ball past their oppo-

Illustration by Mike McMahon. Copyright Rebellion A/S © 2004.

nent so that he cannot return, striking one of a moving
row of target boards, each with differing scores. The
highest scoring player wins the match, the best of eight
games to make a set.

weirdy of the year

An ‘anti-beauty’ contest, the Weirdy Of The Year con-
test showcases the most bizarre, cosmetically-altered
Mega-City One citizens, pitting the extent of their self-
inflicted deformities against each other for big prizes
and the coveted Weirdy Of The Year crown and sash.
The weirdies’ qualities are measured against audience
votes as indicated on the Weirdometer - 1] ‘wee bit
weird’, 2] ‘pretty weird’, 3] ‘genuine weirdy’, 4] ‘very,
very weird’ 5] ‘lock this one up!’ The contest draws
huge tri-d audiences and the inevitable opposition
groups, notably the Normal Fringe led by Adolf Soso
which attempted to murder all the contestants of a
weirdy contest some years ago, drawing unprecedent-
ed viewing figures and advertising revenue for the con-
test’s extremely-pleased broadcaster.

The technologies of the Twenty-second Century allow
for unprecedented data flow. Mega-City One’s prima-

ry information sources are distributed through the me-
Illustration by Carlos Ezquerra. Copyright Rebellion A/S © 2004

dium of tri-d [three-dimensional image and spacial

sound], viewed from a vid-screen terminal. All tri-d
data is stored electronically on holographic ‘slugs’
[memory chips] offering a staggering memory storage
capacity. Tri-d programming, music, computer and ed-
ucational programs are all in slug format which can be
slotted into a slug-reader for instant access. The rest
of this entry provides a sample of the various multi-
media programming widely available to the citizens of
Mega-City One:

• Annual Address Of The Chief Judge To The Cit-
izens - A review of the Justice Department’s suc-
cesses over the past twelve months and notice of
new, modified or repealed laws soon to come into
force. The ‘Annual Address’ is compulsory viewing
for all citizens.
• Blandtalk - Chat show hosted by Vinnie Bland.
• Channel 99 - Tri-d station offering the city’s widest
variety of commercial programming. Its motto: ‘Cit-
ywide With Pride!’
• Chumps Get Lucky - Top-rated daytime
family-team quiz show hosted by Nicky Parsnips.
• City Voice - Serious debate show.
• Crime Call - Judges make on-screen arrests follow-
ing tip-offs provided by viewers. Hosted by Cliff Stan
and crime scene reporter Fran Kubbel.
• Crimesapopping - Citizens report crimes to a panel
of robot judge heads.
• The Density Factor - Quiz show for idiots hosted gramme hosted by roving reporter Eldon Dodge.
by ‘Jazzy’ Johnny Spangle. • Early Late Horrow Show - Horror genre tri-d
• Dodge The Issue - Channel 001 investigative pro- showcase.
• Face The Judge - Studio-based citizens question
a guest judge.
Illustration by Killian Plunkett. Copyright Rebellion A/S © 2004

• Heartline - A panel of counsellors advise simple-

minded, troubled citizens.
• Just Plain Stupid - Celebrating citizens’ stupidity.
Hosted by Bryce Forsoup.
• Line 9 - Vid-phone-in.
• The Marriage Game - A Lovecom Production.
Hosted by Wanda Hump, three contestants are
asked romantic questions by a mystery contestant
in search of love. The ‘winning’ couple are married
at the end of the show by a celebrity priest.
• Megalot - The city’s only legal lottery. After vio-
lence broke out following a record roll-over win,
the Justice Department exercised the Security Of
The City Act, directing all future winnings into the
Accounts Division. Genuine Megalot winners no
longer exist, their ‘real’ identities declared anony-
mous for reasons of privacy.
• Mega-Wide - Chat show hosted by the venerable

Illustration by Carlos Ezquerra. Copyright Rebellion A/S © 2004
Frank Brash, famous for being arrested by guest vid-zines
Judge Dredd in 2104.
• Medicine Today - Health topics. [Available in hyper-fi and sensurround formats]
• News 9 - Topical vid-in hosted by Pete Petrie.
• News-Meg - In-depth look at the day’s news host- • Abnormality Weekly - Essential reading for weird-
ed by Hilbert Faxman. ies and social outcasts.
• Pits Of The World - Documentary exploring the • Alien Life - Magazine catering to the city’s extra-
world’s danger and sleaze hotspots. terrestrial community.
• Playaday - Young children’s show. • City Life - News, business and entertainment.
• Radio Radio Radio - Audio-only music channel • Eldzines - Nostalgia-themed periodical for OACs
hosted by ‘Cool Johnny Cool’. with additional articles relating to present day eld-
• Rich Creeps - Soap opera set in Hightown. shelt life.
• Street Beat - Lowbrow ‘meet the people’ show. • Homes & Humes - ‘Walk-throughs’ of the city’s
• This Is Your Death - Psychics try to predict the more attractive properties and interviews with their
time of vid-callers’ deaths. owners. Tips on hab-improvement.
• Tipsters’ Tonite - Sports show offering celebrity • Mega-Digest - Dozens of condensed articles on
commentaries on possible winners and losers of fu- topics that may be of interest to lazy readers.
ture sports competitions. Hosted by the eldsters’ • Megapolitan - Lightweight broadslug.
favourite, ‘Silky’ Dick Dilliker. • Mega-Times - The city’s most widely-read news
• Vid-Mark - Hab-shopping channel. periodical.
• Violence Channel - Adults-only hi-vi; approved by • New Mutation - Articles on mutant segregation
the Justice Department’s Media Division. issues and explorations of Cursed Earth life from a
• What’s Noo? - Showcasing new inventions, fash- mutant’s perspective.
ions and oddities. • Mega-City Standard, Morning Newsfax,
• Who Gives A Damn What You Think? - Obnox- Newsmeg - News and business.
ious vid-phone-in hosted by ‘shock-jock’ Wowie Hark. • Prohibited Vid-zines - Any vid-zine promoting vi-
• You’ve Been Fingered - Viewers inform on their olence [‘vi-zine’] is banned under Mega-City One
neighbours for big prizes. law. A small underground market thrives, featuring
depictions of real physical violence, torture and mur-
der. Examples include ‘101 Actual Killings’, ‘Guts And
Garters’, ‘How To Dismember A Close Friend’, ‘The
Pancreas Of Pauline’, ‘Sappy Valley Massacre’, ‘Tor-
ture Magzine’ and ‘Torture The Alien Way’.

Illustration by Carlos Ezquerra. Copyright Rebellion A/S © 2004

sector 2
Mega-City One is populated by an endless human me- • Sector 5 - Central Hoverport.
nagerie of social classes and oddities with wildly differ- • Sector 7 - Apetown, David
ing views on what constitutes culture, education and Hedison Block [post-a], Dr.
entertainment. If an audience exists for any given prod- Spock Megaplex, Slabyrinth.
• Sector 9 - Bleeke Mansion,
uct, it exists in Mega-City One, as will organisations and
Gordon Banks Block [pre-a].
architecture to represent it. This sector presents many • Sector 10 - W. E. Johns Block
of the more interesting locations that have premiered [pre-a], St. Peter Root Hospi-
in the Judge Dredd comic strip, with details of their typ- tal, Earl Slick Block [pre-a].
ical patrons and possible uses in a virtual theatre drama. • Sector 11 - Morgan Fairch-
This sector has been loosely formatted in the style of ild Block [d. 2106], Inskip
contemporary travel books, neatly subdivided into cat- Warehouse.
egories of architecture and utility. • Sector 12 - Peter Weller
Block [pre-a].
• Sector 15 - Bypas Building, Flip Rogan Block [post-a],
maps Horton Towers [post-a].
Illustration by John Caliber. Copyright John Caliber © 2004.

• Sector 16 - Funtazia Fun Park, Skyview Hotel.

This first section provides a detailed map of Mega-City • Sector19 - Diego Garcia Block [d. 2106], Tom Mahon
One, to which a comprehensive listing of cityblocks, Block [post-a].
businesses, landmarks and establishments of repute [or • Sector 20 - Ferraro Housing Complex [pre-a], Frisbee
disrepute] is attached. Each of the five quadrants that Stackers [post].
comprise Mega-City One has its own map entry. All of
the maps are designed to complement the ‘master’ city megEast [21-108]
map located on p13 of Drokk City #1. The following
quadrant content is the result of intensive research into • Sector 21 - Karen Berger Block [pre-a], Andy Dante Block
[pre-a], Mega-City Chamber Of Horrors, Moose Skow-
just about every issue of 2000ad and the Judge Dredd
ran Block [pre-a], Alvin Toffler Block [pre-a].
Megazine, as well as sci-fi specials, mega-specials, annu- • Sector 22 - Alientown, Meg-Oil Central Depot, Mildred
als, yearbooks and newspaper strips; it is the most am- Muncy Block [post-a], Roy Rogers Block [pre-a].
bitious Mega-City One mapping project ever attempt- • Sector 23 - Boyson Conapts [post-a], Don Lawrence
ed. Note however that most locations are never offi- Block [post-a], Shirley Temple Block [post-a], Shirley
cially granted exact sector designations and so this au- Temple Fun Park.
thor has made educated guesses as to where they might • Sector 24 - Joe Bananas Block [pre-a], Frank Nitti Block
be situated. The more interesting or important loca- [pre-a], Marg Rutherford Block [post-a].
tions each receive an extended entry later this sector. • Sector 25 - Ian Beale Block [pre-a], Hymie Goering Block
[pre-a], Norman P. O’Connor Block [post-a], Charlie Sim
Block [pre-a].
megCentral [1-20] • Sector 26 - Cybo-Comp HQ, Hillcrest Rise Luxy-estate
• Sector 1 - Castenada Square, The Frankie Block [post-a], [post-a], Boris Karloff Conapts [post-a], Larry Hagman Co-
Fred C. Dobbs Block [pre-a], Deb Pfeiffer Block [pre-a]. napts [post-a, d. 2105], The Megalopolis.
• Sector 2 - Bill Bixby Block [pre-a], Sinkler Heights. • Sector 27 - Steve Coogan Block [pre-a], Roger Hollis
• Sector 3 - Suze Bote Block [pre-a], Johnny Johnson Block Block [post-a], Simp Tank.
[pre-a], Linda Nolan Block [post-a], Phil Roth Bock [pre-a]. • Sector 28 - Curbishley Court [pre-a], Hi Lo High-rise
• Sector 4 - Inter-Space Corporation HQ & Private Landing [post-a], Rand Block [post-a], YMJC Stacker.
Pads, Janet Jackson Block [pre-a], Ohio State Precinct. • Sector 29 - Cuckoos’ Nest District [pre-a], MacMurphy

• Sector 39 - Tony Bennett Block [pre-

Illustration by John Caliber. Copyright John Caliber © 2004.

a], Sylvia Krystel Conapts [pre-a], Phoenix
Scrap, Fountain Of Yooth, Emily Post Block
[post-a], Den Watts Block [pre-a].
• Sector 40 - Cubbi Broccoli
Block [post-a], Des O’Connor
Block [post-a], Iso-Block
666, Andy Stewart
Block [pre-a], Noxem
Plant, O’Dilligan’s
Nightclub, Oxypool.
• Sector 41 - Channel
9 Building, Elmer Gantry Block
[post-a], Hayte Street, House Of Frendz,
Arthur Koestler Block [post-a], Wiffin Gas Head-
•Sector 42 - Claude Bigot Block [post-a], Gil Gerrard
Memorial Spaceport, Tommy McArdle Block [pre-a], Kurt
Russell Block [pre-a].
• Sector 43 - Sonny Bono Problem Block [d. 2103], Mar-
lon Brando Block [pre-a], Billy Graham Block [post-a],
Hardy Kruger Block [pre-a], Patsy Ann Noble Block [pre-
a], Castro Skyrise [pre-a].
• Sector 44 - Academy Of Law, Aftermath Square, Ed Ball
Block [post-a], Bolger Dult Rehab, Charles Atlas Bridge,
Ernest Borgnine Block [pre-a], Boingarama, Broadway
Plaza, Buck Chegwin Block [post-a], Grover Cleveland
Block [pre-a], Grand Hall Of Justice, Marty Feldman Block
[pre-a], Foster Grant Block [post-a], Casey Jones Block
[pre-a], Kennedy Spaceport, Ken Kercheval Block [pre-
Block [pre-a], Mark Clark
a], Mega-Times Building, Nixon Plaza, Norman Pitlik
Block [pre-a], Roy Orbison
Block [post-a], Old New York Street, Planet Gary, Quite
Block [pre-a], T. Dan Smith
Nice Bar, Sylvia Plath Block [post-a], Ryker’s Shuggy Hall,
Block [pre-a], Clapton
Shapiro’s Kosher Hottie House, Jay Silverheels Condo
Tower ecom units.
[pre-a], Statue Of Judgement, Statue Of Liberty, Times2,
• Sector 30 - Pearl Buck
Rita Tushingham Block [pre-a], The Vibe-bowl, Wall
Block [pre-a], Crockery Nook
Street, Rowdy Yates Conapt.
Block For The Extremely Aged,
• Sector 45 - Breaker Canyon Estate, Gil Favour Block
George Orwell Block [post-a].
[post-a], Billy Reich Block [pre-a], Martin Scorcese Block
• Sector 31 - Melvin Bragg Block
[pre-a], Xenda Heights [pre-a].
[post-a], Chester Dogg Block [pre-
• Sector 46 - Marx Estate [Chico Marx Block - post-a,
a], Hoverport 2, Bishop Mounsey
Groucho Marx Block - post-a, Harpo Marx Block - post-
Block [pre-a], Malcolm X Conapts
a, Karl Marx Block - post-a], Yeltsin Building.
• Sector 47 - Brynner Hospice, Giles Brandreth Block [pre-
• Sector 32 - Coney Arches, Conrad Conn Hotel, Android
a], Aggro Dome, Norman Mailer Block [post-a].
Park, Jake Lamotta Block [pre-a], Victor Mature Block
• Sector 48 - Billy Carter Block, Ramon Navarro Block
[post-a], Tex Toomie Block [post-a].
[post-a], Ridley Estate [pre-a].
• Sector 33 - Martin Amis Block [pre-a], A. S. Byatt Block
• Sector 49 - St. John McShane Hospital, Sump Memorial
[pre-a], Antonia Fraser Block [pre-a], Salmon Rushdie
Auditorium, Trisecta District.
Block [pre-a], Fay Weldon Block [pre-a].
• Sector 50 - Atlantic University, Newsmeg Building, Ro-
• Sector 34 - Cecil B. DeMille Block [pre-a].
mano Tower Luxy-block [post-a], Schwartz Conapts
• Sector 35 - Inigo Bing Block [pre-a], Steve Davis Block [pre-
a], Helmsley Lux-habs [post-a], Bruce Kent Block [pre-a].
• Sector 51 - Dead Juve’s Curve, Hamilton Heights [post-
• Sector 36 - Gang Alley, Apache Rise, Robert Morley Block
a], The Jungle [ape colony], Matt Wagner Block [post-a].
[post-a], Lobsang Rampa Block [post-a], Oprah Winfrey
• Sector 52 - Avenue Of Brotherly Love, Hell’s junction,
Block [pre-a].
Tristan Kennedy Block [post-a], Jack Ruby Block [post-a].
• Sector 37 - Yvonne DeCarlo Block ruins [pre-a], Dwight
• Sector 53 - Edmundo Ross Block [post-a], Plumb Tower,
D. Eisentower [pre-a], Gordon Liddy Block [post-a].
Stonehouse Building, Tomb Of The Unknown Citizen.
• Sector 38 - Al Bundy Block [post-a], Mega-Media, Inc.
• Sector 54 - Flakey Foont Block [pre-a], Christine Keeler
Building, Melvin Hayes Conapts [pre-a], Tom Sharp Block
Block [post-a], Nesta Webster Block [pre-a], Veal
Crate Bar.

• Sector 55 - Bough Estate [Russell Grant Block - pre-a, • Sector 70 - Rancho Hi-Rise [post-a], Wounded Heart
Deb Rix Block - pre-a, Frankie Wilson Block - pre-a], O. Private Cemetary.
K. Corral Bar, Piedmont Apartments [post-a]. • Sector 71 - Forever Homes For The Semi-dead, Hi-Funk
• Sector 56 - Alien Zoo, Mega-City Zoo, Ronald Reagan Conapts [post-a].
Eld-shelt [pre-a], Dunc Renaldo Block [pre-a]. • Sector 72 - Bill Burroughs Boulevard, Channel 99 Build-
• Sector 57 - The Annie Hall, Paradise Heights Block ing, Rene Enriquez Block [post-a].
[post-a]. • Sector 73 - Linda Carter Block [d. 2103], Jimmy Clithe-
• Sector 58 - Ninoy Aquinos Block [pre-a], Ferd Marcos roe Block [d. 2103], Inoira Ghandi Block [d. 2103], Benny
Block [pre-a], Imelda Marcos Block [pre-a], Fidel Ramos Hill Block [d. 2103], Sam Snead Block [d. 2103], John
Bock [pre-a]. Wayne Block [d. 2103].
• Sector 60 - Beaverton Dust Zone, The Chow Dome. • Sector 75 - Buzby Berkley Block [post-a], St. Magnus
• Sector 61 - Central Combat Depot [Justice Dept.], Ida Pike Hospital.
Lupino Block [pre-a], Moonray Tower, Damon Runyan • Sector 76 - Zsa Zsa Gabor Block [pre-a], John Major
Block [post-a]. Block [pre-a], Huck Widney Block [pre-a].
• Sector 62 - Bernie Beesley Block [pre-a], Schmaltz Estate • Sector 77 - Devil’s Island, Weber Heights Estate [pre-
[Frank Hovis Block - pre-a, Erich Segal Block - pre-a]. a].
• Sector 63 - Gordon Bennet Block [post-a], Morgan Fair- • Sector 78 - Chuck Dickens Block [post-a], Dramarena,
child Block [pre-a]. Joshua Jebbs Block [post-a].
• Sector 64 - Julian Cope Block [pre-a], Skyhill Conapts • Sector 80 - Cannibal Club, Emphatically Yess Building,
[post-a], Steppleman Block [pre-a]. Maybehouse.
• Sector 65 - Lenny Brezhnev Block [post-a], Mega-Tech. • Sector 81 - Scott Joplin Conapts [post-a], Old Town
• Sector 66 - Alan Donaldson Block [post-a], Kevin Keegan General Hospital.
Block [pre-a], Big-1 Publishing. • Sector 82 - Harry Hyams Block [post-a, d. 2104, r. 2105],
• Sector 67 - Lenny Bernstein Block [pre-a], Eddy Poe Remy Martin Block [pre-a], Resyk East, Mavis Riley Home
Heart Clinic, Russ Tamblin Block [pre-a]. For The Debilitatingly Bewildered.
• Sector 68 - P. J. Proby Block [pre-a], Marcus Welby Gen- • Sector 83 - Mega-Penitentiary, Mega-School 3.
eral Hospital. • Sector 84 - Ben Franklin Block [post-a], Mega-Central
• Sector 69 - Chris Lee Block [pre-a], Doringo Lux-apts Station [subway zoom], Dan Quayle Block [post-a].
[post-a]. • Sector 85 - Westwood Tower Luxy-block [post-a].
Illustration by Ron Smith. Copyright Rebellion A/S © 2004.

sector 44 east
The Grand Hall Of Justice, Statues Of Judgement
and Liberty to the right, and the East Canal in the

• Sector 86 - Petula Clark Reconstructs [d. 2104, r. 2106],

Illustration by John Caliber. Copyright John Caliber © 2004.

Justice Dept. Undercover Division Headquarters.
• Sector 87 - Christian Barnard Block [pre-a], The Little
Bowl, Hen Broon Towers [pre-a], G. W. Bush Block [post-
a], Bart Simpson Block [pre-a], Midnite Towers [luxy].
• Sector 88 - Chinatown [aka ‘Sinotown’], B. D. Ricken-
backer Block [post-a].
• Sector 89 - The Maze [occupies entire sector].
• Sector 90 - Tactical Comand Bunker East, Fred Nietzsche
Block [pre-a], Hank Wangford Block [post-a].
• Sector 91 - Nick Craske Block [pre-a], Wes Craven Co-
napts [pre-a], Biggie Smalls Block [post-a], Verona Spock
Block [pre-a].
• Sector 93 - Betty Boop Block [post-a], Badford Stuy
• Sector 95 - Buddy Ebsen Block [post-a], Barnaby Jones
Block [post-a].
• Sector 98 - William Hague Block ruins [post-a],
Derek Hatton Block [pre-a], Mario Puzo Block
• Sector 99 - Bob Burden Block [post-a], Cana-
ford Plaza, United Munce Building, Thom
Yorke Block [post-a].
• Sector 100 - Hottie U, The Island, Trans-
Atlantic Tunnel entrance.
• Sector 101 - Atlantic Purification Plant,
Bob Duran Block [pre-a], Eldridge Bridge.
• Sector 102 - Philadilly District, Jimmy Tar-
buck Block [pre-a].
• Sector 103 - Barryo Housing Complex,
George Michael Block [pre-a], Andrew Ridgeley
Block [pre-a]. • Sector 122 - Martin Candor Block [pre-a], Jimmy Stuart
• Sector 104 - Ed De Bono Block [post-a], Adolf Hitler Block [pre-a].
Block [post-a], Lee Majors Block [pre-a], Apocalypse • Sector 120 - Greenham Civil Park.
Monument. • Sector 121 - Killkraze Combat Park.
• Sector 105 - Costa Del Meg. • Sector 122 - Nerdco Building.
• Sector 106 - Bill Bailey Block [pre-a, d. 2104], Shark Club, • Sector 123 - Clint Eastwood Block [pre-a], Jackson Five
Old Peart Institute For The Criminally Insane. Lux-Development [Jackie, Jermaine, Marlon, Michael &
• Sector 107 - Blocktops Eldsters Resting Home [pre-a], Tito, all post-a], Vinne Jones Block [pre-a], Jessica Simp-
John Stanley Block [post-a]. son Block [post-a], Timmy Mallett Block [pre-a], Nigel
• Sector 108 - Hellebore Apartments [post-a], Hoagland Tufnel Block [pre-a], Terry Wogan Block [post-a].
Heights [pre-a], Steve McQueen Block [pre-a], Tonytown. • Sector 124 - Hoverdrome.
• Sector 126 - Dinosaur World Theme Park.
megSouth [109-160] • Sector 127 - General Arms Building, Joe Bloggs Block
[pre-a], Slim Whitman Block [pre-a].
• Sector 109 - Arnold Grove Block [post-a], Vic Hugo Block • Sector 132 - Bronte Conurb [Anne, Charlotte & Emily,
[post-a]. pre-a], Fats Domino Block [post-a], Rudi Valli Block [pre-
• Sector 110 - The Crater Bowl, Billy Butlin Block [post- a], Vic Hugo Block [post-a].
a], Del Shannon Block [post-a]. • Sector 133 - Bob Calvi Block [pre-a], Jimmy Ellroy Block
• Sector 111 - Beecher Conapts [pre-a], Mitzi Gaynor [pre-a], Ray Kroc Block [pore-a], Paul Verhoeven Block
Block [pre-a], Mary Michelson Block [pre-a]. [post-a].
• Sector 112 - Jed Clampett Block [pre-a], Dod Custer • Sector 143 - Doris Day Block [post-a], Dermot Kelly
Block [pre-a], Frank Zappa Block [post-a]. Block [post-a], Jackie Onassis Hab-developments
• Sector 114 - Heaven’s Reach, Sky High Rise [d. 2105]. [post-a].
• Sector 115 - Munce-Co Factory Estate. • Sector 146 - Atlantic Central Hoverport.
• Sector 116 - Polanski Sprawl, Jess Willard Block [pre-a]. • Sector 147 - Horace Batchelor Block [post-a], Folly
• Sector 117 - Power Tower 1 [d. 2101, rebuilt 2106]. Heights [post-a].
• Sector 118 - Anders Estate [pre-a], Rhonda Fleming Block • Sector 148 - Eisenhower General Hospital, Power
[post-a], Billie Holiday Block [post-a]. Tower II.
• Sector 119 - Donald Neil Block [pre-a], Elvis Presley Block • Sector 149 - The Cauldron [Arturo Askey Block - post-
[pre-a], George Reeves Block [pre-a], Resyk South. a, Derek Batey Block - pre-a, Perry Como Block - pre-a,

Reno Conapts - pre-a], Tactical Command Bunker South. • Sector 207 - Otto Sump Flabbon Depository.
• Sector 151 - Poughkeepsie Apartments [post-a]. • Sector 208 - Jack Davis Block post-a], Mike Read Block
• Sector 152 - Lazarus Labs. [post-a].
• Sector 155 - Greta Garbo Block For Wayward Eldsters • Sector 210 - Dario Argento Block [pre-a], Mega-Circu-
[pre-a]. lar, Clive James Block [post-a].
• Sector 156 - Cramptown Dust Zone. • Sector 202 - Little Cuba [Jason King Block - pre-a, Rudi
• Radlands Beyond South Wall - Dave Attenborough Vallee Block - pre-a].
Block [d. 2104], Sawney Bean Block [d. 2104], Bugs Bun- • Sector 212 - Benito Mussolini Block [pre-a].
ny Block [d. 2104], Jacques Cousteau Block [d. 2104], The • Sector 214 - Webster Conapts [post-a], Martha Ches-
Flea Pit [d. 2104], Giant Haystacks Block [d. 2104], Iso- terton Memorial Park, Prowlight’s Alien Menagerie,
Block 44 [d. 2104], Bob Oppenheimer Block [d. 2103, r./ Pizza Plaza.
d. 2103], Magnus Pyke Block [d. 2104], Billy Smart Block • Sector 219 - Arafat Precinct, Rick Moranis Block [post-
[d. 2104], Miriam Stoppard Block [d. 2104]. a], B. F. Skinner Block [post-a].
Illustration by John Caliber. Copyright John Caliber © 2004.

• Sector 221 - St. Bob

megWest [161-240] Flowerdew Hospital, Billy
Herschel Block [post-a, d.
• Sector 161 - Dinsdale Mansion, Don Trump Tower. 2105].
• Sector 162 - Walt Gropius Block [post-a], Bob Muldoon • Sector 222 - Inter-
[post-a]. Time, Mega-Labs.
• Sector 164 - Third Eye Insurance Company. • Sector 223 - Hippo-
• Sector 165 - Screaming Jay Hawkins Hi-rise [pre- drome, Mega-City Teleport.
a], Elia Kazan Block [pre-a]. • Sector 225 - Canto-
• Sector 166 - Frankie Joe Haydn Block [pre- na Conapts [post-a], Charles
a], Gus Holst Block [pre-atom]. Darwin Block [post-a], Lob-
• Sector168 - Amon Duul Block [post-a], sang Rampant Block [post-a].
Huggy’s Honeymoon Hotel, Peter Lee • Sector 226 - Franc-
Block [post-a], Van Damme Block es Bath Block [post-a], Shanks
[post-a], Reg Varney Block Conapts [post-a].
• Sector 170 - Dreery House, Rob- • Sector 228 - John Brunner Block
ert Mapplethorpe Lux-Apts [post- [pre-a], James Kieler Block [pre-a], Cyril Lord
a], Sigma District [pre-a]. Block ruins [pre-a].
• Sector 171 - Garbo Bodywarp • Sector 229 - Tactical Command
Salon. Bunker West.
• Sector 172 - Harriet Beecher • Sector 230 - The Jungle, Vince St. Clair Block
Stowe Block [post-a], Grey- [post-a, d. 2105], Carol Monroe Block [post-a, d. 2105].
stoke Heights [pre-a], Place- • Sector 231 - Bob Marks Block [pre-a], Bert
bo Conapts [post-a]. Russell Block [pre-a].
• Sector 176 - George Pal • Sector 232 - Charles Manson Block [d. 2113].
Block [post-a], Mega-U, • Sector 239 - Resyk West, Santora Park.
Serve-U-Well Building. • Sector 240 - Tom Jefferson Block, Malkie
• Sector 177 - Tobias McCormick Block [d. 2114], Jack Yeovill Block
Belcher Block [pre-a], [pre-a].
William Bunter Block
[pre-a], Frank Cannon megNorth [241-300]
Block [pre-a], Orson Welles Block [pre-a].
• Sector 186 - Charlie Drake Block [pre-a], • Sector 242 - Beller Conapts [post-a], Jack
Lawson Dyce Block [pre-a]. Kevorkian Block [post-a], Lucy Lawless Block [post-a].
• Sector 187 - Smiley Jones Block [post-a], Lee Har- • Sector 244 - Blake Carrington Luxy-Block
vey Oswald Block [pre-a]. [post-a], Ken Dodd Boulevard, Alberto Runch Block
• Sector 188 - Juliet Bravo Block [post-a], Ghengis Grim- [pre-a].
snoad Block [post-a], Mick McGahey Block [post-a], Joseph • Sector 245 - Lee Van Cleef University.
Soper Block [post-a], U. Thant Block [post-a]. • Sector 246 - Buenapista Studios, Jerry Springer Block
• Sector 191 - Ed Poe Block [post-a], Fred Quimby Block [post-a], Gripper Stebson Block [pre-a].
[pre-a], White Cliffs Of Dover. • Sector 248 - Richard Burton Block [post-a], Northside
• Sector 193 - City Life, Ltd. Building, UniGlom Building. Mega-Technic, Tony Tyler Block [post-a], Wilbur Wright
• Sector 199 - Agg-Bio Building. Block [post-a].
• Sector 200 - Badge Of Courage Bar • Sector 249 - Al Fayed Luxy-developments [post-a], Grand
• Sector 202 - Little Cuba [Jason King Block - pre-a, Rudi Megapolitan Opera House.
Vallee Block - pre-a]. • Sector 250 - Northspoon Dust Zone.
• Sector 206 - Ennis Dillon Conapts [pre-a], J. T. Megson • Sector 252 - Mega-City Necropolis, Al Taylor Block [post-
Block [pre-a]. a], Wim Wenders Block [pre-a].

• Sector 253 - Cilla Black Con-apts [pre-a], Seb • Sector 280 - Enid Blyton Block [post-a], Dan

Illustration by John Caliber. Copyright John Caliber © 2004.

Coe Sportsplex, Michael Stipe Block [post-a]. Tanna Block [post-a].
• Sector 254 - Muscle Mansion, George Lucas • Sector 281 - Downside Pipeway [d. 2104],
Block [post-a], Peri White Tower [pre-a]. Ed Hillary Block [pre-a], Mario Lanza Block [pre-a].
• Sector 255 - Museum Of The Mega-Ol- • Sector 282 - J. T. Edson Block [post-a],
ympiad. Snyder Complex.
• Sector 256 - Bob Geldof Block [pre-a], John • Sector 292 - Harry Cross Conapts
McCrea Block [post-a], Northgate Clinic. [post-a].
• Sector 258 - Ray Chandler Block [post-a], • Sector 295 - Sump Tower
Bernard Manning Block [pre-a], Delia Smith Hotel, H. G. Wells Plaza.
Block [post-a]. • Sector 297 - Tactical Co-
• Sector 259 - Anthony Burgess Me- mand Bunker North.
morial Museum, Norrin Radd Block • Sector 300 - Northways
[post-a]. Bridge.
• Sector 261 - Hec-
northwest hab-zone
• Misc - Hell’s Highway, Nuke Alley.
• Sector 301 - Barrio District, Hope Rise [post-a], Krick-
land Stackers, Reeber’s Reclam, The Rock, 7th Heaven Co-
napts [post-a], Toledo Flats Pre-

Illustration by John Caliber. Copyright John Caliber © 2004.

cinct, Traffic Substation Alamo,
Transcola Stackers, Vicaro Pre-
cinct [John Prescott Block - pre-
a, Welbeck Conapts - post-a].
tor Comacho Block [post-a], Golam Heights [luxy-blocks], • Sector 303 - Shaftoe St. Stack-
Clive Sinclair Block [pre-a]. ers, St. Doris Day Hospital, Wall-
• Sector 263 - Sir Kenneth Clarke Block [post-a], Joan gate Savings & Loan.
Collins Block [pre-a], Nat Hiken Block [pre-a], George
Raft Block For Retired Gangsters [post-a].
• Sector 264 - Chapman Pincher Block [pre-a], Louis Sim- accommodation
son Block [post-a].
• Sector 265 - Garner Ted Armstrong Block [pre-a], Fred Visitors to Mega-City One or long-distance travellers
Gee Block [post-a], Resyk North, Googie Withers Block have thousands of hotels to choose from, with prices
[post-a]. to suit all budgets. The larger hotels recommend book-
• Sector 267 - DeLorean Luxy-block [post-a], James Dean ing rooms in advance to guarantee availability, while the
Block [pre-a], Bill Werbenuik Block [post-a]. grotty rooming houses of City Bottom are grateful for
• Sector 269 - Parthenon [d. 2104]. any custom they can find. Hotel room amenities mirror
• Sector 270 - Mick McMahon Block [pre-a], Mega-Studios. the features of cityblock apartments [p28-30, Drokk City
• Sector 271 - Gorbachev Estate [post-a], Stratford Johns
#1], with Lowtown accommodation similar to the qual-
Block [post-a].
• Sector 272 - Jumbo Cummings Block [post-a], Paul Gado
ity of parallel level apartments, Hightown ‘premiere’
Bock [pre-a], Tom Mix Block [post-a], Shakin’ Stevens suites matching the opulence of luxy-apts. Hotels at the
Block [pre-a]. lower end of the accommodation market include the
• Sector 273 - Mega-City Art Gallery. Armageddon Hotel, GO2L, the Inn-On-The-Sked franchise
• Sector 274 - Ned Kelly Block [post-a], David Niven Block [with decent vehicle park and service facilities], the Love-
[post-a]. boat aircon [designed for honeymooners and roman-
• Sector 275 - Casanova Block [d.2104], Charlton Heston tics] and The Twilight Rooms. De-luxe hotels include the
Luxy-Block [pre-a], Burt Lancaster Block [d. 2104], Ricar- Grand Rambo, The Hulton, Pinnacle, Sump Tower and The
do Montalban Luxy-Block [d. 2104], Ricardo Montalban II Twelve Months. For a really cheap sleepover with abso-
Luxy-Block, Arnold Stang Block [pre-a].
lutely no frills, ‘stackers’ are ideal - tenements crammed
• Sector 276 - Betty Crocker Block [post-a], Rikki Fulton
Block [d. 2103], Maja Jeffrey Block [post-a], Henry Kiss-
fit to burst with one-person pods containing a mattress,
inger Block [post-a], Pancho Villa Block [post-a]. miniature tri-d unit [no Megaweb connectivity] and toi-
• Sector 277 - Dixy Plasteen Complex [d.2103]. let tube - with names like Flannigan’s One-night Stand
• Sector 278 - Eldo Cleaver Block [post-a], Matt Hodgman and the Triple Z. A stacker’s standard of hygiene will
Block [pre-a], New Jack Block [post-a]. vary greatly as many pods are not cleaned or disinfect-
• Sector 279 - Imran Khan Block [post-a], Olly North Block ed more than once a day and the resident sloshers not
[pre-a], Martin Sheen Block [post-a]. paid enough to take pride in their daily drudgery. Trav-

ellers unwilling to risk a rad-flea infestation or have the express it on the streets. The therapeutic activities in-
sloshers rifle through their private possessions can opt cluded smashing robots to pieces in the ‘Ultra-violent
to spend a little more and seek out a hostels or bed- Room’, torturing or beheading lifelike simulacrams,
and-breakfast [B&B], though their fellow occupants may leaping onto animated faces of hated city enemies, ‘vap-
be just as unsavoury as the stacker patrons. For motor- ing’ mannikins representing stereotypical figures of au-
ists who need to rest but do not wish to lose time get- thority and the simple pleasures of chopping wood.
ting to their destination, wheeled hotels [‘mo-tels’] like However, the Aggro Dome’s bubble burst within the
the massive computer-controlled juggers of the Big-Mo first day of opening; its customers found their aggres-
Company can accommodate both ground and hover sion stimulated to such a degree that they turned on
vehicles while their occupants can eat, rest or sleep, all each other and the dome became an arena of real-life
the while the mo-tel thundering along the meg-ways bloodshed. The judges quickly intervened, demolish-
on a perpetual cruise loop. ing the Aggro Dome to force the troublemakers out
Location - Stackers are almost all located along City onto the slab, where the judges put an end to the fight-
Bottom, while most hostels and B&Bs [or ‘rooming hous- ing and the Aggro Dome franchise put out of busi-
es’] are distributed close to Lowtown cityblocks. Bou- ness... temporarily. Exploiting the Aggro Dome’s nos-
tiques are divided between Low- and Hightown altitudes talgia factor, the Happy Hatred Company relaunched
with a bias towards the upper levels to indicate an extra the Aggro Dome brand across MegEast in 2119 as a
dash of quality. The de luxe hotels sit at very top of Meg- successful pilot scheme to assess the viability of in-
North luxy-blocks in private splendour, occupy the en- vesting in further domes throughout MegWest; the
tirety of specialised ‘hotel blocks’ or go the distance and franchise has just opened its first dome in Texas City.
hover far above the Lowtown rabble in ornately-designed A private security contingient has been installed in eve-
aircons. ry dome to defuse any indications of the type of vio-
Administration - The Stacker, Hostel, B&B and Bou- lence that caused the downfall of the original franchise.
tique-classes of accommodation are often the sole busi- Administration - Stress Solutions, the pioneers of
ness holding of their proprietors who will live on the Aggro Dome, rebounded into the business arena in part-
premises. The De Luxe and Swanky-class hotels are nership with TecTon Biocorp with the ‘New Model
owned by corporations whose names typically end with Phoord’, a living, breathing punchbag with durable, self-
‘Group’, owning more hotels with the same name [or healing skin [see Wildlife].
‘brand’] that are located in the hearts of the world’s
most exclusive vacation destinations. alien zoo
Mega-City One’s Alien Zoo is the largest of its kind in
entertainment the western hemisphere and the highlight of any trip
to the Mega-City Zoo where the Alien Zoo is hosted.
aggro dome It is home to many strange, amusing and downright
The latest in a long line of commercial attempts to weird creatures imported from across the galaxy. The
cash in and control the seething passions of mega-city zoo is divided into several different habitat zones, each
citizens, the Aggro Dome was doomed to fail from designed to simulate the natural environment of the
the moment it opened its doors. On the surface the wildlife that are contained within. Differing types of
concept was sound - provide an outlet for the citi- security barriers are installed to best counter the abil-
zens’ pent-up aggression and so reduce their need to ities of the alien creatures, from electro-cordons, non-
Illustration by Mike McMahon. Copyright Rebellion A/S © 2004.

grip walls and plasteel cages to simple solutions like

wide, water-filled moats.
Location - Sector 44 East.
Administration - The Alien Zoo is owned by Plun-
der Enterprises, a private concern that imports alien
animals for entertainment, business and research pur-
poses as well as enjoying a lucrative sideline in pro-
curing rare alien artefacts for hugely-wealthy Earth-
side clients. The Plunder Enterprises central office is
based on Mars and currently chaired by Pan-African
Lord Loggerhead.

the annie hall which can be quickly prepared and stored for extend-
ed periods without breaking health and safety laws.
A public venue of the highest calibre, offering Mega- Bars attract differing social crowds and specialise
City One’s cultural elite an arena to celebrate their tal- their wares accordingly. The main visual divisions are
ents of unparalleled size and quality in the showbiz in- racial, with bars catering to human and non-human cli-
dustry. The Annie Hall regularly hosts events including ents, the latter typically located in Alientown and around
the Academy Of Performing Arts Awards, the Mega- the MegCentral spaceport neighbourhoods. Age cate-
City Philharmonic Orchestra and the Albert Drizzel Lec- gories denote the next level of preference, attracting
tures - ‘Making Thinking Fun!’ Ticket prices are artifi- ‘Yods’, ‘Mods’ and ‘Sods’ [young adults, middle-aged
cially inflated to deter most Lowtowners and, following adults and senior adults] with select beverages, interior
a terrorist attack in 2118, all ticket applicants are now designs befitting the aesthetics of each generation and
routinely screened. appropriate noise levels. None of these bars will ex-
Location - Sector 57 East. clude those of differing age groups from entering - after
Administration - The Annie Hall is the property of all, business is where you find it - but generally people
the Nichelle Votaforta Foundation, created by the late of a certain age prefer to stick with their own. The more
Ms. Votaforta - a famous playwright - to help perpetu- fashionable bars cater to specific subcultures such as
ate the performing arts in this culturally-impoverished uglies, punks, trendoes and fatties, while exclusive bars
sector. The Foundation’s efforts have been so success- such as mini-smokatoriums and swear-ezees [where all
ful that the Annie Hall is now one of Mega-City One’s expletives are allowed within soundproofed walls] pro-
most respected venues and has been honoured by vis- vide unique environments for patrons who would find
its from Chief Judge Hershey and representatives of the it impossible to pursue their recreational activities in
Brit-Cit royal family. a generic bar situation without being harassed or ar-
rested. The remaining categories of bars to be found
bars & eateries in Mega-City One are divided between historic and
Bars - The Mega-City One bar scene is widespread and literary [with names including the words ‘alehouse’,
oversubscribed. Once the province of the after-hours ‘pub’ or ‘tavern’, or simply named after a theme-as-
workers who dropped in for a beer before going home sociated celebrity], singles bars and hotel bars which
to the family, the chroni- have better security and class of customer than back-
cally unemployed of the slab establishments.

Illustration by Will Simpson. Copyright Rebellion A/S © 2004.

Twenty-second Century The bars visited by the Judge
have little to do but prop Dredd comic strip tend to
up the bar and guzzle have rather distinctive
cheap beer. Most bars names often appearing to be
open their doors in the to their barmasters’ detri-
late morning, remain open ment, though in truth they
until the early morning are never short of clientele.
and then close for a cou- The majority of bars prefer
ple of hours to allow the to use more congenial titles
‘sloshers’ [cleaners] time to attract the punters. Ex-
to properly rid the place amples of both ‘branding’
of accumulated dirt and philosophies include the Bay
spilt beverages before the Of Pigs, Boil’s Head, Crazed
daily cycle restarts. The Cur Bar, Dead Dog Bar, The
average Mega-City One Iron Bar, Lame Duck Bar, The
bar serves both alcoholic Meatish Pie, Murkies, Neu-
[Doomlager, Dweebo, tron Bar & Grill, Planet Gary,
Gores, Pigweiser and Old The Quite Nice Bar, Rathole
Spleen, for example] and Eatery, Rat Run Bar, the Run-
non-alky drinks [Bananar- ning Sore Cafe, Salmonella’s
ak, Orange-ache and syn- Bar, Slug And Gristle and The
thi-caf, for example] as Song Dog Bar.
supplied by a small number of major breweries. Food is Location - Lowtown bars are to be found almost
available in the premises, normally junk food such as everywhere, barring block plazas where the sale of al-
chunkies, dippies, suckies and spicy glohawk wings coholic beverages has long been illegal so as not to en-
courage underage drinking. The more respectable bars

are located on the fringes of biz-districts both within spite the quality of foodstuffs on offer, many Lowtown-
lowtown cityblock levels and externally among enter- ers stick to what they know - the local eatery, bar and
tainment districts. The seedier bars keep close to their grill, deli or fast food joint. Commonly-served foods in-
preferred clientele, partially concealed by the old tene- clude slabcakes [served with mayhem syrup], Euro-
ments of Old Town. Hightown bars are nestled safely toast, synthi-beef on synthi-rye, burger and fries, pro-
within the upper levels of cityblocks and admit only se- tein pretzels, pizza, sushi, Geddof salad and the mighty
lect patrons, usually residents of that block’s hightown- Big Meg cheesecake. Fast food franchises include the
er community, their identities confirmed by de luxe All-night Burgery, Burgostop, Chuck Chicken, Okeydokey,
model doormeks. Pizza Hovel and The Smiling Burger. Smaller but popular
Administration - All ‘barmasters’ must acquire eateries include Furt’s Diner & Deli, O’Nella’s Eatery, Sha-
a license to run a bar which results from a combined piro’s Kosher Hottie House and the Stale Bagel Dinette.
course in bartending and business at the Jerry Tho- Aircon eateries that appeal to the Lowtown crowd
mas College Of Barkeeping in Sector 39. Barmasters thrive, supplying hoverers with a quick and tasty meal
who operate independently of franchises are usually [Burgostop], while diners with more refined taste-buds
small-time biz-cits who invest all their life savings in and a larger wallet can sample the finest of meals and
the bar, their fates intertwined with the bar’s for then walk off the calories along the Texas decks of large
decades until such a time as the barmaster has made aircon restaurants such as Heaven’s Plate, Highlight
enough income to retire. Rooms and Pie-In-The-Sky which follow computer con-
trolled flight paths across the city, offering unparalleled
views of the Mega-City One skyline.
Illustration by Cam Kennedy. Copyright Rebellion A/S © 2004.

Administration - The smaller eateries tend to be

family-owned affairs. The restaurants of Hightown cal-
ibre are for the main usually one of several businesses
owned by a local entrepreneur who decided to turn his
love of food into a moneyspinner. Franchises with hun-
dreds of outlets such as Burgostop and Chuck Chicken
are owned by mega-corps of the same name, operating
from towering citadels along the MegSouth border.

costa del meg

The Costa Del Meg is an entertainment district locat-
ed on the eastern side of the Atlantic wall, built atop a
disused supertanker dock seventeen miles in length.
The Costa is a wall of funfairs, vircades, fast-food out-
lets and 24/7 clubs enjoyed by millions of citizens each
year, watched over by the judges of the embedded
precinct house who try to cast a tolerant eye over the
happy-go-lucky proceedings. The Costa Del Meg brief-
Eateries - Meggers love to eat, even more so now ly assumed citywide infamy in 2111 when the master
that their lives are dominated by leisure time, to the vampire Dracula embarked on a bloodsucking spree,
extent that an entire subculture - that of the ‘Fatty’ - creating a small army of vampire servants to spread
has ballooned up around the notion of chain-guzzling. his evil contagion. The vampires’ reign of terror was
Meggers may flit from restaurant to restaurant on the bloody but brief and normality soon returned to the
recommendation of celebrity food critics to sample the Costa Del Meg, though sales of garlic-flavoured chew-
latest dishes, or remain loyal to one or a small number ing gum went through the roof and citizens traded
of eateries based in the neighbourhood. Lowtown res- ‘Mug-Off’ for sharpened plasteen stakes for a few
taurants offer synthetic foods as standard fare, while weeks afterwards.
Hightown counterparts have many more options on the Location - Sector 105 East.
menu, from wholly organic produce, genetically-engi- Administration - Norton Blackpool, the Brit-Cit ‘es-
neered [‘palette sculpted’] to create totally unique dishes tate wizard’, bought the old supertanker port and trans-
- sometimes even on demand while the diners wait - or formed it into the wonderland that is the Costa Del Meg.
delicacies imported from beyond the solar system. De- Blackpool is landlord to hundreds of small businesses, all
part of the Costa’s leisure and service industry.

Illustration by Carlos Ezquerra. Copyright Rebellion A/S © 2004
devil’s island lands into prisons and let the never-ending streams of
high- speed traffic surrounding the prison provide a
Privately-owned penitentiaries remained the prime ready deterrent to any convict’s hopes of escaping. The
means of prison administration and financing up until selected traffic island had further rooms added to those
the late Twenty-first Century. Before the Justice De- previously designed as a slabster’s rest and service stop,
partment expanded the scope of its authority, initiating principally iso-cubes and a med-bay, topped by an ex-
a program of construction of ‘isolation blocks’ [Iso- ercise yard, formerly the island’s main hoverpad.
blocks], prisons controlled solely by judge iso-wardens Devil’s Island was to be fully-automated. Its inhabit-
that ended the contract with the private sector, Devil’s ants were automatically let out of their iso-cubes three
Island was a showpiece of private sector penal innova- times daily and led into elevators taking them up to the
tion. It was also a classic design failure. The designers of exercise yard. On the end of the exercise period, the
Devil’s Island saw a niche in the market for inexpensive convicts returned to their iso-cubes to be fed from food
prisons, high-capacity, low administration and mainte- dispensers. Entertainment consisted of theft-proof tri-
nance. Their proposal was to convert disused traffic is- d and regular sermons from the Church Of Grud. Vio-
lence between prisoners was a fact of Devil’s Island life,
and of I-blocks in general. In Devil’s Island, injured con-
Illustration by Gary Leach. Copyright Rebellion A/S © 2004
victs were lifted into stretchers by robo-docs and tak-
en for treatment to the med-bay. They were returned
with great expedience to their iso-cubes to resume their
daily routine - and to get beaten up again.
Devil’s Island relied on the stability of the city’s
Weather Control system to function. In 2099, this ‘re-
lationship’ collapsed. A weather control malfunction un-
leashed a terrible blizzard upon MegEast, bringing the
traffic to a standstill. The convicts exposed on the exer-
cise yard wasted little time in escaping Devils Island now
that the ‘walls’ had disappeared, notably among them
William ‘Whitey’ Logan, a judge killer. The Justice De-
partment soon brought Weather Control back under
control and rounded up the escaped prisoners.
Location - Sector 77 East.
Administration - Devil’s Island was a initiative
mounted by Runsfeld Construction, a major player in
the Mega-City One transport network whose experi-

ence with prison building was nonexistent. With Dev-
Illustration by Mike McMahon. Copyright Rebellion A/S © 2004.

il’s Island ultimately declared a failure, Runsfeld Con-

struction went into liquidation and its management im-
prisoned for corporate negligence. The final fate of
Devil’s Island has yet to be decided.

dream palace
To provide a stress-relieving experience for frustrated
and unfulfilled citizens, thought-manipulating technol-
ogy once the exclusive province of the Justice Depart-
ment was licensed for commercial exploitation and the
Dream Palace franchise was created. By inducing sleep
and then stimulating a client’s REM [Rapid Eye move-
ment] sleep stage, any number of dreams can be gener-
ated, from simple everyday triumphs, spending time with
departed relatives and friends or winning the latest Su-
persurf, to single-handedly destroying Cursed Earth mu-
tancheroes, Boinging among the planets and journey-
ing back in time to a less troubled period. A session in a
dream machine lasts one hour, but since time is subjec-
tive in ‘Dreamland’, the client may easily experience
what seems like a lifetime of personal fantasy in those
sixty minutes. A small fee will grant the use of a dream
booth and the personal attention of a ‘dreamweaver’,
one trained in the use of the dream machine and the who use the open space for confronts and midnight
correct application of electronic signals to ensure the street bike races. The ‘Little Bowl’ is inversely Mega-
client receives the dreams he has asked for. Dream ma- City One’s largest dramarena [Sector 87 East].
chines can be used to inflict nightmares as well as pleas- • Hippodrome - Formerly one of MegEast’s largest
ant dreams, and can suffuse the dreamer’s mind to such indoor spaces for rent, the Hippodrome was bought
an intensity that he can die from the experience. lock, stock and trough by a consortium of fatties who
Dreamweavers are carefully vetted on grounds of psy- now stage the annual All-sector Eating Championships
chological stability, but the occasional ‘Bad Knight’ has there. As a focus for fatty culture, the surrounding city-
crept into the system to cause brain damage and ex- blocks have become quickly become inundated with
treme trauma to unsuspecting clients before he is dis- overweight tenants and flab-fans [Sector 223 West].
covered by the judges. • Holograph Theatre - Before the advent of true
tri-d media, the holograph theatres were the wonder
entertainment, misc. of their day, immersing audiences in captivating audio
and visual dramas and documentaries. Barely one-tenth
• Dinosaur World - Robot dinosaurs emit synthe-
of the holograph theatres remain standing, though hardly
sised roars and wage a simulated ‘survival of the fittest’
any still fulfil their original function and are left derelict,
mandate against each other. Dinosaur World was found-
inhabited by sub-humes, slabpackers and criminals ex-
ed on reclaimed no-go zone land and populated with
ploiting the theatres’ fall from grace to hold secret meet-
advancedanimatronic replicas of the prehistoric beasts,
ings. Judge Death hid out in a holograph theatre shortly
later replaced by fully-robotic models that prowl their
after his failed ‘Necropolis’ scourge.
enclosures as though genuinely hungry for some flesh
• Hoverdrome - Large, domed arenas where de-
to tear at [Sector 126 South].
struction derbies, mock air combats, jet-stunts and pow-
• Dramarena - A generic title for an open-air amp-
erboard aerobatics are staged before an audience watch-
itheatre often located on a block plaza where local plays
ing from terrestrial bleachers.
are enacted, speeches are made and large-attendance
• Hov-in - Open air tri-d cinema attended by hover
‘face-to-face’ discussions can be held. Dramarenas are
vehicles. Hov-in owners purchase the movies at dis-
usually owned as a partnership between a small local
count, films that have ended their theatrical run and
business concern and the cityblock committee to whom
would otherwise be stored in a hard drive until pur-
the block plaza belongs. Low-budget affairs, dramare-
chased for perpetual syndication across the cty’s thou-
nas are not well protected and are easy targets for gangs
sands of tri-d channels. Hov-ins are magnets for court-

ing couples, loners, wierdoes and slacker street judges. freaks and rumours of a strange, man-eating creature,
• Killkraze Combat Park - Killkraze was yet anoth- but the Justice Department tolerates its continued ex-
er attempt to profit from the chronic aggressive streak istence because [a] the Chesterton estate donates mil-
bubbling away inside Mega-City One citizens. The fa- lions of credits to the judges every year, and [b] the
cility was located in reclaimed land between the city Park’s very existence helps keeps the district’s ne’er-
and the Northwest Hab-zone, where numerous exotic do-wells all in one place where the judges can keep
combat simulations were run by computer inside large, watch over them. Groups of cadet judges are taken on
bombproof domes. Killkraze Combat Park was a huge- park patrol to experience Mega-City One’s wildlife first-
ly successful enterprise until a computer error replaced hand [Sector 214 West].
the combatants’ dummy rounds with live ones. Hun- • Mega-City Art Gallery - The city’s most highly-
dreds of citizens were killed as a result. Killkraze Com- regarded gallery of fine arts, antiquities and exhibits from
bat Park was shut down and its owner David Krazmer around the world. Exhibits include Bellini’s ‘E=MC2’,
put away for life [Sector 121 South]. ‘Floating Dots’, ‘Pubic Forest’, ‘Lament Of The Jelly-
• Mega-City Chamber Of Horrors - Showcase of fish’, Uta Hirst’s ‘Death by Monsoon’, ‘Simp Strolling
robotic, fully-mobile exhibits representing classic fiction- Through A Rad-zone’ and the ‘Statues Of Pointlessness’
al and real-life villains such as Jack The Ripper, the [Sector 273 North].
Hunchback of Notre Dame, Saddam Hussein, the Bos- • Museum Of The Mega-Olympiad - A multimedia
ton Strangler, Sweeny Todd and President Booth. The presentation of all events featured in the Mega-Olym-
museum’s former owner unleashed his robotic crea- pics since its inception, including sneezing, staring, hang-
tions on a killing spree, stealing valuables from passers- gliding, housework, projectile vomiting, door-to-door
by to help keep the museum open [Sector 21 East]. selling, taxidermy, flatulence, insulting and sex, plus the
• Megalopolis - MegEast’s largest indoor theatre. boring, traditional sports like synchro-swimming, danc-
Singing doormen frisk the public, the latter then mov- ing and track-racing [Sector 255 North].
ing on to participate in the ‘Please Yourself’ con-

Illustration by Ron Smith. Copyright Rebellion A/S © 2004.

fectionary rush where there is purposely never
enough food to meet the demand, a ploy by the
Megalopolis’s oweners to increase the ambient
mood of excitement in the public before the play
begins. The Megalopolis has presented such the-
atrical delights as the ‘Diary Of Dan Frink’, ‘Munce
By Moonlight’, ‘Undercity Penance’ and ‘Love Thy
Fellow Blocker’. The Megalopolis’s greatest show
was the one-hundred and sixty hour long ‘Ago-
nies Of Cold Turkey’ which not only caused the
cast to be admitted to the nearest hospital block
on the play’s completion, but killed a dozen mem-
bers of the less physically fit audience from sheer ex- • Palais-de-Boing® - Enclosed stadiums where citi-
haustion [Sector 26 East]. zens can encase themselves in the wonder plastic Bo-
• Megaplex, Dr. Spock’s - The city’s largest juve ing® and bounce through specially-designed environ-
holiday camp, designed to keep the little tykes off the ments. Boinging is illegal in open spaces, carrying a man-
streets and out of trouble between block school terms. datory twenty-year prison sentence.
Dr. Spock’s Megaplex is a virtual city, with six themed • Pleasure Island - Giant, orbital holiday camp with
recreation domes: ‘Surf Camp’, ‘Nerd Camp’, ‘Ugly an average attendance at any one time of thirty-four
Camp’, ‘Psi Camp’, ‘Fat Camp’ and ‘Camp Pal’. The in- thousand citizens.
evitable rivallry between camp juves causes waves of • Smokatorium - The only venues in Mega-City One
intermittent violence which has prompted a ‘camp where the smoking of nicotine is legal. Even so, patrons
judge’ [Judge Inman] to be permanently installed for the must wear airtight helmets to contain their expelled
Megaplex’s duration [Sector 7 Central]. smoke to prevent their co-patrons from inhaling too
• Martha Chesterton Memorial Park - Also known much of the airborne poisons. Around a third of all sec-
simply as ‘The Park’, the MCMP is Mega-City One’s tors have a smokatorium, with MegNorth averaging the
largest expanse of natural vegetation. It was founded lowest count; its deep-pocketed inhabitants can afford
by industrialist Chester Chesterton III in memory of his altogether more stimulating drugs of choice.
late wife, built on land reclaimed from rad-zones. The • Vibe-Bowl - Music ampitheatre owned by the ‘Asso-
Park has become neglected and the haunt of criminals, ciated Musicians Of Mega-City One’. Hundreds of con-

Illustration by Cliff Robinson. Copyright Rebellion A/S © 2004.

certs are held at the Vibe Bowl every year, notably the es engineered to grant drunkenness for shorter peri-
‘Mega-vision Song Contest’ and the ‘Squawk Show’ ods of time [reducing the number of street violence
charity crapfest, celebrating the worst in world music incidents], though cases of ‘debombed’ [full-strength]
[Sector 44 East]. beverages manage to be smuggled onto the slab by
agents of criminal ‘hab-brewer’ consortiums. Crime
nightclubs thrives within the strobe-blitzed confines of nightclubs
where drug use and prostitution are activities some-
Location - Nightclubs [or ‘niteries’] are inconspicuous times as common as ordering a drink.
during daylight closing hours and glowing with neon and Specialist clubs cater to the many subcultures of
tri-d signs only when the sun has set. Their positioning Mega-City One society. Here is a small sample:
is subsequently not too important to their success since • Bat Manse - A high-vaulted club allowing batglid-
potential patrons are not casually browsing the street ers to playfully swoop and dart to favourite anthems
where the club is sited with no particular destination in such as Cruise Missile 2126 and Kite Mark. Eldster bat-
mind, but are searching for a place to socialise, imbibe ters can hang from harnesses to simulate their glory
stimulants and dance. Most nightclubs occupy the cheap- years, swaying to smooth and easy listening songs in
er end of the Mega-City One biz-dis estate, taking over the vein of A Slow Glide To Sino-Cit. All clubbers must
derelict stores and ecom units, or larger, gated, private bring their own bat-rigs which are searched for contra-
residences whose owners have been imprisoned, the band and bat-jamming equipment [used to botch a ri-
properties put up for auction for this or any number of val’s aerobatic display] at the door. Mega-City One’s
other reasons. Smaller nightclubs may be located in cit- largest bat manse is the O-Zone, a hollowed-out moth-
yblocks among the terraces of their biz-levels. ane plant in Sector 203.
The Mega-City One club scene is wild and varied, • Blight Club - A gathering place for uglies, devotees
where almost any theme is sanctioned short of inflict- of the enduring uglification craze devised by the late
ing physical or mental pain on others - animal, mineral Otto Sump. ‘Pretties’ [unaltered citizens] may only en-
or vegetable - against their will. This is not to say that ter if vouched for by longtime members. A perverse,
most nightclubs are venues of the bizarre - far from it in monthly beauty contest called the ‘Uglybugs’ Ball’ re-
fact, their design and patrons’ tastes not far removed wards the most abhorrent clubber with several free
from the clubs of our era, where music is loud and bom- courses of uglification treatment at the exclusive ‘Trez
bastic, alcohol flows freely, the club is hot and bodies Sump’ parlour. Gangs of ‘puglies’ - punks subjected to
are packed in tightly. The entrances are manned by hu- uglification treatment as part of their gang initiation -
man or robotic doormen who use levels of violence are often caught by the judges loitering around blight
sanctioned by the Justice Department and the beverag- clubs as they try to bluff their way past the doormen to

stir up trouble inside. Popular blight clubs: The Zit Fac- by the hundreds, branded so as to afford the clubs com-
tory, Grotty Doss, The Pumpkin Patch and Medusa’s. prehensive advertising coverage, with at least one
• Glutterie - Fatty-only clubs by their very nature re- branch of any given brand for every city sector. Clubs
quire the largest floor space and have a mountainous stock that cater to true niche markets are owned by minor
of snack foods on offer, but otherwise are indistinguisha- league biz-cits who have a genuine passion for their se-
ble from the average niterie. The inherently unhealthy lect clientele and may well be an active member of that
culture of the fatty demands certain safeguards to cope subculture.
with heart failure, burst colons or choking on-site; by Nightclubs are an infamous haunt of criminal organ-
law, each glutterie must have a private ambulance on isations and more than a few chains will be secretly
stand-by, ready to speed the beleaguered fatty to the owned by the mega-mobs who hide their involvement
nearest med-bay. Popular glutterie clubs: Gorge, The Pig behind layer upon layer of false holding companies.
Trough, The Mighty Belch and The Gulp Stream. Clubs offer the underworld a ready supply of ‘marks’ to
• Muscle Club - The home of the vain, where beefed- peddle contraband to, use as unwitting guinea pigs when
up bodybuilders can parade their glistening muscles and testing the latest cocktails of designer drugs, or simply
adoring ‘pipecleaners’ [muscle fans, typically weedy of ‘walking banks’ to be robbed at will since most club-
physique] drool over their hi-vit drinks. Popular muscle bers will be ‘packed’ with paycards and credits to see
clubs: Abs-Fab, Temple Of The Gods and Muscle Bitch. them through the night’s entertainment dues.
• Palais-De-Bop - Dance clubs promoting popular
music featured in the current slug parade. Themed or
nostalgia nights are regularly hosted. The larger palais-
de-bops have dancefloors on the ground and on the the academy of law
ceiling where fly-dancers ‘zoogle their ooglies’ upside
down using magnetic ‘fly-boots’. Popular Palais-de-bops: The training ground of the Mega-City One judges.
Stomp, Ghettoblaster, Detox and The Turntable. Popular Would-be judges are inducted at the age of five, to en-
‘skankeries’ [more expensive clubs]: The Rabbit Hutch dure fifteen gruelling years of intensive combat, tactical
and Planet Airhead. and peacekeeping training, instilled all the while with
• Sex Clubs - These hot and steamy venues are pop- the myriad commandments of the Book Of Law, the
ular among an adult culture once known as ‘swingers’. judges’ bible. At the age of twenty, rookie judges un-
In the mid-Twenty-first Century, swinging parties were dergo their final street evaluation to decide if they are
legalised and their organisers allowed by law to go into fit to become a ‘Full Eagle’, a fully-fledged street judge.
business offering hygiene- and health-conscious venues The Academy has been severely damaged by attack in
for strangers to meet as friends and exchange bodily its dramatic past, and suffered appalling losses of valua-
fluids. To participate in sex club activities, one must pass ble cadet judges and their tutors, veteran judges of great
a vigorous medical before applying for membership, wisdom. Despite these trying times, the Academy Of
which is expensive. Sex clubs cater to straight and gay Law focuses relentlessly on replenishing cadet judge and
sex, and some offer interspecies sex at a substantial pre- ultimately ‘full eagle’ stocks. The Academy is off-limits
mium. Popular sex clubs: Shaggy’s, Let’s Get Physical, to citizens and as such has garnered a contradictory se-
Friction Burns and Loving The Alien. ries of urban legends generated by over-imaginative cit-
• Juvey Clubs - Juve niteries were the answer to teen izens as to what actually transpires within its walls.
crime which increased in the evenings, escalating over
the weekends between Block School chores. All juves apocalypse monument
attending such clubs must first electronically register The city’s largest permanent Apocalypse War statue is
their presence at the door to provide an alibi in case a plasteen mushroom cloud as large as a conapt. In the
the judges need to eliminate them from investigations evenings, the monument glows like a furnace and emits
into local juve crime sprees. The juves’ registered at- sound captures of actual nuclear detonations. In Janu-
tendance at juvey clubs also places their wellbeing ary of each year - the anniversary of the commence-
squarely in the hands of the club owners who are un- ment of the war - large crowds encircle the monument
der great pressure to see that their charges do not fall and hold hands as mass hysteria - crying, screaming, the
under the influence of alcohol and drugs, both of which gnashing of teeth and loss of bowel movements to sim-
are banned within the premises. Popular juvey clubs - ulate radiation poisoning - takes hold. A second, more
The Green Scene, Astro, Cool Breeze and Youngbloods. restrained ceremony takes place over Christmas when
Administration - Nightclubs are to be specific glo- larger crowds engage in a mass ‘carol-in’, banishing the
rified bars. They are often owned by mega-breweries unpleasant memories with song and prayer held by the
city’s numerous legal religious movements.

have collapsed. The elevator cars have long lain smashed
Illustration by Paul Marshall. Copyright Rebellion A/S © 2004.

to pieces at the foot of the towering shafts, the only

access to the upper levels an extremely treacherous
staircase. The Empire State Building was one of the few
remnants of Old New York to be salvaged when the
city was rockcreted over to make way for Mega-City
One. Regarded at the time as a national treasure, the
Empire State was relocated in Sector 44’s Manhattan
Precinct. The plan was to refurbish it as a museum of
the Twenty-first Century, but unwise investments bank-
rupted the company that had taken on the project and
the Empire State was abandoned. The building is now
home to homeless, escaped mutants, sub-humes and
gangs of criminals who take pot-shots at passing judges
from the 102nd-floor observation deck.

atlantis grand hall of justice

The largest of six service plexes [the others have rath- This imposing structure, styled in the form of a gigantic
er less exciting names such as Plex 1, 2, etc. Atlantic is eagle, is the most recent incarnation of the headquar-
the third service plex in the chain] along the Transat- ters of the Justice Department. The Grand Hall Of Jus-
lantic Tunnel, a multi-laned speedway and zoom tube tice was the first Mega-City One sector house to be
connecting Mega-City One with Brit-Cit, spanning the built, its function to coordinate the operations of sub-
entire Black Atlantic Ocean. Most of the service plex- ordinate sector houses located about the fledgling meg-
es are little more than waystations, stop-off points for alopolis. In time, the city grew to massive proportions
road travellers. Their ports are riddled with motels, and quadrant command centres were established to
eateries and fuel stations staffed by those souls able to assist in the division of administrative workload, so the
withstand a claustrophobic life far beneath the surface. Grand Hall was relegated to sole government of the
Atlantis itself contains tourist facilities, deep-sea min- MegEast quadrant and the sector house of Sector 44
ing and fishing industries. Mechanised ‘krillcatchers’ East. As the home of the Chief Judge and the Council
collect tankfuls of krill to be processed into a mush, Of Five, the Grand Hall exercises executive control over
later sent back to Mega-City One and added to food- all other quadrant command centres, though everyday
stuffs. The mutant coral ray has replaced the extinct command decisions are deferred to
whale as the largest creature in the the respective quad commanders.
Illustration by Carlos Ezquerra. Copyright Rebellion A/S © 2004

Black Atlantic; schools of the gigan- The original Grand Hall Of Justice
tic sea monsters gather around At- was destroyed in 2104 by Judge
lantis, waiting to be fed to the de- Dredd to prevent the invading Sov-
light of visitors assembled in the Block from using it as a propaganda
‘Showdome’ observatory. With very tool. The Grand Hall was rebuilt in
little in the way of crime [low-inten- 2105, but was destroyed during its
sity smuggling is the number one ar- official unveiling ceremony by the so-
rest offence], Atlantis is summarily called ‘Prankster’, a master of mis-
staffed by no more than eight judges chief. Eventually the present day
of Brit-Cit/MC-1 origin, and one Grand Hall was erected, this time de-
sniffer robot dog called Pickles. signed to withstand a nuclear strike,
foresight that has saved the lives of
empire state many vitally-important judges. Be-
building fore the Grand Hall stands Aftermath
Square where past conflicts are re-
Once the world’s tallest structure, the
membered. A statue of the under-
Empire State Building is now dwarfed
city dweller Fergee - who helped the
by the average, starscraping cityblock.
judges defeat the insane Chief Judge
It is no longer a tourist attraction and
Cal - occupies one section, ever-sur-
is in a sorry condition, having lost most
rounded by a cloud of robo-flies to
of its windows and many of its floors
emulate the profusion of foul wild-

life that once followed Fergee about his business. A cen- them to fit Apetown’s semi-decrepit environment
otaph commemorating the millions killed during the Ne- [Sector 7 Central].
cropolis sits across the square. Like the Grand Hall Of • Chinatown - Also known as ‘Sinotown’, one of sev-
Justice, Aftermath Square is a popular tourist attraction eral estates inhabited primarily by immigrants of the Far
for mega-citters and foreign travellers. It is equally heav- Eastern Sino-Cities and surrounding urban sprawls. Chi-
ily-guarded by armed judges in anticipation of terrorist nese culture has changed very little in the centuries since
attacks from anti-justice groups and pro-democrat ex- the first immigrants came to North American shores in
tremists, as well as lesser but undesirable social misfits search of a better life, and the Triad gangs still hold sway
like scrawlers and ram-raiders; there have even been over the decent Sino-citizens [Sector 88 East].
attempts to steal the statue of Fergee and the Necrop- • Gang Alley - A violent urban wasteland where the
olis Cenotaph to sell to black market art dealers. gangs are in charge and the presence of judges can of-
ten only make matters worse. The Vi-Boys, Bloodsuck-
ers, 9th Street Psychos, Apaches and Wayward Girls

Illustration by Ron Smith. Copyright Rebellion A/S © 2004.

constantly fight bloody battles over territory, watched
by helpless, terrified citizens from behind their apart-
ment curtains [Sector 36 East].
• Dead Juve’s Curve - A spiralling transit stack that
has become a legendary proving ground for young ho-
trodders; any river who can out race the competition
and survive the lightning journey from the top of Dead
Juve Curve to it’s City Bottom off-ramp is considered to
be somebody very special by his peers [Sector 51 East].
• Hayte Street - A street with the sorry reputation
of having Mega-City One’s highest crime figures; four-
thousand crimes are committed on Hayte Street every
day. Rookie judges are taken on patrol loops along Hay-
te Street’s two-mile length to experience the phenom-
enon first-hand [Sector 41 East].
• The Island - The dream of slabpackers everywhere,
the semi-mythical ‘Island’ is alleged to be a treasure trove
of equipment and valuables. In fact, the Island does ex-
ist, a spot located beneath a convergeance of meg-ways
where citizens entering Mega-City One from the Trans-
atlantic Tunnel dump their contraband in a fit of blind
panic to avoid the harsh scrutiny of the judges. The Is-
landmarks, misc. land is littered with the dead bodies of slabpackers who
have been lured to the place by the legends, then fight
• Alientown - Though extraterrestrials are fairly com-
savagely with their contemporaries for possession of
monplace in Mega-City One, a natural inclination for
those different from the majority to form enclaves has the items uncovered [Sector 100 East].
resulted in the so-called ‘Alientown’, City Bottom es- • Iso-block 666 - A particularly high-security prison
tate converted by its residents into a home away from built to contain Mega-City One’s most feared criminals.
home - or as near as they can make it. The tightly-packed Despite its reputation as the ‘place of no return’, Iso-
buildings make for a bubbling melting pot of strange block 666 has suffered three successful mass breakout
beings from deep space, and excellent hiding places for attempts, though most if not all escapees find their es-
illegal aliens [Sector 22 East]. cape routes cut off by concentric rings of H-wagon and
• Apetown - Apetown is the largest colony of ge- Manta prowl tank patrols waiting for such an eventual-
netically-modified apes in Mega-City One, centred ity. To date, only the late Fink Angel - with the assist-
around Queen Mum Street. The apes have replicated ance of the Judge Child - has managed to make a clean
the typical habitats of their Homo Sapien cousins with escape [Sector 40 East].
some success, though a certain lack of mental finesse • The Jungle - This Lowtown district - not to be con-
has resulted in the stereotyping of the more dramatic fused with the ape colony of Sector 51 - becomes an
aspects of human society; the resident apes have adopt- occasional war zone when gangbangers from across the
ed the roles of tri-d soap stars and movie heroes/vil- quadrant congregate in their hundreds to prove their
lains, perpetually re-enacting these roles, modifying superiority over their rivals. A major confront in 2105

became an excellent training opportunity for the crews sale by some of the oddest characters to be encoun-
of Justice Department Manta prowl tanks who had only tered in the sector [Sector 44 East].
just been issued with the state-of-the-art combat vehi- • Orbital Suburbs - The orbital suburbs of Mega-
cles [Sector 230 West]. City One float some twenty-two thousand miles above
• The Maze - The F. Loyd Mazny Scheme was at the the earth, locked in geo-stationary orbit above north
time Mega-City One’s most complex development, built America. The ‘Orburbs’ were conceived as refuges for
to house two million citizens in low-rise housing built Mega-City One’s elite, a place where they could per-
in a complex arrangement. The so-called ‘Maze’ was so manently escape the Lowtowners and their ‘pointless,
intricate that an army of signposts had to be installed noisy, violent’ lives; the Nelson Rockefeller Orburb was
to allow residents to navigate it, but in short order the jewel in the crown of the enterprise. All this came
they were all destroyed by local vandals. The residents, to a sorry end in 2105 when the ‘Slum Clearance Act’
unable to find their way out of the Maze, wondered was brought into effect, and a considerable number of
for days searching for the exit; one-hundred and fifty impoverished Lowtowners given the opportunity to
starved to death. The Maze was closed down and it share the orburbs. The Hightown society fled their lux-
architect wisely emigrated, but the labyrinthine hor- ury homes, giving the Lowtowners the run of the or-
ror remains in place to this day, preserved by the Mega- burbs which predictably descended into ghettoes.
Trust for posterity. The Maze’s outer suburbs

Illustration by Ian Gibson. Copyright Rebellion A/S © 2004.

have become a haunt for slabpackers and want-
ed criminals [Sector 89 East].
• Northways Bridge - One of the city’s old-
est bridges, dating back to 2056 when it was
conceived as one of five pedestrian-only link-
ways between Mega-City One and the Shat-
ner Outreach Development along the south-
east tip of the Canadian Territories. In 2126,
the Northways Bridge exists only as a tourist
attraction, the last of the five linkways to re-
main relatively intact; it no longer offers an exit
to Canadia [Sector 300 North]. • The Rock - One of the first mega-penitentiaries,
• Nuke Alley - The devastated wasteland between the ‘Rock’ was modelled on Alcatraz, the legendary pris-
Mega-City One and the Northwest Hab-zone, located on island of Old New York City, a visible deterrent for
beneath Hell’s Highway, the only surface bridge between the rising tidal wave of crime experienced by the ex-
the two habitats. As radiation levels gradually fall, Nuke panding Mega-City. Built in the 2040s, the Rock was
Alley is being exploited as a transitory point for drug rendered obsolete by the much larger iso-blocks and
deals and arms smuggling from the Cursed Earth. has become a tourist attraction complete with holo-
• Old New York - When Sector 44 East was designed, graphic reconstructions of its most notorious criminals
and the city that was New York rockcreted over, public and dramatic events to have occurred within the Rock’s
sentiment demanded that an ancestral connection be four-metre thick walls [Sector 301 NWHab].
maintained to link the old and new cities. In the heart of • Simp Tank - The Population Observation and Con-
Sector 44 [sited directly over Lower Manhattan Island], trol unit [POC, aka the ‘Simp Tank’] is a serious scien-
the district of Old New York was christened, its street tific study - partially funded by the Justice Department -
names based on famous concourses of the city below - of Mega-City One’s ‘sanity-challenged’ citizens, an at-
Wall Street, Broadway, State Street and Hanover Square tempt to discover what it is in the Simps’ mental make-
for example. The Empire State Building was spared the up that makes them different from their fellow, more
fate of the rest of New York and relocated above, and sane citizens. Subject simps are contained within ob-
stands uneasily like a crippled old man above the acid servation tanks for most of their duration with the POC,
rain-pocked rooftops of the pre-war tenaments. In 2126, occasionally taken on field trips to study how they in-
Old New York is one of Mega-City One’s most aged teract with the outside world [Sector 27 East].
residential areas and has been left behind in the archi- • Slabyrinth - A radical design intended to facilitate
tectural stakes, of a general condition not much grand- the efficient passage of high-volume traffic to and from
er than its counterpart, decaying New York city beneath the many airports in MegCentral, the Slabyrinth instead
the rockcrete roof. The only cultural highlight to be of- caused major disruptions, its unusual architecture baf-
fered by Old New York is its City Bottom market where fling many drivers’ AL-manac navigational computers
a surprisingly diverse number of goods are offered for which resulted in a good proportion of drivers being
guided towards exit points nowhere near their origi-

• White Cliffs Of

Illustration by Ian Kennedy. Copyright Rebellion A/S © 2004

Dover - A section of the
famous white cliffs was
sold off during the con-
struction of Brit-Cit’s
southwest sectors to
Mega-City One collector
of antiquities Noble Es-
quire X, and shipped at
unimaginable cost to the
city where it was internal-
ly shored up and put on
public display. Unfortu-
nately, as with the Parthe-
non - the other foreign
treasure imported by Es-
quire X - the White Cliffs
fell victim to local crime
nal, intended destination. Rapid software patches rec- [the notorious scrawl king Chopper defaced it in 2103]
tified the problem, but the Slabyrinth has retained its and later was partially levelled by a malfunctioning Citi-
infamy as a place not temperamentally suited towards Def missile test fire. Ever since their arrival in Mega-
inexperienced drivers [Sector 7 Central]. City One, protest groups have campaigned to have the
• Speakers’ Square - Most sectors have numerous White Cliffs Of Dover restored to their rightful place in
‘speakers’ squares’, legally sanctioned zones of free England, apparently ignorant to the fact that there is no
speech where strong viewpoints can be voiced and heat- longer anywhere along the coast for it to be returned
ed arguments made. The judges may enter these squares to [Sector 191 West].
and listen to the debates, but they cannot arrest any of

Illustration by Carlos Ezquerra. Copyright Rebellion A/S © 2004

the participants on the grounds of controversial or anti-
judicial topics.
• Statue Of Judgement - Towering above the Stat-
ue Of Liberty, the Statue Of Judgement is the ultimate
architectural symbol of the Justice Department’s pow-
er in Mega-City One. Since the statue was rebuilt in
2117, following a terrorist attack, the Justice Depart-
ment’s Public Surveillance Unit [PSU] has made the stat-
ue’s hollow interior its new headquarters. The citizens
are completely unaware of this fact and while still wel-
come to take vid-cam snapshots of the Statue Of Judge-
ment, they are no longer allowed to flit about its heights
in tourist hoverbuses [Sector 44 East].
• Statue Of Liberty - The famous statue and sym-
bol of Old America was a present from the French.
When Mega-City one was undergoing construction,
Liberty Island was demolished and the statue relocat-
ed inland, overlooking an artificial river. An act of ter-
rorism failed to destroy the statue but severed its
torchbearing hand, which was recovered and mount-
ed on a great stone plinth at the foot of the statue services
[Sector 44 East].
hover and spaceports
• Tomb Of The Unknown Citizen - A small, un-
assuming statue of a citizen running for his life as a Extralong-distance travel is commonplace in the Twen-
large boot is about to descend to crush him, the Stat- ty-second Century; intercontinental flights take minutes
ue Of The Unknown Citizen is a symbol of unity for instead of hours and space flights are considered no more
all the humble, downtrodden nobodies of every land. exotic than a journey across the Cursed Earth. Mega-
[Sector 53 East]. City One has many ports dedicated to terrestrial and

space traffic [known as ‘hoverports’ and ‘spaceports’ re- iour. A riot squad waits on stand-by to quell any disrup-
spectively, tending to collectively be referred to as ‘Air- tion to the airport’s routine, throwing the culprit[s] into
ports’], the largest of which are the Atlantic Central Hov- on-site holding cells to await transportation to the local
erport, Kennedy Spaceport, the Jim Grubb Memorial sector house and sentencing. When the flight is finally
Hoverport and the Gil Gerrard Memorial Spaceport. ready to lift off, the travellers have their tickets and
To book a flight, a citizen makes a reservation through permits checked one more time at the Departure Gate
the medium of the Megaweb, or vid-phone. Confirma- before walking across the ‘apron’ and boarding their
tion of the flight is issued in seconds and tickets posted craft. Both hoverships and spacecraft operate a VTOL
by snail courier to the travellers’ address. Terrestrial book- system and so do not require any runway to launch or
ings need be made at least three days in advance while land. Once Flight Control authorises the launch - first
space flights require a longer preparation period of one ensuring that the flight path is clear of other traffic and
to two weeks. The larger airports can be reached by all that the subject craft has completed all preflight checks
manner of public transportation - ground, air and zoom - - it is only a matter of seconds before the craft is air-
with on-site vehicle parks and zoom terminuses located within borne, screaming into the skies.
the airport’s perimeter. Se-
Illustration by Ian Gibson. Copyright Rebellion A/S © 2004.

curity at these venues is not

very effective and so arrivals
are advised to use the zoom
where possible to rule out
the theft of personal vehicles
in the traveller’s absence.
The next port of call is
Check-In, where flight
tickets are processed and
luggage separated from
the traveller to be loaded
onto robot-driven trolleys
and carried to the waiting
hovership or spacecraft.
Both luggage and would-
be traveller are searched
thoroughly by a resident
squad of judges for contra-
band, weapons, possibly-contagious disease and are Besides the main terminus, launch pads and vehicle
routinely comp-idented for unpunished felonies. These parks, airports also feature fuel stores that safely con-
searches can take quite a while to complete and so tain synthoil and nuclear fuels prior to their being in-
travellers are advised to arrive at the airport no later stalled in hoverships and spacecraft. In the event of a
than six hours in advance to allow for delays. New fuel leak or disaster of any kind, emergency teams can
arrivals at Mega-City One must undergo the same marshal fire-trucks, SCS wagons and clean-up squads
searches and in addition may be sidelined for up to to contain and nullify most environmental threats and
seventy-two hours while the judges request and await then quickly set to work restoring the damaged area to
additional information being sent from the arrival’s its prior condition. Spaceport launch pads can quickly
home city or planet. Immigrants are processed via Im- and automatically crank blast shields into place if launch
migration Control, while extraterrestrial tourists are pad sensors detect an explosion, isolating the pad from
taken into the Alien Bureau, both manned by judges. adjoining launch pads and the rest of the spaceport.
Once the travellers have left the main terminal, they The airports of MegCentral are typically surround-
enter a waiting room until their flight is ready to depart. ed by cityblocks inhabited by airport flight crew and
The larger airports are so voluminous that hovertrams staff, technicians and emergency crews. The MegCen-
are necessary to shuttle travellers from Check-In to their tral City Bottom leisure industry caters to the staff and
final destination. Extralong-distance travel delays or can- the many thousands of visitors that arrive in Mega-
cellations are not uncommon and can mean an extend- City One very week with bars, clubs, eateries and
ed wait of several hours. It is at this point that irate mountains of gift stores; the ever-present criminal el-
travellers, irked at not being able to make it to their ement waits for the right moment to steal what the
destination in time, can explode into antisocial behav- tourists have just purchased and sell back to unscru-
pulous biz-cits to resell.


Illustration by Henry Flint. Copyright Rebellion A/S © 2004.

Considering the massive degree of overpopulation in
Mega-City One, it is no surprise that euthanasia has been
legalised. An industry providing the ‘last service’ thrives,
a welcome release for the terminally or chronically and
painfully ill, or eldsters whose infirmities have seen their
once strong bodies reduced to chairbound sacks of slob-
bering meat. Once a citizen decides on euthanasia - for
himself or another he has legal custodianship over - he
must apply to the Euthanasia Committee. The commit-
tee members debate the applicant’s suitability for eu-
thanasia. If they grant the request, the applicant is placed
on what is nicknamed a ‘hit list’ - a waiting list that may
be weeks long. Around half of all successful applicants
change their mind, having been forced to wait, re-eval-
uating the usefulness of their lives, cancelling the ap-
pointment with death. Once the appointment is within
three weeks of taking place however, the citizen can-
not back out and will be forced to make the appoint-
ment by a judge if necessary. Once the patient has said
his farewells to family and friends, he is admitted into
the euthanasium. There he is escorted into a quiet,
pleasant room and given the first of two injections.
The first shot relaxes his mind and muscles. During
this ten minute period, the patient can elect to view a
tranquil scene of nature such as a forest, lakeside or
his favourite aeroball stadium, projected in three-di-
mensions. Soon, the final, lethal injection is adminis- to the Eisenhower’s resources.
tered and the patient dies peacefully. His body is bagged The ‘healthy economy’ existing in future society ex-
and stored in the euthanasium’s mortuary ready to be plains sadly why illnesses and diseases that have been
taken to Resyk for recycling. cured by the Twenty-second Century still persist in some
quarters of the world’s most advanced mega-cities. All
hospital block electorally-registered Mega-City One citizens do how-
ever receive sufficient finances from welfare payment
The Eisenhower - standing ninety-five levels high - is or salary to pay for basic health treatment - one who
one of Mega-City One’s major hospital blocks and the fits into either of the two categories who claims not to
centre of civilian sector ‘Crisis Control’ operations when be able to afford this level of healthcare is usually either
called upon, delivering specialist intensive care for mass lying or has fiddled his bank account and stopped the
cases of burn, radiation, disease, chemical and biologi- regular debit of his mandatory health tax which pays
cal-related injuries. The Eisenhower - like all hospital for his healthcare. New admissions - citizens who have
blocks - exists to treat ill health beyond the capabilities not been referred by their block med-level to the Ei-
or resources of cityblock med-levels. senhower - will have been involved in some recent dis-
Arrivals in need of medical treatment fit into two cat- aster that has inflicted injuries of such a severe or unu-
egories - referrals and new admissions, referrals by far sual nature that only the Eisenhower’s advanced re-
the most common, patients sent by med-level doctors sources can provide adequate treatment in time.
for a second opinion on the part of Eisenhower special- The Eisenhower has a forty-thousand strong popu-
ists, or a request for more advanced treatment of those lation of highly-trained med-techs and med-bots, gov-
patients’ health problem. Any patient referred to the Ei- erned by the Board Of Doctors resident in the hospital
senhower comes packaged with a complete life’s worth block, retiring to mid-block luxy-apts when their serv-
of medical records accessed through Barney the City Hall ices are not required. A fleet of ambulances and H-wag-
computer and credit rating based on their ability - or ons respond to medical emergencies, delivering on the
willingness - to pay for past medical treatment. A patient spot medical care and helping the enabled on their way,
whose credit rating is not found to be satisfactory will be or rushing severe cases to an Eisenhower med-bay. In
refused treatment and referred back to his med-level to the wake of growing incidents of violence directed at
resume the previous degree of treatment, often inferior hospital staff by select patients [robothieves out to steal

valuable robo-docs and armed drug addicts raiding med-
Illustration by Steve Dillon. Copyright Rebellion A/S © 2004.

icine stores], the Eisenhower has been granted a block

judge - Doyle - who commands a twenty-four-strong
unit of armed Justice Department auxiliaries to deal
with in-block unrest [Sector 148 South].

weather control
Mega-City One installed the world’s first
urban weather control system following
the Atom War to spare the city’s peo-
ple from the climate devastation sweep-
ing across the Cursed Earth. The
weather control system remained a fix-
ture of Mega-City one life until the late
2110s when neglect and financial under-
investment took its toll and Weather Con-
trol ceased to be a reliable climate regulator. In 2126, weather station
portions of the weather control system remain active,
but for other regions the advice from City Hall has BA 6 Mass 128 Spd 11 Crew 8 Passengers 14
been to wrap up against acid storms and take concen-
trated anti-rad pills on a weekly basis. The weather control network is staffed by highly-skilled
How did Weather Control get into this state of dis- meteorologists who study weather patterns, and environ-
use? Mega-City One has suffered more major disasters mental technicians who maintain the machinery of Weather
than any city on Earth. With civic upheaval comes fi- Control, working too at refining existing technologies and
nancial instability and eventually the collapse of the stock designing more cost-effective alternatives. Weather Con-
market. Recovering slowly from its cumulative traumas, trol Central remains anchored firmly in place above Mega-
Mega-City One is ploughing its finances into repairing City One, barely visible amid the clouds, while dozens of
and building new housing, and bolstering the financial weather stations that look like exotic spacecraft move into
markets to help re-establish trade with the city’s former position where necessary to effect localised weather con-
international business partners. For the moment, the ditions. All Weather Control platforms have a small crew
restoration of Weather Control is not one of the more of judges onboard to provide a deterrent to any invaders
urgent tasks on City Hall’s ‘things to do’ list. who might plan to turn the network’s potentially devas-
Weather Control was a network of satellite stations tating technologies against Mega-City One. Despite these
surrounding Weather Control Central, a massive anti- precautions, the East-Meg One saboteur Orlok managed
gravity wheel anchored in the cloud layer. The amazing to do just that in 2103, evading the judges of Weather Con-
technologies utilised by Weather Control allow it to cre- trol Central and contaminating the water saturation pumps
ate any type of weather system at the touch of a button with a madness-inducing chemical, unleashing it on the city
within the borders of Mega-City One. Any weather con- below in the form of torrential rain.
dition can be generated, from a heatwave, rain and snow
to gale-force winds and even tornadoes ordered into services, misc.
being by the Justice Department to sweep the streets • Mega-City Necropolis - One can have his loved
clear of criminal mobs. one mummified inside a glasseen sarcophagi and stored
Weather Control’s most important contribution to for display inside one of the Mega-City One Necropo-
Mega-City One life is the protection it provides against lis’s many tombs, to gaze upon at one’s pleasure. This
the extreme weather spawned by the Atom War. By service is expensive, and requires a waiver fee to spare
focusing man-made and deftly manipulated air currents the body from Resyk’s rendering machinery, then fur-
toward the West Wall, major radiation storms can be ther payment to have it emptied of fluids and vital or-
halted in their tracks, while decontamination crystals gans, then pumped full of preservative fluid and surface
can be seeded into the cloud layer’s ambient water va- treated with several layers of transparent chemicals.
pour to reduce acidic content from moisture that evap- • Mega-City Teleport - Following some years of false
orates upward from the Black Atlantic. Clouds can also starts and terrible accidents during its research and de-
be concocted to block intense heat from the sun when velopment phase, teleportation eventually became a vi-
orbital Weather Control satellites predict a break in the able and relatively inexpensive service to the citizens of
local ozone layer. Mega-City One. Strictly regulated by the Justice Depart-

Illustration by Henry Flint. Copyright Rebellion A/S © 2004.
ment, a citizen can enter a teleport booth at one side of harmful bacteria. The penultimate phase of the process
the city and exit instantaneously at the other; if he has paid sees the waste devoured literally by genetically engi-
for a world teleport permit, the citizen can travel further neered ‘fang worms’, of which millions upon millions
and ‘port over to any city-state that has signed up to the writhe in dozens of chewing tanks, waiting for their meal.
service. Senior judges make occasional use of the teleport The fang worms excrete the waste as simple pastes,
network when their authority is urgently required at a con- which are then collected and transported to ‘recon’ plants
siderable distance; rank and file street judges do not have to be mixed with other chemicals and reformulated as
the authorisation to jump from one quadrant to another furniture, textiles, industrial fluids and composite metals.
without first obtaining signed, downloaded permission di- The recently deceased are sent to one of five Resyk plants
rectly from their sector chief [Sector 223 West]. via smaller terminals where they are piled up with thou-
• Mega-Tech - Mega-City One’s most well-known sci- sands of other bodies every hour and fed onto massive
ence laboratory [in scholarly circles any way; most citi- conveyor belts to be stripped of skin, hair, muscle and
zens have never heard of it], Mega-Tech researches every organ, all deconstructed and poured, first sorted into sep-
experimental school of scientific frontiers and then some arate chemicals, into tanks to be collected and distribut-
- time travel, genetic engineering, quantam physics, di- ed to city industry; most will go into products suitable
mensional travel, shapeshifting, advanced robotics - for use directly on or inside the human body such as cos-
Mega-Tech has developed numerous commercial prod- metics and edibles. Though the procedure associated with
ucts based on them, or continues delving into their ar- corpse disposal is brutal, relatives do not see Resyk in
cane and often disturbing depths in search of enlighten- action - their last memories of their loved one is in his
ment. Mega-Tech receives funding from the Justice De- coffin as he passes through velvex curtains. Only then,
partment to develop new equipment, specialist weap- out of sight, do mechanical, arms lift him out of his coffin
ons and improved body armour [Sector 65 East]. and throw him onto the conveyor belt. At a Bower Of
• Waste Disposal - Cityblocks have sub-level waste Remembrance, relatives can pay to have a plaque repre-
collection vats and can recycle small amounts of said senting their departed one placed among many others.
refuse, recycling the water to be poured back into the For a hefty fee, one need not end his days in Resyk; the
plumbing; larger waste is collected by garbage trucks waiver fee releases him into the custody of the waiver
and taken to larger recycling centres. Non-organic waste holder to do with as they will, for example having the
is emptied into receptacles at the local Mega-Waste Dis- corpse mummified for display in the Mega-City Necrop-
posal Plant, chopped into chunks by the grinding vat olis, or otherwise preserved in a favourite pose by the
and then sterilised with ultraviolet radiation to destroy local taxidermist.

Illustration by Carlos Ezquerra. Copyright Rebellion A/S © 2004

sector 4

The characters in this sector are among the ‘employed inhuman, could his connection with the human race be
elite’ of Mega-City One, basically those with jobs and a finally clarified? Sal’s day begins at 0700hrs, preparing
regular wage earned from that work. The title ‘elite’ is the food for his alien charges with the assistance of the
something of a misnomer as many of these citizens are nine other, lucky souls blessed with employment, and
paid relatively little, often barely double what they would the thirty-eight robot zookeepers who do the real work.
have received in Welfare payments from the Housing Sal makes certain that the food vats contain the correct
Department. In Mega-City One, to be gainfully em- percentage of nut-vit and roughage, ordering the ro-
ployed is considered an honourable and glamorous as- bots to add or subtract where necessary until the per-
piration, in much the same fashion as we of the early fect mix is achieved. This level of perfection was never
Twenty-first Century might dream of being millionaire a concern at the Reptile House, but the creatures of
movie stars or astronauts. the Alien Zoo are a far more valuable commodity and
The employee outlines detailed in this sector be- the zoo owners have made it clear they will be treated
long to Mega-City One’s service sector, befitting the like royalty - or else. Sal does not know what royalty is
subject matter of Drokk City Issues 1 and 2; the Roll Call exactly, but is fully aware that if he screws up his work
Rules statistics are those for an average specimen of that he will be dumped back into the cesspit of mass unem-
outline. The outline descriptive text ployment and very likely never work
presents a specific personality rath- again. Sal sends the robot feeders on
Illustration by Brian Bolland. Copyright Rebellion A/S © 2004.

er than a generic figure to better their way, then checks the food
provide the Tac Chief and his cast stock level, ordering in more if nec-
with a ‘first-hand’ study of these cit- essary. Sal and his colleagues spend
izens and their working lives that the next half hour gossiping over a
can be customised with little effort hidden stash of Pigweiser, then real-
to slot into Drokk City virtual thea- ise if the chief zookeeper robot -
tre presentations. All weapons and ‘Leaky Loggerhead’ they call it on
equipment carried by these persons account of a broken coolant valve -
are detailed fully at the end of the caught them, their jobs would be
sector, as are descriptions for the forfeit. Sal and company hide their
weapons carried by the Black At- empty beer cans among the food-
lantic Pirates [Drokk City 1, p24] and stuff containers and leave the Alien
surf sharks [Drokk City 1, p22]. Zoo warehouse to attend to the
bestial denizens.
alien zookeeper Alien Zookeepers have a respon-
sibility to the creatures and to the
Sal Appolyp asked for transfer from citizens who come to view them;
the Reptile House of the Mega-City both can be a strain on the nerves in
Zoo to the Alien Zoo back in 2122. differing ways. In the Alien Zoo, hu-
He has an affinity for cold-blooded, mans direct robots, a procedural di-
ugly creatures, being none too hot rective made by Lord Loggerhead
in the beauty stakes himself. Where [the real Loggerhead, operating from
else but in the Alien Zoo, against the Mars] himself. For Sal and company,
backdrop of the weird and grossly this means they issue the orders and

the robots carry them out, except when

Illustration by Colin MacNeil. Copyright Rebellion A/S © 2004.

matters require capabilities beyond the
programming of the robot zookeepers.
For all their skills, the robot zookeepers
lack the finesse and delicacy of human
beings. They are highly competent at
mucking out the animal enclosures, re-
pairing damage equipment and cleaning
up after careless tourists, but the alien
exhibits tend to become agitated at the
presence of robots in their midst, re-
sponding more favourably to Sal, whom
they can smell - and intimidate - one of
an alien captive’s few pleasures. Clean-
ing up wounds and infections, pulling away dead scales
and spines or administering medication are tasks that disposition towards criminal behaviour and young Fel-
fall on Sal’s shoulders. He is wary of his charges and ma was considered too great a risk to invest fifteen years
fully briefed on their offensive powers so he knows when of expensive training in to inevitably bottom out and
to back off, or run for his life. If the worst case scenario join the ‘Enemy’. Felma never lost her interest in or-
arrives and Sal is trapped in an enclosure with a hostile dering others about and carried it through into her adult
alien, he has his electro-goad and alien repellent spray - life; she finds that many of her colleagues have the same
standard zookeeper issue - to buy him valuable time mental build and consequently form her main social cir-
before rescue can arrive. During Sal’s four-year stay at cle. Felma shares the Rabbit Hutch’s doors with partner
the Alien Zoo, seven human keepers have been killed, Mince Dill; she is tall at six foot two, but Mince makes
but their deaths were due largely to underestimating her look like a weed - he is so well-stacked he hardly
the deviousness of the animals. Sal knows when to ap- needs the A-suit doormen wear to make them insur-
proach them and when to beat a hasty retreat. ance-complaint to protect him.
Who would dare take on doormen like Felma and
Fig 2 Hed 3 Nim 3 Psi 0 Spd 3 Str 3 Mince? Where to start. There are naturally troublesome
Action Skills - Vehicle [ground] 3, Vehicle [hover] 2. clubbers [‘cuffs’] who don’t like being told what to do
Academic Skills - Basic Xenobiology [alien zoo exhib-
its only], Repair & Maintenance [alien enclosure].
and intoxicated juves [‘baboozers’] who have barely
Equipment - Electro-goad, Alien Repellent, Comm, reached drinking age but not yet had their brains catch
Uniform. up and don’t know the meaning of restraint. The gangs
Soundbite - ‘Ladies and Gentlemen, please keep your dis- prowling the slab searching for a place to gatecrash and
tance from the Rigelian Gorf; it has eaten two of our zook- cause a fight [‘fightclubbers’] rank among Felma’s big-
peers this morning already and... ahem, Madam, didn’t you
gest concerns, as are the crazies [‘remotes’] who hate
enter the Gorf’s viewing ring with three children?’
authority in any form - including the hulking doormen
who might once have thrown such scrawny turds out
club doorman of the premises on their arses - and try to take them
Another night at the Rabbit Hutch niterie and Felma out from a distant roof top or from a passing slabster
Ventura stands at watch inside the club’s doorway. The with projectile weapons. Felma cannot administer le-
clubbers begin to queue up for an evening of dance, thal countermeasures to those who threaten her with
sweat, drink and intimate relations. Doormen like Fel- the same, but she is well-trained in unarmed street com-
ma call this part of their job ‘walking the treadmill’. There bat, learned mostly from her cityblock martial arts class,
isn’t a great deal of variety in the role of a club doorman with some ‘extracurricular’ flourishes added to the mix
- making certain the correctly-dressed and unarmed are courtesy of more experienced doormen with access to
the only citizens to enter through the Rabbit Hutch’s banned Hondo City combat ‘slugs. More than once have
hallowed portal - but Felma feels she is doing her bit for such ‘add-ons’ saved Felma’s life; she has suffered a bro-
the community, and by keeping the clubbers safe from ken arm, ribs and pelvis and countless cuts and bruises
unwanted ‘gatecrashers’, is helping the forces of law but she is still standing - more than can be said for those
and order by relieving their workload in this niterie at who took her on.
least. The Justice Department is never far from Felma’s
mind - she once tried to join the Academy Of Law but Fig 4 Hed 3 Nim 4 Psi 0 Spd 3 Str 5
was rejected on genetic grounds - her family had a pre- Action Skills - Vehicle [ground] 3, Vehicle [hover] 2.
Academic Skills - Clubber Sociology, Martial Arts.

Equipment - A-Suit, Chrono, Scanner Gogs, Comm, Peps. yesterday; his dream became - through no fault of Syca-
Soundbite - ‘You’re clean - have a good time, Sir. Next! more’s own - too frightening and his heart gave out. The
Miss, nobody gets in my club wearing that. Remove it and
judges visited and questioned Sycamore at the local sec-
try again at the back of the queue, or I’m gonna snap it off.’
tor house; she was only released a few hours ago and
came into work without breakfast. The judges say the
Illustration by Mike McMahon. Copyright Rebellion A/S © 2004.

killer was a ‘Bad Knight’, a psychopath who remotely-

beams terrible nightmares into dream machines. Syca-
more is going to take extra care this watch, aware that
her job is on the line - and she doesn’t think she can stand
another night of interrogation!

Fig 2 Hed 3 Nim 3 Psi 0 Spd 3 Str 3

Action Skills - Vehicle [ground] 3, Vehicle [hover] 2.
Academic Skills - Dream Machine Operation.
Equipment - Handcomp, Dream Palace Uniform.
Soundbite - ‘Can I offer you a sweet or sour dream today, Sir?’

Lance Maiden runs a small garage off Racketeer Street
in Sector 31. He built the place from scratch - literally -
using scrap bought from Cousin Bilk’s junkyard, skilful-
ly erected over a poured rockcrete foundation. Lance
is proprietor and head mechanic at Lance Moto Repairs
[he came up with the title himself, you know], employ-
ing his son Cinco and Bluebottle, a reconditioned la-
bour robot sprayed in the garage’s trademark ultrama-
rine paint scheme. Vehicle repair shops haven’t changed
much in centuries - the smaller shops started to lose
dreamweaver out to the big franchises, but then came the extreme
customs craze which landed heavy in prewar Mega-City
Sycamore Weekender loved the occult and followed
One and won’t budge to this day. The small shops adapt-
religiously juvey paranormal series such as Slapper the
ed to the new market and thrived once more. Lance
Werewolf Spanker and Ultimate Accursed until both shows
and son have carved their own niche in the customs
were axed, leaving millions of devotees like Sycamore
market, offering handcrafted bodyshell remoulds, ret-
wondering the corridors of their cityblocks aimlessly in
ro ‘reelsteel’ mechanics replacing the traditional ‘drive-
search of a new meaning to their lives. While many of
by-wire’ systems, home-mixed spectromatic paint
her associates fell under the power of real-life ‘oc-Cults’
schemes and rad-zone conversions, popular with
or joined gangs of dubious mental competence, Syca-
Cursed Earth daytrippers. Lance’s Moto Repair wel-
more channelled her energies more practically and beat
comes both ground and hover customers. He plans to
thousands of applicants to gain employment at the Par-
retire sometime in the next decade and hand the busi-
adiso Dream Palace. Sycamore’s principle job responsi- ness over to Cinco, but not before he finds a way to
bilities are manning a level [or ‘cloud’] of dream ma-
Illustration by Cam Kennedy. Copyright Rebellion A/S © 2004.

break into the jugger and roadliner service sector where

chine stations, verifying clients’ tickets and then cali- the big credits wait. Lance is something of a local celebri-
brating the dream machines to produce the fantasy of ty by association; his cousin Tony
the client’s choice. From a terminal at the deck’s end, Tubbs won the ‘Fatty Of The
Sycamore monitors the brain wave status of all of the Year’ contest back in 2107,
dreamers on her cloud, adjusting the maintenance set- weighing in at a staggering
tings of individual dream machines when clients become two tonnes. Lance
distressed beyond their personal preference profile, or would never make the
are not finding the electronically-induced dream of suf- grade as a fatty - the tape-
ficient interest. Sycamore finds her work very satisfying worms he picked up from an al-
and the lull between her dreamers’ sleeping and wak- ien Rootis prostitute have seen
ing allows her free time to read up on her new hobby to that - but then again he was
of oneiromancy, the art of predicting the future through never one for food, preferring
the medium of dreams. Today, Sycamore is not in the the smell of grease and synthoil
mood for reading; a dreamer on her cloud was killed over a plate of hotties.

Fig 3 Hed 3 Nim 3 Psi 0 Spd 3 Str 4 speeding to medical emergencies requiring immediate,
Action Skills - Vehicle [ground] 3, Vehicle [hover] 3. specialised attention. They have a special license allow-
Academic Skills - Business, Vehicle Repair & Maintenance.
ing them to break all speed restrictions and to use the
Equipment - Coveralls, Welding Gogs, Tool Bag, Hand-
comp [for vehicle diagnostics], Synthigreasy Cleaning Rag. Judges’ Lane to bypass traffic obstructions. Tracer drives
Soundbite - ‘Looks like you’ve got yourself a case o’ noojahs while Shizokov relays navigational information. Med-
in your fuel cell convertor and a metal mickeyed belt tension- techs can park anywhere short of restricting the flow
er. I can fix her up by tonight but it’s gonna cost you extra...’ of heavy traffic, and their ambulance rigged to auto-
matically signal the Justice Department if access to its
med-tech cabin or rear compartment is attempted without the
correct code swiped from a keycard. Tracer and Shizok-
Larla Tracer works the streets of Sector 148 with her
ov take turns to carry the bulky IA-medipack to their
partner Klondyke Shizokov, one of sixty-seven med-tech
quarry’s address, but they work together to diagnose
ambulance crews operating from the Eisenhower Gen-
his ailment and to deliver medical care that will cure,
eral Hospital. They work the ‘Earth Angel Circuit’ from
treat or suspend his condition long enough for the med-
1000hrs to 2200hrs with a half-hour lunch break and
techs to gethim on a stretcher and into the ambulance,
any breaks they can squeeze in between runs. For all its
bound for the Eisenhower’s A&D level. Tracer and
reputation, the Eisenhower General Hospital has long
Shizokov know the sector well and have one of the fast-
been the victim of cost-cutting measures, the conse-
est response times on local record. They are usually
quence of poor financial management. Med-tech teams
met with friendly faces on arrival at a scene ofmedical
like Tracer and Shizokov have been without a ‘Red+’
emergency, but are always conscious that in Mega-City
robot unit for going on two years; they have to lift med-
One, things are not always what they seem. A ‘dying’
ical cases into the ambulance by themselves. With Sec-
juve might be a lure to attract the med-techs before a
tor 148’s growing population of hyperobesity, this is no
block gang descends to give the med-techs a beating
small matter and both med-techs are wary of sustaining
and steal their medipack to plunder the powerful drugs
back and limb injuries from their labour. Tracer was a
within. If the situation looks suspicious, med-techs are
paid member of the Medical Workers Union until she
instructed not to approach further and instead call for ju-
was taken in by a chance to transfer to the glamorous
dicial assistance. Non-human patients fall into the same
Eisonhower, but local protocols forbid any of its em-
ployee from belonging to a union or similar association category of caution, though they may well not intend to
whereby the hospital might be fiancially liable to pay do the med-techs any harm; spraying acid blood, instinc-
for any health problems suffered by staff during the cour tively generated, shapeshifting attack forms and an alien
eof their duties. Like a spugwit, Tracer cancelled her specimen’s wildly differing conception of medical atten-
MWU membership and now worries from day to day tion can do an unsuspecting med-tech a great deal of harm.
about the nagging pains she experiences along her left
Fig 2 Hed 4 Nim 4 Psi 0 Spd 3 Str 3
flank. Shizokov pressures Tracer to quit and use her sav-
Action Skills - Vehicle [ground] 3/5, Vehicle [hover] 3/4.
ings to get fixed up before its too late. Academic Skills - Basic Non-human Anatomy, Advanced
Med-techs ambulance crews like Tracer and Shizok- First Aid, Human Anatomy.
ov are the paramedics of the Twenty-second Century, Equipment - IA-Medipack, Protective Helmet with
Comm, Ambulance Keycard.
Soundbite - ‘Citizen Joe Meg is experiencing general ataxia,
Illustration by Mike McMahon. Copyright Rebellion A/S © 2004.

degredation of sacral nerves and chronic myopathy to his

sphincter ani. At a guess it’ll be the last time he sticks a
robo-dildo into that orifice again.’

The judges are truly a force to be reckoned with, but
there are only so many judges and so much more crime.
Private security firms flourish in Mega-City One, offer-
ing ‘graduated’ protection packages to fit various sizes
of wallet, starting with a basic ‘lucky dip’ - one privy-sec
operative with a daystick to guard a small vehicle park
or shopplex - to an ‘off the shelf’ squad of armed and
armoured, moderately well-trained men to a small army
- the ‘paycard soldiers’ - complete with artillery and
vehicles. Fhil Forkle belongs somewhere in the mid-

range of the privy-sec work bukes carry weight; they are often enough to pressure
Illustration by Mike McMahon. Copyright Rebellion A/S © 2004.

force, one of eight officers safe- one who lets the squad down into leaving service vol-
guarding the 427th Street Grande untarily. Under Fhil’s captaincy, twenty-three attempt-
Bank. Fhil, like half of his colleagues, ed heists, four bomb plots and a mob of drug-crazed,
came straight out of Space Corps rampaging city councillors have been successfully put
when his tour of duty was over and down with only one fatality on Fhil’s side. As usual, his
straight into work for Strong Box heroic contributions to sector security go publicly un-
Security. Adapting to the life- recognised, but for now, Fhil Forkle’s pride in his work
style of a city security worker is merit enough.
- or ‘downshifting’ - was diffi-
cult at first, particularly as Fhil Fig 5 Hed 4 Nim 5 Psi 0 Spd 4 Str 5
was now working with civos Action Skills - Projectile [handgun] 4, Projectile [rifle]
5, Projectile [grenade] 4, Vehicle [ground] 3, Vehicle
who were licensed to handle the
[hover] 2.
same weaponry as he, but were Academic Skills - Basic Weapon Repair & Maintenance,
not so cautious or respectful of Street Weapons Recognition, Urban Combat.
their usage. Fhil soon emerged as Equipment - POW Rifle, Tag Pistol, 2x Stumm Grenades,
the ‘alpha’ of the pack and used his Privy-Sec Body Armour, Protective Helmet & Comm,
authority to remodel his co-work- Keycard.
Soundbite - ‘Grande Slam to Grande Salute; move Tom
ers into something resembling a and Vigo to Door Three and keep eyes peeled for a blob in a
competent, focused defence red suit - make a confirm on gender. Blob’s build suggests a
force. Fhil’s efforts have not male; if so, those two titties bouncing on its chest could be
gone unnoticed by his employ- crosswired explosive pouches. Either way, do not - repeat,
ers, but they have refrained from do not - attempt to manhandle them.’
rewarding him a salary rise or granting him
the improved working conditions he has re- resyk beltman
quested for his squad. For the moment at least, the sat- Without a doubt, a job at one of Mega-City One’s Re-
isfaction of reshaping his squad into something that can syk plants is a job made by the Devil. Not only must
be recognised as competent, and injecting some sem- the Resyk workers - ‘beltmen’ - process thousands of
blance of pride into their work is freshly deceased citizens every
enough payback for Fhil. However,
Illustration by Mike McMahon. Copyright Rebellion A/S © 2004.

week, manifesting every possible

his blossoming romantic relation-
permutation of injury - sent down
ship with flydancer Renee is likely
the main conveyor belt [‘Catwalk’]
to put increased financial demands
into the rendering mouths, but the
on Fhil; his preference for quality
beltmen must also keep the drain-
of work over quantity of credits in
age tubes and reject vats from
his bank balance will eventually cost
overflowing with pulped human
him dearly unless a reassessment of
remains, a squalid, reeking river of
personal priorities is soon explored.
sludge. The work is simple but la-
Fhil’s squad’s duties involve se-
borious and extremely unpleasant,
curing the Grande Bank’s main en-
but a job for Resyk is a job for life
trances and public foyer, migrating
- and employee benefits include an
to augment the basic security sur-
‘all frills’ disposal ceremony for
rounding the collection and lodg-
their corpses - and those of their
ing of currency and bullion from ar-
family - at the plant where they
moured secur-o-pods that pull up
behind the bank. Fhil conducts each
Serial Ballsgaff has worked
operation with military precision
at Resyk North for sixteen years,
and tolerates no dissent or derelic-
initially apprenticed to the beltman
tion of duty from his colleagues; al-
legend Ron Beachut. Under Bea-
though he has assumed the role of
chut’s expert guidance, Serial was
Chief Privy-Sec quite unofficially
promoted to catwalk beltman in
and cannot expel his co-workers
record time. Like all Resyk newbies,
for acts of incompetence, Fhil’s au-
Serial was at first disorientated and
thority goes largely unquestioned
nauseated by the nature of his
and his pronouncements or re-

work, but he knew these sensations would pass in time, into the job. Despite the admittedly impressive ordnance
developing a ‘drain nose’. Serial has worked all the sec- he has been kitted out with and the friends he has made
tions of Resyk, from the catwalk to the crusher pis- among the other new recruits, Gooter has managed to
tons to the gristle mills. He was promoted to Deputy survive but not master the horrors that lie in wait for
Chief Beltman in 2118 and is one of the few beltmen his squad. He thought he was tough - six months eating
in Resyk North licensed to bear a firearm - the pow- rancid dog vulture meat and biting the heads of live rip-
erful ‘Big Buck’ shotgun - on-site, brought into play perjacks will instill a certain degree of fearlessness in a
when the occasional corpse spontaneously reanimates man - but these Mega-Cit demons are something else.
as caused by a local upsurge in the Psi-flux, or residual Gooter has been savaged by a mountain of giant rats,
necromancic magics still circulating from the time the left hanging from a starscraper podport in his under-
future sorcerer Sabbat and his legion of flesh-eating wear by Gribligs, been castrated by a killerwhat and
zombies attacked Mega-City One. had his left leg bitten off by a passing sewer-’gator. Now
Gooter sweats and trembles before starting his night-
Fig 3 Hed 4 Nim 3 Psi 0 Spd 3 Str 4 shift and has to wear thermal-diapers to protect him
Action Skills - Projectile [shotgun] 3*, Vehicle [ground] from incontinence. Even so, he won’t let his comrades
3, Vehicle [hover] 2.
know he is scared and downs a handful of Gustodol
Academic Skills - Basic Resyk Machinery Repair & Main-
tenance, Resyk Machinery Operation. every day to mask his reticence.
Equipment - Big Buck Shotgun*, Gaff, Anti-scum Uni-
form, Belt Helmet with Comm, Toolbelt. Fig 5 Hed 5 Nim 4 Psi 0 Spd 5 Str 5
*only the Deputy Chief and Chief Beltmen will possess Action Skills - Projectile [flamethrower] 4, Projectile
this action skill/weapon. [rifle] 5, Vehicle [ground] 3, Vehicle [hover] 3, Vehicle
Soundbite - ‘Shut the flesh-combines down; we got a block- [jetpack] 5.
age. ‘Looks like a ten gaff job; time to clock some of that Academic Skills - Personal Gear Repair & Maintenance,
overtime, Boys.’ Self-Defence, Urban Wildlife Recognition & Elimination.
Equipment - .79 Ripley Multi-assault Rifle, Hawk Spit
Pistol, Zippo Flamethrower, 2x Snuff Grenades, Com-
verminator bat Knife, Verminator Body Armour, Valkyrie Jetpack.
Arnie Gooter signed up for verminator duty after he Soundbite - ‘Tighten up, People; the giant ants were only
was booted out of his Citi-def squad for reasons Goot- Starters on today’s menu. Check your tac-display, Grid 17-C5.
Something very big and very nasty has locked onto our signal.
er is not going to talk about. The ‘Verminators’ - the Recognition software loaded and verifying... OH MY GRUD!!’
elite pest control unit that removes the threat of the
more dangerous animals lurking in Mega-City One’s
weather controller
depths and shadows - were a magnet hard for Gooter,
a gun nut and six-month Cursed Earth survivalist, to Weather Control doesn’t have the pristine reputation
resist. Gooter was in luck when he applied for pest con- it used to enjoy; Orlok the East-Meg saboteur used it
trol duty as most of the previous verminator squad had atmospheric seeders to further the contamination that
been wiped out by a nest of lethal extraterrestrials and caused the ‘Block Mania’ epidemic and later came the
the Environment Department was desperate to recruit ‘Big Storm’ when years of underinvestment and system
new blood to clear the backlog of pest nuisance calls. failures combined to put half the city’s weather stations
Four months into the job and Gooter has yet to settle out of commission. In 2126, to be a Weather Control-
ler is to spend much of
one’s time shoring up
Illustration by Henry Flint. Copyright Rebellion A/S © 2004.

outdated and rusting

computer terminals and
manually programming
responses to requests
from the Justice Depart-
ment for spot blizzards or
trying to predict which
sectors the latest rad-
storm rumbling in from
the Cursed Earth is going
to blow over. Curly Fishh
is Chief Weatherman
over the men and ma-
chines of WC10, respon-

sible for regulating the meteorological systems that de- the occupant’s agility [-1 to Nim + Spd]. The fishbowl hel-
velop over MegWest Uniontown. Fishh looks after fif- met, equipped with a hi-intensity spotlight, can be folded
ty-five men and women who follow his orders, running into the torso when not required by pressing a torso-based
computerised ‘predictors’ to gain advance notice of button. A team intercomm, motion detector, thermal im-
ager and binocular armature are fitted as standard. When addi-
outercity weather conditions, readying cloud bank gen-
tional mobility is required, a Valkyrie jetpack can be quickly at-
erators, atmospheric seed crystal sprayers, tempera- tached with the help of a comrade to the armour’s backplate.
ture oscillators and lightning circuits to counter extra • Chrono - The most common piece of personal technol-
city weather or to custom-create internal weather sys- ogy in Mega-City One is the timepiece, set by default to
tems based on the daily citizens’ poll uploaded from Mega-Central Time and programmable to display time zone
Weather Congress. A weather controller’s time is di- variations for every region on Earth. Chronos can be pur-
vided between computer programming and hands-on chased as standalone devices, or feature as one of numer-
repair of vital machinery, assisted by the system robots. ous capabilities of other personal devices such as the slug-
Bizarrely, though City Hall pleads poverty and allegedly reader or handcomp.
• Comm - A standard communications device that fit easily
cannot find the resources to conduct full repair and/or
within the palm of a human hand allowing verbal intercourse
upgrades to the Weather Control Network, it has grant- between two or more participants dependant on setting and
ed salary increases to all staff, which some might say is model. Intercomms are set to the frequency of a single build-
the easiest tactic to help salve the grievances of staff ing or larger, fixed-perimeter estate for sole use by employ-
and far less expensive a solution in the short-term than ees or authorised visitors. Comms are used by many citizens
investing in a new Weather Control. Chief Weather- on the slabs of Mega-City One to pass one whatever informa-
man Fishh knows the system is domed to eventually tion they desire, network or simply gossip for a monthly sub-
collapse in on itself - let Mega-City One beware - but scription. In a growing number of instances, the portable comm
his day to day concern is doing the best he can with is displacing the home vid-phone as the chief domestic com-
munications tool. Civilian comms usually feature some degree
the resources at hand. Coming from a stint manning
of multimedia capability, with full-motion, real-time tri-d vid-
a repair submersible working on the Transatlantic eo imaging and even a sensurround feature offered by the
Tunnel, Fishh is well-accustomed to wet, cold and more expensive models. A Megaweb interface allows the user
miserable working conditions. He enjoys the change to access the city’s largest databank and to download compu-
of scenery [and altitude], and glad to have the com- ter files that can be read by the comm, or transferred into
pany of human beings who don’t stink of Krill. another comm or computer terminal. Specialised comms have
message encryption capabilities so that only the sender and
Fig 2 Hed 3 Nim 3 Psi 0 Spd 3 Str 3 chosen receiver can decipher the message - Justice Depart-
Action Skills - Vehicle [ground] 3, Vehicle [hover] 3. ment comms use encryption by default, as do the better-
Academic Skills - IT, Meteorology, Weather Control equipped criminal organisations and terrorist networks.
Repair & Maintenance. • Gaff - A corrosive-proof, metal hook attached to an eight-
Equipment - Handcomp [with weather systems diag- foot long, galvanised plasteen pole used by Resyk beltmen to
nostic program], Comm, Keycard, Coveralls. manipulate obstructive matter passing through the recycling
Soundbite - ‘We have a blizzard scheduled at 0300hrs banks, removing bone and gristle that has escaped the ren-
over Sector 21, and a Class 3 downpour pan-MegSouth dering machinery or to unblock surface drains. The gaff can
scheduled at 1015hrs, one hour duration.’ be used as a melee weapon at a pinch [Dam p1].
• Gustodol - Illegal drug inhibiting the negative ‘fear re-
equipment sponse’ that may result from an adrenaline rush, instilling in-
stead a positive, enthusiastic attitude in the user [+1 to
• Body Armour - [A-Suit, Ba 1] Light, highly-flexible ar- Head when opposing psi-attacks or inter-
mour woven into a fibre closely resembling modern cloth- rogation techniques aimed at intimi-
Illustration by Henry Flint. Copyright Rebellion A/S © 2004.

ing synthi-materials. A-suits are designed to deflect dating the user]. Gustodol is chem-
edged weaponry such as knives, but are powerless ically non-addictive, though persist-
to stop bullets or other, high-velocity projectiles. ent and heavy users can become
[Privy-Sec, Ba 1] Medium-weight armour pro- emotionally reliant on its effects.
tecting the head, shoulders, torso and joints. • Handcomp - A miniaturised
Similar to the padding as worn by street judg- computer, the base unit compris-
es, but lacking the judge armour’s added secu- ing of a tri-d vidscreen, audio
rity of a Kevlar bodysuit. speakers and foldout keypad; a
[Verminator, Ba 1] A full suit of armour vocal interface is available as a
designed to withstand the claws, bites, ven- companion to the keypad func-
om and other insidious natural weapons em- tion, or vocal-only. Handcomps
ployed by Mega-City One’s urban threat are information repositories, the
species. The Verminator armour can be said data downloaded from cable-
sealed at the touch of a button against biotoxic or chemical linked or remote sources, or by
attack [+2 Ba against such substances], though at the cost of plugging a dataslug into the hand-

comp’s port. The user can access any portion of the loaded Squad and its Genetic Infantrymen contingent, later licensed
data within seconds, edit or modify it, or write entirely new for use by select agencies such as the verminators. The Valkyrie
data using keypad, stylus or verbal input. Handcomps are used uses a highly-efficient turbofan system which has a lower rate
domestically, industrially and are invaluable education aids. of fuel consumption and makes less noise than conventional
• IA-Medipack - The Interactive Advanced medipack con- jetpack systems. The Valkyrie has an incredibly fast rate of
tains all the components of the advanced medipack [stim-shot, acceleration and can operate at maximum velocity for thirty
field and burns dressing, painkillers, broad-spectrum antibiot- minutes before requiring a fuel cell recharge. Its movements
ics, anticonvulsant, antiemetic, antihistimine, antiseptic oint- are controlled by a joystick set into a hinged arm. Damage
ment, beta-blockers, bronchodilator, germicide cream, laxa- penetrating to the Valkyrie’s fuel tank will cause it to explode
tives, tranquillisers, rapi-heal patches, swabs, hypo, telescop- [Dam p3, Burst 1 m], [Ba 1, Spd 10, Mass 2, Passengers 1].
ic splints, defibrillator, broad-spectrum vaccine, las-razor and
mediscanner] with the addition of surgical equipment [multi-
scope, las-cautery, hemostats and las-scalpel] that can only be weapons
effectively utilised by a fully-trained med-tech.
• Alien Repellent - A self-defence weapon used by the
• Keycard - Credit card-sized plasteen rectangle inserted
animal handlers of the Alien Zoo and street judges venturing
or ‘swiped’ into a receiver unit to gain its user admittance to a
into the mysterious Alientown, the Alien Repellent [aka ‘ET
restricted section of a building, or to access the contents of a
Go Home’] is a compressed gas spray that delivers a cock-
code-locked container. A malfunctioning or incompetently
tail of special chemicals custom-made to prove utterly re-
forged keycard will typically activate security systems linked
pulsive to many extraterrestrial races and creatures. Any al-
by a circuit to the receiver unit.
ien that comes into contact with the Alien Repellent suffers
• Pack Pump - Portable fire foam tank worn on the pack,
Dam st2 for approximately five minutes per tap on the re-
carried by firefighters and their ‘Fire Friend’ robot orderlies
pellent can’s trigger.
[Dam p2 to flame, Range 25m, Ammo 10 bursts].
• Barbeq - Explosive, transparent caltrops used by Black
• Pep - A stimulant that increases brain activity and blood
Atlantic pirates to take control over the decks of ocean-going
flow - used often to fend off the effects of fatigue and alco-
ships by seeding a number of barbeqs across their surface.
holic hangovers - derived from the illegal chemical Caffeine.
This swiftly-installed minefield is difficult to detect visually
Pep can become addictive when frequently used, inducing
without image enhancement technology. Belying their half-
shivering, nervous twitching and a fever on withdrawal. A
inch width dimensions, the barbeqs will deliver a mighty bang
more potent and seriously addictive incarnation of Pep is
if their shells are cracked by pressure from a foot or passing
the notorious ‘Caffeine-X’.
robot [Dam p2, Burst 2m].
• Powerboard - A Twenty-second Century evolution of
• Big Buck Shotgun - A close-range, 12-gauge pump-
the ancient surfboard, the addition of a min-
action assault weapon used by Resyk beltmen to pacify

Illustration by Ron Smith. Copyright Rebellion A/S © 2004.

iature AGO drive turning the basic board
reanimated corpses and the odd giant rat sneaking in
into an incredibly fast and highly manoeu-
for a snack. Simple and brutal, the Big Buck does the
vrable hover vehicle. A control surface
job well with minimal risk of jams [Dam
under the powerboarder’s feet main-
p3 - solid slug, Range 150m, Modes s,
tains power, automatically bringing
Ammo 6].
the board to a static hover should
• Blastlock - A custom-built
the user lose physical contact with
handgun used by Black Atlantic pirates and
the board. A cord attached to one
other renegades lurking in the floating havens of
of the surfer’s ankles prevents him
the Gulf Of Mexico and the crime-riddled shanty towns
from falling to his death [Ba 1, Spd 10,
along the Cent-Am coast. The blastlock is a strange compos-
Mass 3, Passengers 1].
ite of salvaged components from older handguns, leftovers of
• Mars Light - Strobe lamp widely used by Justice Depart-
vicious gun battles or found abandoned, thrown by the road-
ment and emergency vehicles to emphasise the critical na-
side. It is a composite of metal and plasteen screwed, bolted,
ture of their presence. Some of the larger emergency orderly
welded or even taped together, often aesthetically enhanced
robots will also bear a mars light.
with ornamentation as befits the personality of its owner. The
• Scanner Gogs - Tiny sensor package built into a basic
blastlock then is an unpredictable firearm to both enemy and
spectacle shell to be worn on the face, disguised as a fashion
firer; its capabilities remain unknown until it in unleashed,
accessory, with the sensor aspect hidden from casual detec-
but the weapon’s build is also an uncertainty to its user, who
tion. Scanner gogs can harbour infrared and x-ray systems,
never knows when the blastlock will malfunction and back-
while other models have limited remote-controlled binocular
fire, causing a debilitating injury to his gun hand [Dam p2,
Range 30-60m, Modes s/b, Ammo 6/12, Backfire - Dam st1].
• Sensor Packages, Robot - Basic [Approximating the five
• Combat Knife - Standard issue melee weapon issued to
senses of human beings], Compound Eyes [Magnification, ther-
Citi-def and verminator squads, a stainless plasteel blade with
mal Imager], Securiscan [Motion detector, thermal imager],
a serrated edge [Dam p1].
Ultrascan [Magnification, multifrequency, spectroscope, TAS,
• Electro-goad - A four-foot long, intermittently electri-
thermal imager].
fied baton used by animal handlers to control the general move-
• Valkyrie Jetpack - A heavy-duty personal conveyance
ments of their stubborn charges. A powerpack slotted into
designed initially for use by the Justice Department’s Flying
the electro-goad’s hilt provides enough energy for eight sep-

arate discharges. The electro-goad is designed to deter large danger posed by Mega-City One’s most powerful and savage
and powerful animals and can easily render an average human wildlife. The Ripley is capable of single-shot, three-round burst
unconscious with a single touch [Dam st3, Range contact]. or full automatic fire which can be prolonged by the addition
• Handgun, Kovert - An especially devious weapon of as- of an enlarged, fifty-round magazine [a ‘leg’]. It inflicts sub-
sassination, the kovert handgun is a small weapon built as a stantial injury on anything unfortunate enough to gallop,
cybernatic implant into the hand of the gunman, replacing his bound, slither or scuttle into its laser/infrared-augmented
bone with plasteel and his palm with all the fully-functional sights. An underbarrel attachment allows the Ripley to ac-
components of a pistol. The hand mechanism functions to the commodate the Zippo flamethrower; both weapons can still
casual eye as a normal hand until its killing capability is re- fire while so joined [Dam p3, Range 350m, Modes s/b3/a,
quired, upon which the fingers splay out like the petals of a Ammo 30/50 12mm].
flower, exposing the barrel. Once the shots have been fired, • Snuff Grenade - The verminators roll these poisonous
the handgun snaps back to its disguised configuration [Dam explosives into locations too small or convoluted for humans
p2, Range 15m, Modes s, Ammo 6]. to enter. The explosion is enough to scatter the toxic parti-
• Harpoon Rifle - Black Atlantic pirates use the harpoon cles over a wide area to be inhaled by the target pest species,
rifle as both a boarding tool and a weapon. The rifle is a sim- while inflicting minimal damage to the enclosing structures
ple construct, a metal tube with an explosive charge locked in [Dam p2, Range 45m, Blast 1m, Timer 6s]. Some hitmeks em-
one end, a three-foot long, barbed harpoon pushed into the ploy a snuff gas ‘dispenser’ to spray the lethal chemical along
other. A trigger pull detonates the charge, forcing the har- a 360 degree radius, an effective method of deterring active
poon out of the tube up to one-hundred metres distance. A opposition to its ultimate goal without expending unecessary
strong, ultrathin cable connecting the harpoon to the firing battery power [Dam p2, Spray 4m, Ammo 3 sprays].
tube allows the gunner to use the harpoon - once embedded • Stumm Grenade - A tear gas variant causing instant con-
in a suitably strong brace - as a climbing rope. Used as an striction of nasal and bronchial passages with resulting symp-
antipersonnel weapon, the harpoon can easily impale a man toms of choking, drooling and crying. The gas’s effects can
at one-hundred metres distance, passing right through him at persist for anything from five to ten minutes, but wear off
short or medium range with the possibility of impaling anoth- without any long-term side-effects save for a tiny minority for
er behind him. The harpoon’s barbed edge makes it impossi- whom Stumm Gas catalyses a lethal, anaphylactic immune re-
bly to remove it by the same direction it entered without sponse. Stumm gas is a highly-effective crowd control weap-
causing massive internal bleeding and the certain death of the on made famous by the Justice Department, and has since
victim [Dam p2, Range 100m, Ammo 1]. been licensed out to Citi-def squads, privy-sec companies and
• Hawk Spit Pistol - A self-loading model with three- helltrekker unions. [Dam s2, Range 45m, Blast 5m, Timer 6s].
round burst capability, the Hawk’s only firing mode. Note • Tag Pistol - The ‘Tee-Pee’ is a small handgun that fires
that the damage listed for this weapon has aready factored glue-adhesive tracer darts at a target so that his movements
in the burst damage bonus [Dam p3, Range 30m, Modes b3, can be plotted by a trakomp device up to a mile distant. Privy-
Ammo 27 9mm]. sec squads tag anybody who attempts to rob, raid or attack
• POW Rifle - Pulse Ossification Weapon. The POW is the properties under their protection who are likely to escape
privy-sec’s main armament, a non-lethal device that gener- before they can be physically restrained [Dam -, Range 20m,
ates a crackling ball of purple energy which paralyses the tar- Modes s , Ammo 4].
get’s nervous system long enough for the privy-sec to restrain • Zip Gun - [aka ‘splut gun’] A relatively small handgun car-
him with handcuffs. The energy ball is only powerful enough ried by women and assassins, once the weapon of choice for
to render one target insensate at a time, causing an unpleas- the Hunters’ Club. The zip gun is light and basic, with a small
ant sensation - a mild ‘electric shock’ - in bystanders standing magazine and limited range, but boasts fewer maintenance
within a metre of the discharge area. The POW is powered problems than some of the larger handguns [Dam p2, Range
by a ten-charge powerpack attached to the privy-sec’s belt 10m, Modes s, Ammo 6].
with a transmission cable linking powerpack and rifle [Dam • Zippo Flamethrower - The Zippo is a slimline rifle with
s3, Range 20m, Modes s, Charges 10]. a combined handle/fuel flask. A pull of the trigger and affiliat-
• Pneumatic Axe - This ‘powered’ melee weapon is more ed safety toggle releases the highly-inflammable contents of
dangerous than a bullet, its compressed gas-powered, piston- the flask into the barrel where it is ignited and dispersed as a
driven axehead driving through light body armour into flesh powerful jet of fire. Zippo flamethrowers are ideal for clear-
and bone like a propeller through water [Dam p3]. ing foliage in City Bottom slums, and, as utilised by the vermi-
• .79 Ripley Multi-assault Rifle - The Ripley is a heavy, nators, less wasteful than bullets at dealing with hairy and nas-
large and powerful pest control weapon envied by many an ty critters. One tactic is to turn one creature into a living fire-
underfunded Citi-def squad. It is the most powerful weapon ball; as the beast flees, it returns to its lair and sets fire to its
in the verminator armoury and well-matched to the level of brethren [Dam p1/1/2, Range 10m, Modes b, Ammo 8 bursts].

Illustration by Carlos Ezquerra. Copyright Rebellion A/S © 2004
sector 5

robots tween the tri-d entertainment centre and the domo-

droid hoovering the floor.
The robotic lifeforms of the Twenty-second Century Note that full details for the new weapons and equip-
have fulfilled one ideal of capitalism - a cheap, extreme- ment to feature in this sector are covered earlier on pxx-xx.
ly reliable and lightning fast labour force that does not
get ill, die, take industrial action or require rest breaks. combat
The consequence of heavy robotic proliferation across
Some of the first biped robots built were for combat,
all labour markets is the near-total obsolescence of the
their advantages over conventional foot soldiers obvi-
robot’s forerunner - the human being. Regardless of the
ous. In the dangerous world of the Twenty-second Cen-
huge social strains caused by mass unemployment, com-
tury where city-states live in constant distrust of their
merce great and small has no intention of replacing their
neighbours, jealously guarding territories salvaged from
perfect workforce with fallible organic beings ‘merely’
the devastation of the Great Atom War, and smaller,
to relieve civic unrest and the wildly-elevated crime lev-
more vulnerable administrations seem to wage brush-
els emerging from. The future industrialised world has
fire conflicts without end, combat robots are a com-
now become so completely dependant on its robotic
mon sight. A single robot can effortlessly carry the fire-
manufacturing infrastructure that any question of scrap-
power equivalent to that mustered by an entire squad
ping the robot, or devaluing its industrial interfac-
and move almost as quickly despite its weighty arse-
es, is sadly acknowledged by economists as lu-

Illustration by Cam Kennedy. Copyright Rebellion A/S © 2004.

nal and inches-thick body armour. Combat
nacy, a revolution that cannot be undone
robots will pursue their goal relentlessly and
without plunging modern civilisation into
are immune to the psychological toll of sus-
a new dark age.
tained warfare. The combat robots to
The robots of Mega-City One occu-
have appeared in Mega-City One in
py every conceivable niche, cleverly
‘Peacetime’ have been the smaller,
impregnated by multibillion credit
man-sized units smuggled into the
marketing campaigns into the very fi-
city in a disguised and dissembled
bre of society. While heavy-duty
state, rebuilt to serve as security
factory and construction models
guards and heavy enforcers for or-
fulfil roles that humans could not -
ganised crime. In 2121, the late,
and are frankly glad of not being
great crimelord Nero Narcos
able to - stretch their physical at-
brought the Justice Department to its
tributes to rival, simple, undemand-
knees with a legion of ‘assassinator’ robots,
ing tasks such as domestic chores, snail mail
though the judges were able to disable Nar-
delivery and window cleaning are often un-
cos’s army with the very technologies that
dertaken by robots, sold inexpensively and
empowered them. Single or small numbers
insidiously to Lowtowners and Hightown-
of combat robots operate independently,
ers alike to diminish their basic self-disci-
processing behaviour parameter instruc-
pline and pride that little bit further, re-
tions from command chips, but armies
ducing large swathes of the population to
can be slow to respond to unpredict-
the status of embedded couch potatoes
able battlefield scenarios and may
who divide their sleepy attention be-
suffer a tactical systems-failure

which renders the robots helpless until rebooted. A mas- some, staggeringly, half as tall as the cityblocks they help
ter command signal broadcast from the robots’ source construct - lay the foundations and then raise the struc-
- the command centre where the combat robots’ hu- ture block by block, carefully slotting thousands of mod-
man owners are overseeing the battle - overcomes this ules into place. Once the building’s skeleton is secure,
limitation by relaying tac system updates directly from ‘Jacktrade’ robots scuttle up the walls, plumbing and wir-
a human-operated computer station in response to new ing as they go like strange spiders spinning a gigantic, metal
directives necessitated by changes in the enemy’s move- and plasteen web. Of course, what goes up must even-
ments. Combat robots in current usage in around Mega- tually come down, and robots like the ‘Heavy Metal Kids’
City One include the ‘Gear Reaper’, ‘Goliath’, ‘Kil-1’, and ‘Blockbusters’, armed and eager for the task, are
’Laser Eraser’, ‘Mutilator’ and the ‘Serial Killer’. ready to stride in and put their wrecking balls to devas-
tating use. While the larger models get all the attention,
typical combat robot it is the thousands of human-scale municipal units that
Ba 2 Fig 5 Mass 8 Nim 4 Spd 2 Str 10 keep the city’s streets and roads in good working order.
Weapons - 2x Forearm-mounted Chain Guns, Chest- Clean-up squads can rebuild lengthy, heavily-damaged
mounted AM Rocket Pod. sections of a meg-way within twenty-four hours, a work
Equipment - Ultrascan Sensor Package, Bodyshell Jet- rate absolutely essential in a city that never sleeps.
pack [Spd 7], Vocal Synth.
Illustration by Mike McMahon. Copyright Rebellion A/S © 2004.

Ba 3 Fig 2 Mass 256 Nim 1 Spd 5 Str 70

Equipment - Heavy Manipulator Arms, Freight Legs
[containing elevators to carry building blocks to manipu-
lator arms], Con-dome [for optional human manage-
ment], Vocal Synth.

heavy metal kid

Ba 2 Fig 4 Mass 32 Nim 2 Spd 3 Str 15
Equipment - Wrecking Ball [Dam p12], Power Pincer
[Dam p3], Vocal Synth.

clean-up unit
Ba 1 Fig 2 Mass 3 Nim 3 Spd 3 Str 8
Equipment - Crowbar [Dam t1], Pneumatic Drill [Dam
p3], Power Saw [Dam p2], Rivet Gun [Dam p2], Sledge-
Illustration by Ron Smith. Copyright Rebellion A/S © 2004.

construction hammer [Dam t2/8], Vocal Synth.

Building and construction is Mega-City One’s most com-

prehensively roboticised industry. Once the human
structural engineers and surveyors have done their At least half of all Mega-City One apartments have one
work, the schematics of the construction project are service robot - or ‘domodroid’ - at their disposal. A
downloaded into an army of robots of all shapes and domodroid is a model independent of a household ap-
sizes. Each robot is programmed to perform a different pliance, capable of free movement about the property
task integrating seamlessly with the labours of their fel- as opposed to a robot brain hard-wired into a cooker
low machines, a harmony of complex coordination per- or refrigerator for example. Domodroids are pro-
formed with split-second timing; when the construc- grammed to assist their owners with domestic chores
tion robots finally thunder in a cloud of rockcrete dust like meal preparation, cleaning and entertaining guests,
out of the building site, an entire structure stands com- moderately heavy labour such as lifting furniture; in the
pleted. The larger ‘Erectocet’ construction robots - instance of disabled or elderly owners, a domodroid

with ease. The more common orderly unit is that which

Illustration by Cam Kennedy. Copyright Rebellion A/S © 2004.

accompanies med-techs in their ambulances. They car-
ry patients too ill to walk to the safety of the ambulance
and gently load them aboard. When the ambulance is in
motion, the orderlies remain with the patient, main-
taining any system of medication prescribed by the hu-
man med-techs until the ambulance arrives at the med-
bay or hospital block. Once the patient has been proc-
essed, he may require the services of a robodoc, prin-
cipally an expert in surgery and one of the few exam-
ples of a situation where the delicate balance that is the
life of a human being is fully entrusted to a robot. Robo-
docs are programmed to emulate the skills of the great-
will actively care for them in the absence of another est human surgeons, but are capable of greater prow-
able-bodied human, carrying the afflicted about their ess, benefiting from ultra-precise hand-manipulator and
home, bathing, dressing and feeding them. Domodroids optic scanner coordination, endless patience and the
possess an intelligence matrix equivalent to that of the ability to engage in intense concentration without ef-
average Megger and can converse with their owners fort or need of a recharge for days on end.
on roughly equal terms, though strict programming pre-
vents the domodroid from approaching such intercourse fire friend
with anything other than a polite and subservient man-
ner. Domodroids that are fortunate enough to enjoy ‘time Ba 2* Fig 2 Mass 6 Nim 3 Spd 3 Str 10
*Ranked at 7 when attacked by fire.
off’ sometimes leave their place of work to meet up with
Equipment - Armoured Manipulator Hands, Mars Light,
other domodroids to compare notes and exchange help- Pack Pump, Resuscitator, Vocal Synth.
ful tips; some have even formed societies - a ‘gentlemek’s
club’ if you like. The most common domodroid models medical orderly
in use include the ‘D-2000-AI’, ‘4A Multidom’, ‘Norman
Ba 1 Fig 1 Mass 3 Nim 2 Spd 2 Str 5
Mk2’ and the de luxe ‘Silver Service’. Equipment - Telescopic Stretcher [extends from arms],
Ambulance Compu-med Jack, Vocal Synth.
Ba 1 Fig 1 Mass 3 Nim 2 Spd 2 Str 4
Equipment - Humanoid Body, Chest-mounted Intro-

Illustration by Mike McMahon. Copyright Rebellion A/S © 2004.

duction Plate, Vocal Synth.

emergency services
Humans still form the backbone of crisis management
in Mega-City one, robots assisting disaster relief efforts
alongside other humans. Although the technology has
existed for decades to allow robots to single-handedly
assume the roles of multipurpose emergency service
providers, negative public sentiment and insecurities
among the human fire and med-tech crews towards
depending on robots with their very lives has restricted
commercial development in this market. The robots
that do serve in the emergency services function as sec-
ond and third tier response units, interacting with the
victims of emergencies after the first tier - interaction
with human rescuers - is completed and the citizens in
question are brought into the robots’ care.
Robot orderlies perform heavy labour and utility
work alike like the ‘Fire Friend’ model which carries
firefighting equipment and helps firefighters in braking
through locked or barred entrances to gain access to
trapped citizens beyond. The Fire Friend’s bodyshell is
coated with a heat-resistant polymer, permitting it to
traverse extremely hot and conflagrated environments

robodoc whatever altitude. The ‘Spartan’ is the model most of-
Ba 1 Fig 2 Mass 4 Nim 2 Spd 2 Str 3
ten associated with this ‘no-frills’ design. Infinitely more
Equipment - Laser Scalpel [Dam L1], Forceps, Retrac- stylish and significantly more expensive to contract is
tor, File, Suture, Stethoscope, Autoclave, Hemostats, De- the human-simulacram hitmek, perfectly disguised to
fibrillator, Electroscopic Vision, blend in with the crowds until
Chest-mounted MRI, EKG, Head- his quarry falls within his sights,
Illustration by Brian Bolland. Copyright Rebellion A/S © 2004.

mounted Lamp, Vocal Synth [with

then unleashing his armoury of
reassuring bedside manner].
death before fading back into
obscurity. One of the more
general purpose feared simulacrams of recent
Most of the chores allocated to times is the ‘Kovert’ of East-Meg
robots are conducted by gener- Two origin, originally designed to
al purpose [GP] models, also wipe out political enemies be-
known as ‘drones’ with refer- fore being mass manufactured to
ence to their low-power intelli- meet global demand. Hitmek
gence matrices and deficit of spe- simulacrams are built faster and
cialised features. The average GP stronger than any human, their
robot is five feet in height, uni- faces disturbingly impassive, hair
form in colour [normally pearl, immaculate like a shop window
slightly more exciting than base dummy come to life. Their in-
metal], with two legs, two arms telligence matrix is loaded with
and one headcase, all built to ap- combat and social coping strate-
proximately human dimensions. gies, enabling the simulacram to
GP robots are be encountered act in a well-mannered fashion
in almost any situation where the among unsuspecting citizens and
a citizen of average ability might then to brutally dispatch any who
competently operate, undertak- try to keep it from its target.
ing simple and monotonous tasks
such as driving buses, sweeping streets and raising street kovert
lamps, clean and paint the sides of cityblocks, remove Ba 2 Fig 6 Mass 4 Nim 7 Spd 9 Str 8
graffiti, monitoring control systems, unblocking sewers, Weapons - 2x Handguns, Snuff Gas Dispenser.
carrying luggage and shipments, repelling minor pest spe- Equipment - Compound Eyes, Armoured Bodyshell.
cies from premises, chauffeuring, erecting scaffolding,
painting road markings, stocking shelves and manning the spartan
credit registers of grocery stores. GP robots are com- Ba 1 Fig 2 Mass 3 Nim 6 Spd 8 Str 5
modities taken completely for granted, ordered about Weapons - Zip Gun.
and abused by the citizens of Mega-City One just as the Equipment - TAS, AGO Drive.
white man shamefully once used to dominate the black.
Ba 1 Fig 2 Mass 3 Nim 3 Spd 3 Str 5
Equipment - Humanoid Build, Basic Sensor Package. Robot defence units are relatively cheap and easy to
maintain, for unlike human secu-
Illustration by Ian Gibson. Copyright Rebellion A/S © 2004.

hitmek rity guards they do not draw

a salary, do not slack off
The business of assassination is as old as Mankind. Up on the job and are inca-
until the mid-Twenty-first Century, assassination was the pable of being bribed
sole province of the expert, hired killer - or ‘blitz agent’. into turning a blind
In time however, it became possible to hire out robot eye to attempts to
killing machines. ‘Hitmeks’ - robot assassins - come in plunder the premis-
many different, lethal forms. The most popular design es the security ro-
is the most elementary, a small box or sphere casing bot is made caretak-
housing the hitmek’s CPU and sensors, a single gun- er of. A very success-
port or armature terminating in a weapon, and a AGO ful brand of security ro-
drive that allows the hitmek to hover silently towards bot has long been the robo-
its prey and to access him wherever he might hide, at dog, modelled cunningly af-

Illustration by Carlos Ezquerra. Copyright Rebellion A/S © 2004
ter the domestic pooch which has been virtually ex- sex mek
tinct in Mega-City One for decades to emote a special
affection from its owner. Loyal and obedient and One interesting and perverse consequence of high-den-
equipped with a precise vocal emulation of a real dog’s sity cohabitation in the cityblocks of Mega-City One is
bark, once its sentry mode is activated, the robodog the increase in the number of citizens who live alone
becomes a fearsome guard and well capable of drag- and are unable - by circumstance, misfortune or antiso-
ging a grown man to the floor, or tearing chunks of flesh cial behaviour - to procure a partner[s] for sexual rela-
and muscle from his arms if he resists. Mega-City busi- tions. For these poor souls the early Twenty-second
nesses may opt for a robot security unit in preference Century is the best era to be alive in, for it is the era of
to a human privy-sec squad, though comparing the pros the sex mek, human-simulacrams designed specifically
and cons of both options do not make an entirely com- for the sex act. Sex meks are indistinguishable from real
pulsive case for the robot as a superior alternative. As human beings at a distance, but on closer inspection
such, the market for defence robots is not large and they might be considered a little too perfect - their
the models on offer are mainly reconditioned combat breasts or muscles slightly larger and rounder than av-
robots bought in bulk from scrap merchants. Under erage, their hips more curvaceous, their lips plumper,
Mega-City One law, much of these ‘watchmeks’ offen- their eyes more intense, their make-up flawless, their
sive systems have to be removed or downgraded. chests hairier and hair less greasy. This is the sort of
criticism levelled at the sex meks, typically from the jeal-
robodog ous and unhappily married, neo-luddite activists who
hate anything with legs and a circuit board and cults
Ba 1 Fig 4 Mass 3 Nim 5 Spd 8 Str 7
who want their devotees screwing their own leaders,
Weapons - Fangs [Dam p1].
Equipment - Securisense Package. not robots. The most popular sex mek models include
‘Sindee’, ‘Barbsie’ and the ‘Au Pair’ range imported from
watchmek the Scandinavian Sub-state; ‘Russel The Love Muscle’,
‘Sir Bonkalot’ and ‘Randy’ are on offer for the ladies.
Ba 1 Fig 4 Mass 4 Nim 3 Spd 2 Str 8
Once one is acquainted with the pleasures of a sex mek,
Weapons - POW Rifle.
Equipment - Securisense Package. the experience can become addictive. A black market
in stolen and rebadged sex meks thrives throughout
Mega-City One.

Ba 1 Fig 2 Mass 3 Nim 3 Spd 3 Str 4

Equipment - Personality Modulator [besotted, domi-
neering, shy], Thermostat, Thigh Vice, Telescopic Syn-
thipenis with Ejaculate Reservoir [male models].


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