Economy Versus Safety, The Professional's Dilemma - Becker
Economy Versus Safety, The Professional's Dilemma - Becker
Economy Versus Safety, The Professional's Dilemma - Becker
* Flight Safety Foundation Approach and Landing Accident Reduction Tool - see
ditions. I’d like to explain to you the situational awareness and working In this case, you will have to counter-
risks resulting from some commonly effort than a precision approach. act for ballooning during flap exten-
encountered cockpit conditions, which sion and vertical speed adjustment due
do not allow the procedure described Once again it is the human factor that to speed change. All this, together with
above, but require a very much earlier makes flying a non-precision approach bad weather and maybe manual flying,
stabilization on final approach. critical. can turn an “easy” non-precision
On most airliners a pilot can use the approach into a flight hazard. One
1. FLYING A NON-PRECISION autopilot to help him with such things unfortunate example in European air-
APPROACH as tracking. If you are lucky you can space was the accident of a Crossair
also use a lateral navigation mode, Jumbolino in ZRH in 2001.
Unfortunately there are still non-preci- which enables the computer to fly the
sion approaches at some airfields, approach track without further atten- Therefore, when using any kind of non-
although this type of approach tion from the flight crew. Otherwise precision approach, please calculate
increases the risk of an accident by a you must constantly readjust the head- your approach sequence so that every
factor of five. ing to keep on the final approach track. flight crew can start the approach in
This is not a big thing in itself, but final configuration at the final
Of course it is quite true that every together with descending along the approach speed.
pilot should be able to fly such an prescribed glide path it is much more
approach. But a non-precision stressful, especially if you do not start Please do not ask us to “maintain high
approach cannot be treated in the the approach in the final configuration speed as long as practicable”, either.
same way as a standard ILS approach. and speed due to a requirement to There might be colleagues in the cock-
It should be treated as an abnormal maintain high speed as long as practi- pit who want to help you with your
procedure which requires a lot more cable. flow management, but overestimate
their own crew performance and thus generate dangerous windshear poten- Approach Speed - the final approach
increase the risk of an unstable tial. Early establishment in the final speed - depends upon the wind you
approach for themselves, resulting in a configuration and speed is the best give us with the landing clearance. We
higher risk of an approach and landing countermeasure against these threats. take our so-called Vref (value depends
accident. on weight and selected flap setting) as
A tailwind component on finals may the basis and we have to add an incre-
2. VMC VERSUS IMC AND DAY- also make it very hard to lose speed, ment, depending on the wind. For
LIGHT VERSUS NIGHT depending on your aircraft type and example, a steady headwind compo-
weight. It’s as if somebody is pushing nent (HWC) of 16 kt requires us to add
Basically, on an instrument approach you from behind while you are trying half, i.e. 8 kt. If the wind information you
there is not much difference between to brake and bleed off speed. Although provide is, e.g. HWC 16kt gusts 28, we
flying in VMC and IMC, in daylight or at we have speed brakes installed, their have to take half of the steady wind
night. But in IMC there are some more effectiveness varies a lot between air- (8kt) and add all the gusts (28-16=12
considerations of situational awareness plane types (e.g. on a B737 they are not kt), which means altogether, 20kt
- such as icing, or weather assessment nearly as effective as on an A310). added. On a B737-800 with a typical
in the go-around area - that the flight landing weight of ~63 tonnes, this
crew has to deal with. For a good A tailwind on finals will also increase means a speed of 163kt. Seems to be
assessment you need mental capacity the required landing distance, espe- easy to calculate, but when flying in
and time. If you have to rush your land- cially on a wet runway. This might not gusty weather conditions, manually
ing items because you are flying be a problem on a long runway (e.g. and while doing checklist items, dis-
170/180 to the marker you might not >3000m) but on shorter runways it can tracted by auto call-outs it can be
have this mental capacity when you be a big problem. This is because even nearly impossible. Tunnel vision and
need it. Night time itself always brings if you touch down in the touchdown loss of situational awareness is often
the risk of fatigue, which can diminish zone (TDZ) correctly, most of your brak- observed in our cockpits.
your mental capacity dramatically too. ing will be on a slippery surface due to
rubber debris from other aircraft in the 5. COCKPIT ATMOSPHERE AND
3. TAILWIND & CROSSWIND TDZ, and most importantly, in the TDZ FATIGUE
at the far end, which you will enter on
Often the wind aloft on final approach a short runway. The working atmosphere in the cock-
is not the same as on the runway. pit is a factor that you as an ATCO really
Therefore as a pilot you have to deal In winter operations the runway can be cannot assess. Although the voice you
with a changing wind situation on the extra slippery because of de-icing fluid, hear sounds positive, alert and compe-
final approach which can also lead to which is washed off our wings while tent it might not reflect the actual feel-
windshear conditions. If, for example departing at a speed of ~80 kt. So a ing on the flight deck. Unfortunately,
you encounter a negative windshear, tailwind on landing has to be avoided problems of hierarchy and a poor
you will have to react quickly by and a flight crew has to assess the sit- working atmosphere - or even one that
adding more power to regain speed. uation and be able to discuss it in the is too good - are still observed on our
But if your throttles are at idle due to crew in time during the final approach. flight decks. This alone, or coupled with
the fact that you are reducing speed, You therefore once again need mental factors like illness or fatigue, increases
e.g. when configuring after passing the capacity and time, which you can only the risk of errors which will not be
outer marker, the engines need time to have if you are established early detected and caught. Analysis of
spool up - time you may not have enough. Approach and Landing Accidents
when encountering windshear. As you showed that in many cases, necessary
also know, thunderstorms, even when 4. GUSTS callouts for deviations and the neces-
not on the final approach path but in sary call for a go-around when becom-
the vicinity, or orographic causes may You will be aware that our Target ing unstabilized were omitted due to