Ava's Animals
Ava's Animals
Ava's Animals
Ava ’s
Anima ls
by Anita Rodriguez
illustrated by George Hamblin
Comprehension Vocabulary
Strategy: Reread behave, express,
Skill: Key Details feathers, flapping
Three-Letter Blends: scr,
spr, str, thr, spl, shr
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ISBN: 978-0-02-118891-8
MHID: 0-02-118891-2
11 12 13 14 15 DOC 22 21 20 19 18 D
Genre Fiction
Essential Question
What do we love about animals?
Ava ’s
Anima ls
by Anita Rodriguez
illustrated by George Hamblin
Table of Contents
Chapter 1
All About Animals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Chapter 2
The Search Begins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Chapter 3
Diving with Dolphins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Chapter 4
Grazing with Giraffes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Chapter 5
Hunting with Hawks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Respond to Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Poetry: Nanook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Focus on Literary Elements . . . . . . . . . 20
Chapter 1: All About Animals
“Okay, class,” said Mr . Edson . “Today you’ll
have time to work on your poster of your
favorite animal . Remember, it should show
the animal’s habitat, and you can use the
computer to find pictures .”
Ava flipped through the pictures . Each one
was different, but they all showed beavers .
Some were splashing in the water, while
others were scraping bark off trees with their
big beaver teeth . Ruth even had a picture
of two beavers building a dam . The last was
a close-up of a beaver’s face .
“I agree, but I didn’t choose them for their
looks,” Ruth said, grinning . “I chose them
because of how they behave .” Ruth’s face lit
up with excitement . “Beavers are incredible,
Ava . They use their body parts like tools
to cut down trees and build amazing dams .
A beaver dam can change the course of a
“At least one of us has chosen an animal,”
Ava thought as she handed the pictures back
to Ruth . She was impressed, and even a little
jealous . Ruth was so sure about her favorite
animal, and beavers were a good choice . Why
was Ava having such a tough time choosing
one for herself?
Chapter 2: The Search Begins
Ruth patted Ava on the shoulder and
smiled . “I’m sure you’ll find a good one,” she
said, “because I know how much you love
animals .” Then she gathered up her pictures
and went off to work on her poster .
Chapter 3: Diving with Dolphins
Ava stared at the computer, trying to think .
The blank blue screen rippled like water . Which
animals liked water? “That’s it!” she thought .
“Dolphins!” Quickly, she started searching for
pictures . She watched a video of dolphins
leaping out of the water and imagined
swimming with them . “I’d love to swim and
play with the dolphins every day,” she thought .
Chapter 4: Grazing with Giraffes
“I know,” said Ava. “I just need two more
minutes, Jed. Please.”
Chapter 5: Hunting with Hawks
Ava watched as a bird of prey with sleek
brown feathers circled high above the ground.
It was a red-tailed hawk. Ava imagined soaring
through the sky, using her keen eyesight
to watch the world below. Then the hawk
swooped toward the ground and headed
straight toward a mouse! Ava’s stomach
dropped as if she, too, were swooping down.
Respond to Reading
Respond to
Use important Detail Detail Detail
details to
summarize Ava’s
Text Evidence
1. How do you know that Ava’s Animals is fiction?
Genre Poetry
Compare Texts
Read a poem about another animal people love.
Nanook the burly polar bear
Loves the Arctic chill.
His playgrounds of white snow and ice
Give him quite a thrill.
Nanook the big fierce polar bear
Hunts along the shore.
Beluga whales and bearded seals
He truly does adore.
Nanook the playful polar bear
Splashes in the sea.
He loves to swim in it with friends
Just like you and me.
Make Connections
Why does Ava like turtles? ESSENTIAL QUESTION
How are dolphins like polar bears? TEXT TO TEXT
Focus on
LIterary Elements
Rhythm P oems have rhythm, which is a pattern
of stressed and unstressed beats. When you read
a poem aloud, stressed beats are said with more
force. Unstressed beats are said with less force.
Your Turn
Write a short (6-line) rhyming poem. Read your
poem a few times to yourself or out loud.
Identify the stressed beats. Underline them.
Literature Circles Fiction Thinkmark
Literature Circles
How would you describe Ava?
Why was Ava jealous of Ruth in the
beginning of the story?
How did Ava change from the
beginning to the end of the story?
Sequence of Events
What happened first, then, next, and
finally in Ava’s Animals?
Where did Ava’s Animals take place?
When did it take place?
Animals in Poems