This document is a quotation for books from Medical Book Shop in Lahore, Pakistan. It includes 7 book titles being ordered, their ISBN numbers, authors, quantities of each book, sales prices, unit prices, discounts, and total amounts. A total of 1040 books are being ordered for a net amount of PKR 512850.
This document is a quotation for books from Medical Book Shop in Lahore, Pakistan. It includes 7 book titles being ordered, their ISBN numbers, authors, quantities of each book, sales prices, unit prices, discounts, and total amounts. A total of 1040 books are being ordered for a net amount of PKR 512850.
This document is a quotation for books from Medical Book Shop in Lahore, Pakistan. It includes 7 book titles being ordered, their ISBN numbers, authors, quantities of each book, sales prices, unit prices, discounts, and total amounts. A total of 1040 books are being ordered for a net amount of PKR 512850.
This document is a quotation for books from Medical Book Shop in Lahore, Pakistan. It includes 7 book titles being ordered, their ISBN numbers, authors, quantities of each book, sales prices, unit prices, discounts, and total amounts. A total of 1040 books are being ordered for a net amount of PKR 512850.
Bill To: CST0000099 Ship To: CST0000099 Number: SQ0009200-4
MEDICAL BOOK SHOP MEDICAL BOOK SHOP Date: 23/06/2021 (CARE OF FAROOQ KITAB GHAR) SHOP # 10 9/F (CARE OF FAROOQ KITAB GHAR) SHOP # 10 9/F Expiry date: 07/07/2021 00:00:00 JALAL CENTRE MOZANG ROAD JALAL CENTRE MOZANG ROAD Payment: Net 30 Days LAHORE LAHORE Sales person: Pages: 1 of 1 SNo ISBN Author Title Qty Sales Price Unit price Disc% Amount 1 9789696372479 INAYATULLAH ESSENTIALS OF DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS, 8e(pb)2017 20 PKR 695.00 695.00 25.00 10,425.00 2 9789696375258 INAYATULLAH BEDSIDE TECHNIQUES: METHODS OF CLINICAL EXAM, 200 PKR 695.00 695.00 25.00 104,250.00 3 9789696374176 JATOI 5e(pb)2019 CLINICAL OPHTHALMOLOGY: TEXT & ATLAS, 6e 200 PKR 845.00 845.00 25.00 126,750.00 4 9789696370109 AHMED (pb)2019 BIOCHEMISTRY, 2e(pb)2018 INSTANT 200 PKR 695.00 695.00 25.00 104,250.00 5 9789696375975 SIDDIQUI GENERAL ANATOMY, 5e(pb)2019 300 PKR 345.00 345.00 25.00 77,625.00 6 9789696373995 ALI BASICS OF FORENSIC MEDICINE (pb)2018 50 PKR 695.00 695.00 25.00 26,062.50 7 9789696374671 KHICHI POCKET GUIDE: EMERGENCY PEDIATRICS, 4e(pb)2018 20 PKR 495.00 495.00 25.00 7,425.00 8 9789696377504 DANISH SHORT TEXTBOOK OF MEDICAL DIAGNOSIS AND 50 PKR 1,495.00 1,495.00 25.00 56,062.50 MANAGEMENT 12e (pb)
Remarks: ______________________________________________________________________________ Total Quantity: 1040 Total Amount: 512850.00
Freight: 0.00 Less: DIscount: 0.00 Prepared By Checked By Authorized By Net Amount: 512850.00