Qcdfss-7.2 - Car Park Smoke Ventiilation System
Qcdfss-7.2 - Car Park Smoke Ventiilation System
Qcdfss-7.2 - Car Park Smoke Ventiilation System
1 Car park smoke control ventilation systems using ducts that extract Deemed to
smoke from high level and low level (a minimum of 50% of the comply
extraction area shall be at low level) designed in accordance with NFPA requirements
88A and the ASHRAE Handbook and providing 10 air changes per hour
shall be deemed to comply with these requirements.
2 Alternative solutions and systems using jet fans must be designed with
the use of CFD fire modelling and the following input parameters.
2.1 For enclosed parking structures that permit only passenger cars (means Design fire
of preventing goods vehicles must be detailed in the submission), the
minimum design fire size shall be as follows.
(a) For sprinkler protected car parks, 4 MW, 2m x 5m, vehicles
(b) For car parks without sprinklers, 8MW, 5m x 5m
2.2 For enclosed car parks that permit goods vehicles, the minimum steady- Goods vehicles
state single design fire must be 10 MW and the designer must justify
why a larger size fire should not be assumed.
2.4 The design fire must be in the most onerous location, usually the most Location of
remote location from the exhaust points and at a point in-between two design fire
zones for zoned systems.
The designer must provide justification for the selection of the most
onerous location.
2.5 The following acceptance criteria at 1,8m above the floor level must be Acceptance
attained within a 10m radius of the design fires after 20 minutes. criteria
(a) Visibility must be a minimum of 10 m all other areas must be
greater than 10m
(b) Temperature of the smoke layer must not exceed 60º C
2.6 The duration of CFD simulation must be a minimum of 30 minutes. Grid size
Grid size must be a maximum of 0.2m x 0.2m x 0.2m within 10m of the
design fire and a maximum of 0.4m x 0.4m x 0.4m for all other areas.
2.7 A sensitivity study shall be carried out to show that with the loss of the Sensitivity study
jet fan nearest the fire, the acceptance criteria are still maintained.
4 Activation of the smoke control system must be automatic using either Activation of
of the following initiating methods. smoke control
(a) Sprinkler flow switch system
5 Manual override must be provided for all smoke control systems in the Manual override
form of an illuminated rotary switch must be provided at the fire
command centre to allow for the following modes of operation.
x Automatic
x Manual
x Off
6 Where multiple levels of enclosed car parks are protected by the same CO dilution of
ventilation system, the size of equipment and make-up air inlets and adjacent zones
exhaust air outlets must be of adequate size to allow for simultaneous and other car
CO dilution of the adjacent zones and other levels at the minimum rate parking levels
of 6 ACH.
7 The commissioning and acceptance testing must be carried out in the Commissioning
presence of a QCD inspector. Such testing must consist of a hot smoke and witness
test, prepared and carried out in accordance with AS 4391. For jet fan testing
systems, BS 7346, Part 7 may be used as a guide.