Dividend Sweep Option (DSO) : ISC's Signature & Time Stamping
Dividend Sweep Option (DSO) : ISC's Signature & Time Stamping
Dividend Sweep Option (DSO) : ISC's Signature & Time Stamping
3A. DSO Enrolment Details (Refer eligible source and target scheme/plan/option in terms & conditions)
DSO-Application No.
Acknowledgement Sundaram Asset Management Company Limited, CIN: U93090TN1996PLC034615,I & II Floor, 46 Whites Road,
Chennai - 600 014. Contact No. 1860 425 7237 (India) +91 44 4083 1500 (NRI)
Received, subject to verification, request for DSO Enrolment OR DSO Cancellation
Folio No.
Communication in connection with the application should be addressed to the Registrar Sundaram BNP Paribas Fund Services Limited, Registrar and Transfer Agents, Unit:
Sundaram Mutual Fund, Central Processing Center, 23, Cathedral Garden Road, Nungambakkam, Chennal-600034. Contact No. 1860 425 7237 (India) +91 44 4083 1500 (NRI). ISC’s Signature & Stamp
The terms and conditions of the Dividend Sweep Option (DSO)
1) Dividend Sweep Option (DSO) is a facility wherein unit holder(s) of eligible scheme(s) [hereinafter referred to as “Source
Scheme(s)”] of Sundaram Mutual Fund can opt to automatically invest the dividend (as reduced by the amount of applicable
statutory levy, if any) declared by the eligible Source Scheme(s) into other eligible Scheme(s) [hereinafter referred to as “Target
Scheme(s)”] of Sundaram Mutual Fund.
2) DSO facility is available to unit holder(s) only under the Dividend Plan / Option of the Source Scheme(s). However, the DSO
facility will not be available to unit holder(s) under the Daily Dividend Option in the Source Scheme(s). Unit holder’s enrolment
under the DSO facility will automatically override any previous instructions for ‘Dividend Payout’ or ‘Dividend Reinvestment’
facility in the Source Scheme.
3) The enrolment for DSO facility should be for all units under the respective Dividend Plan / Option of the Source Scheme.
Instructions for part Dividend Transfer and part Dividend Payout / Reinvestment will not be accepted. The dividend amount
will be invested in the Target Scheme under the same folio. Accordingly, the unit holder(s) details and mode of holding in the
Target Scheme will be same as in the Source Scheme.
4) The enrolment to avail of DSO facility has to be specified for each Scheme/Plan/Option separately and not at the folio level.
5) Under DSO, dividend declared (as reduced by the amount of applicable statutory levy and deductions, if any) in the Source
scheme (subject to minimum of Rs.500/-) will be automatically invested into the Target Scheme, as opted by the unit holder, on
the immediate next Business Day after the Record Date at the applicable NAV of the Target Scheme, subject to applicable load
as specified under paragraph 8 below and accordingly equivalent units will be allotted in the Target Scheme, subject to the
terms and conditions of the Target Scheme.
6 The provision for ‘Minimum Application Amount’ specified in the respective Target Scheme’s Scheme Information Document
(SID) will not be applicable under DSO.
7) The Minimum amount of dividend eligible for transfer under Dividend Sweep Option is 500/- (Rupees Five Hundred Only). In
case the dividend sweep is being less than eligible amount, then the dividend will be re-invested in source scheme.
8) Load Structure:
The dividend amount to be invested under the DSO from the Source Scheme to the Target Scheme shall be invested by
subscribing to the units of the Target Scheme at applicable NAV, subject to payment of Entry/Exit Load as under:
Entry Load (Target Scheme)
Direct Applications & Applications routed through any distributor/agent/broker: Nil
Exit Load (Target Scheme): As per the relevant SID(s)
The Trustee/AMC reserves the right to change the load structure under the DSO Facility at any time in future on a prospective
9) The Account Statement will be issued by mail or by email (if opted by the unit holder) to the unit holder once in every month
giving details of all the transactions during that period. In case of specific request received from unitholders, the Mutual Fund
shall endeavour to provide the account statement to the unitholders after every transaction of Dividend sweep.
10) Unitholders who wish to enroll for DSO facility are required to fill DSO Enrolment Form available with the ISCs,
distributors/agents and also displayed on the website www.sundarammutual.com. The DSO Enrolment Form should be
completed in English in Block Letters only. Please tick () in the appropriate box, where boxes have been provided. The DSO
Enrolment Form complete in all aspects should be submitted at any of the Investor Services centre (ISCs) of Sundaram Mutual
11) The request for enrolment for DSO must be submitted at least 10 days prior to the Record Date for the dividend. In case of this
condition not being met, the enrolment would be considered valid from the immediately succeeding Record Date of the dividend.
12) Unitholder(s) are advised to read the SID(s) of Target Scheme(s) carefully before investing. The SID(s) / Key Information
Memorandum(s) of the respective Scheme(s) are available with the ISCs of Sundaram Mutual Fund, brokers / distributors and
also displayed on the Sundaram Mutual Fund website i.e. – www.sundarammutual.com
13) Unit holders will have the right to discontinue the DSO facility at any time by sending a written request to the ISC. Notice of
such discontinuance should be received at least 10 days prior to the Dividend Record Date. On receipt of such request, the
DSO facility will be terminated. At the time of discontinuation of DSO facility, the Unit holders should indicate their choice of
option i.e. dividend reinvestment or dividend payout. In the event the Unitholder does not indicate his choice of dividend
option, the dividend, if any, will be reinvested (compulsory payout if dividend reinvestment option is not available) in the Source
Scheme. Once the request for DSO is registered, then it shall remain in force unless it is terminated as aforesaid.
14) The Trustee reserves the right to change/ modify the terms and conditions of the DSO at a later date on a prospective basis.
Dividend Sweep Option will be available for enrolment with effect from July 07, 2017.
All other terms and conditions of the Scheme Information Document(s) / Key Information Memorandum(s) / Statement of Additional
Information will remain unchanged.