DOT Part192 Gas
DOT Part192 Gas
DOT Part192 Gas
corrective action, including the antici- 192.10 Outer continental shelf pipelines.
pated schedule for starting and con- 192.11 Petroleum gas systems.
cluding such action. 192.13 General.
192.14 Conversion to service subject to this
[Amdt. 191–6, 53 FR 24949, July 1, 1988; 53 FR part.
29800, Aug. 8, 1988, as amended by Amdt. 191– 192.15 Rules of regulatory construction.
7, 54 FR 32344, Aug. 7, 1989; Amdt. 191–8, 54 FR 192.16 Customer notification.
40878, Oct. 4, 1989; Amdt. 191–10, 61 FR 18516,
Apr. 26, 1996] Subpart B—Materials
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Pt. 192 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–03 Edition)
192.179 Transmission line valves. 192.327 Cover.
192.181 Distribution line valves.
192.183 Vaults: Structural design require- Subpart H—Customer Meters, Service
ments. Regulators, and Service Lines
192.185 Vaults: Accessibility.
192.187 Vaults: Sealing, venting, and ven- 192.351 Scope.
tilation. 192.353 Customer meters and regulators: Lo-
192.189 Vaults: Drainage and waterproofing. cation.
192.191 Design pressure of plastic fittings. 192.355 Customer meters and regulators:
192.193 Valve installation in plastic pipe. Protection from damage.
192.195 Protection against accidental over- 192.357 Customer meters and regulators: In-
pressuring. stallation.
192.197 Control of the pressure of gas deliv- 192.359 Customer meter installations: Oper-
ered from high-pressure distribution sys- ating pressure.
tems. 192.361 Service lines: Installation.
192.199 Requirements for design of pressure 192.363 Service lines: Valve requirements.
relief and limiting devices. 192.365 Service lines: Location of valves.
192.201 Required capacity of pressure reliev- 192.367 Service lines: General requirements
ing and limiting stations. for connections to main piping.
192.203 Instrument, control, and sampling 192.369 Service lines: Connections to cast
pipe and components. iron or ductile iron mains.
192.371 Service lines: Steel.
Subpart E—Welding of Steel in Pipelines 192.373 Service lines: Cast iron and ductile
192.221 Scope. 192.375 Service lines: Plastic.
192.225 Welding—General. 192.377 Service lines: Copper.
192.227 Qualification of welders. 192.379 New service lines not in use.
192.229 Limitations on welders. 192.381 Service lines: Excess flow valve per-
192.231 Protection from weather. formance standards.
192.233 Miter joints. 192.383 Excess flow valve customer notifica-
192.235 Preparation for welding. tion.
192.241 Inspection and test of welds.
192.243 Nondestructive testing. Subpart I—Requirements for Corrosion
192.245 Repair or removal of defects. Control
Subpart F—Joining of Materials Other Than 192.451 Scope.
by Welding 192.452 Applicability to converted pipelines.
192.453 General.
192.271 Scope. 192.455 External corrosion control: Buried
192.273 General. or submerged pipelines installed after
192.275 Cast iron pipe. July 31, 1971.
192.277 Ductile iron pipe. 192.457 External corrosion control: Buried
192.279 Copper pipe. or submerged pipelines installed before
192.281 Plastic pipe. August 1, 1971.
192.283 Plastic pipe: qualifying joining pro- 192.459 External corrosion control: Exam-
cedures. ination of buried pipeline when exposed.
192.285 Plastic pipe: qualifying persons to 192.461 External corrosion control: Protec-
make joints. tive coating.
192.287 Plastic pipe: inspection of joints. 192.463 External corrosion control: Cathodic
Subpart G—General Construction Require- 192.465 External corrosion control: Moni-
ments for Transmission Lines and Mains toring.
192.467 External corrosion control: Elec-
192.301 Scope. trical isolation.
192.303 Compliance with specifications or 192.469 External corrosion control: Test sta-
standards. tions.
192.305 Inspection: General. 192.471 External corrosion control: Test
192.307 Inspection of materials. leads.
192.309 Repair of steel pipe. 192.473 External corrosion control: Inter-
192.311 Repair of plastic pipe. ference currents.
192.313 Bends and elbows. 192.475 Internal corrosion control: General.
192.315 Wrinkle bends in steel pipe. 192.477 Internal corrosion control: Moni-
192.317 Protection from hazards. toring.
192.319 Installation of pipe in a ditch. 192.479 Atmospheric corrosion control: Gen-
192.321 Installation of plastic pipe. eral.
192.323 Casing. 192.481 Atmospheric corrosion control: Mon-
192.325 Underground clearance. itoring.
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Research and Special Programs Administration, DOT Pt. 192
192.483 Remedial measures: General. 192.623 Maximum and minimum allowable
192.485 Remedial measures: Transmission operating pressure; Low-pressure dis-
lines. tribution systems.
192.487 Remedial measures: Distribution 192.625 Odorization of gas.
lines other than cast iron or ductile iron 192.627 Tapping pipelines under pressure.
lines. 192.629 Purging of pipelines.
192.489 Remedial measures: Cast iron and
ductile iron pipelines. Subpart M—Maintenance
192.491 Corrosion control records.
192.701 Scope.
Subpart J—Test Requirements 192.703 General.
192.705 Transmission lines: Patrolling.
192.501 Scope. 192.706 Transmission lines: Leakage sur-
192.503 General requirements. veys.
192.505 Strength test requirements for steel 192.707 Line markers for mains and trans-
pipeline to operate at a hoop stress of 30 mission lines.
percent or more of SMYS. 192.709 Transmission lines: Record keeping.
192.507 Test requirements for pipelines to 192.711 Transmission lines: General require-
operate at a hoop stress less than 30 per- ments for repair procedures.
cent of SMYS and at or above 100 p.s.i. 192.713 Transmission lines: Permanent field
(689 kPa) gage. repair of imperfections and damages.
192.509 Test requirements for pipelines to 192.715 Transmission lines: Permanent field
operate below 100 p.s.i. (689 kPa) gage. repair of welds.
192.511 Test requirements for service lines. 192.717 Transmission lines: Permanent field
192.513 Test requirements for plastic pipe- repair of leaks.
lines. 192.719 Transmission lines: Testing of re-
192.515 Environmental protection and safety pairs.
requirements. 192.721 Distribution systems: Patrolling.
192.517 Records. 192.723 Distribution systems: Leakage sur-
Subpart K—Uprating 192.725 Test requirements for reinstating
service lines.
192.551 Scope. 192.727 Abandonment or deactivation of fa-
192.553 General requirements. cilities.
192.555 Uprating to a pressure that will 192.731 Compressor stations: Inspection and
produce a hoop stress of 30 percent or testing of relief devices.
more of SMYS in steel pipelines. 192.735 Compressor stations: Storage of
192.557 Uprating: Steel pipelines to a pres- combustible materials.
sure that will produce a hoop stress less 192.736 Compressor stations: Gas detection.
than 30 percent of SMYS; plastic, cast 192.739 Pressure limiting and regulating
iron, and ductile iron pipelines. stations: Inspection and testing.
192.741 Pressure limiting and regulating
Subpart L—Operations stations: Telemetering or recording
192.601 Scope. 192.743 Pressure limiting and regulating
192.603 General provisions. stations: Testing of relief devices.
192.605 Procedural manual for operations, 192.745 Valve maintenance: Transmission
maintenance, and emergencies. lines.
192.607 [Reserved] 192.747 Valve maintenance: Distribution
192.609 Change in class location: Required systems.
study. 192.749 Vault maintenance.
192.611 Change in class location: Confirma- 192.751 Prevention of accidental ignition.
tion or revision of maximum allowable 192.753 Caulked bell and spigot joints.
operating pressure. 192.755 Protecting cast-iron pipelines.
192.612 Underwater inspection and re-burial
of pipelines in the Gulf of Mexico and its HIGH CONSEQUENCE AREAS
inlets. 192.761 Definitions.
192.613 Continuing surveillance.
192.614 Damage prevention program. Subpart N—Qualification of Pipeline
192.615 Emergency plans. Personnel
192.616 Public education.
192.617 Investigation of failures. 192.801 Scope.
192.619 Maximum allowable operating pres- 192.803 Definitions.
sure: Steel or plastic pipelines. 192.805 Qualification Program.
192.621 Maximum allowable operating pres- 192.807 Recordkeeping.
sure: High-pressure distribution systems. 192.809 General.
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§ 192.1 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–03 Edition)
APPENDIX A TO PART 192—INCORPORATED BY (i) An area within the limits of any
REFERENCE incorporated or unincorporated city,
(ii) Any designated residential or
commercial area such as a subdivision,
APPENDIX D TO PART 192—CRITERIA FOR CA- business or shopping center, or commu-
OF MEASUREMENTS (5) Onshore gathering of gas within
inlets of the Gulf of Mexico except as
AUTHORITY: 49 U.S.C. 5103, 60102, 60104,
60108, 60109, 60110, 60113, and 60118; and 49 CFR provided in § 192.612; or
1.53. (6) Any pipeline system that trans-
ports only petroleum gas or petroleum
SOURCE: 35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, unless
gas/air mixtures to—
otherwise noted.
(i) Fewer than 10 customers, if no
portion of the system is located in a
Subpart A—General public place; or
(ii) A single customer, if the system
§ 192.1 Scope of part.
is located entirely on the customer’s
(a) This part prescribes minimum premises (no matter if a portion of the
safety requirements for pipeline facili- system is located in a public place).
ties and the transportation of gas, in-
[35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by
cluding pipeline facilities and the
Amdt. 192–27, 41 FR 34605, Aug. 16, 1976;
transportation of gas within the limits Amdt. 192–67, 56 FR 63771, Dec. 5, 1991; Amdt.
of the outer continental shelf as that 192–78, 61 FR 28782, June 6, 1996; Amdt. 192–81,
term is defined in the Outer Conti- 62 FR 61695, Nov. 19, 1997; Amdt. 192–92, 68 FR
nental Shelf Lands Act (43 U.S.C. 1331). 46112, Aug. 5, 2003]
(b) This part does not appy to—
(1) Offshore gathering of gas in State § 192.3 Definitions.
waters upstream from the outlet flange As used in this part:
of each facility where hydrocarbons are Abandoned means permanently re-
produced or where produced hydro- moved from service.
carbons are first separated, dehy- Administrator means the Adminis-
drated, or otherwise processed, which- trator, Research and Special Programs
ever facility is farther downstream; Administration or his or her delegate.
(2) Pipelines on the Outer Conti- Distribution line means a pipeline
nental Shelf (OCS) that are producer- other than a gathering or transmission
operated and cross into State waters line.
without first connecting to a trans- Exposed pipeline means a pipeline
porting operator’s facility on the OCS, where the top of the pipe is protruding
upstream (generally seaward) of the above the seabed in water less than 15
last valve on the last production facil- feet (4.6 meters) deep, as measured
ity on the OCS. Safety equipment pro- from the mean low water.
tecting RSPA-regulated pipeline seg- Gas means natural gas, flammable
ments is not excluded. Producing oper- gas, or gas which is toxic or corrosive.
ators for those pipeline segments up- Gathering line means a pipeline that
stream of the last valve of the last pro- transports gas from a current produc-
duction facility on the OCS may peti- tion facility to a transmission line or
tion the Administrator, or designee, for main.
approval to operate under RSPA regu- Gulf of Mexico and its inlets means the
lations governing pipeline design, con- waters from the mean high water mark
struction, operation, and maintenance of the coast of the Gulf of Mexico and
under 49 CFR 190.9. its inlets open to the sea (excluding
(3) Pipelines on the Outer Conti- rivers, tidal marshes, lakes, and ca-
nental Shelf upstream of the point at nals) seaward to include the territorial
which operating responsibility trans- sea and Outer Continental Shelf to a
fers from a producing operator to a depth of 15 feet (4.6 meters), as meas-
transporting operator; ured from the mean low water.
(4) Onshore gathering of gas outside Hazard to navigation means, for the
of the following areas: purpose of this part, a pipeline where
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Research and Special Programs Administration, DOT § 192.3
the top of the pipe is less than 12 association, State, municipality, coop-
inches (305 millimeters) below the sea- erative association, or joint stock asso-
bed in water less than 15 feet (4.6 me- ciation, and including any trustee, re-
ters) deep, as measured from the mean ceiver, assignee, or personal represent-
low water. ative thereof.
High–pressure distribution system Petroleum gas means propane, pro-
means a distribution system in which pylene, butane, (normal butane or
the gas pressure in the main is higher isobutanes), and butylene (including
than the pressure provided to the cus- isomers), or mixtures composed pre-
tomer. dominantly of these gases, having a
Line section means a continuous run vapor pressure not exceeding 208 psi
of transmission line between adjacent (1434 kPa) gage at 100 °F (38 °C).
compressor stations, between a com- Pipe means any pipe or tubing used in
pressor station and storage facilities, the transportation of gas, including
between a compressor station and a pipe-type holders.
block valve, or between adjacent block Pipeline means all parts of those
valves. physical facilities through which gas
Listed specification means a specifica- moves in transportation, including
tion listed in section I of appendix B of pipe, valves, and other appurtenance
this part. attached to pipe, compressor units, me-
Low-pressure distribution system means tering stations, regulator stations, de-
a distribution system in which the gas livery stations, holders, and fabricated
pressure in the main is substantially assemblies.
the same as the pressure provided to Pipeline facility means new and exist-
the customer. ing pipelines, rights-of-way, and any
Main means a distribution line that equipment, facility, or building used in
serves as a common source of supply the transportation of gas or in the
for more than one service line. treatment of gas during the course of
Maximum actual operating pressure transportation.
means the maximum pressure that oc- Service line means a distribution line
curs during normal operations over a that transports gas from a common
period of 1 year. source of supply to (1) a customer
Maximum allowable operating pressure meter or the connection to a cus-
(MAOP) means the maximum pressure tomer’s piping, whichever is farther
at which a pipeline or segment of a downstream, or (2) the connection to a
pipeline may be operated under this customer’s piping if there is no cus-
part. tomer meter. A customer meter is the
Municipality means a city, county, or meter that measures the transfer of
any other political subdivision of a gas from an operator to a consumer.
State. SMYS means specified minimum
Offshore means beyond the line of or- yield strength is:
dinary low water along that portion of (1) For steel pipe manufactured in ac-
the coast of the United States that is cordance with a listed specification,
in direct contact with the open seas the yield strength specified as a min-
and beyond the line marking the sea- imum in that specification; or
ward limit of inland waters. (2) For steel pipe manufactured in ac-
Operator means a person who engages cordance with an unknown or unlisted
in the transportation of gas. specification, the yield strength deter-
Outer Continental Shelf means all sub- mined in accordance with § 192.107(b).
merged lands lying seaward and out- State means each of the several
side the area of lands beneath navi- States, the District of Columbia, and
gable waters as defined in Section 2 of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.
the Submerged Lands Act (43 U.S.C. Transmission line means a pipeline,
1301) and of which the subsoil and sea- other than a gathering line, that:
bed appertain to the United States and (a) Transports gas from a gathering
are subject to its jurisdiction and con- line or storage facility to a distribu-
trol. tion center, storage facility, or large
Person means any individual, firm, volume customer that is not down-
joint venture, partnership, corporation, stream from a distribution center;
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§ 192.5 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–03 Edition)
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Research and Special Programs Administration, DOT § 192.13
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§ 192.14 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–03 Edition)
12, 1970, or in the case of an offshore May means ‘‘is permitted to’’ or ‘‘is
gathering line, after July 31, 1977, un- authorized to’’.
less that replacement, relocation, or May not means ‘‘is not permitted to’’
change has been made in accordance or ‘‘is not authorized to’’.
with this part. Shall is used in the mandatory and
(c) Each operator shall maintain, imperative sense.
modify as appropriate, and follow the (b) In this part:
plans, procedures, and programs that it
(1) Words importing the singular in-
is required to establish under this part.
clude the plural;
[35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by (2) Words importing the plural in-
Amdt. 192–27, 41 FR 34605, Aug. 16, 1976; clude the singular; and
Amdt. 192–30, 42 FR 60148, Nov. 25, 1977]
(3) Words importing the masculine
§ 192.14 Conversion to service subject gender include the feminine.
to this part.
§ 192.16 Customer notification.
(a) A steel pipeline previously used in
service not subject to this part quali- (a) This section applies to each oper-
fies for use under this part if the oper- ator of a service line who does not
ator prepares and follows a written maintain the customer’s buried piping
procedure to carry out the following up to entry of the first building down-
requirements: stream, or, if the customer’s buried
(1) The design, construction, oper- piping does not enter a building, up to
ation, and maintenance history of the the principal gas utilization equipment
pipeline must be reviewed and, where or the first fence (or wall) that sur-
sufficient historical records are not rounds that equipment. For the pur-
available, appropriate tests must be pose of this section, ‘‘customer’s buried
performed to determine if the pipeline piping’’ does not include branch lines
is in a satisfactory condition for safe that serve yard lanterns, pool heaters,
operation. or other types of secondary equipment.
(2) The pipeline right-of-way, all Also, ‘‘maintain’’ means monitor for
aboveground segments of the pipeline, corrosion according to § 192.465 if the
and appropriately selected under- customer’s buried piping is metallic,
ground segments must be visually in- survey for leaks according to § 192.723,
spected for physical defects and oper- and if an unsafe condition is found,
ating conditions which reasonably shut off the flow of gas, advise the cus-
could be expected to impair the
tomer of the need to repair the unsafe
strength or tightness of the pipeline.
condition, or repair the unsafe condi-
(3) All known unsafe defects and con-
ditions must be corrected in accord-
ance with this part. (b) Each operator shall notify each
(4) The pipeline must be tested in ac- customer once in writing of the fol-
cordance with subpart J of this part to lowing information:
substantiate the maximum allowable (1) The operator does not maintain
operating pressure permitted by sub- the customer’s buried piping.
part L of this part. (2) If the customer’s buried piping is
(b) Each operator must keep for the not maintained, it may be subject to
life of the pipeline a record of the in- the potential hazards of corrosion and
vestigations, tests, repairs, replace- leakage.
ments, and alterations made under the (3) Buried gas piping should be—
requirements of paragraph (a) of this (i) Periodically inspected for leaks;
section. (ii) Periodically inspected for corro-
[Amdt. 192–30, 42 FR 60148, Nov. 25, 1977] sion if the piping is metallic; and
(iii) Repaired if any unsafe condition
§ 192.15 Rules of regulatory construc- is discovered.
tion. (4) When excavating near buried gas
(a) As used in this part: piping, the piping should be located in
Includes means including but not lim- advance, and the excavation done by
ited to. hand.
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Research and Special Programs Administration, DOT § 192.59
(5) The operator (if applicable), (ii) If it was manufactured before No-
plumbing contractors, and heating con- vember 12, 1970, either section II or III
tractors can assist in locating, inspect- of appendix B to this part; or
ing, and repairing the customer’s bur- (3) It is used in accordance with para-
ied piping. graph (c) or (d) of this section.
(c) Each operator shall notify each (b) Used steel pipe is qualified for use
customer not later than August 14, under this part if:
1996, or 90 days after the customer first (1) It was manufactured in accord-
receives gas at a particular location, ance with a listed specification and it
whichever is later. However, operators meets the requirements of paragraph
of master meter systems may continu- II–C of appendix B to this part;
ously post a general notice in a promi- (2) It meets the requirements of:
nent location frequented by customers.
(i) Section II of appendix B to this
(d) Each operator must make the fol-
lowing records available for inspection part; or
by the Administrator or a State agency (ii) If it was manufactured before No-
participating under 49 U.S.C. 60105 or vember 12, 1970, either section II or III
60106: of appendix B to this part;
(1) A copy of the notice currently in (3) It has been used in an existing
use; and line of the same or higher pressure and
(2) Evidence that notices have been meets the requirements of paragraph
sent to customers within the previous 3 II–C of appendix B to this part; or
years. (4) It is used in accordance with para-
graph (c) of this section.
[Amdt. 192–74, 60 FR 41828, Aug. 14, 1995, as
amended by Amdt. 192–74A, 60 FR 63451, Dec. (c) New or used steel pipe may be
11, 1995; Amdt. 192–83, 63 FR 7723, Feb. 17, used at a pressure resulting in a hoop
1998] stress of less than 6,000 p.s.i. (41 MPa)
where no close coiling or close bending
Subpart B—Materials is to be done, if visual examination in-
dicates that the pipe is in good condi-
§ 192.51 Scope. tion and that it is free of split seams
This subpart prescribes minimum re- and other defects that would cause
quirements for the selection and quali- leakage. If it is to be welded, steel pipe
fication of pipe and components for use that has not been manufactured to a
in pipelines. listed specification must also pass the
weldability tests prescribed in para-
§ 192.53 General. graph II–B of appendix B to this part.
Materials for pipe and components (d) Steel pipe that has not been pre-
must be: viously used may be used as replace-
(a) Able to maintain the structural ment pipe in a segment of pipeline if it
integrity of the pipeline under tem- has been manufactured prior to Novem-
perature and other environmental con- ber 12, 1970, in accordance with the
ditions that may be anticipated; same specification as the pipe used in
(b) Chemically compatible with any constructing that segment of pipeline.
gas that they transport and with any (e) New steel pipe that has been cold
other material in the pipeline with expanded must comply with the man-
which they are in contact; and datory provisions of API Specification
(c) Qualified in accordance with the 5L.
applicable requirements of this sub- [35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by
part. Amdt. 191–1, 35 FR 17660, Nov. 17, 1970; Amdt.
192–12, 38 FR 4761, Feb. 22, 1973; Amdt. 192–51,
§ 192.55 Steel pipe. 51 FR 15335, Apr. 23, 1986; 58 FR 14521, Mar. 18,
(a) New steel pipe is qualified for use 1993; Amdt. 192–85, 63 FR 37502, July 13, 1998]
under this part if:
(1) It was manufactured in accord- § 192.57 [Reserved]
ance with a listed specification;
(2) It meets the requirements of— § 192.59 Plastic pipe.
(i) Section II of appendix B to this (a) New plastic pipe is qualified for
part; or use under this part if:
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§ 192.61 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–03 Edition)
(1) It is manufactured in accordance fore November 12, 1970, that meet all of
with a listed specification; and the following:
(2) It is resistant to chemicals with (1) The item is identifiable as to type,
which contact may be anticipated. manufacturer, and model.
(b) Used plastic pipe is qualified for (2) Specifications or standards giving
use under this part if: pressure, temperature, and other ap-
(1) It was manufactured in accord- propriate criteria for the use of items
ance with a listed specification; are readily available.
(2) It is resistant to chemicals with
which contact may be anticipated; [Amdt. 192–1, 35 FR 17660, Nov. 17, 1970, as
(3) It has been used only in natural amended by Amdt. 192–31, 43 FR 883, Apr. 3,
gas service; 1978; Amdt. 192–61, 53 FR 36793, Sept. 22, 1988;
(4) Its dimensions are still within the Amdt. 192–62, 54 FR 5627, Feb. 6, 1989; Amdt.
tolerances of the specification to which 192–61A, 54 FR 32642, Aug. 9, 1989; 58 FR 14521,
it was manufactured; and Mar. 18, 1993; Amdt. 192–76, 61 FR 26122, May
24, 1996; 61 FR 36826, July 15, 1996]
(5) It is free of visible defects.
(c) For the purpose of paragraphs
§ 192.65 Transportation of pipe.
(a)(1) and (b)(1) of this section, where
pipe of a diameter included in a listed In a pipeline to be operated at a hoop
specification is impractical to use, pipe stress of 20 percent or more of SMYS,
of a diameter between the sizes in- an operator may not use pipe having an
cluded in a listed specification may be outer diameter to wall thickness ratio
used if it: of 70 to 1, or more, that is transported
(1) Meets the strength and design cri- by railroad unless:
teria required of pipe included in that (a) The transportation is performed
listed specification; and in accordance with API RP 5L1.
(2) Is manufactured from plastic com- (b) In the case of pipe transported be-
pounds which meet the criteria for ma- fore November 12, 1970, the pipe is test-
terial required of pipe included in that
ed in accordance with subpart J of this
listed specification.
part to at least 1.25 times the max-
[35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by imum allowable operating pressure if it
Amdt. 192–19, 40 FR 10472, Mar. 6, 1975; Amdt. is to be installed in a class 1 location
192–58, 53 FR 1635, Jan. 21, 1988]
and to at least 1.5 times the maximum
§ 192.61 [Reserved] allowable operating pressure if it is to
be installed in a class 2, 3, or 4 loca-
§ 192.63 Marking of materials. tion. Notwithstanding any shorter
(a) Except as provided in paragraph time period permitted under subpart J
(d) of this section, each valve, fitting, of this part, the test pressure must be
length of pipe, and other component maintained for at least 8 hours.
must be marked— [Amdt. 192–12, 38 FR 4761, Feb. 22, 1973, as
(1) As prescribed in the specification amended by Amdt. 192–17, 40 FR 6346, Feb. 11,
or standard to which it was manufac- 1975; 58 FR 14521, Mar. 18, 1993]
tured, except that thermoplastic fit-
tings must be marked in accordance
with ASTM D 2513; or
Subpart C—Pipe Design
(2) To indicate size, material, manu- § 192.101 Scope.
facturer, pressure rating, and tempera-
ture rating, and as appropriate, type, This subpart prescribes the minimum
grade, and model. requirements for the design of pipe.
(b) Surfaces of pipe and components
that are subject to stress from internal § 192.103 General.
pressure may not be field die stamped. Pipe must be designed with sufficient
(c) If any item is marked by die wall thickness, or must be installed
stamping, the die must have blunt or with adequate protection, to withstand
rounded edges that will minimize anticipated external pressures and
stress concentrations. loads that will be imposed on the pipe
(d) Paragraph (a) of this section does after installation.
not apply to items manufactured be-
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Research and Special Programs Administration, DOT § 192.111
§ 192.105 Design formula for steel pipe. B to this part, the lower of the fol-
(a) The design pressure for steel pipe
(i) 80 percent of the average yield
is determined in accordance with the
strength determined by the tensile
following formula:
P=(2 St/D)×F×E×T (ii) The lowest yield strength deter-
mined by the tensile tests.
P=Design pressure in pounds per square inch (2) If the pipe is not tensile tested as
(kPa) gauge.
provided in paragraph (b)(1) of this sec-
S=Yield strength in pounds per square inch
(kPa) determined in accordance with tion, 24,000 p.s.i. (165 MPa).
§ 192.107. [35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by
D=Nominal outside diameter of the pipe in Amdt. 192–78, 61 FR 28783, June 6, 1996; Amdt.
inches (millimeters). 192–83, 63 FR 7723, Feb. 17, 1998; Amdt. 192–85,
t=Nominal wall thickness of the pipe in 63 FR 37502, July 13, 1998]
inches (millimeters). If this is unknown, it
is determined in accordance with § 192.109. § 192.109 Nominal wall thickness (t) for
Additional wall thickness required for con- steel pipe.
current external loads in accordance with
(a) If the nominal wall thickness for
§ 192.103 may not be included in computing
design pressure. steel pipe is not known, it is deter-
F=Design factor determined in accordance mined by measuring the thickness of
with § 192.111. each piece of pipe at quarter points on
E=Longitudinal joint factor determined in one end.
accordance with § 192.113. (b) However, if the pipe is of uniform
T=Temperature derating factor determined grade, size, and thickness and there are
in accordance with § 192.115. more than 10 lengths, only 10 percent
of the individual lengths, but not less
(b) If steel pipe that has been sub-
than 10 lengths, need be measured. The
jected to cold expansion to meet the
thickness of the lengths that are not
SMYS is subsequently heated, other
measured must be verified by applying
than by welding or stress relieving as a
a gauge set to the minimum thickness
part of welding, the design pressure is
found by the measurement. The nomi-
limited to 75 percent of the pressure de-
nal wall thickness to be used in the de-
termined under paragraph (a) of this
sign formula in § 192.105 is the next wall
section if the temperature of the pipe
thickness found in commercial speci-
exceeds 900 °F (482 °C) at any time or is
fications that is below the average of
held above 600 °F (316 °C) for more than
all the measurements taken. However,
1 hour.
the nominal wall thickness used may
[35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by not be more than 1.14 times the small-
Amdt. 192–47, 49 FR 7569, Mar. 1, 1984; Amdt. est measurement taken on pipe less
192–85, 63 FR 37502, July 13, 1998] than 20 inches (508 millimeters) in out-
side diameter, nor more than 1.11 times
§ 192.107 Yield strength (S) for steel the smallest measurement taken on
pipe 20 inches (508 millimeters) or more
(a) For pipe that is manufactured in in outside diameter.
accordance with a specification listed
[35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by
in section I of appendix B of this part, Amdt. 192–85, 63 FR 37502, July 13, 1998]
the yield strength to be used in the de-
sign formula in § 192.105 is the SMYS § 192.111 Design factor (F) for steel
stated in the listed specification, if pipe.
that value is known. (a) Except as otherwise provided in
(b) For pipe that is manufactured in paragraphs (b), (c), and (d) of this sec-
accordance with a specification not tion, the design factor to be used in the
listed in section I of appendix B to this design formula in § 192.105 is deter-
part or whose specification or tensile mined in accordance with the following
properties are unknown, the yield table:
strength to be used in the design for-
mula in § 192.105 is one of the following: Class location Design
factor (F)
(1) If the pipe is tensile tested in ac-
cordance with section II–D of appendix 1 ........................................................................... 0.72
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§ 192.113 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–03 Edition)
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Research and Special Programs Administration, DOT § 192.125
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§ 192.141 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–03 Edition)
(c) Copper pipe used in mains and (a) It can be shown through visual in-
service lines may not be used at pres- spection of the cleaned component that
sures in excess of 100 p.s.i. (689 kPa) no defect exists which might impair
gage. the strength or tightness of the compo-
(d) Copper pipe that does not have an nent; and
internal corrosion resistant lining may (b) The edition of the document
not be used to carry gas that has an av- under which the component was manu-
erage hydrogen sulfide content of more factured has equal or more stringent
than 0.3 grains/100 ft3 (6.9/m3) under requirements for the following as an
standard conditions. Standard condi- edition of that document currently or
tions refers to 60°F and 14.7 psia (15.6°C previously listed in appendix A:
and one atmosphere) of gas. (1) Pressure testing;
[35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by (2) Materials; and
Amdt. 192–62, 54 FR 5628, Feb. 6, 1989; Amdt. (3) Pressure and temperature ratings.
192–85, 63 FR 37502, July 13, 1998]
[Amdt. 192–45, 48 FR 30639, July 5, 1983]
EFFECTIVE DATE NOTE: By Amdt. 192–93, 68
FR 53900, Sept. 15, 2003, § 192.123 was amended § 192.145 Valves.
by removing the second sentence in para-
graph (b)(2)(i), effective October 15, 2003. (a) Except for cast iron and plastic
valves, each valve must meet the min-
imum requirements, or equivalent, of
Subpart D—Design of Pipeline API 6D. A valve may not be used under
Components operating conditions that exceed the
§ 192.141 Scope. applicable pressure-temperature rat-
ings contained in those requirements.
This subpart prescribes minimum re- (b) Each cast iron and plastic valve
quirements for the design and installa- must comply with the following:
tion of pipeline components and facili- (1) The valve must have a maximum
ties. In addition, it prescribes require- service pressure rating for tempera-
ments relating to protection against tures that equal or exceed the max-
accidental overpressuring. imum service temperature.
§ 192.143 General requirements. (2) The valve must be tested as part
of the manufacturing, as follows:
Each component of a pipeline must (i) With the valve in the fully open
be able to withstand operating pres- position, the shell must be tested with
sures and other anticipated loadings no leakage to a pressure at least 1.5
without impairment of its service- times the maximum service rating.
ability with unit stresses equivalent to (ii) After the shell test, the seat must
those allowed for comparable material be tested to a pressure not less than 1.5
in pipe in the same location and kind times the maximum service pressure
of service. However, if design based rating. Except for swing check valves,
upon unit stresses is impractical for a test pressure during the seat test must
particular component, design may be be applied successively on each side of
based upon a pressure rating estab- the closed valve with the opposite side
lished by the manufacturer by pressure open. No visible leakage is permitted.
testing that component or a prototype (iii) After the last pressure test is
of the component. completed, the valve must be operated
[Amdt. 48, 49 FR 19824, May 10, 1984] through its full travel to demonstrate
freedom from interference.
§ 192.144 Qualifying metallic compo- (c) Each valve must be able to meet
nents. the anticipated operating conditions.
Notwithstanding any requirement of (d) No valve having shell components
this subpart which incorporates by ref- made of ductile iron may be used at
erence an edition of a document listed pressures exceeding 80 percent of the
in appendix A of this part, a metallic pressure ratings for comparable steel
component manufactured in accord- valves at their listed temperature.
ance with any other edition of that However, a valve having shell compo-
document is qualified for use under nents made of ductile iron may be used
this part if— at pressures up to 80 percent of the
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Research and Special Programs Administration, DOT § 192.150
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§ 192.151 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–03 Edition)
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Research and Special Programs Administration, DOT § 192.163
excessive stresses in the pipe or compo- firm foundation for both the header
nents, excessive bending or unusual and the branch to prevent detrimental
loads at joints, or undesirable forces or lateral and vertical movement.
moments at points of connection to
[35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by
equipment, or at anchorage or guide Amdt. 192–58, 53 FR 1635, Jan. 21, 1988]
§ 192.163 Compressor stations: Design
§ 192.161 Supports and anchors. and construction.
(a) Each pipeline and its associated
(a) Location of compressor building. Ex-
equipment must have enough anchors
cept for a compressor building on a
or supports to:
platform located offshore or in inland
(1) Prevent undue strain on con-
navigable waters, each main com-
nected equipment;
pressor building of a compressor sta-
(2) Resist longitudinal forces caused
tion must be located on property under
by a bend or offset in the pipe; and
the control of the operator. It must be
(3) Prevent or damp out excessive vi-
far enough away from adjacent prop-
(b) Each exposed pipeline must have erty, not under control of the operator,
enough supports or anchors to protect to minimize the possibility of fire
the exposed pipe joints from the max- being communicated to the compressor
imum end force caused by internal building from structures on adjacent
pressure and any additional forces property. There must be enough open
caused by temperature expansion or space around the main compressor
contraction or by the weight of the building to allow the free movement of
pipe and its contents. fire-fighting equipment.
(c) Each support or anchor on an ex- (b) Building construction. Each build-
posed pipeline must be made of dura- ing on a compressor station site must
ble, noncombustible material and must be made of noncombustible materials if
be designed and installed as follows: it contains either—
(1) Free expansion and contraction of (1) Pipe more than 2 inches (51 milli-
the pipeline between supports or an- meters) in diameter that is carrying
chors may not be restricted. gas under pressure; or
(2) Provision must be made for the (2) Gas handling equipment other
service conditions involved. than gas utilization equipment used for
(3) Movement of the pipeline may not domestic purposes.
cause disengagement of the support (c) Exits. Each operating floor of a
equipment. main compressor building must have at
(d) Each support on an exposed pipe- least two separated and unobstructed
line operated at a stress level of 50 per- exits located so as to provide a conven-
cent or more of SMYS must comply ient possibility of escape and an unob-
with the following: structed passage to a place of safety.
(1) A structural support may not be Each door latch on an exit must be of
welded directly to the pipe. a type which can be readily opened
(2) The support must be provided by a from the inside without a key. Each
member that completely encircles the swinging door located in an exterior
pipe. wall must be mounted to swing out-
(3) If an encircling member is welded ward.
to a pipe, the weld must be continuous (d) Fenced areas. Each fence around a
and cover the entire circumference. compressor station must have at least
(e) Each underground pipeline that is two gates located so as to provide a
connected to a relatively unyielding convenient opportunity for escape to a
line or other fixed object must have place of safety, or have other facilities
enough flexibility to provide for pos- affording a similarly convenient exit
sible movement, or it must have an an- from the area. Each gate located with-
chor that will limit the movement of in 200 feet (61 meters) of any com-
the pipeline. pressor plant building must open out-
(f) Except for offshore pipelines, each ward and, when occupied, must be
underground pipeline that is being con- openable from the inside without a
nected to new branches must have a key.
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§ 192.165 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–03 Edition)
(e) Electrical facilities. Electrical the vicinity of the gas headers must re-
equipment and wiring installed in com- main energized; and
pressor stations must conform to the (ii) Electrical circuits needed to pro-
National Electrical Code, ANSI/NFPA tect equipment from damage may re-
70, so far as that code is applicable. main energized.
(4) It must be operable from at least
[35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by
Amdt. 192–27, 41 FR 34605, Aug. 16, 1976; two locations, each of which is:
Amdt. 192–37, 46 FR 10159, Feb. 2, 1981; 58 FR (i) Outside the gas area of the sta-
14521, Mar. 18, 1993; Amdt. 192–85, 63 FR 37502, tion;
37503, July 13, 1998] (ii) Near the exit gates, if the station
is fenced, or near emergency exits, if
§ 192.165 Compressor stations: Liquid not fenced; and
removal. (iii) Not more than 500 feet (153 me-
(a) Where entrained vapors in gas ters) from the limits of the station.
may liquefy under the anticipated pres- (b) If a compressor station supplies
sure and temperature conditions, the gas directly to a distribution system
compressor must be protected against with no other adequate source of gas
the introduction of those liquids in available, the emergency shutdown
quantities that could cause damage. system must be designed so that it will
(b) Each liquid separator used to re- not function at the wrong time and
move entrained liquids at a compressor cause an unintended outage on the dis-
station must: tribution system.
(1) Have a manually operable means (c) On a platform located offshore or
of removing these liquids. in inland navigable waters, the emer-
(2) Where slugs of liquid could be car- gency shutdown system must be de-
ried into the compressors, have either signed and installed to actuate auto-
automatic liquid removal facilities, an matically by each of the following
automatic compressor shutdown de- events:
vice, or a high liquid level alarm; and (1) In the case of an unattended com-
(3) Be manufactured in accordance pressor station:
with section VIII of the ASME Boiler (i) When the gas pressure equals the
and Pressure Vessel Code, except that maximum allowable operating pressure
liquid separators constructed of pipe plus 15 percent; or
and fittings without internal welding (ii) When an uncontrolled fire occurs
must be fabricated with a design factor on the platform; and
of 0.4, or less. (2) In the case of a compressor sta-
tion in a building:
§ 192.167 Compressor stations: Emer- (i) When an uncontrolled fire occurs
gency shutdown. in the building; or
(a) Except for unattended field com- (ii) When the concentration of gas in
pressor stations of 1,000 horsepower (746 air reaches 50 percent or more of the
kilowatts) or less, each compressor sta- lower explosive limit in a building
tion must have an emergency shut- which has a source of ignition.
down system that meets the following: For the purpose of paragraph (c)(2)(ii)
(1) It must be able to block gas out of of this section, an electrical facility
the station and blow down the station which conforms to Class 1, Group D, of
piping. the National Electrical Code is not a
(2) It must discharge gas from the source of ignition.
blowdown piping at a location where [35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by
the gas will not create a hazard. Amdt. 192–27, 41 FR 34605, Aug. 16, 1976;
(3) It must provide means for the Amdt. 192–85, 63 FR 37503, July 13, 1998]
shutdown of gas compressing equip-
ment, gas fires, and electrical facilities § 192.169 Compressor stations: Pres-
in the vicinity of gas headers and in sure limiting devices.
the compressor building, except that: (a) Each compressor station must
(i) Electrical circuits that supply have pressure relief or other suitable
emergency lighting required to assist protective devices of sufficient capac-
station personnel in evacuating the ity and sensitivity to ensure that the
compressor building and the area in maximum allowable operating pressure
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Research and Special Programs Administration, DOT § 192.177
of the station piping and equipment is from other holders in accordance with
not exceeded by more than 10 percent. the following formula:
(b) Each vent line that exhausts gas
C=(D×P×F)/48.33) (C=(3D×P×F/1,000))
from the pressure relief valves of a
compressor station must extend to a in which:
location where the gas may be dis- C=Minimum clearance between pipe con-
charged without hazard. tainers or bottles in inches (millimeters).
D=Outside diameter of pipe containers or
§ 192.171 Compressor stations: Addi- bottles in inches (millimeters).
tional safety equipment. P=Maximum allowable operating pressure,
(a) Each compressor station must p.s.i. (kPa) gage.
have adequate fire protection facilities. F=Design factor as set forth in § 192.111 of
If fire pumps are a part of these facili- this part.
ties, their operation may not be af- [35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by
fected by the emergency shutdown sys- Amdt. 192–85, 63 FR 37503, July 13, 1998]
(b) Each compressor station prime § 192.177 Additional provisions for bot-
mover, other than an electrical induc- tle-type holders.
tion or synchronous motor, must have (a) Each bottle-type holder must be—
an automatic device to shut down the
(1) Located on a site entirely sur-
unit before the speed of either the
rounded by fencing that prevents ac-
prime mover or the driven unit exceeds
cess by unauthorized persons and with
a maximum safe speed.
minimum clearance from the fence as
(c) Each compressor unit in a com-
pressor station must have a shutdown follows:
or alarm device that operates in the Minimum clear-
event of inadequate cooling or lubrica- Maximum allowable operating pressure ance feet (me-
tion of the unit.
(d) Each compressor station gas en- Less than 1,000 p.s.i. (7 MPa) gage ........... 25 (7.6)
gine that operates with pressure gas in- 1,000 p.s.i. (7 MPa) gage or more .............. 100 (31)
jection must be equipped so that stop-
page of the engine automatically shuts (2) Designed using the design factors
off the fuel and vents the engine dis- set forth in § 192.111; and
tribution manifold. (3) Buried with a minimum cover in
(e) Each muffler for a gas engine in a accordance with § 192.327.
compressor station must have vent (b) Each bottle-type holder manufac-
slots or holes in the baffles of each tured from steel that is not weldable
compartment to prevent gas from under field conditions must comply
being trapped in the muffler. with the following:
§ 192.173 Compressor stations: Ventila- (1) A bottle-type holder made from
tion. alloy steel must meet the chemical and
tensile requirements for the various
Each compressor station building
grades of steel in ASTM A 372/A 372M.
must be ventilated to ensure that em-
(2) The actual yield-tensile ratio of
ployees are not endangered by the ac-
cumulation of gas in rooms, sumps, at- the steel may not exceed 0.85.
tics, pits, or other enclosed places. (3) Welding may not be performed on
the holder after it has been heat treat-
§ 192.175 Pipe-type and bottle-type ed or stress relieved, except that cop-
holders. per wires may be attached to the small
(a) Each pipe-type and bottle-type diameter portion of the bottle end clo-
holder must be designed so as to pre- sure for cathodic protection if a local-
vent the accumulation of liquids in the ized thermit welding process is used.
holder, in connecting pipe, or in auxil- (4) The holder must be given a mill
iary equipment, that might cause cor- hydrostatic test at a pressure that pro-
rosion or interfere with the safe oper- duces a hoop stress at least equal to 85
ation of the holder. percent of the SMYS.
(b) Each pipe-type or bottle-type (5) The holder, connection pipe, and
holder must have minimum clearance components must be leak tested after
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§ 192.179 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–03 Edition)
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Research and Special Programs Administration, DOT § 192.195
opening and to avert strains in the and the ratio of the internal volume, in
pipe. cubic feet, to the effective ventilating
[35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by
area of the cover or grating, in square
Amdt. 192–85, 63 FR 37503, July 13, 1998] feet, is less than 20 to 1, no additional
ventilation is required.
§ 192.185 Vaults: Accessibility. [35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by
Each vault must be located in an ac- Amdt. 192–85, 63 FR 37503, July 13, 1998]
cessible location and, so far as prac-
tical, away from: § 192.189 Vaults: Drainage and water-
(a) Street intersections or points proofing.
where traffic is heavy or dense; (a) Each vault must be designed so as
(b) Points of minimum elevation, to minimize the entrance of water.
catch basins, or places where the ac- (b) A vault containing gas piping
cess cover will be in the course of sur- may not be connected by means of a
face waters; and drain connection to any other under-
(c) Water, electric, steam, or other ground structure.
facilities. (c) Electrical equipment in vaults
must conform to the applicable re-
§ 192.187 Vaults: Sealing, venting, and quirements of Class 1, Group D, of the
ventilation. National Electrical Code, ANSI/NFPA
Each underground vault or closed top 70.
pit containing either a pressure regu-
[35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by
lating or reducing station, or a pres-
Amdt. 192–76, 61 FR 26122, May 24, 1996]
sure limiting or relieving station, must
be sealed, vented or ventilated as fol- § 192.191 Design pressure of plastic fit-
lows: tings.
(a) When the internal volume exceeds
(a) Thermosetting fittings for plastic
200 cubic feet (5.7 cubic meters):
pipe must conform to ASTM D 2517.
(1) The vault or pit must be venti-
(b) Thermoplastic fittings for plastic
lated with two ducts, each having at
pipe must conform to ASTM D 2513.
least the ventilating effect of a pipe 4
inches (102 millimeters) in diameter; [35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by
(2) The ventilation must be enough to Amdt. 192–58, 53 FR 1635, Jan. 21, 1988]
minimize the formation of combustible
atmosphere in the vault or pit; and § 192.193 Valve installation in plastic
(3) The ducts must be high enough
above grade to disperse any gas-air Each valve installed in plastic pipe
mixtures that might be discharged. must be designed so as to protect the
(b) When the internal volume is more plastic material against excessive tor-
than 75 cubic feet (2.1 cubic meters) but sional or shearing loads when the valve
less than 200 cubic feet (5.7 cubic me- or shutoff is operated, and from any
ters): other secondary stresses that might be
(1) If the vault or pit is sealed, each exerted through the valve or its enclo-
opening must have a tight fitting cover sure.
without open holes through which an
explosive mixture might be ignited, § 192.195 Protection against accidental
and there must be a means for testing overpressuring.
the internal atmosphere before remov- (a) General requirements. Except as
ing the cover; provided in § 192.197, each pipeline that
(2) If the vault or pit is vented, there is connected to a gas source so that the
must be a means of preventing external maximum allowable operating pressure
sources of ignition from reaching the could be exceeded as the result of pres-
vault atmosphere; or sure control failure or of some other
(3) If the vault or pit is ventilated, type of failure, must have pressure re-
paragraph (a) or (c) of this section ap- lieving or pressure limiting devices
plies. that meet the requirements of §§ 192.199
(c) If a vault or pit covered by para- and 192.201.
graph (b) of this section is ventilated (b) Additional requirements for distribu-
by openings in the covers or gratings tion systems. Each distribution system
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§ 192.197 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–03 Edition)
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Research and Special Programs Administration, DOT § 192.201
regulator and remains closed until relief valve or pressure limiting device
manually reset. inoperative.
[35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by [35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by
Amdt. 192–1, 35 FR 17660, Nov. 7, 1970; Amdt Amdt. 192–1, 35 FR 17660, Nov. 17, 1970]
192–85, 63 FR 37503, July 13, 1998]
§ 192.201 Required capacity of pres-
EFFECTIVE DATE NOTE: By Amdt. 192–93, 68 sure relieving and limiting stations.
FR 53900, Sept. 15, 2003, § 192.197 was amended
by removing the term ‘‘under 60 p.s.i. (414 (a) Each pressure relief station or
kPa) gage’’ and add the term ‘‘60 psi (414 pressure limiting station or group of
kPa) gage, or less,’’ in its place, effective Oc- those stations installed to protect a
tober 15, 2003. pipeline must have enough capacity,
and must be set to operate, to insure
§ 192.199 Requirements for design of the following:
pressure relief and limiting devices. (1) In a low pressure distribution sys-
Except for rupture discs, each pres- tem, the pressure may not cause the
sure relief or pressure limiting device unsafe operation of any connected and
must: properly adjusted gas utilization equip-
(a) Be constructed of materials such ment.
that the operation of the device will (2) In pipelines other than a low pres-
not be impaired by corrosion; sure distribution system:
(i) If the maximum allowable oper-
(b) Have valves and valve seats that
ating pressure is 60 p.s.i. (414 kPa) gage
are designed not to stick in a position
or more, the pressure may not exceed
that will make the device inoperative;
the maximum allowable operating
(c) Be designed and installed so that
pressure plus 10 percent, or the pres-
it can be readily operated to determine
sure that produces a hoop stress of 75
if the valve is free, can be tested to de-
percent of SMYS, whichever is lower;
termine the pressure at which it will
(ii) If the maximum allowable oper-
operate, and can be tested for leakage
ating pressure is 12 p.s.i. (83 kPa) gage
when in the closed position;
or more, but less than 60 p.s.i. (414 kPa)
(d) Have support made of noncombus- gage, the pressure may not exceed the
tible material; maximum allowable operating pressure
(e) Have discharge stacks, vents, or plus 6 p.s.i. (41 kPa) gage; or
outlet ports designed to prevent accu- (iii) If the maximum allowable oper-
mulation of water, ice, or snow, located ating pressure is less than 12 p.s.i. (83
where gas can be discharged into the kPa) gage, the pressure may not exceed
atmosphere without undue hazard; the maximum allowable operating
(f) Be designed and installed so that pressure plus 50 percent.
the size of the openings, pipe, and fit- (b) When more than one pressure reg-
tings located between the system to be ulating or compressor station feeds
protected and the pressure relieving de- into a pipeline, relief valves or other
vice, and the size of the vent line, are protective devices must be installed at
adequate to prevent hammering of the each station to ensure that the com-
valve and to prevent impairment of re- plete failure of the largest capacity
lief capacity; regulator or compressor, or any single
(g) Where installed at a district regu- run of lesser capacity regulators or
lator station to protect a pipeline sys- compressors in that station, will not
tem from overpressuring, be designed impose pressures on any part of the
and installed to prevent any single in- pipeline or distribution system in ex-
cident such as an explosion in a vault cess of those for which it was designed,
or damage by a vehicle from affecting or against which it was protected,
the operation of both the overpressure whichever is lower.
protective device and the district regu- (c) Relief valves or other pressure
lator; and limiting devices must be installed at or
(h) Except for a valve that will iso- near each regulator station in a low-
late the system under protection from pressure distribution system, with a
its source of pressure, be designed to capacity to limit the maximum pres-
prevent unauthorized operation of any sure in the main to a pressure that will
stop valve that will make the pressure not exceed the safe operating pressure
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§ 192.203 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–03 Edition)
for any connected and properly ad- viding flexibility within the system
justed gas utilization equipment. itself.
(9) Each control line must be pro-
[35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by
tected from anticipated causes of dam-
Amdt. 192–9, 37 FR 20827, Oct. 4, 1972; Amdt
192–85, 63 FR 37503, July 13, 1998] age and must be designed and installed
to prevent damage to any one control
§ 192.203 Instrument, control, and sam- line from making both the regulator
pling pipe and components. and the over-pressure protective device
(a) Applicability. This section applies
to the design of instrument, control, [35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by
and sampling pipe and components. It Amdt. 192–78, 61 FR 28784, June 6, 1996; Amdt.
does not apply to permanently closed 192–85, 63 FR 37503, July 13, 1998]
systems, such as fluid-filled tempera-
ture-responsive devices. Subpart E—Welding of Steel in
(b) Materials and design. All materials Pipelines
employed for pipe and components
must be designed to meet the par- § 192.221 Scope.
ticular conditions of service and the (a) This subpart prescribes minimum
following: requirements for welding steel mate-
(1) Each takeoff connection and at- rials in pipelines.
taching boss, fitting, or adapter must (b) This subpart does not apply to
be made of suitable material, be able to welding that occurs during the manu-
withstand the maximum service pres- facture of steel pipe or steel pipeline
sure and temperature of the pipe or components.
equipment to which it is attached, and
be designed to satisfactorily withstand § 192.225 Welding—General.
all stresses without failure by fatigue. (a) Welding must be performed by a
(2) Except for takeoff lines that can qualified welder in accordance with
be isolated from sources of pressure by welding procedures qualified to
other valving, a shutoff valve must be produce welds meeting the require-
installed in each takeoff line as near as ments of this subpart. The quality of
practicable to the point of takeoff. the test welds used to qualify the pro-
Blowdown valves must be installed cedure shall be determined by destruc-
where necessary. tive testing.
(3) Brass or copper material may not (b) Each welding procedure must be
be used for metal temperatures greater recorded in detail, including the results
than 400° F (204°C). of the qualifying tests. This record
(4) Pipe or components that may con- must be retained and followed when-
tain liquids must be protected by heat- ever the procedure is used.
ing or other means from damage due to [Amdt. 192–52, 51 FR 20297, June 4, 1986]
(5) Pipe or components in which liq- § 192.227 Qualification of welders.
uids may accumulate must have drains (a) Except as provided in paragraph
or drips. (b) of this section, each welder must be
(6) Pipe or components subject to qualified in accordance with section 3
clogging from solids or deposits must of API Standard 1104 or section IX of
have suitable connections for cleaning. the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel
(7) The arrangement of pipe, compo- Code. However, a welder qualified
nents, and supports must provide safe- under an earlier edition than listed in
ty under anticipated operating appendix A may weld but may not re-
stresses. qualify under that earlier edition.
(8) Each joint between sections of (b) A welder may qualify to perform
pipe, and between pipe and valves or welding on pipe to be operated at a
fittings, must be made in a manner pressure that produces a hoop stress of
suitable for the anticipated pressure less than 20 percent of SMYS by per-
and temperature condition. Slip type forming an acceptable test weld, for
expansion joints may not be used. Ex- the process to be used, under the test
pansion must be allowed for by pro- set forth in section I of Appendix C of
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Research and Special Programs Administration, DOT § 192.241
this part. Each welder who is to make accordance with the test in section III
a welded service line connection to a of Appendix C of this part.
main must first perform an acceptable [35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by
test weld under section II of Appendix Amdt. 192–37, 46 FR 10159, Feb. 2, 1981; Amdt.
C of this part as a requirement of the 192–78, 61 FR 28784, June 6, 1996; Amdt. 192–85,
qualifying test. 63 FR 37503, July 13, 1998]
[35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by § 192.231 Protection from weather.
Amdt. 192–43, 47 FR 46851, Oct. 21, 1982; Amdt.
192–52, 51 FR 20297, June 4, 1986; Amdt. 192–78, The welding operation must be pro-
61 FR 28784, June 6, 1996] tected from weather conditions that
would impair the quality of the com-
§ 192.229 Limitations on welders. pleted weld.
(a) No welder whose qualification is § 192.233 Miter joints.
based on nondestructive testing may
(a) A miter joint on steel pipe to be
weld compressor station pipe and com- operated at a pressure that produces a
ponents. hoop stress of 30 percent or more of
(b) No welder may weld with a par- SMYS may not deflect the pipe more
ticular welding process unless, within than 3°.
the preceding 6 calendar months, he (b) A miter joint on steel pipe to be
has engaged in welding with that proc- operated at a pressure that produces a
ess. hoop stress of less than 30 percent, but
(c) A welder qualified under more than 10 percent, of SMYS may
§ 192.227(a)— not deflect the pipe more than 121⁄2° and
(1) May not weld on pipe to be oper- must be a distance equal to one pipe di-
ated at a pressure that produces a hoop ameter or more away from any other
stress of 20 percent or more of SMYS miter joint, as measured from the
unless within the preceding 6 calendar crotch of each joint.
months the welder has had one weld (c) A miter joint on steel pipe to be
tested and found acceptable under sec- operated at a pressure that produces a
tion 3 or 6 of API Standard 1104, except hoop stress of 10 percent or less of
that a welder qualified under an earlier SMYS may not deflect the pipe more
edition previously listed in Appendix A than 90°.
of this part may weld but may not re- § 192.235 Preparation for welding.
qualify under that earlier edition; and
(2) May not weld on pipe to be oper- Before beginning any welding, the
ated at a pressure that produces a hoop welding surfaces must be clean and free
stress of less than 20 percent of SMYS of any material that may be detri-
unless the welder is tested in accord- mental to the weld, and the pipe or
ance with paragraph (c)(1) of this sec- component must be aligned to provide
tion or requalifies under paragraph the most favorable condition for depos-
(d)(1) or (d)(2) of this section. iting the root bead. This alignment
must be preserved while the root bead
(d) A welder qualified under
is being deposited.
§ 192.227(b) may not weld unless—
(1) Within the preceding 15 calendar § 192.241 Inspection and test of welds.
months, but at least once each cal- (a) Visual inspection of welding must
endar year, the welder has requalified be conducted to insure that:
under § 192.227(b); or (1) The welding is performed in ac-
(2) Within the preceding 71⁄2 calendar cordance with the welding procedure;
months, but at least twice each cal- and
endar year, the welder has had— (2) The weld is acceptable under para-
(i) A production weld cut out, tested, graph (c) of this section.
and found acceptable in accordance (b) The welds on a pipeline to be op-
with the qualifying test; or erated at a pressure that produces a
(ii) For welders who work only on hoop stress of 20 percent or more of
service lines 2 inches (51 millimeters) SMYS must be nondestructively tested
or smaller in diameter, two sample in accordance with § 192.243, except that
welds tested and found acceptable in welds that are visually inspected and
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§ 192.243 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–03 Edition)
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Research and Special Programs Administration, DOT § 192.281
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§ 192.283 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–03 Edition)
(1) The gasket material in the cou- less than 25 percent or failure initiates
pling must be compatible with the outside the joint area, the procedure
plastic. qualifies for use.
(2) A rigid internal tubular stiffener, (b) Mechanical joints. Before any writ-
other than a split tubular stiffener, ten procedure established under
must be used in conjunction with the § 192.273(b) is used for making mechan-
coupling. ical plastic pipe joints that are de-
[35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by signed to withstand tensile forces, the
Amdt. 192–34, 44 FR 42973, July 23, 1979; procedure must be qualified by sub-
Amdt. 192–58, 53 FR 1635, Jan. 21, 1988; Amdt. jecting 5 specimen joints made accord-
192–61, 53 FR 36793, Sept. 22, 1988; 58 FR 14521, ing to the procedure to the following
Mar. 18, 1993; Amdt. 192–78, 61 FR 28784, June
6, 1996] tensile test:
(1) Use an apparatus for the test as
§ 192.283 Plastic pipe: qualifying join- specified in ASTM D 638 (except for
ing procedures. conditioning).
(a) Heat fusion, solvent cement, and ad- (2) The specimen must be of such
hesive joints. Before any written proce- length that the distance between the
dure established under § 192.273(b) is grips of the apparatus and the end of
used for making plastic pipe joints by a the stiffener does not affect the joint
heat fusion, solvent cement, or adhe- strength.
sive method, the procedure must be (3) The speed of testing is 0.20 in (5.0
qualified by subjecting specimen joints mm) per minute, plus or minus 25 per-
made according to the procedure to the cent.
following tests: (4) Pipe specimens less than 4 inches
(1) The burst test requirements of— (102 mm) in diameter are qualified if
(i) In the case of thermoplastic pipe, the pipe yields to an elongation of no
paragraph 6.6 (Sustained Pressure Test)
less than 25 percent or failure initiates
or paragraph 6.7 (Minimum Hydrostatic
outside the joint area.
Burst Pressure (Quick Burst)) of ASTM
D 2513; (5) Pipe specimens 4 inches (102 mm)
(ii) In the case of thermosetting plas- and larger in diameter shall be pulled
tic pipe, paragraph 8.5 (Minimum Hy- until the pipe is subjected to a tensile
drostatic Burst Pressure) or paragraph stress equal to or greater than the
8.9 (Sustained Static Pressure Test) of maximum thermal stress that would be
ASTM D2517; or produced by a temperature change of
(iii) In the case of electrofusion fit- 100°F (38°C) or until the pipe is pulled
tings for polyethylene pipe and tubing, from the fitting. If the pipe pulls from
paragraph 9.1 (Minimum Hydraulic the fitting, the lowest value of the five
Burst Pressure Test), paragraph 9.2 test results or the manufacturer’s rat-
(Sustained Pressure Test), paragraph ing, whichever is lower must be used in
9.3 (Tensile Strength Test), or para- the design calculations for stress.
graph 9.4 (Joint Integrity Tests) of (6) Each specimen that fails at the
ASTM Designation F1055. grips must be retested using new pipe.
(2) For procedures intended for lat- (7) Results obtained pertain only to
eral pipe connections, subject a speci- the specific outside diameter, and ma-
men joint made from pipe sections terial of the pipe tested, except that
joined at right angles according to the
testing of a heavier wall pipe may be
procedure to a force on the lateral pipe
used to qualify pipe of the same mate-
until failure occurs in the specimen. If
rial but with a lesser wall thickness.
failure initiates outside the joint area,
the procedure qualifies for use; and (c) A copy of each written procedure
(3) For procedures intended for non- being used for joining plastic pipe must
lateral pipe connections, follow the be available to the persons making and
tensile test requirements of ASTM inspecting joints.
D638, except that the test may be con- (d) Pipe or fittings manufactured be-
ducted at ambient temperature and hu- fore July 1, 1980, may be used in ac-
midity. If the specimen elongates no cordance with procedures that the
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Research and Special Programs Administration, DOT § 192.309
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§ 192.311 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–03 Edition)
the remaining wall thickness must at (e) Each gouge, groove, arc burn, or
least be equal to either: dent that is removed from a length of
(1) The minimum thickness required pipe must be removed by cutting out
by the tolerances in the specification the damaged portion as a cylinder.
to which the pipe was manufactured; or
[35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by
(2) The nominal wall thickness re-
Amdt. 192–1, 35 FR 17660, Nov. 17, 1970; Amdt.
quired for the design pressure of the 192–85, 63 FR 37503, July 13, 1998; Amdt. 192–
pipeline. 88, 64 FR 69664, Dec. 14, 1999]
(b) Each of the following dents must
be removed from steel pipe to be oper- § 192.311 Repair of plastic pipe.
ated at a pressure that produces a hoop
Each imperfection or damage that
stress of 20 percent, or more, of SMYS,
unless the dent is repaired by a method would impair the serviceability of plas-
that reliable engineering tests and tic pipe must be repaired by a patching
analyses show can permanently restore saddle or removed.
the serviceability of the pipe: EFFECTIVE DATE NOTE: By Amdt. 192–93, 68
(1) A dent that contains a stress con- FR 53900, Sept. 15, 2003, § 192.311 was revised,
centrator such as a scratch, gouge, effective October 15, 2003. For the conven-
groove, or arc burn. ience of the user, the revised text is set forth
(2) A dent that affects the longitu- as follows:
dinal weld or a circumferential weld. § 192.311 Repair of plastic pipe.
(3) In pipe to be operated at a pres-
Each imperfection or damage that would
sure that produces a hoop stress of 40 impair the serviceability of plastic pipe must
percent or more of SMYS, a dent that be repaired or removed.
has a depth of:
(i) More than 1⁄4 inch (6.4 millimeters) § 192.313 Bends and elbows.
in pipe 123⁄4 inches (324 millimeters) or
less in outer diameter; or (a) Each field bend in steel pipe,
(ii) More than 2 percent of the nomi- other than a wrinkle bend made in ac-
nal pipe diameter in pipe over 123⁄4 cordance with § 192.315, must comply
inches (324 millimeters) in outer di- with the following:
ameter. (1) A bend must not impair the serv-
iceability of the pipe.
For the purpose of this section a
‘‘dent’’ is a depression that produces a (2) Each bend must have a smooth
gross disturbance in the curvature of contour and be free from buckling,
the pipe wall without reducing the cracks, or any other mechanical dam-
pipe-wall thickness. The depth of a age.
dent is measured as the gap between (3) On pipe containing a longitudinal
the lowest point of the dent and a pro- weld, the longitudinal weld must be as
longation of the original contour of the near as practicable to the neutral axis
pipe. of the bend unless:
(c) Each arc burn on steel pipe to be (i) The bend is made with an internal
operated at a pressure that produces a bending mandrel; or
hoop stress of 40 percent, or more, of (ii) The pipe is 12 inches (305 millime-
SMYS must be repaired or removed. If ters) or less in outside diameter or has
a repair is made by grinding, the arc a diameter to wall thickness ratio less
burn must be completely removed and than 70.
the remaining wall thickness must be (b) Each circumferential weld of steel
at least equal to either: pipe which is located where the stress
(1) The minimum wall thickness re- during bending causes a permanent de-
quired by the tolerances in the speci- formation in the pipe must be non-
fication to which the pipe was manu- destructively tested either before or
factured; or after the bending process.
(2) The nominal wall thickness re- (c) Wrought-steel welding elbows and
quired for the design pressure of the transverse segments of these elbows
pipeline. may not be used for changes in direc-
(d) A gouge, groove, arc burn, or dent tion on steel pipe that is 2 inches (51
may not be repaired by insert patching millimeters) or more in diameter un-
or by pounding out. less the arc length, as measured along
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Research and Special Programs Administration, DOT § 192.321
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§ 192.323 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–03 Edition)
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Research and Special Programs Administration, DOT § 192.353
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§ 192.355 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–03 Edition)
be protected from corrosion and other dam- (b) Each newly installed meter manu-
age, including, if installed outside a build- factured after November 12, 1970, must
ing, vehicular damage that may be antici- have been tested to a minimum of 10
pated. * * *
p.s.i. (69 kPa) gage.
(c) A rebuilt or repaired tinned steel
* * * * * case meter may not be used at a pres-
sure that is more than 50 percent of the
§ 192.355 Customer meters and regu- pressure used to test the meter after
lators: Protection from damage.
rebuilding or repairing.
(a) Protection from vacuum or back
pressure. If the customer’s equipment [35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by
Amdt. 192–1, 35 FR 17660, Nov. 17, 1970; Amdt.
might create either a vacuum or a back 192–85, 63 FR 37503, July 13, 1998]
pressure, a device must be installed to
protect the system. § 192.361 Service lines: Installation.
(b) Service regulator vents and relief
(a) Depth. Each buried service line
vents. Service regulator vents and re-
must be installed with at least 12
lief vents must terminate outdoors,
inches (305 millimeters) of cover in pri-
and the outdoor terminal must—
vate property and at least 18 inches
(1) Be rain and insect resistant;
(457 millimeters) of cover in streets and
(2) Be located at a place where gas
roads. However, where an underground
from the vent can escape freely into
structure prevents installation at
the atmosphere and away from any
those depths, the service line must be
opening into the building; and
able to withstand any anticipated ex-
(3) Be protected from damage caused
ternal load.
by submergence in areas where flood-
(b) Support and backfill. Each service
ing may occur.
line must be properly supported on un-
(c) Pits and vaults. Each pit or vault
disturbed or well-compacted soil, and
that houses a customer meter or regu-
material used for backfill must be free
lator at a place where vehicular traffic
of materials that could damage the
is anticipated, must be able to support
pipe or its coating.
that traffic.
(c) Grading for drainage. Where con-
[35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by densate in the gas might cause inter-
Amdt. 192–58, 53 FR 1635, Jan. 21, 1988] ruption in the gas supply to the cus-
tomer, the service line must be graded
§ 192.357 Customer meters and regu- so as to drain into the main or into
lators: Installation.
drips at the low points in the service
(a) Each meter and each regulator line.
must be installed so as to minimize an- (d) Protection against piping strain and
ticipated stresses upon the connecting external loading. Each service line must
piping and the meter. be installed so as to minimize antici-
(b) When close all-thread nipples are pated piping strain and external load-
used, the wall thickness remaining ing.
after the threads are cut must meet (e) Installation of service lines into
the minimum wall thickness require- buildings. Each underground service
ments of this part. line installed below grade through the
(c) Connections made of lead or other outer foundation wall of a building
easily damaged material may not be must:
used in the installation of meters or (1) In the case of a metal service line,
regulators. be protected against corrosion;
(d) Each regulator that might release (2) In the case of a plastic service
gas in its operation must be vented to line, be protected from shearing action
the outside atmosphere. and backfill settlement; and
(3) Be sealed at the foundation wall
§ 192.359 Customer meter installations: to prevent leakage into the building.
Operating pressure. (f) Installation of service lines under
(a) A meter may not be used at a buildings. Where an underground serv-
pressure that is more than 67 percent ice line is installed under a building:
of the manufacturer’s shell test pres- (1) It must be encased in a gas tight
sure. conduit;
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Research and Special Programs Administration, DOT § 192.371
(2) The conduit and the service line (b) Outside valves. Each service line
must, if the service line supplies the must have a shut-off valve in a readily
building it underlies, extend into a nor- accessible location that, if feasible, is
mally usable and accessible part of the outside of the building.
building; and (c) Underground valves. Each under-
(3) The space between the conduit ground service-line valve must be lo-
and the service line must be sealed to cated in a covered durable curb box or
prevent gas leakage into the building standpipe that allows ready operation
and, if the conduit is sealed at both of the valve and is supported independ-
ends, a vent line from the annular ently of the service lines.
space must extend to a point where gas
would not be a hazard, and extend § 192.367 Service lines: General re-
above grade, terminating in a rain and quirements for connections to main
insect resistant fitting. piping.
(a) Location. Each service line con-
[35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by
Amdt. 192–75, 61 FR 18517, Apr. 26, 1996; Amdt. nection to a main must be located at
192–85, 63 FR 37503, July 13, 1998] the top of the main or, if that is not
practical, at the side of the main, un-
EFFECTIVE DATE NOTE: By Amdt. 192–93, 68
less a suitable protective device is in-
FR 53900, Sept. 15, 2003, § 192.361 was amended
by adding paragraph (g), effective October 15, stalled to minimize the possibility of
2003. For the convenience of the user, the dust and moisture being carried from
added text is set forth as follows; the main into the service line.
(b) Compression-type connection to
§ 192.361 Service lines: Installation. main. Each compression-type service
line to main connection must:
* * * * * (1) Be designed and installed to effec-
(g) Locating underground service lines. Each tively sustain the longitudinal pull-out
underground nonmetallic service line that is or thrust forces caused by contraction
not encased must have a means of locating or expansion of the piping, or by antici-
the pipe that complies with § 192.321(e). pated external or internal loading; and
(2) If gaskets are used in connecting
§ 192.363 Service lines: Valve require- the service line to the main connection
fitting, have gaskets that are compat-
(a) Each service line must have a ible with the kind of gas in the system.
service-line valve that meets the appli-
[35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by
cable requirements of subparts B and D
Amdt. 192–75, 61 FR 18517, Apr. 26, 1996]
of this part. A valve incorporated in a
meter bar, that allows the meter to be § 192.369 Service lines: Connections to
bypassed, may not be used as a service- cast iron or ductile iron mains.
line valve.
(a) Each service line connected to a
(b) A soft seat service line valve may
cast iron or ductile iron main must be
not be used if its ability to control the
connected by a mechanical clamp, by
flow of gas could be adversely affected
drilling and tapping the main, or by
by exposure to anticipated heat.
another method meeting the require-
(c) Each service-line valve on a high-
ments of § 192.273.
pressure service line, installed above
ground or in an area where the blowing (b) If a threaded tap is being inserted,
of gas would be hazardous, must be de- the requirements of § 192.151 (b) and (c)
signed and constructed to minimize the must also be met.
possibility of the removal of the core of § 192.371 Service lines: Steel.
the valve with other than specialized
tools. Each steel service line to be operated
at less than 100 p.s.i. (689 kPa) gage
§ 192.365 Service lines: Location of must be constructed of pipe designed
valves. for a minimum of 100 p.s.i. (689 kPa)
(a) Relation to regulator or meter. Each gage.
service-line valve must be installed up- [Amdt. 192–1, 35 FR 17660, Nov. 17, 1970, as
stream of the regulator or, if there is amended by Amdt. 192–85, 63 FR 37503, July
no regulator, upstream of the meter. 13, 1998]
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§ 192.373 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–03 Edition)
§ 192.373 Service lines: Cast iron and (c) The customer’s piping must be
ductile iron. physically disconnected from the gas
supply and the open pipe ends sealed.
(a) Cast or ductile iron pipe less than
6 inches (152 millimeters) in diameter [Amdt. 192–8, 37 FR 20694, Oct. 3, 1972]
may not be installed for service lines.
(b) If cast iron pipe or ductile iron § 192.381 Service lines: Excess flow
valve performance standards.
pipe is installed for use as a service
line, the part of the service line which (a) Excess flow valves to be used on
extends through the building wall must single residence service lines that oper-
be of steel pipe. ate continuously throughout the year
(c) A cast iron or ductile iron service at a pressure not less than 10 p.s.i. (69
line may not be installed in unstable kPa) gage must be manufactured and
soil or under a building. tested by the manufacturer according
to an industry specification, or the
[35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by manufacturer’s written specification,
Amdt. 192–85, 63 FR 37503, July 13, 1998] to ensure that each valve will:
(1) Function properly up to the max-
§ 192.375 Service lines: Plastic. imum operating pressure at which the
(a) Each plastic service line outside a valve is rated;
building must be installed below (2) Function properly at all tempera-
ground level, except that— tures reasonably expected in the oper-
(1) It may be installed in accordance ating environment of the service line;
with § 192.321(g); and (3) At 10 p.s.i. (69 kPa) gage:
(2) It may terminate above ground (i) Close at, or not more than 50 per-
level and outside the building, if— cent above, the rated closure flow rate
specified by the manufacturer; and
(i) The above ground level part of the
(ii) Upon closure, reduce gas flow—
plastic service line is protected against
(A) For an excess flow valve designed
deterioration and external damage; and
to allow pressure to equalize across the
(ii) The plastic service line is not valve, to no more than 5 percent of the
used to support external loads. manufacturer’s specified closure flow
(b) Each plastic service line inside a rate, up to a maximum of 20 cubic feet
building must be protected against ex- per hour (0.57 cubic meters per hour);
ternal damage. or
[35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by (B) For an excess flow valve designed
Amdt. 192–78, 61 FR 28785, June 6, 1996] to prevent equalization of pressure
across the valve, to no more than 0.4
§ 192.377 Service lines: Copper. cubic feet per hour (.01 cubic meters
Each copper service line installed per hour); and
within a building must be protected (4) Not close when the pressure is less
against external damage. than the manufacturer’s minimum
specified operating pressure and the
§ 192.379 New service lines not in use. flow rate is below the manufacturer’s
minimum specified closure flow rate.
Each service line that is not placed (b) An excess flow valve must meet
in service upon completion of installa- the applicable requirements of Sub-
tion must comply with one of the fol- parts B and D of this part.
lowing until the customer is supplied (c) An operator must mark or other-
with gas: wise identify the presence of an excess
(a) The valve that is closed to pre- flow valve in the service line.
vent the flow of gas to the customer (d) An operator shall locate an excess
must be provided with a locking device flow valve as near as practical to the
or other means designed to prevent the fitting connecting the service line to
opening of the valve by persons other its source of gas supply.
than those authorized by the operator. (e) An operator should not install an
(b) A mechanical device or fitting excess flow valve on a service line
that will prevent the flow of gas must where the operator has prior experi-
be installed in the service line or in the ence with contaminants in the gas
meter assembly. stream, where these contaminants
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Research and Special Programs Administration, DOT § 192.383
could be expected to cause the excess stall an EFV, the customer bears all
flow valve to malfunction or where the costs associated with installation, and
excess flow valve would interfere with what those costs are. The notice must
necessary operation and maintenance alert the customer that the costs for
activities on the service, such as blow- maintaining and replacing an EFV may
ing liquids from the line. later be incurred, and what those costs
[Amdt. 192–79, 61 FR 31459, June 20, 1996, as
will be, to the extent known.
amended by Amdt. 192–80, 62 FR 2619, Jan. 17, (d) When notification and installation
1997; Amdt. 192–85, 63 FR 37504, July 13, 1998] must be made. (1) After February 3, 1999
an operator must notify each service
§ 192.383 Excess flow valve customer line customer set forth in paragraph (b)
notification. of this section:
(a) Definitions. As used in this sec- (i) On new service lines when the cus-
tion: tomer applies for service.
Costs associated with installation (ii) On replaced service lines when
means the costs directly connected the operator determines the service
with installing an excess flow valve, for line will be replaced.
example, costs of parts, labor, inven- (2) If a service line customer requests
tory and procurement. It does not in- installation an operator must install
clude maintenance and replacement the EFV at a mutually agreeable date.
costs until such costs are incurred. (e) What records are required. (1) An
Replaced service line means a natural operator must make the following
gas service line where the fitting that records available for inspection by the
connects the service line to the main is Administrator or a State agency par-
replaced or the piping connected to ticipating under 49 U.S.C. 60105 or 60106:
this fitting is replaced. (i) A copy of the notice currently in
Service line customer means the person use; and
who pays the gas bill, or where service (ii) Evidence that notice has been
has not yet been established, the per- sent to the service line customers set
son requesting service. forth in paragraph (b) of this section,
(b) Which customers must receive notifi- within the previous three years.
cation. Notification is required on each (2) [Reserved]
newly installed service line or replaced (f) When notification is not required.
service line that operates continuously The notification requirements do not
throughout the year at a pressure not apply if the operator can dem-
less than 68.9 kPa (10 psig) and that onstrate—
serves a single residence. On these lines (1) That the operator will voluntarily
an operator of a natural gas distribu- install an excess flow valve or that the
tion system must notify the service state or local jurisdiction requires in-
line customer once in writing. stallation;
(c) What to put in the written notice. (2) That excess flow valves meeting
(1) An explanation for the customer the performance standards in § 192.381
that an excess flow valve meeting the are not available to the operator;
performance standards prescribed (3) That the operator has prior expe-
under § 192.381 is available for the oper- rience with contaminants in the gas
ator to install if the customer bears stream that could interfere with the
the costs associated with installation; operation of an excess flow valve, cause
(2) An explanation for the customer loss of service to a residence, or inter-
of the potential safety benefits that fere with necessary operation or main-
may be derived from installing an ex- tenance activities, such as blowing liq-
cess flow valve. The explanation must uids from the line.
include that an excess flow valve is de- (4) That an emergency or short time
signed to shut off flow of natural gas notice replacement situation made it
automatically if the service line impractical for the operator to notify a
breaks; service line customer before replacing
(3) A description of installation, a service line. Examples of these situa-
maintenance, and replacement costs. tions would be where an operator has
The notice must explain that if the to replace a service line quickly be-
customer requests the operator to in- cause of—
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§ 192.451 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–03 Edition)
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Research and Special Programs Administration, DOT § 192.461
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§ 192.463 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–03 Edition)
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Research and Special Programs Administration, DOT § 192.471
leak detection survey, or by other (c) Except for unprotected copper in-
means. serted in ferrous pipe, each pipeline
[Amdt. 192–4, 36 FR 12302, June 30, 1971, as must be electrically isolated from me-
amended by Amdt. 192–33, 43 FR 39390, Sept. tallic casings that are a part of the un-
5, 1978; Amdt. 192–35A, 45 FR 23441, Apr. 7, derground system. However, if isola-
1980; Amdt. 192–85, 63 FR 37504, July 13, 1998] tion is not achieved because it is im-
EFFECTIVE DATE NOTE: By Amdt. 192–93, 68 practical, other measures must be
FR 53900, Sept. 15, 2003, § 192.465 was amended taken to minimize corrosion of the
by revising paragraph (e), effective October pipeline inside the casing.
15, 2003. For the convenience of the user, the (d) Inspection and electrical tests
revised text is set forth as follows:
must be made to assure that electrical
§ 192.465 External corrosion control: Moni- isolation is adequate.
toring. (e) An insulating device may not be
installed in an area where a combus-
* * * * * tible atmosphere is anticipated unless
(e) After the initial evaluation required by precautions are taken to prevent arc-
§§ 192.455(b) and (c) and 192.457(b), each oper- ing.
ator must, not less than every 3 years at in- (f) Where a pipeline is located in
tervals not exceeding 39 months, reevaluate
its unprotected pipelines and cathodically
close proximity to electrical trans-
protect them in accordance with this subpart mission tower footings, ground cables
in areas in which active corrosion is found. or counterpoise, or in other areas
The operator must determine the areas of ac- where fault currents or unusual risk of
tive corrosion by electrical survey. However, lightning may be anticipated, it must
on distribution lines and where an electrical be provided with protection against
survey is impractical on transmission lines,
areas of active corrosion may be determined
damage due to fault currents or light-
by other means that include review and anal- ning, and protective measures must
ysis of leak repair and inspection records, also be taken at insulating devices.
corrosion monitoring records, exposed pipe
inspection records, and the pipeline environ- [Amdt. 192–4, 36 FR 12302, June 30, 1971, as
ment. In this section: amended by Amdt. 192–33, 43 FR 39390, Sept.
(1) Active corrosion means continuing corro- 5, 1978]
sion which, unless controlled, could result in
a condition that is detrimental to public § 192.469 External corrosion control:
safety. Test stations.
(2) Electrical survey means a series of close-
Each pipeline under cathodic protec-
ly spaced pipe-to-soil readings over a pipe-
line that are subsequently analyzed to iden- tion required by this subpart must
tify locations where a corrosive current is have sufficient test stations or other
leaving the pipeline. contact points for electrical measure-
(3) Pipeline environment includes soil resis- ment to determine the adequacy of ca-
tivity (high or low), soil moisture (wet or thodic protection.
dry), soil contaminants that may promote
corrosive activity, and other known condi- [Amdt. 192–27, 41 FR 34606, Aug. 16, 1976]
tions that could affect the probability of ac-
tive corrosion. § 192.471 External corrosion control:
Test leads.
§ 192.467 External corrosion control:
Electrical isolation. (a) Each test lead wire must be con-
nected to the pipeline so as to remain
(a) Each buried or submerged pipe-
line must be electrically isolated from mechanically secure and electrically
other underground metallic structures, conductive.
unless the pipeline and the other struc- (b) Each test lead wire must be at-
tures are electrically interconnected tached to the pipeline so as to mini-
and cathodically protected as a single mize stress concentration on the pipe.
unit. (c) Each bared test lead wire and
(b) One or more insulating devices bared metallic area at point of connec-
must be installed where electrical iso- tion to the pipeline must be coated
lation of a portion of a pipeline is nec- with an electrical insulating material
essary to facilitate the application of compatible with the pipe coating and
corrosion control. the insulation on the wire.
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§ 192.473 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–03 Edition)
§ 192.473 External corrosion control: year, but with intervals not exceeding
Interference currents. 71⁄2 months.
(a) Each operator whose pipeline sys- [Amdt. 192–33, 43 FR 39390, Sept. 5, 1978]
tem is subjected to stray currents shall
have in effect a continuing program to § 192.479 Atmospheric corrosion con-
minimize the detrimental effects of trol: General.
such currents. (a) Pipelines installed after July 31,
(b) Each impressed current type ca- 1971. Each aboveground pipeline or por-
thodic protection system or galvanic tion of a pipeline installed after July
anode system must be designed and in- 31, 1971 that is exposed to the atmos-
stalled so as to minimize any adverse phere must be cleaned and either coat-
effects on existing adjacent under- ed or jacketed with a material suitable
ground metallic structures. for the prevention of atmospheric cor-
[Amdt. 192–4, 36 FR 12302, June 30, 1971, as rosion. An operator need not comply
amended by Amdt. 192–33, 43 FR 39390, Sept. with this paragraph, if the operator
5, 1978] can demonstrate by test, investigation,
or experience in the area of applica-
§ 192.475 Internal corrosion control: tion, that a corrosive atmosphere does
General. not exist.
(a) Corrosive gas may not be trans- (b) Pipelines installed before August 1,
ported by pipeline, unless the corrosive 1971. Each operator having an above-
effect of the gas on the pipeline has ground pipeline or portion of a pipeline
been investigated and steps have been installed before August 1, 1971 that is
taken to minimize internal corrosion. exposed to the atmosphere, shall—
(b) Whenever any pipe is removed (1) Determine the areas of atmos-
from a pipeline for any reason, the in- pheric corrosion on the pipeline;
ternal surface must be inspected for (2) If atmospheric corrosion is found,
evidence of corrosion. If internal corro- take remedial measures to the extent
sion is found— required by the applicable paragraphs
(1) The adjacent pipe must be inves- of §§ 192.485, 192.487, or 192.489; and
tigated to determine the extent of in- (3) Clean and either coat or jacket
ternal corrosion; the areas of atmospheric corrosion on
(2) Replacement must be made to the the pipeline with a material suitable
extent required by the applicable para- for the prevention of atmospheric cor-
graphs of §§ 192.485, 192.487, or 192.489; rosion.
and [Amdt. 192–4, 36 FR 12302, June 30, 1971, as
(3) Steps must be taken to minimize amended by Amdt. 192–33, 43 FR 39390, Sept.
the internal corrosion. 5, 1978]
(c) Gas containing more than 0.25
EFFECTIVE DATE NOTE: By Amdt. 192–93, 68
grain of hydrogen sulfide per 100 cubic FR 53901, Sept. 15, 2003, § 192.479 was revised,
feet (5.8 milligrams/m.3) at standard effective October 15, 2003. For the conven-
conditions (4 parts per million) may ience of the user, the revised text is set forth
not be stored in pipe-type or bottle- as follows:
type holders.
§ 192.479 Atmospheric corrosion control:
[Amdt. 192–4, 36 FR 12302, June 30, 1971, as General.
amended by Amdt. 192–33, 43 FR 39390, Sept. (a) Each operator must clean and coat each
5, 1978; Amdt. 192–78, 61 FR 28785, June 6, 1996; pipeline or portion of pipeline that is ex-
Amdt. 192–85, 63 FR 37504, July 13, 1998] posed to the atmosphere, except pipelines
under paragraph (c) of this section.
§ 192.477 Internal corrosion control: (b) Coating material must be suitable for
Monitoring. the prevention of atmospheric corrosion.
If corrosive gas is being transported, (c) Except portions of pipelines in offshore
coupons or other suitable means must splash zones or soil-to-air interfaces, the op-
erator need not protect from atmospheric
be used to determine the effectiveness corrosion any pipeline for which the operator
of the steps taken to minimize internal demonstrates by test, investigation, or expe-
corrosion. Each coupon or other means rience appropriate to the environment of the
of monitoring internal corrosion must pipeline that corrosion will—
be checked two times each calendar (1) Only be a light surface oxide; or
VerDate jul<14>2003 05:43 Oct 24, 2003 Jkt 200205 PO 00000 Frm 00068 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8003 Y:\SGML\200205T.XXX 200205T
Research and Special Programs Administration, DOT § 192.487
(2) Not affect the safe operation of the external corrosion must be cathodi-
pipeline before the next scheduled inspec- cally protected in accordance with this
tion. subpart.
§ 192.481 Atmospheric corrosion con- (c) Except for cast iron or ductile
trol: Monitoring. iron pipe, each segment of buried or
submerged pipe that is required to be
After meeting the requirements of repaired because of external corrosion
§ 192.479 (a) and (b), each operator shall, must be cathodically protected in ac-
at intervals not exceeding 3 years for cordance with this subpart.
onshore pipelines and at least once
each calendar year, but with intervals § 192.485 Remedial measures: Trans-
not exceeding 15 months, for offshore mission lines.
pipelines, reevaluate each pipeline that
(a) General corrosion. Each segment of
is exposed to the atmosphere and take
transmission line with general corro-
remedial action whenever necessary to
sion and with a remaining wall thick-
maintain protection against atmos-
ness less than that required for the
pheric corrosion.
MAOP of the pipeline must be replaced
[Amdt. 192–33, 43 FR 39390, Sept. 5, 1978] or the operating pressure reduced com-
EFFECTIVE DATE NOTE: By Amdt. 192–93, 68 mensurate with the strength of the
FR 53901, Sept. 15, 2003, § 192.481 was revised, pipe based on actual remaining wall
effective October 15, 2003. For the conven- thickness. However, corroded pipe may
ience of the user, the revised text is set forth be repaired by a method that reliable
as follows: engineering tests and analyses show
§ 192.481 Atmospheric corrosion control: can permanently restore the service-
Monitoring. ability of the pipe. Corrosion pitting so
(a) Each operator must inspect each pipe- closely grouped as to affect the overall
line or portion of pipeline that is exposed to strength of the pipe is considered gen-
the atmosphere for evidence of atmospheric eral corrosion for the purpose of this
corrosion, as follows: paragraph.
If the pipeline is lo- (b) Localized corrosion pitting. Each
Then the frequency of inspection is:
cated: segment of transmission line pipe with
Onshore ................. At least once every 3 calendar years,
localized corrosion pitting to a degree
but with intervals not exceeding 39 where leakage might result must be re-
months placed or repaired, or the operating
Offshore ................. At least once each calendar year, but pressure must be reduced commensu-
with intervals not exceeding 15
months rate with the strength of the pipe,
based on the actual remaining wall
(b) During inspections the operator must thickness in the pits.
give particular attention to pipe at soil-to- (c) Under paragraphs (a) and (b) of
air interfaces, under thermal insulation, this section, the strength of pipe based
under disbonded coatings, at pipe supports, on actual remaining wall thickness
in splash zones, at deck penetrations, and in
may be determined by the procedure in
spans over water.
(c) If atmospheric corrosion is found during ASME/ANSI B31G or the procedure in
an inspection, the operator must provide AGA Pipeline Research Committee
protection against the corrosion as required Project PR 3–805 (with RSTRENG
by § 192.479. disk). Both procedures apply to cor-
roded regions that do not penetrate the
§ 192.483 Remedial measures: General. pipe wall, subject to the limitations
(a) Each segment of metallic pipe prescribed in the procedures.
that replaces pipe removed from a bur- [Amdt. 192–4, 36 FR 12302, June 30, 1971, as
ied or submerged pipeline because of amended by Amdt. 192–33, 43 FR 39390, Sept.
external corrosion must have a prop- 5, 1978; Amdt. 192–78, 61 FR 28785, June 6, 1996;
erly prepared surface and must be pro- Amdt. 192–88, 64 FR 69664, Dec. 14, 1999]
vided with an external protective coat-
ing that meets the requirements of § 192.487 Remedial measures: Distribu-
§ 192.461. tion lines other than cast iron or
(b) Each segment of metallic pipe ductile iron lines.
that replaces pipe removed from a bur- (a) General corrosion. Except for cast
ied or submerged pipeline because of iron or ductile iron pipe, each segment
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§ 192.489 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–03 Edition)
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Research and Special Programs Administration, DOT § 192.509
must be leak tested at not less than its to at least the pressure required for the
operating pressure. pipeline to which it is being added.
[35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by
(e) For fabricated units and short
Amdt. 192–58, 53 FR 1635, Jan. 21, 1988; Amdt. sections of pipe, for which a post in-
192–60, 53 FR 36029, Sept. 16, 1988; Amdt. 192– stallation test is impractical, a pre-
60A, 54 FR 5485, Feb. 3, 1989] installation strength test must be con-
ducted by maintaining the pressure at
§ 192.505 Strength test requirements or above the test pressure for at least
for steel pipeline to operate at a 4 hours.
hoop stress of 30 percent or more of
SMYS. [35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by
Amdt. 192–85, 63 FR 37504, July 13, 1998]
(a) Except for service lines, each seg-
ment of a steel pipeline that is to oper- § 192.507 Test requirements for pipe-
ate at a hoop stress of 30 percent or lines to operate at a hoop stress less
more of SMYS must be strength tested than 30 percent of SMYS and at or
in accordance with this section to sub- above 100 p.s.i. (689 kPa) gage.
stantiate the proposed maximum al- Except for service lines and plastic
lowable operating pressure. In addi- pipelines, each segment of a pipeline
tion, in a Class 1 or Class 2 location, if that is to be operated at a hoop stress
there is a building intended for human less than 30 percent of SMYS and at or
occupancy within 300 feet (91 meters) of above 100 p.s.i. (689 kPa) gage must be
a pipeline, a hydrostatic test must be tested in accordance with the fol-
conducted to a test pressure of at least lowing:
125 percent of maximum operating
(a) The pipeline operator must use a
pressure on that segment of the pipe-
test procedure that will ensure dis-
line within 300 feet (91 meters) of such
covery of all potentially hazardous
a building, but in no event may the
leaks in the segment being tested.
test section be less than 600 feet (183
(b) If, during the test, the segment is
meters) unless the length of the newly
to be stressed to 20 percent or more of
installed or relocated pipe is less than
SMYS and natural gas, inert gas, or air
600 feet (183 meters). However, if the
is the test medium—
buildings are evacuated while the hoop
stress exceeds 50 percent of SMYS, air (1) A leak test must be made at a
or inert gas may be used as the test pressure between 100 p.s.i. (689 kPa)
medium. gage and the pressure required to
(b) In a Class 1 or Class 2 location, produce a hoop stress of 20 percent of
each compressor station regulator sta- SMYS; or
tion, and measuring station, must be (2) The line must be walked to check
tested to at least Class 3 location test for leaks while the hoop stress is held
requirements. at approximately 20 percent of SMYS.
(c) Except as provided in paragraph (c) The pressure must be maintained
(e) of this section, the strength test at or above the test pressure for at
must be conducted by maintaining the least 1 hour.
pressure at or above the test pressure [35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by
for at least 8 hours. Amdt. 192–58, 53 FR 1635, Jan. 21, 1988; Amdt.
(d) If a component other than pipe is 192–85, 63 FR 37504, July 13, 1998]
the only item being replaced or added
to a pipeline, a strength test after in- § 192.509 Test requirements for pipe-
stallation is not required, if the manu- lines to operate below 100 p.s.i. (689
facturer of the component certifies kPa) gage.
that— Except for service lines and plastic
(1) The component was tested to at pipelines, each segment of a pipeline
least the pressure required for the pipe- that is to be operated below 100 p.s.i.
line to which it is being added; or (689 kPa) gage must be leak tested in
(2) The component was manufactured accordance with the following:
under a quality control system that en- (a) The test procedure used must en-
sures that each item manufactured is sure discovery of all potentially haz-
at least equal in strength to a proto- ardous leaks in the segment being test-
type and that the prototype was tested ed.
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§ 192.511 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–03 Edition)
(b) Each main that is to be operated (d) During the test, the temperature
at less than 1 p.s.i. (6.9 kPa) gage must of thermoplastic material may not be
be tested to at least 10 p.s.i. (69 kPa) more than 100°F (38°C), or the tempera-
gage and each main to be operated at ture at which the material’s long-term
or above 1 p.s.i. (6.9 kPa) gage must be hydrostatic strength has been deter-
tested to at least 90 p.s.i. (621 kPa) mined under the listed specification,
gage. whichever is greater.
[35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by [35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by
Amdt. 192–58, 53 FR 1635, Jan. 21, 1988; Amdt. Amdt. 192–77, 61 FR 27793, June 3, 1996; 61 FR
192–85, 63 FR 37504, July 13, 1998] 45905, Aug. 30, 1996; Amdt. 192–85, 63 FR 37504,
July 13, 1998]
§ 192.511 Test requirements for service
lines. § 192.515 Environmental protection
(a) Each segment of a service line and safety requirements.
(other than plastic) must be leak test- (a) In conducting tests under this
ed in accordance with this section be- subpart, each operator shall insure
fore being placed in service. If feasible, that every reasonable precaution is
the service line connection to the main taken to protect its employees and the
must be included in the test; if not fea- general public during the testing.
sible, it must be given a leakage test at Whenever the hoop stress of the seg-
the operating pressure when placed in ment of the pipeline being tested will
service. exceed 50 percent of SMYS, the oper-
(b) Each segment of a service line ator shall take all practicable steps to
(other than plastic) intended to be op- keep persons not working on the test-
erated at a pressure of at least 1 p.s.i. ing operation outside of the testing
(6.9 kPa) gage but not more than 40 area until the pressure is reduced to or
p.s.i. (276 kPa) gage must be given a below the proposed maximum allow-
leak test at a pressure of not less than able operating pressure.
50 p.s.i. (345 kPa) gage. (b) The operator shall insure that the
(c) Each segment of a service line test medium is disposed of in a manner
(other than plastic) intended to be op- that will minimize damage to the envi-
erated at pressures of more than 40 ronment.
p.s.i. (276 kPa) gage must be tested to
at least 90 p.s.i. (621 kPa) gage, except § 192.517 Records.
that each segment of a steel service Each operator shall make, and retain
line stressed to 20 percent or more of for the useful life of the pipeline, a
SMYS must be tested in accordance record of each test performed under
with § 192.507 of this subpart. §§ 192.505 and 192.507. The record must
[35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by contain at least the following informa-
Amdt. 192–74, 61 FR 18517, Apr. 26, 1996; Amdt tion:
192–85, 63 FR 37504, July 13, 1998] (a) The operator’s name, the name of
the operator’s employee responsible for
§ 192.513 Test requirements for plastic making the test, and the name of any
pipelines. test company used.
(a) Each segment of a plastic pipeline (b) Test medium used.
must be tested in accordance with this (c) Test pressure.
section. (d) Test duration.
(b) The test procedure must insure (e) Pressure recording charts, or
discovery of all potentially hazardous other record of pressure readings.
leaks in the segment being tested. (f) Elevation variations, whenever
(c) The test pressure must be at least significant for the particular test.
150 percent of the maximum operating (g) Leaks and failures noted and their
pressure or 50 p.s.i. (345 kPa) gage, disposition.
whichever is greater. However, the
EFFECTIVE DATE NOTE: By Amdt. 192–93, 68
maximum test pressure may not be
FR 53901, Sept. 15, 2003, § 192.517 was amended
more than three times the pressure de- by designating the introductory text as (a),
termined under § 192.121, at a tempera- redesignating paragraphs (a) through (g) as
ture not less than the pipe temperature paragraphs (a)(1) through (a)(7) and adding a
during the test. new paragraph (b), effective October 15, 2003.
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Research and Special Programs Administration, DOT § 192.555
For the convenience of the user, the added same materials in the same location.
text is set forth as follows: However, when uprating a steel pipe-
§ 192.517 Records. line, if any variable necessary to deter-
mine the design pressure under the de-
* * * * * sign formula (§ 192.105) is unknown, the
MAOP may be increased as provided in
(b) Each operator must maintain a record
§ 192.619(a)(1).
of each test required by §§ 192.509, 192.511, and
192.513 for at least 5 years. [35 FR 13257, Aug. 10, 1970, as amended by
Amdt. 192–78, 61 FR 28785, June 6, 1996]
Subpart K—Uprating EFFECTIVE DATE NOTE: By Amdt. 192–93, 68
FR 53901, Sept. 15, 2003, § 192.553 was amended
§ 192.551 Scope. in the first sentence in paragraph (d) by re-
This subpart prescribes minimum re- moving the term ‘‘this part’’ and add the
quirements for increasing maximum term ‘‘§§ 192.619 and 192.621’’ in its place, ef-
allowable operating pressures fective October 15, 2003.
(uprating) for pipelines.
§ 192.555 Uprating to a pressure that
§ 192.553 General requirements. will produce a hoop stress of 30 per-
cent or more of SMYS in steel pipe-
(a) Pressure increases. Whenever the
requirements of this subpart require
that an increase in operating pressure (a) Unless the requirements of this
be made in increments, the pressure section have been met, no person may
must be increased gradually, at a rate subject any segment of a steel pipeline
that can be controlled, and in accord- to an operating pressure that will
ance with the following: produce a hoop stress of 30 percent or
(1) At the end of each incremental in- more of SMYS and that is above the es-
crease, the pressure must be held con- tablished maximum allowable oper-
stant while the entire segment of pipe- ating pressure.
line that is affected is checked for (b) Before increasing operating pres-
leaks. sure above the previously established
(2) Each leak detected must be re- maximum allowable operating pressure
paired before a further pressure in- the operator shall:
crease is made, except that a leak de-
(1) Review the design, operating, and
termined not to be potentially haz-
ardous need not be repaired, if it is maintenance history and previous test-
monitored during the pressure increase ing of the segment of pipeline and de-
and it does not become potentially haz- termine whether the proposed increase
ardous. is safe and consistent with the require-
(b) Records. Each operator who ments of this part; and
uprates a segment of pipeline shall re- (2) Make any repairs, replacements,
tain for the life of the segment a record or alterations in the segment of pipe-
of each investigation required by this line that are necessary for safe oper-
subpart, of all work performed, and of ation at the increased pressure.
each pressure test conducted, in con- (c) After complying with paragraph
nection with the uprating. (b) of this section, an operator may in-
(c) Written plan. Each operator who crease the maximum allowable oper-
uprates a segment of pipeline shall es- ating pressure of a segment of pipeline
tablish a written procedure that will constructed before September 12, 1970,
ensure that each applicable require- to the highest pressure that is per-
ment of this subpart is complied with. mitted under § 192.619, using as test
(d) Limitation on increase in maximum pressure the highest pressure to which
allowable operating pressure. Except as the segment of pipeline was previously
provided in § 192.555(c), a new maximum
subjected (either in a strength test or
allowable operating pressure estab-
in actual operation).
lished under this subpart may not ex-
ceed the maximum that would be al- (d) After complying with paragraph
lowed under this part for a new seg- (b) of this section, an operator that
ment of pipeline constructed of the does not qualify under paragraph (c) of
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§ 192.557 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–03 Edition)
this section may increase the pre- maximum allowable operating pres-
viously established maximum allow- sure, the operator shall:
able operating pressure if at least one (1) Review the design, operating, and
of the following requirements is met: maintenance history of the segment of
(1) The segment of pipeline is suc- pipeline;
cessfully tested in accordance with the (2) Make a leakage survey (if it has
requirements of this part for a new line been more than 1 year since the last
of the same material in the same loca- survey) and repair any leaks that are
tion. found, except that a leak determined
(2) An increased maximum allowable not to be potentially hazardous need
operating pressure may be established not be repaired, if it is monitored dur-
for a segment of pipeline in a Class 1 ing the pressure increase and it does
location if the line has not previously not become potentially hazardous;
been tested, and if: (3) Make any repairs, replacements,
(i) It is impractical to test it in ac- or alterations in the segment of pipe-
cordance with the requirements of this line that are necessary for safe oper-
part; ation at the increased pressure;
(ii) The new maximum operating
(4) Reinforce or anchor offsets, bends
pressure does not exceed 80 percent of
and dead ends in pipe joined by com-
that allowed for a new line of the same
pression couplings or bell and spigot
design in the same location; and
joints to prevent failure of the pipe
(iii) The operator determines that
joint, if the offset, bend, or dead end is
the new maximum allowable operating
exposed in an excavation;
pressure is consistent with the condi-
tion of the segment of pipeline and the (5) Isolate the segment of pipeline in
design requirements of this part. which the pressure is to be increased
(e) Where a segment of pipeline is from any adjacent segment that will
uprated in accordance with paragraph continue to be operated at a lower
(c) or (d)(2) of this section, the increase pressure; and
in pressure must be made in incre- (6) If the pressure in mains or service
ments that are equal to: lines, or both, is to be higher than the
(1) 10 percent of the pressure before pressure delivered to the customer, in-
the uprating; or stall a service regulator on each serv-
(2) 25 percent of the total pressure in- ice line and test each regulator to de-
crease, termine that it is functioning. Pressure
may be increased as necessary to test
whichever produces the fewer number
each regulator, after a regulator has
of increments.
been installed on each pipeline subject
§ 192.557 Uprating: Steel pipelines to a to the increased pressure.
pressure that will produce a hoop (c) After complying with paragraph
stress less than 30 percent of SMYS: (b) of this section, the increase in max-
plastic, cast iron, and ductile iron imum allowable operating pressure
pipelines. must be made in increments that are
(a) Unless the requirements of this equal to 10 p.s.i. (69 kPa) gage or 25 per-
section have been met, no person may cent of the total pressure increase,
subject: whichever produces the fewer number
(1) A segment of steel pipeline to an of increments. Whenever the require-
operating pressure that will produce a ments of paragraph (b)(6) of this sec-
hoop stress less than 30 percent of tion apply, there must be at least two
SMYS and that is above the previously approximately equal incremental in-
established maximum allowable oper- creases.
ating pressure; or (d) If records for cast iron or ductile
(2) A plastic, cast iron, or ductile iron pipeline facilities are not com-
iron pipeline segment to an operating plete enough to determine stresses pro-
pressure that is above the previously duced by internal pressure, trench
established maximum allowable oper- loading, rolling loads, beam stresses,
ating pressure. and other bending loads, in evaluating
(b) Before increasing operating pres- the level of safety of the pipeline when
sure above the previously established operating at the proposed increased
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Research and Special Programs Administration, DOT § 192.605
pressure, the following procedures likely to be greatest and shall use the
must be followed: greatest cover measured.
(1) In estimating the stresses, if the (3) Unless the actual nominal wall
original laying conditions cannot be thickness is known, the operator shall
ascertained, the operator shall assume determine the wall thickness by cut-
that cast iron pipe was supported on ting and measuring coupons from at
blocks with tamped backfill and that least three separate pipe lengths. The
ductile iron pipe was laid without coupons must be cut from pipe lengths
blocks with tamped backfill. in areas where the cover depth is most
(2) Unless the actual maximum cover likely to be the greatest. The average
depth is known, the operator shall of all measurements taken must be in-
measure the actual cover in at least creased by the allowance indicated in
three places where the cover is most the following table:
Allowance inches (millimeters)
(4) For cast iron pipe, unless the pipe hearing as provided in 49 CFR 190.237 or
manufacturing process is known, the the relevant State procedures, require
operator shall assume that the pipe is the operator to amend its plans and
pit cast pipe with a bursting tensile procedures as necessary to provide a
strength of 11,000 p.s.i. (76 MPa) gage reasonable level of safety.
and a modulus of rupture of 31,000 p.s.i.
[35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by
(214 MPa) gage.
Amdt. 192–66, 56 FR 31090, July 9, 1991; Amdt.
[35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by 192–71, 59 FR 6584, Feb. 11, 1994; Amdt. 192–75,
Amdt. 192–37, 46 FR 10160, Feb. 2, 1981; Amdt. 61 FR 18517, Apr. 26, 1996]
192–62, 54 FR 5628, Feb. 6, 1989; Amdt. 195–85,
63 FR 37504, July 13, 1998] § 192.605 Procedural manual for oper-
ations, maintenance, and emer-
Subpart L—Operations gencies.
(a) General. Each operator shall pre-
§ 192.601 Scope. pare and follow for each pipeline, a
This subpart prescribes minimum re- manual of written procedures for con-
quirements for the operation of pipe- ducting operations and maintenance
line facilities. activities and for emergency response.
For transmission lines, the manual
§ 192.603 General provisions. must also include procedures for han-
(a) No person may operate a segment dling abnormal operations. This man-
of pipeline unless it is operated in ac- ual must be reviewed and updated by
cordance with this subpart. the operator at intervals not exceeding
(b) Each operator shall keep records 15 months, but at least once each cal-
necessary to administer the procedures endar year. This manual must be pre-
established under § 192.605. pared before operations of a pipeline
(c) The Administrator or the State system commence. Appropriate parts
Agency that has submitted a current of the manual must be kept at loca-
certification under the pipeline safety tions where operations and mainte-
laws, (49 U.S.C. 60101 et seq.) with re- nance activities are conducted.
spect to the pipeline facility governed (b) Maintenance and normal oper-
by an operator’s plans and procedures ations. The manual required by para-
may, after notice and opportunity for graph (a) of this section must include
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§ 192.605 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–03 Edition)
procedures for the following, if applica- (iii) Periodic inspection and testing
ble, to provide safety during mainte- of pressure limiting equipment to de-
nance and operations. termine that it is in safe operating
(1) Operating, maintaining, and re- condition and has adequate capacity.
pairing the pipeline in accordance with (c) Abnormal operation. For trans-
each of the requirements of this sub- mission lines, the manual required by
part and subpart M of this part. paragraph (a) of this section must in-
(2) Controlling corrosion in accord- clude procedures for the following to
ance with the operations and mainte- provide safety when operating design
nance requirements of subpart I of this limits have been exceeded:
part. (1) Responding to, investigating, and
(3) Making construction records, correcting the cause of:
maps, and operating history available (i) Unintended closure of valves or
to appropriate operating personnel. shutdowns;
(4) Gathering of data needed for re- (ii) Increase or decrease in pressure
porting incidents under Part 191 of this or flow rate outside normal operating
chapter in a timely and effective man- limits;
ner. (iii) Loss of communications;
(5) Starting up and shutting down (iv) Operation of any safety device;
any part of the pipeline in a manner and
designed to assure operation within the (v) Any other foreseeable malfunc-
MAOP limits prescribed by this part, tion of a component, deviation from
plus the build-up allowed for operation normal operation, or personnel error,
of pressure-limiting and control de- which may result in a hazard to per-
vices. sons or property.
(6) Maintaining compressor stations, (2) Checking variations from normal
including provisions for isolating units operation after abnormal operation has
or sections of pipe and for purging be- ended at sufficient critical locations in
fore returning to service. the system to determine continued in-
(7) Starting, operating and shutting tegrity and safe operation.
down gas compressor units. (3) Notifying responsible operator
(8) Periodically reviewing the work personnel when notice of an abnormal
done by operator personnel to deter- operation is received.
mine the effectiveness, and adequacy of (4) Periodically reviewing the re-
the procedures used in normal oper- sponse of operator personnel to deter-
ation and maintenance and modifying mine the effectiveness of the proce-
the procedures when deficiencies are dures controlling abnormal operation
found. and taking corrective action where de-
(9) Taking adequate precautions in ficiencies are found.
excavated trenches to protect per- (5) The requirements of this para-
sonnel from the hazards of unsafe accu- graph (c) do not apply to natural gas
mulations of vapor or gas, and making distribution operators that are oper-
available when needed at the exca- ating transmission lines in connection
vation, emergency rescue equipment, with their distribution system.
including a breathing apparatus and, a (d) Safety-related condition reports.
rescue harness and line. The manual required by paragraph (a)
(10) Systematic and routine testing of this section must include instruc-
and inspection of pipe-type or bottle- tions enabling personnel who perform
type holders including— operation and maintenance activities
(i) Provision for detecting external to recognize conditions that poten-
corrosion before the strength of the tially may be safety-related conditions
container has been impaired; that are subject to the reporting re-
(ii) Periodic sampling and testing of quirements of § 191.23 of this sub-
gas in storage to determine the dew chapter.
point of vapors contained in the stored (e) Surveillance, emergency response,
gas which, if condensed, might cause and accident investigation. The proce-
internal corrosion or interfere with the dures required by §§ 192.613(a), 192.615,
safe operation of the storage plant; and and 192.617 must be included in the
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Research and Special Programs Administration, DOT § 192.611
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§ 192.612 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–03 Edition)
exceed the maximum allowable oper- later than November 1 of the year the
ating pressure established before the discovery is made, place the pipeline so
confirmation or revision. that the top of the pipe is 36 inches (914
(c) Confirmation or revision of the millimeters) below the seabed for nor-
maximum allowable operating pressure mal excavation or 18 inches (457 milli-
of a segment of pipeline in accordance meters) for rock excavation.
with this section does not preclude the [Amdt. 192–67, 56 FR 63771, Dec. 5, 1991, as
application of §§ 192.553 and 192.555. amended by Amdt. 192–85, 63 FR 37504, July
(d) Confirmation or revision of the 13, 1998]
maximum allowable operating pressure
that is required as a result of a study § 192.613 Continuing surveillance.
under § 192.609 must be completed with- (a) Each operator shall have a proce-
in 18 months of the change in class lo- dure for continuing surveillance of its
cation. Pressure reduction under para- facilities to determine and take appro-
graph (a) (1) or (2) of this section with- priate action concerning changes in
in the 18–month period does not pre- class location, failures, leakage his-
clude establishing a maximum allow- tory, corrosion, substantial changes in
able operating pressure under para- cathodic protection requirements, and
graph (a)(3) of this section at a later other unusual operating and mainte-
date. nance conditions.
[Amdt. 192–63A, 54 FR 24174, June 6, 1989 as (b) If a segment of pipeline is deter-
amended by Amdt. 192–78, 61 FR 28785, June mined to be in unsatisfactory condition
6, 1996] but no immediate hazard exists, the op-
erator shall initiate a program to re-
§ 192.612 Underwater inspection and condition or phase out the segment in-
re-burial of pipelines in the Gulf of volved, or, if the segment cannot be re-
Mexico and its inlets. conditioned or phased out, reduce the
(a) Each operator shall, in accord- maximum allowable operating pressure
ance with this section, conduct an un- in accordance with § 192.619 (a) and (b).
derwater inspection of its pipelines in
the Gulf of Mexico and its inlets. The § 192.614 Damage prevention program.
inspection must be conducted after Oc- (a) Except as provided in paragraphs
tober 3, 1989 and before November 16, (d) and (e) of this section, each oper-
1992. ator of a buried pipeline must carry
(b) If, as a result of an inspection out, in accordance with this section, a
under paragraph (a) of this section, or written program to prevent damage to
upon notification by any person, an op- that pipeline from excavation activi-
erator discovers that a pipeline it oper- ties. For the purposes of this section,
ates is exposed on the seabed or con- the term ‘‘excavation activities’’ in-
stitutes a hazard to navigation, the op- cludes excavation, blasting, boring,
erator shall— tunneling, backfilling, the removal of
(1) Promptly, but not later than 24 aboveground structures by either ex-
hours after discovery, notify the Na- plosive or mechanical means, and other
tional Response Center, telephone: 1– earthmoving operations.
800–424–8802 of the location, and, if (b) An operator may comply with any
available, the geographic coordinates of the requirements of paragraph (c) of
of that pipeline; this section through participation in a
(2) Promptly, but not later than 7 public service program, such as a one-
days after discovery, mark the location call system, but such participation
of the pipeline in accordance with 33 does not relieve the operator of respon-
CFR part 64 at the ends of the pipeline sibility for compliance with this sec-
segment and at intervals of not over tion. However, an operator must per-
500 yards (457 meters) long, except that form the duties of paragraph (c)(3) of
a pipeline segment less than 200 yards this section through participation in a
(183 meters) long need only be marked one-call system, if that one-call system
at the center; and is a qualified one-call system. In areas
(3) Within 6 months after discovery, that are covered by more than one
or not later than November 1 of the fol- qualified one-call system, an operator
lowing year if the 6 month period is need only join one of the qualified one-
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Research and Special Programs Administration, DOT § 192.615
call systems if there is a central tele- (6) Provide as follows for inspection
phone number for excavators to call for of pipelines that an operator has rea-
excavation activities, or if the one-call son to believe could be damaged by ex-
systems in those areas communicate cavation activities:
with one another. An operator’s pipe- (i) The inspection must be done as
line system must be covered by a quali- frequently as necessary during and
fied one-call system where there is one after the activities to verify the integ-
in place. For the purpose of this sec- rity of the pipeline; and
tion, a one-call system is considered a (ii) In the case of blasting, any in-
‘‘qualified one-call system’’ if it meets spection must include leakage surveys.
the requirements of section (b)(1) or (d) A damage prevention program
(b)(2) of this section. under this section is not required for
(1) The state has adopted a one-call the following pipelines:
damage prevention program under (1) Pipelines located offshore.
§ 198.37 of this chapter; or (2) Pipelines, other than those lo-
(2) The one-call system: cated offshore, in Class 1 or 2 locations
(i) Is operated in accordance with until September 20, 1995.
§ 198.39 of this chapter; (3) Pipelines to which access is phys-
(ii) Provides a pipeline operator an ically controlled by the operator.
opportunity similar to a voluntary par- (e) Pipelines operated by persons
ticipant to have a part in management other than municipalities (including
responsibilities; and operators of master meters) whose pri-
(iii) Assesses a participating pipeline mary activity does not include the
operator a fee that is proportionate to transportation of gas need not comply
the costs of the one-call system’s cov- with the following:
erage of the operator’s pipeline.
(1) The requirement of paragraph (a)
(c) The damage prevention program
of this section that the damage preven-
required by paragraph (a) of this sec-
tion program be written; and
tion must, at a minimum:
(2) The requirements of paragraphs
(1) Include the identity, on a current
(c)(1) and (c)(2) of this section.
basis, of persons who normally engage
in excavation activities in the area in [Amdt. 192–40, 47 FR 13824, Apr. 1, 1982, as
which the pipeline is located. amended by Amdt. 192–57, 52 FR 32800, Aug.
(2) Provides for notification of the 31, 1987; Amdt. 192–73, 60 FR 14650, Mar. 20,
public in the vicinity of the pipeline 1995; Amdt. 192–78, 61 FR 28785, June 6, 1996;
and actual notification of the persons Amdt.192–82, 62 FR 61699, Nov. 19, 1997; Amdt.
192–84, 63 FR 38758, July 20, 1998]
identified in paragraph (c)(1) of this
section of the following as often as § 192.615 Emergency plans.
needed to make them aware of the
damage prevention program: (a) Each operator shall establish
(i) The program’s existence and pur- written procedures to minimize the
pose; and hazard resulting from a gas pipeline
(ii) How to learn the location of un- emergency. At a minimum, the proce-
derground pipelines before excavation dures must provide for the following:
activities are begun. (1) Receiving, identifying, and
(3) Provide a means of receiving and classifying notices of events which re-
recording notification of planned exca- quire immediate response by the oper-
vation activities. ator.
(4) If the operator has buried pipe- (2) Establishing and maintaining ade-
lines in the area of excavation activity, quate means of communication with
provide for actual notification of per- appropriate fire, police, and other pub-
sons who give notice of their intent to lic officials.
excavate of the type of temporary (3) Prompt and effective response to a
marking to be provided and how to notice of each type of emergency, in-
identify the markings. cluding the following:
(5) Provide for temporary marking of (i) Gas detected inside or near a
buried pipelines in the area of exca- building.
vation activity before, as far as pos- (ii) Fire located near or directly in-
sible, the activity begins. volving a pipeline facility.
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§ 192.616 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–03 Edition)
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Research and Special Programs Administration, DOT § 192.623
(2) The pressure obtained by dividing shore gathering lines, July 1, 1976, sub-
the pressure to which the segment was ject to the requirements of § 192.611.
tested after construction as follows:
[35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970]
(i) For plastic pipe in all locations,
the test pressure is divided by a factor EDITORIAL NOTE: For FEDERAL REGISTER ci-
of 1.5. tations affecting § 192.619, see the List of CFR
Sections Affected, which appears in the
(ii) For steel pipe operated at 100 Finding Aids section of the printed volume
p.s.i. (689 kPa) gage or more, the test and on GPO Access.
pressure is divided by a factor deter-
mined in accordance with the following § 192.621 Maximum allowable oper-
table: ating pressure: High-pressure dis-
tribution systems.
Factors 1, segment—
(a) No person may operate a segment
Class location Installed Installed Converted of a high pressure distribution system
(Nov. 12, after (Nov. under at a pressure that exceeds the lowest of
11, 1970) § 192.14
1970) the following pressures, as applicable:
1 ............................... 1.1 1.1 1.25
(1) The design pressure of the weak-
2 ............................... 1.25 1.25 1.25 est element in the segment, deter-
3 ............................... 1.4 1.5 1.5 mined in accordance with subparts C
4 ............................... 1.4 1.5 1.5 and D of this part.
1 For offshore segments installed, uprated or converted after (2) 60 p.s.i. (414 kPa) gage, for a seg-
July 31, 1977, that are not located on an offshore platform, ment of a distribution system other-
the factor is 1.25. For segments installed, uprated or con-
verted after July 31, 1977, that are located on an offshore wise designed to operate at over 60
platform or on a platform in inland navigable waters, including p.s.i. (414 kPa) gage, unless the service
a pipe riser, the factor is 1.5.
lines in the segment are equipped with
(3) The highest actual operating pres- service regulators or other pressure
sure to which the segment was sub- limiting devices in series that meet the
jected during the 5 years preceding requirements of § 192.197(c).
July 1, 1970 (or in the case of offshore (3) 25 p.s.i. (172 kPa) gage in segments
gathering lines, July 1, 1976), unless the of cast iron pipe in which there are
segment was tested in accordance with unreinforced bell and spigot joints.
paragraph (a)(2) of this section after (4) The pressure limits to which a
July 1, 1965 (or in the case of offshore joint could be subjected without the
gathering lines, July 1, 1971), or the possibility of its parting.
segment was uprated in accordance (5) The pressure determined by the
with subpart K of this part. operator to be the maximum safe pres-
(4) The pressure determined by the sure after considering the history of
operator to be the maximum safe pres- the segment, particularly known corro-
sure after considering the history of sion and the actual operating pres-
the segment, particularly known corro- sures.
sion and the actual operating pressure. (b) No person may operate a segment
(b) No person may operate a segment of pipeline to which paragraph (a)(5) of
to which paragraph (a)(4) of this sec- this section applies, unless over-
tion is applicable, unless over-pressure pressure protective devices are in-
protective devices are installed on the stalled on the segment in a manner
segment in a manner that will prevent that will prevent the maximum allow-
the maximum allowable operating able operating pressure from being ex-
pressure from being exceeded, in ac- ceeded, in accordance with § 192.195.
cordance with § 192.195. [35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by
(c) Notwithstanding the other re- Amdt 192–85, 63 FR 37504, July 13, 1998]
quirements of this section, an operator
may operate a segment of pipeline § 192.623 Maximum and minimum al-
found to be in satisfactory condition, lowable operating pressure; Low-
considering its operating and mainte- pressure distribution systems.
nance history, at the highest actual op- (a) No person may operate a low-pres-
erating pressure to which the segment sure distribution system at a pressure
was subjected during the 5 years pre- high enough to make unsafe the oper-
ceding July 1, 1970, or in the case of off- ation of any connected and properly
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§ 192.625 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–03 Edition)
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Research and Special Programs Administration, DOT § 192.707
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§ 192.709 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–03 Edition)
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Research and Special Programs Administration, DOT § 192.723
millimeters) thickness in the pipe weld (b) Testing of repairs made by welding.
remains. Each repair made by welding in accord-
(c) A defective weld which cannot be ance with §§ 192.713, 192.715, and 192.717
repaired in accordance with paragraph must be examined in accordance with
(a) or (b) of this section must be re- § 192.241.
paired by installing a full encirclement
welded split sleeve of appropriate de- [35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by
sign. Amdt. 192–54, 51 FR 41635, Nov. 18, 1986]
[35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by § 192.721 Distribution systems: Patrol-
Amdt. 192–85, 63 FR 37504, July 13, 1998] ling.
§ 192.717 Transmission lines: Perma- (a) The frequency of patrolling mains
nent field repair of leaks. must be determined by the severity of
Each permanent field repair of a leak the conditions which could cause fail-
on a transmission line must be made ure or leakage, and the consequent haz-
by— ards to public safety.
(a) Removing the leak by cutting out (b) Mains in places or on structures
and replacing a cylindrical piece of where anticipated physical movement
pipe; or or external loading could cause failure
(b) Repairing the leak by one of the or leakage must be patrolled—
following methods: (1) In business districts, at intervals
(1) Install a full encirclement welded not exceeding 41⁄2 months, but at least
split sleeve of appropriate design, un- four times each calendar year; and
less the transmission line is joined by (2) Outside business districts, at in-
mechanical couplings and operates at tervals not exceeding 71⁄2 months, but
less than 40 percent of SMYS.
at least twice each calendar year.
(2) If the leak is due to a corrosion
pit, install a properly designed bolt-on- [35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by
leak clamp. Amdt. 192–43, 47 FR 46851, Oct. 21, 1982; Amdt.
(3) If the leak is due to a corrosion 192–78, 61 FR 28786, June 6, 1996]
pit and on pipe of not more than 40,000
psi (267 Mpa) SMYS, fillet weld over § 192.723 Distribution systems: Leak-
the pitted area a steel plate patch with age surveys.
rounded corners, of the same or greater (a) Each operator of a distribution
thickness than the pipe, and not more system shall conduct periodic leakage
than one-half of the diameter of the surveys in accordance with this sec-
pipe in size. tion.
(4) If the leak is on a submerged off- (b) The type and scope of the leakage
shore pipeline or submerged pipeline in control program must be determined
inland navigable waters, mechanically
by the nature of the operations and the
apply a full encirclement split sleeve of
local conditions, but it must meet the
appropriate design.
(5) Apply a method that reliable engi- following minimum requirements:
neering tests and analyses show can (1) A leakage survey with leak detec-
permanently restore the serviceability tor equipment must be conducted in
of the pipe. business districts, including tests of
the atmosphere in gas, electric, tele-
[Amdt. 192–88, 64 FR 69665, Dec. 14, 1999]
phone, sewer, and water system man-
§ 192.719 Transmission lines: Testing holes, at cracks in pavement and side-
of repairs. walks, and at other locations providing
(a) Testing of replacement pipe. If a an opportunity for finding gas leaks, at
segment of transmission line is re- intervals not exceeding 15 months, but
paired by cutting out the damaged por- at least once each calendar year.
tion of the pipe as a cylinder, the re- (2) A leakage survey with leak detec-
placement pipe must be tested to the tor equipment must be conducted out-
pressure required for a new line in- side business districts as frequently as
stalled in the same location. This test necessary, but at intervals not exceed-
may be made on the pipe before it is in- ing 5 years. However, for cathodically
stalled. unprotected distribution lines subject
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§ 192.725 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–03 Edition)
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Research and Special Programs Administration, DOT § 192.739
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§ 192.741 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–03 Edition)
(d) Properly installed and protected (b) If a test is not feasible, review and
from dirt, liquids, or other conditions calculation of the required capacity of
that might prevent proper operation. the relieving device at each station
must be made at intervals not exceed-
[35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by
ing 15 months, but at least once each
Amdt. 192–43, 47 FR 46851, Oct. 21, 1982]
calendar year, and these required ca-
EFFECTIVE DATE NOTE: By Amdt. 192–93, 68 pacities compared with the rated or ex-
FR 53901, Sept. 15, 2003, § 192.739 was amended perimentally determined relieving ca-
by revising paragraph (c), effective October pacity of the device for the operating
15, 2003. For the convenience of the user, the
conditions under which it works. After
revised text is set forth as follows:
the initial calculations, subsequent
§ 192.739 Pressure limiting and regulating calculations are not required if the re-
stations: Inspection and testing. view documents that parameters have
not changed in a manner which would
* * * * * cause the capacity to be less than re-
(c) Set to control or relieve at the correct
(c) If the relieving device is of insuffi-
pressures consistent with the pressure limits
of § 192.201(a); and cient capacity, a new or additional de-
vice must be installed to provide the
additional capacity required.
* * * * *
[35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by
§ 192.741 Pressure limiting and regu- Amdt. 192–43, 47 FR 46851, Oct. 21, 1982; Amdt.
lating stations: Telemetering or re- 192–55, 51 FR 41634, Nov. 18, 1986]
cording gauges. EFFECTIVE DATE NOTE: By Amdt. 192–93, 68
(a) Each distribution system supplied FR 53901, Sept. 15, 2003, § 192.743 was revised
by more than one district pressure reg- effective October 15, 2003. For the conven-
ience of the user, the revised text is set forth
ulating station must be equipped with as follows:
telemetering or recording pressure
gauges to indicate the gas pressure in § 192.743 Pressure limiting and regulating
the district. stations: Capacity of relief devices.
(b) On distribution systems supplied (a) Pressure relief devices at pressure lim-
by a single district pressure regulating iting stations and pressure regulating sta-
tions must have sufficient capacity to pro-
station, the operator shall determine
tect the facilities to which they are con-
the necessity of installing telemetering nected consistent with the pressure limits of
or recording gauges in the district, § 192.201(a). This capacity must be deter-
taking into consideration the number mined at intervals not exceeding 15 months,
of customers supplied, the operating but at least once each calendar year, by test-
pressures, the capacity of the installa- ing the devices in place or by review and cal-
tion, and other operating conditions. culations.
(b) If review and calculations are used to
(c) If there are indications of abnor-
determine if a device has sufficient capacity,
mally high or low pressure, the regu- the calculated capacity must be compared
lator and the auxiliary equipment with the rated or experimentally determined
must be inspected and the necessary relieving capacity of the device for the con-
measures employed to correct any un- ditions under which it operates. After the
satisfactory operating conditions. initial calculations, subsequent calculations
need not be made if the annual review docu-
§ 192.743 Pressure limiting and regu- ments that parameters have not changed to
lating stations: Testing of relief de- cause the rated or experimentally deter-
vices. mined relieving capacity to be insufficient.
(c) If a relief device is of insufficient capac-
(a) If feasible, pressure relief devices ity, a new or additional device must be in-
(except rupture discs) must be tested in stalled to provide the capacity required by
place, at intervals not exceeding 15 paragraph (a) of this section.
months, but at least once each cal-
endar year, to determine that they § 192.745 Valve maintenance: Trans-
have enough capacity to limit the pres- mission lines.
sure on the facilities to which they are Each transmission line valve that
connected to the desired maximum might be required during any emer-
pressure. gency must be inspected and partially
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Research and Special Programs Administration, DOT § 192.753
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§ 192.755 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–03 Edition)
by revising the introductory text of para- p.s.i.g., an area which extends 300 feet
graph (a) and paragraph (b), effective Octo- from the centerline of the pipeline to
ber 15, 2003. For the convenience of the user, the identified site;
the revised text is set forth as follows:
(d) For a pipeline greater than 30
§ 192.753 Caulked bell and spigot joints. inches in nominal diameter and oper-
(a) Each cast iron caulked bell and spigot ating at a maximum allowable oper-
joint that is subject to pressures of more ating pressure greater than 1000 p.s.i.g.,
than 25 psi (172kPa) gage must be sealed an area which extends 1000 feet from
with: the centerline of the pipeline to the
identified site; and
* * * * * (e) For a pipeline not described in
(b) Each cast iron caulked bell and spigot paragraph (c) or (d) of this section, an
joint that is subject to pressures of 25 psi area which extends 660 feet from the
(172kPa) gage or less and is exposed for any centerline of the pipeline to the identi-
reason must be sealed by a means other than fied site.
caulking. (f) An identified site. An identified
site is a building or outside area that—
§ 192.755 Protecting cast-iron pipe- (1) Is visibly marked;
lines. (2) Is licensed or registered by a Fed-
When an operator has knowledge eral, State, or local agency;
that the support for a segment of a (3) Is known by public officials; or
buried cast-iron pipeline is disturbed: (4) Is on a list or map maintained by
(a) That segment of the pipeline must or available from a Federal, State, or
be protected, as necessary, against local agency or a publicly or commer-
damage during the disturbance by: cially available database; and
(1) Vibrations from heavy construc- (5) Is occupied by persons who are
tion equipment, trains, trucks, buses, confined, are of impaired mobility, or
or blasting; would be difficult to evacuate. Exam-
(2) Impact forces by vehicles; ples include, but are not limited to hos-
(3) Earth movement; pitals, prisons, schools, day-care facili-
(4) Apparent future excavations near ties, retirement facilities, and assisted-
the pipeline; or living facilities; or
(5) Other foreseeable outside forces (6) There is evidence of use of the site
which may subject that segment of the by at least 20 or more persons on at
pipeline to bending stress. least 50 days in any 12-month period.
(b) As soon as feasible, appropriate (The days need not be consecutive.) Ex-
steps must be taken to provide perma- amples include, but are not limited to,
nent protection for the disturbed seg- beaches, playgrounds, recreational fa-
ment from damage that might result cilities, camping grounds, outdoor the-
from external loads, including compli- aters, stadiums, religious facilities,
ance with applicable requirements of and recreational areas near bodies of
§§ 192.317(a), 192.319, and 192.361(b)–(d). water.
[Amdt. 192–23, 41 FR 13589, Mar. 31, 1976] [67 FR 50834, Aug. 6, 2002]
Subpart N—Qualification of
§ 192.761 Definitions. Pipeline Personnel
The following definitions apply to
this section and § 192.763: SOURCE: Amdt. 192–86, 64 FR 46865, Aug. 27,
A high consequence area means any of 1999, unless otherwise noted.
the following areas:
(a) An area defined as a Class 3 loca- 192.801 Scope.
tion under § 192.5; (a) This subpart prescribes the min-
(b) An area defined as a Class 4 loca- imum requirements for operator quali-
tion under § 192.5; fication of individuals performing cov-
(c) For a pipeline not more than 12 ered tasks on a pipeline facility.
inches in nominal diameter and oper- (b) For the purpose of this subpart, a
ating at a maximum allowable oper- covered task is an activity, identified
ating pressure of not more than 1200 by the operator, that:
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Research and Special Programs Administration, DOT Pt. 192, App. A
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Pt. 192, App. A 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–03 Edition)
C. American Petroleum Institute (API), (8) ASTM Designation A 691 ‘‘Standard
1220 L Street, NW., Washington, DC 20005. Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel
D. The American Society of Mechanical Pipe, Electric-Fusion-Welded for High- Pres-
Engineers (ASME), United Engineering Cen- sure Service at High Temperatures’’ (A 691–
ter, 345 East 47th Street, New York, NY 93).
10017. (9) ASTM Designation D638 ‘‘Standard Test
E. American Society for Testing and Mate- Method for Tensile Properties of Plastics’’
rials (ASTM), 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West (D638–96).
Conshohocken, PA 19428.
(10) ASTM Designation D2513 ‘‘Standard
F. Manufacturers Standardization Society
Specification for Thermoplastic Gas Pres-
of the Valve and Fittings Industry, Inc.
sure Pipe, Tubing and Fittings’’ (D 2513–87
(MSS), 127 Park Street, NW., Vienna, VA
22180. edition for § 192.63(a)(1), otherwise D 2513–
G. National Fire Protection Association 96a).
(NFPA), 1 Batterymarch Park, P.O. 9101, (11) ASTM Designation D 2517 ‘‘Standard
Quincy, MA 02269–9101. Specification for Reinforced Epoxy Resin
Gas Pressure Pipe and Fittings’’ (D 2517–94).
II. Documents Incorporated by Reference (Num- (12) ASTM Designation: F1055 ‘‘Standard
bers in Parentheses Indicate Applicable Edi- Specification for Electrofusion Type Poly-
tions) ethylene Fittings for Outside Diameter Con-
A. American Gas Association (AGA): trolled Polyethylene Pipe and Tubing’’
(1). AGA Pipeline Research Committee, (F1055–95).
Project PR–3–805, ‘‘A Modified Criterion for D. The American Society of Mechanical
Evaluating the Remaining Strength of Cor- Engineers (ASME):
roded Pipe’’ (December 22, 1989). (1) ASME/ANSI B16.1 ‘‘Cast Iron Pipe
B. American Petroleum Institute (API): Flanges and Flanged Fittings’’ (1989).
(1) API Specification 5L ‘‘Specification for (2) ASME/ANSI B16.5 ‘‘Pipe Flanges and
Line Pipe (41st edition, 1995). Flanged Fittings’’ (1988 with October 1988 Er-
(2). API Recommended Practice 5L1 ‘‘Rec- rata and ASME/ANSI B16.5a–1992 Addenda).
ommended Practice for Railroad Transpor- (3) ASME/ANSI B31G ‘‘Manual for Deter-
tation of Line Pipe’’ (4th edition, 1990). mining the Remaining Strength of Corroded
(3) API Specification 6D ‘‘Specification for Pipelines’’ (1991).
Pipeline Valves (Gate, Plug, Ball, and Check (4) ASME/ANSI B31.8 ‘‘Gas Transmission
Valves)’’ (21st edition, 1994).
and Distribution Piping Systems’’ (1995).
(4) API Standard 1104 ‘‘Welding of Pipelines
(5) ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,
and Related Facilities’’ (18th edition, 1994).
C. American Society for Testing and Mate- Section I ‘‘Power Boilers’’ (1995 edition with
rials (ASTM): 1995 Addenda).
(1) ASTM Designation: A 53 ‘‘Standard (6) ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,
Specification for Pipe, Steel, Black and Hot- Section VIII, Division 1 ‘‘Pressure Vessels’’
Dipped, Zinc-Coated, Welded and Seamless’’ (1995 edition with 1995 Addenda).
(A53–96). (7) ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,
(2) ASTM Designation A 106 ‘‘Standard Section VIII, Division 2 ‘‘Pressure Vessels:
Specification for Seamless Carbon Steel Pipe Alternative Rules’’ (1995 edition with 1995
for High-Temperature Service’’ (A106–95). Addenda).
(3) ASTM Designation: A 333/A 333M (8) ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,
‘‘Standard Specification for Seamless and Section IX ‘‘Welding and Brazing Qualifica-
Welded Steel Pipe for Low-Temperature tions’’ (1995 edition with 1995 Addenda).
Service’’ (A 333/A 333M–94). E. Manufacturers Standardization Society
(4) ASTM Designation: A 372/A 372M of the Valve and Fittings Industry, Inc.
‘‘Standard Specification for Carbon and (MSS):
Alloy Steel Forgings for Thin-Walled Pres- 1. MSS SP44–96 ‘‘Steel Pipe Line Flanges’’
sure Vessels’’ (A 372/A 372M–95). (includes 1996 errata) (1996).
(5) ASTM Designation: A 381 ‘‘Standard
2. [Reserved]
Specification for Metal-Arc-Welded Steel
F. National Fire Protection Association
Pipe for Use With High-Pressure Trans-
mission Systems (A 381–93). (NFPA):
(6) ASTM Designation: A 671 ‘‘Standard (1) NFPA 30 ‘‘Flammable and Combustible
Specification for Electric-Fusion-Welded Liquids Code’’ (1996).
Steel Pipe for Atmospheric and Lower Tem- (2) ANSI/NFPA 58 ‘‘Standard for the Stor-
peratures’’ (A 671–94). age and Handling of Liquefied Petroleum
(7) ASTM Designation: A 672 ‘‘Standard Gases’’ (1995).
Specification for Electric-Fusion-Welded (3) ANSI/NFPA 59 ‘‘Standard for the Stor-
Steel Pipe for High-Pressure Service at Mod- age and Handling of Liquefied Petroleum
erate Temperatures’’ (A 672–94). Gases at Utility Gas Plants’’ (1995).
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Research and Special Programs Administration, DOT Pt. 192, App. B
(4) ANSI/NFPA 70 ‘‘National Electrical C. Inspection. The pipe must be clean
Code’’ (1996). enough to permit adequate inspection. It
must be visually inspected to ensure that it
[58 FR 14521, Mar. 18, 1993, as amended by
is reasonably round and straight and there
Amdt. 192–68, 58 FR 45268–45269, Aug. 27, 1993;
are no defects which might impair the
Amdt. 192–76, 61 FR 26123, May 24, 1996; Amdt.
strength or tightness of the pipe.
192–78, 61 FR 28786, June 6, 1996; 61 FR 41020,
D. Tensile Properties. If the tensile prop-
Aug. 7, 1996; Amdt 192–83, 63 FR 7723, Feb. 17,
erties of the pipe are not known, the min-
1998; Amdt. 192–84, 63 FR 38758, July 20, 1998]
imum yield strength may be taken as 24,000
p.s.i. (165 MPa) or less, or the tensile prop-
APPENDIX B TO PART 192— erties may be established by performing ten-
QUALIFICATION OF PIPE sile tests as set forth in API Specification
5L. All test specimens shall be selected at
I. Listed Pipe Specifications (Numbers in
random and the following number of tests
Parentheses Indicate Applicable Editions)
must be performed:
API 5L—Steel pipe (1995).
ASTM A 106—Steel pipe (1994a).
ASTM A 333/A 333M—Steel pipe (1994).
ASTM A 381—Steel pipe (1993). 10 lengths or less .................. 1 set of tests for each length.
ASTM A 671—Steel pipe (1994). 11 to 100 lengths ................... 1 set of tests for each 5
ASTM A 672—Steel pipe (1994). lengths, but not less than
ASTM A 691—Steel pipe (1993). 10 tests.
ASTM D 2513—Thermoplastic pipe and tub- Over 100 lengths ................... 1 set of tests for each 10
lengths, but not less than
ing (1995c). 20 tests.
ASTM D 2517—Thermosetting plastic pipe
and tubing (1994). If the yield-tensile ratio, based on the prop-
II. Steel pipe of unknown or unlisted speci- erties determined by those tests, exceeds
fication. 0.85, the pipe may be used only as provided in
A. Bending Properties. For pipe 2 inches (51 § 192.55(c).
millimeters) or less in diameter, a length of III. Steel pipe manufactured before November
pipe must be cold bent through at least 90 12, 1970, to earlier editions of listed specifica-
degrees around a cylindrical mandrel that tions. Steel pipe manufactured before Novem-
has a diameter 12 times the diameter of the ber 12, 1970, in accordance with a specifica-
pipe, without developing cracks at any por- tion of which a later edition is listed in sec-
tion and without opening the longitudinal tion I of this appendix, is qualified for use
weld. under this part if the following requirements
For pipe more than 2 inches (51 millime- are met:
ters) in diameter, the pipe must meet the re- A. Inspection. The pipe must be clean
quirements of the flattening tests set forth enough to permit adequate inspection. It
in ASTM A53, except that the number of must be visually inspected to ensure that it
tests must be at least equal to the minimum is reasonably round and straight and that
required in paragraph II–D of this appendix there are no defects which might impair the
to determine yield strength. strength or tightness of the pipe.
B. Weldability. A girth weld must be made B. Similarity of specification requirements.
in the pipe by a welder who is qualified under The edition of the listed specification under
subpart E of this part. The weld must be which the pipe was manufactured must have
made under the most severe conditions under substantially the same requirements with re-
which welding will be allowed in the field spect to the following properties as a later
and by means of the same procedure that edition of that specification listed in section
will be used in the field. On pipe more than I of this appendix:
4 inches (102 millimeters) in diameter, at (1) Physical (mechanical) properties of
least one test weld must be made for each 100 pipe, including yield and tensile strength,
lengths of pipe. On pipe 4 inches (102 milli- elongation, and yield to tensile ratio, and
meters) or less in diameter, at least one test testing requirements to verify those prop-
weld must be made for each 400 lengths of erties.
pipe. The weld must be tested in accordance (2) Chemical properties of pipe and testing
with API Standard 1104. If the requirements requirements to verify those properties.
of API Standard 1104 cannot be met, C. Inspection or test of welded pipe. On pipe
weldability may be established by making with welded seams, one of the following re-
chemical tests for carbon and manganese, quirements must be met:
and proceeding in accordance with section IX (1) The edition of the listed specification to
of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel which the pipe was manufactured must have
Code. The same number of chemical tests substantially the same requirements with re-
must be made as are required for testing a spect to nondestructive inspection of welded
girth weld. seams and the standards for acceptance or
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Pt. 192, App. C 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–03 Edition)
rejection and repair as a later edition of the ters) on each side of the weld. If the sample
specification listed in section I of this appen- shows any breaks or cracks after removal
dix. from the bending machine, it is unaccept-
(2) The pipe must be tested in accordance able.
with subpart J of this part to at least 1.25 (2) The ends of the second sample are flat-
times the maximum allowable operating tened and the entire joint subjected to a ten-
pressure if it is to be installed in a class 1 lo- sile strength test. If failure occurs adjacent
cation and to at least 1.5 times the max- to or in the weld metal, the weld is unaccept-
imum allowable operating pressure if it is to able. If a tensile strength testing machine is
be installed in a class 2, 3, or 4 location. Not- not available, this sample must also pass the
withstanding any shorter time period per- bending test prescribed in subparagraph (1)
mitted under subpart J of this part, the test of this paragraph.
pressure must be maintained for at least 8
hours. [35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by
Amdt. 192–85, 63 FR 37504, July 13, 1998]
[35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970]
tations affecting appendix B of part 192, see CATHODIC PROTECTION AND DETER-
the List of CFR Sections Affected, which ap- MINATION OF MEASUREMENTS
pears in the Finding Aids section of the
printed volume and on GPO Access. I. Criteria for cathodic protection— A. Steel,
cast iron, and ductile iron structures. (1) A neg-
APPENDIX C TO PART 192—QUALIFICA- ative (cathodic) voltage of at least 0.85 volt,
TION OF WELDERS FOR LOW STRESS with reference to a saturated copper-copper
sulfate half cell. Determination of this volt-
age must be made with the protective cur-
I. Basic test. The test is made on pipe 12 rent applied, and in accordance with sections
inches (305 millimeters) or less in diameter. II and IV of this appendix.
The test weld must be made with the pipe in (2) A negative (cathodic) voltage shift of at
a horizontal fixed position so that the test least 300 millivolts. Determination of this
weld includes at least one section of over- voltage shift must be made with the protec-
head position welding. The beveling, root tive current applied, and in accordance with
opening, and other details must conform to sections II and IV of this appendix. This cri-
the specifications of the procedure under terion of voltage shift applies to structures
which the welder is being qualified. Upon not in contact with metals of different an-
completion, the test weld is cut into four odic potentials.
coupons and subjected to a root bend test. If, (3) A minimum negative (cathodic) polar-
as a result of this test, two or more of the ization voltage shift of 100 millivolts. This
four coupons develop a crack in the weld ma- polarization voltage shift must be deter-
terial, or between the weld material and base mined in accordance with sections III and IV
metal, that is more than 1⁄8-inch (3.2 millime- of this appendix.
ters) long in any direction, the weld is unac- (4) A voltage at least as negative (cathodic)
ceptable. Cracks that occur on the corner of as that originally established at the begin-
the specimen during testing are not consid- ning of the Tafel segment of the E-log-I
ered. curve. This voltage must be measured in ac-
II. Additional tests for welders of service line cordance with section IV of this appendix.
connections to mains. A service line connec- (5) A net protective current from the elec-
tion fitting is welded to a pipe section with trolyte into the structure surface as meas-
the same diameter as a typical main. The ured by an earth current technique applied
weld is made in the same position as it is at predetermined current discharge (anodic)
made in the field. The weld is unacceptable points of the structure.
if it shows a serious undercutting or if it has B. Aluminum structures. (1) Except as pro-
rolled edges. The weld is tested by attempt- vided in paragraphs (3) and (4) of this para-
ing to break the fitting off the run pipe. The graph, a minimum negative (cathodic) volt-
weld is unacceptable if it breaks and shows age shift of 150 millivolts, produced by the
incomplete fusion, overlap, or poor penetra- application of protective current. The volt-
tion at the junction of the fitting and run age shift must be determined in accordance
pipe. with sections II and IV of this appendix.
III. Periodic tests for welders of small service (2) Except as provided in paragraphs (3) and
lines. Two samples of the welder’s work, each (4) of this paragraph, a minimum negative
about 8 inches (203 millimeters) long with (cathodic) polarization voltage shift of 100
the weld located approximately in the cen- millivolts. This polarization voltage shift
ter, are cut from steel service line and tested must be determined in accordance with sec-
as follows: tions III and IV of this appendix.
(1) One sample is centered in a guided bend (3) Notwithstanding the alternative min-
testing machine and bent to the contour of imum criteria in paragraphs (1) and (2) of
the die for a distance of 2 inches (51 millime- this paragraph, aluminum, if cathodically
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Research and Special Programs Administration, DOT Pt. 193
protected at voltages in excess of 1.20 volts (1) Saturated KCl calomel half cell: ¥0.78
as measured with reference to a copper-cop- volt.
per sulfate half cell, in accordance with sec- (2) Silver-silver chloride half cell used in
tion IV of this appendix, and compensated sea water: ¥0.80 volt.
for the voltage (IR) drops other than those C. In addition to the standard reference
across the structure-electrolyte boundary half cells, an alternate metallic material or
may suffer corrosion resulting from the structure may be used in place of the satu-
build-up of alkali on the metal surface. A rated copper-copper sulfate half cell if its po-
voltage in excess of 1.20 volts may not be tential stability is assured and if its voltage
used unless previous test results indicate no equivalent referred to a saturated copper-
appreciable corrosion will occur in the par- copper sulfate half cell is established.
ticular environment.
(4) Since aluminum may suffer from corro- [Amdt. 192–4, 36 FR 12305, June 30, 1971]
sion under high pH conditions, and since ap-
plication of cathodic protection tends to in- PART 193—LIQUEFIED NATURAL
crease the pH at the metal surface, careful GAS FACILITIES: FEDERAL SAFETY
investigation or testing must be made before
applying cathodic protection to stop pitting STANDARDS
attack on aluminum structures in environ-
ments with a natural pH in excess of 8. Subpart A—General
C. Copper structures. A minimum negative
(cathodic) polarization voltage shift of 100 Sec.
millivolts. This polarization voltage shift 193.2001 Scope of part.
must be determined in accordance with sec- 193.2003 [Reserved]
tions III and IV of this appendix. 193.2005 Applicability.
D. Metals of different anodic potentials. A 193.2007 Definitions.
negative (cathodic) voltage, measured in ac- 193.2009 Rules of regulatory construction.
cordance with section IV of this appendix, 193.2011 Reporting.
equal to that required for the most anodic 193.2013 Incorporation by reference.
metal in the system must be maintained. If 193.2015 [Reserved]
amphoteric structures are involved that 193.2017 Plans and procedures.
could be damaged by high alkalinity covered 193.2019 Mobile and temporary LNG facili-
by paragraphs (3) and (4) of paragraph B of ties.
this section, they must be electrically iso-
lated with insulating flanges, or the equiva- Subpart B—Siting Requirements
193.2051 Scope.
II. Interpretation of voltage measurement.
193.2055 [Reserved]
Voltage (IR) drops other than those across
193.2057 Thermal radiation protection.
the structure-electrolyte boundary must be
193.2059 Flammable vapor-gas dispersion
considered for valid interpretation of the
voltage measurement in paragraphs A(1) and
193.2061–193.2065 [Reserved]
(2) and paragraph B(1) of section I of this ap-
193.2067 Wind forces.
193.2069–193.2073 [Reserved]
III. Determination of polarization voltage
shift. The polarization voltage shift must be
determined by interrupting the protective
Subpart C—Design
current and measuring the polarization 193.2101 Scope.
decay. When the current is initially inter-
rupted, an immediate voltage shift occurs. MATERIALS
The voltage reading after the immediate
193.2103–193.2117 [Reserved]
shift must be used as the base reading from
193.2119 Records.
which to measure polarization decay in para-
graphs A(3), B(2), and C of section I of this DESIGN OF COMPONENTS AND BUILDINGS
IV. Reference half cells. A. Except as pro- 193.2121–193.2153 [Reserved]
vided in paragraphs B and C of this section,
negative (cathodic) voltage must be meas-
ured between the structure surface and a 193.2155 Structural requirements.
saturated copper-copper sulfate half cell con- 193.2157–193.2159 [Reserved]
tacting the electrolyte. 193.2161 Dikes, general.
B. Other standard reference half cells may 193.2163–193.2165 [Reserved]
be substituted for the saturated cooper-cop- 193.2167 Covered systems.
per sulfate half cell. Two commonly used ref- 193.2169–193.2171 [Reserved]
erence half cells are listed below along with 193.2173 Water removal.
their voltage equivalent to ¥0.85 volt as re- 193.2175–193.2179 [Reserved]
ferred to a saturated copper-copper sulfate 193.2181 Impoundment capacity: LNG stor-
half cell: age tanks.
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