BW Pros Cons
BW Pros Cons
BW Pros Cons
To overcome the problems with query response times, delayed daily overnight loads, or data latency, this is the
right time to migrate to BW on HANA. To avail the benefits of in-memory capabilities, flexible data modelling ,
high speed data loads and also real time reporting. SAP BW is one of the first applications to be optimized and
powered by HANA.
To Migrate BW on HANA , need not worry about current SAP BW application because it remains the same. It is
just the database that will be replaced by SAP HANA. All the data models which were running prior to migration
can still be used without having to rewrite application logic, queries, Multi Providers, and data transformations
from DSOs to Info Cubes.
Preserve BW investment: As the migration is completely without disruption the BW application remains the
same – just faster queries, updates and reporting. No modifications in developments and no end user training is
required since it is without disruption.
Supercharge your current BW: With excellent query performance and faster reporting, businesses can now
take decisions with most up to date information. Moreover data loads are faster with decreased data latency.
Improved decision making: Since the data loads will be faster it means faster query execution and faster
analysis – and snap decisions.
Real-Time insight as Business happens: With the enablement of near real time reporting in BW on HANA , it is
possible to do analysis and take decisions on the most up to date information.
Unlock the power of your data: With self service access ALL information at the most granular level to better
understand details of business and understand the hidden patterns .
Simplified Maintenance: With BW on HANA database management is not required (No index, no aggregates,
no Statistics and DBA operations) because the performance is already achieved by HANA as a database.
Minimum wait time for changes: Changes in business requirements can be handled more efficiently and with
good quick turn- around time.
Common Data base as SAP BW on HANA for integrating various entities BW systems. BW on HANA is an
essential for BW4HANA or DWC.
•Excellent performance in analy cal repor ng and data loading using HANA in memory database capabili es
•With HANA op mized objects, you can perform complex queries, detailed analysis, high data volume, and
aggregations efficiently
•All exis ng BI tools such as BEx, Business Objects BI repor ng tools, and Microso Excel are directly supported
by SAP BW on HANA.
•Improvements in the ETL process design, no need of rolling up , delete / create Indexes, filling aggrega ons etc..
•Strong BW func onality, simplified modelling and administra on. Self Service Capabili es to build reports and
cubes out of SAP
•Great Performance for simple and analy cal repor ng, broad availability of BW Tools to integrate
•BW workspaces: new models can be created based on central data from the BW system and local data
•Have a common Data base as SAP BW on HANA for integra ng various en es BW systems. BW on HANA is an
essential for BW4HANA or DWC.
SAP HANA provides real-time analysis and decision-making capability. It enables processing of large amounts of
data while the business is going on. Thus, it provides instant real-time insights.
The in-memory database technology makes data processing and transactions very fast as the data stores in
SAP HANA is only compatible to and thus will run only on SAP or SUSE Linux certified hardware
RAM. Therefore, data can be directly and quickly processed from there.
SAP HANA allows data to store and process in columns as well as rows in the database. Also, many operations
can be parallelly processed in SAP HANA as opposed to only a single operation processing in the traditional Limited hardware compatibility makes wanting to use SAP HANA a costly investment.
database for executing one query. Thus, parallel processing increases the speed of operation manifold.
Usually, developers who still continue with their old ways of working with database technologies, are not able
In SAP HANA’s in-memory database, you can access various databases both for transactional (OLTP) and
to use SAP HANA to its full potential. They only use it as a fast in-memory database, while there are many
analytical (OLAP) queries parallelly at once.
other features and functionalities that SAP HANA provides.
You can fetch data from various external data sources due to the source-agnostic capabilities of SAP HANA.
Also, it makes the SAP HANA compatible with different DBMS used across the organization. Thus, enabling easy
data integration.
By the real-time data replication service, you can replicate the data from SAP ERP into SAP HANA without it’s
interjecting with the other operations of the business suite
Using data modeling and designing tools, data models are made very flexible and are completely virtual
Without interrupting the ongoing business operations, you can perform data integration and aggregation from
various applications and data sources in SAP HANA. You can also integrate it with SAP Business Object BI
BW on Oracle
Pros / Reason For Cons / Reason Against
Reporting tool out of the BOX. BEX Analyzer is not supported.
•The loading speed is okay, but not so great when you need to load or analyze a big amount of data.
•The User Interface is not so user-friendly.
•Long cycle me from data prepara on to repor ng.. Report Results s ll requires fairly significant data
verification time and effort
•Resources for ETL Process monitoring , maintenance . The regularly scheduled process chain gets hung
sometimes and there is room for improvement.-
•Info cube/ Info providers requires significant op miza on efforts
•Addi onal SAP products required for self-service capability and dashboarding.
•Poor graphing op ons. Export capability for reports like Export to PDF is not available
The combination of today’s technology changes and much tougher competition in market conditions is
testing SAP BW in terms of flexibility, real-time capability, and efficient handling of mass data. In general SAP
BW applications run on traditional data bases like Oracle, IBM, DB2, MS-SQL etc. which were originally
designed for transactional workloads and were later adopted to data warehouse workloads. Since they were
designed for transactional processing and not for analysis (OLAP) there are challenges for BW’s high-volume
users, as illustrated below:
Data load times: The daily loads that extract from source systems takes a huge amount of time for Report
data availability.
Query response times: The execution of queries for large amounts of data is very slow
No real time data: It is not possible for managers to take instant, competitive decisions on real -time data in
regular BW systems.
Structural changes: Any changes to a report or data model will take a long time since there are lots of layers
to be re-designed. This means that consumers of the reports have to wait too long for their required changes
to be made to the delivery of the source data.