1st Year Full Book Tests
1st Year Full Book Tests
1st Year Full Book Tests
Write short answers to any EIGHT (8) of the following questions. (8x2=16)
(i) Give the examples of organisms that reproduce by natural cloning. (ii) What are chromosomes? Why they
are important? (iii) Differentiate between lag and log phase. (iv) What is importance of heterospory? (v)
What is coelom? (vi) Discuss about the brain of Octopus. (vii) Differentiate between carnivores and
omnivores. (viii) Define gastrovascular cavity with example. (ix) Define beathing. (x) Define respiratory
surface. Give their properties. (xi) What are platelets? Give their role. (xii) Define Blood Pressure?
3- Write short answers to any EIGHT (8) of the following questions. (8x2=16)
(i) Define lock and key model of enzyme. (ii) Give structure of nostoc. (iii) Define term thallus. (iv) What is
feeding stage of slime mold? Define it. (v) What are lichens? (vi) What is parasexuality in fungi? (vii) With
two examples, discuss class Gastropoda. (viii) What are Insectivorous plants? How they get their
carbohydrates? (ix) Define Digestion. (x) How selection of food takes place by oral cavity? (xi) Name the
structure involved in gaseous exchange in Earthworm, fish and frog. (xii) What is open circulatory system?
Give an example.
4- Write short answers to any SIX (6) of the following questions. (6x2=12)
(i) Give the functions of binding site and catalytic site of the active site of an enzyme. (ii) How peroxisomes are
different from glyoxisomes? (iii) Where the new Ribosomes assembled? (iv) What are carnivores fungi? Give
one example. (v) What is operculum? (vi) Give two characteristics of class Amphibia. (vii) Define
assimilation. (viii) Where carbonic anhydrase enzyme is present? Give its role. (ix) What are Leucocytes?
Note: Attempt any THREE (3) questions. (3x8=24)
5(a) What is cloning? Discuss in detail.
(b) Describe the factors which affect on the rate of transpiration.
6(a) Discuss Watson & Crick model of DNA.
Differentiate between ascocarp and ascus.
7(a) Give general characteristics of cyanobacteria with special reference to Nostoc.
Describe land adaptations of Bryophytes.
8(a) Write a note on Calvin cycle.
Describe life cycle of bacteriophage.
9(a) Describe the structure and function of plasma membrane.
Describe the stomach in relation to their structure and function.
Test Type with Answers Key
Subject Biology-11
T.Code 2737
Test Type Type 16 - Full Test - Board Paper Pattern - Marks=85
Syllabus Full Book
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Name: Roll#: Class: Inter Part-I
Subject: Chemistry-11 Date: T.Code 5109
Test Type # Type 16 - Full Test - Board Paper Pattern - Marks=85
Syllabus: Full Book
2- Write short answers to any EIGHT (8) of the following questions. (8x2=16)
(i) What is Avogadro’s number? Give equation to relate the Avogadro’s number and mass of an element. (ii)
Define chromatography. Give formula of distribution coefficient. (iii) Why deep sea divers take oxygen mixed with
an inert gas, Like (He)? (iv) Give reason for the lowest boiling point of hydride of group IV-A elements. (v) Define
allotropy with an example. (vi) Calculate mass of an electron when m e =1.758 x 1011 C. kg-1. (vii) Write down
two postulates of plank’s quantum theory of radiation. (viii) Describe state function with an example. (ix) Define
pH and give the pH of milk and eggs. (x) Give two applications of Buffer solution. (xi) Balance the following
equations by oxidation number method MnO2+ HCl → MnC l 2+ H 2O + C l 2 . (xii) What is Zero-order
reaction? Give one example.
3- Write short answers to any EIGHT (8) of the following questions. (8x2=16)
(i) Calculate the percentage of nitrogen in NH 3 . (ii) Justify how Mg atom is twice heavier than that of carbon
atom. (iii) What is the justification of two strong peaks in the mass spectrum for bromine; while for iodine only one
peak at 127 a.m.u , is indicated? (iv) Write down two applications of chromatography. (v) When energy is
expressed in ergs. (vi) Justify that SO2 is comparatively non-ideal at 273K but behaves ideally at 327Co. (vii)
What are Debye forces? Explain. (viii) Define ionic and covalent radii. (ix) Define enthalpy of neutralization with
one example. (x) Write down the equilibrium constant expression for the dissociation of PCl5. (xi) Balance the
ionic equations by ion-electron method. H 2AsO4+ C r 2O2−
7 → 3H 2AsO4+ 2C r
2+ . (xii) Define first order
reaction with example.
4- Write short answers to any Six (6) of the following questions. (6x2=12)
(i) What is mass spectrum? (ii) Define sublimate. Give two examples. (iii) Why water vapours do not behave
ideally at 273K? (iv) How will you prove that Cathode Rays travel in Straight Line? (v) Define Slow Neutron and
Fast neutron. (vi) What is origin of Hydrogen Spectrum? (vii) What should be the possible effect of change of
temperature at equilibrium stage. In Haber's process. (viii) Find out the pH of 0.1 m HCl solution. (ix) Determine
the oxidation number of Phosphorus in H3PO4.
Attempt any THREE (3) questions. (3x8=24)
5(a) NH3 can be produced by heating together two solids NH4Cl and Ca (OH)2 . If a mixture containing 100g of each solid
is heated then how many grams of NH3 is produced? Atomic mass of Ca = 40.
2N H 4CI + Ca(OH ) 2 ⟶ CaC I 2+ 2N H 3+ 2H 2O
Derive different values and units of general gas constant “R” by general gas equation.
6(a) Do you think that groups of the spectral lines of He+ are at different places than those for hydrogen atom? Give
What is meant by the term hydrogen bonding? How does hydrogen bonding explain, the properties of proteins.
7(a) What is a chemical bond? Discuss the formation of ionic and covalent bonds. How does the electronegativity
difference differentiate between ionic and covalent bond?
How the enthalpy of a reaction is measured by glass calorimeter?
8(a) The solubility of PbF2 at 25oC is 0.64 g dm −3 0.64 g dm −3 . Calculate Ksp of PbF2. Atomic mass of
P b = 207.2 gmol −1 P b = 207.2 gmol −1 , Atomic mass of F = 19 g mol −1 F = 19 g mol −1 .
How depression in freezing point is measured by Beckmann’s Apparatus.
9(a) Define standard hydrogen electrode (SHE). How it is used to measure the electrode potential of copper?
Define order of reaction.
Test Type with Answers Key
Subject Chemistry-11
T.Code 5109
Test Type Type 16 - Full Test - Board Paper Pattern - Marks=85
Syllabus Full Book
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Name: Roll#: Class: Inter Part-I
Subject: Computer Science-11 Date: T.Code 2795
Test Type # Type 16 - Full Test - Board Paper Pattern - Marks=75
Syllabus: Full Book
2- Write short answers to any SIX (6) of the following questions. (6x2=12)
(i) What is meant by information technology? (ii) Define the term "INTRANET". (iii) Differentiate between uploading
and downloading. (iv) What is network protocol? (v) What is communication media? (vi) Why RA is called
Random Access Memory? (vii) What is Volatile Memory? (viii) Define low level language. (ix) State the
advantages of Named Ranges?
3- Write short answers to any SIX (6) of the following questions. (6x2=12)
(i) Give three example of system software? (ii) What is Data Communications? (iii) What is the Role of Sender in
Data Communication? (iv) List activities performed by Control Unit? (v) What is expension bus? (vi) What is zero-
address instructin format? (vii) Define assembler. (viii) State the Purpose of operating system. (ix) What are
functions in MS-Excel?
4- Write short answers to any SIX (6) of the following questions. (6x2=12)
(i) Convert 128 bits into bytes. (ii) Define Internet. (iii) Define Star topology. (iv) Define Bandwidth. (v) What is
electronic shopping? (vi) List some general purpose registers. (vii) Differentiate between Virus and Antivirus?
(viii) Why data protection is important? (ix) Describe control Panel.
Attempt any THREE (3) questions. (3x8=24)
5. Difference between impact and Non- impact printers Also write a not on line printer and thermal printer.
6. What is Guided media? Write in detail twiste pair and coaxial cable.
7. What is Network protocol? Discuss different LAN Protocols.
8. How does a Computer virus spread? Explain its four different Causes.
9. Dafine data Communication. Explain its four Basic Components of Commmunication Network.
Test Type with Answers Key
Subject Computer Science-11
T.Code 2795
Test Type Type 16 - Full Test - Board Paper Pattern - Marks=75
Syllabus Full Book
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Name: Roll#: Class: Inter Part-I
Subject: English-11 Date: T.Code 4583
Test Type # Type 8 - Full Test - Board Paper Pattern - Marks=100
Syllabus: Full Book
2- Answer the following any SIX questions from Book-I (Short Stories). (6x2=12)
(i) Why did Norma want to push the button? (ii) Why did Norma telephone Mr. Steward? (iii) What did the
man feel when he stepped on Mars? (iv) What was the advice Harry Bittering gave to the people? (v) Why
did Hubert keep claiming his innocence till his death? (vi) Why did people cacll Hubert an ol rascal? (vii)
What is the lesson that the stroy "The Reward" teaches? (viii) Why did the men eat their supper with good
appetites? (ix) What are the services of Martin Luther King for Negroes?
3- Answer the following any FIVE questions from Book-III (One Act Plays). (5x2=10)
(i) How does Kreton impress General Powers? (ii) Describe the strange visitor in your own words. (A Visit to a
Small Planet) (iii) What restrictions were imposed on Spelding's house? (iv) Who comes out of the flying
saucer and where does this saucer land? (v) What was General Powers thinking? (vi) What does Harry
advise Miss McCutcheon to do? (vii) Why does Harry refuse to give a poodle cut to Miss McCutcheon? (viii)
Why does Harry forbid the girl to whisper?
4- Answer the following any FOUR questions from Book-III (Poems). (4x2=8)
(i) What do the facial expression of statue tell? (ii) Why does the poet consider hollow men useless for a
nation? (iii) What does the line "I stand in good relation to the earth" mean? (iv) Why does the poet call
himself a Fish? (v) What the theme of the poem "Love - an Essence of All Religions". (vi) Whom does Sindhi
woman represent?
5- Write a Letter OR Application of the following. (10)
Write a letter to your friend condoling the death of his/ her mother.
OR. Write an application to the Principal of your college for College Leaving Certificate.
6- Write a story on the moral lesson. (10)
7(a)-Explain the following lines with reference to the context. (5)
And since to look at things in bloom
Fifty Springs are little room,
About the woodland I will go
To see the cherry' hung with snow.
(b)- Punctuate the following extract from Book-I. (5)
all the crops finished nothing left he said but the gongs were still beating the men still shouting and margaret
asked why do you go on with it then
(c)- Use any FIVE of the following pair of words in your sentences. (5)
(i) draught, drought (ii) drown, sink (iii) lose, loose (iv) loath, loathe (v) passed, past
(vi) empire, umpire (vii) fiction, faction
8- Translate the following passage into Urdu. (Short Stories Book-I). (15)
Looking out, all the trees were queer and still, clotted with insects, their houghs weighed to the ground. The earth
seemed to be moving, locusts crawling everywhere, she could not see the lands at all, so thick was the swarm.
Toward the mountains it was like looking into driving rain - even as she watched, the sun was blotted out with a
fresh onrush of them. It was a half-night, a perverted blackness. Then came a sharp crack from the bush - a
branch had snapped off. Then another. A tree down the slope leaned over and settled heavily to the ground.
Through the hail of insects a man came running.
Test Type with Answers Key
Subject English-11
T.Code 4583
Test Type Type 8 - Full Test - Board Paper Pattern - Marks=100
Syllabus Full Book
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Name: Roll#: Class: Inter Part-I
Subject: Islamiyat (C)-11 Date: T.Code 5104
Test Type # Type 6 - Full Test - Board Paper Pattern - Marks=50
Syllabus: Full Book
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Name: Roll#: Class: Inter Part-I
Subject: Mathematics-11 Date: T.Code 5016
Test Type # Type 16 - Full Test - Board Paper Pattern - Marks=100
Syllabus: Full Book
2- Write short answers to any EIGHT (8) of the following questions. (8x2=16)
(i) What is deduction? (ii) If A={1,2,3,4} then write the relation in A for{(x,y)/x + y = 5}. (iii) Define the Scalar
x+3 1 y 1
matrix. (iv) Find x and y if [ ]=[ ] . (v) Define scalar multiplication. (vi) What is
−3 3y − 4 −3 2x
multiplication of matrices? (vii) If ω is a root of x 2+ x + 1 = 0 , show that its other root is ω2. (viii) Expand
(1 + 2x)−1 upto four terms. (ix) Prove that Sin8x+Sin2x
cos8x+cos2x = tan5x . (x) Find R if measure of the sides of triangle ABC
are a=13, b=14, c=15. (xi) Find the solution of the Equation: cot θ = 1 which lie on [0,2π] . (xii) Solve the
2 1
Trigonometric Equation: cot θ = 3 ; θ ∈ [0,2π]
3- Write short answers to any EIGHT (8) of the following questions. (8x2=16)
(i) Write in terms of i: √ −−
− b
−1 (ii) If G is a group under the operation * and a,b ∈ G , find the solution of the equation
1 3 1 1+t ¯t )
a ∗ x = b . (iii) If A = [ ] , show that A is not symmetric. (iv) If [ ] , show that A + ((A) is
−2 1 1 −t
Hermitian. (v) Solve the equation 2x 4− 32 = 0 (vi) Sum the series: (x − a) + (x + a) + (x + 3a) +...... … to n
terms (vii) Find a vulgar fractions equivalent to the recurring decimal: 1.3̇4̇ (viii) If 5 is the harmonic mean between
2 an d a, find a. (ix) Find the value of n, when nC10= 12×112! . (x) Expand (1 − 2x)
3 upto four terms. (xi) Prove
1 + tan2θ = sec2θ (xii) Show that cot 4θ + cot 2θ = cosec4θ − cosec2θ .
4- Write short answers to any NINE (9) of the following questions. (9x2=18)
(i) Define the power set of a set. (ii) Use Venn diagrams to verity the following: (A − B)c ∩ B = B (iii) Derive
quadratic formula by standard form of quadratic equation. (iv) Use the factor theorem to determine if the polynomial is
a factor of the second polynomial. ω + 2,2ω3+ ω2− 4ω + 7 (v) Sum the series 1+4-7+10+13-16+19+22-25 to
3n terms. (vi) Find G.M between −2i and 8i . (vii) Write in factorial form . (viii) Define permutation. (ix)
Find the probability that sum of dots appearing in two successive throws of two dice every time 7. (x) Prove any one
of the fundamental identities of trigonometry. (xi) Prove the identity (sec θ + tan θ)(sec θ − tan θ) = 1 . (xii) Prove
that sin 780osin 480o+ cos 120osin 30o = 1
2 . (xiii) Prove that rr 1r 2r 3 = Δ 2 .
Attempt any THREE (3) questions. (3x10=30)
5(a) Find the inverse of each of the following relations. Tell whether each relation and its inverse is a function or not.
{(x,y)| x 2+ y 2 = 9,|x| ≤ 3, |y| ≤ 3} {(x, y)| x
= 9, |x| ≤ 3, |y| ≤ 3}
(b) If the sum of an infinite geometric series is 9 and the sum of squares of its terms is 81 81
, find the series.
5 5
7(a) A number consists of two digits whose product is 14. If the digits are interchange, the resulting number will exceed the
original number by 45. Find the number.
(b) 1 1
(1−x) 2 (9−4x) 2
3 61
If x is so small that its square and higher powers can be neglected, then show that: 1
(8+3x) 3
Find sin(α + β) given that tan α =
, cos β =
, and neither the terminal side of the angle of
4 13
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Name: Roll#: Class: Inter Part-I
Subject: Physics-11 Date: T.Code 1825
Test Type # Type 17 - Full Test - Board Paper Pattern - Marks=85
Syllabus: Full Book
2- Write short answers to any EIGHT (8) of the following questions. (8x2=16)
(i) Find the value of 'g' and its uncertainty using T = 2π√ gl from the following measurements made during an experiment
Length of simple pendulum l = 100 cm . Time for 20 vibrations = 40.2 s Length was measured by a metre scale of accuracy
upto 1 mm and time by stop watch of accuracy upto 0.1 s. (ii) Can the magnitude of a vector ever be zero? Explain. (iii)
State Newton's Second and Third Law of Motion. (iv) What is the time of flight of projectile motion? (v) If the range of
projectile same for both angles of projectileof 30o and 60o? If your answer is yes then prove it? (vi) What type of energies is
possessed by a hoop moving down frictionless inclined plane? (vii) A disc and hoop start moving down from the top of
inclined plane at the same time. Which one will be moving faster on reaching the ground? (viii) Define weightlessness and
gravity free system. (ix) How will you increase the fringe width in young’s double slit experiment? (x) What is the
contribution of Michelson to measure the length of standard meter using interferometer? (xi) What do you understand by
linear magnification and angular magnification? Explain how a convex lens is used as magnifier? (xii) Draw the ray
diagram of astronomical telescope when it is in normal adjustment.
3- Write short answers to any EIGHT (8) of the following questions. (8x2=16)
(i) The length, breadth and thickness of a sheet are 3.233 m, 2.105 m and 1.05 cm respectively. Calculate the volume of the
sheet correct upto the appropriate significant digits. (ii) Can the magnitude of a vector have a negative value? (iii) Show
the S = r θ (iv) What is difference between inertia and moment of inertia? (v) Define moment of intertia. How it is related
to torque? (vi) Why does a diver change its body position before diving in the pool? (vii) A lift is ascending with the
acceleration ‘a’. Derive the expression for apparent weight. The body of mass ‘m’ in it. (viii) A person is standing nearby a
fast moving train. Is there any danger that he will fall towards it? (ix) What is meant by phase angle? Does it define angle
between maximum displacement and the driving force? (x) What changes are observed if a wave is reflected from a denser
medium? (xi) How are beats useful in tuning a musical instrument? (xii) Define electromagnetic waves. Give example.
4- Write short answers to any Six (6) of the following questions. (6x2=12)
(i) State Newton's second law of motion and write its mathematical form. (ii) State Newton's second law of motion and
define the unit of force. (iii) When rocket re-enters the atmosphere, its nose becomes very hot, why? (iv) Define
conservative force. Give at least its two examples. (v) Explain weightlessness in satellites. (vi) What are the factors upon
which speed of sound in air depends? (vii) Define coherent source of light. Give an example. (viii) Define the term
Internal Energy. (ix) What would be the heat loss if internal energy decreases by 10J and 20J of work is done on the
system, simaltenous?
Attempt any THREE (3) questions. (3x8=24)
5(a) What is projectile? Derive expressions for the: (i) Height (ii) Horizontal range
(b) How two vectors can be added by rectangular component method?
6(a) Define conservative field and prove that work done is Independent of the path followed by the body in gravitational field.
(b) Radio and TV signals bounce from a synchronous satellite. This satellite circles the Earth once in 24 hours. So if the satellite
circles eastward above the equator, it stays over the same spot on the Earth because the Earth is rotating at the same rate.
(a) What is the orbital radius for a synchronous satellite? (b) What is its speed?
7(a) State and prove the Bernoulli’s equation in dynamic fluid, that relates pressure to fluid speed and height.
(b) A load of 15.0 g elongates a spring by 2.00 cm. If body of mass 294 g is attached to the spring and is set into vibration with
an amplitude of 10.0 cm, what will be its (i) period (ii) spring constant (iii) maximum speed of its vibration.
8(a) Derive Newton’s formula for the speed of sound in air and describe the correction by Laplace in it.
(b) The distance between the slits in Young's double slit experiment is 0.25 cm. Interference fringes are formed on a screen
placed at a distance of 100 cm from the slits. The distance of the third dark fringe from the central bright fringe is 0.059 cm.
Find the wavelength of the incident light.
9(a) What is carnot engine? Give its four processes and derive the relation for its efficiency.
(b) A converging lens of focal lenght 5.0 cm is used as a magnifying glass. If the near point of the observer is 25 cm and the lens
is held close to the eye, calculate (i) the distance of the object from the lens (ii) the angular magnification. What is the angular
magnification when the final image is formed at infinity?
Test Type with Answers Key
Subject Physics-11
T.Code 1825
Test Type Type 17 - Full Test - Board Paper Pattern - Marks=85
Syllabus Full Book
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Name: Roll#: Class: Inter Part-I
Subject: Urdu-11 Date: T.Code 5331
Test Type # Type 8 - Full Test - Board Paper Pattern - Marks=100
Syllabus: Full Book
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Test Type with Answers Key
Subject Urdu-11
T.Code 5331
Test Type Type 8 - Full Test - Board Paper Pattern - Marks=100
Syllabus Full Book
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20