CCR Song Database New

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Table of Contents

ENTRANCE- COME, NOW IS THE.........................2

ENTRANCE- I WILL ENTER HIS..............................3
ENTRANCE- JOYFUL, JOYFUL, WE........................3
ENTRANCE – LET US BE RENEWED......................3
ENTRANCE-LORD REIGN IN ME...........................4
KYRIE- LORD HAVE MERCY..................................4
KYRIE – OH LORD HAVE MERCY...........................5
KYRIE – MUSENGWA...........................................5
GLORIA- GLORY TO GOD.....................................5
GLORIA – NKOKONJERU MASS............................6
GLORIA – SONG OF GLORY..................................6
MEDITATION- AMAZING GRACE (John Newton 1725- 1807) 6
MEDITATION -CLOSE TO THEE.............................7
MEDITATION- CREATE IN ME..............................7
MEDITATION -HOLY, HOLY, HOLY,.......................7
MEDITATION- NKWEGOMBA..............................8
MEDITATION- TO THE RIVER...............................9
MEDITATION - WHATSOEVER.............................9
GOSPEL- BE MY WAY.........................................10
GOSPEL- IENDE MBELE,.....................................10
OFFERTORY -BABA NIKUPE NINI.......................10
OFFERTORY-EBINTU BYOONA...........................11
OFFERTORY – GE GANO AMAKULA...................12
OFFERTORY -MUKAMA NYOWE........................12
OFFERTORY-MUKAMA OYAKIIRE......................13
OFFERTORY – OGGYA KU BUGAGGA.................13
OFFERTORY -SADAKA YETU...............................14
OFFERTORY – WE BRING A................................14
OFFERTORY- YAKIIRA EGI..................................14
SANCTUS – HOSANNA.......................................15
SANCTUS -LOAGAYON.......................................15
SANCTUS – MUHIKIRIIRE...................................15
SANCTUS – MUHIKIRIIRE...................................15
SANCTUS -MTAKATIFU......................................15
SANCTUS – MWAMUFU....................................16
PEACE: AMINANARA.........................................16
PEACE - GOD’S LOVE.........................................16
PEACE -KUGONZA.............................................16
PEACE – MUGONZANGANE...............................16
PEACE – THERE IS PPEACE.................................16
AGNUS DEI........................................................16
COMMUNION – COME AND DINE.....................16
COMMUNION -JESUS, JESUS.............................17
COMMUNION – KARIBU YESU...........................18
COMMUNION-LORD OF THE DANCE.................18
COMMUNION -MWE MUJJE.............................18
Ndiwo mbanyweze – Ggulu Ggulu Ggulu.........19
COMMUNION -ON THE NIGHT..........................19
POST COMMUNION – AND CAN IT....................20
POST COMMUNION- GREAT.............................20
POST COMMUNION-.........................................20
POST COMMUNION- THANK YOU.....................21
POST COMMUNION-THANK YOU......................21
POST COMMUNION -YEZU NGA........................22
EXIT- WE WANNA SEE JESUS.............................23
EXIT- WHAT THE LORD HAS...............................23
AS WE WORSHIP YOU...................................23
FATHER OF CREATION...................................24
HOW GREAT IS OUR GOD..............................24
JESUS, LOVER OF MY SOUL............................24
JESUS WE ENTHRONE YOU............................24
LET ALL THAT.................................................25
LET THE PEACE OF GOD REIGN (Darlene Zschech)25
LORD I LIFT YOUR NAME...............................25
MORE LOVE, MORE POWER..........................25
(Jude Del Hierro)...............................................25
ANCIENT OF DAYS.........................................26
AWESOME GOD............................................26
I COULD SING OF YOUR LOVE........................26
PRAISE HIM THE SON OF GOD.......................27
IT IS A GREAT THING......................................27
KING OF KINGS..............................................27
TRADING MY SORROWS................................27
THE LORD IS COMING....................................28
WHEN THE BRIDEGROOM.............................28

Come, now is the time to give your heart

Come, just as you are to worship
Come just as you are before your God, come

One day every tongue will confess you are

One day every knee will bow
Still the greatest treasure remains for those
Who gladly choose you now!


I will enter His gates with thanksgiving in my

I will enter His courts with praise
I will say this is the day that the Lord has
I will rejoice for He has made me glad

He has made me glad

He has made me glad
I will rejoice for He has made me glad
He has made me glad
He has made me glad
I will rejoice for He has made me glad.



1. Joyful, joyful we adore thee,

God of glory God of love!
Hearts unfold like flowers before thee,
Opening to the sun above
Melt the clouds of sin and sadness,
Drive the dark of doubt away;
Giver of immortal gladness,
Fill us with the light of way.
2. All thy works with joy surround thee,
Earth and heaven reflect thy rays,
ENTRANCE- COME, NOW IS THE TIME Stars and angels sing around thee,
TO WORSHIP Center of unbroken praise
Field, forest vale and mountain,
Come, now is the time to worship Flowery meadow flashing sea
Chanting bird and flowing fountain Martyrs of Uganda pray for us,
Call us to rejoice in thee. That we may look for the way of life,
Christ is the way to the Father.
3. Thou art giving and forgiving,
Ever blessing, ever blest,
Well spring of the joy of living, ENTRANCE-LORD REIGN IN ME
Ocean depth of happy rest,
Thou our Father Christ our Brother Over all the earth, you reign on high,
All who live in love are thine. Every mountain stream, every sunset sky
Teach us how to love each other, But my one request
Lift us to the joy divine. Lord, my only aim
4. Mortals join the happy chorus, Is that You reign in me again
Which the morning stars began,
Father love is reigning o’er us, Lord reign in me
Brother love blinds man to man, Reign in your power,
Ever winging, march we onward, Over all my dreams
Victors in the midst o’strife, In my darkest
Joyful music leads us sunward ‘Cause you are the Lord
In the triumph song divine Of all I am
So won’t you reign in me again
Let us be renewed, let us be renewed, Over every thought
Let us be renewed in Christ. Over every word
Family of God let us be renewed, May my life reflect
Let us be renewed in Christ. The beauty of the Lord
‘Cause you mean more to me,
1. Come Holy Spirit fill our lives, Than any earthly thing
Let us be renewed in Christ the truth, So won’t you reign in me again
Let us be renewed in the prince of life,
Christ is the way to the Father. ENTRANCE – TO GOD IN GLADNESS
2. All church leaders, civil heads, To God in gladness sing. How great his
Fathers and mothers, children and youth, name.
All you faithful join the march, Give thanks to him for his marvelous deeds.
On the way to the Father Alleluia, Alleluia.
1. He came among his people, he dwelt
3. Civil servants, women and men, among the poor,
Jesus Christ your model hoists the flag, He chose of all the weakest, the humblest
Lift up his banner, tread his path, to be friends.
On the way to the Father
2. Like rain that falls from heaven and
4. Prodigal children don’t lose heart, makes the earth bring forth,
Merciful Father spreads his arms, His word our hearts refreshes, his law our
Free from the darkness return to God, life transforms.
Christ is the way to the Father.

5. Holy Virgin Mary intercede for us,

3. No longer are we servants, his friends KYRIE – MUSENGWA
each one he calls, Musengwa twayonona,
He brings us to his table to share the tusaba otusasire ife x12
bread and wine.
Ife twayonona,
4. The light that shines in darkness, the Baba tusasire ife x2
victory over death,
He enters into glory, like him we too shall Ayi Kristu twayonona,
arise. Tusaba otusasire ife x2

Ife twayonona,
5. The flame of love his Spirit, the universe
Baba tusasire ife x2
Through him a new creation, begins and GLORIA- GLORY TO GOD
never ends. Lord we praise, Lord we praise, we adore
We glorify we give you thanks. X2
Sop: Lord, have mercy
1. And on earth peace to men, peace to men
All: Lord, have mercy who are God’s friends.

Sop: Christ, have mercy 2. God Almighty Father heavenly King, we

praise you and we bless you.
All: Christ, have mercy
3. Lord Jesus Christ Son of the Father, Lord
Lamb of God Jesus Christ.

KYRIE 4. You who take away the sins of the world,

have mercy receive our prayer.
Have mercyx2 Lord have mercy on us O
Lord 5. You who are seated at the right hand of
the Father, have mercy Lord Jesus Christ.
Have mercyx2 Lord have mercy on us
6. You alone are holy, you alone are Lord,
Have mercyx2 Christ have mercy on us O you alone are most high.
7. Glory to the Father, glory to the Son, to
Have mercyx2 Christ have mercy on us
the Spirit for evermore.
//Oh Lord have mercy (Lord have mercy)
Oh Lord have mercy (Lord have mercy)// x2
We praise you, we adore you,
We glorify, we give you thanks.
Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy x2
1. And on earth peace to men,
//Oh Lord have mercy (Lord have mercy)
Peace to men who are God’s friends.
Oh Lord have mercy (Lord have mercy)// x2
God Almighty Father heavenly King,
We praise you and we bless you.
2. We adore you, we glorify you, God’s own son has come to earth,
We give you thanks for your great glory. Glory, glory sing glory to God
Celebrate his wonderful birth, ,,
Lord Jesus only son of the Father,
Hear the good news of his word, ,,
Lord, Lamb of God Jesus Christ.
Share the sound of hope we’ve heard. ,,
3. You take away the sins of the world,
Have mercy receive our prayer. God of love, Glory to God
You are seated at the right hand of the God of splendor, Glory to God
Father, God of life, Glory to God Glory,
Have mercy Lord Jesus Christ. glory, sing glory to God x2

4. You alone are holy, you alone are Lord, All the love since time began,,,
You alone are most high. Lives within this wonderful man..”
Everything that was and is, ,,
Glory to the Father, glory to the Son Finds new life in this love of his.,,
To the Spirit now and ever more
God of earth, Glory to God
God of people, Glory to God
GLORIA – NKOKONJERU MASS God of peace, glory to God ,,
Give glory to the Father, Give glory to the Praise to the God who sets us free, ,,
Son, and glory to the Spirit be. Sing glory to Praise to the God who lets us be, ,,
the Lord. Praise to the Father and the son. ,,
Praise to the Spirit in everyone. ,,
1. Glory to God who lives on high
Sing glory to the Lord Let us sing, Glory to God
And peace on earth to all his friends Sing his praise, glory to God
Praise and bless and glorify Sing of peace, Glory to God.
Give glory to God and sing his praise Glory, glory, sing glory to God x2

2. Almighty God and Heavenly King MEDITATION- AMAZING GRACE (John

To Jesus Christ his only son Newton 1725- 1807)
Son of the Father Lamb of God
You freed us from the world of sin 1. Amazing grace! how sweet that sound,
That saved a wretch like me!
3. You are the only Holy one I once was lost but now am found,
You are the only Jesus Christ Was blind, but now I see.
You are the only Lord of Hosts
The most high, Jesus Christ our Lord
2. “Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,
And grace my fears relieved;
4. Glory to God who lives on high
And to his son who lives with us
How precious did that grace appear,
And to the Spirit gift of love The hour I first believed.
Sing praise and glory without end
GLORIA – SONG OF GLORY My chains are gone.
I’ve been set free,
Song of Glory Sing to God, My God, my savior has ransomed me
Glory, glory, sing glory to God x2 And like a flood, His mercy reigns,
Un-ending love, amazing grace
All along my pilgrim journey
3. Through many dangers toils and snares, Savior let me walk with Thee.
I have already come;
‘Tis grace hath brought me safe thus far, Not for ease or worldly pleasure
And grace will lead me home. Not for fame my prayer shall be
Gladly will I toil and suffer
Chorus Only let me walk with Thee
My chains are gone.
I’ve been set free, Close to thee *4
My God, my savior has ransomed me Gladly will I toil and suffer
And like a flood, His mercy reigns, Only let me walk with thee
Un-ending love, amazing grace
Lead me through the vale of shadows
4. The Lord has promised good to me; Bear me o’er life’s fit sea
His word my hope secures, Then the gate of life eternal
He will my shield and portion be May I enter Lord with Thee
As long as life endures
AMEN. Close to thee *4
Then the gate of life eternal
1. As the deer pantenth for the water
So my soul longs after you
You alone are my heart’s desire MEDITATION- CREATE IN ME
And I long to worship you Create in me a clean heart oh Lord
And renew your right spirit within me
You alone are my strength, my shield
To you alone may my spirit yield Cast me not away from your presence oh lord
You alone are my heart’s desire Take not your holy spirit from me
And I long to worship you Restore unto me, the joy off your salvation
And renew your right spirit within me
2. I love you more than gold or silver
Only you can satisfy. MEDITATION -HOLY, HOLY, HOLY, LORD
You alone are my real joy giver GOD ALMIGHTY
And the apple of my eye
1. Holy, holy, holy!
3. You’re my friend and you are my brother Lord God almighty!
Even though you are a King
Early in the morning
I love you more than any other
Our song shall rise to thee;
So much more than anything
Holy, holy, holy!
Merciful and mighty!
God in three persons
Thou my everlasting portion,
More than friend or life to me 2. Holy, holy, holy!
All along my pilgrim journey All the saints adore thee
Savior let me walk with Thee. Casting down their golden crowns
Around the glassy sea;
Close to thee *4
Cherubim and seraphim Ensulo y’ebirungi eby’olubeerera.
Falling down before thee,
Which wert and art 4. Nzuuno nno, obulamu bwange mbuuza
And evermore shall be. wuwo,
Mu kissa kyo, ggwe wantonda
3. Holy, holy, holy! Nneewa ggwe leero, ggwe Nnantalemwa,
Lord God almighty! Ggwe nsinza Mukama wange,
All thy works shall praise thy name, Nzuuno nsenza mbe naawe.
In earth and sky and sea;
Holy, holy, holy! 5. a) Ombeereranga kikubagizo –
Merciful and mighty! Ttala ey’okumulisa mu makubo
God in three persons, gange.
Blessed Trinity! b) Mu lutalo lw’omunsi muno
onnyambanga –
Namugereka Katonda Omukumi wange, gy’abalabe bange.
Ggwe buggaga bwenterese;
Biri mu ggwe byonna ebyange, ggwe busika
Mbeerera muyambi ggwe aliba empeera 1. Nkwagala n’omutima gwange gwe
eyange; Nkwegomba nyo nze
Mukama essubi ly’abanoonya, N’egomba okutuka woli, nkwegomba nyo
Nnyweza nkuweereze, nkutuke gy’obeera nze

1. Jjinja ery’omuwendo erinnonyezebwa CHORUS

wonna Nkwegomba n’omutima gwange
Ye ggwe ayi Mukama. Mukama wange ondi wala
Akusanga aba yeesimye ggwe anti N’egomba okubera nawe,
Entabiro y’ebirungi byonna; Nkutukeko gy’obera
Ssegomba bitiibwa bya nsi enno,
Buggaga na masanyu gabyo, 2. Ng’etaka edungi bw’elikala
Bayita kkuutwe; ayi Mukama w’oli biba Awatali mazzi
kantu ki? Mbeera mukukaba, mu kudaga
Gwe wotali Mukama
2. Ku bakwemaliza ggwe ssanyu ye ggwe
dembe, 3. N’egomba okukulaba gwe
Ggwe maanyi ga balwanyi Nze mpumule omwoyo
Abakuwereza olibaweera, ggwe Mukama olimulungi, wanjagala
Ow’obwenkanya omuzirakisa Wanganza nnyo nze
Abakwesiga - tebaliswaala.
4. Omukwano gwo nze gunkirira
3. Abakweyuna abo beesimye balimatira, Obugaga bwe ensi eno
Balijuka ki? Era ombera kumutima wanganza
Balibulwa ki ate abakusenga nga ggwe Nkwegomba nyo nze
olina byonna?
Ggwe nnyini byonna, ggwe ntabiro, 5. Ndaba obuyinza bwo nze n’amanyi
Byonkolera ebingi When I was naked you gave me your coat,
Era nsima nyo Mukama wange Now enter into the home of my father.
Otenderezebwe nga.
3. When I was weary you helped me find
6. Nantalemwa gwe Mukama wange rest,
Ontasiza nyo nze When I was anxious you calmed all my fears.
Era ondiwagumu nze nesiimye Now enter into the home of my father.
Ompanirira nnywede.

7. Ekisa kyo n’obuyinza, n’amanyi 4. When in a prison you came to my cell

Nze bye nkola enyo nze When on a sick bed you cared for my needs
Nja kuyimba obulungi n’ekisa kyo nze Now enter into the home of my father.
Emirembe n’emirembe
5. When I was aged you bothered to smile,
When I was restless you listened and cared
MEDITATION- TO THE RIVER Now enter into the home of my father.
To the river I am going
Bringing sins I cannot bear 6.When I was laughed at, you stood by my
Come and cleanse me, come forgive me side,
Lord I need to meet you there When I was happy you shared in my joy,
Now enter into the home of my father
In these waters, healing mercy
Flows with freedom from despair
I am going, to that river GOSPEL – ALLELUIA HIMBISA MUKAMA
Lord I need to meet you there Alleluia Alleluia Alleluia
Himbisa Mukama iwe magara gangye
Precious Jesus, I am ready
To surrender every care 1. Ekigambo kyawe Mukama kirangirirwe
Take my hand now, lead me closer Kirangaanwe buzima, ahantu hoona.
Lord I need to meet you there
2. Omutima gwangye Mukama
Come and join us, in the river gub’obutaaho bwaawe
Come find life beyond compare Nkwehimbisizemu, Nyakundokora.
He is calling, He is waiting
Jesus longs to meet you there 3. Ekigambo kyaawe kinuzire, kiine
MEDITATION - WHATSOEVER YOU DO Kyehimbisiza weena okishemererwa.

Whatsoever you do to the least of my

brothers, that you do unto me. GOSPEL- BE MY WAY
Be my way, be my way
1. When I was hungry you gave me to eat, Be my way, be my way
When I was thirsty you gave me to drink
Now enter into the home of my father. I love you Jesus
You’re my savior
2.When I was homeless, you opened the You are my healer
door, Lord Jesus be my way
Ndiabuti Emmanueli Kristu mosikoli x2
Alleluia…….. Be my way x3 3. Maseli wa nzambe nandi meli yo
Yelele.... Be my way Impo manso malobi yond eyel ngai x2
4. Olisumu lya eva, liwa liye,
GOSPEL- IENDE MBELE, Boyambi bwa Marie tozwi libiki x2
Leader: Iende mbele,
5. Paradisu ya Adamu, nzeri ezipani
All: Iende mbele…yelele yelele Iende mbele
Lelo Kristu bunoi nampe nzela x2
All: Alleluia ……… Alle Alle Alleluia SHEAVES
1. Sowing in the morning, sowing seeds of
Sowing in the noontide and the dewy eve.
CHORUS: Waiting for the harvest and the time of
Baba nikupe nini yote nimali yako reaping,
We shall come rejoicing bringing in the
1. Nikupe nini nikupe pesa, yote nimali yako sheaves.
2. Nikupe nini nikupe zabu, yote nimali yako Bringing in the sheaves, bringing in the
3. Nikupe nini nikupe watoto, yote nimali yako We shall come rejoicing bringing in the
sheaves. x2
4. Nikupe nini nikupe nyimbo, yote nimali yako
2. Sowing in the sunshine, sowing in the
5. Nikupe nini nikupe sauti, yote nimali yako shadows,
Fearing neither clouds nor winter’s chilling
6. Nikupe nini nikupe upendo, yote nimali yako breeze,
By and by the harvest and the labor ended,
7. Nikupe nini nikupe maisha, yote nimali yako We shall come rejoicing bringing in the
8. Nikupe nini nikupe ngombe, yote nimali
yako 3. Going forth with weeping sowing for the
9. Nikupe nini nikupe kazi, yote nimali yako Though the loss sustained our Spirit often
1. Bolingo bwa nzambe boleki bonene When our weeping is over, he will bid us
Wanatindeli biso Yesu mobikisi x2 welcome,
We shall come rejoicing bringing in the
Salelaka Mokonzi okoyoka esengo x2 sheaves.
Salelaka Mokonzi iya e x2
Moko Mokonzi moko Mokonzi
Moko Mokonzi moko Mokonzi Ebintu byoona obiheebwa Ruhanga.
Salelaka Mokonzi iya e
Salelaka Mokonzi okoyoka esengo. 1. Mwije inywena tutwale ebisembo………..
2. Lolaka la ngelu loye Marie, Bambi mwije tugende kusiima……………
Nyantasiima takenga Ruhanga…………...
N’ebirungi Omuhangi omuhaire…………. 8. Ampaire amaani…
Ampaire abaana…
//Oti rundi kuhweza takweza…………….
Iwe wenka Rugamba oli 9. Ampaire obwenge…
woha?..............//2 Ampaire omuhanda…

2. N’ebitungwa obihanga ka kwaha?............. 10. Ampaire okusiima…

Bambi mwije tugende kuhonga…………… Ampaire okuhweza…
Ebisembo Ruhanga atuhaire………………
Iwe wenka kisembo rubanza……………… OFFERTORY – GE GANO AMAKULA

//Oteho ebi ebitungwa akuhaire………… Ge gano getuleese,

Oyehwemu omugonze Ruhanga………//2 ge gano getuleese,
Ge gano amakula go Ddunda getuleese, ge
3. Obitunga Ruhanga abitwale……………… gano.
Abitwale biyambe abaseege……………… Tugaleeta gy’oli ggwe Katonda,
Naabo boona abataaga obuyambi………… Nga tukwebaza Ddunda by’otuwa.
Itungo lw’ensi kisembo kirungi…………… Ha! Ddunda webale ogabula.

//Alitunga alikenga 1. Abawereza ye ffeabaanabo,

kurungi………………. Gwetuwereza ye gweKitaffe,
Atalija kufeerwa Bye tukuddiza Ddunda
Ruhanga………………//2 by’ebirabo byo bisiime.

4. Atamwiine ali kindi bagenzi………………. 2. Gwe tuwereza gwe gw’omugaati,

Taina kantu mu banka ya Bwera!............. Gye tuwerezay’eyoeviini,
Bambi mwije tugende kusiima……………. Bye tukuddiza Ddunda
Kandi n’omutima gw’okugonza………….. by’ebirabo byo bisiime.

//N’agutamba abasiime abagonze……….. 3. Siima Ddunda amaakula go, siima siima

Mweyahurre obugwetwa oburungi……//2 Ddunda, ebirabo byo siima siima.
Siima siima amakula go siima siima,
5. Banka yanyu; Ruhanga Mulinzi………… Tugagattako Ddunda
Olisanga obugwetwa oburungi………….. n’obulamu bw’otuwa.
Ninkugamba olitaaha ohunirre…………..
Abo boona abamwiine mu mwoyo………… 4. Abawereza ye ffe abatalina,
Gwetutonera ye ggwe Omugagga,
6. Ebintu byoona biheebwa Ruhanga x2 Bye tukuddiza Ddunda
Bikulagga bwe tusiima.
Okusiima ngire nta, Ruhanga wange,
Okusiima ngire nta, Ruhanga wange 5. Gwe tuyitamu yoyo Omwaana wo,
Onkolire ebirungi mu bwomezi bwange. Ffe tulikimu n’oyo Kristu,
Bye tuwereza Ddunda
7. Ampaire ebirungi… bikusanyuse kulw’oyo
Ampaire obusinge…
OFFERTORY -MUKAMA NYOWE 4. Egi mitoijo y’er’izooba,
Mukama nyowe ndakusiima nta? Ogisiime nk’ekitambo kya Abeeli
Mukama nyowe ndakuha ki?
Nyizire kusiima byoona byompa, OFFERTORY – OGGYA KU BUGAGGA
Webare Mukama okampa bingi! Oggya ku bugagga bwo Mukama wange
gwe n’ongagawaza
1. Okampanga munsi, okampa obwomeezi, Ebyo bye mpita ebyange byonna bibyo.
Ondinda butoosa mububi bwoona, Njigiriza nange okutoola kwebyo
Obunkwatwa endwara ruzitanda tondi, by’ompadde mbikuddizenga;
Webale Mukama ninkusiima! Njigiriza nange okutoola kwebyo
2. Okatuma Kristu omwana waawe wenka, Ngagawaze abalala.
Kristu akatufeera ha musalaba,
Kristu akatufoora abaana ba Ruhanga, 1. Ebirabo byendeese biibino biva
Webale Mukama ninkusiima! mukutegana kwange,
Omutima gwange ne byennina gy’oli biba
3. Hamuhanda ondinda, mubizibu bingi, bya ttendo.
kabube butandwa niiwe rundinda, Eby’ennaku n’eby’essanyu Taata
Bantu bange boona obalinda kurungi, mbikuddiza byonna,
Webale Mukama ninkusiima! Obunnafu bwange n’ebinnema
by’ebirabo bye ndeese.
4. Magezi n’amaani byoona niiwe obimpa,
Byoona mbikozese ntunge ekyokulya, 2. Obulamu bw’ompadde Mukama bujjudde
Binkatunga byoona Taata niiwe obimpa, emikisa,
Webale Mukama ninkusiima! Kitange nneyanzizza ebirungi ontonnedde
5. Nyowe kankusiime kunfoora mukristu, Mukutuusa bye nteekwa okukola mbeere
Kandi kankuhaise ebiro byoona, kitangala,
Okanfoora omwana tinkyayetwa mwiru, Mukusasira nenzigwerera mbayambe
Webale Mukama ninkusiima! balabe ekubo lyo.

OFFERTORY-MUKAMA OYAKIIRE 3. Amaanyi n’amagezi bye wampa okuva

Mukama oyakiire egi mitoijo y’abaana mubuto bwange,
baawe, omugaati na viini Okubyeyama nentetenkanya ebilala nga
Mukam oyakiire ebyo bihoongwa by’abaana nfunye bingi.
baawe, Bwe bugagga kwe ntodde Mukama ne
Twabireeta n’omutima gwa rukundo. nkudiza nyinibyo
Obitwala gwe Namugereka by’ebirabo
1. Omugaati hamwe na viini, bye ntodde.
Twabireeta kubitoija
Bitureetere amagara g’obutwiire, 4. Abayonta n’abawammu Mukama,
Obyakiire Nyamuhanga. abatalina kantu,
2. Ebitambo by’er’izooba, Bangi abaneetoledde Ddunda abaddagira
Bitureetere amagara g’obutwiire, gwe.
3. Ebitungwa byaitu byoona, Kantoole ku byompadde ebingi
Bitukundise ebirungi by’obutwiire, mukutegana kwange,
Bafune emmere ya leero ettendo lyo 3. ….. of wine
bayimbe. 4. ….. of love


1. Sadaka yetu twende kumutolea
Twende kumutolea. 1.Tutwar’emitoijo yaitu
Tugitware aha rutari
Twende wa Baba……..twende (twende) Tugitoije na rukundo
Twende twende kumutolea. Yezu waitu tumuhimbise
Twende wa mama…………
Twende wa toto…………. Yakiira egi mitoijo nyamuhanga
Twende wa Kristo……………. Eyareetwa abaana baawe x2

2. Divai zetu…………… 2. Ebitungwa byeitu byona

Ebitutungire tweena
3. Vipagi vyetu…………… Mukama Rugaba waitu
Niwe yaabituhaire
4. Mazao yetu…………….
3.Abakaire kyo ni mwije
5. Nania zetu…………… Nimushotooke n’emitoijo
Mugitwaare aha rutari
Twende tumutoleye, sadaka ndugu zangu,
Twende tumutoleye Baba (2) 4.Nakakye nakahango koona
Twakahayo nitukusiima
1. Baba Ibrahim wakati wakale, Kandi twihire omunda
Naye alitowa sadaka (2) Narukundo eshugaine

2. Musa pamoja na wa Israeli, SANCTUS – HOSANNA

Nawo walitowa sadaka (2) Holy, Holy, Holy Lord
God of power and might
3. Mwana Abeli mpendwa wa Mungu, Heaven and earth are full of your glory
Naye alitowa sadaka (2) Hosanna in the highest.

4. Baba mwana na roho mtakatifu, Hosanna praise God

Nawo tuwa toleye sadaka (2) Come save us Oh Lord
Hosanna amen we will praise you forever
1. We bring of praise , into the house of the
Lord x2 Blessed is he who comes in the Lord’s name
We will sing it loud and clear
Chorus Hosanna in the highest.
As we offer unto thee, the sacrifices of
As we offer unto thee, the sacrifices of bread (Monique)
Holy, Holy, Holy Lord
2. ….. of bread God of Hosts, heaven and earth
Heaven and earth, are filled with your glory Iguru n’ensi bijwire ekitinisa kyaawe
x2 Mukama x2
SOP: Hosanna, eeh,
OTHERS: in the highest (Hosanna) Hosanna Hosanna x3 Igurumuno

Blessed is He X2 Ka womugisa arukwija omwibara ryaawe

Who, comes in the Lord’s name Mukama x2
The Lord’s name x2
Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna in the (Hosanna) Hosanna Hosanna x 3 Igurumuno

SANCTUS -LOAGAYON 1. Mtakatifu bwana Mungu, Mungu
1. Loagayon loagayon (3) wamageshi x2
Lokapolon lokasunbani (2)
Hosanna juu (Hosanna, hosanna)
2. Aibuses koni ileleba(3) Hosanna juu x3 Hosanna Hosanna
Toma akuj k’kwap(2)
2. Mbingu nanchi zimejaa, utukufu wako x2
Osana Osana(3)
Irukoi k’okuju(2) 3. Mbarikiwa anayekuja, kwajina lake
bwana x2
3. Erereng lo-ebunit(3)
Kokiror Loakapolon(2) SANCTUS – MWAMUFU
Mwamufu x2 Musengwa Kibumba
Osana Osana(3) owamagye
Irukoi k’okuju(2) Munsieno nimuwaikendhi, ekitisa kyo
Hosanna x2 Ewa Baba muwaikendhi
Muhikiriire Hosanna Hosanna x2 Hosanna
Iguru Hosanna
Aidah mu lina lya Baba
1. Iguru n’ensi bijwire ekitinisa kyaawe Iguru Musengwa atenderezebwe x2
Hosanna Hosanna x2 Ewa Baba muwaikendhi
Hosanna x2 Hosanna
(Hosanna) Hosanna Hosanna x3 Iguru
1. Aminanara, itunga kere aminanara x2
2. W’omugisa arukwija omwibara ryaawe Aminanara, aminanara
Iguru Hosanna Itunga kere aminanara (x2)

Hangiriza x 3 Iguru muno 2. Ebara kere Yesu,………….

3. Ebala lokasuban…………..
SANCTUS – MUHIKIRIIRE 4. Ebara kere edini…………...
Muhikiriire Muhikiire Muhikiriire Mukama
God’s love is like a mountain Sop: Lamb of God, grant us peace, grant us
A mountain steep and high peace x2
All : Grant us x2, grant us peace
2. An ocean deep and wide
Come and dine, the Master calleth, come and
Kugonza, kugonza You may feast at Jesus’ table all the time;
Alleluia tulina okugonza He who fed the multitude, turned the water
Okwamaani into wine,
Alleluia To the hungry calleth now, come and dine.

1.Mu Yezu mulimu okugonza 1. Jesus has a table spread where the saints
Alleluia ……… of God are made. He invites his chosen
people come and dine; with his manna he
PEACE – MUGONZANGANE doth feed, and supplies our ev’ry need: O
1. Muli ngonzi zange, Mugonzangane ‘tis sweet to sup with Jesus all the time!
Nyakumpurra wange, Mugonzangane 2. The disciples came to land thus obeying
Christ’s command, For the master called
Iteeka mbahaire mugonzamgane unto them, come and dine; there they
Mugonzangane nk’oku mwandesire found their hearts’ desire, bread and fish
Engozi zitazooka nziboolekere, upon the fire; thus he satisfies the hungry
Omuntu oleke afe akiz’enganzi ze. ev’ry time!
2. Tinkabeeta bairu, Mugonzangane 3. Soon the lamb will take his bride, to be
Tohwerayo mwiru, Mugonzangane ever at his side, all the host of heaven will
assembled be: O, ‘twill be a glorious
sight, all the saints in spotless white; and
PEACE – THERE IS PPEACE with Jesus they will feast eternally.
There is peace in Zion
There is peace in Zion in the city of the Lord Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, you are the king of love
You are the bread from Heaven, where shall
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, you are the king of love
Akataama ka Kibumba nighe You are the bread from Heaven, we shall
Otolagho ebibi tusaasire (4) remain with you.
Akataama ka Kibumba nighe
Otolagho ebibi tughe enkabi (2) 1. Jesus told his audience to feed on his
body and blood
AGNUS DEI For this many left him because they feed
not on flesh of man
Sop: Lamb of God, have mercy, have mercy Then he asked his disciples “are you also
x2 going”
All: Mercy x2, have mercy They answered to Jesus that they were
for Him
2. The disciples of Jesus said they would Karibu mwoyoni mwangu, (karibu) x2
remain with Him bwana x2
The Uganda martyrs also said the same
thing 2. Unipe uzima wako, unipe nafuraha yako
You will always feed us with your body Karibu moyoni………………………..x2
and blood
Love shall always be yours, where else 3. Nupe nupendo lako, nupe nahuruma yako
shall we go! Karibu moyoni………………………..x2

3. Their courage, their love, their faith and 4. Uni masisha bwana, katika moyoni jia
their hope yanke haki
These virtues of the martyrs were got Karibu moyoni………………………..x2
from the Eucharist
They used to receive Jesus, the king of COMMUNION – KARIBU YESU
all kings Karibu Yesu mwoyoni mwangu x2
He’s the king and Lord for the 1. Niwewe pekee Kipenzi changu
everlasting life Nionyeshi Yesu upendo huo wako.
2. Niponye Baba magonjwa ya Roho
Magonjwa ya akili na magonjwa ya
1. I am the bread of life
He who comes to me shall not hunger;
He who believes in me shall not thirst,
3. Niponye Yesu niponye we kipenzi
No one can come to me
Sina mwengine wa kumwendea.
Unless the Father draw him
4. Unanijua Yesu unyonge wangu
And I will raise him up (3) on the last day.
Bila wewe muweza siweza chochone.
2. The bread that I will give
5. Karibu Baba Karibu dakitari
Is my flesh for the life of the world;
Karibu Mshinda Karibu Mwoyoni.
And he who eats of this bread,
He shall live forever (2)
3. Unless you eat 1. I danced in the morning when the world
Of the flesh of the son of man; was began,
And drink of his blood, (2) And I danced in the moon and the stars
You shall not have life within you and the sun,
And I came down from heaven and I
danced on the earth,
At Bethlehem I had my birth.
Karibu moyoni mwangu (Bwana)
Karibu nakukaribisha (sana)
Dance then wherever you may be
Karibu moyoni mwangu
I am the Lord of the dance said he
Karibu karibu bwana. x2
And I’ll lead you all wherever you may be
And I’ll lead you all in the dance said he.
1. Karibu moyoni mwangu, karibu uungane
2. I danced for the Scribe and the Pharisee, COMMUNION -ON THE NIGHT
But they would not dance and they
wouldn’t follow me, On the night He was betrayed
I danced for the fishermen, James and He took the bread
John And after giving thanks to God
They came with me and the dance went Broke it and said,
This is my Body, broken for You
3. I danced on the Sabbath and I cured the And as you eat it, remember me x2
The holy people said it was a shame, On the night He was betrayed
They whipped me and stripped me and He took the cup
they hung me on high, And after giving thanks to God
And left me there on the cross to die. Held it and said,

COMMUNION -MWE MUJJE This is my blood, poured out for You

ABALAMAGGA And as you drink it, remember me x2

1. Mwe mujje abalamagga yiino entanda, So we thank You for the bread
Yiino etuuse Omutanda gy’agabula. And the wine
Haa mujje ne mugabana kw’eno entanda, And for giving us Your son
Anti Kristu yennyininnyini agabula. To die for us,

Ndiwo mbanyweze – Ggulu Ggulu Ggulu Yes, we remember, your wondrous love
Mulya nze ne munywa ne mbazza buggya You gave your body, You shed your blood
Anti obulamu bwonna bwonna buli mu
1. Soul of my savior sanctify my breast,
2. Ye ggwe gwo omugaati ogwava eyo mu Body of Christ be my saving guest
ggulu, Blood of my savior bathe me in thy tide
Anti Kristu ye nnyininnyini ggwe tulya. Wash me with water flowing from thy
Haa leero nze sikyajula ndidde entanda, side.
Anti entukuvu byonna byonna ne
mbifuna. 2. Strength and protection may his passion
3. Haa y’oyo Omusumba Yezu atuliisa O Blessed Jesus, hear and answer me,
Mu ddundiro lye awaladde tweyanze. Deep in thy wounds Lord hide and shelter
Haa y’oyo antwala nennywa ku nsulo ze, me,
Nga nesiimye Omusumba tanvaako. So shall I never, never part from thee.
3. Guard and defend me from the foe
4. Ggwe ndiisa omubiri gwo Yezu ggwe malign.
wawaayo, In death dread moments make me only
Bw’otyo ondokole ng’olaga ekisa ekingi. thine,
Ggwe nnywesa omusaayi, Yezu Call me and bid me come to thee on high
ogwakuvaamu, When I may praise thee with thy saints
Ku kalivaliyo odde buggya ne mu nze. for aye
POST COMMUNION – AND CAN IT BE Great things happen when God mixes with
1. And can it be that I should gain man
An interest in the Savior’s blood
Died He for me, who caused His pain 1. Some find life, some find peace
For me, who Him to death pursued? Some people even find joy
Amazing love! How can it be, Some see things as they never did before
That thou, my God, shouldst die for me? And some people find that they can now,
Amazing love! How can it be, begin to trust.
That thou, my God, shouldst die for me?
2. Some find health, some find hope
2. He left His Father’s throne above Some people even find joy
So free, so infinite His grace – Some see themselves as they never could
Emptied Himself of all but love, before
And bled for Adam’s helpless race And some people find that they can now,
‘Tis mercy all, immense and free, begin to live.
For O my God, it found out me!
‘Tis mercy all, immense and free, 3. Some find peace, some are disturbed
For O my God, it found out me! Some people even find joy
Some see their lives as they never could
3. Long my imprisoned Spirit lay, before
Fast bound in sin and nature’s night; And some people find that they must now,
Thine eye diffused a quickening ray begin to change.
I woke, the dungeon flamed with light
My chains fell off, my heart was free, POST COMMUNION- MSHUKURUNI
I rose, went forth, and followed thee.
My chains fell off, my heart was free, CHORUS:
I rose, went forth, and followed thee. Mshukuruni Bwana, yeye nimwema
4. No condemnation now I dread; Fadhili zake zima dumu milele
Jesus and all in Him is mine;
Alive in Him, my living head; 1. Kwa chakula chako twasema
And clothed in righteous divine, Asante sana
Bold I approach the eternal throne, Kwa kinyaji chako twasema……
And claim the crown, through Christ my
own, 2. Kwa maisha yetu twasema……
Bold I approach the eternal throne, Kwa Baraka zako twasema……
And claim the crown, through Christ my
own. 3. Kwa ibada hili twasema…..
Kwa kanisa yetu twasema….
HAPPEN 4. Kwa huruma yako twasema…..
Kwa mwana wo Yezu twasema…
Great things happen when God mixes with
Great things happen when God mixes with POST COMMUNION- THANK YOU.
Great and beautiful wonderful things 1. Thank you, for giving me the morning
Thank you, for every day that’s new
Thank you, that I can know my worries I just wanna thank you lord
Can be cast on you hank you lord

2. Thank you, for all my friends and brothers For all you've done in my life
Thank you, for all the men that live You took my darkness and gave me your
Thank you, for even greatest enemies light
I can forgive. Thank you lord
Thank you lord
3. Thank you, I have my occupation You took my sin and my shame
Thank you, for every pleasure small, You took my sickness and healed all my pain
Thank you, for music, light and gladness Thank you lord
Thank you, for them all Thank you lord

4. Thank you, for many little sorrows

Thank you, for kindly word POST COMMUNION – THEN SINGS MY
Thank you, for everywhere your guidance SOUL
Reaches every land 1. Oh Lord my God, when I in awesome
5. Thank you, I see your word has meaning Consider all the works thy hand has made
Thank you, I know your spirit’s here I see the stars, I hear the mighty thunder
Thank you because you love all people Thy power throughout, the universe
Those both far and near
Then sings my soul, my Savior God to thee
6. Thank you, O Lord, your love is boundless How great thou art, how great thou art! x2
Thank you, that I am full of you
Thank you, you made me feel so glad 2. When through the woods, and forest glades
And thankful as I do I wonder
And hear the birds sing sweetly in the tress
POST COMMUNION-THANK YOU LORD When I look down from lofty mountains
I come before you today And hear the brook and feel the gentle
And there's just one thing that I want to say breeze.
Thank you lord 3. And when I think that God his son not
Thank you lord sparing
For all you've given to me Sent him to die I scarce can’t take it in.
For all the blessings that I cannot see That on the cross my burden gladly
Thank you lord bearing,
Thank you lord He bled and died to take away my sin
4. When Christ shall come with shouts of
**With a grateful heart acclamation
With a song of praise And take me home what joy shall fill my
With an outstretch arm heart.
I will bless your name Then I shall bow in humble adoration
Thank you lord And there proclaim, my God how great
I just wanna thank you lord thou art.
Thank you lord
POST COMMUNION -YEZU NGA Okumwwebaza omukwano
MULUNGI Mujje tumutende


mulungi…..Muzira kisa
Yezu tatusula…………… We wanna see Jesus lifted high
Muzira kiisa The banner that flies across this land
Twebaze eyattwewa…… That all men might see the truth and know
Muzira kisa, muzira kisa That he’s the way the to heaven
Muzira kisa We wanna see *3, Jesus lifted high
Step by step we are moving forward
2. Yezu ow’omukwano Little by little we are taking ground
Yezu tanjabulira Every prayer is a powerful weapon
Yezu gwe nasenga Stronghold comes rising
Tumbling down, and down, *4
3. Yezu nga mulungi
Twebaze eyatwewa
1. What the Lord has done for me,
4. Ampadde n’omubiri
gwe I can not tell it all x3
Ampadde n’’omusayi gwe
Komunyo ey’ektiibwa He saved me and washed me in His blood
5. Endwadde
Tewali kyasaba oyo So I will sing Alleluia,
Wamma tumutende
Shout Alleluia
6. Mwoyo we namuleeta
Ebitone natuwa ffe I will sing and praise the Lord
Amafuta nee gabooga
2. What the Lord has done for us……
7. Sitaani n’amuwamba
Abaana n’atununula 3. For them ……
Mujje tumutende
8. Emisiri n’atunoonya
Falawo n’atatuta
Nange yanzigye eyo
As we worship you
9. Abanaku natunoonyaa Let all the world come and see
Enfuuzi tazisuula How the mercy we’ve received from you can
jje tumutende set them free
As we worship you, let all this joy that fills
10. Nze Yezu ndi muwa our hearts
Bring a hunger and a hope to those who’ve
strayed so far You gave a life worth living
A life in love in with You
As we bow in adoration And now I just love giving
And stand in reverent awe All my praises back to You
Show your majesty and glory You're the Father of Creation
Let your anointing fall The risen Lamb of God
As we declare your name Lord Jesus You're the One who walked away
As the only name who saves From the empty tomb that day
May the power of your salvation And You set your people free
Fill each heart we pray With love and liberty
And I can walk with you
As we worship you Every night and every day
Let all the nations hear this song
The song of Jesus and his blood
That proved his love for all HOW GREAT IS OUR GOD
As we worship you The splendor of a King,
May all the lost and broken come Clothed in majesty
May they hear your still small voice Let all the earth rejoice
Call out their names each one All the earth, rejoice

BLESSED BE THE LORD GOD He wraps Himself in light

ALMIGHTY And darkness tries to hide
Father in heaven how we love you And trembles of His voice
We lift your name in all the earth. Trembles of His voice
May your kingdom be established in our
praises, How great is our God
As Your people declare your mighty works! Sing with me how great is our God
And all will see
Blessed be the Lord God Almighty How great, how great is our God
Who was and is and is to come.
Blessed be the Lord God Almighty Age to age He stands
Who reigns forevermore. And time is in His hands
Beginning and the end
Oh God most Holy we adore you, Beginning and the end
We lay our all before you throne.
May the fragrance of your presence be about The Godhead Three in one
us Father, Spirit, Son
As we purpose to worship you alone! The Lion and the Lamb
The lion and the Lamb

We come into Your presence Name above all names

To sing a song to You Worthy of our praise
A song of praise and honor My heart will sing
For all the things you helped us through How great is our God.
I BELIEVE 3. Let all that is with in me cry blessed


I believe He is the Son of God (Darlene Zschech)
I believe He died and rose again Father of Life, draw me closer
I believe He paid for us all Lord, my heart is set on you
Let me run the race of time
I believe He is here now With Your life enfolding mine
Standing in our midst And let the peace of God, let it reign.
Here with the power to heal us
And the grace to forgive Oh Holy Spirit, You're my Comfort
Strengthen me, hold my head up high
I believe in You Lord And I stand upon Your truth
I believe You are the Son of God Bringing glory unto You
I believe You died and rose again And let the peace of God, let it reign.
I believe You paid for us all
Oh Lord I hunger for more of You
JESUS, LOVER OF MY SOUL Rise up within me, let me know Your truth
Oh Holy Spirit, saturate my soul
Jesus, lover of my soul And let the life of God fill me now
Jesus, I will never let You go And let Your healing power
You've taken me from the miry clay Breathe life and make me whole
Set my feet upon a rock, and now I know And let the peace of God, let it reign.

I love You, I need You

Though my world may fall LORD I LIFT YOUR NAME
I'll never let You go Lord I lift your name on high
My Savior, my closest friend Lord I love to sing your praises
I will worship You until the very end I’m so glad You’re in my life
I’m so glad you came to save us
Jesus, we enthrone You. You came from heaven to earth to show us
We proclaim You are King. the way
Standing here, in the midst of us, From the earth to the cross, my debt to pay
We raise You up with our praise. From the cross to the grave
From the grave to the sky,
And as we worship build Your throne Lord I lift your name on high
And as we worship build Your throne
And as we worship build Your throne Soprano Bass
Come Lord Jesus and take Your place. I’ll follow x2 …....I will follow you
“ “ “ “………… wherever You may go
LET ALL THAT “ “ “ “ ………… guided by your love
1. Let all that is with in me cry Holy x2 “ “ “ “ ……… protected by your Spirit
Holy, holy, holy is the Lamb that was slain
Bass Soprano
2. Let all that is with in me cry Jesus I will walk your path …I’ll follow x2
Wherever it may lead………“ “ “ “ O Ancient of Days!
To love You every day………“ “ “ “
For You alone are Holy……..“ “ “ “ Your kingdom shall reign over all the earth,
Sing unto the Ancient of Days.
MORE LOVE, MORE POWER For none can compare to Your matchless
(Jude Del Hierro) Sing unto the Ancient of Days.
More Love, More Power
More of You in my life (2)
And I will worship You Our God is an awesome God, He reigns from
With all of my heart heaven above
And I will Worship You with wisdom, pow’r and love, our God is an
With all of my mind awesome God
And I will worship You
With all of my strength Oh when He rolls up his sleeves he ain’t just
You are my Lord puttin’ on the ritz,
You are my Lord Our God is an awesome God.
There's thunder in his footsteps and lightning
More Love, More Power in his fists,
More of You in my life (2) Our God is an awesome God.

And I will seek Your face And the Lord wasn’t joking when He kicked
With all of my heart ’em out of Eden.
And I will seek Your face It wasn’t for no reason that He shed his
With all of my mind blood.
And I will seek Your face His return is very soon and so you’d better be
With all of my strength believin’ that
You are my Lord Our God is an awesome God.
You are my Lord
You are my Lord And when the sky was starless in the void of
the night,
Our God is an awesome God
PRAISE He spoke into the darkness and created the
Our God is an awesome God
Blessing and honor, glory and power
Be unto the Ancient of Days, And judgment and wrath He poured out on
From every nation, all of creation Sodom
Bow before the Ancient of Days. Mercy and grace He gave us at the cross
I hope that we have not too quickly forgotten
Ev'ry tongue in heaven and earth that
Shall declare You glory Our God is an awesome God
Ev'ry knee shall bow at Your throne
In worship BAYETI
You will be exalted, O God, Bayeti bayeti nkosi
And Your kingdom shall not pass away Bayeti king of kings
Bayeti bayeti nkosi
Bayeti nkosi is king of kings 2.He turns my darkness to day
He melts my burdens away
Who can match, your greatness He holds my broken heart in His hands
Who can know, your power Now I live like a child of god
Who can search, your reaches
Who can deny you are crowned Lord of all 3.I lift my voice on high
To praise Him day and night
You are crowned King of Africa In good times even in those bad times
You are crowned Lord of Lords I will praise Him as long as I live
You are crowned King of Africa
Who can deny you are crowned Lord of all
Over the mountains and the seas, It is a great thing to serve the Lord x3
Your river runs with love for me. Walking in the light of GOD
And will open up my heart,
And let the healer set me free. Walk x3 walking in the light x3
I’m happy to be in the truth, Walking in the light of GOD
And I will daily lift my hands,
And I will always sing It is a great thing to love the LORD X3
Of when your love came down yeah Walking in the love of GOD

I could sing of your love forever. …………….walking in the love

I could sing of your love forever
I could sing of your love forever It I s a great thing to trust the LORD X3
I could sing of your love forever Walking in the trust of GOD

Bridge ……………walking in the trust

Oh I feel like dancing,

It’s foolishness I know, KING OF KINGS
But when the world has seen the light 1. You are the king of kings forever and
They will dance with joy ever
Like we’re dancing now yeah
That’s why we lift up your holy name
PRAISE HIM THE SON OF GOD Singing your praises the whole night through
Praise Him the son of God Jesus you’ll always be same,
Messiah the living one We can rely on you
Creator, who was and is
Oh praise Him aloud 2. You are the Lord of Lords forever and
1. Praise him for what He has done
Great and mighty things
He rules in power and majesty 3. You are the prince of princes
Oh praise Him redeemer of all
TRADING MY SORROWS Will the sorrows of the past
I’m trading my sorrows All be changed to joy at last
I’m trading my pain When the bridegroom cometh by and by
I’m laying them down,
For the joy of the Lord When the bridegroom cometh by and by
When the bridegroom cometh by and by
Yes Lord x5 When the Lord shall call his own
Can you stand before the throne,
Lalalalalalalalalalalalala When the bridegroom cometh by and by.


The Lord is coming, amen alleluia
The Lord is coming now……….
The Lord is here now……


When the bridegroom cometh by and by

When the bridegroom cometh by and by
Will your lamps be burning bright
Will your robes be pure and white
When the bridegroom cometh by and by

Oh be ready! Oh be ready!
Ready when the bride groom comes
Oh be ready! Oh be ready!
Ready when the bridegroom comes.

When the bridegroom cometh by and by

When the bridegroom cometh by and by
Oh be ready for that day
With your sins all washed away
When the bridegroom cometh by and by

When the bridegroom cometh by and by

When the bridegroom cometh by and by
Will your worried heart rejoice,
At the sound of Jesus’ voice
When the bridegroom cometh by and by

When the bridegroom cometh by and by

When the bridegroom cometh by and by

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