CKN-Deva Keralam - B3 Shl-1998 Onward
CKN-Deva Keralam - B3 Shl-1998 Onward
CKN-Deva Keralam - B3 Shl-1998 Onward
Sa AL A7 Mo 6 5 4 Su Me
Ma 7 Ra-Ve A7
Ke Su Mer 3Mo
8 Ju 2
Asc Ve Ra
9 11 1 Sa
Ju 10 Ke Ma
2013= this is new concept as Le Asc Vi d9 means this is not KNA as in KNA Le Asc
is Sg.
This may be the Arudha-Jaimini concept considered-
Le Asc Vi d9 Asc and AL is Ge as Su+Me in 12H Ca; So Vi d9 Asc lord and AL lord
is Mer posited 2nd to AL
Attached to wife means A7 and AL both are in one sign Ge
and play to the tune of whore= 12H of whore +native Su there and in Asc Ve+Ra
A12 is in Ta-Ve sign and AL in Ge is adversities also 6P is Ar and AL is Ge so in
3/11 yoga to give friendly to each may be the one configuration; either 6H is taken
for mistress and 12H for whore may be either or one may take.
2014= Ju as 5L in kendra to give ek putra yoga. Mo malefic here as 12L & Rahu
aspects 5H so problem getting progeny; A5 is posited in Li lord Ve with Ra so
impacted getting progeny.
He is respected and honored at royal services - Ju 5L mantri +9L Mars king and Sun
the native so this is bestowed
4L + 9L/5L connection in 4H of vehicle, so endowed with vehicles - men born
conveyance is said here.
2015 ½ - professionally face a bad end = 10L is Ve and Ra is struggle and
impediments also 6L the fortune of career is debilitated and 2L the fortune of job is in
12H with LL
Serve the king - as said earlier = Ju 5L mantri +9L Mars king and Sun the native
connected in 12H so bad end…