CUMMINS - Generator Protection & Disconnect Requirements
CUMMINS - Generator Protection & Disconnect Requirements
CUMMINS - Generator Protection & Disconnect Requirements
White Paper
By Gary Olson
The primary requirements for generator protection are found
in NEC article 445.12:
(A) Constant-Voltage Generators. Constant-voltage
generators, except AC generator exciters, shall be protected
from overload by inherent design, circuit breakers, fuses,
protective relays, or other identified overcurrent protective
means suitable for the conditions of use.
To the casual reader, this paragraph seems reasonable
and understandable, but there are several major points
to consider:
Generators are required to be protection against overload.
The NEC uses two different terms for situations where
more current is flowing in a circuit than the circuit is rated
for—overload and overcurrent.
Overload is defined in Article 100 as: This allows the generator protection to be
located remotely from the generator set (within
Overload. Operation of equipment in excess 25 feet in a building, and with no code-based
of normal, full-load rating or of a conductor in limitation for outdoor generators).
excess of rated ampacity that, when it persists
for a sufficient length of time, would cause It is not surprising that Article 445.12 causes
damage or dangerous overheating. A fault, confusion, and it even appears to conflict
such as a short circuit or ground fault, is not an with other sections of the NEC that definitively
overload. require conductor protection from short circuits.
However, the structure of the NEC is such
Overcurrent is defined in Article 100 as: that basic requirements that are described
Overcurrent. Any current in excess of the in Chapters 1-3 are “modified” by special
rated current of equipment or the ampacity of provisions in later sections of the NEC. Chapter
a conductor. It may result from overload, short 4 (for generator installations) provides special
circuit, or ground fault. requirements due to the different nature of
generator applications versus utility-powered
The difference between the two terms is that systems. (NEC 90.3)
excess current flowing in a normal current path
is an overload, while excess current flowing It’s worth considering why it is reasonable to
in a normal or abnormal current path is an require overload vs. overcurrent protection:
overcurrent condition. For example, a motor 445.12 is one section of the NEC that has not
starting might cause an overload condition, but a been modified in more than 25 years.1 When
short circuit would be an overcurrent condition. it was written, external excitation support
systems, like permanent magnet generators
This distinction is important. Because generators (PMG) and series boost systems did not exist for
are required to be protected only against standby generators. When a fault hit a generator
overloads, the generator and the conductors (particularly a 3-phase fault), the generator would
connected to a downstream protective device quickly collapse and could not provide enough
do not require short circuit protection. So, the current to damage downstream conductors. As
overcurrent function in a downstream device added protection, the NEC required conductors
can provide all the necessary protection installed without overcurrent protection to be
for conductors from a generator because sized at 115% of rated generator output. (445.13)
the conductors from a generator to the first
downstream protective device need not be
protected against a short circuit or ground fault
condition between the alternator and the first
overcurrent device.
Note also that NEC 225.21(G) confirms the suitability of overload
protection for generator set applications.
This is also consistent with the requirements of generators are not required to be protected
section 240.21 (B) (5) (for outdoor installations), against internal fault conditions.
which states:
Effective Generator Protection
(5) Outside Taps of Unlimited Length. Where the
conductors are located outside of a building or Generators are required to be protected,
structure, except at the point of load termination, but there are serious misconceptions about
and comply with all of the following conditions: how to accomplish that. The most common
misconception is the idea that generator
(1) The tap conductors are protected from protection must be done with breakers or fuses.
physical damage… As is obvious from the text in 445.12, any device
listed as a protective device can be used for the
(2) The tap conductors terminate at a single required protection.2 Figure 1 illustrates a typical
circuit breaker or a single set of fuses that limits generator damage curve, typical molded case
the load to the ampacity of the tap conductors. breaker trip characteristics, and typical fully rated
This single overcurrent device shall be permitted conductor damage characteristics. Consider:
to supply any number of additional overcurrent
devices on its load side. • Alternators are much more susceptible to failure
than equally rated conductors. Breakers that
(3) The overcurrent device for the tap conductors are designed to protect conductors nearly never
is an integral part of the disconnecting means… provide effective protection across the entire
(4) The disconnecting means for the tap range of potential failure conditions.
conductors is located in a readily accessible • In particular, molded case breakers with thermal
location complying with one of the following: magnetic trips—by far the most commonly
\ a. Outside of a building or structure used protective device for generator sets—will
\ b. Inside, nearest the point of entrance never protect a generator unless they are rated
of the tap conductors at considerably lower current levels than the
\ c. Where installed in accordance with generator set. Use of multiple smaller devices
230.6, nearest the point of entrance will make the situation worse unless the
of the tap conductors aggregate ratings of the breakers are less than
the rating of the generator set.
With the advent and common usage of external
excitation support systems, one could argue • A breaker with electronic trip may be sufficiently
that it would be more important to require adjustable to protect an alternator, but it is
overcurrent protection at the alternator when still critical that equipment provided is set to
excitation support is used—but the NEC does properly protect the generator. Of course,
not require it. This is consistent with the way that another issue is that if a breaker does trip for
the NEC treats conductors from a utility service. no apparent reason, an operator can reset it so
When overcurrent protection is used and located protection is no longer effective.
to protect the conductors from a generator, 2
The 2017 NEC includes a new paragraph; 445.13(B)
the conductors can be sized at 100% of the Overcurrent Protection Provided. Where the generator set
is protected with a listed overcurrent protective device or a
generator set rating (445.12, exception). combination of a current transformer and protective relay,
conductors shall be permitted to be tapped from the load side
Finally, it is clear from the term “overload” that of the protected terminals in accordance with 240.21(B). This
statement reinforces the requirements in 445.12.
Notice that while the molded case breaker trip Inspection of the decrement curve of the
characteristic can provide good protection for generator also shows that the alternator
the fully rated cables, it provides no protection (even with PMG) cannot produce sufficient
to the generator and also can nuisance current in less than approximately one
trip at high current levels or with low level second to damage the generator (or fully
overload conditions. Thermal magnetic trips rated conductors). So, instantaneous trips are
are particularly susceptible to nuisance trips never necessary for generators or fully rated
under high ambient conditions. Breakers are conductor protection. While the alternator
commonly rated at a maximum temperature provides a relatively high inrush current, even
of 40 degrees centigrade. So, whenever they with a PMG, the machine can only provide
are exposed to higher ambient conditions three times the rated current on a sustained
common in generator applications in most of fault.
North America, it is not uncommon for them to
nuisance trip or even fail.
Note also that all AC generators have similar
damage curves. NEMA MG-1, the North
American standard for alternator design, states
that unless testing has been done to determine
otherwise, the alternator thermal damage
characteristic should be based on an I2t=40
curve. In spite of this, most designers do not
require documentation to verify protection—
simply assuming that any breaker similarly
rated to the generator protects the generator
and conductors. Note also that standard
UL 2200 test procedures do not validate
the thermal limits of a generator or require
documentation of those limits.
Damage curves from various alternators
are also different in that the end point of the
damage curve is defined by the subtransient
reactance of the generator. In Figure 1, with
peak current level of about 10 times the
rated current, a subtransient reactance of
approximately 10% can be deduced. At higher
subtransient current levels, the curve would
be shorter (not extend as far to the right),
Figure 1 – Typical generator and conductor damage
indicating that the alternator has lower peak curves with molded case breaker protection and
fault current capability. relay-based protection.
Another common design mistake that is rarely caught.
b. T
he common bus of separate sections of b). These requirements are common for all
the switchgear, separate sections of the applications as described in Articles 701 and
switchboard, or the individual enclosures 702.
shall be permitted to be supplied by single
or multiple feeders without overcurrent • Emergency circuits must be selectively
protection at the source. coordinated. Care should be taken to review
the system design to be sure that tripping of
Exception to (5) b: Overcurrent protection shall other load types does not cause shutdown or
be permitted at the source or for the equipment, disconnect of the generator set when it can
provided that the overcurrent protection properly serve emergency loads.
complies with the requirements of 700.28 (which
requires selective coordination). The 2017 NEC has further clarification on
allowed provisions for the connection of multiple
c. Emergency circuits shall not originate from loads to a generator set:
the same vertical switchgear section, vertical
switchboard section, panelboard enclosure, 445.13 (B) Overcurrent Protection Provided.
or individual disconnect enclosure as other Where a generator set is protected with a listed
circuits. overcurrent protective device or a combination
of a current transformer and protective relay,
d. It shall be permissible to utilize single or conductors shall be allowed to be tapped
multiple feeders to supply distribution from the load side of the protected terminals in
equipment between an emergency source accordance with 240.21 (B).
and the point where the emergency loads are
separated from all other loads. At this point, it is clear that a generator output
can be tapped when listed overcurrent
These paragraphs can be summarized as protection is used. This provides a great deal
follows: of flexibility to a designer, allowing for multiple
system designs that are reliable and ultimately
• Emergency circuit wiring must be kept entirely more cost effective.
separate from other wiring from the point
where the conductors from the generator split
into the individual types of circuits. Similar
requirements are in Article 695 for electric fire
pump circuits.
• Wiring for the emergency circuits can terminate
in any allowed connection provision or listed
device. So, whether the destination is a breaker
in an individual enclosure, a switchboard
bus, or a breaker in an isolated section of a
switchboard, it should be accepted. A single
circuit that is split into different types of loads
downstream or individual circuits to each load
type is also acceptable (ref: exception to (5)
Figure 2 – This illustration shows a number of acceptable alternatives for connection of conductors from a generator to multiple
loads, along with indications of conductor sizing requirements. OC1 is often specified to be a circuit breaker but is specifically
allowed to be any listed protective device that will protect the alternator. TAP indicates a tapped connection per requirements of
NEC 240.21. OC2, OC3, and OC4 are sized based on OC device rating.
In the first illustration from the left in The fourth illustration shows the same
Figure 2, a generator is provided with situation as the third figure, without listed
overload protection and a remote breaker overcurrent protection (just overload) at
with downstream loads tapped per NEC the generator set. The installation will not
requirements. Note that conductors from meet tap rule requirements for overcurrent
the generator are required to be sized at protection ahead of the tap. Consequently,
115% of the generator rating or the rating of authorities often require conductors to be
overcurrent device 1 (OC1). sized based on the rating of the generator
set4 rather than the downstream devices.
In the second illustration in Figure 2, the same This becomes a practical problem at the
arrangement is used, but OC1 is located at generator set as there may not be enough
the generator and provides both required conductor space in the generator enclosure
generator protection and protection for both to handle the required number and size
overcurrent and generator overload. This of conductors. (Generator sets are only
allows a single set of 100% rated conductors guaranteed to have enough terminal space
to be connected from the generator set for cables rated at 100% of the generator
to a tap box (or tap bus or main lug only set current rating.)
switchboard). The 100% rating is acceptable
assuming the overcurrent protection shown is
a listed protective device.
In the third illustration, the tap is moved to
the generator, which allows the conductors to
the downstream devices to be rated 4
Be aware that there is considerable disparity in the interpretation
based on the tap rules and the ratings and enforcement of conductor sizing requirements with this
of the downstream devices. design—so it’s better to use one of the other designs where possible.
The big point to note here is that once you 230.95, which covers requirements for services,
have effective, listed alternator protection in does not apply to generator sets because a
place beyond overload protection which is generator source is not a service.
required by code, there is a lot of flexibility
for connecting loads to a generator set and 700.27 Ground Fault Protection of Equipment.
the difficulties presented by example 4 are The alternate source for emergency systems shall
eliminated. not be required to have ground-fault protection of
equipment with automatic disconnecting means.
Note also that the tap rules for use inside a Ground-fault indication of the emergency source
building have considerably different requirements shall be provided in accordance with 700.6 (D)
when the installation is inside a building versus if ground-fault protection of equipment with
a typical generator set installation that is outside automatic disconnecting means is not provided.
of the building it serves. The biggest change is (701.26 has identical requirements.)
that there is no limit on the length of the tap on an
outdoor generator. (NEC 240.21 (B) (5)) The text of the NEC is sometimes incorrectly
understood to mean that ground-fault protection
It is worth noting that with the trend toward use is required for the generator set. However, as can
of more and more non-linear loads on generator be seen by the thermal damage curve for a typical
sets and the impedance of a generator typically generator set in Figure 1, a generator set cannot
being significantly higher than a utility service, be damaged by an external ground fault when
voltage waveform distortion can be an issue properly protected, and no ground-fault protection
on a generator set due to heating effects of the is required by Article 445. Ground-fault protection
harmonic currents, as well as sensing issues. is prescribed for the protection of the distribution
Consequently, in order to achieve accurate system and other connected hardware.
sensing for proper overcurrent protection and
prevent nuisance tripping, many designers The reference to “without disconnecting means”
are moving toward use of higher-cost digital should be interpreted to mean that only an alarm
true RMS trip sensing devices, rather than the is required at the generator set, not a shutdown
traditional thermal-magnetic trip devices. Digital of the generator set or tripping of a breaker or
trips or adjustable protective relaying are usually other disconnect device. Article 702 does not
necessary to get trip characteristics that result in have a paragraph analogous to those in 700 and
proper protection for the alternator. An alternator 701, so those applications must have ground-fault
thermal damage curve or the NEMA MG1 protection as described in NEC 215.10 and 230.95.
standard practice based on I2t=40 should be
used for that work.
Generator set installations rated for operation at
480VAC and 1000 amps and higher (feeder sizes)
are required to have ground fault sensing. This
requirement is called out in NEC section 215.10
and modified in Articles in 700 and 701. Note that
Ground-fault protection on a generator main • The bonding point must be located (electrically)
breaker may be required to coordinate with between the generator source and the ground-
downstream branch ground-fault devices, fault sensor. This allows ground fault current to
which are required as of the 2014 NEC. While bypass the sensor when returning to the source,
coordination is not specifically stated for so that a ground fault can be accurately sensed.5
ground-fault equipment, it could be interpreted
to be required as ground-fault equipment is an
overcurrent protective device: GENERATOR DISCONNECT RULES
Disconnects are generally required in electrical
210.13 Ground-Fault Protection of Equipment. systems to allow safe service of downstream
Each branch circuit disconnect rated at 1000 electrical equipment, as well as to allow firemen to
amps or more and installed on a solidly grounded disconnect power to a facility to avoid the hazards
wye electrical system of more than 150 volts to of fighting a fire around energized electrical
ground, but not exceeding 600V phase-to-phase, equipment.
shall be provided with ground-fault protection of Generator applications are different from utility-
equipment in accordance with the provisions of powered systems in that since a generator is
230.95. most safe to work on when it is prevented from
operating, there are two acceptable alternatives
A generator set rated at 1000 amps or more could for disconnects:
be provided with two or more breakers rated • a disconnect means, such as would be used on
less than 1000A, thus eliminating the need for a utility-powered system, or
ground-fault protection in the generator system.
It is also important to recognize that if ground- • shutting down and locking out the generator set
fault alarm or protection is required, the generator
system must be properly grounded and bonded Of those two alternatives, by far the safest
for that protection to be functional. Two things are alternative is to prevent the generator set from
required: running because it makes the generator unable
to operate or energize the system. So, the
generator is both safe to work on electrically
• For all applications, the generator or generator and mechanically when transfer switches with
parallel bus must have a single neutral to ground mechanical interlocks between sources are
bond as per NEC 250.30 (A) (1). This means that used. Further, anything electrically connected to
if the system incorporates 4-wire loads, 4-pole the generator set is safe to work on when these
(switched neutral) transfer switches must be requirements are met.
used in the system, and if multiple generators
are paralleled on a common bus, the bonding
point will be in the switchgear rather than at each 5
The 2017 NEC has added a provision in Article 700.6 (D) that notes
individual generator set. that the bonding point for a paralleled generator system may be at
a location other than the generator set itself in order to meet this
physical requirement.
Since the generator disconnect means is required Exception: For installations under single
to be lockable, the following requirements management, where conditions of maintenance
also apply: and supervision ensure that only qualified persons
will monitor and service the installation and where
110.25 Lockable Disconnecting Means. Where a documented safe switching procedures are
disconnecting means is required to be lockable established and maintained for disconnection, the
open elsewhere in this Code, it shall be capable generator set disconnecting means shall not be
of being locked in the open position. The required to be located within sight of the building
provisions for locking shall remain in place with or structure served.
or without the lock installed.
Identical requirements are found in Articles 701
When a physical disconnect is not used per and 702.
445.18 (2) (b), one should interpret the rule to
mean “shall be incapable of operating or The term “within sight” is a defined term in Article
attempting to operate.” 100 of the NEC:
Rules in Articles 700, 701, and 702 add additional In Sight From (Within Sight From, Within Sight).
requirements for generators installed outdoors. Where this Code specifies that one equipment
Section 700.12 (B) (6) states: shall be “in sight from,” “within sight from,” or
“within sight of,” and so forth, another equipment,
(6) Outdoor Generator Sets. Where an outdoor the specified equipment is to be visible and not
housed generator set is equipped with a readily more than 15 m (50 ft) distant from the other.
accessible disconnecting means in accordance
with 445.18, and the disconnecting means is
located within sight of the building or structure
supplied, an additional disconnecting means shall
not be required where ungrounded conductors
serve or pass through the building or structure.
Where the generator supply conductors terminate
at a disconnecting means in or on a building or
structure, the disconnecting means shall meet the
requirements of 225.36.
Nearly identical text is found in 701.27. While easy to achieve in concept, it is important
to note from a practical standpoint that the
Generator sets pose particular challenges for circuit breakers used for the alternator protection
selective coordination due to limited fault current are often sourced early in the construction
that is available and the need for protection of the process and by a different supplier relative to the
alternator.7 Referring back to Figure 1, it can be other breakers in the distribution system. If the
seen that peak fault current is rarely more than ten breakers on the generator set are required to be
times the rated current, and often is substantially coordinated with downstream devices and are not
less. Because an alternator is more susceptible to “compatible” with the balance of the distribution
damage than conductors, the alternator damage system, they will generally be required to be
curve falls far to the left of a typical damage curve changed in order to be in compliance with NEC
for 100% rated conductors. Consequently, typical requirements.
breakers serving loads downstream from the
generator protective device must often be 50% or While it may seem physically straightforward to
less in steady state rating than the generator rating change breakers on a generator set, there are
in order to coordinate with required generator complications:
If the generator is a listed assembly and the
These factors will mitigate toward the use of breakers are provided in a separate listed
relatively larger numbers of smaller devices assembly, then the breakers can be replaced
downstream from the generator set and relatively without complication (other than significant
few levels of downstream devices. It also makes added cost and delay in finishing a project), as
it more critical for a designer to specify (and get) long as they are installed in compliance to the
generators that can produce acceptable levels of generator and breaker assembly manufacturers’
fault current so that coordination can be achieved. instructions (including connection and bend
space requirements). If, however, the generator
There is, however, a greater practical challenge. set incorporates breakers as a component of a
If circuit breakers with instantaneous trips are single listed assembly, a change to the assembly
used in the generator distribution system and requires re-inspection by the agency that provides
the generator protection is a circuit breaker with the listing.
instantaneous trip, all the breakers that require
coordination will effectively be required to be
sourced from the same manufacturer and have
The 2017 NEC includes new requirements for labeling so that a
designer or inspector can verify that protection and coordination are
coordinated trip units in order to demonstrate based on the supplied machine characteristics:
selective coordination of the system as a whole. 445.11 Marking….Nameplates or manufacturer’s instructions shall
provide the following information for all stationary generators and
portable generators rated more than 15kW:
(1) Subtransient, transient, synchronous, and zero sequence
(2) Power rating category
(3) Insulation system class
(4) Indication if the generator is protected against overload by
inherent design, an overcurrent protective relay, circuit breaker,
or fuse.
(5) Maximum short circuit current for inverter-based generator set,
in lieu of synchronous, transient, and subtransient reactances.
If the coordination study reveals that a larger installations. To avoid these problems, designers
breaker must be located on the generator to should take the following steps:
allow downstream coordination, the modification
work is more complicated. This could include • Generator set submittals should always include
major modifications to the physical construction an alternator thermal damage curve and
of the load connection box and generator evidence that the alternator protection provided
load connection provisions due to physical actually protects the machine via specific
characteristics of the alternator connection box settings using a listed protective device. This
and connection provisions. Since every alternator allows a designer to verify that a machine not
is limited to some degree in terms of connection only meets NEC requirements, but also that it
space, it is possible that the required conductors will be as reliable and safe to operate as critical
will not fit in the available space. systems demand. Some suppliers have made
provisions for display of integral protection
and generator set decrement curves within
Obviously, if this work must be completed after engineering tools from companies like SKM and
the generator set is installed, costs and delays Easypower that enable convenient verification
related to the physical changes on the machine and coordination.
can skyrocket. If a listed product is modified in
the field, it will often require re-inspection by the • The alternator thermal damage curve and
listing authority. Further, it should be remembered protection device curve will become integral
that adding hardware that is not prototype-tested parts of a coordination study when that
with the generator set leaves the door open for becomes necessary. Alternator reactance data
unexpected failures due to vibration that is present is also necessary for that work.
in all generator set applications. • The combination of all the requirements
for protection and disconnects along with
RECOMMENDED PRACTICES requirements for selective coordination of
some circuits make it impractical to use circuit
Over the past several code cycles, several critical breakers mounted on a generator as the means
changes in the NEC have occurred with respect of disconnect and alternator protection. Where
to protection of generator sets, distribution available from generator suppliers as a listed
equipment, and the provisions required for option, protective relaying is a reasonable option
disconnects on generator sets. These have been since it does not have required instantaneous
primarily directed at clarifying the requirements of protection and is generally factory set to
the code and, in some cases, specifically allowing properly protect the alternator. Where breakers
reasonable and justifiable relaxation of some are used for alternator protection and must
requirements that are required for utility-powered be coordinated with downstream devices,
systems but not critical in generator-powered make provisions for verifying that the generator
systems. breakers coordinate with other breakers in
the system.
In spite of these changes, generators continue to
utilize commonly misapplied protection installed
in violation of NEC requirements. The result:
more expensive, less reliable, and even less safe
• It’s also worth noting that the NEC requires This all being said, since the recommendations
only overload protection for generator sets represent a “new” way of doing things, it’s
(usually achieved with an overcurrent device). important to clear a proposed design with
Additional protective devices and unnecessary electrical inspection authorities prior to finalizing
protective functions will negatively impact system design.
generator set reliability (overvoltage protection is
a good idea on most generator sets to protect
site loads.) Since most generator set controls
now offer these functions as standard, there is
no good justification for the addition of other
protective devices for the generator set. Further,
the designer should either prescribe required
settings or require the equipment manufacturer
to recommend settings.
Figure 6 shows a typical protection and control \
arrangement for a large Cummins generator set. \
Smaller generators often have at least over/ \ \
under voltage and overcurrent protection.
• For generator sets installed in outdoor
enclosures and where the disconnect is not
“within sight,” the facility will generally require a
service-entrance-listed disconnect where the
conductors from the generator enter the facility. Figure 6 – Typical protection and control arrangement for a
Note that when a disconnect means is provided large Cummins generator set. These control functions are utility
grade and standard on most machines larger than approximately
remote from the generator set, an additional 300kW. Similar strategies are provided by some other generator
disconnect is not required on the generator set. set vendors.
Gary Olson is a 40-year+ veteran of the power
generation industry with more than 30 years of service
prior to retiring from Cummins. He is an expert in the
application of emergency/standby power generation
equipment and in the interaction of this equipment
with both load devices and utility distribution systems.
He is now an independent consultant working
primarily with Cummins distribution.
He has been a writer and contributor on a wide
range of standards including the IEEE 1547 series of
standards for interconnection of distributed generation
equipment with utilities, NEC Panel 13 (subcommittee
that reviews code proposals related to generator
sets), CSA 282 (Canadian requirements for standby
generator applications) and UL standards related to
generator sets and transfer switches. He is currently
a member of the NFPA 110 technical committee.
Gary has many published magazine articles and
white papers. Many of these can be found on www. He has contributed much of
the content of several of the Cummins technical
application manuals, including T-030 (Gensets),
T-016 (Paralleling) and T-011 (Transfer Switches).
Gary is a graduate mechanical engineer from Iowa
State University and also holds an MBA from St.
Thomas University (St. Paul, MN).
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