Geowaste - Continuous Comingled Tailings For Large-Scale Mines
Geowaste - Continuous Comingled Tailings For Large-Scale Mines
Geowaste - Continuous Comingled Tailings For Large-Scale Mines
Comingled waste disposal has been used successfully at small-scale mine sites but requires bulldozers,
excavators, trucks, high-cost liquid–solid separation, and significant manpower to produce a suitable mixture.
Comingling is too costly for large, low value per tonne orebodies and their associated mines. GoldCorp and
FLSmidth have collaborated to develop a method of comingling concentrator tailings, named EcoTailsTM, with
mine waste in a continuous process to produce a stable deposit named GeoWasteTM. GeoWaste will have a
placed cost that will be competitive with traditional tailings disposal methods.
GeoWaste is produced by continuously mixing filtered concentrator tailings with crushed waste rock.
The filtered tailings cost is minimised by using ‘fast filtering’ and using a nominal amount of waste rock to
provide additional strength to the blended material. The acid rock drainage potential of the waste rock is
reduced by minimising void space, thereby increasing the degree of saturation and reducing oxygen flux.
The resulting comingled GeoWaste is both geochemically and geotechnically stable. Fast filtering the
concentrator tailings also allows for significant water recovery and reuse.
A pilot-scale process to determine the amount and type of continuous mixing required to produce GeoWaste is
discussed in the paper. Initial results of small-scale GeoWaste test pads will be presented. Recommendations to
implement a full-scale process will be discussed.
Keywords: EcoTails, GeoWaste, tailings, waste rock
1 Introduction
Tailings are commonplace in mining. Most tailings are stored within an impoundment contained by a tailings
dam. However, tailings dam failures are the most significant environmental liability for a mining project.
With mining operations now pursuing lower-grade deposits, higher throughputs are required for profitability.
A safe and cost-effective solution for tailings management facilities (TMFs) capable of accommodating
150,000 tonnes per day (tpd) are needed. On average, over the last 30 years, TMFs have experienced
20± dam failures per decade and a third of them caused serious safety and environmental liabilities, including
deaths (Roche et al. 2017).
The Samarco failure in Brazil two years ago created a mudslide that travelled 70 km from the dam, killed
19 people (Roche et al. 2017) and has been described as the mining industry’s own equivalent of the BP oil
spill in the Gulf of Mexico. In terms of the human, economic, and environmental impact and cost, with
reparations and liabilities running into the billions of dollars, not to mention the reputational damage and
market capitalisation devaluation, disasters such as this major dam failure must be eliminated.
Access to water is becoming increasingly difficult. Mining operations have seen water costs steadily rise.
Water availability is also challenging in many prominent mining areas of the world, and stakeholders are
challenging mine water usage. Some countries now request mining companies use desalinated water for the
majority of their water consumption. In Chile, the water code Código de Aguas restricting the use of water
rights in situations of scarcity is under reform. In March 2017, El Salvador became the first country in the
world to completely ban metals mining, after a decade-long moratorium, in a unanimous vote to protect the
Central American country’s dwindling supply of fresh water.
While dewatering tailings using pressure filters has been commonplace for some time, traditional filtered
tailings costs are currently too high for high-throughput, low value per tonne ore deposits. Typical filtered
tailings using smaller pressure filters and air drying the filter cake to an optimum cake moisture content, and
then using trucks for tailings transport and placement has an in-place cost of over USD 4 per tonne. For
large-scale, low-grade open pit mines, this cost is too high.
The Colossal filter can dewater large tailings volumes at rates more than twice that of filters currently
available. The water taken out of the process is immediately returned to the plant for reuse. As is typical for
a pressure filter operation, further water savings are made possible as less is lost to the environment through
evaporation and seepage.
When the Colossal filter was presented to industry, Goldcorp, a large Canadian mining company headquartered
in Vancouver, stated the size and speed of the filter was impressive but was still inadequate for large-scale
tailings filtration. Each filter needed to process more tailings than even what the Colossal filter could do. The
two companies decided to collaborate together to advance the state of filtered tailings technology.
To reduce the scale and cost of the dewatering solution, FLSmidth increased the speed of the filter process
including reducing the air blow. The rapid filtering process is referred to as ‘fast filtering’ by the team.
This reduced the filtration time significantly, allowing more batches per hour and higher unit capacities.
However, it also reduced the volume of water removed from the filter cake produced. The resulting higher
cake moisture content introduces geotechnical issues within the tailings stack (sometimes erroneously
referred to as a dry stack).
To give the tailings stack the required strength needed when the higher cake moisture tailings are deposited,
the team decided to comingle waste rock with the tailings to add the needed strength. Mixing the
low-moisture waste rock with the higher moisture tailings gives a product with an average moisture that is
acceptable. The coarser rock particles also add shear strength and provide a higher density to the pile.
Comingling tailings with waste rock has been around hundreds of years, however, combining fast filtering
with comingling on a continuous basis gave birth to the EcoTailsTM program.
Historically, comingling has been challenging. Typically four to five tonnes of waste rock are required for each
tonne of tailings, and blending the resulting large volume of material has been challenging (Wickland et al.
2011). Transporting large waste volumes is also unattractive to mining companies. With EcoTails, much less
waste rock is required since the tailings are dewatered, and blending can be accomplished during transport.
EcoTails mix ratios are designed for individual site requirements.
Another benefit of mixing tailings with waste rock is to reduce the void ratio and permeability of the waste
rock pile (Wickland et al. 2006). The lower void ratio, coupled with a near-optimum moisture content, has
the potential for reducing acid rock drainage (ARD) within the tailings stack. Acid rock drainage requires water
and oxygen to thrive. Waste rock piles with the potential to generate ARD typically experience acid drainage
because seepage is exposed to oxygen. By reducing the porosity within the tailings stack, and introducing
moisture to fill much of the remaining void spaces, oxygen flow through the pile is prevented and ARD can
be greatly reduced.
The EcoTails project, which produces GeoWaste designed specifically for each site, can produce a material
that is geotechnically and geochemically stable.
Figure 3 Water being added to an air-dried tailings stockpile followed by excavator mixing
Five control samples were collected from the waste rock and tailings stockpiles prior to blending tests to
measure pre-test moisture contents (Figure 4). Each sample was collected in a five gallon bucket. After adding
water, the average moisture content of the tailings stockpile was measured in the lab at approximately 16%
(by weight), which was within the acceptable specification range. The average waste rock moisture content
was measured in the lab at 0.5% by weight.
Figure 4 Control sample collection of wetted air-dried tailings stockpile prior to blending tests
Three grasshopper conveyors were used to mix the tailings and waste rock. The grasshopper conveyors were
arranged in a triangular overlapping fashion as shown in Figures 5 and 6.
In order to produce a specified mixture ratio (by dry weight) of GeoWaste, a Bobcat loader and scale were
used as shown in Figure 7. The Bobcat loader was used to place the specified weight of waste rock on the
conveyor belt. A layer of tailings was overlain on the waste rock at the selected mix ratio of tailings.
The conveyor belt was advanced very slowly to allow two more sections or volumes of waste rock with tailings
on top to be placed on the belt. These three sections of layered tailings and waste rock were run through
three transfer chutes to build the blended GeoWaste pile.
A GeoWaste pile approximately 1.5 m high was collected with side slopes at angle of repose. The weight of
the GeoWaste pile blended with the grasshopper conveyors was approximately 6,000 to 6,500 kg as shown
in Figure 8.
A second GeoWaste test pile was created immediately adjacent to the grasshopper blended test pile.
This test pile used the same tailings and waste rock from the stockpiles as the grasshopper blending tests.
An excavator was used to blend the tailings and waste rock. This pile is shown in Figure 9.
One sample was collected from each of the test piles to measure the pre-consolidation moisture content.
Each sample was collected in a five gallon bucket. The samples were given to a laboratory to perform oven
drying tests to measure moisture content.
Both test piles were immediately covered with a piece of linear low-density polyethylene liner to minimise
drying and moisture loss over the prescribed three day consolidation period.
After three days of consolidation, in situ bulk density tests were performed at the top, middle and bottom of
each test pile (grasshopper-blended and mobile equipment-blended using an excavator). Samples from the
bulk density tests were collected to measure moisture. Each sample was collected in a five gallon bucket.
6 Test results
Test results indicate that the moisture content measured in the GeoWaste test pile created using the
grasshoppers was the same (±1%) as the test pile created using mobile equipment consisting of trucks and
shovels. Immediately after blending, the moisture content (by weight) was measured at 10.1 and 10.2% in the
grasshopper-blended test pile and the mobile equipment-blended test pile, respectively. After three days of
test pile consolidation and drying, the moisture contents decreased in both test piles by about the same
amount. This drying or reduction in moisture content near the surface of the test piles is expected given the
climatic conditions at site. On visual inspection, both test piles appeared similar in terms of the degree of mixing
between tailings and waste rock. Bulk density tests also produced similar values in both GeoWaste test piles
with maximum bulk densities measured at the test pile bottoms. These mixing test results confirm that the
GeoWaste material produced using truck and shovel equipment is the same as the material produced using
conveyors and transfer chutes. Plans are being made to take the technology to a demonstration-size level.
7 Conclusion
GoldCorp and FLSmidth have successfully collaborated to develop a method of comingling concentrator tailings,
named EcoTailsTM, with mine waste in a continuous process to produce a stable deposit named GeoWasteTM.
GeoWaste will have a placed cost that will be competitive with traditional tailings disposal methods.
GeoWaste is produced by continuously mixing filtered concentrator tailings with crushed waste rock.
The filtered tailings cost is minimised by using fast filtering and using a nominal amount of waste rock to
provide additional strength to the blended material. The resulting comingled GeoWaste is both
geochemically and geotechnically stable.
Field testwork demonstrated that GeoWaste produced by conveyors and transfer chutes was mixed as well
as material mixed by truck and shovel mobile equipment. Average moisture content and bulk densities were
similar in both cases.
Roche, C, Thygesen, K & Baker, E (eds) 2017, Mine Tailings Storage: Safety Is No Accident, United Nations Environment Programme,
Nairobi, and GRID-Arendal, Arendal.
Wickland, B, Wilson, GW, Wijewickreme, D & Klein, B 2011, ‘Design and evaluation of mixtures of mine waste rock and tailings’,
Canadian Geotechnical Journal, vol. 43, no. 9, pp. 928–945,
Wickland, B, Wilson, GW, Wijewickreme, D & Fredlund, D 2006, ‘Mixtures of waste rock and tailings: resistance to acid rock drainage’,
Journal of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation,