Every Drop Counts: Digital Solutions Help Protect Water Resources
Every Drop Counts: Digital Solutions Help Protect Water Resources
Every Drop Counts: Digital Solutions Help Protect Water Resources
Digitalization enables more efficient and more sustainable processes in
the water industry
Companies in the water and waste water industry must adapt their systems
and plants to climate, demographic, and structural change. In order to meet
these challenges in a sustainable way, the industry must connect the demand
and supply sides for both water supply and waste water disposal to an inte
grated data platform to achieve a circular water economy. In this context,
digital solutions can help achieve savings and provide optimization oppor
tunities in many areas, including data acquisition, assistance systems, the
networking and integration of subsystems, distributed services, and even
autonomous infrastructure systems.
Use cases demonstrate the potential and benefits
Using three application scenarios, this whitepaper shows that digitalization
can be successfully implemented already today. Digital applications help
reduce energy consumption in water and waste water treatment, minimize
non-revenue water, and enable optimal use of the buffer capacity in sewage
networks. Each scenario is presented in detail, illustrating the benefits of
digitalization for the water and waste water industry.
Integrated solutions for the entire water cycle
To optimize operation, water and waste water plants and infrastructure systems
require intelligent control and management systems. Siemens supports the
industry with a comprehensive set of solutions for the entire water cycle.
© Siemens 2020
Water in the 21st century:
stressing resources
Water shortage as a global and local issue Challenges for a sustainable water economy
Access to clean water is a human right. However, in many Companies in the water and waste water industry need to
regions, people lack a secure supply of drinking water. address the challenge of adapting their systems to ongoing
Additionally, climate change, urbanization, and contamina climate, demographic, and structural change. A growing
tion from agriculture and industrial production threaten number of both private and industry users are located in
water quality in lakes, rivers, and aquifers. Pollution is one metropolitan areas, where the demand for water and the
of the key factors stressing water resources in developed amount of waste water generated both continue to rise. To
countries, making clean water an increasingly scarce and safeguard surface and groundwater quality, requirements
valuable resource that requires special protection. For for waste water treatment are becoming increasingly
example, 36 river basins in Europe fail to meet the EU stringent. And finally, plant operators must protect natural
Resource Efficiency Roadmap targets that limit water water bodies from uncontrolled release of contaminated
extraction to 20% of renewable resources, even though waste water through overflooding of waste water systems,
water consumption has been reduced by 19% since 1990. even under extreme conditions caused by storms or heavy
In 2015, as a result of hot and dry summer conditions, the
share of people affected by water scarcity increased to 30% For sustainable water and waste water management, the
in Europe – up from 20% in 2014.¹ At the same time, industry must connect the demand and supply sides for
urbanization has caused local consumption to exceed the both water supply and waste water disposal to an integrat
regeneration capacities of natural water resources even in ed data platform to achieve a circular water economy,
wet and precipitation-rich areas. In 2013, 60% of cities and focusing on three areas of action: optimization of energy
metropolitan areas in Europe were overexploiting their consumption in the treating of water and waste water,
groundwater resources.² On top of this, contamination reduction of non-revenue water by quickly detecting and
from intensively used land and the release of insufficiently eliminating leaks, and optimization of capacity manage
treated waste water have impaired water quality, so that ment by improving the use of buffer capacities in sewage
increasingly complex methods of treatment are needed to networks.
produce drinking and process water of adequate quality.
• Optimizing energy consumption:
Based on real-time data, plant operators can make
informed decisions that significantly improve plant
efficiency, for example, by optimizing pump schedules
to reduce energy costs using dedicated tools.
• Reducing non-revenue water
Integrated monitoring of the supply network helps
operators identify leakages in a timely and targeted way
as well as ensure compliance with quality requirements
and enable demand-driven water treatment.
• Reducing contamination of water bodies:
Model-based optimization solutions enable plant operators
to free up sufficient buffering capacity in their systems
prior to a heavy rainfall event to hold the added water.
These solutions also support operators in adapting the set
points in their waste water treatment plants to the
changed waste water composition.
¹ Use of Freshwater Resources, European Environment Agency ² A Water Blueprint for Europe, European Union, 2013
Assessment, 2018
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Increasing efficiency and cutting costs drive Networking, modeling, and simulation
digitalization efforts By networking and integrating process, engineering, and
The German Water Partnership e. V., the leading associa operational data, the entire technical and organizational
tion for the German water sector, views digitalization as a process and value chain of a water system can be repre
major lever for savings and optimization in the water and sented in a digital model of buildings and plants. This
waste water industry.³ Digital solutions can be beneficial in results in a so-called digital twin, a data-based plant model
many areas, including data acquisition, assistance systems, that incorporates all design and operational data over the
the networking and integration of subsystems, distributed entire plant lifecycle. This digital twin supports the on
services, and even autonomous infrastructure systems. going optimization of engineering, operation, and mainte
Following are the three major drivers of digitalization: ⁴ nance procedures. Intelligent linking of data from plant
operation with global data such as weather reports, com
• Increasing efficiency in water and waste water treatment,
bined with advanced data analysis methods like machine
water distribution, and waste water collection, as well as
learning, allows users to both optimize day-to-day plant
streamlining communication with users
operation and better respond to unusual events (e.g.,
• Cost savings through improved monitoring of water heavy rainfall, pipe bursts). Such solutions are already
and waste water infrastructure systems and demand- available today to enable data integration and analysis,
driven operation of systems and plants both as on-premises software solutions and as secure
cloud solutions.
• Compliance with increasingly stringent regulatory
requirements for water and waste water quality as well
as for supply and treatment security and quality
³ Water 4.0, German Water Partnership, 2019 ⁴ Market Research Report: Water’s Digital Future: The Outlook for
Monitoring, Control and Data Management Systems, Global Water
Intelligence, 2016
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Reducing energy consumption through
optimized pump operation
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Reducing non-revenue water through
faster leak detection
Situation large or sudden leaks with minimal delay and high preci
Globally, water that is fed into the pipe networks and then sion. The SIWA Leak application, for example, uses data
lost through leakage or theft is a major issue for the water from the automation systems and can be deployed at the
industry. In some regions, more than 50% of processed plant level. The results of the analysis can be displayed
water is lost during pipeline transport.⁵ This non-revenue directly in the SIMATIC PCS 7 process control system so
water not only impacts the economic performance of water that operators receive an immediate notification. Addition
supply companies; it also increases pressure on natural ally, cloud-based applications such as SIWA LeakPlus pow-
water resources, as more water is produced than is actually ered by BuntPlanet ⁶ combine data from the water distribu
needed. Unaccounted-for losses of waste water, in con tion network with cloud computing, artificial intelligence,
trast, are often a major source of contamination and can and hydraulics simulations to detect hidden anomalies that
affect water quality. Major events such as pipe bursts can point to leaks. The results are presented to operators via a
also damage infrastructure and neighboring properties. dashboard.
Therefore, plant and network operators need to detect and
locate leaks quickly and precisely.
Using digital tools, plant operators can detect leaks faster
In addition to leaks, water theft and unbilled authorized and with greater precision. This helps
consumption (e.g., for firefighting) can lead to high levels
• reduce leakage times and rates (by up to 50% with SIWA
of non-revenue water, and metering inaccuracies can
result in apparent losses in pipe networks. A leak detection
solution must be able to discriminate between the various • reduce or eliminate the resulting damage through faster
types of non-revenue water or unaccounted-for water loss detection,
and support a cost-benefit analysis for service and modern
• decrease operational and maintenance costs through
ization projects
demand-driven asset management, and
• increase detection resolution and precision in identifying
Advanced tools help detect pipe leaks using data from
the location and size of leaks using AI.
existing metering and automation systems. The applica
tions are able to combine different measuring methods
(flow rates, mass balance, pressure wave analysis, pressure
drops) and can detect both small or creeping losses and
© Siemens 2020 5
Reducing contamination of water bodies
with optimized sewer management
An intelligent central solution for sewer management and
control can enable the buffer capacity in the sewer net
work to be used to relieve pipelines and even out the
inflow to waste water treatment plants. Applications such
© Siemens 2020 6
Digital solutions for the water industry
Ready for the Digital Enterprise plants and infrastructure in an intelligent way. Siemens
Implementing Industry 4.0 strategies in the water industry supports these efforts with a tailored set of solutions for
to create Water 4.0 solutions entails the comprehensive the entire water cycle, from drinking water processing
networking and analysis of data across existing systems (including desalination), water transport, pump stations,
and organizations. The Siemens strategy for the Digital and supply networks to sewer networks, pump stations,
Enterprise addresses critical aspects of Industry 4.0 such as and sewage treatment systems.
integrated engineering and integrated operations, cloud
Siemens Industry Suite – smart apps for the water and
connectivity with the open Internet of Things (IoT) operat
waste water industry
ing system MindSphere, and dedicated applications for
The water industry of the future will control and manage
data analysis and processing in the cloud.
plants and infrastructure in a smart and energy-efficient
From integrated engineering to integrated operations way. To support this vision, Siemens has developed the
Siemens offers a comprehensive portfolio of software and Siemens Industry Suite for the water and waste water
automation solutions from integrated engineering to industry. Through the full interaction of applications and
integrated operations that ensure consistent data transfer comprehensive and flexible analysis of plant data in the
through all phases of the plant lifecycle. The COMOS plant virtual MindSphere environment, this offering increases
engineering software ensures a consistent database from information availability over the entire plant lifecycle. The
design and engineering to operation, improving engineer suite also includes the Siemens Water (SIWA) apps devel
ing quality and yielding time and cost benefits for OEMs oped specifically for the water and waste water industry.
and plant operators alike, for example, though parallel These apps help operators optimize energy efficiency,
engineering. Automation data can be transferred from reduce non-revenue water, prevent overspills, and enable
COMOS directly to the SIMATIC PCS 7 process control preventive maintenance. The benefits: better security of
system, saving up to 20% of engineering time in automa supply, reduced energy consumption, and lower opera
tion projects. The SIMIT simulation software works directly tional costs. The applications and digital services of the
with data from SIMATIC PCS 7 and COMOS for the testing Siemens Industry Suite for the water and waste water
of all automation and process control routines, which industry enable greater transparency and help identify
supports streamlined commissioning through earlier trou efficiency and savings potential while safeguarding secu
bleshooting and the elimination of problems. Using 3D and rity of supply.
virtual reality in COMOS Walkinside, users can walk through
a virtual model of their plant and train staff at an early
stage. The high degree of integration between COMOS,
SIMATIC PCS 7, and SIMIT results in a consistent solution
from engineering to operation and maintenance.
Horizontal integration of processes and plants
To ensure optimized operations, companies in the water
and waste water industry need to control and manage their
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Abbreviations and terms
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