The Rightly Guided Caliphs
The Rightly Guided Caliphs
The Rightly Guided Caliphs
Abu Bakr (R.A) was among the early converts to Islam. He named himself Abdullah,
after embracing Islam. He was a childhood friend of Holy Prophet (PB UH) and
accompanied him during his migration to Medina. He suffered persecutions alike and
was there with the Holy Prophet (PBUH) during their stay at Saur. He participated in all
the Battles like Badr, Uhad, Trench, and Hunain. He led the congregational prayer in
the last days of Holy Prophet (PBUH). At the time of Prophet’s Death, he was a
prominent figure in the consolidation of the Islamic empire. He recited some verses of
Holy Quran upon the demise of Prophet (PBUH) in order to console all the followers:
He was among the ten blessed companions who were given the glad tidings of
Paradise during their lifetime by the Holy Prophet (PBUH).
Ansar insisted that in return for their services to Islam, they should elect the first
Caliph from their community. Hazrat Umar (R.A) alleged to Abu Bakr (R.A) claiming
that Holy Prophet was a Quraishite so this honor should go to them. Finally, after the
consensus of opinion (Ijma), it was unanimously agreed that Abu Bakr (R.A) should be
the first Caliph of Islam. As soon as Abu Bakr (R.A) became the Caliph, he was
offered considerable resistance and he then instantly started to take measures to put
it down.
In the last days of the Prophet’s (PBUH) life, some misguided people arose to claim
prophethood. When Abu Bakr (R.A) was elected as the Caliph, they started their
preaching openly. Among these false prophets were Tulaiha, Aswad Ansi,
Musailamah, and Sajjah. Tulaiha belonged to the Banu Asad tribe in the northern
Arabia. An army under Khalid bin Walid (R.A) was sent which met them at Buzaka.
After a fierce battle, Tulaiha’s army surrendered and he himself fled to Syria. He
embraced Islam during the time of the second Caliph.
Aswad Ansi belonged to the Ansi tribe in Yemen. He was an ugly man who kept his
face veiled all the time. He was nicknamed
Being the leader of his tribe he revolted with the cooperation of the neighboring
chiefs. He was the first false prophet who collected a large army in open revolt
against Islam. He was defeated and killed by the Muslims.
The most dangerous of the false prophets was Musalima. He belonged to a tribe of
central Arabia. His tribe accepted him as a prophet. Abu Bakr (R.A) sent Shurbhil and
Ikramah to crush the rebellion; later Khalid bin Walid(R.A) joined them. Musalima’s
army was defeated after a fierce battle at Yamama in 633AD. Musalimah was killed. In
this battle, about 800 Muslims were martyred. Amongst them were 360 Huffaz
(memorizers of the Holy Qur’an).
Sajjah was a woman who belonged to the Bani Tamim tribe. She claimed to be a
prophetess and succeeded in mustering a large following. When Musalimah heard
about her claim he invited her to Yamama. They decided to join forces and later
Musailma married her which ended her adventure of prophethood and she lived in
obscurity for the rest of her life. When the Muslims conquered Iraq she entered the
circle of Islam along with her tribe.
Another important work done in his Caliphate was the compilation of Holy Quran when
after the loss of many huffaz, Zaid bin Thabit was appointed after the Battle of
Yamama along with. 75 other companions to collect and compile the authentic
Quranic verses in a single manuscript. The compiled version was called the Mushaf.
This ensured that the last word of Allah was kept with security and sanctity so that it
may be used by the future generations.
The Arabian Peninsula was surrounded by the two great empires of that time on its
northeastern side was the border of Persian Empire (Sassanid) while the northern part
of the peninsula was bordered by the Byzantine Empire. Abu Bakr (R.A) readily took
action against the Persians who had proved to be perilous to the newly established
faith. The Muslim Army to achieve this purpose fought several battles such as the
battle of Kazimah in 633 A.D against Hurmos. The Muslim army under the leadership
of Khalid bin Waleed (R.A) defeated the Persians and Hormos was killed. Hira was
also conquered by Khalid bin Waleed after which most of the Iraq came under Muslim
rule. The Persians at Anbar surrendered to Muslim army and agreed to pay Jizya.
Anbar also came under Muslim rule.
Abu Bakr (R.A) also organized the Muslims to fight against the Byzantines who were
the most powerful enemies of Islam. Muslims were successful in both the battles of
Basra in 634 A.D and in the battle if Ajnadein and Damascus were also besieged.
After the Prophet’s death, some of the people rose in revolt against the authorities in
Medina and renounced Islam. Abu Bakr (R.A), without any delay, launched an
expedition against this movement. After collecting the troops at Medina, he divided
them into eleven battalions each with an experienced commander and sent them in
eleven different directions to crush these revolts. He instructed each commander to
first invite these tribes to Islam. If any refused to comply they were to be attacked.
Some of the tribes accepted Islam but the others were stubborn and were dealt with
harshly. All campaigns were successful and Abu Bakr (R.A) was able to re-establish
control of Islam throughout the Peninsula.
In 632-33 A.D, the army under Usama bin Zaid was sent to Syria. The Muslims’ army
outnumbered the Roman forces and Byzantine Empire was defeated and later on
Bedouin tribes, Persians and Iraqis too. Euphrates region and kingdom of Hira were
also captured. Muslim empire was rapidly advancing. There were many internal
disputes going in the empire. Many states within like Bahrain, Mahrah and Banu
Ghatafan were proving troublesome. They agreed that after Prophet’s (PBUH) death,
their agreement had ended and they should be exempted from paying tax. Abu Bakr
(R.A) rejected this. In 632 AD, a rebellious tribal force was defeated by Abu Bakr (R.A)
and many rebels died. Following this, many delegates and tribes accepted to pay
He had a great sense of responsibility as a caliph of the Islamic state and made
special arrangements for the welfare of the people.
He was a very gentle and soft hearted person. The people who wanted to create
chaos among Muslims took advantage of his soft nature. Usman (R.A) was a very
strict administrator and the machinery of the government worked smoothly in his time.
Usman (R.A) used to overlook the minor faults of the appointed Amils, provincial
heads as well as the new converts. They took advantage of his leniency and rebelled
against him. Abdullah bin Saba, a Yemenite Jew who outwardly accepted Islam,
embarked on a subtle campaign of creating conflict among the Muslims. He and his
followers established their headquarters in Egypt and began to circulate forged letters
that complaints against the Caliph, to his governors and other state officials. Efforts
were made to highlight the long forgotten rivalry between Banu Hashim and Banu
Umayya. Usman (R.A) did not take timely action against him. Even some of the
noblest actions of his were miss projected before the public; for example, the
standardization of the Quran and the expansion of the compound of the Ka’abah.
Hazrat Usman (R.A) appointed his relatives in 4 of the provinces out of 12: Egypt,
Syria, Kufa and Basra. All the governors appointed by him were people of great
caliber. Ameer Muaviya, a relative of his was appointed as the governor of Syria and.
Abdullah bin Saad, his foster brother, was appointed a governor of Egypt also by
Usman (R.A). Usman (R.A) appointed Saad bin Abi Waqas as governor of Kufa. When
he was unable to control the situation there, he was replaced by Waleed bin Uqba
(Usman (R.A)’s foster brother) who proved his worth. Abu Musa Ashari was deposed
at the demand of people of Basra, was replaced by Abdullah bin Amir (Usman (R.A)’s
cousin) according to the wishes of the people. He proved very successful thus none
of the governors appointed by him proved a failure.
The act by Hazrat Usman (R.A) of burning the Quran was seen by some as destroying
God’s Word. This was done after consultation with the other companions and it was a
great service that he rendered to Islam. He gave a convincing reply to each of the
charges in the presence of the Prophet’s companions. His explanation was accepted.
The rebels however stuck to their demand to depose the Caliph. To achieve their
demand, finally in 35 A.H troops from Egypt, Kufa and Basra marched to Medina and
encamped outside the capital. The rebels climbed the walls from the back and
sneaked into his house unnoticed; leaving the guards on the gate unaware of what
was going on inside. Usman (R.A) was assassinated on the 18 Dhul Haj and was
buried in Jannat al-Baqi.
However, this was soon to raise troubles later on. Many companions of Holy Prophets
(PBUH) did not accept Ali (R.A) as caliph-like Zaid bin Sabit, Saad bin Abi Waqas and
Muawiya bin Abu Sufyan (cousin of Usman (R.A)). Rebels soon started and many
companions turned against him. Syria proved very troublesome. Muawiya raised voice
for revenge for Usman’s (R.A) assassination and displayed blood stained shirt of him
and chopped fingers of his wife, Naila. However, Ali (R.A) had to calm the situation
before taking a step against Usman’s (R.A) killers. He replaced the governors of Kufa,
Basra and Egypt with new ones. Muawiya was also replaced and this caused serious
troubles in Syria. Ali prepared an army of 40,000 to tackle Muawiya but moved towards
Basra as Hazrat Ayesha, Talha and Zubair had attacked it with a huge army and many
Muslims were martyred in this war. Ali (R.A) negotiations failed and civil war broke
out. This Battle of Camel occurred in 656 A.D and Ali (R.A) won the battle. Talha (R.A)
and Zubair (R.A) were martyred and both the armies faced huge casualties.
Ali (R.A) tried to keep peaceful relations with Muawiya but it was of no avail. All
negotiations failed and finally, both sides were ready for war. Ali (R.A) had an army of
80,000 to 90,000 soldiers, while Muawiya had 70,000 soldiers. Battle of Siffin was
fought in 657 A.D and after several days of indecisive fighting, Amr bin Al-Aas came
up with an idea of tying pages of Quran on their lances to stop fighting. Court of
arbitration was held to on decide about the reaction against Usman’s (R.A) assassins.
Some troops were against this and deserted Ali’s (R.A) army. These 10,000 troops
turned against both Ali and Muawiya and chose their own leader Abdullah bin Wahab
who made his headquarters at Nahrawan. These people are called Kharijites who
according to a Quranic verse 49:9:
claimed that the court of arbitrations was an unIslamic step taken. However, they were
defeated by Ali’s (R.A) army at Narawan in the Battle of Narawan.
After this, there were several rebellions against Ali from Bahrain, Kufa, Basra, and
Syria. Muawiya was creating public anger which was a threat to Ali (R.A). He prepared
an army to encounter Muawiya but was martyred by a Kharijite, Ibn Muljam with a
poisoned sabre in 40 A.H. Ibn Muljam was immediately caught and taken away. Hazrat
Ali (R.A) in his last moments, turned to Imam Hasan (R.A) and said:
Thus, after a troublesome caliphate of 5 years, Ali’s (R.A) caliphate came to an end
with his martyrdom and the chapter of Rightly Guided Caliphs came to a tragic end.