AD Cranefield
AD Cranefield
AD Cranefield
Printed in Great Britain. # 1997 TEMPUS Publications.
228 J. P. Fielding
Fig. 1. Aircraft that could be produced by specialists with differing design priorities.
project (see below). The lecture syllabus has a large engineers; they do not actually fly the aircraft.
mandatory core, with some options, depending This deficiency has been remedied by student
on student interests. The total lecture hours vary light aircraft flight test experiments in the
between 240 and 300 hours in the following College's two-seater Beagle Pup aircraft. Each
subjects: student undertakes two flights in the aircraft. The
Cranfield pilot demonstrates and tutors the
General and project design: student in level flight, climbs, turns and descents.
Design for operationÐincluding noise, V/STOL, The student then flies the aircraft in the second
airports, reliability, maintainability and weapon flight and conducts a simple flight test experi-
systems; ment, associated either with performance or flight
Initial aircraft design; dynamics.
Design of major components; These flying activities are expensive, but are part
Computer-aided design; of the course and contribute significantly to the
Loading actions. development of a well-rounded design engineer.
Structural aspects:
Aerospace structural considerations;
Finite-element methods;
Structural optimisation; These may be theoretical and/or experimental
Fibre reinforced plastics; and are drawn from a range of topics related to
Fatigue and fracture; the course and suggestions by the staff, sponsors
Structural dynamics; or students themselves. Members of staff are
Aeroelasticity. appointed as research supervisors for each student
within a few days of the start of the academic year.
System and allied areas: There is a close relationship between student and
Aircraft systems; supervisor, reflected by the average student/staff
Control engineering; ratio of around 9:1.
Aircraft avionics systems. The experimental research is aided by the air-
Additional subjects: craft, some 20 windtunnels, an extensive struc-
Aircraft accident investigation; tural test laboratory, metalwork workshops and a
Fixed wing aircraft performance; composite component fabrication laboratory.
Theory of flight. There is a powerful computer facility with
networked PCs, workstations and mainframe
The final topic is another unique feature of computers.
Cranfield Courses. Students are given lectures in The research investigations comprise 45% of the
aircraft performance, flight mechanics and flight MSc students' final marks and are assessed by
test methods, and then complete eight flight tests in research theses.
the College's own specially-equipped Jetstream Topic areas are similar to those performed by
aircraft (Fig. 3). the conceptual design research group, mentioned
The theoretical knowledge is thus reinforced by above, but extend to conceptual design, structural
flying in the aircraft during the flight-test manoeu- design, fracture and fatigue, composite structures
vres and is then further reinforced by on-board and advanced airframe systems.
flight data acquisition, and subsequent analysis.
The latter activity has been recently enhanced
by the incorporation of a Cranfield-designed on- THE MSc GROUP DESIGN PROJECT
board computerised data acquisition and display
system. Background
Students, however, only act as flight-test The Cranfield group project is unique by virtue
of the amount of preparatory work done by staff
before work is started by the students. All other
known design projects start with the students being
given the aircraft specification. They then perform
a conceptual design, leaving little time available
for detailed design. With the Cranfield method,
this work is done by the staff, thus enabling the
students to start much further down the design
process. They thus have an opportunity to get to
grips with preliminary and detail design problems,
and become much more employable in the process.
The Cranfield project method also allows students
to use modern design tools such as CAD, finite
elements, laminate analysis and aerodynamic
Fig. 3. Jetstream flight test `classroom' aircraft. modelling. The group design project is undertaken
Graduate Aircraft Design Education 231
surface model was generated using EDS Uni- again. The wing structure was designed by two
graphics software. teams, one with a composite, and one with metal
Wing Finite-element models were made using the
A modest sweep forward combined with NASTRAN system and showed that the modest
advanced laminar flow wing sections enable forward-sweep of the wing did not result in
Mach numbers in the region of 0.75 to be achieved. aeroelastic problems.
The aspect ratio is 8.0 and there is sufficient fuel
tankage in the wing and fuselage at the specified
The cross-section is generous for this class of
payload for a range of 1800 nautical miles with
aircraft, with a recessed aisle to give more head-
reserves. The high aspect ratio improves fuel burn
room to move round the cabin. The baggage/toilet
and airfield performance. Double-slotted Fowler
compartment is behind a privacy bulkhead, above
flaps, moderate wing loading, spoilers and the high
the wing carry-through structure.
aspect ratio give adequate field performance.
The interior is shown in Fig. 10. The environ-
The absence of slats, the forward sweep wing,
mental and flying control system components run
the aerofoil sections and small chord should allow
under the seat armrests and under the floor.
a significant percentage of natural laminar flow.
The toilet compartment is rather restricted for
The particular laminar-flow section used has a
large passengers, and some re-design will be
very high zero-lift pitching moment. This was
aggravated by the initial fuselage shape, giving
significant trim drag, which would negate the
effects of the drag reductions from laminar flow.
The fuselage was re-shaped to limit this effect, but
it is unlikely that Cranfield will use the section
Fig. 10. Fuselage interior. Fig. 11. Forward fuselage finite-element model.
234 J. P. Fielding
The aircraft uses a pair of rear fuselage-mounted
Williams/Rolls-Royce FJ44 engines. They are
mounted high on the fuselage to minimise wing
interference effects.
The engine nacelles use easily-opened panels to
ease engine maintenance. The engine pylon front
spar passes through the fuselage to limit fuselage
frame bending moments, whilst the lower-loaded
rear spar is broken at the fuselage side, to facilitate
equipment-bay access.
Tail unit
The aircraft utilises a cruciform tail arrange-
ment. This takes the tailplane above the jet efflux
and increases its moment arm, due to the sweep-
back of the fin. This arrangement does not have as
severe `rolling due to sideslip' effect as does the
high T arrangement.
The fin was designed to be constructed of
carbon-fibre composite material. The component
was analysed by using Cranfield's laminate analy-
sis programs and subsequently checked using finite
elements. A simple dynamic finail analysis showed Fig. 12. E-92 general arrangement drawing.
that some redesign would be necessary to improve
dynamic structural stability. The tailplane was Predicted performance
designed in conventional aluminium alloys and The mass targets had been set using an empiri-
utilised a machined centre-box. cal mass estimation program. The correlation
The high speed of the aircraft led to the use of between the targets and predictions is very good,
mechanical assistance to the flight control system. considering the fact that the E-92 is very small,
Setback hinges and either servo or balance tabs are relative to the empirical database used in the
used on the elevator, rudder and ailerons. program.
Figure 13 shows the predicted payload range for
the aircraft. This was produced after considerable
Landing gear analysis, the production of aerodynamic computer
Single wheels are fitted to each main leg, which models and consideration of the effects of intake
retract inboard into the fuselage fairing. Several efficiency, bleed and power off-takes. It shows that
alternate retraction schemes were investigated, the aircraft could meet the range targets at a
making use of the kinematics module of the high-speed cruise Mach number of slightly less
CATIA CAD system. The nose leg uses twin 0.72 and considerably exceed it at Mach 0.58.
wheels and retracts forwards into the fuselage The calculations used pessimistic power off-takes
nose. The layout of the units can be seen in the and neglected the expected drag benefits of natural
general arrangement drawing, Fig. 12. laminar flow.
Graduate Aircraft Design Education 235
1. D. Howe, An established approach to the teaching of aircraft design, AIAA, Paper AIAA-5-1046,
originally presented in 1975, but reproduced in Perspectives in Aerospace Design compiled by
Conrad F. Newberry, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Inc, 1991. ISBN 1-56347-
2. J. P. Fielding, Project designs of alternative versions of the SL-86 2-stage horizontal take-off space
launcher, ICAS-90 Congress, Stockholm, Sweden, September 1990.
3. J. P. Fielding and H. Smith, Entry-level Executive Jet E-92 Project Specification, DAeT 9200,
College of Aeronautics, Cranfield University, July 1993.
Prof. John Fielding had 12 years industrial experience as both an engineering apprentice and
design engineer at Hawker-Siddeley Aviation. In 1975 he joined Cranfield as an ARB
Research Fellow and is now Professor of Aircraft Design and Head of the Air Vehicle
Technology Group in the College of Aeronautics. He is responsible for research and
236 J. P. Fielding
teaching in all aspects of aircraft design. He specialises in research and teaching in aircraft
conceptual design, reliability and maintainability. He has published more than 50 technical
papers at conferences and in journals. He has been visiting Professor at the University of
Texas since 1991, is external examiner at the University of Limerick, and a member of
the aircraft design technical committee of the American Institute of Aeronautics and