Meat and Poultry Plant Sanitation

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Meat and Poultry Plant Sanitation

Meat and poultry are perishable food- tion is responsible for reduced contami-
stuffs, and red meat has a relatively unstable nation and increased product stability.
color. Poor sanitary practices increase micro- There are many obvious reasons for main-
bial damage resulting in reduced color, fla- taining high standards of cleanliness in meat
vor, and product safety. Effective sanitation and poultry facilities. The following are a few
is essential to reduce discoloration, spoilage, that are important:
and pathogen growth with a resultant
● These products are vulnerable to attack
increase in shelf life product safety.
by microorganisms present under unsan-
Sanitation in the meat and poultry indus-
itary conditions.
try requires good housekeeping, beginning
● Microorganisms cause product discol-
with the live animal or bird and continuing
oration and flavor degradation.
through serving the prepared product. The
● Self-service merchandising of aerobi-
sanitation program should be thoroughly
cally packaged fresh meat and poultry
planned, actively enforced, and effectively
places a premium on intensive sanita-
supervised. The most successful program
tion to increase shelf life.
involves inspection by trained personnel who
● Improved sanitary conditions reduce
are directly responsible for the sanitary con-
waste because less discolored and
dition of the plant and equipment.
spoiled product has to be discarded.
● Immaculate sanitary conditions can
improve the image of a firm, whose rep-
ROLE OF SANITATION utation depends on product condition.
A sanitary product is more wholesome
Meat and poultry nourish microorganisms and superior in appearance to tainted
that cause discoloration, spoilage, and food- merchandise.
borne illness. Methods of processing and ● Increased emphasis on food nutrition
distribution are responsible for the increased and sanitation by regulatory agencies
exposure of these products to microbial con- and consumers suggests a need for an
tamination. For example, many of today's effective sanitation program.
merchandising techniques depend on appe- ● Employees deserve clean, safe working
arance to sell the product. Improved sanita- conditions. Sanitary and uncluttered

Meat and Poultry Plant Sanitation 299

surroundings improve morale, produc- the muscle pigment myoglobin in the

tivity, and product turnover. oxymyoglobin state. Oxidation can cause an
● The established trend toward increased abnormal brown, gray, or green discol-
centralized processing and packaging oration of meat by oxidation of the ferrous
dictates a need for increased emphasis iron of the heme compound to the ferric
on sanitation. Increased processing and state and direct attack by oxygen on the por-
handling necessitate a more intensive phyrin ring. The color of fresh meats
sanitation program. becomes unacceptable when metmyoglobin
● Sanitation is good business. reaches approximately 70% of the surface
pigment. Formation of metmyoglobin is
Effect on Product Discoloration accelerated by decreased oxygen pressure as
a result of oxygen consumption through
Biochemical discoloration is related to the
growth of aerobic microorganisms. The crit-
amounts of oxygen and carbon dioxide pres-
ical partial pressure for oxygen has been
ent. Figure 17–1 illustrates how the partial
found to be 4 mm. Rapid oxidation to met-
pressure of oxygen affects the myoglobin
myoglobin occurs below this level.
chemical state, which ultimately influences
Research has suggested that the primary
muscle color. High carbon dioxide partial
role of bacteria in meat discoloration is the
pressure can cause a gray or brownish dis-
reduction of the oxygen tension in the sur-
coloration by association of carbon dioxide
face tissue. This conclusion has been based
with myoglobin at the free binding site, and
on the following observations:
the rate of metmyoglobin formation
increases with decreasing oxygen pressure. 1. Rate of oxygen uptake on the muscle
A major cause of discoloration is related tissue surface is related to microbial
to microorganisms. Microbes consume avail- activity and color change.
able oxygen at the product surface, which 2. Oxidation to metmyoglobin occurs at
reduces available oxygen needed to maintain intermediate levels of oxygen demand

Reduced myoglobin

Total Pigment (%)

Partial pressure of O2

of one atmosphere
in air at a pressure

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
Oxygen Partial Pressure
(Millimeters of Mercury)

Purple Brown Red

Figure 17–1 Relationship of partial oxygen pressure to myoglobin chemical state.


of the surface tissue. With high respira- tion source, the risk of this condition occur-
tion rates, reduction to myoglobin ring rises each time these products are
occurs, correlating with similar changes handled.
under controlled oxygen atmospheres. When alive, a healthy animal possesses
3. Pigment oxidation and reduction are defense mechanisms that counteract the
controlled by adjustment of oxygen entrance and growth of bacteria in the mus-
level in the storage atmosphere with a cle tissue. After slaughter, the natural
light load of microorganisms. defenses break down, and there is a race
4. Agents inhibiting high oxygen uptake between humans and microbes to determine
rates in exposed tissues preserve color the ultimate consumer. If the handling is
under atmospheric conditions but are careless and ineffective, the microbes win.
ineffective under low oxygen pressures. Those involved with sanitation must create a
less favorable environment for the microor-
These observations result in the conclu-
ganisms. (Chapter 5 discusses contamination
sion that the reduction of oxygen in muscle
sources during slaughter and processing.)
tissue by microbial growth or by physical
Approximately 1 billion microorganisms
effects can produce an increase in reduced
are contained in a gram of soil attached to
myoglobin through oxidation by metabolic
the hide of a live animal. A gram of manure
hydrogen peroxide produced by muscle tis-
contains approximately 220 million micro-
sue or by bacteria. With oxygen tension
bes. Sticking knives contaminated with bac-
reduced to a low enough level, hydrogen per-
teria introduce contamination through the
oxide formation is nil, and no oxidation will
wound. An animal's heart may beat for 2 to
occur. This condition indicates that the dis-
9 minutes after sticking, thereby permitting
sociation of the oxy compound increases as
thorough distribution of microbes. Unwas-
oxygen tension decreases. Fresh meat pig-
hed animals have approximately 155 million
ments are more vulnerable to discoloration
microorganisms/cm2 of skin where the jugu-
at oxygen tensions below that of air at
lar vein is cut.
atmospheric pressure.
Although the temperature of a scalding
Clearly, the growth of bacteria from poor
vat is approximately 60ºC, the microbial load
sanitation contributes to muscle color degra-
is approximately 1 million bacteria per liter
dation through reduced oxygen concentra-
of water. The dehairing operation for hogs is
tion and ultimate discoloration. Various
responsible for microorganisms being beaten
genera and species of microorganisms differ
into the surface skin.
in their effect on pigment alteration; how-
Contamination during evisceration of ani-
ever, improved cleanliness can delay the
mals is increased because the stomach and
development of high numbers of microbes.
intestinal contents are loaded with microor-
Those who handle meat should strive to min-
ganisms. A major contamination source for
imize the initial microbial load.
meats in the slaughterhouse is rumen fluid,
which averages 1.3 billion microorganisms
Meat and Poultry Contamination
per milliliter.
During the slaughter, processing, distribu- Carcass surface counts of microorgan-
tion, and foodservice cycle, food items are isms average 300 to 3,000/cm2. Beef and
handled frequently-often as many as 18 to 20 pork trimmings contain 10,000 to 500,000
times. Because almost anything contracting bacteria per gram, depending on contami-
meat and poultry can serve as a contamina- nation and sanitation practices, cutting
Meat and Poultry Plant Sanitation 301

boards on fabricating tables normally con- ination threat because of entrapment of

tain approximately 77,500 bacteria per microorganisms in skin channels and with
square centimeter. Slicers, conveyors, and the swelling of collagenous material in the
packaging equipment may increase the con- neck flap area. These highly contaminated
tamination of processed meats by 1,000 to carcass parts should be trimmed to lower the
50,000 bacteria per gram, depending on san- microbial load. Freezing is known to reduce
itation practices. campylobacter populations, presumably by
ice crystal damage to cells and by dehydra-
Pathogen Control
tion. Current research results indicate that
In the past, meat and poultry products rinsing poultry carcasses removes a small
have accounted for 23% of foodborne illness amount of Salmonella organisms that may be
outbreaks and 27% of the cases of outbreak- present. Species of Salmonella and Campy-
associated foodborne disease for which a lobacter affix themselves to the skin and flesh
food vehicle was implicated. During the of poultry so tightly that they become part of
same period, meat and poultry were associ- food intended for human consumption.
ated with 10% and 5%, respectively, of the Shapton and Shapton (1991) emphasized
reported foodborne outbreak deaths. the need for cleaning of roofs over food
During the scalding, evisceration, rinsing, manufacturing areas. Process equipment and
and chilling phases of poultry processing, the exhaust stacks may be vented through the
carcasses are quite vulnerable to contamina- roof. If feasible, roof-mounted process
tion for species of Salmonella and Campy- equipment should be enclosed with a floor to
lobacter, Aermonas hydrophila, Listeria separate it from the processing area. Parti-
monocytogenes, and other microorganisms of cles, especially hygroscopic matter, can
public health concern. Campylobacter has deposit on the roof, especially if it is flat.
presented a serious problem for the poultry When left unattended, this area may attract
industry because it is commonly present on birds, rodents, or insects, which are known
raw poultry and is the leading cause of food- carriers of Salmonella organisms and of
borne illness in United States with an esti- L. monocytogenes. Pools of water will
mated infection rate of 1,000 per 100,000 encourage these pests. A minimum slope of
people (Zhao et al., 2003). Poultry has been 1% is recommended to ensure drainage.
implicated in campylobacteriosis that has L. monocytogenes is a challenge for meat
occurred sporadically without a finite deter- processors because it is very difficult to
mination of the mode of transmission. The eliminate this pathogen from the processing
design of poultry processing equipment, plants. It survives cold temperatures, toler-
especially the plucking equipment, is such ates salt and nitrite, and can attach to stain-
that adequate cleaning is difficult. The major less steel surfaces. Thus, equipment can
risk in evisceration is the spilling of the gut easily provide a means of transfer of
content onto the carcass. Furthermore, the L. monocytogenes from one location to
knife and hands of the meat inspector are another, even after cleaning and sanitizing
often heavily contaminated. Campylobacter (Sebranek, 2003). The incidence of L. mono-
jejuni will spread during the harvesting cytogenes is approximately 15 to 50% for
process. Regardless of the type of harvesting, poultry carcasses, 20% of dry sausage and
heavily infected poultry flocks may result in a fresh sausage, and 10% or more of ground
contamination rate of 100% for the finished beef samples evaluated. Growth can also
product. Immersion chilling poses a contam- occur in some cooked meat products after

packaging. A significant portion of fresh control the growth of this pathogen through
meats used as raw materials for processed refrigeration at 4 to 5ºC (a common storage
products can be contaminated with this psy- temperature) because this microbe can survive
chrotrophic pathogen and point to the at a 0ºC storage environment. Doyle (1987)
importance of preventing postprocessing has suggested that the use of antimicrobial
recontamination of ready-to-eat products. agents, reduced temperature (<2ºC) storage,
Table 17–1 illustrates the incidence of reformulation of products (reduced minimum
L. monocytogenes in post-heat processing water activity [Aw], pH, etc.), or post-process-
environments in 41 meat plants. Other viable ing pasteurization of products may need to be
product contamination areas include slicers, incorporated for the control of such psy-
dicers, saws, lugs, tubs and other containers, chrotrophic pathogens in foods.
hand tools, gloves, aprons, packaging mate- Frank et al. (2003) evaluated the effective-
rials, packaging equipment, tables, shelves, ness of cleaning and sanitizing chemicals in
racks, and cleaning equipment. Other areas the removal of L. monocytogenes biofilms
where this pathogen may be hidden include coated with soil of poultry origin and applied
recesses, hollow rollers, motor housings, under static conditions without heat applica-
switch boxes, rusted materials, cracked or tion. Alkaline and neutral cleaning com-
pitted hoses and door seals, walls that are pounds were evaluated as well as sodium
cracked or pitted or covered with inade- hypochlorite, acidified sodium chlorite, per-
quately sealed surface panels, vacuum/air oxyacetic acid, peroxyacidic acid/octanoic
pressure pumps lines or hoses, air filters, acid mixture, and quaternary ammonium
open bearings, and ice makers. compound sanitizing agents. The alkaline
L. monocytogenes is often found around wet cleaning compound removed 99% of fat and
areas and cleaning aids, such as floors, drains, 93% of protein within 30 minutes. The neutral
wash areas, ceiling condensate, mops and cleaning compound was equally effective at
sponges, brine chillers, and at peeler stations. removing fat, but eliminated only 77% of pro-
Biofilm formation is exacerbated through tein. The alkali cleaning compound also effec-
older and unclean equipment with exposed tively removed L. monocytogenes biofilm
bolts and threads, and unsealed rivets. Thus, coated with protein. Biofilm removal is more
control of Listeria organisms in processing successful if cleanup is initiated as soon as
plants is essential to reduce the potential of possible after the production shift ceases.
post-processing contamination. One cannot More prompt cleaning after production

Table 17–1 Incidence of Listeria monocytogenes in Meat Plant Post-heat Processing Environments

Location Percentage Positive for L. monocytogenes

Floors 39
Drains 39
Cleaning aids 34
Wash areas 24
Casing peelers 22
Food contact surfaces 20
Condensate 7
Walls and ceilings 5
Compressed air 4
Meat and Poultry Plant Sanitation 303

reduces time for additional microbial growth raw and finished products should be sani-
and facilitates cleaning because of reduced tized each time they are used. Frequent
drying of soil deposits. Acidified sodium cleaning with floor scrubbers is essential. If
chlorite and peracetic acid/octanoic acid mix- ceiling condensate is present, removal should
ture were the most effective sanitizers for the involve a vacuum unit or a sanitized sponge
destruction of L. monocytogenes biofilm mop. Cleaned floors that do not dry before
coated with fat and protein. Figure 17–2 illus- production startup should be vacuumed or
trates how sanitizers such as those mentioned squeegeed.
can be applied to reduce contamination from Although growth niches may be present
employees and entering processing areas. in a plant, more positive sites found during
Pathogens such as L. monocytogenes can environmental monitoring are not growth
be better controlled through the reduction of niches. They are transfer points (i.e., product
cross-contamination. Employees who work handlers and equipment). Since the microor-
in the raw and finished product areas, such ganism is present in this location before the
as smokehouses and water and steam cook- product comes to the line, transfer points are
ing areas, should change outer clothing and not growth niches, because the organism is
sanitize their hands or change gloves when eliminated during the cleaning and sanitizing
moving from a raw to finished product area. process. Thus, most pathogen monitoring and
Utensils and thermometers that are used for control sampling occur at transfer points, not

Figure 17–2 Door foaming unit incorporated to reduce contamination from employees and equipment. Cour-
tesy of JohnsonDiversey Inc, Detroit, Michigan.

the true harborage places are growth niches 4. Floors should be surfaced with materi-
(Butts, 2003). als that are easily cleaned and will not
Growth niches should be designed out of encourage water accumulation.
the process, but if this is not accomplished 5. Prevent proliferation in growth niches
they must be managed by minimizing their or other sites that lead to ready-to-eat
contamination potential with process con- product contamination.
trol techniques. The manufacturer should
consider the degree to which equipment Process Control
needs to be disassembled for effective clean- 1. If the process does not contain a
ing and sanitizing. The chemical sanitizer L. monocytogenes kill step, the opera-
treatment being practiced, including consid- tion should be designed to reduce con-
eration of flood sanitizing coverage and the tamination.
requirements for treatment time is another 2. The kill step (if applicable) should be a
factor that will have an impact on the suc- critical control point in the Hazard
cessful control of pathogenic growth niches. Analysis Critical Control Points
Butts (2003) suggested that the flood-sanitiz- (HACCP) program.
ing step must be implemented to further 3. Implement an appropriate sampling
assure that growth niches are managed. plan to determine if the process is
The Following guidelines should be con- under control.
sidered when planning for the control of 4. Establish appropriate corrective action.
L. monocytogenes in meat, poultry, and other 5. Verify that the corrective action was
food plants. effective.
6. Review and analyze data to ensure that
Layout and Plant Design the control program is effective.
Although most modern plants are much
more hygienically designed than during the Operation Practices
past, these principles to complement those 1. Employees should be educated about
mentioned in Chapter 14, should be consid- good manufacturing practices (GMPs),
ered. HACCP, and the responsibilities of
1. Plant layout should prevent pests and each.
vermin and should control the move- 2. Equipment should be provided to
ment of L. monocytogenes between raw maintain sanitary conditions such as
and cooked product areas. Examples (a) foot baths, (b) hand dips, (c) hair
are employee traffic patterns, support nets, and (d) gloves.
and supervisory staff movement, and 3. Contamination sources, especially in
food-handling activities. ready-to-eat areas, should be elimi-
2. Air and refrigeration movement equip- nated.
ment should be designed for easy clean- 4. Management should be educated to
ing and sanitizing. Ready-to-eat areas support GMPs and HACCP.
should have a positive air pressure
Sanitation Practices
3. All equipment and other surfaces 1. An adequate number of employees,
should be easily cleaned and sanitized time, and supervision should be pro-
with smooth, nonporous surfaces. vided for cleaning and sanitizing.
Meat and Poultry Plant Sanitation 305

2. Written cleaning and sanitizing proce- 7. Change outer clothing and sanitize
dures should be developed and posted hands or gloves when moving from a
for each area in the plant. “raw” to a finished product area.
3. Environmental sampling programs to 8. Change into clean work clothes daily.
verify the effectiveness of cleaning and Provide some pattern of color-coding
sanitizing should be established. to designate various plant areas.
9. Minimize the number of visitors and
Verification of L. monocytogenes Control
require them to change into clean
1. A microbial assay of weekly samples clothes provided at the plant.
from plant areas, equipment, and the 10. Provide a plant environmental moni-
air supply should be conducted. It is toring program to measure effective-
especially important to sample points ness of the Listeria control procedures.
between the kill step and packaging. 11. Enclose processing and packaging
2. Samples can be composited to reduce rooms so that filtered air comes in and
the analysis cost. If a composite sample ensure that these areas are under pos-
is positive, a follow-up analysis of indi- itive pressure.
vidual samples is necessary to determine 12. Clean and sanitize all equipment and
which equipment is the contamination containers before their entry into pro-
source. cessing and packaging areas.
The following important suggestions for Three alternative levels (Lazar, 2004) of
Listeria control in meat plants should be Listeria control in a plant are:
considered: Alternative Level 3—basic control level
addressed through effective sanitation
1. Mechanically or manually scrub floors
Alternative Level 2—effective sanitation is
and drains daily. Drains should contain
combined with post-lethality treatments such
a “quat plug” or be rinsed with disin-
as heat, antimicrobial agents, or freezing
fectants daily.
Alternative Level 1—effective sanitation,
2. Clean the exterior of all equipment,
antimicrobial treatment, and a post-lethality
light fixtures, sills and ledges, piping,
treatment combining all three strategies
vents, and other areas in the processing
It has been suggested (Russell, 2003) that
and packaging areas that are not in the
28% of cattle designated for harvesting are
daily cleaning program.
infected with Escherichia coli O157:H7 and
3. Clean cooling and heating units and
that an average of 43% of beef carcasses
ducts weekly.
contain this pathogen at various stages of
4. Caulk all cracks in walls, ceilings, and
window sills.
In September 2002, the U.S. Department
5. Keep hallways and passageways that
of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection
are common to raw and finished prod-
Service (USDA, FSIS) announced its plan to
uct clean and dry.
institute a series of additional measures to
6. Minimize traffic in and out of pro-
complement previous policies aimed at the
cessing and packaging areas and
prevention and control of E. coli in ground
establish plant traffic patterns to
beef. These included:
reduce cross-contamination from feet,
containers, pallet jacks, pallets, and 1. All beef harvesting and grinding plants
fork trucks. are required to acknowledge that E. coli

is a hazard likely to occur in their oper- bacteria are less active, and some death can
ations unless proven otherwise. occur through stress.
2. All establishments producing raw beef Processing and storage at a colder tempera-
products must reassess their mandatory ture will reduce spoilage and microbial growth
Hazard Analysis & Critical Control on equipment, supplies, or other areas. Under
Points plans and investigate the ade- unsanitary conditions with improper tempera-
quacy of existing pathogen/interven- ture control, certain species of Pseudomonas
tion controls. If controls are not in can double in number every 20 minutes. Meat
place or are determined to be inade- and poultry are generally expected to avoid
quate, a pathogen reduction step to spoilage twice as long at 0ºC than at 10ºC.
reduce the risk of E. coli O157:H7 in Air curtains should be installed, especially
the product must be incorporated into when truck doors must be left open, to pre-
the production process. vent refrigeration loss where the plant is
3. FSIS inspectors will conduct random under positive pressure. Entry of insects and
microbial verification testing of all beef dust is reduced with the use of air curtains.
grinding operations. The air velocity should be a least 488
4. FSIS will increase inspections of m/minute, measured at a distance of 910 mm
pathogen reduction and intervention above the floor. For personnel entrances, the
steps to verify that they are effective in air stream should be continuous across the
reducing the incidence of E. coli entire width of the opening, with a thickness
O157:H7 under actual plant condi- of at least 254 mm and a minimum velocity
tions. of 503 m/minute, measured 910 mm above
the floor (Shapton and Shapton, 1991).
Temperature Control
Meat and poultry spoil when held at a
high temperature. Temperature affects the SANITATION PRINCIPLES
rate of chemical and biochemical reactions,
and, especially, the lag phase of the growth An efficient cleaning arrangement can
pattern of microorganisms. The rates for reduce labor costs up to 50%. Construction
both microbial and non-microbial spoilage and equipment selection are critical for the
increase to approximately 45ºC. Microbial most effective cleaning operation. It is
spoilage usually does not occur above 60ºC. important that the floors, walls, and ceilings
(Microbial growth kinetics is discussed in be constructed of impervious material that
Chapter 3). Microorganisms grow most rap- can be easily cleaned. Floors should be
idly between 2 and 60ºC. This range is con- sloped with a minimum of 10.5 mm/m.
sidered the critical zone, or the danger zone.
Hot Water Wash
Meat and poultry must be stored out of this
temperature zone and should be taken Hot water washing of meat and poultry soil
through this range as quickly as possible is not effective. Hot water can loosen and melt
when a temperature change is necessary (as fat deposits but tends to polymerize fats, dena-
when cooking and chilling). Storage temper- ture proteins, and complicate removal of pro-
ature below the critical zone does not effec- tein deposits by binding them more tightly to
tively destroy bacteria but does reduce the the surface to be cleaned. The main advantage
rate of growth and multiplication of of a hot-water wash system is minimal invest-
microorganisms. Below the critical zone, ment of cleaning equipment. Limitations of
Meat and Poultry Plant Sanitation 307

this approach include increased labor require- Foam Cleaning

ments and water condensation on equipment,
Foam is particularly beneficial in cleaning
walls, and ceilings. It is difficult to remove
large surface areas of meat and poultry plants
heavy soil with this system.
and is frequently used to clean transportation
equipment exteriors, ceilings, walls, piping,
High-Pressure, Low-Volume Cleaning belts, and storage containers. Portable foam
equipment is pictured in Figure 17-4. In size
High-pressure, low-volume spray cleaning
and cost it is similar to portable high-pressure
is a viable method in the meat and poultry
units. Centralized foam cleaning applies clean-
industry because of the effectiveness with
ing compounds by the same desirable features
which it removes tenacious soils. With this
as a centralized system.
equipment, the operator can more effectively
clean difficult-to-reach areas with less labor, Gel Cleaning
and the cleaning compound is more effective
This equipment is similar to high-pressure
at a lower temperature.
units, except that the cleaning compound is
This hydraulic cleaning technique may
applied as a gel rather then as a high-
involve portable units. This portable equip-
pressure spray. Gel is especially effective for
ment can be utilized for cleaning parts of
cleaning packaging equipment because it
equipment and building surfaces and is espe-
clings to the surfaces for subsequent soil
cially effective for conveyors and processing
removal. Equipment cost is similar to that of
equipment when soaking operations are
portable high-pressure units.
impractical and hand bushing is difficult and
The metering device and controls of a cen-
tralized high-pressure cleaning unit are illus-
trated in Chapter 11. A dispensing nozzle for
this equipment is pictured in Figure 17–3.

Figure 17–3 High Pressure hose with a female,

stainless steel, quick-connect, heavy duty, dead- Figure 17–4 Foaming equipment for cleaning com-
man, shutoff-type spray gun extension wand. Cour- pound application. Courtesy of JohnsonDiversey,
tesy of JohnsonDiversey, Inc., Detroit, Michigan. Inc., Detroit, Michigan.

Combination Centralized High-Pressure, shackles pass between two rotating brushes,

Low-Volume, and Foam Cleaning they are cleaned. The brushes can be lifted
above the rail when not in use.
This system is the same as centralized high-
pressure except that foam can also be applied Cleaning-out-of-Place (COP)
through the equipment. This method offers
Although some specialized applications
the most flexibility because foam can be used
of this cleaning technique exist in the meat
on large surface areas, and high pressure
and poultry industry, the use of this equip-
can be applied to belts, conveyors, and hard-
ment is somewhat limited. More detailed
to-reach areas in a meat or poultry plant.
information on this topic is presented in
Equipment costs for this system range from
Chapter 11. In addition to parts washing
$15,000 to over $150,000, depending on size.
equipment, COP units are being incorpo-
Cleaning-in-Place (CIP) rated in the cleaning of racks and returnable
containers. Typical equipment consists of a
With this closed system, a recirculating
cabinet with oscillating spray bars to reach
cleaning solution is applied by installed
all areas to be cleaned with high-pressure
nozzles, which automatically clean, rinse,
volume. A complete wash and rinse cycle
and sanitize equipment. Benefits of CIP sys-
ranges from 5 to 20 minutes per batch,
tems are discussed in Chapter 11. The use of
depending upon the level of soil built-up on
CIP systems in the meat and poultry indus-
what is being cleaned. This equipment saves
try is limited. This equipment is expensive
water and chemical costs by recycling.
and lacks effectiveness in heavily soiled
areas. CIP cleaning has some application in
vacuum thawing chambers, pumping and
brine circulation lines, preblend/batch silos,
and edible and inedible fat rendering. Figure
17–5 illustrates a CIP application principle
for washing shackles, rollers, and chains in Acid Cleaners
poultry plants. The motor and drive compo-
Information about strong and mild acid
nents are mounted on a base plate. As the
cleaners is provided in Chapter 7.
Strongly Alkaline Cleaners
Examples of strongly alkaline compounds
are sodium hydroxide (caustic soda) and
silicates having high N2O:SiO2 ratios. The
addition of silicates tends to reduce the cor-
rosiveness and improves the penetration and
rinsing properties of sodium hydroxide.
These cleaners are used to remove heavy
soils, such as those found in smokehouses.

Heavy-Duty Alkaline Cleaners

Figure 17–5 Shackle washer for cleaning shackles, The active ingredients of these cleaners
rollers, and the chain in poultry processing plants. may be sodium metasilicate, sodium hexa-
Courtesy of Ecolab Inc., St. Paul, Minnesota. metaphosphate, sodium pyrophosphate, and
Meat and Poultry Plant Sanitation 309

trisodium phosphate. The addition of sul- most frequently used in sanitizing meat and
fites tends to reduce the corrosion attack on poultry operations are the following:
tin and tinned metals. These cleaners are fre-
quently used with CIP, high-pressure, and ● Sodium and calcium hypochlorite: These
other mechanized systems found in meat and are more costly than elemental chlorine,
poultry plants. but are more easily applied. Hypochlor-
ous acid is an active germicidal agent,
Mild Alkaline Cleaners
and the activity of hypochlorites is pH
Mild cleaners are frequently in solution to dependent. Alkalinity decreases as the
use for hand cleaning lightly soiled areas in germicidal activity increases.
meat and poultry plants. ● Liquid chlorine: This sanitizer is used in
processing and cooling water chlorina-
Neutral Cleaners
tion to prevent bacterial slimes.
Information about these and other clean- ● Chlorine dioxide: This is an effective
ing compounds is discussed in Chapter 9. bactericide in the presence of organic
matter because it does not react with
nitrogenous compounds. The residual
SANITIZERS FOR MEAT AND effect is also more persistent than that of
POULTRY PLANTS chlorine. However, this sanitizer needs
to be generated on-site.
To obtain maximum benefits from use of a ● Active iodine solutions, like active chlo-
sanitizer, it must be applied to surfaces that rine solutions, can be sanitizers. Iodo-
are free of visible soil. Soils of special con- phors are very stable products with
cern are fats, meat juices, blood, grease, oil, much longer shelf lives than hypochlo-
and mineral buildup. These deposits provide rites and are active at a low concentra-
areas for microbial growth, both below and tion. These sanitizing compounds are
within the soil, and can hold food and water easily measured and dispensed, and they
necessary for microbial proliferation. Chem- penetrate effectively. Their acid nature
ical sanitizers cannot successfully penetrate prevents film formation and spotting
soil deposits to destroy microorganisms. on equipment. Solution temperature
should be below 48ºC because free
iodine will dissipate.
Steam is an effective sanitizer for most ● The quaternary ammonium compounds
applications. Many operators mistake water are widely used on floors, walls, equip-
vapor for steam and fail to provide adequate ment, and furnishings of meat and poul-
exposure to create a sanitizing effect. Steam try plants. The “quats” are effective on
should not be used in refrigerated areas porous surfaces because of their penetra-
because of condensation and energy waste, tion ability. A bacteriostatic film that
and it is unsatisfactory for continuous sani- inhibits bacterial growth is formed when
tizing of conveyors. quats are applied to surfaces. Those sani-
tizers and compounds containing both an
Chemical Sanitizers
acid and a quat sanitizer are most effec-
Chlorine is one of the halogens used for tive in controlling L. monocytogenes and
disinfecting, sterilizing, and sanitizing equip- mold growth. Quats may be temporarily
ment, utensils, and water. The sanitizers used when a mold buildup is detected.

● Acid sanitizers combine the rinsing and tamination. Several cattle hide interventions
sanitizing steps. Acid neutralizes the are effective in a controlled laboratory set-
excess alkalinity from the cleaning ting, but may not be feasible for use on live
residues, prevents formation of alka- animals (Allen, 2004).
line deposits, and sanitizes. Acid An application for disinfectants involves a
sanitizers effectively kill both gram- reduction of bacteria on carcasses. Applica-
positive and gram-negative bacteria. tions have focused on acidified sodium chlo-
Other information about sanitizers rite (ASC), hydrogen peroxide, trisodium
may be found in Chapter 10. Sodium phosphate, cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC),
chlorite and citric acid are in use in and the application of an electrochemically
meat and poultry plants as an antimi- activated solution (ECA). ECA is a mixture
crobial (Stahl, 2004). of sodium hypochlorite and peroxides to
● Ozone is incorporated to control micro- provide an electrical process that enables it
bial contamination in water, spray to destroy a wide range of microorganisms.
directly onto meat and other foods to CPC has been successfully incorporated with
reduce microbial contamination, and lactic acid and sodium tripolyphosphate to
the application onto clean food contact destroy salmonella.
sources as a non-rinse sanitizer. It is an ASC has been approved for use on meat
excellent biocide for chill water in products as well as fruits, vegetables, and
slaughter plants and cooling tower seafood products. A commercial application
operations (Stier, 2002) because it of ASC involves 1,000 ppm after pre-chilled
breaks down to harmless compounds carcasses are water-rinsed for 10 seconds.
and will not concentrate in the system. Sodium chlorite acidifies in the presence of
Moisture must be present (80 to 90%) citric acid and destroys bacteria, viruses, fungi,
for ozone to be able to attack microor- yeast, and some protozoa by disrupting pro-
ganisms. Although ozone can reduce teins in the microbial cell. It is effective in the
pathogenic microorganisms on beef car- destruction of pathogenic bacteria. This com-
casses, Castillo et al. (2003) discovered pound can be applied at room temperature
that an aqueous ozone treatment pro- through immersion or spray techniques with-
vided no improvement over a hot water out jeopardizing product quality. It is environ-
wash. Too much ozone application on mentally friendly and can be discharged into
the meat surface will cause a pale color municipal and private sewage systems without
(Clark, 2004). additional treatment (Velazco, 2003). ASC
may be applied post-chill to reduce Campy-
lobacter spp. and E. coli in commercial broiler
Carcass and Product Decontamination
carcasses. Post-chill systems may eventually be
Cleansing of cattle prior to harvesting can used in different applications, such as mist,
reduce contamination during hide pulling. spray, or bath, which could be applied closer
Antimicrobial rinses and treatments are to the final stages in processing (Oyarzabal
common in meat and poultry plants (Anon., et al., 2004).
2004). Of the various decontamination treat- Dipping solutions of sodium diacetate,
ments reported by Allen (2004), spray wash sodium benzoate, sodium propionate, and
treatments with ethanol and 4 to 6% potassium sorbate have been incorporated to
concentrations of lactic acid was the most inhibit the growth of L. monocytogenes in
effective in the reduction of microbial con- turkey frankfurters. Gombas (2003) con-
Meat and Poultry Plant Sanitation 311

cluded that 1.8% sodium lactate combined ozone, can lack effectiveness and threaten
with 0.25% sodium acetate, sodium diacetate, worker safety if not properly handled. Since
or glucono delta-lactone in frankfurters ozone gas is a toxic respiratory irritant with
inhibits the growth of this pathogen and that limited effectiveness, it has not been further
combinations of lactate with diacetate were developed (Russell, 2003). Antimicrobial
the most effective since this combination pro- resistance is another potential limitation.
vided a synergistic inhibitory effect. E. coli O157:H7 and other pathogens may be
The combination of acetic acid and hydro- capable of acid adaptation in processing
gen peroxide is effective in the destruction of plants.
listeria. Antimicrobial washes with hydrogen Carcass washes lose their efficacy if
peroxide and organic acid reduce microorgan- microbes evolve and become resistant. To
isms on carcass surfaces more effectively than reduce this threat and increase the effective-
a plain water wash because of the synergistic ness of these washes, a multi-hurdle
effect between organic acids and hydrogen approach may be incorporated through the
peroxide. Carcasses should be washed with use of more than one rinse or other preven-
hydrogen peroxide as soon as possible after tive measures. Some larger meat plants may
hide removal for maximum effectiveness and have as many as five or six hurdles including
residues should not be left on the carcasses activated lactoferrin, a non-ionic surfactant,
after treatment. Sodium citrate or sodium lac- and electrolyzed oxidizing water (EO) (which
tate at a concentration of 2% (wt/wt) or has been effective against pathogens
higher is known to inhibit Clostridium per- attached to cutting boards and as a poultry
fringens growth over and 18 hour cooling spray/dip combination).
period (Sabah et al., 2003) and citric acid with Another carcass decontamination concept
irradiation can inhibit growth of L. monocy- involves a wash cabinet with a water and
togenes (Sommers et al., 2003a). sodium hydroxide mixture, which releases
An acidified calcium sulfate solution, soils and contaminants from the hide. Then,
when applied to the surface of frankfurters, the carcass is conveyed to a second cabinet,
reduces the growth of L. monocytogenes. where it is rinsed with high-pressure water
Also, it prevents the re-growth of this before being steam vacuumed with a lactic
pathogen. acid application (Yovich, 2003). Stopforth
During the past, treatment of frankfurters et al. (2003) indicated that peroxyacetic acid
with lactic acid initially reduced the number is more effective than alkaline (quaternary
of microorganisms, but failed to kill all of ammonium) sanitizers as a decontaminant
them and prevent additional growth. Lactate and increased destruction effectiveness is
and diacetate additives and CPC are effective attained with the application of hot water
pathogen inhibitors (Petrak, 2003; Sommers and an acid wash as compared to washing
and Fan, 2003; Sommers et al., 2003b), only with water. Use of carcass washers has
although CPC has not been FDA approved increased in an effort to reduce fecal con-
for use in food manufacturing at the time of tamination (Bashor et al., 2004).
this writing. Post-packaging pasteurization Activated lactoferrin is a natural non-toxic
technology, especially through heat applica- protein that is consumer label-friendly with
tion, has provided a means to reduce no in-plant disposal challenges. It is FDA
pathogen growth. approved and a generally recognized as safe
Compounds incorporated in carcass (GRAS). This naturally occurring protein is
washes, such as acidified sodium chlorite and derived from whey and skim milk. It is the

critical ingredient in mammalian mother's pathogens, the optimal reduction technique

milk that provides suckling babies anti-path- has not yet been identified.
ogenic protection. Activated lactoferrin
removes fimbria, which comprise the web of
fibers a pathogenic bacterial cell, such as
L. monocytogenes, uses to attach itself to a
General Instructions
host. Once exposed to lactoferrin, pathogens
cannot attach. It can block the attachment of Approximately 50% of sanitation prob-
E. coli O157:H7, and more than 30 other lems result directly from less-than-optimum
pathogens such as salmonella and campy- sanitation procedures and chemical usage.
lobacter. All personnel should practice good personal
Phenolic compounds in wood smoke serve hygiene, as discussed in Chapter 6. They
as antimicrobials. Liquid smoke components should wear freshly laundered clothes and
have been found (Sunen, 2003) to provide a stay away from meat and other processing
significant inhibitory activity against equipment if they are ill. Cleaning and sani-
L. monocytogenes. tizing compounds should be kept in an area
Electrolyzed oxidizing water is more eco- accessible only to a sanitation supervisor,
nomical and effective than chlorine or manager, and superintendent, and should be
ozone. This process relies on sodium chlo- allocated only by the sanitation supervisor.
rite, which is converted by an electrolyzing Misuse of these compounds inhibits effective
machine that converts the sodium chlorite, in cleaning, and may possibly result in personal
a 12% solution in water into two antimicro- injury and equipment damage. The water
bial compounds. temperature should be locked in at 55ºC.
Barboza et al. (2002) evaluated the effec- Instructions provided with the portable or
tiveness of nisin, lactic acid, and a combina- centralized high-pressure or foam-cleaning
tion of lactic acid and nisin to reduce system should be followed. Cleaning com-
carcass contamination. They discovered that pounds should be applied according to
washing carcasses with water did not signif- instructions or recommendations provided
icantly reduce the bacterial load and that the by the vendor. (Chapter 9 provides a discus-
largest reduction in bacterial contamination sion related to safety precautions when han-
was accomplished with a mixture of nisin dling cleaning compounds.) The sanitation
and lactic acid. A small antimicrobial pep- supervisor should inspect all areas nightly
tide produced by Lactococcus lactis is more while the cleanup crew is not on duty. All
effective against L. monocytogenes when soiled areas should be recleaned prior to the
used in combination with lactic acid. Most morning inspection by the regulatory agency.
of the salts of lactic acid, including potas- Chlorine papers should be used to check
sium lactate, at up to 5%, partially inhibit the sanitizing solution if automatic make-up
the growth of this pathogen. Zinc and alu- or instructions are not available. These test
minum lactate, as well as zinc and aluminum papers include directions for use and are avail-
chloride (0.1%) work synergistically with able through most cleaning compound suppli-
100 IU of nisin per milliliter to control the ers. Other check systems for monitoring
growth of L. monocytogenes Scott A sanitation are also available and are discussed
(McEntire, 2003). Although meat processors in Chapter 8. More information on these sys-
are actively seeking interventions that mini- tems may be obtained from firms that sell
mize the risk of the introduction of cleaning compounds and monitoring systems.
Meat and Poultry Plant Sanitation 313

Recommended Sanitary Work Habits microbial or other techniques. An example

would be control options for the pasteuriza-
Sanitary workers should follow these gen-
tion step in pork or turkey ham processing.
eral practices:
Design, maintenance, and process control
are successful and relatively inexpensive.
1. Store personal equipment (lunch,
An example of HACCP in a meat or poul-
clothing, etc.) in a sanitary place and
try operation is the development of a flow
always keep storage lockers clean.
chart of a meat and poultry production line.
2. Wash and sanitize utensils frequently
The flow pattern is a long sequence of
throughout the production shift and
events, with steps that are difficult or impos-
store them in a sanitary container that
sible to control. Many relevant factors
will not be in contract with floors,
related to hazards of each step can be identi-
clothing, lockers, or pockets.
fied and critical control points determined.
3. Do not allow the product to contract
surfaces not sanitized for meat and Livestock and Poultry Production
poultry handling. If any particle con-
Animals can be produced in a specific
tacts the floor or other unclean sur-
pathogen-free (SPF) environment. Contami-
face, it should be thoroughly washed.
nation can also be reduced through adminis-
4. Use only disposable towels to wipe
tration of bacterial cultures that exclude
hands or utensils.
pathogens from the gut flora by competition.
5. Wear only clean clothing when enter-
The farm environment (its pastures, steams,
ing production areas.
manure, etc.) contributes to the recycling of
6. Cover the hair to prevent product con-
excretion, and reinfection. Sanitation prac-
tamination from falling hair.
tices must be established to improve hygiene
7. Remove aprons, frocks, gloves, or other
in this portion of the flow chart.
clothing items before entering toilets.
8. Always wash and sanitize hands when Transportation
leaving the toilet area.
The stressful conditions of live animal
9. Stay away from production areas
transportation may cause pathogen carriers
when a communicable disease, infected
to spread these microorganisms. The chal-
wound, cold, sore throat, or skin
lenge is to incorporate sanitary practices
disease exists.
during transportation to reduce contamina-
10. Do not use tobacco in any production
tion in the processing plant.
Stress during this phase of the flow chart
HACCP can cause changes in the microbial flora
composition of the intestinal tract, with the
HACCP is regulated through the Food emergence and shedding of Salmonella
Safety and Inspection Service of the U.S. organisms. Showering of animals can reduce
Department of Agriculture. (Additional dis- stress and contamination.
cussion of HACCP, including implementa-
Hide, Pelt, Hair, or Feather Removal
tion of this concept, is included in Chapters
1, 7, 18, and 22). HACCP does not necessar- The protective coats of meat animals
ily include major investments or expensive can and frequently do contain species of

Salmonella and other detrimental microor- hygienically designed and sanitized before use.
ganisms. New procedures and equipment Safe and wholesome adjuncts should be used.
modification are necessary to reduce con-
tamination. A machine-vision system that
instantly detects trace levels of organic con- The appropriate packaging material will
tamination, including ingesta and fecal protect the product from contamination.
material which harbors pathogens, is avail- Proper storage temperatures must be main-
able and can be used in processing, distribu- tained.
tion, and retailing environments to help
workers detect organic contamination,
ensuring a safer and more wholesome prod- The method of distribution must be rapid
uct. However, at the time of this writing a and clean. An effective temperature and san-
“track record” for this equipment was not itary environment must be maintained. The
established. transportation environment should be moni-
tored for sanitation and temperature control.
Intestinal spillage and viscera rupture can
occur. In poultry slaughtering, a series of SANITATION PROCEDURES
water or sanitizer sprays can be applied to
reduce contamination. Red meat carcasses Detailed cleaning operations should be
can also be decontaminated. The efficacy of written and posted in the plant. Documenta-
spraying has not been totally resolved tion of procedures is beneficial when super-
because this operation does not completely vision changes are made and for training of
remove microorganisms and can spread con- new employees. As mechanization increases,
tamination over the carcass. cleaning methods become correspondingly
more detailed and complicated. Prior to
adopting a cleaning procedure, it is essential
A meat inspector should use a sanitizer for to become familiar with the operation of all
the hands and knife because they can con- production and cleaning equipment. In addi-
taminate dressed carcasses. tion to providing the necessary information,
this can lead to improvements in methods
that are used or should be incorporated.
Control of chilling parameters (air tem- The following are examples of cleaning
perature, air movement, relative humidity, procedures that could be used for distinct
and filtering air) can reduce microbial operations and areas in a plant. These exam-
growth. Drying of the carcass surface is ples are only guidelines. Every cleaning
important in the suppression of microorgan- application should be adapted to the prevail-
isms (e.g., Campylobacter species). Trimming ing conditions. Although this step will not be
of the neck flap area of poultry carcasses mentioned, hoses and other equipment
after chilling will reduce contamination. should be returned to their proper locations
after cleanup.
Further Processing
Livestock and Poultry Trucks
Chilled carcasses and cuts should not be
exposed to an unchilled environment. The FREQUENCY After each load has been
equipment used in this operation should be hauled.
Meat and Poultry Plant Sanitation 315

PROCEDURE ing, and (7) prevention of recontamination.

The first step is essential to reduce time and
1. Immediately after removing livestock
water requirements, and can minimize the
or poultry from trucks, scrape and
biological load on the sewage system. Physi-
remove all manure that has accumu-
cal removal of debris also reduces splashing
lated from the premises.
of large particles during the second step. The
2. Clean the truck beds, wheels, and frame
significance of the other steps has been pre-
by washing down the racks, floors, and
viously alluded to and will be discussed in
frames with water to completely remove
other chapters. The role of these cleaning
all manure, mud, and other debris, com-
procedures is illustrated in the applications
pletely disinfecting with a quaternary
to follow.
ammonium sanitizer spray or by clean-
ing and sanitizing in one operation by Slaughter Area
spray-cleaning with an alkaline deter-
FREQUENCY Daily. Debris should be
gent sanitizer.
periodically removed during the production
Livestock Pens shift.
FREQUENCY As soon as possible after
each lot has been removed.
1. Pick up all large pieces of extraneous
material and transfer the matter to
1. After the livestock are taken from each
2. Cover all electrical connections with
pen, clean the manure from the floors
plastic sheeting.
and walls, and remove it from the plant
3. Briefly prerinse all soiled areas with 50
to 55ºC water. Start working water
2. Every 4 months, scrape all dried
from the ceiling and walls and the
manure and loose whitewash from the
upper portion of all equipment, and
gates and partitions. Sweep cobwebs
continue to direct all extraneous mat-
from the ceilings, and whitewash the
ter down to the floor. Avoid direct
interior of the pens. Mix a cresylic acid-
contact of water with motors, outlets,
type sanitizer with the whitewash
and electrical cables.
4. Apply an alkaline cleaner through a
3. If contagious diseases are brought into
centralized or portable foam system,
the pens, quarantine the diseased ani-
using water that is 50 to 55ºC. The sys-
mals and destroy them separately from
tem should be designed and operated
the healthy livestock. Remove the
to reach all framework, undersides,
manure completely from the surround-
and other difficult-to-reach areas.
ing pen area (using a hose if necessary),
Allow 5 to 20 minutes of exposure
and disinfect the pens by spraying with
prior to the rinse. Although foam
a quaternary ammonium sanitizer.
requires less labor, high-pressure
A general cleaning procedure for slaughter equipment for application is more
and processing areas encompasses: (1) gross effective in penetrating hard-to-reach
physical removal of debris, (2) prerinsing areas of equipment and may be more
and wetting, (3) cleaning compound applica- effective in the removal of L. monocy-
tion, (4) rinsing, (5) inspection, (6) sanitiz- togenes.

5. Rinse ceilings, walls, and equipment using 50 to 55ºC water. Allow 10 to 20

within 20 minutes after application of minutes of exposure time prior to rinse-
the cleaning compound. Use the same down with 40 to 50ºC water.
rinse pattern as for prerinse and clean- 5. Inspect all areas and conduct any nec-
ing compound application, with 50 to essary touch-ups.
55ºC water. 6. Apply 200-ppm chlorine (or other
6. Inspect all equipment and surfaces organic sanitizer) with a centralized or
and touch up as necessary. portable sanitizing unit.
7. Apply an organic sanitizer to all 7. Avoid contamination during mainte-
equipment with a centralized or nance, as described previously.
portable sanitizing unit. The solution
Poultry Pickers
should be at least 50 parts per million
(ppm) of chlorine. FREQUENCY Daily.
8. Remove, clean, and replace drain PROCEDURE
covers. 1. Pick up all large debris and transfer the
9. Apply white edible oil to surfaces sub- matter to receptacles.
ject to rust corrosion. Any further use 2. Cover electrical connections with plas-
of oil here or for applications that fol- tic sheeting.
low is discouraged because the protec- 3. Briefly prerinse this equipment with 50
tive film contributes to microbial to 55ºC water.
growth. 4. Apply a heavy-duty alkaline cleaner
10. Clean any specialized equipment in through a centralized or portable foam
this area according to the manufactur- system on the shower cabinets. Shack-
ing firm's recommendations. les should go into the tank with the
11. Avoid contamination during mainte- same cleaner.
nance and equipment setup by requir- 5. After cleaning compound exposure for
ing maintenance workers to carry a approximately 20 minutes, rinse down
sanitizer and to sanitize where they with 40 to 50ºC water.
have worked. 6. Remove residual feathers and other
debris by hand.
Poultry Mechanical Eviscerators
7. Because of the rubber fingers, apply 25-
FREQUENCY Daily. A continuous or ppm iodophor as a sanitizer through a
intermittent sanitizer spray should be pro- centralized or portable sanitizing unit.
vided to reduce contamination.
Receiving and Shipping Area
1. Pick up all large pieces or extraneous PROCEDURE
material, and transfer the matter to
receptacles. 1. Cover all electrical connections, scales,
2. Cover electrical connections with plas- and exposed product with plastic sheet-
tic sheeting. ing to prevent water and chemical dam-
3. Briefly prerinse this equipment with 50 age.
to 55ºC water. 2. Briefly rinse the walls and floors with
4. Apply an alkaline cleaner through a 50 to 55ºC high-pressure water. The
centralized or portable foam system, wall-rinse motion must be from top to
Meat and Poultry Plant Sanitation 317

bottom and side-to-side, with extrane- 2. Cover all electrical connections with
ous matter worked to the floor. This plastic.
prerinse is designed to remove heavy 3. Prerinse all soiled surfaces with 55ºC
soil deposits and to wet the surfaces. water. Start at the bone conveyor top
3. Apply an acid cleaning detergent and work all extraneous matter down
through a slurry or foam gun. Recom- to the floor. Avoid hosing motors, out-
mended spray temperature is 55ºC or lets, and electrical cables.
lower. High-pressure output (for these 4. Following wash-down and subsequent
cleaning operations) is 25 to 70 kg/cm2 heavy soil removal, apply an alkaline
and 7.5 to 12 L/min at the wand. cleaner through a centralized or
4. Within 20 minutes of the cleaning com- portable high-pressure, low-volume sys-
pound application, apply a high-pres- tem, using 50 to 55ºC water. The system
sure rinse with 50 to 55ºC water. should be effectively used to reach all
5. Remove, clean, and replace drain cov- framework, table undersides, and other
ers in the proper position after rinse- difficult-to-reach areas. Allow 5 to 20
down. minutes of soak time prior to rinse-
down. Alternative equipment for clean-
Processed Products, Offal,
ing compound application is a foam
and Storage Cooler
unit. This unit rapidly applies the
FREQUENCY Weekly. Processed meats, cleaner but does not penetrate as well as
offal, and hanging meat should be rotated so does high-pressure, low-volume equip-
that half of a section at a time can be cleaned ment and may be less effective in the
each week. removal of L. monocytogenes.
PROCEDURE 5. Rinse all equipment within 20 minutes
after cleaning compound application.
1. Clean each section, when empty, with a
Using the same pattern as with pre-
reliable floor cleaner. Apply slurry or
rinse and cleaning compound applica-
foam via high pressure.
tion, spray 50 to 55ºC water on one
2. Rinse thoroughly with 55ºC or lower
side of equipment at a time.
temperature water at high pressure
6. Thoroughly inspect all equipment sur-
within 20 minutes of detergent applica-
faces and conduct any necessary
tion. Do not splash water on hanging
meat in the section not being cleaned.
7. Apply an organic sanitizer to all clean
Work all debris to the floor from over-
equipment with a centralized or
head fixtures and walls.
portable sanitizing unit.
3. Squeegee the floor where water has
8. Remove, clean, and replace all drain
accumulated to prevent it from freezing.
4. Remove, clean, and replace drain covers.
9. Apply white edible oil to surfaces sub-
Fabricating or Further Processing ject to rust or corrosion.
10. Avoid contamination during mainte-
nance, as described previously.
1. Pick up all large pieces of lean, fat, If a bone shelter or hopper exists, it
bones, and other extraneous matter, should also be cleaned, as outlined in the
and deposit them in a receptacle. preceding steps. This operation should be

performed twice a week during winter 9. Remove, clean, and replace drain
months and daily during the summer. covers.
10. Apply white edible oil only to surfaces
Processed Products Area
subject to rust or corrosion.
FREQUENCY Daily. 11. Avoid contamination during mainte-
PROCEDURE nance as described previously.
Fresh Product Processing Areas
1. Dismantle all equipment and place the
parts on a table or rack. Disconnect FREQUENCY Daily.
all stuffing pipes. PROCEDURE
2. Pick up all large pieces of meat and
other extraneous matter and deposit 1. Dismantle all equipment, and place
in a receptacle. the parts on a table or rack. Discon-
3. Cover all electrical connections with nect all stuffing pipes.
plastic. 2. Remove large debris from equipment
4. Prerinse all soiled surfaces with 55ºC and floor and deposit it in a receptacle.
water. Start at the top of all processing 3. Cover mixer and packaging equip-
equipment, and direct all extraneous ment with plastic.
matter down to the floor. Avoid direct 4. Briefly prerinse all soiled surfaces with
hosing of motors, outlets, and electri- 50 to 55ºC water to remove heavy
cal cables. debris and to soak exposed surfaces.
5. Following wash-down and subsequent Guide hoses to force all debris toward
heavy soil removal, apply an alkaline the closest floor drain.
cleaner through a centralized or 5. Apply an alkaline cleaner through
portable high-pressure, low-volume sys- centralized or portable high-pressure,
tem, using 50 to 55ºC water. The system low-volume cleaning equipment,
should effectively reach all framework, using 50 to 55ºC water. Foam, gel, or
tables, other equipment undersides, and slurry may be incorporated to intro-
other difficult-to-reach areas. Soak time duce the cleaning compound. Clean-
prior to rinse-down should be 5 to 20 ing compound application must cover
minutes. Although foam is less effective the entire area equipment, floors,
in penetration, it is a viable cleaning walls, and doors.
medium and is easily applied. 6. Rinse the area and equipment within
6. Rinse all equipment within 20 to 25 20 to 25 minutes after cleaning com-
minutes after cleaning compound pound application.
application. Using the same prerinse 7. Inspect the area and all equipment.
pattern as with the prerinse and deter- Touch up as needed.
gent application, spray 50 to 55ºC 8. Remove, clean, and replace drain covers.
water on one side of each piece of pro- 9. Sanitize all clean equipment with an
cessing equipment at a time. organic sanitizer using a centralized or
7. Thoroughly inspect all equipment portable sanitizing unit.
surfaces and touch up as necessary. 10. Apply white edible oil only to surfaces
8. Apply an organic sanitizer to all clean subject to rust or corrosion.
equipment with a centralized or 11. Avoid contamination during mainte-
portable sanitizing unit. nance as described previously.
Meat and Poultry Plant Sanitation 319

Processed Products Packaging Area 2. Cover all electrical connections, scales,

and exposed product with plastic
3. Prerinse the area and all equipment
1. Dismantle all equipment, placing the with 55ºC water.
parts on a table or rack. 4. Place an acid cleaner in the shrink
2. Remove large debris from equipment tunnel (if used), and circulate for ca.
and floors and place in a receptacle. 30 minutes during prerinsing.
3. Cover packaging equipment, motors, 5. Rinse shrink tunnel (if present) before
outlets, scales, controls, and other detergent application.
equipment with plastic film. 6. Place all prerinse debris in a receptacle.
4. Prerinse all soiled surfaces with 55ºC 7. Apply an alkaline cleaner through a
water to remove heavy debris and to foam or slurry cleaning system, using
soak exposed surfaces. Hoses should 50 to 55ºC water.
be guided to force all debris toward 8. Rinse with 55ºC water within 20 min-
the closest floor drain. utes after detergent application.
5. Apply an alkaline cleaner through cen- 9. Inspect the area and equipment and
tralized or portable foam cleaning touch up as needed.
equipment, using 50 to 55ºC water. 10. Remove, clean, and replace drain covers.
Cleaning compound application must 11. Sanitize all clean equipment with an
cover the entire area equipment, floors, organic sanitizer applied through a
walls, and doors. centralized or portable system.
6. Rinse the area and equipment within 12. Apply white edible oil only to those
20 to 25 minutes after application of parts subject to rust or corrosion.
the cleaning compound, using the 13. Avoid contamination during mainte-
same pattern of movement as used nance as described previously.
when applying the cleaner.
Dry Curing Areas (Curing, Equalization,
7. Inspect the area and all equipment.
and Aging)1
Touch up as needed.
8. Remove, clean, and replace drain FREQUENCY After product input, and
covers. at the end of designated cure or equalization
9. Sanitize all clean equipment with an period.
organic sanitizer using a centralized or PROCEDURE
portable sanitizing unit.
1. Sweep floors.
10. Apply white edible oil only to surfaces
2. Remove pallets and other portable stor-
subject to rust or corrosion.
age equipment, to rinse away cure gran-
11. Avoid contamination during mainte-
ules and other debris with 50ºC water.
nance as described previously.
3. Hose down vacated areas with 50ºC
Brine Curing and packaging Area
4. Clean trolleys, trees, and other metal
FREQUENCY Daily. equipment used, as outlined for wire
PROCEDURE pallets and metal containers or trolleys.
1. Pick up all large debris and place in a 1To reduce mold growth, filtered air or air conditioning

receptacle. with a filter is recommended for aging rooms.


5. Sanitize cleaned areas according to 3. Stop the blower and flush again with
manufacturer requirements with a qua- water. Repeat the operation until the
ternary ammonium compound for its equipment is clean.
residual effect.
6. Spray aging rooms once every 3 months
with a synergized pyrethrin. Follow the 1. Soak the inside of the plenum well, and
directions on the label. Sulfuryl fluoride, wash the blower evolute wall with the
an alternative to methyl bromide that is alkaline cleaning solution.
being phased out, is a non-flammable, 2. Flush the housing with steam, then
odorless, colorless and noncorrosive, that with water. Repeat until the housing is
can leave a residue in the area treated and clean.
the products being stored. 3. Replace drain plugs and access panel.
Smokehouses Smokehouse Steam Coils
FREQUENCY After the end of each FREQUENCY Depends on amount of use.
smoke period. PROCEDURE
1. Pick up large debris and place in a 1. Open the coil chamber access door and
receptacle. soak with an alkaline cleaning solution,
2. Apply an alkaline cleaning compound brushing vigorously.
recommended for cleaning smokehouses 2. Flush the coils with steam, then with
through a centralized or portable foam water. Repeat until the metal is shining.
system. Figure 17–4 illustrates a unit
Chamber around Coils
used for cleaning smokehouses.
3. Rinse the area within 20 to 30 minutes 1. Brush the cleaning solution on the
after cleaning compound application. inside of the chamber walls.
Start at the ceiling and walls, and work 2. Use 55ºC water to flush the chamber
all extraneous matter down to the floor wall clean.
drain. 3. Close the coil chamber access door.
4. Inspect all areas, and touch up where
needed. Smokehouse Ducts and Nozzles
5. Apply a quaternary ammonium sani-
FREQUENCY Depends on amount of use.
tizer with a sanitizing unit at the entry
area to reduce air contamination.
Outside Ducts
Smokehouse Blower
1. Remove the ductwork at the back of
FREQUENCY After each use cycle. the house and remove carbon deposits.
PROCEDURE Disassembly is not necessary if the
Blades ducts have access panels.
2. Spray the inside surface with an alka-
1. Remove the blower housing access line cleaning solution.
panel and drain plugs; soak with an 3. Flush the outside ducts clean with 90ºC
alkaline solution. water or steam, followed by hot water
2. Start the blower and flush with steam. until the metal is exposed.
Meat and Poultry Plant Sanitation 321

Inside Return Ducts Baffle and Cascade Chamber

1. Mark the positions of the slide panels 1. Mechanically or hand brush the baffles
over the return ports for setting back to (especially the edges) with a wire brush.
their original openings. 2. Scrape the edges of the cascade water
2. Open the ports all the way and use as outlet.
access doors for applying an alkaline
Wash Chamber
cleaning solution to the ducts.
3. Use 90ºC water for flushing the return 1. Disassemble the duct connecting the
ducts. Repeat until the metal shows. smoke generator to the house.
4. Reset the slide panels to the originally 2. Remove soot and ash from the cham-
marked positions. ber below the filter.
3. Clean the duct and chamber surface
Inside Jet Ducts
until the metal shows.
1. Open side access panels (or drop hinged
Spiral Freezer
panel, depending on type of house).
2. Soak the inside ducts and nozzles with FREQUENCY After use.
a cleaning solution. PROCEDURE
3. Use water at 90ºC to flush these ducts See instructions for specific equipment to
clean. Repeat until the metal is be cleaned.
4. Close the access panel (or hinged panel).
1. To minimize friction, regularly wash
Exhaust Stack the spiral with a foaming cleanser.
2. When the track is warm, wipe with a
1. Disassemble the stack (or open access cloth dampened with a detergent solu-
panels). tion. If the track is cold, a dry cloth
2. Soak the stack interior with an alkaline may be used. Tie the cloth to the under-
cleaning solution. side of the conveyor belt and let it be
3. Flush the stack with 90ºC water or drawn through the spiral.
steam, followed by hot water. Repeat 3. Defrosting the evaporator coil alone is
until the metal shows. insufficient for cleaning. Coils may
4. Reassemble the stack (or close the appear clean, but grease, oils, salts, food
access panels). adjuncts, and organic materials often
remain hidden on internal surfaces.
Smoke Generator
Therefore, it is necessary to clean and
FREQUENCY Depends on amount of use. sanitize contaminated sites with warm
PROCEDURE water and a pH-balanced detergent.
Filter Cleansing solutions typically include an
etching agent, a degreaser, inhibitors,
1. Soak the filter in an alkaline cleaning metal protectors, stabilizers, and water. A
solution. mildly alkaline cleanser is often recom-
2. If mineralization has occurred, cut the mended for cleaning the evaporator coil.
frame apart, and clean the leaves indi- 4. If the freezer has been supplied
vidually. Re-weld the frame after with a recirculating CIP system, use a
cleaning. Avoid warping. low-foaming detergent. Otherwise, a

high-foaming detergent is best. A 2. Drain the system so that no lard, tal-

chemical supplier should be consulted low, or melted fat remains.
to determine the best cleaner. 3. The entire system should be flushed
Wash Areas with 55 to 60ºC water to remove heavy
accumulations of deposits from the
FREQUENCY Daily. equipment and piping.
PROCEDURE See instructions for spe- 4. Disconnect the system where possible
cific equipment to be cleaned. to allow the water and scrap to drain
PRECAUTIONS form each piece of equipment. Dis-
1. Use a separate wash area for raw and mantle dead ends and T-joints in the
cooked product equipment to reduce piping to allow scrap accumulations
the spread of Listeria and spoilage to be removed from these sections.
microorganisms. 5. Open the equipment and dismantle
2. Provide this operation in an area where where possible to allow cleaning of all
clean equipment does not cross fresh- surfaces that come in contact with the
product areas of the plant. product. Place parts, pipe sections,
and other sections in a sink or truck to
Packaged Meats Storage Area soak in an alkaline cleaning solution.
FREQUENCY At least once per week and Follow specific instructions form the
more often in a high-volume operation. manufacturer for dismantling and
PROCEDURE cleaning the equipment.
6. Remove large scraps of product from
1. Pick up large debris and place in a the interior of the equipment.
receptacle. 7. Spray-clean all exposed surfaces of
2. Sweep and/or scrub with a mechanical the equipment throughout the system
sweeper or scrubber, if available. Use with an alkaline detergent sanitizer.
cleaning compounds provided for Take special care to remove all possi-
mechanical scrubbers, according to ble product from the interiors of
directions provided by the vendor. augers, pump screws, cutters, grinders,
3. Use a portable or centralized foam or centrifuge chambers, and tanks.
slurry cleaning system with 50 to 55ºC Spray-clean the cooling rollers where
water to clean areas heavily soiled by they are operating without refrigera-
unpackaged products or other debris. tion. Clean parts and pipe sections in
Cleaning through rinsing-down should a truck with a scrub brush and an
follow as previously described for pro- alkaline cleaning solution.
duction and processing areas. 8. Clean the centrifugal equipment and
4. Remove, clean, and replace drain cov- piping that cannot be dismantled to
ers, if present. allow the interior surfaces to be spray-
Low-Temperature Rendering (Edible) cleaned by circulating a solution of a
heavy-duty alkaline cleaner through
the equipment and piping. While cir-
culating the cleaning solution, operate
1. Remove all large pieces of fat and tis- the centrifuges and reduced speeds to
sue from the grinding equipment and provide a scrubbing action in the sys-
store in a cool area. tem. Although CIP equipment is ex-
Meat and Poultry Plant Sanitation 323

pensive, this system can be effectively 7. Place the clean trolleys in an oil bath
utilized in this cleaning application, while another rack is being cleaned.
due to the potential savings of labor. 8. Place the oiled trolleys over a drip pan
9. Circulate the cleaning solution for at or allow sufficient drip time while sus-
least 30 minutes. pended over the oil tank.
10. Drain the system and flush with 55 to
Offices, Locker Rooms, and Rest Rooms
60ºC water until the effluent is free of
scraps. FREQUENCY Offices, daily; locker rooms
11. Transfer all scraps flushed out of the and rest rooms, at least every other day.
equipment to the inedible department. PROCEDURE
Wire Pallets and Metal Containers 1. Cover electrical connections with plas-
tic sheeting.
FREQUENCY Prior to use.
2. Clean areas with a foam or high-pres-
sure unit (or scrub brush and/or mop).
1. Use high-pressure water at 55ºC or 3. Within 20 minutes after cleaning com-
lower as a prerinse. pound application, rinse with 55ºC water.
2. Preferably, apply an alkaline cleaner with 4. If the cleanser and rinse do not clean
a foam unit. If foam is unavailable, use a dirty areas or if drains are not present,
high-pressure, low-volume unit. Never hand scrub with scouring pads.
spray more containers than can be rinsed
before the cleaning compound dries.
3. Use a high-pressure spray of 55ºC FREQUENCY Daily.
water as a rinse. PROCEDURE
4. Inspect all rinsed containers and re-
1. Place dirty garments into the washer-
clean as needed.
extractor. Do not load the washer
Trolley Wash beyond its rated capacity.
2. Place the programmer dial at the start of
FREQUENCY Depends on the physical
the cycle and push the “On” and “Run”
buttons. The drum programmer will
automatically select the wash time and
1. Skim off excess waste material form the water temperature. An example would be
cleaning solution. a mixture of 1 kg of a laundry com-
2. Check the cleaning solution strength pound and 0.25 kg of chlorine bleach
with a test kit. If it registers under the should not be used when washing gloves.
recommended strength, add the appro- 3. After the wash-extract cycle, remove the
priate compound and retest. garments and place them in the dryer.
3. Open the main steam valve. Maintain Set aside garments not thoroughly
a solution temperature of 82 to 88ºC. cleaned for re-washing. Do not load the
4. Lower the trolleys into the tank. dryer beyond its rated capacity.
5. After the trolleys have soaked for 25 to 4. Set the temperature at 121ºC for 30
30 minutes, remove them, and rinse minutes. Dry gloves for only 20 minutes.
thoroughly. 5. Place dried garments in a clean wire
6. Inspect the clean trolleys. Place the unsat- crib or equivalent container. They need
isfactory ones on a rack of recleaning. not be folded.

TROUBLESHOOTING TIPS Sanitizer compounds can either be injec-

ted at the hose station or sanitizer solution
● Discoloration of floors: To restore the can be pumped through a central piping sys-
original color of darkened concrete tem. From a cost and durability standpoint,
floors, spread a bleach solution on them wall mounted sanitizer stations with dual
and allow it to stand for at least 30 min- orifice inlets for sanitizer selection provide
utes. Then, a mechanical scrubber can the best results. Central sanitizing system
be incorporated. concentrations (ppm) are difficult to change
● White film buildup on equipment: This and require pumps, control panels, and a
condition is caused when too much separate piping layout.
cleaning compound is used, when the According to Carling-Kelly (2003), most
equipment is not being properly rinsed, modern production areas can be physically
or when the water is hard. cleaned relatively soil free during the sanita-
● Conveyor wheels freezing: The cleaning tion process. But, recontamination issues can
water temperature is probably too high. become apparent during the pre-op or start-
Wheels lose lubricant at about 90ºC. up phase of production.
The cleaning temperature should not This contamination is caused by several
exceed 55ºC. factors:
● Sewer lines plugged: Sediment bowls are
1. Poor consistency during final rinse-
probably not being cleaned daily and/or
inspection by sanitation operators
floor sweepings are being flushed into
before pre-op. This problem may be
sewer pipes.
caused by a short sanitation window or
● Yellow protein buildup on equipment:
lack of trained sanitors to perform the
This condition may be caused by water
final inspection.
temperature used in cleaning being too
2. Area or equipment recontamination
high. Brushing away all organic material
during the actual pre-op inspection
will remove daily buildup. If heated soil
and set-up process before production
is allowed to remain long on equipment,
begins. This complication is caused
however, rubbing with steel wool will
during the set-up process by bringing
remove it. To avoid trouble, do not spray:
in supplies, preparing equipment for
liver slicers, cube steak machines, elec-
operation, and the influx of person-
tronic scales, patty machines, any elec-
nel getting the area ready for produc-
trical outlet, motor, or equipment with
open connections (cover all possible
outlets with polyethylene bags), wrap- Whatever the recontamination cause, two-
ping film or containers, or wrapping stage flood sanitizing will provide a more
units. effective method for controlling area results
during this critical start-up time. The sani-
Pre-Operation Flood
tizer solution should be applied at tap water
Sanitizing Considerations
temperature to reduce condensation poten-
Flood sanitizing is applying a sanitizer at tial in refrigerated areas. The basic concept is:
a high flow rate. This allows a flow rate First Step:
capable of flushing off soils and penetrating Use wall mounted sanitizer injectors (or a
cracks and crevices with sanitizer solution central sanitize system) to flood all surfaces
without taxing the water supply. in the production room with 600 to 800 ppm
Meat and Poultry Plant Sanitation 325

of sanitizer solution as part of the sanitation areas that are difficult to reach and pene-
final inspection process. trate. However, foam, slurry, and gel clean-
ing have become more prominent because
● Training the sanitors to, inspect their
cleaning is quicker and cleaners are easier to
area as they flood, sanitize will result in
apply using these media. Because of high
a more thorough application of sani-
equipment costs and cleaning limitation,
tizer at a disinfecting rate. Walls, equip-
CIP systems are typically limited primarily
ment, framework, and floors should all
to applications that involve large storage
be flood sanitized.
Second Step: In meat and poultry plants, acid cleaning
This step should be after pre-op and area compounds are used most frequently to
set-up, but immediately before production remove mineral deposits. Organic soils are
actually starts. Flood all product contact more effectively removed through the use of
surfaces with sanitizer solution at the allow- alkaline cleaning compounds. Chlorine com-
able no-rinse limit. pounds provide the most effective and least
expensive sanitizer for destruction of resid-
● This sanitizing step will remove any soils
ual microorganisms. However, iodine com-
deposited on product contact surfaces
pounds give less corrosion and irritation,
during the set-up phase and bring these
and quaternary ammonium sanitizers have
surfaces into no-rinse compliance to
more of a residual effect. Appropriate clean-
avoid any contamination issues. Leaving
ing procedures depend on the area, equip-
the walls, framework, and floors with
ment, and type of soil.
the higher sanitizer concentrations will
provide additional bacteria control as
the day progresses.
The benefits of two-stage flood sanitiz-
ing become readily apparent as pre-op 1. How do microorganisms affect meat
inspections find less visible soils and bacte- color?
ria growth are reduced throughout produc- 2. What is the function of air curtains?
tion areas. In effect, two-step sanitizing 3. What are limited uses of CIP equip-
adds additional antimicrobial controlling ment in a meat or poultry plant?
rinses without increasing overall sanitation 4. Why is chlorine dioxide an effective
time. sanitizer in meat and poultry plants?
5. Why does the meat and poultry sanitar-
ian need to know something about
6. How can the discoloration of darkened
An efficient cleaning system can reduce concrete floors be removed?
labor costs in meat and poultry plants by up 7. What causes a white film buildup on
to 50%. The optimal cleaning system equipment in a meat and poultry plant?
depends on the type of soil and type of 8. What causes a yellow protein buildup
equipment present. High-pressure, low-vol- on equipment in a meat and poultry
ume cleaning equipment is normally the plant?
most effective for removing heavy organic 9. Where is foam cleaning in a meat or
soil, especially when deposits are located in poultry plant especially beneficial?

10. How much reduction in labor costs Escherichia coli on commercial broiler carcasses. J. Food
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may be obtained through an efficient Petrak, L. 2003. Ingredients for success. Natl Provisioner 217,
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no. 4: 63.
11. What is the significance of activated Russell, S.M. 2003. Advances in automated rapid methods for
lactoferrin to the meat processor? enumerating E. coli. Food Saf 9, no. 1: 16.
Sabah, J.R., H. Thippareddi, J.L. Marsden, and D.Y.C. Fung.
12. What are the three alternative levels of
2003. Use of organic acids for the control of Clostridium
listeria control in a meat or poultry perfringens in cooked vacuum-packaged restructured
plant? roast beef during an alternative cooling procedure. J Food
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Sebranek, J. 2003. Managing listeria. Meat Process 42, no. 5:
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