Book Unified

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Bringing It All Together


Bringing It All Together
Copyright © 2020 by Reality Hacker Academy LLC

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Reality Hacker Academy

UNIFIED -- 1st ed.

ISBN 978-1-7340506-2-2

1. Introduction............................................................... 1

2. The First Realm.........................................................4

3. The Second Realm.....................................................8

4. The Third Realm.....................................................12

5. The Fourth Realm...................................................18

6. The Role of Desire..................................................22

7. Selected Phraseology...............................................26

8. The Great Stumbling Block....................................32

Fig. 1






Since the dawn of time man has sought truth

about the nature of his own existence.
Why am I here? What happens when I die? Who am I?
What is my relationship to the world?
Some of history’s greatest minds have dedicated
their lives to solving the riddle of life, to answering the
eternal questions of being.
In modern times, this pursuit of truth, knowledge
and betterment has led to personal studies of spiritual-
ity, non-duality, metaphysics, and universal laws (e.g.
law of attraction).
With more pieces of the puzzle than ever before, the
question remains—how do I put it all together?
In this book we will attempt to unify everything you
have studied into one elegant map. For our purposes,
we may call this the Anatomy of Reality.
With this map, you will better understand the vari-
ous pieces of the universal puzzle, how they fit together
as one whole, and how you can wield them for more
power and mastery over your own life.

If you’ve studied many teachers of metaphysics,
self-improvement and self-realization, yet wondered
how everything fits together, this book is for you.
If you’ve studied so much that your head feels full,
yet still feel like there is something missing, this book
is for you.
If you’re tired of studying and searching for better
ways to manifest the life you desire, this book is for
This book marks the beginning of the end of The
As we map out the Anatomy of Reality, as we piece
together everything you have studied into one whole
picture, as we structure out the process of creation in
its totality, our singular objective is clarity.
We are not here to teach you the principles of con-
sciousness or manifestation for the first time; our ob-
jective is rather to take everything you’ve learned (and
perhaps something new) and put it all together, in a
clear and concise way.
We seek to leave no gaps in understanding, so that
a newfound sense of clarity may arise, and The Search
for what is missing may dissolve.
In order to accomplish this, we must be precise and
concise in our efforts.

We must take the wealth of knowledge you have
accrued, and distill it down into its most simple form.
Thus, we have made every effort to present the fol-
lowing pages in clear, simple language.
This means we will not belabor concepts or word-
smith our way to a higher page count. Every sentence,
every word, will be concise and purposeful.
This book and accompanying map is designed to
be a field guide so-to-speak, a reference for life and its
many pursuits, a dictionary of self-mastery.
We will explore each of the Four Realms of reality,
and map together the various terminology that fits
What do we mean by realm? Realm simply means layer.
Just as a building contains layers of construction, from
its foundation to the paint on its walls, so does reality;
each layer supports the layers above it.
For example, a wall cannot be painted a beautiful
shade of color if the wall is not there to be painted.
Similarly, the contents of your life cannot exist without
source and consciousness there to give life to it.
So, we will begin with the most foundational realm
of reality first, then construct our map on top of it.
And with that, we welcome you to The First Realm.

Fig. 2




Source, Awareness, Beingness, The Absolute, Supreme Reality, God, The Vortex, Higher Self


And so we begin.
What is the source of life?

From where do we come?

What is our basic nature?

This is what we explore in The First Realm.

This realm is the foundation of reality, life and existence.

It is both the source AND substance of everything.

It is often referred to as:

• Source
• Awareness
• Beingness
• The Absolute
• Supreme Reality
• God
• The Vortex
• Higher Self

These terms all essentially mean the same thing.

The First Realm is pure, unfiltered potentiality.

It is prior to form, and thus is boundless and infinite.

It never changes; it is always perfectly still.

It is the ever-present moment.

It is prior to the concept of time, and thus is eternal.

It is prior to the concept of space, and thus is everywhere.

It is prior to thought, the pure feeling of existence you

call “I.”

It is existence itself.

It is the source of all consciousness and matter.

It is the source of light of all that is.

It is the unmanifest source of all that is manifest.

It is You, simply being, with nothing added.

It is awareness, alone.

It is total oneness.

It is the void that is nothingness, which births


It is your true nature before your body was born, while
you are in this body, and after your body dies.

It is sometimes called God because it contains all intel-

ligence, power, knowledge and presence.

It is omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent.

It is sometimes called The Vortex, because when you

identify with this core aspect of yourself, life flows like
an unobstructed river.

Because it is omnipotent (it knows no limitation), the

more you identify with this basic essence, the more
power you hold.

Because it is omnipresent, the more you identify with

this basic essence, the more you experience yourself in

Because it is omniscient (all-knowing), the more you

identify with this basic essence, the more wisdom you

Welcome to The First Realm.

Note: The term “universe” is sometimes used for this realm

(e.g. “ask the universe”), however this is a misnomer. What is
meant in this case is The First Realm.

Fig. 3



Consciousness, Mind, Imagination



Next we have The Second Realm.

How does source know itself and the world?

Is the world external or internal?

Am I a body experiencing a world, or something more?

This is what we explore in The Second Realm.

As The First Realm is purely unmanifest potential, The

Second Realm is the first step in manifestation.

The Second Realm comprises:

• Consciousness
• Mind
• Imagination

You, as the formless First Realm, must create a modal-

ity in which, and through which, to experience.

This is the purpose of The Second Realm.

It is the lens through which we think, create, sense and


It is the screen upon which the movie of life is projected.

It is the stage upon which the play of life is acted.

It is the container within which the body and world,

and all thought and experience, arises.

It is prior to the body and world.

It is prior to time and space.

It is the container within which the perceiver and the

perceived arises.

It is The First Realm waking up and suddenly knowing

itself for the first time.

It is still, pure and limitless, but now with an awareness

of “I am.”

It is the sense of “I am” upon which all qualities of life

are constructed.

It is pure liquid-light and bliss.

Because it is the space within which all occurs, the

more you identify with this space, the more you experi-
ence that all is within.

Because it is the screen upon which the world is pro-
jected, the more you identify with this screen, the more
you remain untouchable witness to all that happens.

Because it is the stage upon which the world is played,

the more you identify with this stage, the more under-
stand there are no limits to your potential.

Because it is the pure awareness of “I am,” the more

you identify with this awareness, the more you remain
master over your thinking (you are greater than your

Welcome to The Second Realm.

Fig. 4


State, Belief, Assumption, Stories,
Limitation Limitation
Feeling, Identity, Thought, Ego, Conscious,
Subconscious, Vibration, Emotionv




Next we have The Third Realm.

How do I manifest?

How do all of the various law of attraction and metaphysics

terms relate?

What can I do to manifest with more mastery?

What process of manifestation do I follow?

This is what we explore in The Third Realm.

The Third Realm comprises:

• State
• Belief
• Assumption
• Stories
• Feeling
• Identity
• Thought
• Ego-sense

• Conscious
• Subconscious
• Vibration
• Emotion

The Third Realm is where infinite source is formed into

specific qualities of experience.

The First Realm is unmanifest potential, The Second

Realm is the modality of experiencing that potential,
and The Third Realm is the channeling of that potential.

The Third Realm is where potential begins to take


State, belief, assumption, stories, feeling and identity

channel the unmanifest into form.

As unmanifest potential is channeled into form, pure

liquid-light is moved into vibration (every expression
has its own unique frequency of vibration).

Vibration is the result of this channeling, experienced

through the senses.

It is also experienced as emotion.

Vibration is then what creates the appearance of the

body and world.

All concepts in The Third Realm lead back to each oth-
er; changing vibration equals changing state, chang-
ing belief equals changing identity, changing emotion
equals changing ego-sense, and so on.

This is because The Third Realm is the realm of mean-

ing; the meaning you ascribe, determines how you
channel potential, moving source into motion.

The Third Realm is The Second Realm in motion.

It is the realm in which the concepts and experience of

time and space are created.

It is the realm in which the past and future arise.

It is the realm in which the idea of separation is created.

It is the realm in which “I” appears to be different from


It is the realm in which the ego-sense is born and


It is the realm in which the idea of lack is created.

It is the realm in which consciousness divides itself,

and then experiences the desire to return to wholeness.

It is the realm of “I am this” and “I am that.”

It is the realm of thinking, imagining and feeling.

It is the contents of consciousness, mind and imagina-
tion that fulfill themselves in the experience of the body
and world.

It is the first realm in which limitation is experienced,

as thought and feeling are the mechanisms of limitation.

This is why we show boundaries of limitation on this


State, Belief, Assumption, Stories,
Limitation Limitation
Feeling, Identity, Thought, Ego, Conscious,
Subconscious, Vibration, Emotionv

Although sometimes referred to as conscious and sub-

conscious, both are just qualities of The Third Realm.

Subconscious is only thought and feeling we do not

want to look at; bring subconscious into focus, and it
becomes conscious. REALM 1

This is why conscious and subconscious are essentially

the same thing.

It is only possible to feel “stuck” when you are identi-

fied too strongly with The Third Realm, causing you to
believe it to be your core identity.

This is why it is sometimes recommended that one “re-
programs” beliefs; however, with the right understand-
ing, this is not required.

Know you are prior to The Third Realm, and you will
easily shift any state, belief, assumption, story, feeling
or identity to your liking.

The key is in identifying with the prior realms:

By identifying with the First and Second Realms, you

remain transcendent from limitation, lack and cyclical
thought patterns, and thus you are free to command
the causative forces of reality with ease.

Do this and you manifest with effortless thinking; this

is the Effortless Way.

This is the secret of mastering manifestation.

(More on this later)

Welcome to The Third Realm.

Fig. 5

Universe, world, body, action, matter





Last we have The Fourth Realm.

How do I relate to the world?

How does action relate to manifestation?

Does the world have any power over me?

This is what we explore in The Fourth Realm.

The Fourth Realm comprises:

• Universe
• World
• Body
• Action
• Matter

The Fourth Realm is when all prior realms express into

apparent physical form and experience.

Because The Fourth Realm is dependent on all prior

realms, all physical matter therefore must be an expres-
sion of these prior realms.

Therefore, all matter is You, and You are all matter.

Because action is an expression of prior realms, action

then is not a causative force; it is a result.

The First Realm is unmanifest potential, The Second

Realm is the modality of experiencing that potential,
The Third Realm is the channeling of that potential, and
The Fourth Realm is the expression of that potential.

The Fourth Realm is nothing but an out-picturing of

your Third Realm (mental) activity.

Just as your body is an expression of prior realms, so is

the world and universe.

Said another way, the entire Fourth Realm is your true


It is an experience of being the universe itself.

Because all matter is an expression of prior realms, re-

maining identified to those prior realms enables you to
have total power over your reality and world.

Because all matter is an expression of prior realms,

there is nothing material that has power over you, un-
less you give it that power.

Because all matter is an expression of prior realms,
whatever happens in the world does not affect the es-
sential you.

Because all matter is an expression of prior realms, you

were never born and will never die.

Because all matter is an expression of prior realms, the

universe is but a dream that occurs within the eternal
space of consciousness.

Because all matter is an expression of prior realms, pay

no mind to this realm and allow prior realms to drive
the change you desire.

Welcome to the Four Realms of Reality.

Fig. 6

Universe, world, body, action, matter


State, Belief, Assumption, Stories,

Feeling, Identity, Thought, Ego, Conscious,
Subconscious, Vibration, Emotion

Consciousness, Mind, Imagination

Source, Awareness, Beingness, The Absolute, Supreme Reality, God, The Vortex, Higher Self


As we’ve now mapped out our structure of reality, you

may now be wondering,

What is the role of desire?

After all, desire is a central theme through many teach-

ings and disciplines.

You can think about it like this:

As The First Realm is that of unmanifest potential, The

Second Realm is the modality of experiencing that po-
tential, The Third Realm is the channeling of that po-
tential, and The Fourth Realm is the expression of that
potential, there must be a force or impulse that impels a
certain experience to move up through the realms and
into expression.

This force or impulse is desire.

With infinite possibilities inherent in The First Realm,

desire is the impulse of experience.

Born from The First Realm, subsequent realms exist

for the sole purpose of moving desire into form.

Although The Third Realm ego tends to like to think
that desire is its own, desire is actually an impulse that
arises from The First Realm.

In other words, desire is an impulse that naturally

occurs from the source substance; it is not something
manufactured by thinking.

Thinking is only the channeling of that desire, a mani-

festation of the desire as it moves into form.

Thus, every desire is built to be expressed into form, by

its inherent nature.

Because of its origin in The First Realm, all desire

contains within it its own necessary components for

The reason why we experience struggle and effort in

manifesting is only because we don’t understand the
true nature of desire; that it is born of The First Realm
and is self-fulfilling.

So we remain identified with the Third and Fourth

Realms, trying to figure out how to make this body or
mind work to manifest our goals.

However, in understanding the true nature of desire,

we are able to work with nature rather than against

it, to allow desires to express on their own, as they are
designed to do.

The Effortless Way is to understand that all desire

comes directly from source, an impulse to experience
a piece of itself.

Because of this, there is no desire that cannot—and will

not—fulfill itself, on its own.

Because of this, lack and limitation is an illusion.

Because of this, what you truly are (The First Realm)

is everything you have, would, could or will desire to

Because of this, action will happen compulsively and

therefore there is no effort required to be taken.

Because of this, there is nothing you need to do besides

honor the desires that arise and allow life to unfold.

Welcome to the true nature of desire.

“That which is true never changes.”


At this point in our exploration it will be appropriate

to discuss a few common phrases that are used through-
out the metaphysics community, to see how they fit into
the larger picture we have painted.

As we construct our map of reality, we should find that

every phrase and term fits into this map, otherwise we
have not done our job successfully. Let’s explore...

Manifesting: The term manifesting is typically applied

to the activity of bringing an idea into physical form.
Although it’s often made into a mystical pursuit, from
the standpoint of our map we find that it is not an elec-
tive behavior; manifestation is how all experience and
matter come into form. From the mysteries of nature to
the accomplishments of science, all physical nature is a
manifestation of the source realms.

Law of Attraction: This term is typically used to describe

the attraction of circumstances resulting from our
states of consciousness. So let’s consider how the Law
of Attraction fits into our map—because The Fourth
Realm is purely an out-picturing of Third Realm con-

tent, what we observe as attracting is really more like
expressing. As desire moves from The First Realm up,
its final expression in The Fourth Realm appears as an
orchestration of worldly elements, an attraction of cir-
cumstances generated by our Third Realm conscious-
ness. Therefore the Law of Attraction is an accurate
description of the result of movement in prior realms.

Getting into The Vortex: This is a phrase coined by Abra-

ham-Hicks, and references the shift toward First Realm
identity. When you shift into alignment with (which
simply means “identifying with”) The Vortex, you are
shifting into the feeling of The First Realm, where all
potentiality is present yet not yet manifest. Embody-
ing this realm creates the experience of a “downstream
effect” because it allows desire to manifest in its most
natural (and therefore effortless) way.

Following Your Bliss: Another common phrase is to “fol-

low your bliss” or “highest excitement.” What this is
describing is the allowing of your desires to arise and
move into form. When you allow, you naturally em-
body the First and Second Realms because you are
placing the onus of doership on these source realms.
This alignment expresses within The Third and Fourth
Realms as bliss, excitement, ease, freedom and peace
(the felt sensations of the source realms). We only

feel resistance, force or effort when we place the onus
of doership where it is not—on the Third or Fourth
Realms. Therefore, following your bliss or excitement
is a method of identifying with the First and Second
Realms and allowing nature to unfold along its own
path of least resistance.

The Feeling of the Wish Fulfilled: A phrase used by mystic

Neville Goddard, the Wish Fulfilled is the Third Realm
channeling of desire into feeling. As a desire arises
and you allow its feeling of truth to form within you,
you are entering the Wish Fulfilled. This feeling then
moves into The Fourth Realm, where it expresses into
form through the body and world.

State Akin to Sleep: Also a phrase by Neville Goddard,

who described the State Akin to Sleep as “a state in
which effort is reduced to its minimum, and your atten-
tion seems to completely relax.” Sometimes described
as getting into the Theta brainwave state, State Akin to
Sleep is simply the embodiment of the First or Second
Realms (brainwave is the Fourth Realm manifestation
of this embodiment). As both realms exist prior to sub-
conscious and conscious thinking, attention is relaxed
away from the outside world and focused inwardly, the
sense of duality slips away, and shifts in identity are
easily entered. It’s a state of no separation or limitation,

because neither of these exist in the First or Second

Non-Duality: This is a term which literally means “not

two” or “one undivided without a second.” Within our
map, it can best be described as the realization and ex-
perience of First or Second Realm reality. As we’ve dis-
cussed, separation only comes into being in The Third
Realm, and so prior realms remain singular and undi-
vided. In the non-dual experience, the perceived and
perceiver collapse into one singular experience, as a
singular oneness in everything and everyone.

Enlightenment: As we’ve explored, all realms co-exist as

layers of the One Reality. Therefore, although Enlight-
enment is often viewed as a milestone to achieve (after
long, arduous self-discipline), it is really simply the re-
alization and identification with the First and Second
Realms. This is why it is sometimes known as the “gate-
less gate”; when you arrive, you realize the gate you
were searching for was only ever really there within
your mind (it was a Third Realm illusion). So, Enlight-
enment is simply identification with, and experiential
embodiment of, your most essential realms of existence.

Mindfulness: This is a term that has gained more main-

stream popularity, and is the act of being aware of
your thoughts and actions. From the perspective of the

Anatomy of Reality however, we reveal the mechanics
of Mindfulness to be the shift from Third to Second
Realm identity. Most people live identified solely with
the Third and Fourth Realms, and therefore struggle
to create change in their mind, body and world. As you
become mindful of your Third Realm activity, you nat-
urally find yourself “backing into” The Second Realm,
as you are now identified as consciousness observing
its own contents. Mindfulness will not take you all the
way, but it is a step forward into the empowerment of
The Second Realm.

Meditation: The act of meditation follows a similar pro-

cess and result as Mindfulness. As you focus your
attention away from the contents of your mind (The
Third Realm), you back your way into The Second
Realm of pure consciousness. Sometimes, with dedi-
cated practice, you may also find yourself experiencing
First Realm embodiment.

Positivity: Lastly we’ll look at Positivity. One of the

most mainstream terms, it is used as a method of chang-
ing behavior and circumstances through more elevat-
ed states of mind. As Third Realm qualities produce
Fourth Realm expressions, a general mood of Positiv-
ity will result in positive change.

“If man’s perception were cleansed,
everything would appear as it is;


Even with the nature of reality and desire under-

stood, it is often difficult to fully put into practice.

We are so used to identifying with the mind, body and

world (the Third and Fourth Realms), that shifting our
sense of identity to the infinite Beingness that we are
seems like an uphill battle.

We want to believe we are capable of anything, but our

mind comes up with excuse after excuse as to why this
can’t be so.

We try to allow our desires to unfold, but the stories of

impatience and doubt run wild.

We try to have faith that the right action will unfold,

but we can’t seem to shake the feeling of “am I doing
it right.”

This is the Great Stumbling Block of awakening to our

true power and potential.

Fortunately there’s a simple way forward:

Rather than try to believe, we must prove that we are.

We must prove ourselves to be prior to the mind and
body (and therefore not limited by them).

We must prove ourselves to be source, Beingness, infi-

nite and eternal.

We must prove ourselves to be beyond time and space.

We must prove ourselves to be omniscient, omnipotent

and omnipresent.

This is the only way forward.

We only identify with our limited mind and body be-

cause that’s what we have come to experience we are.

And therefore if we want to identify with more expan-

sion and potential, we must experience it first.

To dissolve the bindings of limitation, we must experi-

ence our true, infinite nature.

To discover the Effortless Way of manifesting, we must

experience the true nature of desire.

Experience always leads to proof, and proof always

leads to embodiment.

This is why we created I Am: The Source Experiments,

an experiential journey in source, consciousness and
manifestation that will change your life forever.

We are so elated you are on this journey with us; as
you progress through the course, you will find yourself
experiencing and proving everything you have just read,
making way for a transformation of self like never

Enjoy the journey.


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