Effect of Azolla (Azolla Pinnata) Feed On The Growth of Broiler Chicken

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Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies 2018; 6(3): 391-393

E-ISSN: 2320-7078
P-ISSN: 2349-6800
JEZS 2018; 6(3): 391-393
Effect of Azolla (Azolla pinnata) feed on the
© 2018 JEZS
Received: 26-03-2018
growth of broiler chicken
Accepted: 27-04-2018

Dr. Mamata Joysowal Dr. Mamata Joysowal, Abdul Aziz, Dr. Anadamoy Mondal, Shiv Mohan
Ph.D Scholar, Dept. of Animal Singh, Siddhnath, Satyanarayana Boda, Bhogeshwar Chirwatkar and
Nutrition, NDRI, Karnal,
Haryana, India Bhagchand Chhaba
Abdul Aziz
Associate Professor, Dept of
Poultry and in particular ducks and chickens can be raised on a diet including fresh Azolla. the nutrient
Aquacuture, FFSc, WBUAFS,
Kolkata, West Bengal, India
digestibility of crude protein, crude fat, and crude fiber were not affected by the level of Azolla in the
ration, and that broilers can readily digest the crude fiber in Azolla, but not that in rice bran, so that
Dr. Anadamoy Mondal digestibility is not a limiting factor when Azolla is used. Nutritive value of Azolla is well documented
PG Student, Dept of Fish which shows that it is a good source of protein with almost all essential amino acid required for animal
Processing Technology, FFSc, nutrition (notably lysine). Furthermore, it also provides macronutrients like calcium, magnesium,
WBUAFS, Kolkata, potassium and vitamins like vitamin A (precursor beta-carotene) and B12. All these facts suggested that
West Bengal, India Azolla can be used as unconventional feed with protein supplement for many species including
ruminants, poultry, pigs and fish.
Shiv Mohan Singh
Ph.D Scholar, Dept of Fish Keywords: Poultry, diet, protein, Azolla, nutrition, vitamin
Processing Technology, FFSc,
WBUAFS, Kolkata,
West Bengal, India Introduction
The poultry industry has traditionally been one of the most profitable businesses in India’s
Siddhnath agriculture, providing nutritious meats and eggs for human consumption within the shortest
Ph.D Scholar, Dept of Fishery possible time. Although the poultry industry in India has made remarkable progress during last
Economics, FFSc, WBUAFS,
3 decades, yet the escalating cost and unavailability of the feed ingredients are the major
Kolkata, West Bengal, India
deterrent for target production. Feed is the most expensive of all inputs and about 70% of
Bhogeshwar Chirwatkar production cost is accounted for feed alone [10]. As feed related improvement in the
PG Student, Dept of Fishery performance has a profound effect on profitably, the poultry nutritionists have been trying to
Resource Management, FFSc, find out alternative cost effective, non-conventional feed ingredients. Aquatic plant species,
WBUAFS, Kolkata,
because of their growth habit, appear not to accumulate secondary plant compounds and
West Bengal, India
therefore offer a greater potential than tree leaves as a source of protein for monogastric
Bhagchand Chhaba animals [3].
PG Student, Dept of Aquatic The greens (green plants) have long been recognized as the cheapest and most abundant
Environment Management, potential source of proteins because of their ability to synthesize amino acids from a wide
FFSc, WBUAFS, Kolkata,
range of virtually unlimited and readily available primary materials [8]. Any assessment of the
West Bengal, India
potential of leaf meals in non ruminant nutrition necessitates a comparative review of nutrient
content [3, 6]. Though the pigmenting efficiency of leaf meals for broiler chickens remains
virtually unexplored, the attributes of leaf meals for egg yolk pigmentation have long been
recognized [13, 17]. Poultry and in particular ducks and chickens can be raised on a diet including
fresh Azolla. the nutrient digestibility of crude protein, crude fat, and crude fiber were not
affected by the level of Azolla in the ration, and that broilers can readily digest the crude fiber
in Azolla, but not that in rice bran, so that digestibility is not a limiting factor when Azolla is
used. Nutritive value of Azolla is well documented which shows that it is a good source of
protein with almost all essential amino acid required for animal nutrition (notably lysine).
Furthermore, it also provides macronutrients like calcium, magnesium, potassium and vitamins
like vitamin A (precursor beta-carotene) and B12. All these facts suggested that Azolla can be
used as unconventional feed with protein supplement for many species including ruminants,
Correspondence poultry, pigs and fish [9]. Azolla is an aquatic free floating fern belonging to the family
Abdul Aziz Salviniaceae. Nutritive value of Azolla is well documented which shows that it is a good
Associate Professor, Dept of
source of protein with almost all essential amino acid required for animal nutrition (notably
Aquacuture, FFSc, WBUAFS,
Kolkata, West Bengal, India lysine).
~ 391 ~
Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies

which shows that it is a good source of protein with almost all Chicks were weighed and equally and randomly divided and
essential amino acid required for animal nutrition (notably distributed in five dietary treatments groups (T1, T2, T3, T4 and
lysine). Furthermore, it also provides macronutrients like T5) having three replications in each. Each dietary treatment
calcium, magnesium, potassium and vitamins like vitamin A group consists of 30 chicks distributed in three replicated
(precursor beta-carotene) and B12. All these facts suggested pens, with 10 chicks in each. The chicks were maintained on a
that Azolla can be used as unconventional feed with protein 24 hours consistent lighting schedule and proper ventilation
supplement for many species including ruminants, poultry, was ensured. The birds in the control group (T1) were fed diet
pigs and fish [13]. Due to ease of cultivation, high productivity without Azolla while as in other groups fish meal was
and good nutritive value it is used as a beneficial fodder replaced by Azolla 5% (T2), 10% (T3), 15% (T4) and 20%
supplement by various researchers [12, 4]. Azolla is a potential (T5).
feed ingredient for poultry and livestock [13, 8]. As it is rich in The data obtained were statistically assessed by the Analysis
protein and other constituents viz., amino acids, carotinoids, of Variance (ANOVA) through SPSS (17.0) software
minerals, vitamins etc, the present study was undertaken to considering replicates as experimental units. Duncan’s
evaluate the impact of dietary inclusion of this fern on the multiple range test was used to test the significance of
performance and profitability of broiler chicken. difference between the differences of significant at p≤0.0 [7].

2. Materials and Methods 3. Result and Discussion

For the research purpose the Azolla was collected from local Chemical composition of the Azolla was analyzed and
water bodies. It was then dried in the sunlight for 3/4 days. presented in the Table 1. The analysis was carried out
After sun drying, it was ground and stored in the plastic bags following the Kjeldhal method was used for crude protein
until used for feeding. Chemical analysis of Azolla (Table 1) estimation [2]. The results of chemical analysis of Azolla
has been done: (Table 1) revealed presence of 23.08% Crude protein (CP),
3.95% Ether extract (EE), 14.39% Crude fiber (CF), 38.73%
Table 1: Chemical analysis of Azolla Nitrogen free extract (NFE), 17.5% Total ash, 2.06% Calcium
and 0.72% Phosphorus on dry matter basis.
Sl. No Nutrients Azolla ( %DM)
The crude protein level of Azolla was found 25.08 percent.
1 Crude Protein 25.08
The result was close to the crude protein level found by the
2 Ether extract (EE) 3.95 Sreemannaryana [11]. Singh [13] also reported that the crude
3 Crude Fibre 14.39 protein might vary from 25-37.36 percent. Ether extract
4 Nitrogen Free Extract (NFE) 38.73 content of Azolla was 3.95 percent, the composition may vary
5 Total Ash 17.5 but similar result was reported by Singh [13] and
6 Calcium 2.06 Sreemannaryana [11]. Nitrogen free extract (NFE) content of
7 Phosphorus 0.72 Azolla sample was 38.73 percent. The result is similar to the
the observation of Bhuyan [4].

Table 2: Average body weight (gm) measured in weakly, of the broilers at different dietary treatments
Age in week
T1 (0%) T2 (5%) T3 (10%) T4 (15%) T5 (20%)
Initial week (1st week) 123.01 125.3 122.37 122.10 122.5
2nd week 213.7 215.6 215.51 210.3 211.67
3rd week 455.37 458.8 526.66 423.6 421.63
4th week 752 760.60 850.80 725.70 712.6

The body weights of broiler chicken were shown in the above Table 3: Correlation Matrix for Average weight comprising variable
table. The body weight differed significantly at 3 and 4 weeks dietary Azolla (0-20%) of different treatments.
of age. In both the weeks almost similar trend in body weight T1 T2 T3 T4 T5
were obtained. In this experiment, the diet containing of 10% T1 1
(T3) level of Azolla meal was best in respect of body weight T2 .389 1
(850.80g) while T2 (5%) diet was second the best (740.60g) in T3 .302 .996 1
4 weeks of age. But in case of higher Azolla meal content T4 -.856 .143 .234 1
shows the negative impact as we have observed in T4 (15%) T5 .996 .469 .385 -.807 1
and T5 (20%) treatments. The result is similar with the earlier ** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2- tailed)
observation of While Cambel [18]. In this experiment same
meal was replaced by Azolla meal. The digestible protein No bird died in any treatment group during the experimental
percent in sesame meal was 89.9 percent [3] but in Azolla meal period, indicating that the inclusion of Azolla in feed had no
it was 56.6 percent [15]. So use of higher level of Azolla meal deleterious effect on broiler chicken. The final body weights
may had negative effect on body weight as in T4 (15% Azolla were improved significantly (p<0.05) in birds fed 10% Azolla
meal) and T5 (20% Azolla meal). Although Subudhi and (T3) when compared with the control group, thus confirming
Singh [12, 13] found the best result using 5% Azolla meal. The the results of While Cambel [18] who observed improvement in
higher level of Azolla (T3 and T4) meal resulted poor growth live weight of broiler chicks fed 10% Azolla meal in the diet.
than the other treatments. This might be due to higher level of However, as the level of Azolla was increased (T4 and T5), it
NDF in Azolla meal is the main limiting factor for efficient resulted in decreased body weights as was reported by
utilization in monogastic animals. Tamany [15] reported higher Parthasarthy [10]. Reduction in the body weight due to higher
lignin might cause poorer growth as against the diet Azolla levels (15 and 20%) might be due to higher level of
containing 15 and 20 percent Azolla meal. NDF [5] and lignin [3] in Azolla meal which are the main
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Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies

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