Exam Guidance and Instructions

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The document provides guidance and instructions for candidates taking Institution of Structural Engineers exams, including details about exam entry, payment, and withdrawal policies.

Candidates are instructed that the exam entry form and payment must be received by certain deadlines, and that refunds for withdrawal or deferment will only be granted under certain conditions.

The rules state that candidates have 3 years after their Professional Review Interview or 5 years after their first exam attempt to complete the Professional Review process before needing to re-do parts of the process such as experience reports or interviews.

Exam guidance

and instructions
2021 exams
Version: 1.4
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Instructions for exam candidates .................................................................................................................. 3
Instructions for the day of the exam .............................................................................................................. 5
Guidance for Chartered Membership exam candidates ............................................................................... 7
Part 1a ........................................................................................................................................................ 7
Part 1b ........................................................................................................................................................ 7
Part 2c ........................................................................................................................................................ 7
Part 2d ........................................................................................................................................................ 8
Part 2e ........................................................................................................................................................ 8
Guidance for AM/CM supplementary exam candidates ............................................................................. 10
Part a ........................................................................................................................................................ 10
Part b ........................................................................................................................................................ 10
Part c ........................................................................................................................................................ 10
Professional Review Rules for Monday 27 September 2021 ...................................................................... 12
Windspeed Conversion Chart ...................................................................................................................... 13
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Instructions for exam candidates

Before entering the examination please note the following:

 Closing date for exam entry forms: Sunday 29 August 2021

The exam entry form and payment of the entry fee must be received before the above closing date. Exam
entry forms received after this date will not be accepted

 Exam payment deadline

The entry fee will be added to your record on receipt of the exam entry form. You are required to pay the fee
in full before Sunday 5 September 2021, failure to pay will result in you not being permitted to sit the exam.
Payment should be made online, via My Account, if you are unable to pay online please contact the
Examinations Manager to make alternative arrangements

 Candidate number and examination venue information

You will be sent your candidate number and final venue details shortly after the final payment deadline

 Withdrawal and deferment

A refund or deferment of the examination fee will only be guaranteed if notification of withdrawal/deferment is
made before the payment deadline. In the event of exceptional circumstances occurring immediately before
the examination e.g. serious illness, family bereavement etc. where candidates feel their performance will be
adversely affected, the Institution will consider deferring exam entry subject to provision of supporting
documentation (e.g. doctor’s note dated within three working days of the exam) and an administration

You are advised to contact the Institution’s Examinations Manager, and each case will be considered on an
individual basis.

If you become ill during the exam please notify an invigilator, who will report this to us. After the exam please
provide a doctor’s note dated within 3 working days of the date of the exam to the Examinations Manager.

Any other candidate sitting the exam will be assumed to be in good health and an appeal will not be
accepted for a subsequent declaration of illness.

 Exam centre transfer

It is not possible to change exam centre after the payment deadline.

 Candidates requesting reasonable adjustments

If you have a disability that may affect your performance in the exam please notify us on the exam entry form.
You should also provide a note from a medical professional confirming the nature of the disability (e.g. results
from a dyslexia test) and where possible advice on any reasonable adjustments that should be made. You are
welcome to submit material from your employer or university which may assist in making an informed
decision on the adjustments to be made. Any information provided will be treated as confidential.

 Proof of identity
You must provide photographic ID to the invigilator on the day of the examinations. Failure to produce ID will
result in you not being permitted to sit the exam.

 Mobile phones
You must ensure your phone is switched off and handed in to an invigilator before the examination begins. If
you are found using a mobile phone at any time in the exam, including lunch time, the matter will be reported
to the Examinations Panel with the recommendation that you are disqualified from the exam.

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 Use of electronic equipment

Most electronic devices are prohibited in the exam – the exception is for battery operated calculators (these
may be programmable) providing they are not Wi-Fi capable. Prohibited devices include but are not limited to:
• Mobile phones
• Laptops, notebooks or portable computers and similar devices
• iPads, tablets and similar devices
• E-readers (e.g. Kindle) and similar devices
• Cameras, optical scanners and similar devices
• Drawing/tracing light boxes
• Smart watches

 Clocks
The institution will try to ensure that there is a visible clock in all exam centres, however it is recommended
that you bring a watch with you to the examination in case the clock provided is not in clear sight.

 Exam centre selection

Exam centres that have already been booked can be selected via the dropdown box on the application form.
If there is no centre available near you the Institution will aim to set one up in any large town or city near you.
Please note this town/city on the exam entry form.

 Exam preparation
You are strongly advised to thoroughly prepare for the examination by either taking a preparation course or
by practising with past exam papers. Many Regional Groups run preparation courses during the year that are
worth attending.

On receipt of payment for the exam an interactive preparation course will be sent to you in order to assist you
with your preparation. Past exam papers, reports, and candidate “top tips” can all be found on the website.

 Exam results
Your results will be issue in My Account by early January 2022 and will be followed by an exam result letter or
email. Feedback for candidates failing the exam must be requested online.

 Lapsed membership
Exam results will not be issued to lapsed members until full payment of outstanding fees has been received.

 2021 Examination dates

Chartered Associate- Specialist Diplomas AM to CM

Membership Membership Thursday 8 April Supplementary
Thursday 8 April Monday 27 September Thursday 8 April
Monday 27 September Monday 27 September

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Instructions for the day of the exam

 Proof of identity
You must provide photographic ID to the invigilator on the day of the exam. If you do not produce ID you will
not be allowed to sit the exam.

 Candidate numbers and page numbering

Your full candidate number should be written on the front cover of the exam answer pack, the last five digits
of your candidate number should be recorded on each answer sheet. A3 graph paper will be moved to the
back on the pack for scanning, please number these D1, D2 etc. so that the whole answer pack remains in

Candidates should not use their institution membership number or name anywhere on the script.

 Lunch arrangements and refreshments

You must bring your own lunch and refreshments. You are not permitted to leave the exam venue or have
access to your mobile phone or other electronic devices during the lunch break. You may not have access to
any documents (including your own reference materials) during the lunch break – your script should be turned

 Timetable for the day

09:15 15 minutes reading time

09:30 Exam begins
13:00 Break for lunch (30 minutes) – candidates sitting Specialist Diplomas and the AM to CM
Supplementary exam leave at this time.
13:30 Exam resumes
17:00 Exam ends – please be mindful of candidates with extra time

 Open book policy

The exams are “open book” so you are permitted to take reference books or a folder with notes and
frequently used references into the exam with you.

 Mobile phones
Candidates bringing their phone to the exam hall will need to ensure that it is handed in to an invigilator and
that it is switched off. The invigilator may provide you with a label for ease of identification and distribution
after the exam. You should write your name, candidate number, and Hong Kong identity card number (if
applicable) on this label.

 Codes of practice
Any design code or standard may be used to answer the questions in the paper, as long as reference to that
code is consistent throughout and any assumptions or design data adopted (including loadings other than
those specified in the question) are stated at the beginning of the answer.

 Reading time
You should not make any marks on the paper during reading time, this includes marks on the question

 Retention of exam papers

To maintain the security of the exams you may not take the question paper away with you. The question
paper will be uploaded to the website once all scripts have been received by IStructE HQ.

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 Previously prepared information

You may not include any previously prepared calculations, notes, drawings etc. Any previously prepared
information submitted will be ignored by the examiners.

 Using pencils/colour in the answer scripts

You may write in pencil and use colour throughout your answer pack, provided these are dark enough to be
scanned (it is advisable to scan a sample page to ensure pencils/colours are clear enough for the markers to

Any queries regarding the exam should be sent to the Examinations Manager, Frazer Clist

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Guidance for Chartered Membership exam candidates

The following short guide has been compiled to clarify the requirements of each section of the chartered
membership examination and to help candidates to understand what issues examiners are expecting
candidates to address in their answers and to what level of detail. These notes are merely a brief overview and it
is recommended candidates attend an exam preparation course for a more in-depth brief wherever possible.

Part 1a
Part 1a asks candidates to prepare ‘two distinct and viable solutions for the proposed structure’ and then to
recommend one of the schemes.

For the building structure questions, differences between schemes could include different materials, grid layout,
load paths, foundations, and stability provision etc. Changing just one of these would not be enough to make a
solution distinct and it is expected that at least two should be significantly different in order to satisfy the
requirements of the question. For the bridge question, each scheme should be based on a different form of
bridge structure with different spans and/or different load paths to the foundations. Changing only the material
of the bridge structure would not be enough to make a solution distinct. Sketches may be used alongside text
to describe the proposed schemes. These may be free-hand and are not required to be to scale but they must
clearly convey the design principles being proposed. Calculations are not expected in this part of the question
and members may be sized using engineering judgement or rule of thumb, e.g. span to depth ratio.

The examiner is looking for candidates to identify and address the main structural challenges in the question and
marks will not be awarded for generic answers.

Part 1b
This part of the question asks candidates to write a letter to the client, usually in response to an event which
would affect the design such as a change to the brief. Candidates are expected to understand the impact of the
change on the design solution they have proposed and, whilst clarity is important, the examiner will focus more
on candidates’ grasp of the technical issues than on the quality of their written English. Candidates may
reference sketches if they wish.

Part 2c
The question asks the candidate to ‘prepare sufficient design calculations to establish the form and size of all
the principal structural elements including the foundations’. This requires candidates to decide which members
are ‘principal structural elements’ and as such requires the preparation of full scheme design calculations.

The question states that candidates must ‘establish the form and size’ of the element, therefore they are
expected to use their judgement and experience to decide on the extent of the design checks required for each
individual element. For most members checks of bending and shear alongside a span/depth deflection check
will be adequate; however, candidates will gain extra marks for recognizing when additional checks are
appropriate; for example, web buckling of a steel beam under a concentrated load. The design calculations can
be prepared in accordance with any current recognized national code of practice of the candidates choosing.
The use of design guides is not considered appropriate for the design of principal elements; however, they may
be used to estimate other member sizes for Part 2d (see below). Candidates should assess and check worst
case load combinations. There is no requirement to include multiple load cases and repetitive and simple
calculations are not required.

All calculations should be clear and easy to follow.

The principal structural elements will be different for each scheme proposed, but as a guide the following gives
an indication of the likely elements.

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For building structures:

 Main members in trusses, portal frames, arches etc.

 Transition members / transfer structures, members with high point loads
 Cantilever members.
 Vertical structures where there is a high concentration of load and/or significant out of balance moments.
 Members of stability systems.
 Foundations including piles and pile caps, reinforced rafts and pads, balancing beams within the
foundation system.

 Retaining walls
 Any special structural elements unique to the scheme.
For bridge structures:

 Bridge deck
 Main deck support structure
 Vertical structure
 Stability system
 Foundations including piles and pile caps, reinforced pads etc.
Clearly most schemes will not include all of the above and, as a guide, candidates would be expected to design
between five and seven elements depending on the question.

Part 2d
This part of the question requires candidates to prepare drawings and critical details for estimating purposes.
Drawings do not need to be to scale but should generally be in proportion and should be dimensioned. The
drawings should include appropriate plans and sections including foundations. Elevations would usually be
expected for bridges and should be included for building structures if they are considered necessary to convey
the scheme. It may be appropriate to draw part plans where the structure is symmetrical, or to draw a single
plan to represent a number of identical floors in a building. Members that are not considered principal structural
elements by the candidate can be sized for estimating purposes using engineering judgement, span/depth
ratios, or design guides such as ‘Tata Steel Blue Book’, ‘Concrete Centre Design Guides’. The candidate
should develop, prior to the examination, knowledge and experience of methods of element sizing by
approximation and by the use of established design guides. The critical details will vary depending on the
question but may include cantilever connections, major splices, retaining wall details etc. A minimum of three
details would ordinarily be expected.

Part 2e
This usually requires the preparation of a construction program or method statement and the examiner is
looking for candidates to demonstrate a degree of practical knowledge. The answer should be tailored to the
candidate’s propose scheme and should not be a generic response.

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The method statement must include all activities required to build the proposed structure, including addressing
health and safety issues, and should reflect the proposed scheme design. The statement should be kept brief
with simple descriptions of each activity.

The programme must again include all critical activities and their respective timescales. The presentation should
preferably be in the form of a bar chart, or similar graphical representation.

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Guidance for AM/CM supplementary exam candidates

The following short guide has been compiled to clarify the requirements of each section of the AM/CM
supplementary examination and to help candidates to understand what issues examiners are expecting
candidates to address in their answers and to what level of detail. These notes are merely a brief overview and it
is recommended candidates attend an exam preparation course for a more in-depth brief wherever possible.

Part a
Part a, asks candidates to prepare ‘two distinct and viable solutions for the proposed structure’ including
appropriate feasibility concept calculations to justify the schemes and then to recommend one of the schemes.

For the building structure questions, differences between schemes could include different materials, grid layout,
load paths, foundations, and stability provision etc. Changing just one of these would not be enough to make a
solution distinct and it is expected that at least two should be significantly different in order to satisfy the
requirements of the question. For the bridge question, each scheme should be based on a different form of
bridge structure with different spans and/or different load paths to the foundations. Changing only the material
of the bridge structure would not be enough to make a solution distinct. Sketches may be used alongside text
to describe the proposed schemes. These may be free-hand and are not required to be to scale but they must
clearly convey the design principles being proposed.

Concept feasibility calculations are required in this part of the question to justify the respective schemes
structural elements. The structural elements may be sized by using engineering judgment, rule of thumb, e.g.
span to depth ratio, or design guides such as ‘Tata Steel Blue Book’, ‘Concrete Centre Design Guides’, The
candidate should develop, prior to the examination, knowledge and experience of methods of element sizing by
approximation and by the use of established design guides. Elements considered as ‘principal structural
elements’ should also be assessed for any special load cases and conditions, the candidates are expected to
use their judgement and experience to decide on the extent of the design checks required for these elements.

All calculations should be clear and easy to follow.

A simple comparative analysis is required to identify the reasons behind the scheme recommended.

The examiner is looking for candidates to identify and address the main structural challenges in the question and
marks will not be awarded for generic answers.

Part b
Part b, asks candidates to, Identify and prepare arrangement drawing and indicate the critical structural details

This part of the question requires candidates to outline in diagrammatic form, with dimensions as appropriate,
the proposed arrangements, plans, sections, and critical details of the chosen scheme including conceptual
member sizes. Drawings do not need to be to scale but should generally be in proportion. Elevations would
usually be expected for bridges and should be included for building structures if they are considered necessary
to convey the scheme.

Part c
Part c, asks the candidate to, Prepare an outline construction programme which must reflect the method of
construction and key activities

This requires the preparation of a construction program and the examiner is looking for candidates to
demonstrate a degree of practical knowledge. The answer should be tailored to the candidate’s proposed
scheme and should not be a generic response.

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The programme must include all critical and key activities to build the proposed structure and must reflect the
method of construction proposed including any temporary works etc. Each activity must include their
respective timescale. The presentation should preferably be in the form of a bar chart, or similar graphical

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Professional Review Rules for Monday 27 September 2021

The Professional Review is a two-stage process, comprising the Professional Review Interview (PRI) and the
membership exam.

You may sit either the PRI or the exam first but should bear in mind the following rules.

1. Three-year interview rule

If a candidate postpones taking the examination for three consecutive years after the completion of the
interview, they will still be allowed to sit the examination. However, this is on condition that should the
candidate pass the examination they will submit application form PRI, a two-page experience report,
IPD final report forms for each of the 13 core objectives, and the interview fee before sitting a
Professional Review Interview. If successful in this interview candidates will then be eligible to be elected
as a Chartered Member/Associate-Member.

2. Five-year examination rule

Candidates must pass the examination within five years of their first attempt (applicable from 2018
onwards). Candidates taking longer than five years to pass the exam will still be allowed to sit the
examination. However, this is on condition that should the candidate pass the examination they will
have to submit application form PRI, a two-page experience report, IPD final report forms for each of
the 13 core objectives, and the interview fee before sitting a Professional Review Interview. If successful
in this interview candidates will then be eligible to be elected as a Chartered Member/Associate-
Member. Note that candidates may not leave a gap of longer than 3 years between exam attempts.

If you last sat an examination in July 2018 you are encouraged to sit the Institution’s September 2021
examination. This is to avoid the necessity of sitting another Professional Review Interview. Please refer to rule 2

Any queries regarding exam eligibility should be sent to exams@istructe.org

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Windspeed Conversion Chart

The following chart is to be used for IStructE exams only and is intended as a guide for candidates who are using codes which provide a 10-minute averaging


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