Enterprise 3 Grammer

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G R A M M A R 3

Student's Book

Virginia Evans
Jenny Dooley


Express PuЫishing
PuЫished Ьу Express PuЬlishing 1999

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© Virginia Evans - Jenny Dooley

AII rights reserved. No part of this puЫication may Ье reproduced,

stored in а retrieval system ог transmitted in any form, or Ьу any
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ISBN 1-903128-77-3

Unit 1 Presenl Simple - Presenl Conlinuous - State Verbs - linking Words/Phrases .................................. р. 4
Unit 2 Relative Pronouns - Relative Adverbs - Position of Prepositions in Relative Clauses -
Adverbs of Frequency ................................................................................................................................................... р. 10
Unit 3 Past Simple - Pasl Conlinuous - Presenl Perfecl Simple - Have gone ltol · Have been ltol -
Present Perfect Continuous .......................................................................................................................................... р. 16
Unit 4 The Definile Article The - Clauses of Result: So/Such (о/an) .................................................................. р. 22
Unit 5 Used lo - linking Words ............................................................................................................................................ р. 26
Unit 6 Pasl Perfecl Simple - Past Perfect Continuous - Must/Mustn't/Needn't -
Comparalive form ........................................................................................................................................................... р. 30
Unit 7 Used to/Be used to/Get used lo - Time Clauses ......................................................................................... р. 36
Unit 8 Future Simple · Ве going lo - Present Conlinuous · Time Conjunctions -
Туре 1 Conditionals ....................................................................................................................................................... р. 40
Unit 9 Reported Speech · Say/Тell · Reported Statements - Reported Queslions
lntroductory Verbs - lndirecl Queslions ................................................................................................................ р. 44
Unit 10 Future Continuous · Future Perfecl · linking Words/Phrases ..................................................................... р. 50
Unit 11 Reported Commonds/lnstruclions/Requesls · Reporling а Conversalion/Dialogue ............................. р. 54
Unit 12 The Passive · Changing from Active to Passive - Queslions in the Passive . As . like .......... р. 58
Unit 13 Need • Personal/lmpersonal Construclion ........................................................................................................... р. 64
Unit 14 Conditionals: Types 2 and 3 · Wishes · linking Words/Phrases .......................................................... р 68
Unit 15 The to-infinitive · The infinitive without to - The -ing form ........................................................................ р. 72
Unit 16 Queslion Tags · Reflexive Pronouns ...................................................................................................................... р. 76
Unit 17 Plurals · Clauses of Reason & Result - Too/Enough - AII/Both/Neither/None ............................... р. 80
Unit 18 Clauses of Purpose ........................................................................................................................................................ р. 84
Unit 19 CountaЬle/UncountaЬle Nouns · Some/Any/No · Much/Many · (А) few/!А) little .
Comparalive/Superlative Form · Expressing Preference ............................................................................... р. 88
Unit 20 Тenses of the lnfinitive - Making Deduclions .................................................................................................... р. 94
Unit 21 Presenl and Pasl Parliciples · Expressing Preference - Expressing Posilive or
Negalive Agreemenl ....................................................................................................................................................... р. 98
Unit 22 Causalive Form ................................................................................................................................................................. р. 102
Unit 23 Phrasal Verbs .................................................................................................................................................................... р.106
Unit 24 Prepositions of Place/Movement/Time .................................................................................................................. р.110
Unit 25 Verbs, Adjectives, Nouns with Preposilions ........................................................................................................ р.112
lrregular Verbs .................................................................................................................................................................. р.118
Progress Тesls ................................................................................................................................................................... р.119
Prese111 Si11111\e - P1ese111 Co11li11uous - Sl[1le Ve1\1s - li11ki11g V/oпls1Phroses

Presenf Simole Presenl Conlinuous

---1----- 1
Negative 1 Affirmative
1 Negative 1
1 work ,
I don't work 1 am working l'm not working _,,
You work You don't work You аге working You aren't working
Не works Не doesn't work, etc. Не is working Не isn't working, etc.
She works She is working
lnterrogative lnterrogative
lt works 11 is working
We work Do I work? We are working Am I working?
You work Do you work? You are working Аге you working?
They work u Does he work? etc. They are working ls he working? etc.
Short answers Short answers

Do 1/you, etc. < Yes, 1/you, etc. do. Are you/we, etc.
< Yes, 1 am/we are, etc.
No, l'm not/we aren't, etc.

work ... ? No, 1/you, etc. don't.

Does he/she, etc.

work ...?
Yes, he/she, etc. does.
No, he/she, etc. doesn't.
ls he/she, etc.
< Yes, he/she, etc. is.
No, he/she, etc. isn't.

Use Use

We use the present simple for: We use the present continuous for:
• permanent states, repeated actions and daily • actions happening now, at the moment of
routines. speaking.
Саг/оs lives in Lisbon. (permanent state) The children are s/eeping right now.
Не goes to work Ьу Ьиs. (repeated action) • temporary actions, i.e. actions happening
She gets ир at six o'c/ock еvегу morning. (daily around the time of speaking.
routine) The Greens are /ooking for а babysitter at the
• scheduled actions, i.e. timetaЫes of trains, moment.
buses, etc. or programmes. • actions that we have already arranged to do in
The train to Jstanbuf leaves at 9.00 рт. the near future, especially when the time and
• likes and dislikes. place have been decided.
Не likes horses. They're flying to Canada at seven о 'clock this
• general truths or laws of nature. evening.
The sun rises in the east.

Time Expressions we use with the present simple: Time Expressions we use with the present
always, usually, often, etc., every day/week/
month/year, etc., оп Mondays/Тuesdays, etc., in
the morning/afternoon/evening, at night/the now, at the moment, these days, at present,
weekend, etc. nowadays, still, etc.

P1esen1 Sinщle - P1esen1 Conlinuous - s1r,1e Ve1l1s - tinking \'/01ds Phr(lses

Stofe Yerbs
• State verbs are verbs which do not normally have continuous tenses because they describe а state rather
than an action. These include:
• verbs expressing likes and dislikes: like, love, hate, dislike, can't stand, don't mind, prefer, enjoy, etc.
Thomas likes jazz music.
Note: Verbs expressing likes/dislikes take а noun or an -ing form after them.
She can't stand cats.
Не loves playing basketball.
• verbs of perception: believe, know, notice, remember, forget, understand, think, etc.
/ don't understand the meaning of that word.
• verbs of the senses: see, hear, feel, taste, look, smell, sound. We often use сап or could with these verbs
when we refer to what we see, hear, etc., at the moment of speaking.
The cake tastes delicious.
I сап hear children 's voices coming from the playground.
• some other verbs: fit, contain, need, belong, cost, owe, mean, own, appear, want, have (= possess), etc.
This dress is very expensive. lt costs f250.
Some state verbs have continuous tenses, but there is а difference in meaning.
1) / think she needs help. (= / believe ...)
l'm thinking about buying а new саг. (= /'т considering ...)
2) This pasta tastes delicious! (= This pasta has а delicious flavour.)
He's tasting the pasta. (= He's testing the flavour of ...)
3) / сап see а light in the distance. (= I сап actual/y see ...)
l'm seeing Тот this evening. (= l'm meeting ...)
4) George looks very tired. (= George appears to Ье ...)
John is looking at ап old тар. (= John is studying ...)
5) The kitchen always smel/s of freshly baked bread. (= The kitchen always has the smell of ...)
Why is the lady smelling the perfume? (= Why is the lady sniffing ...)
6) This material feels soft. (= This material has а soft texture .. .)
А: Why are уои feeling Sam's forehead? (= Why are уои touching ...)
В: Because I think he ·s got а temperature.
7) She has а beautiful old house. (= She owns/possesses ...)
We are having dinner. (= We аге eating ...)

Linkino Words/Phroses
• То join similar ideas or add more points we сап use and (also), also or and ... as well.
He's got brown hair and brown eyes. He's a/so got fu/1 /ips.
She is polite and (also) generous.
She is polite and generous as well.
• То join contrasting ideas or facts we сап use but, however or оп the other hand.
Susan is very generous. She сап Ье а Ьit bossy.
Susan is very generous but she сап Ье а Ьit bossy.
Susan is very generous. However/On the other hand, she сап Ье а Ьit bossy.
P1esen1 Simole - P1esen1 Conlinuous - Slole Ve1l1s - Linking \'/ords Ph1oses

10 The train from Brussels .......................................

Presenf Simple - Presenf Conlinuous (arrive) at 5:10 pm.
1 Put the verbs below into the correct Ьох in the 11 We ............................................................. (stay)
3rd person singular, as in the examples. at а beautiful hotel Ьу the sea.
12 Ellen ............................................... (hate) dogs.
forget, express, say, study, take, buy, tidy, eat, 13 She ................................. (exercise) three times
drive, crash, р/ау, do, cry, fly, lay, boil, pass, stay, а week.
teach, fry 14 1 ............................................... (write) а letter to
Michael right now.
+s 15 Water ........................................ (freeze) at о·с.

1 ss, sh, ch, х, Ь) Which sentences describe:

о,+ es
А а permanent state = ... 2, ...
а temporary action =
r vowel + у + s , says, с а scheduled action =
J an action arranged for the near future =
, consonant +
• ies

Е а general truth =
F an action happening now =
1 G likes/dislikes =
2 Add -ing to the verbs in the list below and put н а routine =
them into the correct Ьох, as in the examples. Underline the correct form of the verb.
draw, lie, dive, put, drink, run, sit, tie, give, apply,
live, grow, begin, type, die, repair

1 + ing

-1-р( • у + ing lying,

/3( • ing dlving,

douЫe consonant puttlng,

+ ing
' 1 1 Stacey goes/is going shopping for fruit and
З а) Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form vegetaЫes every Saturday morning.
of the present simple or present continuous, 2 Не doesn't speak/isn't speaking five languages.
as in the example. З ВоЬ drives/is driving the children to the match
1 1 ...am f/ying... (fly) to Moscow tomorrow. 4 Julie enjoys/is enjoying listening to classical
2 The McCarthys ............................ (live) in Perth. music.
3 John ........................................................ (paint) 5 Do they play/Are they playing in the garden at the
the garage at the moment. moment?
4 The earth ................................................ (move) 6 John and Mary hate/are hating adventure
around the sun. holidays.
5 Anna ............................... (like) her new school. 7 They look/are looking for а house to rent.
6 The flight to New York ............................ (leave) 8 The flight to London departs/is departing at
at 7:00 ат. 10:05 am.
7 We ............................................................ (look) 9 Mrs Parker teaches/is teaching History at
for new furniture for the living room at present. Lawton High School.
8 ............................................................... (you/go) 10 Melissa doesn't like/isn't liking mini-skirts.
to Spain this summer? 11 Water boils/is boiling at 1оо·с.
9 Rachel ..................................................... (work) 12 What do you do/are you doing this Saturday
as а waitress at Sunrise Diner. night?

Presenl Siшule - Р1 esenl Conlinuous - Slnle Ve1IJs - linking V/ords/Phн1ses

5 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of

the present simple or present continuous, as in 4 how/Lesley/go to schoof?
the exampfe.
De; Philip,
1 1) ...am writlng... (write) to te/1 you about my J
holiday. r 2) ........................................... (stay) with my
friend in Spain for two weeks. ft З) ..............................
(Ье) usua/ly sunny at this time of year, but at the
moment it 4) .............................. (rain). Tomorrow )
morning we 5) .............................. (go) sightseeing 5 Pauf and Sue/drink coffee now?
and in the evening we 6) .............................. (plan) to
go out tor а nice meaf. We both 7) ..............................
(enjoy) Spanish food very much. 1 8) .......................... 1
{ r.:( ·
(arrive) home next Saturday.
See you then,
Саго/ 1
-...., ,
--------------------... .J
б Look at the pictures and use the prompts to write 7 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of
questions and answers in the present simpfe or the present simple or present continuous.
the present continuous.
1 А: What 1) ..................................... (you/cook)?
В: 1 2) ...................................................... (make)
1 what/he/do/every Saturday? vegetarian lasagne.
А: З) .................................................... (you/eat)
vegetaЫes every day?
В: No, 1 usually 4) ................................... (have)
meat at the weekend.
2 А: What 1) ............................. (you/do) tonight?
В: Nothing special. Why?
А: Would you like to go to the cinema?
В: That 2) .................................... (sound) fike а
good idea. What З) ........................................
2 she/play tennis/at the moment? ......................................... (you/want) to see?
А: J'd really like to see Тitanic.
В: 1 4) ....................................................... (hate)
watching sad films.
А: How about а comedy then?
В: ОК.
З А: 1) ............................................... (you/spend)
the summer in Sicily?
В: No, this year we 2) ................................. (go)
to the north of Scotfand. А friend of ours
З Lee/have/a singing Jesson? З) ........................................ (have) а cottage
near lnverness.
А: Oh, how wonderfuf! 4) .................................. .
................. (you/take) the children with you?
В: No, they 5) ........................................... (stay)
with my mother because they 6) .................. .
............................ (not/like) being away from
their friends.

Р1еsеп1 Sin1ole - Presenl Conlinuous - Slole Verl1s - linking \'/01ds Phroses

8 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

Linking Words/Phroses
10 Underline the correct word(s).
1 1 love coffee but/as well I hate tea.
2 Sally is а co-operative and/also energetic person.
З Mike is friendly. However/As well, he tends to Ье
arrogant at times.
4 Peter's short, well-built and/but middle-aged.
He's got curly grey hair and brown eyes as well/
also. He's however/also got а rather Ьig nose.
5 Pam loves wearing V-neck jumpers but/and
Bridget 1) ............................ (go) to school every
6 Jessica is caring, generous and patient but/as well.
morning at 8 o'clock. Right now, she 2) .......................
7 Ellen likes sharing her toys with other children.
................................. (sit) next to her friend, Sue. Their
And/On the other hand, she сап Ье rude at times.
teacher З) .................................... (talk) to them about
8 Laura is а very hard worker. She's however/also
Argentina and they 4) .............................. (try) to find 1
an imaginative person.
it оп the globe. Bridget 5) ................................ (love)
Geography but she 6) ......................................... } 11 Read the letter below and underline the correct
(hate) Maths. Every month, the teacher 7) .................. ( word(s).
......................... ......... (show) the class а film about
another country. Bridget really 8) ............................... ое:Г John,
(enjoy) these films. ln fact, she 9) ............................ (
(want) to Ье а Geography teacher опе day. Thanks for your letter. lt sounds like you're enjoying
1 yourself at university. Anyway, here's the recipe" for the J
apple pie that you asked for. lt's cheap 1) also/and
9 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of also easy to make.
the present simple or the present continuous. First, you need about ten large cooking apples and
some sugar 2) as well/also. Peel the apples З) and/
1 А: 1) ..................................... (the baby/sleep)? but cut them into pieces. Then, boil them with the sugar
В: No, she 2) ....................................... (not/be). until they are soft. You could make some pastry 4)
She З) ................................................. (play). but/also ready-made pastry is just as nice. Roll the
2 А: Where 1) ......................................... (you/go) pastry until it's thin and put it into а greased dish. Put /
оп holiday this year? the apples into the dish, too. Sprinkle some cinnamon /
В: 1 2) .............................. (want) to go to Spain оп top 5) and/also cover it with more pastry. Put it in the
but my wife З) ..................... (prefer) Turkey. oven at 180 С 6) but/also don't leave it for too long. 1 1/

З А: Hi, Mum. We 1) .............................................. always serve it with fresh cream. 7) On the other
(have) а great time here in Venice. hand/But, it tastes great with ice-cream.
В: Oh, lovely. When 2) ...................................... .. Well, let me know how your exams go 8) and/but
(you/come) home? Оп Friday? enjoy the apple pie. J
А: No, we З) .................................. (not/be). We Love from 1
4) ....................................................... (come) -.... Aunt Jane t
back оп Saturday.
4 А: What 1) ...........................................................
_________,____, J
(you/usually/have) for breakfast? 12 Use the words in brackets to write the questions
В: 1 usually 2) ............................. (have) tea and to these statements, as in the example.
toast but sometimes I З) ................................
(eat) cereal for а change. 1 Every morning I get up at 7 o'clock. (What time)
5 А: What 1) ............................. (you/think) of my ...What time do уои get ир every morning? ...
new dress? 2) ........................... (you/like) it? 2 They have toast and eggs for breakfast.(What)
В: Yes, 1 З) ................................................ (do) .
4) ................................ (you/wear) it tonight? з We like going to the seaside at weekends.
А: No, 1 5) .......................................... (not/be). 1 (Where)
6) .......................... (save) it for John's party.

P1esent Sinщte - P1esent Continuous - Stote Ve1hs - lioking l'lшds Ph1oses •

4 John's brother is 15 years old. (How old)

Error Correction
5 Му father plays golf three times а week. (How 14 Cross out the unnecessary word, as in the
often) example.
1 She !}( often goes to the park оп Sundays.
6 1 usually shop for groceries оп Tuesdays. (When)
2 They are been going оп holiday оп Monday.
3 1 am enjoy going to parties.
4 The plane from Paris does arrives at 7.30.
1 З Choose the correct item. 5 They are looking for а house at the present.
6 Does he do listen to music in his free time?
7 1 like swimming but I don't like fishing too.
1 This roast chicken ....................... delicious! 8 She is at home at now.
А taste В is tasting С tastes

2 They go to the cinema ....................... .

Word Formolion
А every week В at the moment С usually We сап form adjectives from nouns Ьу adding the
following suffixes.
3 ....................... you seeing Peter tomorrow night? -ous e.g. fame - famous
А Do В Аге С ls -ive e.g. aggression - aggressive
-ful e.g. beauty - beautiful
4 А: Сап I help you, miss? e.g. boss - bossy
В: Yes, 1 ....................... for а Ьirthday present for -у
-l y e.g. friend - friendly
my daughter.
А look В 'm looking С looks 15 Fill in the gaps with the correct words derived
from the words in bold.
5 ....................... she wear а uniform at work?
А Аге В ls С Does

6 А: These shirts ................... me any more.

В: Why don't you buy some new ones?
А doesn't fit В don't fit С isn't fitting

7 1 enjoy travelling Ьу train but 1

travelling Ьу plane.
А like В hate С likes

8 Annette ....................... two sisters and а brother.

А has в is having С have

9 А: You ....................... very pretty today.

В: Thanks. Julia Roberts is а 1) ................................ FAME
А are looking В look С looks actress. She has starred in many 2) .......
.......................... films and her latest film, SUCCESS
10 А: When ....................... she leaving for Boston? Notting Hi/1, is по exception. She plays а
В: Оп the 15th of July. 3) ............ ........ film star who becomes GLAMOUR
А does В has С is romantically involved with an ordinary
bookshop owner, played Ьу Hugh Grant.
11 Му brother is а very easy-going person. She is trying to take а 4) .... .................... РЕАСЕ
....................... , he сап Ье а Ьit rude at times. break from her 5) ............................ fans NUMBER
А However В As well as С And and ends up staying in Grant's flat along
with his 6) ........................ flatmate. The MESS
12 А: Are you ....................... anything at the script is very 7) ................................. and FUN
weekend? the film has become very popular. lt is а
В: No, l'm not. 8) ........................... film not to Ье missed. WONDER
А do В does С doing

Relпlive P1011ouпs - Relr1live Arlve1IJs - Posilion о! Preoosilioпs iп Relolive Cl(luses - Arlve,IJs о! frer1ue11cy

Relotive Pronouns
• Relative pronouns, (who(m), which, that, whose), introduce relative clauses. А relative clause gives us
information about which particular person ог thing the speaker is referring to.
The girl y.,ho works in the bakery, is ту cousin.
relative clause
(Тhе relative clause tells us which girl we аге talking about.)
• We use who/that to refer to people.
The lady who lives next door has lots of pets.
• We use which/that to refer to things/objects ог animals.
/ saw а film which was extremely interesting.
• Who/Which/Тhat cannot Ье omitted when it is the subject of the relative clause.
She is the girl ,who lives in the High Street., / ат reading а book which is vегу boring.
1 1

• Who/Which/Тhat сап Ье omitted when it is the object of the relative clause, i.e. when there is а noun ог
personal pronoun between the relative pronoun and the verb.
/ spoke to а woman ,(who(m)Jthat) / had met before., This is the саг /which/that) he bought last weeki
• We use whose instead of possessive adjectives (ту, уоиг, his, etc.) with people, objects and animals to
show possession.
This is Mrs Thomas, whose daughter is а doctor.
• А relative pronoun is not used with another pronoun (1, you, me, him, etc.).
/ know the тап who � won first prize in the competition.

Note: • who's: who is or who has

Who's she? (= who is)
That's the lady who's got ап Alsatian dog. (= who has)
• whose: possessive
Не's the тап whose dog Ьit те.

Relotive Adverbs
Where, when, and why аге relative adverbs and сап introduce relative clauses.
• Where is used to refer to place usually after nouns like house, hotel, street, town, country, etc. lt сап Ье
replaced Ьу which/that + preposition. ln this case, which/that сап Ье omitted.
The hotel where we stayed was fantastic.
The hotel (which/that) we stayed at was fantastic.
• When is used to refer to time, usually after nouns like time, period, moment, day, summer, etc. lt сап
either Ье omitted ог replaced Ьу that.
/ гететЬег the day (when) ту son was Ьогп.
/ гететЬег the day that ту son was Ьот.
• Why is used to give reason, usually after the word reason. lt сап either Ье omitted or replaced Ьу that.
The reason (why) / can't соте to уоиг party is that /'т extremely tired.
The reason that / can't соте to уоиг party is that /'т extremely tired.

Relolive P1onouns - Relnlive Adve,ьs - Posilion ol P1eposшons in Relnlive Clnuses - Adve1l1s ol f1eцuency •

Posilion of Preoosilions in Relotive Clouses

Prepositions сап come either before relative pronouns or at the end of the relative clause. However, we
usually avoid using them before relative pronouns.
The сатрапу for which she warks sells computers. (farmal use)
The сотрапу which she works for sells computers. (informal - usual structure)
The сатрапу she works for sells computers. (everyday English)

Note: Who and that are not used after prepositions.

This is the girl with whom / played tennis. (formal)
This is the girl (who) / played tennis with. (informal)

Adverbs of Frequency
• Adverbs of frequency (always, usually, often, sometimes, гаге/у, se/dom, hardly ever, never, etc.) tell us
how often something happens. Adverbs of frequency answer the question How often ...?
"How often do уои watch quiz shows?" "/ sometimes watch quiz shows in the evening."
• Adverbs of frequency usually соте before the main verb but after the verb to Ье and auxiliary or modal
verbs such as do, сап, must, etc.
• The adverbs rarely, seldom, and never have а negative meaning and are never used with the word not.
Sam never goes cycling during the week. Not: Sam двvвr fieввr1't 9в cycling during the week.
• Adverbs of frequency always go before the auxiliary verb in short answers.
А: Оо уои listen to the radio?
В: Yes, / sometimes do.

Relotive Pronouns 2 Join the sentences using who or which, as ln the


1 FШ in the gaps using who, which or whose where 1 Nepal is а country. lt is situated in Asia.
necessary, as in the example. Nepal 1s а country which is situated in Asia.
2 The Vikings were warriors. They lived in
1 Сап you tel1 me who took the newspapers from Scandinavia.
the tаЫе?
2 The woman ................................. made the cake
З Elephants are mammals. They can eat about 225
is 80 years old.
kilos of grass in one day.
3 That is the girl ........................................ has just
sold her Ьike to me.
4 Alfred Hitchcock was а film director. Не made а
4 What do you think of the new teacher ............... .
started this year? lot of successful films.
5 John's the man ......................... саг broke down
last week. 5 Clare is an accountant. She works for my father.
6 Have you got any money ...................... you сап
lend те? 6 А Ьее is an insect. lt makes honey.
7 She's the woman ................ brother is а soldier.
8 1 lost the necklace ......................................... ту 7 Carl Lewis is an athlete. Не has won several gold
grandmother bought те for ту Ьirthday. medals.
9 When аге you going to move those boxes ........
are in the hall? 8 1 watched а documentary. lt was extremely
10 The man .................... owns that shop is retiring interesting.
next уеаг.

Relr11ive P1onouns - Reloli11 e Adve1l1s - Posi1io11 ol Preoosilio11s in Reloli11 e Cl1шses - Adve1l1s ol fщuency

3 Complete each definition using who or which 4 Join the sentences using who, which or whose,
and the following prompts, as in the example. as in the example.

• fix/our teeth • we/eat/in the summer 1 ВоЬ is а photographer. His studio is located in
• work/in space • live/in the sea the city centre.
• cut/people's hair ВоЬ ,s а photogгapher whose studio is located in
the city centre.
2 Anne works for а large firm. The firm produces

1 А dentist is someone who 3 Pamela is an animal lover. She fights for animal
fixes our tвeth. rights.

4 Aristotle was an ancient Greek philosopher. His

books are still widely read.

5 National Geographic is а magazine. lt sells

millions of copies all over the world.

6 Frank Sinatra was а famous singer. Не sang

2 Strawberries are fruit .............
many beautiful songs.

7 1 live in а village. lt is very peaceful and quiet.

8 That is the man. His son is а professional

basketball player.

1 5 Underline the correct word.

· · ·· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · I
3 А hairdresser is someone ..... /
1 She's the girl who's/whose got red hair.
2 That's the man who's/whose саг was stolen.
3 That's the Ьоу who's/whose mother is French.
4 That's the girl who's/whose name is Marie.
5 He's the man who's/whose famous for climblng
6 That's the woman who's/whose got а garden full
4 Dolphins are mammals ......... of exotic plants.

6 Choose the correct item.

f 1 The man ............ lives down the road is very rich.

А whom В who С which

��.��,r� ···� ;.·..·�.�.•.°."."..

) 2 ....................... саг is parked in front of our house?
А Whose В Which С Who's
з ........................ were you talking to on the phone?

А Whom В Which С Whose
4 1 saw а beautiful carpet ................... 1 want to buy.
А who В which С whose
5 Have you finished with the book .......... 1 lent you?
А who В who's С that

Rel11live Proпouns - Relпli e Mverl1s - Posilion ol Preposilions iп Rel111ive Cl1шses - Adverl1s ol freouency

6 That's the woman ..................... а schoof teacher. 8 Fill in the gaps with who, which or whose, then
А who's В whose С who choose the correct item to answer the questions.
7 The Ьоу ............ sits next to те at school has got 1 What is the пате of the ship .................. sank оп
three sisters. its first voyage?
А who's В that С whose А Titania В Titanic
8 She's the girl .................... is going to marry John.
А who В which С who's 2 What is the name of the longest river ..................
runs through South America?
9 Where are the eggs .................... 1 bought earlier?
А The Amazon В The Nile
А who В whose С which
10 This is the shop ................ was burgled last night. З What is the пате of the actress .................. was
А whom В which С who's very famous in the 1950's?
А Marilyn Monroe В Sharon Stone
7 First match the words in the fist to the pictures
and then use the prompts to make sentences
4 What is the name of the country in .................. the
with who or which, as in the example. Pyramids are situated?
hanger, artist, key, postman, washing machine, А Egypt В Morocco
5 What is the name of the actress ................. .
husband is Antonio Banderas?
А Melanie Griffith В Cameron Diaz

в 6 What is the пате of the man .................. invented

the telephone?
А Albert Einstein В Alexander Graham Bell

1 hang/clothes оп 2 fix/people's cars 7 What is the пате of the person .................. wrote
А hanger is something Romeo and Julien
which уои hang А Jules Verne В William Shakespeare
clothes оп.
8 What is the name of the city in .................. the Taj
Mahal is located?
А Agra В Atlanta
D 9 Link Column А with Column В using the correct
relative pronoun.

1 '
З open and lock/doors 4 deliver/the post
1 А lawnmower is а а lives in Hollywood.
2 Peter's brother is Ь you sit оп.
ап actor
3 А flight с father donated lots
attendant is а who of money to
person whose charity.
4 This is Jane ---,- d serves passengers
оп а plane.
5 wash/clothes in 6 paint/pictures 5 А sofa is а piece е cuts grass.
of furniture

• Rel11live Р1опоuпs - Relпtive Adve1hs - Posilion о! P1eposilions iп Relolive Clouses - Adve1!1s о! f1eцueпcv

Relolive Adverbs Posilion of Preposilions in Relolive Clouses

1 О Fill in the gaps with where, when or why, as in 12 Rewrite the sentences in as many ways as
the example. possiЫe, as in the example.
1 This is the neighbourhood ...where... 1 spent most
1 That's the house in which I grew up.
of ту childhood.
That's the house which / grew ир in.
2 The reason ..................... Jill can't соте to your
That's the house / grew ир in.
party is that she has to study for her exams.
That's the house where / grew ир.
З I remember the day ......................... Manchester
2 That's the island on which they discovered an
United won the European Cup Final.
ancient city.
4 The little corner shop .................... 1 used to buy
my groceries is now а huge supermarket.
5 What's the reason .............................. Joe didn't
З That's the woman for whom I worked.
соте to school today?
6 Tracy didn't realise that the restaurant .............. .
we ate last night was your father's.
4 That's the boat in which we sailed around the
7 Rachel didn't explain .......................... she didn't
attend the meeting.
8 Do you remember the time ..................... we got
lost up in the mountains?
5 That's the film in which Goldie Hawn stars.
11 Fill in the gaps with where, when or why.

6 That's the Ьоу with whom I had а fight.

7 This is the house in which my grandmother was


8 Mrs Cross is the woman for whom I babysit.

Adverbs of Freцuency
Dear Andrew,
1 З Put the adverbs of frequency in the correct
How аге you? The reason 1) .................... l'm / position, as in the example.
writing is to tell you some great news.
Remember 2) .................... you were here last year 1 We go out on Saturday evenings. (always)
and we went to that theatre 3) .................... 1 ran into We always go out оп Saturday evenings.
Sally, an old school friend of mine? Well. guess what? 2 The children eat junk food. (hardly ever)
We got married last month! We were in Paris on
holiday 4) ......................... we got married and that's ( З They have been abroad. (never)
5) .................. we didn't invite anyone. We've decided
to live in the town 6) .................... we both grew up 4 Do David and Sarah do their homework before
and we're looking forward to the day 7) .................... dinner? (always)
we can buy our own house. Anyway, we hope you
can соте and visit us 8) .................... you have time. 5 1 see my sister because she lives so far away.

------------------ J
Write back soon and tell me your news. (rarely)
Love, , 6 Emily cooks dinner for herself. (seldom)
_"'- Peter

Relпlive Р1опоuпs - Rel11tive Adve,ьs - Posilioп ol P1eposilions iп Rel11tive Clouses - Adve111s ol f1eпueпcv •

7 Does Тот do the housework оп Tuesday?

Кеу Word Tronsformofion
·············································································· 16 Complete each sentence with two to five words,
8 1 watch comedy films. (sometimes) including the word in bold.
·············································································· 1 The animals in the zoo are all endangered
Revision: Unifs 1 - 2 which The animals ............................................
.. .... ..... zoo are all endangered species.
2 That is the hospital I had my operation at.
Mulfiplе Choice where That is the hospital ................................ .
......................................... my operation.
14 Choose the correct item. З The restaurant she works in specialises in ltalian
1 Lily is а very caring person ....................... she which The restaurant ........................................
сап Ье а Ьit lazy at times. .................. specialises in ltalian cuisine.
А but В and С also 4 Adam is the man; his house was burgled.
whose Adam is .................................... burgled.
2 1 ....................... my grandparents tomorrow.
5 1 met а man. Не owns а successful business.
А seeing В 'm seeing С see
who I met а man ..................................................
3 That is the motorcycle .. .. .. .. ... ... .. .. .. .. . Larry ................................... successful business.
bought last month.
А which В who С whose Word Formofion
4 А: Do you play golf at the weekends?
В: Yes, 1 ....................... do. We сап also form adjectives from nouns Ьу adding
А seldom В never С often -ing, -ed or -less e.g. interest - interesting, talent -
5 John's parents ....................... оп а farm.
talented, саге - care/ess
А lives В live С living 17 Fill in the gaps with the correct words derived
6 The restaurant ....................... we ate last night from the words in bold.
was amazing.
А when В where С why Tom Hanks is а very 1) ........................ FAME /
actor and has starred in many popular

7 Caroline ....................... the dog at the moment.
С walks films, including Sleepless in Seattle and
А is walking В walk
8 This is Мг Капе ....................... wife is а deep-sea Although he is in his early forties, his
diver. 2) ............ ... ............... good looks make YOUTH
А which В who's С whose him appear younger than he is.
9 1 hate snakes ....................... 1 like lizards. Tom Hanks is а З) .............................. СНААМ
А but В as well as С and person who likes being around people.

10 1 ..................... of moving to the country. Не is also 4) .............................. and is СААЕ
А thinks В am thinking С think
not afraid to show his feelings for those
who are close to him. His love for his
Error Correcfion family is apparent when he talks about
ln his free time, Tom Hanks enjoys
15 Cross out the unnecessary word. doing many 5) .............................. things. INTEREST 1
Не is quite а 6) .............................. person REST
1 ls he the man who he has got а white Porsche? who likes to Ье busy all the time. For
2 This is the restaurant where we ate there last example, he loves writing scripts as well
Sunday. as directing films.
3 This is the shop whose its alarm went off last night. Не has many fans who admire him а

4 The flat where we stayed at was very small. lot because he is а 7) .............................. TALENT
We rarely not go to the cinema.
"Do you like my new hat?" "Yes, 1 do like." _____________________/
man who hasn't let success change him.

Posl Si11111le - P(1sl Conlinuous - Presenl Perlecl Si11111le - H(1ve uo11e (lo) - Hove l1ееп (lo) -
Presenl Perlecl Co11li11uous

Post Slmple: regulor verbs Time Expressions we use with the past simple:

yesterday, last night/week/year/Monday, etc., а

Affirmative t Negative month/two years/three years, etc., ago, in 1960, etc.
1 walked 1 didn't walk Princess Diana died in 1997.
You walked You didn't walk, etc.
Не walked
She walked 1nterrogative
Post Continuous
lt walked Affirmative Negative
Did I walk? J
We walked
You walked Oid you walk?. etc. 1 was walking 1 wasn't walking
They walked You were walking You weren't walking
Не was walking Не wasn't walking, etc.
Short answers She was walking
--- lnterrogative

Did 1/you/we, etc.

walk ... ?
< Yes, 1/you/we, etc. did.
No, 1/you/we, etc. didn't.
lt was walking
We were walking
You were walking
Was I walking?
Were you walking?
They were walking Was he walking? etc.
• We form the affirmative of most regular verbs Ьу Short answers
adding -ed to the verb.
/ return - / returned
• Some verbs have irregular affirmative torms. Was 1/he/she/it < Yes, 1/he/she/it was.

/ go - f went walking ...? No, 1/he/she/it wasn't.
(See list of irregular verbs at the back of the Were we/you/they Yes, we/you/they were.
book.) walking ...? No, we/you/they weren't.
Study these examples:
We use the past continuous:
I dance - I danced / drop - I dropped • for an action which was in progress at а stated
f tгу - I tried f cancel - f cancefled time in the past. We do not know when the
f play - f played action started or finished.
At 9 o'cfock fast night we were watching ТV.
Use • for а past action which was in progress when
We use the past simple for: another action interrupted it. We use the past
• actions which happened or finished at а definite continuous for the action in progress (longer
or stated time in the past. action) and the past simple for the action which
We left the house at 7.30 рт. interrupted it (shorter action).
• actions which happened repeatedly in the past She was cooking dinner when the doorbeff
but do not happen any more. ln this case, we rang.
can use adverbs of frequency (always, often, • for two or more actions which were happening
usually, etc.). at the same time in the past (simultaneous
Не often watched tootba/1 matches with his actions).
brother when he was а teenager (Ьиt he doesn 't David was reading the newspaper while Саг/а
апу то ге). was watching ТV.
• actions which happened immediately one after • to give background information in а story and to
the other in the past. set the scene.
First, he opened the window. Then, he /ooked The snow was falling heavify as Магу was
down the street and saw а strange Ыасk саг. walking in the park.

Pnsl Siп1ole - Pr1s1 Coпlinuous - P1esen1 Pe1lec1 Siп10le - Hove gone OoJ - Hove /1ееп 110) - Prese,11 Perlecl Coпli1шous lr--

r ,
�,r Time Expressions we use with the past continuous: • personal experiences or changes.
ВоЬ has put оп weight.
when, while, as, all day/night/morning, etc.,
Note: when/while/as + past continuous (longer
action) when + past simple (shorter action) Hove попе (lo) - Hove Ьееп Оо)
Present Perlect Simple The verb go has got two present perfect forms: have

gone and have been.

1 Negative
Study the examples to see the difference in meaning.
1 have walked 1 haven't walked
She has gone to Austria. (She is still in Austria; she
You have walked You haven't walked
Не has walked Не hasn't walked, etc. hasn't соте back yet.)
She has Ьееп to Austria twice this уеаг. (She has
She has walked
lnterrogative visited Austria, but she has returned.)
lt has walked
We have walked Have I walked?
Time Expressions we use with the present perfect
You have walked Have you walked?
They have walked Has he walked? etc. simple:

Short answers
since, for, just, already, yet, lately, recently, so
1 Have 1/you/we/they Yes, 1/you/we/they have. far, ever, never, etc.
walked ...? < No, 1/you/we/they • So far she has baked three cakes.
haven't. • Have уои ever Ьееп to Madrid?

Has he/she/it
walked ... ?
Yes, he/she/it has.
No, he/she/it hasn't.
• We have never seen а Ыие whale.

_________________....,1 since (= from а starting point in the past)

since 1990, since last Friday, etc.
for (= over а period of time)
• We form the present perfect simple with for two years, for nine months, etc.
have/has and the past participle of the main Just and already are used in affirmative sentences.
verb. Не has a/ready washed the саг.
John has broken the vase in the living гоот. They have just arrived.
• We form the past participle of regular verbs Ьу
adding -ed to the verb. Yet is used in questions and negations.
с/еап - cleaned Have уои called а taxi yet?
• We form the past participle of irregular verbs She hasn't finished yet.
differently. Ьиу- bought, write - written (See list
of irregular verbs at the back of the book.) Present Perfect Continuous
We use the present perfect simple for:
• а recent action which happened at an unstated

l've been walking

1 Negative

1 haven't been walking

time in the past. You've been walking You haven't been walking
DebЬie has just moved into а new house. He's been walking Не hasn't Ьееn walking, etc.

• an action which started in the past and is still She's been walking
continuing in the present. lnterrogative
lt's been walking
They have Ьееп teachers since 1987. We've been walking Have I been walking?
• an action which has recently finished and whose You've been walking Have you been walking?
results are visiЫe in the present. They've been walking Has he been walking? etc.
The chocolate cake he has made is оп the tаЬ/е.

P[lsl Sin1ule - Posl Conlinuous - Prese111 Perlecl Sinщle - Нпvе uone (loJ - Hove IJeen Оо) - Presenl Perlecl Co111inuous

Short answers
We use the present perfect continuous
• to put emphasis оп the duration of an action Have 1/you/we/they Yes, 1/you/we/they have. 1
which started in the past and continues in the been walking ...? < No, 1/you/we/they haven't.
Has he/she/it been Yes, he/she/it has.
< No, he/she/it hasn't.
They have Ьееп working in the garden for two
hours. walking ... ?
• for an action which started in the past and lasted
for some time. The action may have finished or Time Expressions we use with the present perfect
may still Ье going оп. The result of the action is continuous:
visiЫe in the present.
Магу has а stomach ache. She has Ьееп eating for, since, lately, all morning/week, etc.
chocolate а// morning. • Не hasn't Ьееп feeling we/1 /ately.
• / have Ьееп cleanin g the house а// morning.

Post Simple - Post Conlinuous 2 А:

Where did Sally go yesterday afternoon?
She 1) .................................. (go) to hospital.
А: Why?
1 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of В: She 2) ............................. (slip) оп а banana
the past simple. Which use of the past simple skin and З) ........................... (break) her leg.
does each sentence show? 3 А: 1) .................................................... (ВоЬ and
Sue/be) at Jeff's party last night?
В: No, 1 2) ........................................... (not/see)
1 Michael ............................... (watch) а great film them, but Jim З) .................................... (tel1)
last night. me later that they 4) .......................... (Ье) on
2 Tom .............................................. (come) home holiday.
late, .......................................... (eat) а sandwich
and .................................................. (go) to bed.
3 1 always ............................. (enjoy) reading fairy З А policeman is asking а witness about ап accident
tales when I was young. he saw. Put the verbs in brackets into the past
4 Mrs Smith ..................................... (arrive) at the simple or the past continuous, as in the example.
office, ............................ (turn оп) the computer
and ............................................... (start) typing. Р: Where 1) ...were ... (Ье) you when you 2) ...............
5 ....................................... (you/study) hard when (see) the accident, Sir?
you were at university? W: 1 3) ............................................................ (stand)
6 Му father ............................................. (not/fight) оп the corner of Jameson Street.
in the Second World War. Р: What exactly 4) ................................... (happen)?
7 Forty years ago, my grandmother ...................... W: Well, а Ьоу 5) .............................................. (ride)
(walk) two kilometres to school every day. his Ьicycle along the road towards the traffic lights
8 Last year, Tom ............................ (give) his wife when suddenly а саг 6) .........................................
а new саг for her Ьirthday. (drive) quickly around the corner. The driver
7) ............................................. (lose) control and
2 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of 8) ..................................................... (hit) the Ьоу.
the past simple, as in the example. Р: 9) ........................................................ (boy/cycle)
1 А: What 1) ... did уои do ... (you/do) last weekend? W: No, not at all.
В: 1 2) .............................. (spend) the weekend Р: 10) .......................................... (anyone else/see)
camping in the mountains. the accident?
А: Really! 3) .................. (Ье) the weather nice? W: No, 1 don't think so.
В: No, it 4) ............................... (rain) every day. Р: Thank you very much for your help, Sir.

Pos1 Sinщle - P11s1 Conlinuous - P1esen1 Pe1lec1 Siniole - Hove gone (loJ - Hove l1een OoJ - P1esen1 Pe1lec1 Conlinuous

4 The fire alarm went off at the Royal Hotel last night. Look at the picture and put the verbs in the list into the
past continuous to describe what each person was doing, as in the example.
рау, read, carry, talk

1 When the fire '-i

a/arm went o Mrs Э А: ........................................................ (you/see)
rвading ... а boo ff Brown ... was
k Carl lately?
2 А тап - ........
З Two m�� ............................... В: No, 1 ................................................ (not/see)
оп the p
4 А port · · · ··...· ··..· ·....···· · ....······ ...... t hon
..· .... e. him since Christmas.
er ....··..........· ......... heir Ьi/1.
..........· some suit 4 А: ....................................................... (Mike/ride)
cases. а motorcycle before?
В: No, he hasn't.
5 А: Mum ...................................... (already/cook)
5 Underline the correct form of the verb. dinner, hasn't she?
В: No, she ......................................... (not/start)
cooking it yet.
1 Не slept/was sleeping at 10 o'clock this morning. 6 А: Сап I have а piece of cake?
2 We all went/were going out last night. В: Sorry, Sue ...................................................... .
З I ate/was eating breakfast when the phone (just/have) the last piece.
rang/was ringing.
4 1 took/was taking some really great photos when
1 was/was being in California.
Hove попе (lo) - Hove Ьееп (lo)
5 She had/was having lunch with her fiance when 7 Fill in the gaps with havefhas gone or havefhas
he gave/was giving her an expensive ring as а Ьееп.
Ьirthday present.
6 Не met/was meeting Магу yesterday. 1 Mum .................................... to the supermarket.
She'II Ье home soon.
2 .................... you ever ................... to the opera?
Present Pertect Simple э Му sister ............................... to the cinema. She
left an hour ago.
б Put the verbs in brackets into the present perfect 4 We ....................................... to Paris twice so far
simple. this year but we want to go again soon.
5 Му brother .................... never ........................ to
1 А: Why don't you stay at home and finish your an art gallery.
homework? 6 Не ................................ to school. Не should Ье
В: 1 ....................................................................... home Ьу 4.00.
(already/finish) it. 7 Peter .................... just .............................. to the
2 А: How long ...................................................... .. corner shop. He'II Ье back in а minute.
(they/know) each other? 8 James ........................... to Manchester for а few
В: For more than ten years. days on а business trip. He's returning tomorrow.

P!1SI Siп111le - Posl Coпliпuous - Р1еsеп1 Pe1fec1 Siniole - Hove gопе 001 - Hfl\1 e l1ееп 001 - Р1еsеп1 Pe1lec1 Coпliпuous

Presenl Perfect Continuous Post Simple - Posl Continuous - Present Perfecl

8 Fill in the gaps with the present perfect
Simple - Present Pertecl Continuous
continuous form of the verbs in the list below, as
in the example. 10 Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple,
past continuous, present perfect simple or
talk, wait, work, ride
present perfect continuous.

1 А: Why is Carol tired?

I В: She ..................................................... (clean)
the house all morning.
) 2 " ......................................... (you/see) my watch?

it since yesterday."
1 ........................................................... (look for)

З А: ...................................................... (you/have)
1 She's Ьогеd. Нег 2 He's happy. Не ....... а good time last night?
mum . . .has Ьвеп В: Yes, the рагtу ............................... (Ье) great.
talking... on the his new Ьike all day.
phone fог an hour. all morning?
4 А: ..................................................... (you/cook)

В: No, 1 ............................................ (just/start).

5 А: Where .......................................... (you/be)? 1
.................................. (call) you all afternoon.
В: 1 ............................... (work) in the basement
and 1 ........................... (not/hear) the phone.
А: What ...................................... (you/do) when
the storm ......................................... (begln)?

В: 1 ............................................. (drive) to work.

З She is tired. She ..... 4 He's worried. Не ..... 7 А: Where's Dad?
....................... since ........................... fог В: Не is in the garage. Не ..................................
7.00 this morning. an important phone (repair) the саг all morning.
call fог an hour. А: .................................................... (you/finish)
1 packing your suitcase yet?

В: Almost. How about you?


9 Underline the correct word(s).

1 А: ls Bill still having lunch?

В: No, he has just/yet finished.
Revision: Unils 1 - з
2 Mum was cooking dinner since/while Dad was
washing the саг.
З We first met almost thirty уеагs ago/for.
Mulfiple Choice
4 l'm so tired. 1 haven't slept ргорегlу so far/for
а week.
11 Choose the correct item.

5 We have already/ever been to Australia so we 1 Cindy ............... the рагtу at midnight.

аге going to Africa this summer. А was leaving В has left С left
Jane's never/lately been skiing Ьеfоге.
7 2 The саг ............... has а flat tуге is mine.
Ed has lived in Poland when/since 1992.
С who
А whose В which
8 We've been vегу lucky that it hasn't snowed
while/yet this winter. З Donna ............... working vегу hard lately.
That's the most beautiful necklace l've ever/yet А has Ьееп В was С have been
seen. 4 The reason ............... 1 can't buy а new Ьicycle is

А: Have you seen Debble ago/lately? that I haven't got any money.
В: No, she has gone to Brazil. А why В which С fог

P[ls\ Sinщle - Pпsl Conlinuous - Presenl Perlecl Sin10le - Нпvе попе (lo) - Hove 11een 001 - Presenl Perlecl Conlinuous

5 The boys were playing basketball while their 1 Не hasn't fixed the washing machine yet.
father ............... the lawn. still Не ........................................................
А was mowing В has mowed С mows ............................... washing machine.
6 Lesley is an energetic person. ............... , she сап 2 lt's а long time since the band toured Europe.
Ье а Ьit arrogant at times. for The band ............................................ .
А Also В As we/1 С However .......................................... а long time.
З John started cooking two hours ago.
7 А: Do you read newspapers? has John .....................................................
В: No, 1 ............... do. ...................................... for two hours.
А usually В often С never 4 She has never been to Paris before.
8 This is the village ............... 1 grew up. first lt's the ..................................................
А which В where С what ................................................ to Paris.
9 He's been living in the same flat ..... twenty years. 5 How long ago did you meet her?
А just В for С since since How long is it .......................................
...................................................... her?
10 1 ............... Rachel for dinner later tonight.
А am seeing В saw С have seen
Word Formotion
Error Correclion
We use the following suffixes to form adjectives from
12 Cross out the unnecessary word.
1 This is Alison whose son he is studying at Oxford -аЫе e.g. love - loveaЬ/e
University. -ive e.g. impress - impressive
2 Have they Ьееп taken the dog for а walk?
З The Cooks are being looking for а new house at 14 Fill in the gaps with the correct words derived
the moment.
from the words in bold.
4 The man for whom that he works is German.
5 The play has started ап hour ago.
6 When was the last time you have visited your ,. .. ;
parents? Dear Philip,
7 Has Angie left for the airport since?
8 1 haven't talked to him since he has left school. 1 am just writing to tell you what а
1) ................ holiday we had. We went оп MARVEL
Кеу Word Tronsformolion а camping holiday to the South of France
and the weather was 2) .................. ....... . WO NDER
The tent we stayed in was very
13 Study the tаЫе, then complete each sentence 3) ..... .. ..... ..... ..... .... .... .... ... . lt had а COMFORT
with two to five words, including the word in cooker, а fridge and а ТV. We were in the
bold. heart of the French countryside and
some of the views were great. The
• They started cleaning an hour ago. campsite itself was 4) ........................... . IMPRESS
have They have been cleaning for ап hour. lt was well 5) ........................ and the ORGANISE
• How long is it since you went abroad? staff were very 6) ...... ................ . HELP
ago How long ago did you go abroad? Тhere was lots to do and, although l'm
• She hasn't called yet. not а very 7) ......................... person, 1 АСТ
still She still hasn't called. enjoyed swimming and playing tennis. AII
• Не has never flown in а he/icopter before. in all, it was а very 8) ......................... ENJOY
time lt's the first time he has flown in а holiday. You should go if you get the
helicopter. chance. 1 сап send you the brochure if you
• lt's а long time since he worked overtime. like.
for Не hasn't worked overtime for а Jong Love from
time. L.inda

The Oelinile дrlicle Т/1е- Cl(JUses ol Resull: So/Such (oton)

The Deflnlte Ar11cle 'Тhе' • with titles when the name of the person is not
mentioned (the President, the Prince but:
• The definite ar1icle the is used with both Prince Charles).
countaЫe and uncountaЫe nouns. jwe do not use the with:j
the egg (с), the air (u) • uncountaЫe and plural countaЫe nouns
when we talk about something in general.
Pronunclatlon Koalas /ive in Australia.
The is pronounced: • proper nouns This is Аппа.
• /o'r./ before words which begin with а vowel • names of countries (Brazil) (but: The
sound: the office Netherlands), cities (Glasgow), streets (Oxford
• /оа/ before words which begin with а consonant Street but: The High Street), parks (Hyde Park),
sound: the Nile bridges (London Bridge), continents (Еигоре),
squares (Leicester Square), stations (Charing
Use Cross Station), islands (Ahodes), lakes (Lake
!We use the:j Geneva), etc.
• two-word names when the first is the name of а
• to talk about something specific, that is, person or place. (Heathrow Airport)
something we have mentioned before or which • names of meals (dinner), sports/games (tennis,
is a\ready known. chess), months (July), celebrations (Mardi
Joe bought а house оп Кing Street. The house is Gras), colours (red), drinks (coffee) and
very Ьig and the street is quiet. (Which house? languages when they are not followed Ьу the
The опе Joe bought. Which street? Кing Street.) word language.
• with nouns which are unique (the sun, the тооп) ! speak Portuguese. but: The Portuguese
• with the names of rivers (the Amazon), seas language is spoken in Brazil.
(the Mediterranean), oceans (the Atlantic), • the words school, college, church, bed, court,
mountain ranges (the Andes), deserts (the hospital, prison, university, home, etc. when
Sahara), groups of islands (the Virgin lslands) we reter to the purpose for which they exist.
and countries when they include words such Jim 's in hospital. (as а patient)
as state, kingdom, гериЫiс, etc. (the United We went to the hospital to visit Jim.
• the words this/that/these/those
• with the names of musical instruments (the (this Ьоу, those trees) NOT: #te- this Ьоу
• possessive adjectives or the possessive case
guitar) and dances (the waltz), etc.
• with the names of museums (the National That isn't ту house - it's Sue's.
• means of transport (Ьу bus/train, etc.)
Museum), hotels (the Hilton), theatres/cinemas
(the Royal Theatre), newspapers (The Guardian), Аге уои trave/ling to Paris Ьу train?
• with nationalities (the French) and names of Clouses ot Result: So/Such (о/оп)
families (the Browns), etc.
• with historica\ periods/events (the /гоп Age, Clauses of result are used to express the result
the Second World War but: World War //), etc. of something. They are introduced with:
• with the words morning, afternoon, station, !so/such (а) ... (that), etc.j
city, village, etc.
Не gets ир at 6 o'c/ock in the morning. !We use so:j
They drove into the city. • with adjectives and adverbs.
• with adjectives used as nouns to refer t<:> а group The restaurant is so popular (that) уои have to
of people e.g. the роог, the Ыind, the sick, etc. book а tаЬ/е а week in advance.
She a/ways he/ps the роог. lt was snowing so heavi/y (that) / couldn't see
• with оп/у, /ast, first used as adjectives and with where / was going.
the superlative degree of adjectives/adverbs. • with much/little + uncountaЫe nouns and
Не was the first person to /eave. many/few + countaЫe nouns in the plural.
She is the most intelligent person / know. There was so much noise (that) / couldn't study.

lhe Oelinile Ar licle fhe - Clnuses ol Resull: So Such 1n ·nn ! •

There was so little space for ту саг (that) / !We use such before:!
couldn't park n.
• a(n) + adjective + singular countaЫe noun.
There wеге so тапу books to read (that) / didn't
know where to start. lt was such а funny story (that) everyone
There were so few hotels in the village (that) we laughed.
• adjective + plural noun/uncountaЫe noun.
had to go somewhere e/se.
lt was such bad news (that) she started crying.
• before an adjective which is not followed Ьу а • а lot of + plural noun/uncountaЫe noun.
noun. There was such а lot of snow (that) we couldn't
The саг was so expensive (that) / decided not get out of the house.
to Ьиу it.

The Oeflnile Article The 2 Underline the correct word(s).

1 Fill in the where necessary. 1 Chris went diving in Red Sea/the Red Sea.
2 The Taj Mahal/Тaj Mahal is in lndia.
з During their trip to New York, John and Магу plan
1 ............... Ganges is а river which runs through to visit the Museum of Modern Art/Museum of
lndia. Modern Art.
2 1 would love to meet ............... John in person. 4 Woody Allen is а famous film director who also
3 She went to France Ьу ............... train. plays saxophone/the saxophone.
4 Jack's mother is in ............... France оп holiday. 5 1 have booked а seat on а flight which leaves at 8
5 Could you show me the way to ............... Victoria o'clock in the evening/evening.
Park, please? 6 Geraldine speaks the Japanese/Japanese
6 1 сап meet you outside ............... Hilton Hotel fluently.
tonight at nine o'clock. 7 ln а few weeks, Grays/the Grays are planning to
7 Where is ............... Kalahari Oesert? move to the seaside.
8 ............... leopards live in the jungle. 8 She stayed out in sun/the sun too long.
9 Не is reading а book about ............... World War 1. 9 According to the latest press reports, the Prime
10 Have you ever seen ............... Great Wall of Minister/Prime Minister is going to resign.
China? 10 They had а guide with them when they climbed
11 Let's meet in ............... Macey's Restaurant. Himalayas/the Himalayas.
12 Не buys ............... Observer every morning. 11 l'm extremely tired. The only thing I want is to go
13 They drove to ........... north of ............. England. to the bed/bed.
14 Сап you please tel1 me .............. way to .............
12 Sam and Pat played chess/the chess for hours
nearest hospital? yesterday afternoon.
13 Life in Ьig cities сап Ье very difficult for elderly/
15 Oid you visit ................. Acropolis when you were
the elderly.
in ............... Athens?
14 Did you remember to go to supermarket/the
16 People from ............... United Kingdom аге not
supermarket on your way home?
............... only people who speak .................. 15 Did you рау much for computer/the computer
English language. you bought?
17 А: Where аге ............... boys? 16 We always eat dinner/the dinner at seven
В: They're playing ............... football оп ............... o'clock.
beach. 17 James is always first/the first person to arrive at
18 1 never drive to ............... office. 1 always go on а party.
............... foot. 18 Let me introduce you to the Walter/Walter.
19 Which city in ..... .......... England is ............... 19 Му greatest dream is to travel across the South
Tower Bridge located in? America/South America.
20 ............... Мау is my favourite month of ............... 20 We spent three weeks at Hyatt/Тhe Hyatt. The
year. service was excellent.

The Oelini1e A1licle The- Clпuses ol Resull: So Such (11 11n)

3 Fill in the where necessary.

So/Such (o/on)
5 Fill in the gaps with so, such or such а(п).

1 She runs ............... fast that she will surely win the
2 Chris is .......................... generous person that he
is always giving his friends gifts.
З The music at the party next door was ...............
loud that I couldn't sleep.
4 How сап you swim in ............... cold water?
5 We had ......................... great time when we were
1 А: Have you ever been to 1) ............... Louvre in in DuЫin that we want to go again.
Paris? 6 There was ............... much noise in the room 1
В: Yes, but I didn't really like 2) ............... glass found it impossiЫe to concentrate.
pyramid! 7 There were ............... few people at the meeting
А: That's called З) ............... modern art. we had to cancel it.
В: Ah, 4) ............... Mona Lisa is more my style. 1 8 She studies ............... little that it's amazing she
passes her exams.
2 А: Did you see 1) ............... President оп 9 He's ............. .. arrogant person that he never
television last week? admits that he is wrong.
В: Yes. 2) .................. speech he made was 10 Have you ever seen ............. polite children before?
А: And they say he is going to З) ............... United
Kingdom оп а visit next month.
6 Complete each sentence with two to five words,

В: Really? That's interesting.

including the word in bold.

1 The weather was so hot that we couldn't sleep at

З А: What а great саг! night.
В: Thanks. 1 bought it 1) ............... yesterday. lt was .. .such hot weather (that)... we
А: What did you do with 2) ............... old one? couldn't sleep at night.

В: 1 sold it to а friend. 2 lt was such а lovely holiday resort that we wanted

to stay а Ьit longer.
4 А: Have you finished reading 1) ............. book 1 so The holiday resort was .........................
lent you? .............................. to stay а Ьit longer.
В: l'm оп 2) ............... last chapter. З The dress was so small that it didn't fit me.
А: What did you think of З) ............... story? lt was ....................................................
В: 1 liked it, but I prefer 4) ............... romances. ............................... that it didn't fit me.

4 lt was such а funny film that we couldn't stop

4 Read the following text and put а tick (./) for laughing.
so The film .................................................
................... we couldn't stop laughing.
every correct use of the and а cross (Х) for every

5 That woman is so rich that she сап afford to buy

incorrect use of it.

1 The last month was а very exciting month. herself an aeroplane.

2 Му husband and I went to the Paris She's .....................................................
З for our fifth anniversary. The hotel ............... she сап afford to buy herself

4 we stayed at was located оп the south an aeroplane.

5 bank of the Seine. We had а fantastic view 6 lt was such а cold room that we kept our coats оп.
6 of the city from our balcony. We visited so The room was .......................................
7 the Notre Dame and took pictures ........................................ our coats оп.
8 of the Galleries Lafayette. We also tasted 7 The house was so old that the Greens decided to
9 some delicious the French cuisine and look for another one.
10 danced the night away at one of lt was ...............................................the
11 the France's famous nightclubs. Greens decided to look for another one.

The Oelinile Arlicle The- Clouses ol Resull: So Sucl1 (11 '[IПJ

Revision: Unils 1 - 4 Кеу Word Tronsformolion

9 Complete each sentence with two to five words,
Multiple Choice including the word in bold.
7 Choose the correct item. 1 lt's the first time Frank has driven а саг.
never Frank ....................................................
1 ............... саг is that parked in front of the gate?
........................................ а саг before.
А Who В Whose С Where 2 John started taking French lessons five years ago.
2 He's ............... late for school. Не finds it hard to been John .....................................................
wake up. ....................................... for five years.
А hardly В always С seldom 3 How long ago did you live in Venezuela?
since How long is it .......................................
3 lt's а waste of time trying to talk him out of it. Не ...................................... in Venezuela?
never ............... to апуопе. 4 Paula hasn't соте home from the cinema yet.
А listens В listening С listened still Paula ....................................................
4 Kevin ............... his homework when someone ................................. from the cinema.
knocked оп the door. 5 lt was such а good film that l'm going to see it
А was doing В does С did again tonight.
so The film ................................................
5 Yesterday, we ............... at ап excellent Chinese l'm going to see it again tonight.
А have dined В are dining С dined Word Formolion
6 Магу ............... to her ballet lesson yesterday
because she was ill. 10 Fill in the gaps with the correct words derived
А didn't go В hasn't gone С wasn't going from the words in bold.
7 He's Ьееп doing the same job ............... he was
twenty years old.
А since В for С before
8 1 ............... the train to Prague tomorrow.
А am catching В was catching С caught
9 ВоЬ was trying to open the front door ...............
the police arrived.
А while В which С when
10 Ron has already ............... the balcony.
А clean В cleaned С cleaning

Error Correcfion
8 Cross out the unnecessary word. lndia is опе of the largest and most
1) ................ countries in the world. Apart WONDER /

1 Не is travelling to Manchester Ьу the train.
2 1 saw the man who he lives upstairs. from its 2) ..................... cultural and FANTASY
3 The Rome is the capital of ltaly. linguistic variety, it's also known for its
4 While Melanie was studying in her room and she food which is extremely 3) ............ . lts TASTE
heard а strange noise. most famous dish is curry. There are hot
5 lt was such а nice weather that we went to the and 4) ............... curries as well as sweet SPICE
beach. and mild ones. With its magnificent /
temples, its long 5) .................. beaches
--- ------------------
6 We went to England for two years ago. SAND
7 The Мау is my favourite month. and its unique cuisine, lndia is а truly
8 lt was such а good news that she couldn't believe 6) ................ country well worth visiting. DELIGHT
it. ,.-___,

Used 10 - li nk i11g �/ orrls

Used to Llnklng Words

Used to is used to talk about past hablts or • То introduce actions that happened or were
things that do not happen any more. lt has the happening in the past when another action was
same form in all persons, singular and plural and taking place we сап use: when, while, as, etc.
it is followed Ьу the infinitive. She was typing а letter when hег boss cal/ed hег
Кагеп used to eat а lot of sweets. (She doesn't into his office.
eat а lot of sweets апу тоге.) Тот was listening to the radio while his mother
We form questions and negations with the was watching ТV.
auxiliary verb did/did not (didn't), the subject • То introduce cause/reason or effect/result we
and the verb "use" without -d. сап use as, because, so, etc.
Did Кагеп use to eat а lot of sweets? She didn't go to the party because she was tired.
Кагеп didn't use to eat а lot of sweets. Katie was practising hard as she wanted to do
То talk about past haЬits that do not happen any we/1 in the tennis tournament.
longer we сап use the past simple instead of / was thirsty so / drank а g/ass ot water.
"used to" with no difference in meaning.
Не used to ride а тоtогсус/е.
ALSO: Не rode а тоtогсус/е.

Used 10
1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
2 Don -

l've got а motorcycle now.


...Не didn't use to have а motorcycle.....

used to and the verbs in brackets, as in the З Janet - l live on а boat now.

example. ________,___)

1 Sandra used to live... (live) in Rome, but now
she lives in Paris. 4 Adam - 1 haven't got а beard now. /
2 The Krafts .......................................... (not/have)
any pets, but now they have four dogs. )
з Dave ........................................ (wear) jeans and
T-shirts when he was younger, but now he wears
suits. 5 Lou - 1 grow my own vegetaЫes now.
4 ....................................... (you/go) to the cinema
every week when you were а child?
5 We .............................................. (eat) meat, but
now we only eat vegetaЫes.
6 Kate - 1 don 't watch 1V every day any mo)
6 George ................................................. (Ье) lazy
when he was а child, but now he's very energetic.

2 Rewrite each person's comments using used to 7 Peter - 1 go to the theatre once а week now.)
or didn't use to, as in the examples. .)

1 Deborah - 1 don't work in а clothes shop any more;

8 Anne - 1 know how to use а computer no
...She used to work in а clothes shop....

Used 10 - Ш1kinu \'/011ls

tinking Words Posl Simple vs Posl Continuous

6 Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or
the past continuous, as in the example. Which is
the longer action in each sentence?

3 Join the sentences below using when, while, so

or as/because, as in the example.

1 They were having а lt started to snow. 1 As we . . .were surfing ... (surf) the lnternet we
lunch. ...found... (find) а website about horoscopes.
2 Emily w_a_s _hav-
- i ng_
- a_, Ь I took а taxi to work. ...surfing the lnternet is the longer action ...
bath. L 2 Ed .......................................... (leave) the house
с They were hungry.
з I woke up late. when he .......................... (hear) the phone r ing.
4 We were walking in d Peter was making з They ....................... (see) а little Ьоу run into an
the park. dinner. abandoned building as they ................... (drive)
down the deserted street.
4 lt ............................. (start) to rain as we ............
...They were having lunch because/as they were ......................................... (wait) at the bus stop.
hungry.... 5 Sarah ........................................... (write) а letter
2 ....................... , ...................................................... when the lights ............................... (go out).
3 6 Му brother ................................................. (tidy)
4 .............................................................................. hi s room when he ..................................... (find)
4 Underline the correct word. his old toys.
7 Judy ................................. (cycle) to work when
1 When/While d i d he arr i ve? suddenly her Ьike ..................... (get) а flat tyre.
2 Because/As Susan was paint i ng the fence, she
tripped over the dog. 7 Look at the pictures, then put the verbs in
З Harry was tired, because/so he went to bed early. brackets into the past simple or the past
4 What were they doing when/so the burglar broke continuous, as in the example.
into their house?
5 While/When you were reading the paper, 1 was
cooking dinner.
6 Alice couldn't fi x the dishwasher Ьу herself, so/as
she called а repa i rman.

5 Complete the sentences using so or because.

We overslept ................. ........ .. the alarm clock

didn't go off.
2 l'm really tired .......................... 1 stayed up late 1 Тed .. .was s/eeping ... 2 As Kelly ....................
last night. (sleep) when h i s (leave) for the school
3 The library was closed, ........................... we went father .. Jeft ... (leave) tr i p, her mother ..........
to the bookshop instead. for work. ............... (give) her а
4 1 was bored ........................... 1 had noth ing to do. lunch Ьох to take with
5 Jean was hungry, ........................... she made her.
herself а sandwich. __________,.,.,__________....г-

Use(I 10 - linki11g \'/oнls

�-·--- 9 Use the prompts below to ask and answer

questions, as in the example.

3 They ....................... 4 They .......................

............... (practise) (write) оп the board
for their concert when the teacher .....
when their mother .............. (come) in.
....................... (call)
them to have lunch.

1 The library caught fire.

• read book/on first floor
• run to/emergency exit
А: ... What were уои domg when the library caught
fire? ...
5 Carol ....................... 6 Marcus ...................
(put) the shopping ............. (work) оп В: .../ was reading а book оп the first floor....
into the саг when his laptop when the А: ... What dld уои do?...
David ....................... phone ..................... В: .../ гап to the emergency exit....
(see) her. (ring). 2 The саг crashed.
• walk down/street
8 Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or
• call/police
the past continuous, as in the example. 3 The film star arrived.
• wait/in the queue
А When Alison 1) ... arrived ... (arrive) home she
2) .......................... (take off) her wet shoes and • ask for/autograph
3) .......................... (hang) up her coat. Outside, 4 The earthquake hit.
the wind 4) .......................... (Ыоw) wildly and the • sleep/in my bed
windows 5) ........................................... (rattle). • dive under/the taьte
She 6) .......................... (walk) into the kitchen,
7) ................... (feed) the cat and 8) ................ ..
(Ье) just about to make herself а sandwich when
she 9) .......................... (hear) someone whisper
Revision: Units 1 - 5
her name.
В We 1) ........................................... (have) dinner Multiple Choice
when the doorbell 2) .................. (ring). Му father
3) ............................ (get up) and 4) ..................... 10 Choose the correct item.
(open) the door. А man 5) ......................... .
(come) rushing in. "l'm sorry to bother you," he 1 That's the woman ............ husband is а musician.
said, "but my wife and 1 6) .................................. А who В who's С whose
(drive) along the road when we 7) ...................
(have) ап accident. There 8) .......................... 2 ............... Alice go to the rock concert оп
(Ье) по опе to help us so 1 9) .......................... Saturday night?
(соте) here." А Did В Do С Does

Used 10 · linking V/01ds

з Where is ............... Amazon Rainforest Jocated? 1 We haven't had а barbecue for three years.
А an В the С - had The fast time ........................................
........................... was three years ago.
4 lt was ............... lovefy day that we ate in the 2 How fong is it since she puЫished her first book?
garden. ago How ......................................................
А such В so С such а ..................................... her first book?
З ft was such an expensive watch that I couldn't
5 The shop ............... 1 bought my jacket is in the buy it.
city centre. too The watch ................................ to buy.
А when В that С where 4 How long ago did she leave for Japan?
left How fong is it .......................................
6 The sun ............... brightfy as Steve walked to
............................................ for Japan?
5 The Jast time I saw Moffy was at Bob's Ьirthday
А was shining В is shining С shine
7 Have you ............... been to Thailand? seen 1 •......••.•..•....•••..•••.......••...•................•....
А lately В yet С ever ........................... Bob's Ьirthday party.
6 The house is too smaff for us to five in.
8 Sue is а caring person ............... she tends to Ье such lt is .......................................................
а Ьit rude at times. ................................. we can't five in it.
А but В and С a/so
Word formotion
frror Correction
11 Cross out the unnecessary word. We usual/y form adverbs Ьу adding · /у to the
quick · quick/y
1 That's the man whose his sister is а singer.
Adjectives ending in consonant + у drop the -у
2 Jane she looked out of the window. and take -ily. easy - easily
з The sun was shining and the Ьirds were singing Adjectives ending in -1 take -/у.
too. careful - carefully
4 What is the name of the man who he discovered Adjectives ending in -ic usuaf/y take -al/y.
America? specific - specifically
5 Не was hungry so that he made а sandwich. Adjectives ending in -fe drop the -е and take -у.
ргоЬаЫе - ргоЬаЬ/у
6 The Nife is in the Egypt. Adjectives ending in -е take -/у.
7 The hotef in where we stayed was fabu/ous. polite - politely But: true - tru/y
8 She doesn't speak the Spanish.
13 Fill in the gaps with the correct words derived
Кеу Word Tronsformolion from the words in bold.

1 1 knew she was asfeep as she was breathing ...... .

12 Study the tаЫе, then compfete each sentence ............................ (heavy).
with two to five words, including the word in bold. 2 ft is ......................... (wide) known that smoking
can cause cancer.
• ft is such а short dress that I can't wear it. З Mr Cfark's brother was ........................... (tragic)
too The dress is too short for me to wear. kiffed in а boating accident fast year.
4 The figures can't ............................... (possiЬ/e)
• The last time I saw Магу was two weeks ago.
Ье wrong! 1 checked them myself!
seen I haven't seen Mary for two weeks. 5 The witness answered the fawyer's question ....... .
• How long is it since you left school? ............................ (immediate).
leave How long ago did you leave schoof? 6 Jack was ..................................... (true) sorry for
forgetting his wife's Ьirthday.

PClsl Perlecl Siniule - P[ls\ Perlecl Coпliпuous - Musl Mus1п·1 Neer1п·1 - Corщiшпlive forп1

Post Perlect Simple Post Perlect Continuous

Affirmative Negative Affirmati�L Negative

1 had worked 1 hadn't worked 1 had been working 1 hadn't been working
You had worked You hadn't worked You had been working You hadn't been working
Не had worked Не hadn't worked, etc. Не had been working Не hadn't been working, etc.

She had worked She had been working
lnterrogative 1nterrogative
lt had worked lt had been working
We had worked Had I worked? We had been working Had I been working?
You had worked Had you worked? You had been working Had you been working?
They had worked Had he worked? etc. They had been working Had he been working? etc.

Short answers Short answers

Had 1/you, etc.

worked ... ?
< Yes, 1/you, etc. had.
No, 1/you, etc. hadn't.
Had 1/you, etc.
been working ... ?
< Yes, 1/you, etc. had.
No, 1/you, etc. hadn't.

Use Use

We use the past perfect for: We use the past perfect continuous:
• an action which happened before а stated time • to put emphasis оп the duration of an action
in the past. which started and finished before а stated time
Не had cooked dinner Ьу six o'clock in the in the past.
evening. (Не finished cooking before six They had Ьееп working for three hours Ьу two
o'clock.) o'clock yesterday.

• an action which happened in the past before • to put emphasis оп the duration of an action
another past action. The action which happened which started and finished before another past
earlier is in the past perfect, and the action action. The action which ha ppened earlier is in
which happened later is in the past simple. the past perfect continuous, and the action
Не had packed his suitcase before he left the which happened later is in the past simple.
house. (Не packed his suitcase first and then left They had Ьееп seeing each other for five уеагs
the house.) before they got married.
• for an action which lasted for some time in the
• an action which started and finished in the past past and whose result was visiЫe in the past.
and whose result was visiЫe in the past.
She was exhausted because she had Ьееп
She had injured her foot, so she couldn't walk. travelling а// night. (emphasis оп duration)

Time Expressions we use with the past perfect: Time Expressions we use with the past perfect

before, after, already, just, till/until, when, Ьу six

o'clock/midnight, etc., Ьу the time, never, etc. for, since, how long, before, until, etc.

Posl Pe1lec1 Siniule - Posl Pe1lecl Conlinuous - /.iusl Mus1п·1 Needn·1 - Coniuшпlive fo1n1

Musl/Mustn't/Needn'I: (exoresslno oЫluotlon/ Comporotive Form

orohlЫllon/obsence of necessllJ) • We use the comparative form to compare two
people, animals or things. We usually use than
• We use must (= it is your duty to do sth, you аге with comparative adjectives. The comparative
form of adjectives of three or more syllaЫes is
oЫiged to do sth) to express oЫigation.
formed with more.
Уои must wear а helmet when уои ride а
Тот is taller than James.
motorcycle. This саг is тоге expensive than that опе.
• We use mustn't (= it is forЬidden to do sth, you
• We use (not) as + adjective + as to say that
аге not allowed to do sth; it is against the rules
two people, animals or things are/are поt similar.
ог the law) to express prohibltion.
Му пеw саг is as fast as ту old опе.
Уои mustn't feed the animals in the zoo.
• We use needn't (= it isn't necessary to do sth, Swimming is not as exciting as mountain
you don't have to do sth) to express absence of • We use less + adjective + than for two people,
things or places. lt is the opposite of more +
Уои needn't water the plants. l've a/ready
adjective + than.
watered them. / think that Р.О. James' books are /ess interesting
than the ones written Ьу Agatha Christie.

Post Perfect Slmple - Posl Perlecr Conflnuous 10 Although 1 ................................... (set) my alarm
clock, 1 still ...................................... (oversleep).
1 Put the verbs in brackets into the past perfect or 11 Не ......................................... (already/pack) his
the past simple, then say which action happened suitcase before he .......................... (go) to bed.
2 Put the verbs in brackets into the past perfect or
1 1 ..................................,.,-............. (just/wake up)
when someone ................................ (knock) on the past perfect continuous.
the front door.
2 1 ......................................... (have) my bus pass 1 They ............................................ (drive) for two
in my pocket but I didn't realise it ....................... hours before they finally reached their destination.
(expire). 2 Emily ................................................. (write) five
3 Ву the time she ................................ (reach) the letters Ьу lunchtime.
harbour, the ferry ................................... (leave). З The doctor told John to stay in bed until he ......
4 Maria ............................ -............ (never/see) the .................................................... (fully/recover).
осеап before she ............................. (leave) her 4 Не ......................................................... (iron) all
village. morning when his wife arrived.
5 She ........................................ (enjoy) her visit to 5 Peter .......................................... (already/learn)
Rome although she ............................................. to read and write before he started school.
(already/go) there once before. 6 The ЬаЬу ............................................... (cry) for
6 Не ................................ (apologise) because he half an hour before it finally fell asleep.
......... -................................... (miss) the meeting. 7 The children ......................................... (wait) for
7 Lorna ........................ (look) wonderful after she ап hour when the school bus arrived.
................................................ (lose) а few kilos. 8 The burglar ........ _ ......................... (get away) Ьу
8 After they ........................................ (finish) their the time the police arrived.
picnic, they ...................................... (take) their 9 She ....................................... (dig) in the garden
rubblsh home with them. for three hours when she stopped for а break.
9 When she .................. (hang up) the phone she 1 О Ву the time he was eighteen he ..........................
............................... _ (realise) she ....................... ........................ (become) а professional athlete.
(forget) to take down the caller's name and 11 How long .................._,-........................................ .
number. (they/dance) in competitions when they retired?

P11s1 Pe1lec1 Si111ule - Pnsl Pe1lec1 Conlinuous - t,\usl Mus1n·1 Needn·1 - Coniuшпlive forni

12 They were exhausted because they ................... 4 Put the verbs in brackets into the past perfect
(play) chess all day. simple or the past perfect continuous.
13 А: Why were Arnold's clothes so dirty?
В: Because he .................................... (change)
the tyres оп his саг. 1 А: Why was she exhausted?
14 Ву the time we joined them they ........................ В: Well, she ............................................ (study)
................................. (already/order) their meal. for hours.
2 А: Why didn't he have anything to eat at the
3 Fill in the gaps with the past perfect continuous
В: Не ....................................................................
of the verbs below, as in the example. (already/eat) at home.
try, walk, р/ау, fix, work, look for З А: ................................... (Peter/finish) cleaning
the pool when you arrived?
В: No, he hadn't.
4 А: Why did they give him а promotion?
В: Не deserved it because he ............................
....................................... (work) hard all year.
5 А: How long ........................................................
(they/cycle) before they stopped for а rest?
В: For five hours.
6 А: Did Frank graduate?
1 Kevin was confused. 2 Don was exhausted. В: No, he didn't. Although he .............................
Не . . .had Ьвеп Не ............................ f ................................... (almost/complete) his
trying... to solve а ......................... hard studies, he dropped out in the last term.
proЫem for three all day. 7 А: What did you think of the modern art exhiЬition?
hours. В: lt was fantastic! 1 .............................................
(never/see) such beautiful works of art before.

5 Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple,

past continuous, past perfect simple or past
perfect continuous.

А Alice 1) ................. (Ье) very tired. She 2) ........

з Brad was desperate. 4 Leo and Jessie were
..................................... (travel) Ьу train for three
Не ........................... happy. They ............
long days and З) ................................................
(forget) what it 4) ............................. (Ье) like to
а flat for weeks. all afternoon.
have а good night's sleep.
В Hugh 1) ........................................ (not/relax) all
week. lt 2) ........................ (Ье) almost 8 o'clock
оп Friday morning and his physics exam З) ......
............................ (Ье) about to begin. Although
he 4) ......................................... (study) hard, he
5) ........................................ (not/feel) confident.
С lt 1) .............. (Ье) almost time. Daisy 2) ............
(sit) in front of the mirror brushing her hair. As
5 Judy's feet hurt. She 6 Nick was rather tired. she 3) .................................................... (put оп)
Не ............................ her veil she 4) ................................ (notice) that
.................... around ........... the computer her hands 5) ...................................... (tremЫe) .
town all morning. system since eight She 6) ........................................... (wait) for this
o'clock that morning. moment all her life. ln less than an hour she
would finally Ье Donald's wife.

Posl Perlecl Sinщle - Posl Pe1lec1 Conlinuous - Mus1,1,1us1п·1 Needп·1 - Comuшnli e forп1 11

Musl/Musrn·r/Needn'I: (Expressing OЫigofion/ /

00 p,ES1 ,c,JJP.ANY,
Prohihilion/Absence of NecessilY) -Гс\ 1
р._ А f p..Si fO 1 book а tаЫе
� in advance
6 Fill in the gaps with must, mustn't or needn't. (
1 ............................ I
1 You ....................... take photos when you are in
the National Museum. (
2 You ............................ smoke when you are at а 2
petrol station.
3 Не ..................... come to the party if he doesn't (
want to. 3
4 You ............................. buy that book. 1 сап lend stay а
you mine. ( long time
5 You ........................ wear formal clothes in order
to attend the reception.
6 You ............................ go to the bank. 1 сап give
you some money. 8 Write the following sentences using must,
7 You ....................................... соте in tomorrow.
mustn't, or needn't, as in the example.
There's not much work to do.
8 When оп а plane, you ............................ turn off
your moblle phone. 1 lt's not permitted to walk оп the grass.
Уои mustn't walk оп thв grass.
7 Look at the notes and make sentences using
must, mustn't or needn't.
2 lt is necessary for John to renew his passport.
............................................................................. .
,-;J ··············································································
-::::-® дТТНЕZОО .., 3 lt is forbldden to park your саг here.
( 4 lt isn't necessary for you to come along if you
2 ..........................
don't want to.

( ...........................
............................................................................. .
3 ........................... ··············································································
··························· keep away 5 He's oЫiged to Ье at work at six o'clock in the
from the cages
( morning.

,-;J 1 Ье seated before 6 lt is forbldden to take photos in the museum.

-:::@АТ ТНЕ THEATR:: the play starts
' ··············································································
т ............................ } ························································ ······················
( ............................ 7 lt is your duty to protect the environment.
2 wear
2 ............................ formal ··············································································
( ............................ clothes
8 You aren't allowed to use а dictionary during the
3 ............................ exam.
( ............................ smoke during the

Pr1s1 Pe1lec1 Si111ole - Posl Ре1!ес1 Conlinuous - Musl 1 /.lus1п·1 Needп·1 - Conщшolive form

Comporolive Forms Revision: Units 1 - 6

9 Look at the pictures and the adjectives and write
as many sentences as possiЫe about the
animals using (not) as ... as, less ... than, or тоге
Mulliple Choice
... than, as in the example. 11 Choose the correct item.

1 Angie ............... abroad for four years now.

А lived В has Ьееп living С lives

2 А: Where's the old lady who lives next door?

В: She ............... to ltaly to visit her son.
А has gone В has been С was going

з Jane always ............... home at seven o'clock in

the morning.
Ьig, dangerous, heavy А has left В leaves С is leaving
А koala Ьеаг is not as Ьig as а brown Ьеаг.
4 Dad ............... dinner while Mum was reading а
А had cooked В is cooking С was cooking

5 Please Ье quiet! 1 ............... !

А work В have worked
С am working

6 А: Do you like the new restaurant?

В: Yes, 1 ............... there several times already.
А went В go С have been

friendly, tame, inte/ligent 7 А: What's wrong, Dave? You look pale.

В: l've lost а very important file ............... 1 need
1О Tlck the correct sentence, as in the example. for the meeting.
А which В who С what
1 а: А fish is less noisier than а cat.
Ь: А fish is less noisy than а cat. ....! ... 8 They ............... in America for ten years.
2 а: Lions are not so Ьig as hippos. А was living В have lived С are living
Ь: Lions are not as Ьig as hippos.
з а: Going to the zoo is more entertaining 9 А: Why are Ann's eyes red?
watching ТV. В: She ............... onions!
Ь: Going to the zoo is more entertaining А chops В had chopped
than watching ТV. С has been chopping
4 а: Cheetahs run faster than zebras.
Ь: Cheetahs run as fast than zebras. 10 А: Have you ever worked on а farm?
5 а: Was the film as exciting as the book? В: Yes, 1 worked оп my uncle Tim's farm
Ь: Was the film as more exciting as the 1 was fifteen.
book? А while В when С because
6 а: Му hair is less dark than yours.
Ь: Му hair is not as dark as yours. 11 They ............... to the theatre for ages.
7 а: А zebra's neck is long as а giraffe's. А have been В aren't going С haven't been
Ь: А zebra's neck is not as long as а
giraffe's. 12 Peggy never ............... to the supermarket on
8 а: Are dogs more loyal than cats? Saturday.
Ь: Аге dogs loyal more than cats? А goes В is going С has gone

Pпsl Pe1lec1 Siпщle - Posl Ре11ес1 Coпlinuous - Musl//4us1п·11Neectп·1- Coпщoro1ive fо1т

Error Correcfion 6 You needn't give me а lift home.

necessary lt ........................................................
12 Cross out the unnecessary word.
................. .... .... ... .. . ... те а lift home.
7 You aren't allowed to keep library books for more
1 Did you to use to have а lot of toys when you than а month.
were young? mustn't You ...................................................
2 The man who he lives down the street is а vet. .................... for more than а month.
З Carlos has painted а beautiful portrait of his 8 Тот weighs 80 kilos. Bill weighs 80 kilos.
daughter last month. heavy Tom ...................................................
4 Andre was happy because he had been passed .................................................... Bill.
all his exams. 9 Mary's motorcycle cost ЕЗ,000, but Cathy's
5 You mustn't to walk too close to the edge of the cliff. motorcycle cost f':4,200.
6 The Drakes have lived here twenty years ago. expensive Cathy's motorcyle ............................
.............................................. Mary's.
Кеу Word Tronsformofion Word Formofion
13 Study the tаЫе, then complete each sentence
with two to five words, including the word in bold. We use the following prefixes to form opposites.
dis- honest - dishonest
• lt is necessary to brush your teeth after meals. il- (before 1) legal - illegal
must You must brush your teeth after in- dependent - independent
meals. im- (before m,p) possiЫe - impossiЫe
• She locked the front door, then she went to bed. un- happy - unhappy
after She went to bed after she had ir- (before г) responsiЫe - irresponsiЫe
locked the tront door. But: realistic - unrealistic
• You aren't allowed to take pictures in this museum. reliaЫe - unreliaЫe
mustn't You mustn't take pictures in this reasonaЫe - unreasonaЫe
• You needn't wear formal clothes. 14 Fill in the gaps with the correct words derived
necessary lt isn't necessary to wear formal from the words in bold.
• Pam is 165 cm. Магу is 165 cm. 1 We love living in the country
tall Pam is as tall as Магу. because life is so ........................ COMPLICATED
• John is more intelligent than Harry. .................... here.
as Harry isn't as intelligent as John. 2 What you did was silly and .......
• The red dress costs f':65, but the Ыuе dress costs LOGICAL
f':85. Mark cheated in the competition
more The Ыuе dress costs more than/is so he was ........................ . QUALIFIED
more expensive than the red dress. Sarah was completely ................ INTERESTED
in what the teacher was saying.
1 lt isn't necessary for you to cook dinner tonight. The special effects in that film
needn't You .................................................. . were very ........................ . REALISTIC
.............................................. tonight. You don't need to wear а suit, it's
2 lan brushed his teeth and went to bed. а(п) ........................ party. FORMAL
after lan went to bed ................................ This chocolate cake is ................
........................................... his teeth. • ...... . 1 must have another piece. RESISTABLE
3 Kim is more hardworking than Anne. lt would Ье very ........................ POLITE
as Anne ......................................... Kim. of us not to go to John's party.
4 Eagles are stronger than sparrows. 9 Some of this information is
not Sparrows ............................. eagles. ...................... . We should check CORRECT
5 lt is necessary to clean the cat's litter tray at least the facts again.
twice а week.
must You ................................................... ,10 Му dad is а shift worker. Не
works very ........................ hours. REGULAR
........ litter tray at least twice а week. _____________________ _

Used lo/Be use(I lo/Gel used 10 - Time C\(шses

Used to/Be used to/Gel used to

• We use used to + infinitive to refer to past hablts or t.hings that do not happen any more. ln such cases
"used to" can Ье replaced Ьу the past simple with no difference in meaning.
She used to walk/walked to work when she was younger. (She doesn't апу тоге.)
Did he use to tel1 уои stories?/Did he tel1 уои stories?
However, for actions which happened at а definite time in the past we use the past simple and not "used to".
They went to Jamaica last summer. (NOT: They ывеgЕв gв to Jamaica last summer.)
• We use be/get used to + noun/pronoun/-ing form to refer to habltual actions or actions/things somebody
has become accustomed to.
Study the examples below to see how we can use be/get used to:
They are used to cold weather. (Тhеу are accustomed to cold weather. -present)
l'm used to going to bed late. (/'т accustomed to going to bed late. -present)
Не wasn't used to working night shifts. (Не wasn't accustomed to working night shifts. -past)
Laura is getting used to wearing а uniform. (Laura is becoming accustomed to wearing а uniform. -present)
Саго/ had never cooked for herself before, but she got used to it. (She Ьесате accustomed to it. -past)
They wi/1 soon get used to taking саге of their possessions. (Тhеу will Ьесоте accustomed to taking саге
of their possessions. - future)

Time Clouses
• Time clauses are introduced with the following time conjunctions: when, as, while, before, since, after,
until/till, Ьу the time, as soon as, etc.
before = before а past time
Ann got engaged /ast month. Нег sister had got engaged three months before.
ago = before now
Jason got his degree а year ago.
Ьу the time + clause = before, not later than the moment something happens
Ву the time we got home, he had finished cleaning the kitchen.
until/till + clause/time adverb = up to the time when
She waited until the boys had left for school.
Ьу = not later than
Тот must finish his project Ьу Monday.
while/as + clause = in the time period
The light went out while /as / was having а shower.
as soon as = the moment (that)
We called our mother as soon as we arrived at our hotel.
when (time conjunction) + present tense
when (question word) + will
/'// water the plants when / get home. (time conjunction)
When wi/1 уои Ье in town again? (question word)
• Time clauses are subordinate clauses and usually go with а main clause. When the time clause precedes
the main clause, а comma is used to separate the two clauses.
ffter / had done the washing-up ,' wrote а letter to Мит.
f t

time clause main clause

Used 10 Ве used 10 Gel used 10 - Тiп1е Clriuses

• We never use future tenses after time conjunctions. We use the present simple ог the present perfect
/ wi/1 relax after 1 finish/have finished cooking.

Sequence of Tenses
• Time clauses follow the rule of the sequence of tenses. That is, when the verb of the main clause is in а
present or future form, the verb of the time clause is in а present form. When the verb of the main clause
is in а past form, the verb of the time clause is in а past form, too.

Main Clause Тime Clause

present/future/imperative � present simple or present perfect

Не brushes his teeth before he goes to bed.

past slmple/past perfect � past simple or past perfect

Tess had fed the dog before / got home.

Used to/Be used to/Get used to 5 Му brother and his wife used to .........................
оп camping holidays but they don't any more.
1 FIII in used to or the correct form of Ье used to. 6 Не isn't used to ............................. а suit and tie
to work.
1 Karen ................................ eating sushi because 7 Му father used to .................... а beard but now
she's lived in Tokyo for years. he only has а moustache.
2 ............. he ............................ waking up so early? 8 He's not used to ................................... so much
З 1 ............................................ spend my holidays coffee.
in France when I was younger.
4 Не ........................................... low temperatures
because he's trom Sweden. Time Clouses
5 Beatrice ................................. have long hair but
now she doesn't. 3 Underline the correct word(s).
6 When we were children, our father .......................
.................... take us sailing оп Sundays.
7 Не ................................. eat out а lot but now he 1 As soon as/Until he had finished his lunch, he
enjoys cooking at home. went back to work.
8 Doug and Sam .............................. working hard. 2 We didn't touch anything until/as the police
They never leave work before 10 o'clock at night. arrived.
9 We ............................... love going оп picnics Ьу з Please return the books while/as soon as you
the river but now we don't have the time. have finished with them.
10 We ......................... watch ТV all the time but we 4 1 saw the accident since/while I was working in
prefer going to the cinema nowadays. the garden.
5 When/Since we got home, we realised our dog
2 Fill in the gaps with the correct form of one of the was missing.
verbs from the list below. 6 The taxi arrived as/whenever I was locking the
rent, have, wear, drink, five, walk, go, read door.
7 After/While he had checked into the hotel, he
1 1 used to . . .rent... а flat but now I own one. went to get something to eat.
2 They aren't used to ............................ to school. 8 l'd love to see you before/by the time you leave.
Their mother always takes them in the саг. 9 Can you buy me а carton of orange juice
3 ls she used to ................................ оп her own? when/until you go shopping, please?
4 When I was а child I used to ............................... 10 Since/As long as he moved to the countryside
а lot of comics. he's been more relaxed.

- Used 10/Ве used lolGel used 10 - Тime Clouses

4 Fill in the gaps with before, after, since, Ьу, ago,

until, Ьу the time. Revision: Units 1 - 7
6 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

1 А: So what 1) ....................................... (you/do)

until now?
В: Well, this morning 1 2) ............................ .
(dust) the furniture and З) .............................
(sweep) the floors, and now 1 4) .....................
(cook) dinner.
1 1 lived in San Francisco five years ......................
2 А: 1) ...................................... (you/wash) the саг
2 ...................................... Carol had fed the ЬаЬу, today?
she went to bed. В: No, 1 2) ............................ (wash) it yesterday.
З ........................................... we reached the port, З А: 1) ................................... (you/go) to Karen's
the weather had improved. party last night?
4 She bought а newspaper .................................... В: Yes, but Ьу the time I got there, the party
she went to work. 2) ............................................ (finish)I
5 ........................................... he's Ьееп in London
he's visited the Tate Gallery and the Museum of 4 А: So how 1) ...................................... (you/lose)
Natural History. all that money?
6 1 have to type fifteen letters ................................. В: А burglar 2) .............................. (break in) and
4 o'clock. З) ........................................... (steal) it while 1
7 Tommy met his friends ...................................... .. 4) ........................................... (have) а bath.
he had finished studying for the exam.
8 Yesterday she worked ......................................... 5 А: How long 1) .................................... (you/llve)
7 o'clock because she was very busy. in Korea?
9 How many years ........................................... did В: For two years, but before that 1 2) ....................
they first meet? ................... (live) in Thailand.
10 ......................................... we got home, the rain 6 А: How long 1) ....................................................
had stopped. (you/work) оп the report before you 2) ...........
............................................ (finish) it?
5 Match the items in Column А to those in Column В: For three days!
В to make correct sentences, as in the example.

- . 7 А: So, how often 1) ............................. (you/go)


1 She went to school

- _в (
а before they called а
В: 1 used to go every weekend but now 1 2) ......
............................... (not/have) any free time.
2 They had packed 8 А: Oh my goodness! Your garden 1) ...................
their suitcases ь they bought а farm. (look) gorgeous!
з When I saw the film с as soon as I get В: lt should! 1 2) ........................................ (just/
star, paid. spend) three weeks working оп it.
4 After they had sold d the lights went out. 9 А: 1) ................................ (you/finish) packing?
their house, В: Almost, but we 2) ...........................................
5 1'11 go to the bank е after she had eaten (not/pack) our books yet.
breakfast. 10 А: When 1) ......................................... (you/see)
6 While she was f 1 couldn't believe my your dentist?
having а shower eyes. В: Tomorrow morning.

Used to Ве used to Get used to • Пше Ctuuses •

3 lt was the first time that Emily had been away

from home.
7 Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple,

Emily ...............................................
past continuous, past perfect or past perfect

.................................. home before.

continuous. never

4 The last time I rode а Ысусlе was two ye ars ago.

А Anne 1) ........................ (drive) along th; countryJ 1 •••••••..•••••••••••••••••••••••..•.•••••.•••••..•••.••
road enjoying the fresh air. After а while, she .................................. for two years.

2) ..................................... (stop) the саг and 5 Магу didn't le ave for work until she received а
3) .... ... .............. ..... ...... (look) at the sea in the
phone call from Sam.
distance. lt 4) ................... (Ье) the most beautiful
Магу left for work ...........................
view she 5) ................................. (ever/see). Afte�
.................. а phone call from Sam.
а few minutes, Anne 6) ....................... (continue) 1
оп her way. f
6 She st arted having English lessons two weeks
She .................................................
---------- j
English lessons for two weeks.

f В Jane 1) ......................... (know) she would Ье in 7 She fed the ЬаЬу and then she had а cup of tea.
She had а cup of tea .....................
trouЫe. She 2) ..................... (go) to bed late the
.................................. fed the ЬаЬу.
night before bec ause she 3) ....................................
(watch) television. As she 4) ........................ (wait) 8 The last time I saw а good film was months ago.
for the bus she 5) ................................... (wonder) 1 ••••••••••••••••••••••.••••••••••..••••.••••.••• film
for months.
how she was going to explain to her teacher why
she 6) ............................... (not/do) her homework. 9 The te acher waited until all the students had sat
She 7) ......................... (look) at the date on her down before she sta rted the lesson.

(think). "lt's Saturd ay! No school!"

L----- ---------- -
watch. "How silly of me," she 8) .............................. had

Word Formolion
The te acher didn't begin the lesson
until all ................................. down.

frror Correclion 1 О Fill in the gaps with the correct words derived
from the words in bold.
8 Cross out the unnecessary word.
1 Не was walking home when he has found а gold
watch in the street.
I Clau:e Monet was an artist who lived , ..,,
2 1 was doing the washing-up when the phone had
� in France between 1840 and 1926. Не is
1 рrоЬаЫу the most 1) ...................... of all
З Jim has often played football when he was
\ the lmpressionist painters and today

visitors сап see his 2) .. ............... ... ..

4 We were left the party at midnight.
paintings in museums around the world.

5 That's the woman whose her house burnt down.

Monet was most 3) ................................. INTEREST
6 1'11 cook dinner when I will get back home.
in painting nature scenes and his most
4) ............................................ works are
now very 5) ........................... . However,
Кеу Word Tronsformolion at the beginning of his c areer, he found it

1 6) .......................................... to sell апу

\ paintings, which meant that for ye ars he
9 Complete each sentence with two to five words, POSSIBLE
including the word in bold.

1 She started going to the gym five weeks ago. 1 � �.. :.��.�·.. ��..����·.. ��..�� �ft����:�e:�� SUCCESS
a 1

lt's Ьееп five weeks ........................ \ Nowadays, people сап visit Monet's
..................................... to the gym. \ home and admire the 8) .......................... РЕАСЕ

2 When did he repair the саг? gardens where he worked for much of
How long ........................................
........................................... the саг?
ago h
L� ---- - ..__ �
fulure Siniole - Ве going 10 - Presenl Conlinuous - Тinie Coniunclions - Туре 1 Condilionr1ls

Future Simole Time Expressions we use with the future simple

and Ье going to:

Affirmative Negative tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, next week/ month/
1 will work 1 won't work уеаг, tonight, soon, in а week/ month/ year, etc.
You will work You won't work
Не will work Не won't work, etc.
She will work
Presenf Continuous
lt will work
We will work
Will l work?
. '1
• The p resent continuous is used for fixed
You will work Will you work?

arrangements in the near future.
They will work Will he work? etc. I ат seeing ту doctor next week.
We use the future simple for:
Time Coniunctions
• predictions about the future, usually with the We do not use future tenses in clauses after while,
verbs think, believe, expect, etc., the expressions before, until, as soon as, after, if, Ьу the time, as, etc.
Ье sure, Ье afraid, etc., and the adverbs perhaps, As soon as we finish dinner, l'II serve some ice
certainly, ргоЬаЫу, etc. cream. 1 ''

I think it wi/1 rain today. (NOT: As soon as we will fiAisl=t ... )

• on-the-spot decisions.
f'm thirsty. /'/1 have а glass of water. Note: when ( = At what time?) used as а
• promises, threats, warnings, requests and hopes question word сап Ье followed Ьу the
with the verbs promise, hope, etc. future sirnple.
I hope the temperature wi/1 drop soon. When will they Ье back? (when =
question word)
Ве going to
but: Susan will call us when she arrives.
(when = time conjunction)

Affirmative Negative j
l'm going to work l'm not going to work
Jype 1 Condltlonols
You're going to work You aren't going to work
lf-Clause (hypothesis) Main Clause (result) 1
He's going to work Не isn't going to work, etc.
She's going to work lf + present simple -+ will/may/can +
lnterrogative /
lt's going to work infinitive without to
We're going to work Am I going to work?
You're going to work Аге you going to work?
They're going to work
ls she going to work? etc. • Туре 1 conditionals express а real or very
рrоЬаЫе situation in the present or future.
Use lf we leave early, we'/1 catch the 8 o'clock train.
Уои тау borrow ту motorcycle if уои promise
We use Ье going to for: to Ье careful.
• plans and intentions we have for the near future. • We сап use unless instead of if ... not in the if­
f'm going to spend next summer sailing around clause of Туре 1 conditionals. The verb is always
- the world. in the affirmative after unless.
• predictions based оп what we сап see (evidence) Unless we /eave еаг/у, we'lf miss the 8 o'cfock
or know. train.
The sky is vегу cloudy. lt's going to rain tonight. (= lf we don't leave early, we'II miss the 8
o'clock train.)

fulure Siтole - Ве going 10 - P1esen1 Conlinuous - Тiте Coniunclions - тvое 1 Conililioпols

fulure Simple - Ве going to - Present Continuous Carla: You З) ............................................. (not/take)

а holiday at all this уеаг then?
1 Fill in the gaps with the future simple or the Erica: No. 1 must study, or 1 4) ...................................
(not/pass) the exams. What 5) .........................
correct Ье going to form of the verbs in brackets.
...................... (you/do) for the summer?
are going to play (play) golf this
1 They ............................................ Carla: Well, first 1 6) ......................................... (visit)
afternoon. my aunt in Paris and then 1 7) .........................
am going to do (do) а
2 l'm bored. 1 think ....................................... (spend) а month in Antibes.
crossword puzzle. Erica: 1 don't really think 1 8) .......................... (have)
3 They are making а lot of noise. They .................... the chance to go anywhere this summer.
are .............................
going to wake (wake) the ЬаЬу. Anyway, there's always next year, isn't there?
'll make
4 You've got а bad cold. 1 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••••
(make) you some soup.
З А Celia Brown is the course director for an art
5 А: Would you like something to drink?
'll have
В: 1 ......................... (have) а cup of tea, please. college. Look at the prompts and say what
6 We hope the dog ...................................... (find) she is going to do, as in the example.
his way back home. • design new courses
7 А: Look at that man оп the ladder! . . . She 's going to design new courses....
В: Oh, по! Не ............................................ (fall)! • throw а party to welcome the new students
8 А: 1 don't understand this Maths proЫem.
В: That's ОК 1 .................................. (help) you. • invite artists from all over the world to give lectures
9 А: ......................................... (Alex/come) to the
football match? • organise а workshop оп local arts and crafts
В: Of course. Не loves football.
10 А: Why аге you wearing those old clothes? • take the students оп а tour of the city's museums
В: Because 1 ........................................... (paint)
the kitchen today. В Celia is extremely busy. Look at the calendar
11 А: Мг James left а message for you. 1 think it's and say what her arrangements are for the
next few months. Make sentences, as in the
В: ОК 1 ............................ (ring) him right away.
12 А: Do you want to know what she told me?
В: Oh yesl I promise 1 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••
Мау 15th • fly to Florence
(not/tell) anyone else.
June 2nd • give an interview to Art World
2 Put the verbs in brackets into the future simple magazine
or the present continuous. 25th • have dinner with local artists
July 12th • leave for а sailing trip
August 20th • meet the new students at the airport
...She's flying to Florence оп Мау 15th....

Тime Coniunctions
4 Put а tick (.f) next to the sentences which are
correct and cross out (Х) the unnecessary word
in the sentences that are incorrect.

Carla: Where 1) ........................................... (you/go) 1 As soon as we will reach Crete, we must

for your holidays, now that summer is here? try some of the local dishes.
Erica: Nowhere. 1 2) ...................................... (study) 2 Take the rubblsh out before you will go.
for my exams in September. З After I will do my shopping, 1'11 have lunch
with а friend.

• fulшe Siшple - Ве going 10 - Preseпl Coпliпuous - Пmе Coпiuпclioпs - fype I Coпdilioпols

4 Ву the time I will leave university, 1'11 Ье

5 When you see Ross, tel1 him I was looking
for him.
б lf you will run into John, give him my
7 After we finish studying, we'II go to the
8 You have to see the doctor before you
will leave hospital.
9 When will he post the parcel?
10 1 really don't know when he will come
5 Using the prompts and time conjunctions below,
ask and answer questions, as in the example.

1 feed the cat/mop the kitchen floor - after

А: When wi/1 уои feed the cat?
В: / wi/1 feed the cat after l've mopped the
kitchen floor.
1 lf уои go to Japan, уои can/w/11 see women
2 visit Aunt Bessy/finish the shopping - as soon as
wearlng kimonos.
А: ......................................................................... If you go to Greece, you can visit the
В: ......................................................................... 2 ..............................................................................
З have а haircut/go away for the weekend - before
А: .........................................................................
В: ......................................................................... з .............................................................................
If you go to France, you can walk under .
the Arc de Triomphe
4 vacuum the carpet/get home from work - when
А: ......................................................................... If you go to India, you can admire the
4 ..............................................................................
В: ......................................................................... Taj Mahal
5 take the curtains to the dry cleaner's/pick up the
children from school - after 5 If you go to Egypt, you can go sailing down .
А: ......................................................................... the Nile
В: .........................................................................

Туре 1 Conditionols 7 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

6 First, match the prompts to the pictures. Then, snows

1 lf it .............................................. (snow), 1'11 take
make sentences, as in the example. the children skiing.
2 The football match will Ье cancelled if it
а) see women wearing kimonos rains
........................... (rain).
Ь) visit the Parthenon
З I won't go to the party unless Connie .................
с) walk under the Аге de Triomphe comes
........................... (come) with me.
d) admire the Taj Mahal run
4 lf you ............................................ (run) fast, you
е) go sailing down the Nile will win the race.
5 Unless they .............................. (work) overtime,
they won't earn enough money to go оп holiday.
Does Greg post
б .................................... (Greg/post) this letter for
me if I ask him?
7 Unless you ............................... (drive) carefully,
you'II have an accident.
doesn't water
8 lf someone ....................................... (not/water)
these plants, they will die.

IUlure Siп1ple - Ве ооiпо 10 - P1esen1 Conlinuous - Тiше Coniunclions - Туре 1 Coпdilionnls •

8 Fill in the gaps with if or unless. 1 You won't find а hotel room if you don't book early.
unless You won't find а hotel room ..............
1 ........................ you promise to clean your room, .................................................. early.
1'11 take you to the funfair. 2 lf I were you, 1 would move to а better area.
2 1 won't Ье аЫе to afford а brand new саг unles .......... don't Why ................................................... .
1 get а loan from the bank. .................................... а better area?
3 .................. you decide to study Medicine, you'II З You'II Ье late for your appointment unless you
have to work really hard. take а taxi.
4 ............. we win the lottery, we will travel around if You'II Ье late for your appointment
the world. ................................................. а taxi.
unles you tell me
5 1'11 never talk to you again ................ 4 Why don't you stop drinking so much coffee?
the truth. would lf 1 •••.......•.••••.••••..••.•.••.•..•••.•••••••••.•••.•••
9 Реппу is thinking about her future. Look at the .................. drinking so much coffee.
prompts and expand them to write Туре 1
5 1 won't go to the party if you don't соте with me.
unless I won't go to the party ...................... .
Conditional sentences.
. ............................................ with me.

1 study hard/
Error Correction
11 Cross out the unnecessary word.
1 lf you will leave work early tonight, we can go
2 Unless he not calls, we'II go to his office.
з Не is to seeing his friends tonight.
4 The most of my relatives live in Portland.
5 The police took the burglars to the prison.
Word formotion
12 Fill ln the gaps with the correct words derlved
1 If I study hard, I'll pass exams
.............................................................................. from the words in bold.
2 If I pass exams, I'll go university
3 If I do well in university, I'll get degree
4 If I get degree, I'll get good job
5 If I get good job, I'll have a lot of money .
6 If I have a lot of money, I'll buy nice things

Revlsion: Unifs 1 - 8
Кеу Word Tronsformolion Аге you looking for а 1) ..................... RELY
family саг? Well, Harry's Саг Dealership
10 Study the tаЫе, then complete each sentence
is the 2) .............................. choice for an SENSE
with two to five words, including the word in bold. З) ............................. саг that won't let AFFORD
• You will Ье late if you don't catch the 10.15 bus. you down. We have а wide range of
unless You will Ье late unless you catch the 4) ............................... and luxurious cars COMFORT
10.15 bus. aJI offered at 5) ....................... prices. So, REASON
• lf I were you, l'd buy а cottage. соте down to Harry's and get the deal of
don't Why don't you buy а cottage? а lifetime!

Rel)orled Sueech - Sпv/Тell - Reuorled Slпlemenls - Reuorled Oueslions - lnlrorluclorv VerlJs -
lndirecl Queslions

Reponed Speech
• Direct speech is the exact words somebody said. We use quotation marks (" ") in direct speech.
"/ graduated last уеаг, п Рате/а said.
• Reported speech is the exact meaning of what someone said, but not the exact words. We do not use
quotation marks in reported speech. We сап either use the word that after the introductory verb or we
сап omit it.
Рате/а said (that) she had graduated the уеаг before.

Soy / Tel1

• We сап use say and tel1 in both direct and reported speech.
• Tel1 is always used with а personal pronoun, but say may Ье used with or without а personal pronoun.
• Say is always followed Ьу the preposition to when it is used with an object pronoun. ln reported speech,
say is not followed Ьу an object pronoun, but it сап Ье followed Ьу that.
• We don't use to with tel1.

Direct Speech Reported Speech

Не said, "Jane is late again." Не said (that) Jane was late again.
Не said to те, "Jane is late again." Не said (that)/told те (that) Jane was late again.
Не told те, "Jane is late again." Не told те (that) Jane was late again.

• Say and Tel1 are also used with the following expressions:

say good morning/afternoon/evening, etc., something/nothing, etc., one's prayers, а few words, по more,
so, etc.

tel1 the truth, а lie, а secret, а story, the time, the difference, somebody one's name, somebody the way,
one's fortune, one from another, etc.

Reported Slotements
• Reported statements аге usually introduced with say (that) or tel1 (that).
"Не has worked for the Daily Mirror," she said. • She said (that) he had worked for the Daily Mirror.
• Personal pronouns, possessive adjectives/possessive pronouns change according to the meaning of the
"/ saw а young woman running along the street," she said. • She said that she had seen а young woman
running along the street.

Reoorled Soeech - Sov/Тell - Reoorled Slolen1eп1s - Reoorled Oueslions - lnl1orluc101y Verl1s - lndirecl Oueslions

• When the introductory verb is in а past tense, the verb tenses change as follows:

Direct Speech Reported Speech

Present Simple Past Simple
"/ ат thirsty," the Ьоу said. The Ьоу said (that) he was thirsty.

Present Continuous Past Continuous
"He's sleeping," she said to те. She told те (that) he was sleeping.

Present Perfect Past Perfect
"/ have washed the саг," he said. Не said (that) he had washed the саг.

Past Simple Past Simple/Past Perfect
"/ played footba/1," John said. John said that he played/had played footba/1.
Past Continuous Past Continuous/Past Perfect Continuous

"We were dancing а/1 night long," she said. She said (that) they were dancing/had Ьееп dancing
а/1 night long.
Future Simple Conditional (would)
"/'// try again tomorrow," he said. Не said (that) he would try again the next day.

• The past perfect and past perfect continuous do not change in reported speech.
"John had fixed the саг Ьу the time we had dinner," she said. • She said (that) John had fixed the саг Ьу
the time they had dinner.

• Certain words and time expressions change as follows:

Direct Speech Reported Speech

• tonight, today, this week/month/year • that night, that day, that week/month/year
• now • then, at that time/moment, immediately
• yesterday, last night/week/month/year • the day before/the previous day, the previous night/week/month/year
• tomorrow, next week/month/year • the following day/the day after, the following/next week/month/
• two days/months/years. etc. ago • two days/months/years, etc. before
• here • there
• соте • go

Tenses do not change in reported speech when:

• the introductory verb (say, tell, etc.) is in the present simple, future simple or present perfect.
"/ made а cake," Grandma says. • Grandma says that she made а cake.
• the speaker reports something а short time after it was said (up-to-date reporting).
"The саг has broken down again," ту sister said. • Му sister said that the саг has broken down again.

Tenses сап either change or remain the same in reported speech when the speaker reports а general
truth, а law of nature or а permanent state.
''Тhе printing press was invented Ьу Johann Gutenberg," the teacher said. • The teacher said that the
printing press was/had Ьееп invented Ьу Johann Gutenberg.

Reported S11eech - Soy'Tell - Reporled Slolements - Reported Questions - lntroductory Verbs - lndirecl

�· Reported Queslions
• We introduce reported questions with ask, inquire, wonder or want to know.
• When the direct question begins with а question word (who, where, how old/long, when, why, what,
etc.) the reported question begins with the same question word.
"Where do уои live?" he asked те. • Не asked те where l lived.
• When the direct question is а yes/no question and begins with an auxiliary (Ье, do, have) or а modal
verb (can, may, etc.) then the reported question begins with if or whether.
"Did Тот go to bed late last night?" she asked те. • She asked те if/whether Тот went/had gопе to
bed /ate the previous night.
• ln reported questions, the verb is in the affirmative. The question mark and words/expressions such as
please, well, oh, etc., are omitted. Verb tenses, pronouns and possessive adjectives change as in
"Сап уои ореп the window, please?" she asked. • She asked те if/whether / could ореп the window.

lntroduclory Verbs
То report the meaning of а speaker's words we сап use various introductory verbs.

Study the examples below:

lntroductory Verb

• promise + to -infinitive
1 Direct Speech

"1'11 give you а lift."

1 Reported Speech

Не promised to give me а lift.

or promise + that clause "1'11 do my homework." Не promised that he would do his homework.
• refuse + to -lnfinitive "No, 1 won't call Tom." Не refused to call Tom.
• advise/ask + somebody "You should take an aspirin." Не advised me to take an aspirin.
+ to -infinitive "Could you do something for Не asked me to do something for him.
• apologise for + gerund "l'm sorry I was late." Не apologised for being/having been late.
• suggest + gerund "Let's have а picnic." Не suggested having а picnic.

lndlrecl Queslions
We use indirect questions when we ask for information politely. lndirect questions are introduced
with Do уои know...?, Can/Cou/d уои tel1 те...?, Have уои апу idea...?, Would уои mind...? and
l'd /ike to know ...
The word order of indirect questions is the same as in statements (subject + verb). When the
indirect question starts with l'd like to know, the question mark is omitted.
Direct question: Where is the train station?
lndirect question: Do уои know where the train station is?
Direct question: When is the next flight to Tokyo?
lndirect question: l'd like to know when the next
flight to Tokyo is.

Rе1ю11ео Soeech - Soy rell - Reoo11eo Sloleшenls - Reoo1led Oueslions - 1n11oduc101v Ve1us - lпnirecl Oueslions

Soy/Tell 1'11 help you

with the gardening,
1 Fiff in the gaps with say or te/1 in the correct form.
1 Kathy ............... her friends the truth about what
had happened that night. з ......................................
2 "1'11 call you later," he ............... to her.
з Ken ............... us that he was having а barbecue
at the weekend.
4 "Please turn the volume down," Cindy ............... . You can
5 "Open your books at page 29," .................. the find а lot of
teacher to her pupils. information on the
6 "Could you ............... me the time, please?" he lnternet, Paul.
asked me.
7 Jane ran down the stairs, ............ ... good
4 ....................... . ....... .......
morning and left for work.
8 Му grandmother used to ............... us exciting
stories Ьу the fire every night.
9 "Why did you ............... everybody my secret?" 1 can
he asked. show you the road
10 "l'm sorry. 1 can't .................... you the way to the on the map.
station because l'm lost too," he said.
5 ......................................

Reporled Slolemenls
Rewrite the sentences in reported speech, as in
2 Look at the pictures and make sentences, as in the example.
the example. 1 "There is no one at home", he said.
� опе dt home....
/, m looking 2 "Mr and Mrs Wilson have gone оп holiday," Mr
at y�ur plans right Bradley says.
now, Mrs Reynolds.

з "l'm going to the dentist now," said Lynn.

1 ...Shв said (that) she was

4 "Jamie has never seen а dolphin before," John
lookfng at Mrs Rвynolds'
plans at that moment. ...

�'ve never 5 "1 will order а pizza," he said.

caught such Ьig
fish before.
б "The sun rises in the east," the teacher said.

2 ......................................
7 "There was а good documentary on ТV yesterday,"
Gregory said.

8 "lt's always hot at this time of year," she said.

Reuorted S11eech - Soy Tel1 - Reuorted Sinleпienls - Reuorled Ouestions - lnlroducloiy Verl1s - lnrlirect Oueslions

4 Turn the fol lowing from direct speech into 8 "Who is this man?" the old lady asked her
reported speech, as in the example. husband.

1 "1 have а headache," she said to me. 9 "Why did they miss their flight to Canada?" Paul
...She told те that she had а headache .... asked.
2 "1 got а letter from Joanne this morning," he says.
·············································································· 10 "When will you visit your parents?" Sheila asked.
З "There's а bus strike tomorrow," he said to us.
(up-to-date reporting)
6 Turn the questions
·············································································· from direct speech into
4 "J'm going to the airport to pick up James," he said. reported speech.
5 "We alf speak French fluently," they said to her.
......................................... ..................................... 1 Оо you have this in а smaller size?
6 "l've just соте back from the museum," she said
to те. (up-to-date reporting) 2 o��;·it·����-;�·ьi��1··········································· 1
·············································································· З Сап you order one for me?
7 "1 got an А in my history test yesterday," she said
to те. 4 How much does it cost?

5 Сап I try it оп?

8 "l've just finished reading а brilliant novel," he
said to her. 6 ;.:;�·th���-��;· �h���-t�..;;;�t�·�;?............................ }
·············································································· ··············································································1
7 Сап I рау Ьу credit card?

�f� �;��� ���� i��

Reported Quesfions
5 Turn the following questions from direct into
8 �h;� �;ii ���;
: 1
lntroductory Verbs
reported speech, as in the example.
1 "Who broke the window?" the teacher asked the
students. 7 Complete each sentence with two to five words,
...The teacher asked the students who broke/had including the word in bold.
broken the window....
2 "Where are you going оп holiday this year?" Josh 1 "J'm not giving you any ice cream until you have
asked me. eaten your dinner," said Barry's mother.
refused Barry's mother .. . retused to give
З "What time is the wedding?" Helen asked. him... any ice cream until he had
eaten his dinner.
4 "Did John go to the party last night?" Jill asked. 2 ''J'm sorry I broke the window," said Sean.
apologised Sean ...............................................
5 "Why are you laughing?" Philip asked. the window.
З "Shall I help you carry the Ьох?" asked Tom.
6 "How long does it take you to walk home from offered Тom .................................................
here?" Peter asked. ........................................... the Ьох.
4 "You should tell your parents the truth," my friend
7 "Will you lend me some money?" Lesley asked said to me.
Sara. advised Му friend .........................................
...................... ту parents the truth.

Re11011ed Soeech - Soy, Tel1 - Reoor1ed S1111еп1еп1s - Reoorled Oueslions - lnl1oduc101y Ve1l1s - lпdi1ec1 Oueslions

5 "Could you go to the bank?" he said to me. 6 ln Montreal, most people speak ............... French
asked Не ................................................... language.
......................................... the bank. А the В - Са
6 "1 really will remember to feed the fish," Maurice 7 John promised not to ............... а lie again.
said. А ask В say С tell
promised Maurice ...........................................
........................................... the fish.
7 "No, 1 won't drive you to the football match," Кеу Word Tronslormotion
Mum said to me.
refused Mum ................................................ 1О Complete each sentence with two to five words,
......................... the football match. including the word in bold .
8 "Why don't we go to Paris for our holiday this 1 They аге the people. Their daughter is а writer.
уеаг?" she said. whose They are the people ......................... .
suggested She ................................................. .............................................. а writer.
Paris for their holiday that year. 2 Не hasn't fixed the CD player yet.
still Не ......................................................
lndirect Questions ................................... the CD player.
З The pictures were so beautiful that I bought two.
8 Complete the following indirect questions, as in such They were ..........................................
the example. ..................................... 1 bought two.
4 How long is it since they bought their cottage?
1 How tall is this building? ago How ...................................................
Do you know ...how ta/1 this building is...? .................................... their cottage?
2 What's that girl's name? 5 lf you don't get а good night's sleep, you'II Ье
l'd like to know .................................................. . exhausted tomorrow.
з What time does the last bus leave? unless You'II Ье exhausted tomorrow ..........
Could you tell me .............................................. ? ........................ а good night's sleep.
4 How long does the flight to Rome take? б "What time does the film start оп Friday night?"
l'd like to know .................................................. . he asked me.
5 How much does this dress cost? started Не asked me .....................................
Could you tell me ............................................. ? ................................. оп Friday night.
6 Why was the train delayed?
l'd like to know .................................................. .
Error Correction
Revision: Units 1 - 9 11 Cross out the unnecessary word.

Multiple Choice
9 Choose the correct item.
1 Не said that he didn't know ........ John Barry was.
А what В why С who
2 ............... we got there, the ferry had left.
А As soon as В Ву the time С After
3 1 ............... the brown jacket rather than the Ыасk
one, then.
А have taken В will take С take 1 1 go for а walk in the Hyde Park every Sunday.
2 1'11 tell them to call you if they will соте.
4 ВоЬ ............ go fishing when he was 1 О years old.
З Jo asked if that Jerry had called.
А used to В got used to С is used to
4 Сап you please tell to me the way to the puЫic I
5 Someone ................. me а very interesting story library?
today. 5 She is getting used to Ье studying at night.
А said В told С asked

fulure Coпli1шous - fulure Perlecl - liпkiпg VJoпlslPlш1ses

future Continuous future Pertect

Affirmative Negative Affirmative Negative

1 will Ье working 1 won't Ье working 1 will have worked 1 won't have worked
You will Ье working You won't Ье working You will have worked You won't have worked
Не will Ье working Не won't Ье working, etc. Не will have worked Не won't have worked, etc.
She will Ье working She will have worked
lnterrogative lnterrogative
lt will Ье working 11 will have worked
We will Ье working Will I Ье working? We will have worked Will I have worked?
You will Ье working Will you Ье working? You will have worked Will you have worked?
They will Ье working Will he Ье working? etc. They will have worked Will he have worked? etc.

Use Use
We use the future continuous: We use the future perfect for:
• for an action which will Ье in progress at а stated • an action which will Ье finished before а stated
time in the future. time in the future.
This time next week we will Ье packing for our They wi/1 have bought а house Ьу the end of this
holiday. уеаг.
• for an action which will definitely happen in the
Time Expressions we use with the future perfect:
future as the result of а routine or arrangement.
Oon't post Ann's invitation. /'11 Ье seeing her at Ьу, Ьу the time, before, until/till, Ьу (then), etc.
work tomorrow, so /'// give it to her.
• when we ask politely about someone's plans for
the near future - to find out if they сап do • We use the present simple after the time
something for us. expressions Ьу the time, until/till, before
Wi/1 уои Ье going to the post office today? because they introduce time clauses.
Ву the time уои arrive, / wi/1 have finished cooking.
1 1

Time Expressions we use with the Mure continuous: time clause


tomorrow, tonight, next week/month, etc., in two/ / wi/1 have finished cooking Ьу the time уои arrive.
1 1
three, etc. days, the day after tomorrow, soon, in а
week/month, etc. time clause
• Normally, until/till are only used with the future
perfect in negative sentences.
Sam won't have fixed the саг until this evening.

linking Words / Phroses

• То add more information and/or link similar ideas we сап use furthermore, in addition, also, moreover,
/п ten years' time, сагs wi/1 Ье easier to drive. Moreover, they wi/1 Ье environmenta/ly friendly.
• То link opposing ideas we сап use but, however, оп the other hand, although, etc.
Although po/lution levels have decreased, the hole in the ozone layer hasn't Ьесоте smaller.
• То express cause or reason we can use because, as or since.
We should take better саге of оиг planet because some damage саппоt Ье repaired.

fuluie Conlinuous · fuluie Ре11ес1 - linki110 Vlo1ds;Ph111ses •

future Continuous З Put the verbs in brackets into the future simple
or the future continuous, as in the example.
1 Look at the pictures and use the prompts to
1 А: Аге you looking forward to your wedding?
make sentences, as in the example. В: 1 can't wait! This time next week 1 ... '// Ье
walkmg... (walk) down the aisle.
2 А: Here's the coat you wanted to borrow.
В: Oh, thanks very much. 1 .................................
(give) it back to you on Saturday.
З А: lt's so hot!
1/play В: 1 ................................................... (turn on) the
/baseball/1 О o'clock/next Saturday air-conditioning.
.../ will Ьв playing Ьaseball at 1 О 4 А: lsn't Carol lucky? ln а few weeks she
o'clock next Saturday.... .................................... (sail) in the Caribbean.
В: 1 know! She must Ье excited!
5 А: ......................................... (you/go) to the post
office later?
В: Yes, would you like me to get anything for you?
б А: Did you tel1 Fred about the party?
At this time В: Not yet. 1 ....................................... (see) him at
next month/1/ski/with my friends basketball practice later оп, so 1 ...............
(tell) him then.

Fulure Perfect
4 The people below are twenty-five years old. What
do they hope they will have done Ьу the time they
At 2 o'clock/next are thirty years old? Using the prompts below,
Sunday/1/fish/ with my grandson make sentences, as in the example.

At this time
tomorrow/we/move/ house 1 Pierre: open his own 2 Sarah: travel all over
restaurant the world
2 Put the verbs in brackets into the future simple .. .Pierrв hopвs hв will
or the future continuous. have орепвd his own
restaurant Ьу the time
Anna: Do you want to go camping this weekend?
he's thirty years old....
Jan: l'd love to. 1 1) ................................. (call) you
tonight and we сап arrange everything.
Anna: Alright. Do you mind if Ellen comes with us?
Jan: Of course not. As а matter of fact, 12) ....................
....... ............... (see) her for lunch so I З) ..........
................................. (ask) her th . en.
Anna: ОК. 1 4) ...................................... (рrоЬаЫу/Ье)
home at around 8 о' clock so call me then. 3 Martin: direct а 4 Alice: join а famous
Jan: Great! Just think, in three days' time, we successful film dance company
5) .......................................... (put up) our tents!
Anna: Oh yes! And we 6) ...................................... (sit)
around а camp fire, grilling delicious fresh fish.
Jan: 1 can't wait!

fu1u1e Conlirшous - fulшe Pe1lec1 - tinkino \'/01ds Ph1oses

5 Fill in the gaps with Ьу the time, until,. Ьу or Ьу 4 А: ................................................. (you/go) to the
then, as in the example. supermarket later?
В: Yes, why?
1 Jake will have done the shopping ...Ьу the time ... А: Сап you pick up some milk and eggs?
the children come home from school. 5 Don't talk so loudly, you ........................................
2 А: Have you mended my Ьike yet? (wake up) Grandad.
В: No, 1 won't have mended it ............... the end б Ashley ............................................ (Ье) five years
of the week. old in Мау.
З А: Will you have booked your train ticket
............... Thursday? 8 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct future
В: Of course! tense.
4 А: 1 won't have finished work ............... 8 o'clock
В: You poor thing. 1'11 have had dinner .................

5 We wi/1 have completed our project ............... the

end of the month.
6 Dave will have fixed the washing machine
............................ you get home.

6 Choose the correct item.

1 А: ............... John today?

В: Yes, why?
А: Сап you ask him if he сап fix the fridge?
А Wi/1 you Ье seeing В Will you have seen
Dear Amy,
2 Behave yourself or else 1 ............... you to the
circus tomorrow. How are you? l'm very happy because school is
А won't Ье taking В won't take almost over! This time next week 11) ...wl/l Ьв staying...
З Our cherry trees ............... in the spring. (stay) with my grandparents at their cottage Ьу Crystal
А wi/1 Ыооm В wi/1 have Ыoomed Lake.
1 heard оп the weather forecast that it 2) ..................
4 'Oh, Jenny, 1 ............... /unch with Sally this ............................ (рrоЬаЫу/Ье) а very hot summer so 1
afternoon. Do you want to join us?' З) .................................................. (swim) every day. Му
А will Ье having В wi/1 have grandfather promised me that we 4) ................................
5 А: l'm going to invite the Johnsons over for а ............................. (go) fishing in the lake. 1 can't wait!
barbecue next Saturday. Оо you have any plans for the summer? Why don't
В: Don't bother, they .............. to Paris next you ask your parents if you сап stay with us? 1 hope you
Saturday. 5) ............................................... (come) to the cottage
А wi/1 go В are going because l'm sure we 6) ........................................ .
(have) lots of fun!
6 She hopes she ............... а letter from Cindy soon. Also, there is an amusement park nearby and we
А wi/1 receive В will Ье receiving 7) ......................................... (go) there every Saturday. 1
7 Put the verbs in brackets into the future simple, am looking forward to spending а wonderful summer
the future continuous or the future perfect, as in with my grandparents and if you come too, it 8) ..............
.......................... (Ье) even better.
the example.
1 Sally can't come to the cinema оп Friday Take саге,
because she .. .'// Ье babysitting ... (babysit) for Melanie
her little brother then.
2 1 .......................................... (finish) typing а/1 the Р.S. Ву the time you receive this letter, 1 9) ..................
letters Ьу the time Мг Howard arrives. (leave) for the cottage. Send your reply to my
З Weather forecasters predict that it ........................ grandparents' house.
.......................... (snow) this winter.

fulшe Conlinuous · fulure Perfecl - linking \'lorrls Phroses

linking Words/Phroses Кеу Word Tronsformotion

9 Choose the correct linking words/phrases in
11 Complete each sentence with two to five words,
bold to join the sentences below, as in the
including the word in bold.
1 1 last went to а concert four months ago.
been 1 .......................................... concert for
four months.
2 "Will you соте with me?" Тom asked me.
go Тот asked me if ................................. .
.............................................. with him.
З "ВоЬ and Sue will Ье upset if we don't invite them to
our wedding", Магу says.
unless Магу says that ВоЬ and Sue will Ье
upset ................................................... .
................................... to our wedding.
4 lt's not necessary to book а tаЫе in advance.
1 Keeping а horse as а pet is very expensive. needn't You ....................................................... .
Feeding and maintaining one costs а lot of in advance.
money. (because /furthermore) 5 She has never seen а rainbow before.
...Кввр/пg а horsв as а рвt is vв,у expensive first lt's the ..................................................
Ьвсаиsв feeding and maintaining опе costs а lot а rainbow.
of топву....
2 Using puЫic transport is easy and convenient. lt is Word Formotion
cheap. (and/however)
Nouns referring to people
We сап form nouns that refer to people Ьу adding -er,
-or or -ее to the verb.
З Living in а Ьig city is stressful. lt сап often Ье
unhealthy. (also/on the other hand) build - builder
.............................................................................. 1 sail - sailor
employ - employee
4 Life in the future will Ье а lot different from how it
is today. 1 don't think it will Ье exciting. 12 Fill in the gaps with the correct words derived

::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 1
(although/ because) from the words in bold.

Mark's family background is very

Revislon: Unils 1 - 10 interesting. His mother is а 1) ......................
and his father is an 2) ......................... . His
frror Correction older brother John is а З) .......................... .
His grandfather is а retired 4) ......................
10 Cross out the unnecessary word. and his grandmother is an artist. She's а
very talented 5) ............................. . Не also PAINT
1 Tom is the man whose his son lives in Germany.
has а cousin who is the 6) ........................... EDIT
2 Have you still seen my wallet?
of an international magazine. Mark and his
З Ву the time you will finish cooking, 1'11 have
sister Jane have more ordinary jobs. She is
watered the plants.
а 7) ........................... in а law firm and he is TRAIN
4 The phone had rang while John was having а

_______ _____ --
studying to Ье а 8) ..................................... . ТЕАСН
5 Jane has been working at Madison Hospital

since 1996 ago. ..,_

а,_ Reoorlect Co11ш11111cts/lпs1ruc1ioпs/Reцuesls - Reoorling 11 Convers11lioniDi11logue

Reponed Commonds/lnstructions/Reouests
• We introduce reported commands or instructions with the introductory verbs order or tel1 + sb + (not)
to - infinitive.
"Don't move," she said to him. - She ordered him not to move. (command)
"Put the groceries away," she said to them. - She told them to put the groceries away. (instruction)
• We introduce requests in reported speech with the introductory verbs ask or beg + sb + (not) to -
infinitive. The direct sentence usually contains the word 'please'.
"Please help те," Kate said to Jim. - Kate asked Jim to help her.
"Please, p/ease са// ап ambulance," he said to June. - Не begged June to са/1 ап атЬи/апсе.
• ln reported speech we can use а variety of introductory verbs. Study the following examples to see how
these verbs аге used:

lntroductory Verb Direct Speech Reported Speech _J

• agree + to - lnflnlt/vв "Yes, 1'11 post the letters." Не agreed to post the letters.
• offer "Shall l drive you to work?" Не offered to drive me to work.
• promise "Of course 1'11 lend you the money." She promised to lend me the money.
• refuse "No, 1 won't call her." Не refused to call her.
• threaten "Eat all your vegetaЫes or 1'11 She threatened to send me to my
send you to your room." room if I didn't eat all my vegetaЫes.
• ask + sb + to - lnflnltlvв Г·could you help me?" ,. Не asked me to help him.
• beg "Please, please don't go!" Не begged her not to go.
• command "Stand to attention!" Не commanded the soldiers to
stand to attention.
• invite "Would you like to have dinner Не invited me to have dinner with him.
with me?"
• order �Tidy your room!" Не ordered me to tidy my room.
• remind "Don't forget to рау the Ьill." Не reminded me to рау the Ьill.
• warn "Don't skate оп the lake." Не warned us not to skate on the lake.
• admit (to) + -lng form r ''Yes, 1 took the money." -- -Не admitted (to) taking/having taken
the money.
• accuse sb of "You tore my favourite shirt." She accused те of tearing/having
torn her favourite shirt.
• apologise for "l'm sorry I forgot your Ьirthday." Не apologised for forgetting/having
forgotten ту Ьirthday.
• complain to sb of "1 have terriЫe toothache." Не complained to me of having
terriЫe toothache.
• deny "1 didn't use your саг." Не denied using/having used my саг.
• suggest "Let's go for а walk." Не suggested going for а walk.
• agree + that - clausв 1 "Yes, it's а lovely hat." She agreed that it was а lovely hat.
• complain "You are always interrupting me." Не complained that I was always
interrupting him.
• deny "1 didn't break your glasses." Не denied that he had broken my
• promise "Of course 1'11 help you finish it." Не promised that he would help me
finish it.

Reporled Conшшnds lns11uclions Reouesls - Reporling о Conve1s11lion Oioloque •

Reporling о Conversolion/Diologue
• We use а mixture of statements, commands and questions in conversations ог dialogues. When we turn
them into reported speech we use: and, as, adding that, and she/he added that, because, but, since,
etc. We can also use introductory verbs in the present participle form (offering, begging, explaining, etc).
Words or expressions such as Oh!, Oh dear!, Well!, etc. аге omitted in reported speech.

Direct Speech

"Oh! This is а fantastic painting!" she said.

__ ....__
Reported Speech

She said (that) that was а fantastic painting and

"Who painted it?" (she) asked who (had) painted it. ("oh" is omitted)
Не took the elderly lady Ьу the агт апd said, "Сап Не took the elderly lady Ьу the агт, offering to
I help уои cross the street?" help her cross the street.

Reported Commonds/lnstructions/Reouests The thief ........................................... to breaking

into the art gallery and stealing the paintings.

1 Fill in the gaps with the introductory verbs in the 2 Turn the following sentences into reported
list in the correct form, as in the example. speech using appropriate introductory verbs.

order, invite, admit, threaten, deny, beg, offer, 1 Му brother said to me, "Could you help me with
command, complain ту Science project?"
····························· ·················································
1 "Billy, go to bed!" ··············································································
Mum ... ordered ... Billy to go to bed. 2 Му sister said, "You wore my dress without asking
2 "Please, please let me stay out late tonight." me!"
Molly ............................ her tather to let her stay
out late that night.
3 "Will you соте to my graduation party?" 3 She said to me, "Don't forget to call John."
Не ..................................... me to his graduation
4 "1 didn't steal the sweater from the shop."
4 Rick said to Susan, "Yes, 1'11 pick you up at the
Rachel ....................... stealing the sweater from
the shop. station."
5 "Put your hands in the air."
The police officer .......................... the robber to
put his hands in the air. 5 She said, "1 really will call you as soon as I arrive."
6 "Stop talking or else 1'11 send you to the ··············································································
headmaster's office!"
The teacher ......................... to send the student 6 Не said to his mother, "No, 1 didn't tidy my room."
to the headmaster's office if he didn't stop
7 "1 have an upset stomach."
7 Не said, "Shall I make you something to eat?"
Не .............................. to me of having an upset
8 "1'11 give you а lift to the train station."
Не .......................... to give his friend а lift to the 8 She said to her daughter, "No, 1 won't buy you
train station. such an expensive watch."
9 "Yes, 1 broke into the art gallery and stole the

Reuorled Conншinds lns11uclions Reuuesls - Reuшling 11 Con e1S11lion Oinlogue11

9 "You're always playing your music late at night," 9 "Don't touch the iron." Jane said. "lt's very hot."
Мг Smith said to Тот.

10 "Do а hundred sit-ups," the sergeant said to the

10 "l'm sorry I couldn't соте to your wedding," Магу soldiers. "Don't take too long, either!"
said to Jane.

Reporting о Conversotion/Diologue
4 Turn the text below into direct speech.

Sammy asked his mother to buy him а new Ьike.

З Turn the following sentences into reported
His mother refused and said that he already had one.
speech, as in the example.
Sammy begged his mother and said that he wanted а
mountain Ьike. His mother replied that Sammy didn't
need а mountain Ьike and that his Ьike was fine.

SCHOOL BUS Sammy: ........................................................................

Mum: ............................................................................
Sammy: ........................................................................
Mum: ............................................................................
5 Study the speech bubЫes, then complete the
sentences below using reported speech, as in
the example.
1 "l'm sorry l'm late for the lesson," Sam said. "1
missed the bus."
.,/"' You'd better
. . .Sam apologised for being late for the lesson
and said (that) he had missed the bus.... Would you and Тот � see а doctor.
2 "You'd better go to bed," Mum said. "You have to like to соте to our
get up early tomorrow." ann1versary раrty?. 1'11 drive you
to the airport
Let's go to the tomorrow.
З "Shall l help you with your suitcases?" Stan asked.
"They look very heavy." �� t� your)
4 "1 didn't take your wallet," Karen said. "Ben took it."

5 "Would you like to go to the opera?" Maria asked. 1 lt was Nick and Janine's anniversary, so they
"l've got an extra ticket." ...inv1ted Тот and те to their anniversary party....
2 Rachel and Sue were talking оп the phone when
Rachel ..................................................................
6 "You broke the lamp," Leo said. "1 saw you do it."
З Stuart was leaving for Spain the following day, so
·············································································· Peter .....................................................................
7 "Yes, 1'11 take you to the station," Dad said. "l'm
going that way anyway." 4 The kitchen tap was dripping, so ВоЬ ................

5 Pam broke а vase while she was playing in the

8 "Please, please don't go into the house," Amy living гооm, so her mother ..................................
said. 'There's someone in there."
6 Julie hadn't been feeling well for days, so Martha

Reuorled Coшnшnds lnslruclions Reouesls - Reuorling о Conve1sпlior1 Oiпlouue

6 Tick the correct sentence.

Error Correction
8 Cross out the unnecessary word.
1 Не has left for the station yet.
2 Не warned at me not to play with matches.
з lt was such an awful film so that we left.
4 Не has read that book last month.
5 Debra loves to listening to music.

Multiple Choice
9 Choose the correct item.
1 "Let's go to Venice."
1 While Tim was reading а magazine, Sally .............
а) George suggested going to Venice.
а letter to her friend.
Ь) George suggested we going to Venice.
А had written В was writing С has been writing
2 "You have lost the report."
а) Му boss accused me of losing the report. 2 Му sister has а friend ............... speaks French
Ь) Му boss accused on me that l lost the report. fluently.
3 "1 have earache.'' А who В whose С who's
а) She complained that I have earache. ( з Ву the end of this week, 1 ........•..... my project.
Ь) She complained to me of having earache.
А will finish В will Ье finishing
4 "1'11 buy you the doll."
С will have finished
а) Не promised to buy me the doll.

___ _____
Ь) Не promised to buying me the doll. 4 Не told me ............... on the grass.
5 "Tidy up your room!" А don't walk В not walk С not to walk
а) Mum ordered me not to tidy up my room.
Ь) Mum ordered me to tidy up my room.
5 Why don't you ............... painting?
А to take up В taking up С take up
______,. .....,.... __,

Revision: Unifs 1 - 11 Word Formotion

We сап also form nouns that refer to people as follows:
Кеу Word Tronsformotion • noun/verЬ/adjective + ist e.g. type - typist
• noun + an/ian e.g. music - musician
7 Complete each sentence with two to five words,
• verb + ant/ent e.g. serve - servant
including the word in bold.
1 The day was so cold that we couldn't go to the 10 Fill in the correct word derived from the words in
park. bold.
such lt was .................................................
............... we couldn't go to the park.
2 "Don't touch the wire!" Mum said to me. 1 The teacher wrote the words оп the
warned Mum ................................................... board for the ......................... . sтuov
............................................. �:,е wire. 2 She asked her ......... -....···-···-..· to дss1sт
3 "l'm sorry I was so rude," said Lauren. demonstrate the new computer
for Lauren ................................................ program.
............................................. so rude. з Prague attracts many ......................... тоuя
4 You won't arrive оп time if you don't leave early. during the summer.
unless You won't arrive оп time ................... 4 Every year the company gets an
.................................................. early. . ........................ to check their files. дCCOUNT
5 She has never gone fishing before. 5 Anne hired а ................ ......... to MAGIC
first lt's the ............................................... . entertain the children at the party.
-·····-···-·····················-·············· fishing. L----------------
The P[lssive - Сh(1поiпо lrom Aclive 10 P[lssive - Oueslioпs iп lhe P[lssive - As - like

The Possive
• We form the passive with the verb to Ье and the past participle of the main verb.

1 to Ье + past participle (рр)'

• Study the following examples to see how the passive is formed in different tenses.

TenseNerb Form Active Passive

Present Simple They develop films here. Films are developed here.

Present Continuous They are developing а film now. А film is being developed now.
Past Simple They developed this film yesterday. This film was developed yesterday.
They were developing а film when I А film was being developed when
Past Continuous
__J arrived.


Present Perfe ct Theyh ave already developed ten fi �n films have already Ьееп developed.
_ _-+_ _
_ _ _ _ _ _
They had developed fifty films Ьу two Fifty films had Ьееп developed Ьу two

Past Perfe ct
o'clock. o'clock.

Future Simple

They will develop the film tomorrow.

They would develop the film if they

The film will Ье developed tomorrow.

. r�he film would Ье developed if the� 1

had time. t1me.

Modals They must develop the film Ьу noon. The film must Ье developed Ьу noon.

Note: The present perfect continuous, the future continuous and the past perfect continuous are not normally
used in the passive.
ln colloquial English, get is often used instead of Ье to express something happening Ьу accident.
Alex got hit Ьу а bus while he was cycling down the street. (= Alex was hit ...)


We use the passive:

• when the person who carries out the action (the agent) is unknown, unimportant or obvious from the
Му саг was stolen last night. (unknown agent)
The plants are watered eve,y evening. (unimportant agent)
The house was burgled. (Ьу а burglar- obvious agent)
• when the action itself is more important than the agent, especially in news headlines, newspaper articles,
formal notices, instructions, advertisements, etc.
The new wing of the hospital was opened Ьу the President yesterday morning.
• when we want to emphasise the agent.
The town libra,y was built Ьу ту great-great-grandfather in 1874.
• when we want to make statements more polite or formal.
Му new CD рlауег is broken. (more polite than You've broken ту new CD player.)

lhe Pпssive Chnngiпg l1ош Aclive 10 Pпssive - Qneslioпs iп lhe Pпssive - As - like

Chonging from Aclive 10 Possive The omelette was made with eggs, milk and
The wood was cut with ап ахе.
When changing а sentence from the active into the passive: • Verbs which take two objects (give, offer, tel1,
• the object of the active sentence becomes the
take, etc.) сап have two passive forms.
subject in the passive sentence.
• the active verb changes into а passive form. Мшу told Kevin а secret. • а) Kevin was told а secret
• the subject of the active sentence becomes the Ьу Мшу. Ь) А secret was told to Kevin Ьу Магу.
• ln the passive, the preposition that follows а verb
agent and is either introduced with the
(accuse of, speak to, break into, etc.) is placed
preposition Ьу or omitted.
• Only transitive verbs (i.e. verbs which take an immediately after the verb.
Dave turned the radio oft. • The radio was
object) сап Ье changed into the passive.
turned off Ьу Dave.
active: Steve wrote а letter. (transШve verb) • Let changes to Ье allowed to in the passive.
passive: А letter was written Ьу Steve.
Мит let us watch ТV. • We were allowed to
But: She сате home late last night. (Тhе verb
watch ТV.
"соте" is intransitive so the sentence cannot Ье
changed into the passive.) Queslions in lhe Possive
• For questions in the passive, we follow the same
есt verb оь·есt
ACTIVE В"� rules as for statements. The verb, however, is in
[ Lisa ted the cat. the interrogative form.
Has Аппе walked the dog? • Has the dog Ьееп
walked (Ьу Аппе)?
subject verb agent • When the question begins with who/what, we
PASSIVE cannot omit "Ьу".
The cat was fed Ьу Lisa.
Who painted the fence? • Who was the fence
• Ву + agent is used to say who or what did the painted Ьу?
The o/d /ady was rescued Ьу а firefighter. As - Llke
• Ву + agent is omitted in the passive sentence We use as + noun:
when the agent is unknown, unimportant or • to say what somebody or something really is.
obvious from the context. lt is also omitted when Не works as а mechanic at Ben's Garage.
the subject of the active sentence is а word such We use like:
as someone, people, 1, you. etc. • with feel, look, smell, taste + noun
Someone has broken the lock. • The lock has lt feels like silk.
Ьееп broken. • with nouns/pronouns/-ing form to express
• With + instrument/material/ingredient is used similarity or contrast.
to say what the agent used, or after past She eats like а Ьird.
participles such as coloured, crowded, filled, No опе сап cook like hег.
packed, etc. This bread is tasteless. lt's like eating cardboard.

The Possive 4 The rubЬish ............................................. (already/

collect) when I left for work.
1 Put the verbs in brackets into а suitaЫe passive 5 The note ............................................. (could/not/
tense, as in the example. read) because the handwriting was very messy.
1 Two men . . . were seen ... (see) running out of the 6 Our exams ............................................. (not/ mark)
bank yesterday morning. yet.
2 The flowers ............................................. (already/ 7 His саг ............................................. (wash) every
water). Saturday.
3 The Smiths' house ............................................. 8 The window ................................ ...... ...... (break)
(paint) at the moment. before the children arrived.

The P11ssive - Chnnging lrom Acli11e 10 Pnssive - Oueslions iп lhe P11ssive - As - tike

9 The house ............................................. (would/sell) 4 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct passive
if it wasn't so expensive. form, as in the example.
10 Магу ............................................. (invite) to the party
but unfortunatery she couldn't make it.

2 Rewrite the sentences in the passive where

possiЫe, as in the example.

1 Andrew cooked dinner.

...Dinner was cooked Ьу Andrew. ...
2 She didn't go to school yesterday.
.. .lt cannot Ье changed. ...
3 Sue painted а lovely picture.

4 They arrived at the airport early this morning.

5 Melanie posted the letter.


6 ВоЬ made а fantastic puppet.
1 А: Did you have а пiсе time iп Bali?
7 Jane left work at 8pm last night. В: Oh, yes. We ...werв takвn... (take) to some of
the most amazing beaches l've ever sееп апd/
we ate some delicious seafood.
8 Joseph cleaned the fish bowl. 2 А: Did they paint their house themselves? \
В: No, it ............................................. (paint) before (
they moved iп.
3 Fill in the gaps with Ьу or with, as in the example. 3 А: Where's your Ьicycle?
. /
В: lt ............................................. (repa1r) at the
1 The film was directed ...Ьу ... my favourite director. moment.

2 The sauce was made .................. mushrooms and 4 А: What did you get for your Ьirthday?
onions. В: 1 ............................................. (give) the most
з The child was stung .................. а Ьее. beautiful pair of earrings l've ever seen.
4 The window was broken .................. а piece of
:; i�:n����i.�.�-��-�-�..���-�-����:. . ...........
Ьу my mother.

5 The glass bowl is filled .................. fruit. 6 А: When сап I pick up my photos?
6 The dog was saved .................. а neighbour. В: They ..................................................... (develop)
7 The apple pie contest was wоп .................. Mrs in the morning, so апу time after lunch.
7 А: That's а lovely watch.
В: lt ............................................. (give) to me оп
8 Не was shot .................. а rifle. my retirement.
9 They were scared .................. the thunder. 8 А: When will your саг Ье ready?
10 The fingerprints оп the tаЫе had Ьееп wiped off В: 1 don't know. lt ............................................. 1
.................. а towel. (still/fix) when I went to the garage this
11 These curtains were made .... .. .. . ... .. ..... ..... my morning.
grandmother. 9 А: Did you reseNe а рlапе ticket?
В: No, unfortunately the flight ..............................
12 The cake was cut .................. а knife. ...................... (fully/book) Ьу the time I got to
13 Dan was laughed at .................. his friends. the travel agent's.
14 The house has been decorated .................. 10
balloons. :; �; ����..������.. �.����-.��-�.���-�.:. (must/ feed)
15 The parcel will Ье delivered .................. my uncle. опсе а day. 1


Jhe Pnssive - Chnnging 1,ош Aclive 10 Possive - Queslions i11 lhe Possive -As - like

11 А: А new hospital ................................................. ..

(build) in our town at the moment.
6 The manager of Hilltop Hotel is talking to а maid

В: Yes, 1 know. lt .................................................

about the hotel conference room. Answer the

(open) Ьу the mayor when it's finished.

questions using the prompts below, as in the

12 А: How was the wedding reception?


В: lt was lovely! The haJI ............................................. 1 А: Have you vacuumed the carpets yet?
(decorate) with beautiful flowers. В: Yes/the carpets/vacuum/this morning
13 А: What's going оп?
В: А Ьоу ............................................. (trap) in the
lift and the firefighters are trying to get him out.
... Yes, the carpets were vacuumed thls

2 А: Have you polished the taЫes yet?

14 А: That was а terriЫe storm last night!

В: 1 know. Many houses ............................................ В: Yes/the taЫes/polish/two hours ago

3 А: Have you ordered fresh flowers yet?


В: Yes/fresh flowers/order/an hour ago

...................................................... (report/
15 А: : .
В: Hopefully Ьу next week.

_ 1
n ) (

�------"-...___.____ 4 А: Have you cleaned the windows yet?


В: No/the windows/clean/this afternoon

__./ ../�

5 А: Have you dusted the chairs yet?

5 Using the prompts below, write sentences in the

В: Yes/the chairs/dust/three hours ago

passive, as in the example.

б А: Have you changed the light bulb in the

cloakroom yet?
В: No/the light bulb in the cloakroom/change/
later this afternoon

7 Rewrite the following in the passive.

1 Who invented the telephone?


1 А: Look at that house! What happened to it? 2 The thief stole all the money in the till.
В: lt/destroy/in an earthquake.

2 А: That's а beautiful sweater you're wearing! з Who has written this poem?
. . .lt was destroyed ln ап earthquake....

В: Thank you. lt/knit/my aunt.

З А: This house is so dirty!

В: lt/not/clean/for months. 4 When will they hold the annual dance?

4 �· �{�i��j�=-�/t�\t�i.:.d;;
5 А: How's Мг Stevens?
В: He's upset. His shop/tear down/next week/by
: :) 5 Many tourists visit the Eiffel Tower every year.

б Did you give the parcel to Susie?


а demolition company. /

6 А: Where were you born? 7 The fire damaged many buildings in the city centre.
В: ln Paris/but/1/raise/in London.

• The Pnssive • Chnnqing 110111 Aclive 10 Possiie · Queslions in lhe P11ssi1e · As • like

8 The repairman is fixing the washing machine. В The news reporter announced that the police are
·············································································· looking for а man who broke into the National Bank.
The thief cut the wires of the alarm and then broke into
9 Has Victoria sent out the invitations? the bank's city centre branch some time late last night.
The thief stole f:500,000 from the bank. The police are
searching the city centre as they believe the thief is still
in the area.
10 They will open the new library to the puЫic in

11 We took many of these photographs when we

were in lndia.

12 They will dedicate the new university building to Dr

As - Like
9 Fill in the gaps with as or like, as in the example.
13 Will she redecorate her flat in Мау?

14 Dora sold three sculptures at the gallery opening.

15 Who made this delicious chocolate cheesecake?

1 The clouds in the sky look ... /ke... cotton.

8 Rewrite the following passages in the active or 2 Мг Samson works .................................. а slave. 1
passive, accordingly. 3 Paula would like to find а job ........................... а
newspaper journalist. (
А Rosemary Hills train station was built Ьу Sean 4 Мг Hart works .................. а professor at Oxford
Carlton and his wife Sharon in 1894. For the University.
construction of the waiting room, red brick had been 5 Магу and her sister fight ................ cat and dog.
imported from England Ьу the Carltons. The station 6 She has been working .............. а vet for а уеаг/
was opened in 1896 Ьу the President himself. That 7 "What are you cooking? lt smells .............. fish."
year, Rosemary Hills was visited Ьу а steam locomotive 8 "Sammy, you're а Ьig Ьоу now. Stop acting
for the first time. lt was pumping clouds of white smoke ................... а ЬаЬу," she said.
and whistling loudly enough to Ье heard Ьу all the 9 Mrs Madison was offered а job ........................ а
townspeople. sales assistant in а nearby boutique. 1
10 Мг Petroni is looking for а job .................. а chef
in an ltalian Restaurant.
11 Carol has got а moblle phone ............... mine.
12 Their news came ............... а complete surprise1
to everyone who knew them.
13 "The sky is very dark."
"Yes, it looks ............... rain."

14 That child behaves ............... an angel.
15 No one сап sing that song ............... him.

The Possive · Chnnyinq 110111 Aclive 1D Pussive - Queslions iп lhe Pussive - As - like •

Revision: Units 1 - 12 _____ __,

5 John's watch cost f:30, but Mike's watch only
cost f:25.
expensive John's watch was ............................. .
Mulfiple Choice ............................................... Mike's.
6 Vicky started taking violin lessons four years ago.
10 Choose the correct item. has Vicky ..................................................
..... ............................... for four years.
1 Carla always ............... early оп Sunday mornings.
7 The bakery is next to my house. lt sells delicious
А gets up В get up С getting up
2 John ............... а shower at the moment. which The bakery .........................................
А has В have С is having ....... my house sells delicious bread.
8 Have you told all the employees that there will Ье
3 That's the little Ьоу ............... lost his dog.
а meeting tomorrow morning?
А who В whose С which
been Have ...................................................
4 Gary has Ьееп travelling ............... August. ............................. that there will Ье а
А for В since С until meeting tomorrow morning?
5 lt was ............... а horriЫe day that we stayed at
Еrror Correction
А - В so С such 12 Cross out the unnecessary word.
6 Did Sarah ............... drink а lot of milk when she 1 We went to the Amsterdam for two weeks last
was young? summer.
А use to В used to С using to 2 This song it is expected to reach number one in
the top ten.
7 We ............... to the beach yet this summer.
З The dog that it Ьit me is my neighbour's.
А haven't been В didn't go С haven't gone
4 She told to me she would Ье late.
8 Jim is looking for а job ............... а personal 5 Не suggested that they should to leave early.
assistant. 6 She told us do not to touch the wire.
А as В like С such 7 Не promised that to Ье back early.
8 1 have read this book last summer.
9 Не ............... me about the concert last night.
А said В ordered С told
Word Forwot•on
10 You'II fail your exams ............... you study.
13 Fill in the correct word derived from the word in
А when В unless С if

Кеу Word Tronsformotion Dear Jenny,

11 Complete each sentence with two to five words,

including the word in bold. How are you? Ray and I arrived in
Dolphin Вау yesterday. We are staying at I
1 Steven Spielberg directed ЕТ: The Extraterrestrial. а 1) ......................... campsite, only five MARVEL
was ЕТ: The Extraterrestrial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . minutes from the beach. The weather
.... .......................... Steven Spielberg. has been hot and 2) ................. . SUN

2 "Don't touch the iron!" said Mum. lt is very З) ......................... here as there РЕАСЕ
warned Mum .................................................. . are по cars. The quiet environment makes
............................................. the iron. те feel very 4) ........................ . lt is my first RELAX
3 lt was so cloudy that we didn't go to the beach. time camping and I never thought I would
such lt ......................................................... like it this much. l'm having а great time.
......... that we didn't go to the beach. Тhere is а restaurant оп the campsite which
4 You can't go to the basketball game tonight if you seNesvery 5) ........................ food. Just thinking TASTE
don't finish your homework. aЬout it makesmeб) .................................. !

unless You can't go to the basketball game See you soon, 1
tonight ................................................ (

................................ your homework. __ N:�Y ________..__..,...__.

Neerl - Persoш1I 'l111ue1soп[II Coпs11uclioп

• We use need and an -ing form or а passive infinitive to show that it is necessary to improve or repair
e.g. The windows need c/eaning.
The windows need to Ье c/eaned.

Personol/lmpersonol Construction
• The verbs think. believe. say, report, know, expect. etc. are used in the following passive patterns in
personal and impersonal constructions.
active -+ People say that he has won the lottery.
passive -+ а) /t is said (that) he has won the lottery. (impersonal construction)
Ь) Не is said to have won the lottery. (personal construction)
active -+ People expect that Sue Peters wi/1 break the world record.
passive -+ а) /t is expected (that) Sue Peters wi/1 break the world record.
Ь) Sue Peters is expected to break the wor/d гесогd.
active -+ People believe that he sold the painting.
passive -+ а) /t is believed (that) he sold the painting.
Ь) Не is be/ieved to have so/d the painting.

Need 8 The radio IS broken. (fix)

1 Look at the sentences and rewrite them in the need

+ ing form and the need + passive infinitive form 9 The petrol tank is empty. (fill)
using the words in bold, as in the example.

1 The ЬаЬу is hungry. (feed) 10 Your Ыouse is torn. (sew)

... The ЬаЬу nee9s feeding... .
...The ЬаЬу needs to Ье fed... .
2 The саг has а flat tyre. (change) 11 The rubblsh Ьiп is full. (take out)

З Your room is а mess. (tidy) 12 The batteries are dead. (charge)

4 The plants аге dry. (water) 13 Your hair looks terriЫe. (brush)

5 The dog is barking. (walk) 14 This pencil is Ыunt. (sharpen)

6 This shirt is wrinkled. (iron) 15 The lights аге off. (turn оп)

7 Your nails аге too long. (cut) 16 The letters аге ready. (post)

Need - Perso1101 ln111ersonol Cons11uclio11

Personol/lmpersonol Conslruclion З Underline the correct form of the verbs, as in the


2 Rewrite the following sentences in the passive

using personal and impersonal constructions, as
in the example.

1 People say that she has millions in the bank.

lt .. . is said (that) she has millions in the bank....
She ...is said to have millions in the bank....

2 The newscaster reported that the President

resigned last night.
lt .............................................................................

The President .........................................................

з People believe that ап electrical proЫem caused

the fire.
А: How was your first day in your new job?
lt ............................................................................. В: Oh, quite good really, although it 1) started/had
started badly because my саг 2) had broken
An electrical proЫem ............................................ down/broke down оп the way.
А: Oh dear. Were you late?
В: No. Fortunately, 1 3) was given/gave а lift Ьу my
4 Everyone thinks that he stole the money. brother.
А: So what happened when you got there?
lt ............................................................................ . В: Well, 1 4) reported/was reporting to my manager
and then she 5) was introducing/introduced me
Не .......................................................................... to everyone and 1 6) was shown/showed my
desk. Then, the phone 7) had started/started
ringing and never stopped. 1 was very busy all 1

5 People know that she has lived in many countries. day.

А: 8) Did you have/Were you having any proЫems?
lt .............................................................................
В: Not really. Everyone was really nice. 1 9) had/
was having а proЫem with the coffee machine,
She ........................................................................ though.
А: Don't tell me you 10) broke/had broken it!
В: Yes. How did you guess? 1 11) was putting/put
6 People expect that he will win ап award. my money in when it 12) made/was m aking а
strange noise. Then, the coffee 13) poured/was
lt .............................................................................
pouring out all over the floor! lt 14) had broken/
was broken the day before and they 15) had
Не .......................................................................... forgotten/have forgotten to tell me!

" №е11 • Ре1sш1111 lпще1sо11111 Cons11uclion

4 Match the people's comments with the natural 6 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct active
disasters, then rewrite their words in the passive, or passive tense, as in the example.
as in the example.
vo lcanic eruption, earthquake, avalanche, fire, lce cream, one of the
tornado, f/oo d

/ /
most favourite
desserts in the world,
Experts had Тen metres of 1) ...was lntroduced...
predicted the snow buried а (introduce) to Europe
eruption weeks village north of trom the East. ln 1670,
before. Montreal. Francisco Procopio
opened а cafe in Paris,
1 ... volcanic eruption: 2 ·································
serving ices and
The eruption had
sherbets. The ices and
Ьееп predic t ed
sherbets 2) ..................
weeks before....
(become) so popular that Ьу 1676 there 3) .........
............. (Ье) 250 ice makers in Paris. However,
Rescue workers / another cafe owner in Paris in the late 18th
The violent winds /
have pulled out century Ьу the name of Tortoni 4) ....................... .
destroyed many
three people (say) to Ье the first person to make cream ices.
houses in the
from under the The main ingredients which 5) .........................
debris. (use) to make ice cream 6) .......................... (Ье)
milk, cream, sugar and eggs. These ingredients
3 ................................ . 4 ................................. 7) ....................................... (comblne) to make а
mixture which 8) ........................... (put) in а large
container and 9) ............................... (refrigerate)
for several hours. Then, chopped nuts or
chocolate pieces 10) ................................... (add)

lt will burn
/ They are
sending tents to shelter
people because the
/ to make different flavours. After that, the ice
cream 11) ............................................. (package)
individually and finally it 12) ................................. .
hundreds of acres of
water has swept their (freeze).
houses away. People of all ages 13) ........................... (love)
eating ice cream. lt 14) ............................... (Ье) а
5 ································· 6 ·································
wonderful treat, especially when it 15) .................
(top) with delicious syrups and whipped cream!

5 Rewrite the following passage in the passive.

Late last night, two boys broke into the Lots and
Revision: Units 1 - 13
Lots of Toys store оп Park Avenue. An employee
had left а small window open. Police believe that MultiPle Choice
the boys climbed in through the window. They
stole (2,500 worth of toys. The police have not 7 Choose the correct item.
found the boys yet.
1 Tanya has been exercising 9.00 this
А since в for С at
2 lt was ............... beautiful painting that I bought it.
А such В so С such а
3 lf you're not оп time, we ............... without you.
А leave В will leave С will have left

Need - Personпl lшpersonпl Conslruclion •

4 А meeting ............... once а month. 7 They are sending an ambulance to the scene of
А have been held В is holding С is held the crash.
being An ambulance ................................
5 Ellen works ............... а waitress at Gustav's. .................. the scene of the crash.
А like В as С such 8 lt was so hot that we couldn't sleep that night.
6 The fish ............... feeding. such lt was ............................................. .
А need to Ье В need to С need .......................... we couldn't sleep.
9 "1 am writing а book," Tim said to те.
7 "The bus ............... an hour ago," the man said. told Tim ..................................................
А was leaving В left С has left ................................ writing а book.
10 They found the puppy under the sofa.
8 А: Shall I buy some more bread?
was The puppy ..................................... .
В: No, 1 ............... some yesterday. .......................................... the sofa.
А have bought В bought С buy

frror Correction Word Formotion

8 Cross out the unnecessary word. We form nouns from adjectives Ьу adding:
-ance e.g. arrogant - аггоgапсе
1 Му brother said that he couldn't to drive me to -ence e.g. inte/ligent - intelligence
school. -ness e.g. polite - politeness
2 Lisa has rarely goes to the beach. -ity e.g. active - activity
з Не told us do not to tel1 lies. -ty e.g. cruel - cruelty
4 We arrived after the film had been started. -у e.g. jealous - jealousy
5 She's been cooking all the day.
10 Fill in the gaps with the correct words derived
Кеу Word Tronsformotion from the words in bold.

9 Complete each sentence with two to five words,

lncluding the word in bold.

1 lt's two years since Bessie has been on holiday.

for Bessie has ......................................
....................................... two years.
2 "l'm sorry for not returning the book on time," she
said. 1 Matthew has ................ reading DIFFICULT
apologised She ................................................. without his glasses.
........................... the book on time. 2 Great ........................ is placed IMPORTANT
З lt's the first time he has ridden а horse. оп experience in this company.
never Не ................................................... 3 Sharon showed her ................... INDEPENDENТ
............................................ before. Ьу moving into her own flat.
4 Why don 't you get а guard dog? 4 lt was the mayor's .................... POPULAR
would lf ...................................................... that helped him win the election.
............................ get а guard dog. 5 Paul and Danielle's ...................
5 They won't let you in if you don't have а ticket.
made Adrian jealous.
unless They will .......................................... 6 AII toys should Ье checked for
........................... you have а ticket. ···················· .
6 "Don't play near the train tracks," she said to us. 7 Fran's ............................ always
warned She ................................................. SHY
made her Ыush in puЫic .
...................... near the train tracks.

Coпrlilioп[IIS: Tyoes 2 und З-V/ishes-li11kina �Voпls/Phп1ses

Туре 2 Condifionols - unreol present lf / had known that Stanley was in town, / would
have invited him to the party. (But / didn't know
that Stan/ey was in town, so / didn 't invite him to
• Туре 2 conditionals are used to express
the party.)
imaginary or improbaЫe situations, which аге lf we had arrived at the theatre earlier, we wou/d
unlikely to happen in the present or future. have found а seat. (But we didn 't, so there
weren't апу seats left.)
if - clause (hypothesis) main clause (result)
if + past simple would/could/might
bare infinitive
• Wish/lf only + subject + past simple is used to
lf / had а lot of топеу, / would Ьиу а house in express wish/regret about а present situation.
Monte Саг/о. (But / don't have а lot of топеу. / wish/lf оп/у / knew where she lived.
Неге, we refer to the present.) (/'т sorry (that) / don't know where she lives.)
lf ту саг broke down, / wou/d take the bus. (But / wish/lf оп/у / were taller. (But / ат not.)
/ don't expect ту саг to break down. Неге, we • We сап use were instead of was for all persons.
refer to the future.) • Wish/lf only + subject + past perfect is used to
• We use if + were to give advice: express regret about а past situation. (something
lf / were уои, / would talk to ту parents. that happened or didn't happen in the past.)
• We can use were instead of was for all persons / wish/lf оп/у / hadn't lied to him. (/'т sorry
in the if-clause. (that) l lied to him.)
lf he were/was here, he wou/d help us so/ve the
Llnkino Words/Phroses
Туре З Condiflonols - unreol post • We can use also, in addition to this, what is
• Туре З conditionals are used to express more, furthermore, moreover, besides this, etc.
imaginary or improbaЫe situations which to add more information and/or link similar ideas.
never happened in the past. The y are also used Being а journalist is ап exciting job. Besides
to express regret or criticism. this, уои get to travel а// over the world.
• We сап use however, on the other hand,
�clause (hypothesis) main clause (result) nevertheless, although, in spite of the fact
(that), despite the fact (that), in spite of,
if + past perfect would/could/might + despite, yet, but, etc. to link contrasting ideas.
have + past participle Being а doctor is а we/1-paid job. However, it is
very hard work.

Туре 2 Condifionols 2 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense,
as in the example.

1 Match the items in column А with those in column
В to make sentences, as in the example. 1 lf Steven ... had woken ир ... (wake up) half an
А в hour earlier, he wouldn't have been late for work.
2 were
lf 1 .................... (Ье) you, 1 would study Law.
1 lf I were you, а we would see each 3 would work
lf I were а doctor, 1 .................................... (work)
2 lf Sara lived near other more often. for the organisation Doctors without Borders .
me, Ь he would donate 4 lf Магу had enough money, she ....................
some to charity. ..could open (open) her own restaurant.
3 lf Peter had а lot
с 1 would do more 5 knew
lf George .................................. (know) her name,
of money,
exercise. he would tell me.
4 lf Dad didn't have d he could take us to would drive
to work today, 6 lf we had а саг, we ................................... (drive)
the zoo. across the USA.

Condilionols: Tyues 2 rind 3-\'/ishes-tinking \'/01ds Ph1uses

Туре З Condilionols 7 А: Will you соте to the cinema with me?

didn't have
В: l'm sorry but l'm busy. tf 1 .............................. .
(not/have) so many things to do at home, 1
3 Read the story below and make Туре 3 would come
................................... (come) with you.
conditional sentences, as in the example. 8 А: Dad, why didn't you let me play with Annie
had finished
В: lf you ............................................ (finish) your
could have play
homework, you ................................................... .
(play) with her.
9 А: Do you live in Paris?
had lived (live) in Paris, 1 ..............
В: No, but if 1 ..........................
would learn (learn) to speak French fluently.

Carl had а horriЫe camping trip last weekend. Не
woke up late, so he had to rush. Не forgot to pack 5 Rewrite the following sentences to express
his sleeping bag, so he slept оп the cold, hard either ап ипгеа/ situation in the present or а
ground. Не didn't take any insect repellent, and as а regret about а past event.
result he was Ьitten Ьу mosquitoes. lt rained оп
Sunday, so he left early.
1 1 scratched my sister's favourite CD.
.. .lf Саг/ hadn't woken ир late. he wouldn't have had to
rush.... .../ wish I hadn't scratched ту sisteг·s favourite
If Carl hadn't forgotten to pack his sleeping bag СО. (regret) ...
he wouldn't have to slept on the cold, hard ground.
If Carl had taken any insect repellent, he wouldn't 2 1 haven't got а motorcycle.
have been bitten by mosquitoes.
If it hadn't rained on Sunday, he wouldn't left .. ./ w1sh / had а motorcycle. (unreal situation) ...
З I am not old enough to go to nightclubs.
4 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. I wish I was old enough to go to nightclubs
... ................ ............. .
1 А: lf you .................... (go) to the supermarket,
can you buy
...................................... (you/buy) some milk, 4 1 left school without any qualifications.
I wish I hadn't left school without any
В: Of course.
2 А: 1 haven't been feeling well lately. qualifications (regret)
В: lf 1 .................... would call
(Ье) you, 1 ........•.................. 5 1 missed the plane to Lisbon.
(call) the doctor's for an appointment.
3 А: Mum, 1 didn't pass the Maths test. I wish I hadn't missed the plane to Lisbon(regret)
had studied
В: lf you ........................................ (study) for it, you
would have passed (pass) it.
...................................... 6 1 am not tall enough to join the basketball team.
4 А: What time should I expect you?
В: lf the bus ................................ (come) оп time, 1 I wish I were tall enough to join the basketball
will arrive
........................................... (arrive) around 3.00. team (unreal situation)
5 А: 1 can't believe that people still drop litter! 7 1 didn't call my grandfather last night.
stopped (stop) dropping
В: 1 know! lf everyone ....................
would be
litter, our neighbourhood ................................... . I wish I had called my grandfather last night
(Ье) а nicer place to live in. (regret)
6 А: lf you .................... (see) Bill, сап you tell him 8 1 forgot my parents' anniversary.
to call те?
В: Of course. I wish I hadn't forget my parents' anniversary

М Coпdilioпnls: Jypes 2 ощl З-\'/ishes-liпki11g \'/oids Ph1oses

6 Make sentences, as in the example. had listened (listen) to me. lf you

7 1 wish you .........................
wouldn't have lose .
had listened to me, you .......................................
(not/lose) your job.
8 lf you continue to eat junk food, you ................... .
will gain
.......................... (gain) weight.

8 Look at the pictures, then use the prompts to

make Туре 2 or З conditional sentences.
1 have а joЬ/not feel 2 have customers/be
bored busy 1 it/snow/last weekend/we/
.../ wish / had а job. lf I wish I had customers go skiing
/ had а job, / wouldn't If i had customers, I
fвв/ bored.... would be busy
If it had snowed last
weekend, we would
have gone skiing
she/learn/to sew/she/
make/her own clothes

3 know the answers/ If she had learned to sew

Ье аые to pass the she would male her own
exam clothes
I wish I know the I wish I had some help
answers. If i had know the If i had some help, Тom/have/Ьicycle/he/
answers, I would be I would finish quicker 3
cycle/to work /every day
able to pass the exam
If Tom had bicycle, he
would cycle to work
every day
lt/be/Johnny's Ьirthday/
they/have/a party
5 have а hat/not Ье so 6 own а camera/take
hot а picture If it were Yohnny's
I wish I had a hat. I wish I hadn't own camera
If i had a hat, I wouldn't If I hadn't own camera birthday, they would
I would take a picture have party
be so hot.
9 Continue the sentences, as in the example.
1 lf I had а lot of money, .../ would travel around the
7 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense, world....
as in the example. you will get . .
2 lf you go to the gym every day, ..........................
1 lf 1 . . . were ... (Ье) you, 1 would tel1 him the truth. 3 lf you touch the hot iron,you will burn yourselve.
2 hadn't forgotten
1 wish 1 ......................................... (not/forget) my she wouldn't .
4 lf Sally had passed her exams, ............................
keys. Now I can't get into my house. have had to take them again.
з would win
lf he were faster, he .............................. (win) the 5 lf Fred had а summer house, he would stay .
race. there tor the whole summer
4 hadn't eaten
1 wish 1 .................................... (not/eat) all those 6 lf I hadn't woken up late, I.....................................
wouldn't have been.
sweets. Now I feel sick. late for school.
5 found
lf she .................... (find) а kitten, she'II keep it. you will upset her
7 Unless you call her, ............................................ .
6 had
lf 1 .................... (have) а garden, 1 would grow my 8 lf they had invited him to the picnic, they would.
own vegetaЫes. have gone with them.

Coшlilionnls: T;pes 11шd 3-\'lishes-linking \'lшds Phrnses М
Bnking Words/Phroses Кеу Word Tronsformolion
10 Underline the correct linking word/phrase, as in 13 Study the tаЫе, then complete each sentence
the example. with two to five words, including the word in bold.
1 She was exhausted, yet she sti/1 went out with her
1 Не was exhausted, as well/� he took the dog
for а walk. being Despite ..........................................,
2 However/Despite being short, he's ап excellent
she still went out with her friends.
basketball player.
2 l'm sorry I wasn't at your wedding.
З Even though/But they are poor, they аге very
wish 1 ............................................... your
4 Оп the other hand/ln spite of being qualified,
З I last went to the cinema six months ago.
she can't find а job.
been 1 .......................................... cinema
5 Despite the fact that/Also she can't sing wel/,
for six months.
the band still hired her as their singer.
4 Despite having studied for the exam, she didn't
6 lt's а dangerous job. Moreover/Nevertheless,
pass it.
the рау is extremely good.
had Although .........................................
the exam, she didn't pass it.
5 "Don't go near the edge of the pool," she said.
warned She .................................................
near the edge of the pool.

Mulliple Choice 6 lt's not necessary for you to call me before you
need You .................................................
11 Choose the correct item.
before you leave.
1 Не was making а cake ............... his wife called.
А as В because С when Word Formofion
2 The Clarks ............... а new refrigerator last month.
А bought В are buying С buy 14 Fill in the gaps with the correct words derived
from the words in bold.
З They ............... shopping last night.
А weren't going В didn't go С haven't gone '
4 The sun ............... in the west. l love my job even though it's 1) ......... DANGER
А is setting В sets С set ........... . There аге а lot of risks involved
but it's also very 2) ....................... . ln REWARD
5 lf we ............... early, we'II get а good seat. the past, it was quite З) ........................ USUAL
А are leaving В left С leave to see а woman firefighter and when 1
6 Annie ............... me that she was moving to Alaska. was а 4) ............................, there were TRAIN
А told В told to С said hardly any at all. lt was thought that
women would have 5) ........................... DIFFICULT
in doing this kind of job, but we have

frror Correclion proved everyone wrong. Despite the

fact that it is hard work and quite tiring,
firefighting is an 6) ................................ INTEREST
12 Cross out the unnecessary word. job. 1 have been а firefighter for years
and I have never felt 7) ....................... . BORE
1 Simon won't have been fixed the roof until Everyone I work with finds it an 8) ........ ENJOY
tomorrow morning. ..................... career to have and they

2 They are to /eaving for the seaside this evening. 9) .......................... agree with me that CERTAIN
З I am reading а book which it is extremely being а woman is not а 10) ................... ADVANTAGE
interesting. ...................... in becoming а firefighter.
4 She was Ье watching ТУ when the lights went off.
5 lf I was won the lottery, 1 would buy а yacht. -''--·-----�-
Т11е 10-i11li11ilive - The l11linilive \Vilhoul 10 - The -ing lor111

• after the expressions: l'm busy, it's по use, it's

The to-infinilive (not) worth, what's the use of, can't help,
can't stand, there's по point (in), look forward
We use the to-infinitive: to, what about ...?, how about ...?, etc.
• to express purpose. lt's по use calling him. Не can't hear.
She went to the chemist's to Ьиу some aspirin.
• after would love, would like, would prefer. Certain verbs may Ье followed Ьу either the to­
l'd love to see the Taj Mahal опе day. infinitive or the -ing form. ln this case, however,
• after certain adjectives such as: glad, difficult, there is а change in meaning.
happy, sorry, willing, etc. Forget
We were glad to help them fix their roof. forget + to-infinitive = not remember
• after certain verbs such as: advise, agree, l'm sorry / forgot to call уои.
appear, decide, expect, hope, learn, manage, forget + -ing form = forget а past event
offer, promise, refuse, seem, teach, want, etc. / wi/1 never forget meeting the President.
We сап 't decide where to eat tonight.
• in the expressions: to tell (you) the truth, to begin Remember
remember + to-infinitive = not forget
with, to Ье honest, to start with, to sum up, etc.
То Ье honest, / hate watching horror films. She remembered to lock the door.
• after too and enough. This сипу is too spicy for remember + -ing form = recall а past event
те to eat. / don't remember turning off the ТV.
try + to-infinitive = do one's best, attempt
The lnf inltlve withoul to The divers tried to find the sunken treasure but
they couldn't.
try + -ing form = do sth as an experiment
We use the infinitive without to:
• after modal verbs: сап, could, may, might, will, Try going to bed earlier. Уои might feel better.
would, must, etc. Stop
Уои must call уоиг mother immediately. stop + to-infinitive = stop for а while in order to
• after the verbs feel, hear, make, let, see. do sth else
She made him clean his гоот. She stopped to eat а sandwich and then
But: Ье made/be heard/be seen + to-infinitive continued studying.
Не was made to clean his room. stop + -ing form = finish, end
Не stopped drinking coffee because it keeps
him awake.
The -ino form Regret
regret + to-infinitive = Ье sorry
We use the -ing form: We regret to inform уои that Flight 714 to
• as а noun. Boston has Ьееп cancelled.
Smoking is forbldden in this bui/ding. regret + -ing form = have second thoughts
• after love, like, dislike, hate, enjoy, prefer, etc. / regret shouting at him that way.
/ /ove watching the sun set every evening.
• after prepositions. Note: the verbs hear, see, watch, notice and similar
They left without taking their change. verbs of perception can Ье followed Ьу:
• after certain verbs such as: avoid, admit, fancy, object + infinitive without to or object + ing form
finish, forgive, imagine, keep (=continue), / saw him cross the bridge. (= As I /ooked, he
mind (=object to), regret, suggest, etc. crossed it from опе side to the other.)
They suggested eating at the /оса/ ltalian / saw him crossing the bridge. (= As l looked, he was
restaurant. crossing it - he was in the middle, оп his way across.)

The 10-infinili11e The lnlinilive \'1ilhou1 10 The -ing lor111

The 10-inlinilive/Jhe lnlinilive wilhoul lo/ 3 Fill in the correct form of the verbs in brackets
(to-infinitive or -ing form), as in the example.
The -ing lorm 1 1'11 never forget ...meeting... (meet) Sharon Stone.
2 1 regret ..................................... (inform) you that
1 Say whether the words/expressions below are you didn't pa5s the exam.
followed Ьу the а) to-infinitive, Ь) infini1ive without 3 Do you remember ....................... (see) this film?
to, с) -ing form, as in the example. 4 1 forgot ................................................. (add) milk
50 the 5auce is ruined.
1 hope ...а ... 12 refu5e .......... 5 Alan 5topped ..................................... (take) taxis
2 make .......... 13 there'5 no point (in) to work becau5e it was too expen5ive.
3 can't 5tand .......... 6 The archaeologi5t tried .........................................
4 let .......... 14 might .......... (find) the lo5t city but she had no luck.
5 love .......... 15 hear .......... 7 Не alway5 remembered ........................................
6 promi5e .......... 16 offer .......... (water) the plant5 before he left the hou5e.
7 it'5 not worth .......... 17 5eem .......... 8 1 really regret .................... (talk) to them 50 rudely.
8 want .......... 18 glad .......... 9 Bill 5topped .................................. (drink) а gla55
9 decide .......... 19 how about .......... of water and then went back to work.
10 can't .......... 20 mu5t .......... 10 You 5hould try ........................................ (go) out
11 look forward to ...... more often if you want to meet people.

2 Fill ln the gaps with the verbs in brackets in the 4 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct infinitive
correct form of the infinitive or -ing form, as in the form or the -ing form, as in the example.
When I wa5 young I u5ed
1 А: 15 Ed in hi5 room? to love 1) . . . vlslting...
В: Уе5, 1 can hear him .. .talking... (talk) on the (visit) my grandparent5 at
phone. their cottage Ьу the 5еа. 1
2 А: Did the police catch the robber? couldn't 2) .........................
В: Уе5. Не admitted .................... (rob) the (wait) for the school year
jewellery 5hop. to end. Му father would
3 А: Do you want to rent Rambo tonight? 3) .................... (drive) me
В: No. 1 can't 5tand .................... (watch) violentfilm5. to the cottage, where 1
4 А: 15 everything ready for the party tomorrow? loved 4) ..................... (stay)
В: Уе5, almo5t. l've decorated the hou5e, but 1 for the whole 5ummer.
forgot ........................... (buy) 50me balloon5. 1 looked forward to
5 А: When will Adam return the lawnmower? 5) .................... (go) fi5hing
В: Не will ....................... (return) it оп Saturday. with my grandfather. Mo5t
6 А: What time i5 it? day5 we managed
В: lt'5 half pa5t eight. You'd better hurry or you'II 6) .................... (catch) а lot
.................... (miss) the bu5. of fi5h but we would
7 А: What did Мг Jone5 5ау? 7) .................... (throw)
в·. не аd v15e · d me ................................. (speak) them all back into the water. Then, we would 8) ..............
to а lawyer. .............. (swim) in the clear Ыuе 5еа. Му grandmother
8 А: What time do you have to go home сп Friday loved 9) ............................................ (cook) for u5. 1
night5? remember 10) ................................... (bake) chocolate
В: Му parent5 let те .................... (stay) out until chip Ьi5cuits with her. They were my favourite! She
eleven o'clock on Friday5. alway5 let те 11) ......................................... (eat) а
9 А: Do you like living in Ala5ka? Ьi5cuit а5 500П as they came out of the oven. 1 can 5till
В: AJa5ka i5 beautiful, but I can't get used to 12) ................... (taste) them now, melting in ту mouth!
........................... (live) in such cold weather. 1'11 never forget 13) .................................. (spend)
10 А: How often do you clean your room? tho5e wonderful summer5 with my grandparents. 1 will
В: Му mother makes те ......................... (clean) always 14) .................... (keep) the memory of them
it every week. clo5e to ту heart.

• The 10-inlinilive · The lnlinilive 1·1ilhou110 · The -inq lшш

5 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct infinitive В: Ah, 1 don't know.
form or the -ing form, as in the example. А: Alright then. What colour are you thinking of
4) ............................................................ (wear)?
1 А: Mum, can you 1) В: l'm not sure.
...hefp... (help) me А: Okay. Let's see. 1 think а red dress would 5) ...............
with my homework? .................................... (suit) you ... No? Well, how
l've tried 2) ............... about а white Ыouse and а Ыасk skirt ... ? Not
(read) the chapter that either. Alright. А Ыuе suit ... ?
Ьу myself but it's too В: No, not Ыuе. 1 can't stand even 6) ........................
difficult for me З) ...... (look) at that colour!
......... (understand). А: 1 see. How much money are you willing 7) ...........
8: Alright, 1'11 4) ............. . ............... (spend)?
(help) you in а В: 1 want 8) ................................. (рау) about �100.
minute. А: Hmm. Perhaps you might 9) ................................
2 А: What do you want (like) this green ballgown?
1) ..................... (do) В: Yes, that's lovely. Where can I go 10) .................
tonight? (try) it on?
В: How about 2) .............................. (see) а film? А: The fitting room is just there, madam. 1'11 Ье right
А: 1 hate З) .......................... (go) to the cinema. here if you need me.
What about 4) .............................. (stay) at
7 Use the correct infinitive or -ing form of the verbs
home and 5) ............. (order) Chinese food?
В: Yeah, that sounds nice! below to fill in the gaps, as in the example.
З lt's no use 1) ................................. (talk) to Rick.
He's а stubborn man who refuses 2) ..................
............................ (change) his mind.
4 А: ВоЬ and Laura have decided 1) ....................
.................... (get) married!
В: How wonderful!
А: Yes, it is! 1 was glad 2) ...................................
(hear) the news. 1 think they make а great
5 Nancy is а very ambltious girl. She taught herself
1) ...................................... (speak) three foreign
languages, and managed 2) ............................... Ьиу, brush, invite, put, see, sign, listen, tel1, eat, set,
(start) her own business abroad. drive, р/ау
6 Sue was very artistic when she was young. She 1 Steven went to the shop . . .to Ьи у... some stamps.
would 1) ............................. (draw) whatever was 2 You must ................................ your teeth at least
in front of her. She could also 2) ........................... twice а day if you want them to Ье healthy.
(make) jewellery. Today, she enjoys З) ................ З l'm really looking forward to .................................
........ ........ (teach) art to students at Warren High the performance tonight.
School. ln her free time, she loves 4) .................. . 4 "Oh, dear. 1 forgot ............................................ the
................ (paint) and 5) .................................... . burglar alarm before I left the house!" she said.
(write) poetry. 5 Carl really hates .............................. to rap music.
6 "Excuse те. Could you please ............................
6 Complete the dialogue below between а sales me the time?" he asked.
7 Кау and Alex enjoy ................................. through
assistant and а customer, using the correct
the countryside on Sundays.
infinitive or -ing form.
8 "Did you remember .........................................the
А: Good afternoon. Мау 1 1) ............... (help) you? clothes in the washing machine?" she asked.
В: Yes, please. l'd like 2) ......................................... 9 Rob asked if he could .......................... in the park
(buy) an outfit for а formal dance. that afternoon.
А: Of course. Now, what exactly would you like 10 Tom loves .......................................... spicy food.
З) .......................................... (w.ear)? А dress, а 11 Stacy regrets not .................... them to her party.
skirt and Ыouse or а suit? 12 Не agreed ........................................ the contract.

fhe to-inlinilive fhe l111inilive 1·1ithou1 10 fhe -ing lorn1 •

7 They have never been оп an aeroplane before.

first lt's the .............................................
............................ оп an aeroplane.
MuШple Choice 8 lf you don't water the plants regularly, they will
8 Choose the correct item. unless The plants .........................................
................................. them regularly.
1 We ............... the cinema when it started to snow.
А are leaving В were leaving С was leaving Error Correclion
2 Unless you ............... some money, you won't Ье
аЫе to go on the trip. 10 Cross out the unnecessary word.
А saves В saved С save 1 You should to leave before it gets dark.
3 First she fed the cat, then she ............... down at 2 The house needs Ье redecorating.
the tаЫе and read the newspaper. З Ву the time they will return, 1'11 have finished.
А sits В sat С was sitting 4 This is my friend whose mother she is а professor.
4 They're the people ............... live above the 5 lf they will come early, we'II go to the theatre.
jewellery shop.
Awho's Bwho С whose Word Formolion
5 The bags were ............... heavy that I couldn't
carry them. We сап form nouns from verbs Ьу adding these
А so В such С that suffixes.
6 She ............... her leg so she couldn't go оп the -al propose - proposal -ment agree - agreement
skiing holiday. -ance assist - assistance -sion decide - decision
А breaks В had broken -ation relax - relaxation (verbs ending in -d/-t
С had been breaking -ence differ - difference sound)
-ion revise - revision -tion describe - description
7 Our house ............... Ьу my father.
А build В was built С is built
8 1 wish 1 .............. my favourite bracelet. 11 Fill in the gaps with the correct words derived
А lost В hadn't lost С was losing from the words in bold.
Кеу Word Tronslormolion 1 Many people look forward to their
................................... after years of RETIRE
9 Complete each sentence with two to five words, working hard.
including the word in bold. 2 Emily has а very good ................... IMAGINE
1 lt was difficult for her to learn Algebra. ..........................., so she's good at
difficulty She ................................................. writing stories .
.......................................... Algebra. з John has а ................................ for PREFER
2 Не was extremely nervous, yet he still gave an sweet foods,but he doesn't eat
excellent speech. them too often.
being Despite ........................................... 4 Tania has an amazing .................... COLLECT
he still gave an excellent speech. of stamps from all over the world.
3 "Could you go to the shop for me?" she asked. 5 The ····························· of his article INCLUDE
mind "Would ....................................... the in the newspaper made Peter feel
shop for me?" she asked. very proud.
4 "Let's have а barbecue", Paul said. 6 А special ................................. Ьу а APPEAR
suggested Paul ..................................................
famous actor will Ье made at the
....................................... barbecue.
club tonight.
5 "1 work in an office", Nancy said to me.
told Nancy .............................................. 7 The horse's ....................... to jump REFUSE
the last fence meant that it lost the

..................................... in an office.
6 The scarf was so lovely that I bought it. race.
such lt was .............................................. 8 The doctor gave me а .................... PRESCRIBE
1 bought it. --
...Jor some taЫets.
...._____.....,,_ .._,
Oueslion T(1gs - Rellexive Pronouпs

Question Toos Reflexlve Pronouns

• Question Tags аге short questions at the end of Singular I Plural

--- ---
affirmative or negative statements. We use them
to ask for confirmation or agreement. myself we ourselves
• Question tags are formed with an auxiliary or you yourself you yourselves
modal verb and an appropriate personal pronoun.
lf there is an auxiliary verb in the statement, the
same auxiliary is used to form the question tag.
-- himself
they themselves

Otherwise, we use do/does (present simple) or

did (past simple). We use reflexive pronouns:
Уои сап see the stage, can't уои? • with verbs such as behave, burn, cut, enjoy,
She drives а BMW, doesn't she? hurt, introduce, kill, look at, teach, etc. or with
Не went to Brazil, didn't he? prepositions when the subject and the object of
• After affirmative statements we use а negative the verb are the same.
question tag.
Lestey has cut herself.
She is а teacher, isn't she?
• After negative statements we use а positive
question tag. (subject) (object)
Уои haven't fed the dog yet, have уои? • with the preposition Ьу when we mean alone
• When the sentenoe contains words such as: never, (= without company, оп one's own) or without
hardly, rarely, etc. the question tag is positive. help.
They rarety watch ТV, do they? Не/еп mended the fence Ьу herself. (= Nobody
• The question tags of some verbs and helped Heten mend the fence.)
expressions are formed differently. • in the following expressions: enjoy yourself (=
Study the examples below: have а good time), behave yourself (= Ье
1 am • aren't 1? / ат clever, aren't /? good), help yourself (= you are welcome to
lmperative • will/won't you? take something if you want).
Ве quiet, will/won't уои? Behave yourself at the рагtу.
Don't • will you? Don't yell at те, will уои? • to emphasise the subject or the object of а ,,
Let's • shall we? Let's order а pizza, shall we? sentence.
1 painted the entire house myself. (= I painted
1 have (got) • haven't 1? (= possess)
Не has got а sleeping bag, hasn't he? the house, nobody did it for те.)
1 have • don't 1? (other meanings) Note:
She had breakfast, didn't she?
• We do not use reflexive pronouns with the
There is/are • isn't/aren't there?
verbs concentrate, feel, meet and relax.
There is а book оп the tаЬ/е, isn't there?
Уои need to геtах.
This/Тhat is • isn't it? (NOT: You need to relax yeыFself.)
That is Tom's house, isn't it? • The verbs dress, wash and shave аге not
normally followed Ьу а reflexive pronoun.
lntonation However, we сап use а reflexive pronoun with
• When we are sure of the answer and expect these verbs when we want to show that
agreement, the voice goes down in the someone did something with а lot of effort.
question tag. First I shaved and then I dressed.
Although Steve is оп/у two years old, he сап
lt's а horriЬ/e day, isn't it? wash himself.
• When we aren't sure of the answer апd want But: we always say dry myself.
to check information, the voice goes up in the t dried myself with а towel when I got out of the
question tag. ,я роо/.
The play is at eight o'clock, isn't it?

Oueslioп Т llgs - Rellexive Pro11ouns

Queslion Тogs 2 А: Susan isn't а mechanic, .................... ?

В: No, .................... .
З А: Lynn and lan don't live here, .................... ?
1 Underline the correct answer, as in the example. В: No, .................... .
4 А: You've been to Greece, .................... ?
1 You haven't seen my keys anywhere, haven't В: Yes, .................... .
you/have you? 5 А: They rarely go to the beach, .................... ?
2 You won't forget to send me а postcard, won't В: No, .................... .
you/will you? 6 А: This is Doug's briefcase, .................... ?
3 John didn't leave the shopping in the саг, did В: Yes, .................... .
he/didn't he?
7 А: He's not ill, .................... ?
4 You will Ье home early tonight, will you/won't
В: No, .................... .
8 А: There is а dog in the garden, .................... ?
5 Jane is а lovely girl, isn't she/is she?
В: Yes, .................... .
6 Sam went to the park today, did he/didn't he?
7 The Crisps haven't got any children, haven't 9 А: They got married, .................... ?
they/have they? В: Yes, .................... .
8 Dad is sleeping, is he/isn't he? 10 А: You aren't old enough to drive, .................... ?
9 Let's go to the circus, shall we/will we? В: No, .................... .
10 You've got а СО player, have you/haven't you? 11 А: That is Bill's саг, ...........................................?
В: Yes, .................... .
2 Fill in the question tags, as in the example. 12 А: You will remember to call me, ......................?
В: Yes, .................... .

) "1
4 Fill in the question tags, as in the example, then
read the sentences with the correct intonation.

sure ,.:1ot su�
1 You walk to school, ... don't'f()u... ? ./

2 That man is very handsome, ./

............................................... ?
З She graduated last year, ,/
............................................... ?
1 This is а lovely dress, ............. isn't it.................. ? 1
2 Let's go for а walk, .............................................? (
4 They're coming, .................... ?
-- ,/

------ -
3 Jenny has got а canary, .................................... ? 5 You've posted the letters, ./
4 You don't like watching ТV, ...............................? ............................................... ?
5 Don't Ье long, .....................................................?
6 This is Tommy's Ьicycle, .................................... ?
7 Не exercises every day, ..................................... ?
6 Не lives in Rome, ................... ?

7 Your mother is а teacher, ./

8 Martha hasn't got а саг, ..................................... ?
9 l'm not late, ......................................................... ? ............................................... ?
10 We aren't invited to their wedding, ....................? 1
__. _ __.... -- _ 8 He'II drive me to the bank, ./
............................................... ?
3 Fill in the correct question tags and short '

answers, as in the example. 9 You don't like fish, ................. ? ,/

1 А: Frank has got а brother, ... hasn't he... ? 10 That's Pete's dog, ................... ? ./
В: Yes, ...he has....

• Queslion f11qs Reflexi•1e P1onouns

5 Fill in the gaps with the correct question tag, as in 9 А: Did you take your саг to the garage?
the example. В: No, 1 managed to fix it .................................. .
1 О А: Сап you make те а sandwich, please?
В: No, make it .................................................... .

7 Look at the pictures and then fill in the gaps with

the correct reflexive pronoun, as in the example.

А: Natalie's com,ng home th1s weekend, 1) . . .,sn't

she... ?
В: Yes, 1 can't wait. You haven't seen her in ages,
2) .....................................?
А: No, the last time I saw her was at Chr1stmas.
В: She has called you since then, З) .....................?
А: Oh, yes. We speak to each other every week.
В: Well, you know her parents аге having а party оп
Saturday, 4) .......................? Everybody's going.
You and Dave will Ье there, 5) ...........................?
А: Definitely! Johnny's playing the music, 6) ............. ?
В: l'm not sure. But if he is, it's going to Ье а great

Ref lextve Pronouns 1 The little girl built а sandcastle Ьу .... . herself..... .
6 Fill in the appropriate reflexive pronoun, as in the 2 Не has hurt ........................................................ .
example. 3 They fixed the eng1ne ........................................ .
4 She is sitting Ьу ................................................. .
1 А: Shall I iron your shirt? 5 Не is building his house Ьу .............................. .
В: No, that's alright. 1'11 iron it . . . myse/1... . 6 She bought а Ьicycle for ................................... .
2 А: So, how was the show last night? 7 Не taught ..................... how to use а computer.
В: Fantastic! We really enjoyed ........................ . 8 They baked the bread ....................................... .
З А: Please, help ................................ to more tea.
В: Thank you. 8 Complete the following sentences using а word
4 А: Did the Whites have the1r wedding cake made from the list below and а reflexive pronoun.
Ьу the local bakery?
В: No, they made it ........................................... . /ocked, design, switches, hurt,
5 А: Did you buy those books for Don? poured, cut, made, serve
В: No, 1 bought them for ................................... . 1 This is а self-service restaurant. You have to
6 А: Why is Sandra wearing а bandage оп her
finger? 2 We were hungry so we .........................................
В: She cut .................... on а piece of broken glass. ................................................ some sandwiches.
7 А: Your daughter is very clever, isn't she? 3 1 ........................................ .....................................
В: Yes, she taught ........................................... to while I was slicing some bread.
speak Japanese. 4 Did Deborah ..........................................................
8 А: Shall I turn off the air-conditioning? her wedding dress ............................................. ?
В: No, it will turn ................................... off when 5 After а while, he got up and .................................
the air is cooler. .................................................... а glass of water.

Oueslion lnqs Reflexiie Pronouns •

6 The kettle ........................... ..................................

off when the water has boiled. Кеу Word Tronslormolion
7 The clown pretended he had ............................... 1 О Complete each sentence with two to five words,
..................... and everyone roared with laughter. including the word in bold.
8 They .................................. ...................................
out of the house. 1 lt was such а bad storm that I was afraid to drive
the саг.
so The storm .......................................
Revision Units 1 -==----
16 •••••••••• 1 was afraid to drive the саг.
2 The company he works for imports ltalian shoes.
which The company .................................
..................... imports ltalian shoes.
Multiple Choice 3 They have never been to the ballet before.
first lt's the ..............................................
9 Choose the correct item. .................................... to the ballet.
4 She hasn't finished her homework yet.
1 That lasagne was ............... delicious that l'm still She .................................................
definitely going to make it aga1n. ...................................... homework.
А much В so С such 5 When did you get married?
ago How long ........................................ .
2 How long has Mum ............... ? ......................................... married?
А Ьееп sleeping В was sleeping С is sleeping 6 Pete turned off h1s computer and left the office.
after Pete left the office ............................
3 The family ............... live down the street are from
................................. his computer.
7 "1 don't know what to have for dinner," said Arthur.
А who В whom С wh1ch
didn't Arthur sa1d that ................................
4 Му father ............... in the garden every weekend. .......................... to have for dinner.
А was working В is working С works 8 lt's forbldden to feed the an1mals at the zoo.
mustn't You...................................................
5 "Why did she ............... everybody about the ....................................... at the zoo.
party?" he asked. 9 Swans are more beautiful than ducks.
А advise В tell С say not Ducks ..............................................
............................................ swans.
6 .............. he's got а саг, he walks everywhere.
А However В Although С But
Word Formolion
7 Our newspaper ... .. .. ... .. .. . every day Ьу our
neighbour's son. 1 Fill in the gaps with the correct words derived
А delivers В is delivered С delivered from the words in bold.

8 lt is believed that she ............... the competition. Му great-grandmother, Frances Thompson,

А will win В wins С haven't won was а very 1) ............................... woman. TALENT
She was а 2) ......................... but she also ТЕАСН
9 1 love feeding the ducks in ............... Hyde Park. loved to paint and draw things. For years
Аа В the С - she tried to become а 3) ....... .................... SUCCESS
artist, but she never became 4) ................ FAME
1О We have been best friends ............... twenty-five
............ . However, she enjoyed teaching
А just В since С for а lot, so she wasn't 5) ............................. . НАРРУ
She taught in а primary school for forty
11 She used ............... ballet lessons when she was years and when she retired she joined а

young. club in order to meet more people and
А to take В to taking С taking managed to make friends 6) ..................... EASY
•••••••••••• • 1 still have some of the paintings
12 Alison refused ............... to her brother.
А talk В to talk С talking -
which she gave to me years ago.
...__ ...._

Pluп1ls - Clnuses ol Re(ISOll & Resull - Too/E11ougl1 - дll/Bolh/Neilher/No11e

Plurols • We use clauses of result to express the result

of something. They are introduced with:

r Regular Plurals • so + adjective/adverb

The concert was so exciting (that) еvегуопе was
packet -+ packets dancing.
witch -+ witches • such a/an + adjective + s ingular countaЫe
potato -+ potatoes photo -+ photos noun
lady -+ ladies BUT Ьоу -+ boys She is such ап intelligent woman (that)
calf -+ calves roof -+ roofs everybody admires her.
• such + adjective + plural/uncountaЫe noun
lrregular Plurals They were such difficult questions (that)
nobody could answer them.
man -+ men mouse -+ mice lt was such delicious food (that) we а// had
woman -+ women sheep -+ sheep second helpings.
child -+ children ох -+ oxen
lice Too/Enouuh
• Some nouns are always plural and take а plural • Тоо + adjective/adverb has а negative
verb: clothes, police, trousers, pyjamas, meaning. We use it to show that something is
blnoculars, scales, scissors, spectacles, more than enough, necessary or wanted.
outskirts, savings, stairs, surroundings, etc. She's too old to play with dolls.
• Some nouns of Greek or Latin origin form their • Adjective/Adverb + enough has а positive
plurals according to the rules of Greek or Latin: meaning. We use it to show that there is as much
crisis -+ crises of something as is wanted or needed.
phenomenon -+ phenomena She's strong enough to carry the boxes.
datum -+ data
medium -+ media etc.
• We normally add -s to the last word of compound
girlfriend -+ girlfriends
washing machine -+ washing machines • AII refers to more than two people, things or
BUT groups. lt has а positive meaning and it takes а
brother-in-law -+ brothers-in-law plural verb.
passer-by -+ passers-by А// the children wore costumes.
А// of them were young.
Clouses of Reoson ond Resull AII of their costumes were co/ourfu/.
• Both refers to two people, things or groups. lt
• We use clauses of reason to express the has а positive meaning and it takes а plural verb.
reason for something. They are introduced with: Both of ту brothers play basketba/1.
• as/since • Neither refers to two people, things or groups. lt
She got ир late as/since it was Sunday. has а negative meaning. Neither of + plural
• because noun phrase takes either а singular or plural
/ ate а sandwich because / was hungry. verb in the affirmative.
• because of/due to + noun Neither of the теп is/are from Tokyo.
• None of refers to more than two people, things
The road was closed because of/due to bad
weather. or groups. lt has а negative meaning, and it
• because of the fact/due to the fact that takes either а singular or а plural verb in the
Because of/Due to the fact that there was bad affirmative.
weather, the roads were closed. None of these dresses suits/suit те.

Pluн1ls - Cluuses of Reuson & Resull - Тоо - Enough - А/1 - Bolh - Neilhe1 - No11e

Plurols 4 There was а lot of traffic, so they were late for

because They were late for work ...................
1 Write the plural of the following nouns, as in the .......................................... of traffic.
example. 5 Не was fired because he was very lazy.
due Не was fired ....................................
1 mother-in-law 6 louse .......................
.................................... he was lazy.
. . .mothers-in-law.. . 7 father .......................
2 pouch ...................... 8 keyhole ...................
З river ........................ . 9 foot .......................... 4 Fill in the gaps with so, such or such а (ап), as in
4 comb ....................... 10 teacup ..................... the example.
5 swimming pool 11 notebook .................
12 glass ....................... .

2 Underline the correct word, as in the example.

1 А: How many apple/apples are there in the bowl?

В: Just three.
2 А: Оо you like my new haircuts/haircut?
В: Oh, yes. lt's lovely.
з А: Would you like а glass/glasses of water?
В: No, thanks.
4 А: Оо you know those boy/boys over there?
В: Yes, they're my brother's friends. 1 А: 1 love this restaurant.
5 А: Магу found two mice/mouse in her attic В: So do 1! The tood is . . .so ... delicious that 1
yesterday. соте here every Friday.
В: Oh, how horriЫe! 2 А: Аге you going to the concert tonight?
6 А: Did you know that Мг Howard's wife/wives is В: 1 don't think so. 1 have ............................... bad
а famous violinist? headache that I think 1'11 stay at home.
В: No, 1 had no idea. З А: How was Pete's party on Friday?
7 А: Could you pass me that dictionary/dictionaries, В: Fantastic! Не played ............... great music
please? that we danced all night long.
В: Yes, certainly. 4 А: Did you go to the park yesterday?
8 А: Connie bought two lovely antique teapots/ В: No, it was ............... windy that we stayed in
teapot at the fair today. instead.
В: That's nice. 5 А: Why isn't Paula coming with us this weekend?
В: Well, she spent .... .... .. ..... lot of money
Clouses of Reoson ond Resull redecorating her flat that she can't afford to go
anywhere for а while.
6 А: ls there any curry left?
З Complete each sentence with two to five words, В: No, sorry. lt was ............... tasty that we ate it
including the word in bold. all.

1 Sandra took an umbrella with her because it was

since Sandra took an umbrella with her
............................................. raining. 5 Complete the sentences with too or enough and
2 Не didn't pass his exam, so he was upset.
the adjectives in brackets, as in the example.
due Не was upset ...................................
................ he didn't pass his exam.
З She didn't have any tomatoes, so she didn't 1 А: Does your son stay at home alone?
make а salad. В: No, he's ... too young ... to stay at (young)
as She didn't make а salad ................. home alone.
.............. .......... ...... ... any tomatoes.

Plшnls - Clnuses ol Re11soл & Resull - !оо Eлouqh - AII Bolh tleilhe1

2 А: Let's play cards. 4 lt is so dark that I can't see.

В: No, l'm ..................... to play cards. (tired)
з А: Can you lift that suitcase?
В: 1 don't think so. l'm not .................. (strong) 5 The earrings were so expensive that she couldn't
............................ to lift it. buy them.
4 А: Did you go to the beach yesterday?
В: No, it was ........................................ (cloudy)
to go to the beach. 6 These potatoes are so hot that I can't eat them.
5 А: So, did you join the basketball
В: No, l'm not .......................... to join. (tall) 7 The steak was so tough that he couldn't cut it.
6 А: Did you see Don last night?
В: No, he was ...................................... (busy)
to see me. 8 The article was so difficult that they couldn't
understand it.
6 Match Column А to Column В.

А в
1 Paul and David аге А for Billy to buy with AII/Both/Neither/None
too young his savings.
В to catch the express 8 Fill in the gaps with а//, both, neither or попе, as
2 lt isn't warm enough in the example.
train to London this
З Lizzie didn't get up С to win the race at
early enough school last Monday.
D to phone Jim. You
4 The old wooden
сап phone him in
wardrobe was too
the morning.
Е to go оп holiday
5 Jane got to the bank abroad Ьу
too late themselves.
F to speak to the
6 This саг is old, but
it's cheap enough manager about а
7 Linda isn't tall G to Ье а model, 1 .. .Вoth ... wolves and cats are mammals; ............. .
enough although she would of them are blrds.
8 lt's eleven o'clock.
like to Ье опе. 2 .................................. of the animals have horns.
lt's too late Н to go for а picnic on
the beach.
з ................. cats and Ьirds сап Ье domesticated.
4 ..................................... of the animals have tails.
9 Edward ran too for them to lift, so .......................... cats and wolves аге carnivores;
slowly they asked Тom to ...................................... of them are vegetarians.
help them. 6 .................................. of the animals have claws.
7 .............................. wolves and cats have noses;
7 Rewrite the following sentences using too, as in ............................................ of them have beaks.
the example.
1 The soup was so salty that I couldn't eat it.
... The soup was too salty for те to eat ....
Revision: Units 1 - 17
2 The road was so slippery that she couldn't drive.
Multiple Choice
9 Choose the correct item.
З The water is so cold that they can't swim in it.
1 1 would love ............... to the rock festival.
А go В to going С to go

Plшols • Clouses ol Reпsoo & Resu11. Ioo - Eoough • AII · 8olh · Neilhe1 · Nooe •

2 Linda's coming for dinner, ............... ? б "Let's meet at the train station," Jane said.
А isn't she В hasn't she С wasn't she suggested Jane .................................................
.................................... train station.
3 Bill fixed the fridge Ьу ............... . 7 1 think you should eat more fruit.
А himself В him С his
were lf ......................................................
4 lf I had а саг, 1 ............... everywhere. ................................. eat more fruit.
А am driving В will drive С would drive 8 The Beatles sang Yellow Submarine.
Ьу Yellow Submarine ............................
5 Being а taxi driver is an interesting job. ............... ,
.................................... The Beatles.
it сап Ье very tiring.
9 "You broke the window," he said to Colin.
А What is more В However С Also
accused Не ................................................... .
6 The Mayor ............... to Ье elected again this year. .................................... the window.
А expect В will expect С is expected 10 "Have you read any good books lately?" she
asked ВоЬ.
7 Му mother works . .............. а librarian at my
if She asked ВоЬ ................................
......................... good books lately.
А such В as С like
11 1 feel really awful because I didn't call her back.
8 Не warned us not ............... the dog. wish 1 •.....•...••••.••••.•.•••••••••••••.•••••.••••••••••.••
А stroke В stroking С to stroke ........................................ her back.
12 "What did you do this afternoon?" Kelly asked
9 lf 1 ...............• 1 would have babysat for you.
А had known В did know С knew
done Kelly asked Harry ...........................
10 She ............... graduated Ьу the time you see her ....................................... afternoon.
А will have Bwill Ье С would have Word Formotion
11 Fill in the gaps with the correct words derived
Кеу Word Tronsformolion from the words in bold.

10 Complete each sentence with two to five words,

including the word in bold.

1 The house she lives in used to Ье owned Ьу а

famous writer.
which The house ......................................
................................................ used
to Ье owned Ьу а famous writer.
2 The bed was so uncomfortaЫe that I couldn't
sleep in it.
too The bed .......................................... .
...................................... to sleep in. Oysters are shellfish which are 1) ............... USUAL
3 lf you don't finish your homework, you can't go to found оп the 2) ............................. bottoms ROCK
the party. of seas and oceans. Oysters сап Ье eaten,
unless You can't go to the party ................ and тапу people find them extremely
...................................... homework. З} ..................................... . However, some TAST E
4 They will announce the President's plans next types of oyster cannot Ье eaten, but they
week. produce 4) .......................... pearls instead. BEAUTY
Ье The President's plans .................... ln some places, 5) ............................. go to DIVE
.............................................. week. the bottom of the осеап to collect oysters
5 "Could you get me my slippers, please?" said and look inside them for pearls. Jewellery
Helen. made of pearls is very 6) ............................. VALUE

-- ---- ---------�---
mind "Would ............................................ and is expensive to buy .
....... slippers, please?" said Helen.

Cl[luses ol Pшuose

Clouses ol Purpose
We use clauses of purpose to express the purpose of an action, i.e. why someone does something. They
are introduced with:

• to -infinitive:
l'm going to the shop to get а newspaper.
• in order to (formal):
She went to the bank in order to apply for а loan.
ln negative sentences we use in order not to.
Не set the alarm c/ock in order not to wake ир /ate. (NOT: Не set the alarm clock � wake ир late.)
• so that + can/will (present or future reference). We use can апd will when the verb iп the main clause
is iп а present or future tense.
She studies every day so that she сап pass her exams.
• so that + could/would (past reference). We use could and would when the main verb is in а past tense.
They booked their tickets in advance so that they wouldn't have to queue.
Note: ln order that has the same meaning as so that, but it is поt used very often because it is formal.
She studies every day in order that she сап pass her exams.

1 Underline the correct word(s), as in the example. З Му class adopted an endangered animal. We
wanted to save it from extinction.
1 She went to the chemists so that/to get some
cough syrup.
2 Не bought а video in order to/so that record his
favourite programmes. 4 Sandra went to the greengrocer's. She wanted to
З They left the house early so that/to they would buy some vegetaЫes.
arrive оп time.
4 Не goes to the gym every day in order to/so that
he can lose some weight. 5 We should all volunteer to patrol our forests. We
5 She went to Madrid to/so that learn Spanish. want to protect them from fires.
6 They sold their house so that/to they could buy а
7 They arrived early in order not to/not to miss the 6 The government has introduced stricter traffic
firework display. laws. They want to reduce road accidents.
8 She went to the countryside so that/to take а walk
in the fresh air.
9 1 ordered а Chinese takeaway in order to/so that 7 Mike offered me some flowers. Не wanted to
1 wouldn't have to cook. apologise for his behaviour.
2 Join the following sentences using to as in the
8 She spent the summer in Rome. She wanted to
1 We stopped using plastic bags. We wanted to improve her ltalian.
protect the environment .
. . . We stopped using plastic bags to protect the
environment.... 9 ВоЬ called his brother. Не wanted to tell him
2 Sandra takes the bus to work. She wants to help about his new job.
reduce traffic pollution.

Clrшses ol Pu111ose

З You are going оп а camping trip to the mountains 2 She circled the day оп her calendar. She didn't
and you are talking to а friend about what you want to miss the appointment. {so that)

should take with you. First, match Column А to ··············································································
Column В, then ask and answer questions, as in
3 She bought а phone card from the shop. She
the example.
wanted to make some phone calls. {in order to)
__. ..............................................................................
г 4 Не wrote down the address. Не didn't want to
1 а to sleep in forget it. {in order not to)
5 Pierre is taking gourmet cookery classes. Не
2' Ь to stay in wants to Ье а chef. {so that)
1 � - , . 6 Не is learning karate. Не wants to Ье аЫе to
" defend himself. (so that)
3 с to see in the dark
eep1ng bag
� 7 The nurse came into the waiting room. She
' wanted to call the next patient. {to)
4'1. d to avoid Ьeing Ыtten ··············································································
� tent Ьу mosquitoes ··············································································
8 She went to bed at ten o'clock. She didn't want to
wake up late the next morning. {in order not to)
5 е to light а fire
radio 9 Ann worked hard. She wanted to finish her report
оп time. {so that)
6 f to find your way ..............................................................................
torch 1о We should set up more wildlife parks. We must
protect animals from hunters. (in order to)
7 g to ореп canned
11 Sue called her best friend. She wanted to tell her
the great news. {to)
insect repellent
h to listen to the 12 They put the gifts under the Christmas tree. They
weather forecast wanted the children to see them in the morning.
{so that)
(1 =е) А: Should / take matches with те? 13 They are throwing а Ыg party. They want to
В: Yes. Take matches so that уои can/in celebrate their 10th wedding anniversary. {in
order to light а fire. order to)
4 Join the sentences using the word(s) in
brackets, as in the example.
14 Не bought а second-hand саг. Не didn't want to
1 l've enrolled оп an art course. 1 want to learn how spend too much money. {in order not to)
to draw. {to)
/'ve enrolled оп ап art course to learn how to draw.

• Clouses ol Puioose

Revision: Unils 1 - 18
5 Complete each sentence with two to five words,
including the word in bold.

Mulliple Choice

1 We should recycle paper. We want to protect the

that ...We should recycle paper ...so that wв
сал protect... the forests.
2 She took extra money with her. She wanted to 6 Choose the correct item.
buy some souvenirs.
order She took extra money with her ............. 1 lt was ............... boring lecture that I almost fell
............ .............. ... ..... .. some souvenirs. asleep.
3 1 had а glass of water before I went to bed. 1 didn't А such а В so С such
want to Ье thirsty during the night. 2 Kenya is а country ............... is situated in east
that I had а glass of water before I went to Africa.
bed ......................................................... А who's В who С which
.................... Ье thirsty during the night.
3 She ......... the dog а bath when the doorbell rang.
4 Helen went to the travel agent's. She wanted to С give
А was giving В gave
get some information about Canada.
order Helen went to the travel agent's ........... 4 They have never ............... to а rock concert.
А go В gone С been
information about Canada. 5 Angel's been singing with the band ..................
5 They arrived at the airport three hours early. They eight months.
didn't want to miss their flight. А for В since С still
not They arrived at the airport three hours
6 1 have always wanted to ride а camel across
early .......................................................
............. Sahara Desert.
.................................. ........ .... their flight. В the Са
А -
6 Dave called the police station. Не wanted to
report а break-in at his flat. 7 She always ............ а lot of pepper оп her food.
order Dave called the police station ............... А has put В put С puts
8 Carla hopes she ............... her own boutique Ьу
............................. а break-in at his flat. the time she's forty years old.
7 Не practises playing the piano every day. Не А opens В will open
wants to pass his music exam. С will have opened
that Не practises playing the piano every day
9 Не accused me of ............... his wallet .
............ ........................ his music exam. В stealing С have stolen
А steal
8 Susan called Vicky. She wanted to ask her advice
about something. 1 О The new school ............... Ьу the mayor yesterday
to Susan called Vicky ................................ morning.
.................................. about something. А was opened в is opened С opened
9 Не entered the room quietly. Не didn't want to 11 lf l lived in the country, 1 ...•...•..••..• my own
wake up the ЬаЬу. vegetaЫes.
not Не entered the room quietly ................ . А grow В will grow С would grow
.......................................... up the ЬаЬу.

Clouses ol Pur110se •

12 We ............... а wonderful time in Mexico.

А are having В have С has Error Correction
13 She ............... to breaking the window. 8 Cross out the unnecessary word.
А denied В admitted С refused
1 She often reads before to going to sleep.
14 ............. he is а clever Ьоу, he isn't а good student. 2 Have you heard of the latest song Ьу Celine
А Because В However С Although Dion?
15 1 used ............... football when I was younger. З You needn't to call а taxi. 1'11 give you а lift.
А play В to playing С to play 4 She's the most beautiful ЬаЬу I have ever had
5 lf you see Bill, tell to him to call me at the office.
Кеу Word Tronsformotion 6 Carol was Ье washing the dishes when the
phone rang.
7 Complete each sentence with two to five words,
7 You will Ье in trouЫe unless you not tell the truth.
including the word in bold. 8 Take an umbrella before you will leave the house.
1 Mario is the mechanic. Не works at the local
garage. Word Formotion
who Mario is ...........................................
........................ at the local garage. 9 Fill in the gaps with the correct words derived
2 The trip was postponed because of the bad from the words in bold.
due The trip ...........................................
............................ the bad weather.
З The puppy is not old enough to Ье taken away
from its mother.
young The puppy is ..................................
.... ..... .......... away from its mother.
4 You'II catch cold if you don't put оп your coat.
unless You'II catch cold .............................
....................................... your coat.
5 Could you drive me to the city centre?
mind Would .............................................
............................... the city centre?
6 You shouldn't spend all your money.
were lf 1 .................................................... Опе cold and 1) ............................ night, а STORM
...................... spend all my money. group of ghost- 2) ............................... HUNT
7 Who made this delicious bread? went оп а trip to Dark Towers, which is а
made Who ............................................... . З) ......................... castle in а remote part HAUNT
·················································· Ьу? of Scotland. They walked 4) ...................... SLOW
8 lt's not necessary to соте to work on Saturday. into the 5) ...................... castle and began MYSTERY
needn't You ................................................. to look around. Тhеге were no lights, so
................................... оп Saturday. they used torches as they searched. The
9 "Put your toys away!" Mum said. 6) .................................... of the castle was SILENT
me Mum ................................................ very 7) .............................. , so they stayed FRIGHTEN
...................................... toys away. together for safety. Suddenly, they saw а
10 1 advise you to wear your glasses mоге often. 8) ................................ figure on the stairs. GHOST
should You ................................................. Through the 9) ........................ they could DARK
........................ glasses more often. see that it was а woman in а long dress.
11 lt was such а long flight that they were exhausted She was crying 10) ................. . The ghost OUIET
when they reached their destination. was so 11) ......................... that the ghost- SCARE
so The flight ......................................... hunters all screamed 12) ......................... LOUD
................................................. they and ran out of the castle. They never went
were exhausted when they reached back again.
their destination.

Counl[1!1le,U11coun1r1!Jle Nouns - Sorпe/Anv/No - Much1Mrшy - (А) lew/(A) lillle -
Con1poп1live 1suoerlr1live f 01 т - Expressing Prelerence

• Some and its compounds (someone, something,

CountoЫe/UncountoЫe Nouns etc.) are normally used in positive sentences.
• CountaЫe nouns are those that сап Ье They сап also Ье used in questions to make an
counted. They have singular and plural forms offer, а request or when we expect а positive
(опе peach, two peaches, etc.).
• UncountaЫe nouns are those that cannot Ье
/ bought some books yesterday. (positive)
counted (milk, flour, etc.). UncountaЫe nouns Would уои like something to drink? (offer)
take а singular verb and are not used with a/an. Сап I have something to eat? (request)
These are:
types of food (bread, cheese, etc.)
liquids (water, petrol, etc.) • Any and its compounds (anyone, anything,
subjects of study (Histo,y, Chemist,y, etc.) etc.) are normally used in questions and
languages (English, Portuguese, etc.) negations.
sports (tennis, baseball, etc.) There агеп't апу apptes teft. (negation)
diseases (malaria, flu, etc.) ls there anything I сап make for the party?
natural phenomena (rain, fog, etc.) (question)
certain nouns (advice, dirt, education, tuck, news, They сап also Ье used in positive sentences
реасе, traffic, weather, homework, music, meaning "lt doesn't matter how/what/when/
information, seaside, shopping, tгоиЫе, work, etc.) where/which/who, etc."
collective nouns (furniture, топеу, rubblsh, Уои сап ask anybody to go with уои. (= it
jewelle,y, luggage, etc.) doesn't matter who)
• We сап use both uncountaЫe nouns and Any and its compounds сап Ье used after if in
countaЫe nouns after phrases of quantity such as: а positive sentence. lf уои need anything,
а jar/bottle/piece/loaf/cup/glass/kilo/carton/bowl/ ptease tell те.
can/tin/slice/packet of, etc. They are also used with negative words (hardly,
She ate two slices of bread. t need а kilo of never, without, seldom, rarely, etc.)
tomatoes. She never goes out with апуопе from work.
(NOT: She never goes out with ,:ig Qt:Ji from work.)
11 • No/Not any and their compounds (по one/not
anyone, nothing/not anything, etc.) are used in
Adjectives Pronouns Adverbs negations.
people things places There is по milk. (= There isn't апу milk.)
some someone/ something somewhere 1 There's по опе in the house. (= There isn't
somebody апуопе in the house.)

any anyone/ anything anywhere

11 • Much and many are normally used in questions
and negations. Much is used with uncountaЫe
Adjectives Pronouns Adverbs
nouns and many is used with plural countaЫe
people things places nouns.
no one/ nothing/ nowhere/
no/not any not anyone not anything not anywhere
There isn't much coffee in the jar.
nobody/ Have уои got тапу books?
not anybody
• How much and how many are used in
Adjectives Pronouns Adverbs How much + uncountaЫe noun -+ amount
people things places How many + countaЫe noun -+ number
anyone/ anything anywhere
any anybody
How much sugar do we need? Not much.
How тапу people сате to the party? Twenty.

Couпlol1le/Uncoш1111111e Nouns - Some Any No - /,\uch Mnny · Ш le\'I Ш lillle - Conшnп11ive SuDe1lnlive fo1111 - Exuressi11g Prelerence

А few/Few/А liПle/LiПle • Two-syllaЫe adjectives ending in -у turn the -у

into i and then take -er/est.
• We use few (= not many, almost none)/a few (=
funny - funnier - funniest
some/not many) with plural countaЫe nouns. • Adjectives ending in а stressed vowel between
Few people /iked the performance. (= almost попе) two consonants douЫe the final consonant and
l've got а few oranges. (= а sma/1 питЬег, not тапу)
• We use little (= not much, almost none)/a little
take -er/-est.
Ьig - Ьigger - Ьiggest
(= some/not much) with uncountaЫe nouns. but: strong - stronger - strongest
There is little milk left. (= almost попе)
/'d like а little sugar in ту coffee, please. (= not
lrregular forms
Adjective Comparative Superlative
Comporotlve/Superlotlve Form good
better the best
• We use the comparative form + than to bad worse the worst
compare two people, things, places, etc. much/many/
} more the most
Rob is stronger than Tim. а lot of
• We use the + superlative form + of/in to little less the least
compare а person, thing or place with the whole far further/farther the furthest/
group they belong to. We use in when we talk farthest
about places.
Sue is the shortest of her friends. Lisbon is the
most beautiful city in Еигоре.
Types of Comporlson
• We use as + adjective + as to show that two
people or things are similar. ln negative sentences
• We add -(e)r/-(e)st to one-syllaЫe and two­ we use not as/so ... as.
syllaЫe adjectives to form their comparative Betty is as tall as her mother.
and superlative forms. Adam isn't as/so friendly as Тот.
tall - taller {than) - the tallest (of/in) • We use less + adjective + than for two people
• Adjectives of three or more syllaЫes take more or things. lt is the opposite of more ... than.
and most. Tom's Ьike was less expensive than mine.
beautiful - more beautiful - the most beautiful
Note: The comparative and superlative forms of
clever, common, cruel, friendly, gentle,
Expressino Preference
• prefer + -ing form/noun + to + -ing form/noun
narrow, pleasant, polite, shallow, simple,
stupid, quiet are formed with -er/-est or / ргеfег working in the garden to watching ТV.
more/most. / ргеfег milk to tea.
• would prefer + to -inf + rather than + inf
without to
gentle - gentler - the gentlest Also: gentle - тоге
gentle - the most gentle.
I would prefer to read а book rather than go for
Spelllng а wa/k.
• One-syllaЫe adjectives ending in -е take -r in the • would rather + inf without to + than + inf
comparative form and -st in the superlative form. without to
nice - nicer - nicest / would/'d rather own а house than rent опе.

CountoЫe/UncountoЫe Nouns 4
Where ................ the milk?
Let те give you ................ advice.
6The traffic ................ terriЫe in the city centre.
1 Fill in the gaps with is, are, а or some. 7Apples ................ my least favourite fruit.
8 The furniture ................ in storage until the new
1 Physics ................ my favourite subject. house is ready.
2 The fog ................ very thick, 1 can't see. 9 l've got ................ good news.
З The weather ................ nice today. 10 1 need ................ loaf of bread.

• Coun111111e Uncounlпl1le Nouns - Son1e A11v No - Иuch Mnny - 1А11е1·11А1 lillle - Co111p11111live Supei\11live fшт - Expressi1щ Prelerence

2 Fill in the gaps with an appropriate поип + of to 3 А: Hurry up! There's .................... time to waste.
indicate quantity, then make sentences, as in the The bus will Ье here soon.
example. В: l'm nearly ready.
4 А: Oid you visit Henry today?
В: No. When I called his house ...........................
answered the phone.
5 А: Do you want to go to the cinema tonight?
В: No, thanks. There's ...................................... 1
want to see.

6 А: Сап I get you ................................... from the
В: Just а bag of crisps, thanks.
7 А: 1 bought ............................. great books from
the book fair this afternoon.
В: Really! Let me see.
8 А: l've always wanted to go ................................
exotic for my holidays.
В: Why don't you go to Tahiti, then?

4 Underline the correct word, as in the example.

1 Somebody/Anybody broke into our house last

[1 2 1 had any/no time to go to the post office today.
3 Аге you going nowhere/anywhere nice for your
4 There was anyone/no опе left at the party Ьу two
Mustard 5 Nobody/Somebody is allowed to park in front of
7 ' this building.
6 Have I done something/nothing to offend you?
7 lf по опе/апуопе is looking for me, tell them l've
1 ... а carton о!... orange б ...................... coffee gone home.
juice 7 ......................... milk 8 lt will take you any/some time to get used to such
2 ....................... water 8 ........................ soda а hot climate.
3 .................. popcorn 9 ........................ cake
........................ pizza 10 ................... mustard
5 ....................... bread
/'d like а carton ot orange juice, please.
5 Fill in the gaps with How тапу or How much, as

in the example.

1 ...Howmuch ... yogurt? 11 .................... coffee?

З Fill in the gaps with some, апу, по or one of their 2 .................... books? 12 ................... pepper?
compounds, as in the example. 3 ................ potatoes? 13 ................ cabbage?
4 ...................... soap? 14 .................. Ьiscuits?
1 А: How was your skiing weekend? 5 ................... onions? 15 ..................... water?
В: TerriЫe! There was hardly ...апу ... snow on б ...................... pens? 16 ..................... paper?
the mountains. 7 ....................... glue? 17 ................. cherries?
2 А: There are ............................. really fascinating 8 ................... cheese? 18 ........................ milk?
exhiblts at the new museum. 9 ....................... keys? 19 ................. mustard?
В: Really! 1 must go. 10 ................... apples? 20 ................. popcorn?

Cour1111l1le U11cour110111e 11ouns · Sшпе Any 110 · /,luch 141111у - 1А1lev11д1 lillfe - Coшoшolive Superfolive forш - fx111essinq P1elerer1ce •

6 Fill in the dialogue below with тисh, тапу, how 6 А: This curry isn't spicy.
much or how тапу, as in the example. В: Well, why don't you add .................................
curry powder to it?

8 Ask and answer questions using the prompts

below, as in the example.

А: Let's make lasagne for the dinner party tomorrow. 1 oranges 2 meat 3 prawns
В: Great idea! 1) ... How much... minced meat do we
А: Not 2) .................................... . Half а kilo will do.
В: ОК. 3) ................................................. tomatoes?
А: About three Ьig ones.
В: 4) ............................................ cheese should I buy?
А: Get about half а kilo of mozarella.

• ,.
4 tomato 5 bread 6 olives

• ••
В: Right. Now, 5) ..........................................packets
of lasagne will we need? juice
А: One packet will Ье enough.
В: What about onions? We haven't got 6) ...............
....................... left.
А: We only need two. ls there any milk in the fridge?
В: Well, there is some but not 7) ............................ .
А: You'd better buy а carton then. And get some • а 1
flour as well. 7 croissants 8 green 9 coffee
В: 8) ............................................... flour shall I buy? peppers
А: А small packet will Ье enough.
В: ОК. 1'11 Ье back in about an hour. 1 А: Did уои buy тапу oranges?
В: No, just а tew.
2 А: Did уои Ьиу much meat?
А few/А lillle В: No, just а little.
7 Fill in the gaps with а few or а little, as in the
Comporotive/Superlotive Forms
9 Fill in the gaps with than, the, of or in, as in the
1 А: What would you like in your coffee?
В: Just ...а little ... sugar, please.
2 А: Аге you going to buy that jacket you saw last 1 The Eiffel Tower is one of ... the... most famous
week? monuments ... in ... the world.
В: No. l've only got ................................. money 2 John's new house is Ьigger ............. his old one.
left so I can't afford it. 3 Travelling Ьу train is cheaper ..............................
3 А: Could I have ......................... more ice cubes travelling Ьу plane.
in my drink, please? 4 These sunglasses аге ................................ most
В: Certainly. popular brand ........... all.
4 А: There are still ........................... tickets left for 5 Му daughter is one of .......................... cleverest
the concert оп Friday night. students ......... her class.
В: Great. 1'11 go and buy one now. 6 This church is ............. oldest church ............. the
5 А: Only ................................... people know that city.
Karen used to Ье а famous ballet dancer. 7 Му sister Sally is ................ youngest ............... .
В: Really? 1 had по idea. my family.

Cou1110111e UncounllllJle Nouns - Son1e Апу No - /,\uch /.1onv - (Д) le :1 1д1 lillle - Coшuшolive Suoe1loli Je fo1111 - Ex111essi11u P1ele1e11ce
1 1

10 Write the comparative and superlative forms of The rooms at the Кing Hotel are more comfortaЫe
the following adjectives, as in the example. than the rooms at the Rose Hotel.
The rooms at the Rose Hotel аге not as comfortaЫe
........sadder........ .....the saddest ..... The rooms at the Rose Hotel аге less comfortaЫe
than the rooms at the Кing Hotel.
bad Expressing Preference
13 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form,
intelligent as in the example.
long 1 l'd rather . . .swim... (swim) in the sea than ... ski...
expensive (ski) in the mountains.
poor 2 1 prefer ................................ (sleep) in а hotel to
.................................................. (sleep) in а tent.
11 Put the adjectives into the comparative or 3 Не would prefer ..................................... (watch)
superlative form, as in the example. ТУ rather than ......................... (go) to the party.
4 Jeff would rather ........................... (go) out than
1 lt was ...the deepest... ( deep) lake I have ever ........................... (stay) in.
swum in. 5 They prefer .................................. (walk) to work
2 Your lecture оп Modern Art was ........................ . to .................................................... (take) а taxi.
........................................... (interest) than mine. 6 Helen would rather ........................... (make) her
З Тitanic was опе of ................................................ own clothes than ............................. (buy) them.
............................ (success) films of the 1990's. 7 Frank prefers ............................ (play) chess to
4 Of all the students at my school, Penny is ......... ................................................. (listen) to music.
...................... (popular). 8 We would prefer ................................ (paint) the
5 That rock concert was ......................................... house ourselves rather than ................................
(bad) l've ever been to. (рау) someone else to do it.
6 Which is .................................................... (high)
mountain in the world?
7 Му puppy is ......................................................... Revlsion: Units 1 - 19
(young) than yours.
8 Little Angie is .......................................................
(quiet) ЬаЬу I know. Mulliple Choice
12 Compare and contrast the two hotels using 14 Choose the correct item.
comparative and superlative forms, as in the 1 Eating fruit is less fattening ....... eating chocolate.
example. А of В than С in
2 How ............... bottles of water do we need?
А some В much С many
з Не finds cockroaches ................ disgusting that
he screams whenever he sees one.
А so В such С such а
4 You locked the front door, ...............?
А won't you В didn't you С aren't you

Rooms: comfortaЫe *** comfortaЫe ** 5 1'11 never forget .............. to Brazil. lt was fantastic.
А go В to go С going
Maid Service: good *** good ***
6 The plants ............... watered.
Room Service: fast ** fast *** А is needing В need to Ье С need
Prices: expensive *** expensive ** 7 Allan had ............... for half an hour when it started
to rain.
Location: convenient ** convenient ***
Aswam В been swimming Cswim

Cou1110111e U11сош11п111е Nou11s - So111e Any No · /,1uch /,1(111\' (А) le\'/ Ш lillle · Co111uш11live Suue1l111ive for111 · Exmessi11u Prele,ence

8 Did he ................ cry а lot when he was а ЬаЬу? 5 People expect she will win the award for best
А get used to В use to С used to actress.
9 Му village ................ а lot since I was а child. expected She ....................................................
А has changed В change С is changing the award for best actress.
6 Dad made те mow the lawn this morning.
10 Не has ................ posted the letters.
was 1 ..........................................................
А yet В already С since
the lawn this morning.
11 Ed is the man .......... wife is а doctor. 7 This is ап unusual plant. lt comes from Africa.
А which В who's С whose
which This is ап ...........................................
12 The X-Files is one of ....................... most ........................................ from Africa.
successful programmes on ТУ. 8 You shouldn't go out with wet hair.
А in В the С of were lf 1 .......................................................
13 Му parents ................ on а safari last уеаг. .......................... go out with wet hair.
А had gone В is going С went 9 The cake was so delicious that I asked for the
14 1 will mop the floor ................ the children leave recipe.
for school. such lt was .................................................
А until В as soon as С unless •...................... 1 asked for the recipe.
15 А: Would you like some more soup?
10 Pam and Debble are equally 1maginat1ve.
В: Just ................ , please. as Debble is ...........................................
А а little В а few С little .................................................. Pam.
11 "1'11 meet you outside the bank," Jan said to George.

Кеу Word Tronsformolion

told Jan .....................................................
.............. meet him outside the bank.
12 "We've decided to get married," Kate said.
15 Complete each sentence with two to five words,
decided Kate said ............................................
including the word in bold.
................................... to get married.
13 Harry isn't small enough to climb through the hole.
Ыg Harry ................................................ ..
..................... climb through the hole.
14 lt's the first time they have seen snow.
never They ...................................................
...................................... snow before.
15 "Don't open the oven door," Shirley said to Becky.
to Shirley .................................................
.................................... the oven door.

Error Correclion
1 She started taking flute lessons ten months ago.
has She .................................................... 16 Cross out the unnecessary word.
............ flute lessons for ten months.
2 The Mexican restaurant is more expensive than 1 Не is much more taller than his father.
the ltalian опе. 2 Karen is а dancer who she lives in New York.
less The ltalian restaurant ........................ З Му parents always go оп holiday in the August.
.............................. the Mexican опе. 4 1 think David is the nicest man l've ever Ьееп met.
З "Have you eaten snails before?" she asked us. 5 Му sister is the taller than me.
if She asked .......................................... 6 She won't forgive you unless you will call her and
..................................... snails before. apologise.
4 lt was such а funny film that everyone in the 7 Becky is as much clever as Stella.
cinema laughed. 8 This is the most best film l've ever seen.
so The film .............................................. 9 1 prefer cooking than to ironing.
.. ................... in the c1nema laughed. 10 lf you will need me, give me а call.



"'..� Т e11ses о l lhe 111\i 11ilive - M(1k ing Oe(luclio11s

Тenses ot the lnlinilive The verb tenses corresponding to the tenses of the
infinitive are as follows:
The infinitive has four tenses in the active and two in
the passive. Verb tenses lnfinitive
Active Passive he gives / will give • (to) give
Present (to) write (to) Ье written he is giving / will Ье giving • (to) Ье giving
Present Cont. (to) Ье writing he gave / has given / had • (to) have given
given / will have given
(to) have been
Perfect (to) have written
written he was giving / has been • (to) have been giving
giving / had been giving /
Perfect Cont. (to) have been will have been giving

• present infinitive - present or future Mokino deductions

Не wants to have а рагtу оп Saturday. Must - positive deductions (l'm sure)
• present continuous infinitive - an action
• must + present infinitive (present/future)
happening now
They must Ье vегу happy. They've won first prize.
Не is thought to Ье living in France. • must + perfect infinitive (past)
• perfect infinitive - refers to the past and Не must have Ьееп оп holiday. He's vегу brown.
shows that the action of the infinitive happened Can't negative deductions (l'm sure you aren't)
before the action of the verb. • can't + present infinitive (present/future)
They claim to have met the President. She can't Ье а nurse. She works for а law firm.
• perfect continuous infinitive - refers to the • can't + perfect infinitive (past)
past and emphasises the duration of the action She can't have cooked the теаl. She hates
of the infinitive, which happened before the cooking.
action of the verb. May/Might/Could - possibllity (lt is possiЫe/perhaps)
Не /ooks tired. Не must have Ьееп working vегу • may/might/could + present infinitive (present/
hard. future)
Note: The perfect infinitive is used with verbs such Megan тау bake а cake оп Sunday.
as seem, believe, know, appear, claim, • may/might/could + perfect infinitive (past)
expect and modal verbs. Тот might have forgotten your phone питЬег.

тenses of the lnfinitive - Moking Deductions 2 Fill in may/might, must or can't, as in the example.

1 Kelly's hair looks fantastic. She ...must... have dyed it.

1 Write the corresponding form of the infinitive, as 2 Dave ........................ Ье at home. He's still on
in the example. holiday.
t З I saw James leave the burning building. Не ..........
1 he wrote .. ........... . . . . . . (to) have writen .................
.............. Ье the person who started the fire.
2 it is believed ..........................................................
4 Jill ........................ have invited Fiona to her party.
з they are talking ......................................................
They don't speak to опе another.
4 he will arrive .......................................................... 5 They ........................ have left together as I saw
5 she had cleaned ................................................... them get into the same саг.
6 he was ironing ....................................................... 6 lt ................. rain this afternoon as it's very cloudy.
7 they have slept ...................................................... 7 1 went to Sam's house but поЬоdу was there. Не
8 it was made ........................................................... ........................ have gone to the office.
9 he had cooked ...................................................... 8 Look! The door's unlocked. Susan ........................
10 it was built ............................................................. have forgotten to lock it.

lenses ol !he lnlinili:e • l,lnkiлo Oeduc11011s •

З Write the appropriate form of the infinitive, as in 7 His coat is here. (Ье upsta1rs)
the example.
8 Their dishes are dirty. (eat dinner here)

9 Jess1ca hasn't eaten all day. (Ье hungry)

10 Helen's hair is short. (grow it)

5 Complete the following sentences using must,

can't, or may/might/cou/d, as in the example.

1 She can't ... have taken ... (take) an asp1r1n. She

still has а headache.
2 She must . ............. .. ............................. . (arrive)
at the office Ьу now
3 They can't ........... .. ............ ................... .. (live)
in а flat. They own а house.
4 She must ............ ... .. ....... (Ье) very successful.
She's оп the cover of three magazines this month.
5 Не looks sad. Не must ....... .. ............... ..............
1 They ........must....... Ье outside.
(have) some bad news.
2 They ....................... Ье camping.
6 Lilian can't ........... ... ............................ .. (finish)
3 lt ............................. Ье very warm.
her homework. She only started it ten minutes ago.
4 They ...................... Ье teenagers.
7 The house could . .............. ... .............. . . ..........
5 They ....................... Ье friends.
(burn down) if the fire brigade hadn't arrived оп
6 They ....................... Ье enjoying themselves.
7 They ...................... Ье оп holiday.
8 Не must ......... ... ................................... . (hurt)
8 lt .... ...................... Ье summer.
his leg Не s l1mp1ng.
9 Lynn can't ...................................................... (Ье) 6 Match the questlons to the answers and make
at home. She's gone shopping.
deductions using must or сап 't, as in the example.
10 Julie wasn't at home this morning.
She m1ght .......... .. .............. .................. (go) to
the dentist's. 1 Has she been working in а Yes. The kitchen
the garden? smells wonderful.
4 Complete the sentences using must or сап·t, as in
2 Did he graduate from Ь Yes. They stayed
the examples. university? until four o'clock
in the morning.
1 John has а good job. (graduate university)
Не must have graduated from university з Have they been cooking? с No. No one's at
2 His eyes аге red. (go to bed early} Yes. Нег clothes
Не сап ·t have gone to bed early. 4 Аге they back from their d
hol1day? are dirty.
З Sue is late for work. (oversleep) е No. The telephone
5 Did they have а good has been cut off.
4 Cathy 1s wet. (take her umbrella} time at the party? f No. Не hasn't got
б Did he рау the b1II? а degree.
5 Tina and ВоЬ are relaxed. (have а good holiday)

6 Sam is tired. (stay at office late} (1-d) She must have Ьееп working in the garden
because her clothes аге dirty.

Т enses ol lhe lпliпilive - Иoking Oeduclions

7 Look at the pictures and fill in must, can't, or 6 l'm sure she didn't know about the surprise party.
may/might/could. What other deductions сап you have She .................................................
make for each picture? .......................... the surprise party.
7 Perhaps he will call you from the airport.
1 They .................. Ье might Не ...................................................
proud of themselves. ...................................... the airport.
8 l'm certain she didn't go to work last Saturday.
gone She .................................................
work last Saturday.

Revision: Units 1 - 20
2 She .................. have 9 Cross out the unnecessary word.
lost her way.
1 The Maths is а very interesting subject.
2 Не can't to have seen Stella; she's abroad.
з She prefers skiing rather to swimming.
4 The Jones are the richer than the Smiths.
5 There is not nobody in the garden.
З This place .................. 6 Сап I have some ot water, please?
Ье а school. 7 He's too tired tor to go to the party.
8 Jane may have been told him the news.
9 He's going out so to buy some cakes.
10 lf I were you, 1 wouldn't have go to her party.

10 Choose the correct item.

4 Не ......... Ье teaching
Maths. 1 А: Сап I help you, madam?
В: Yes, please. 1 ................... tor а book оп гаге
А tooked В am looking С look

2 That's the man ................... son won а gold

medal in the Olympics.
8 Complete each sentence with two to five words, А which В who's С whose
includlng the word in bold.
3 1 have ............... Madrid twice.
1 l'm sure he didn't steal the money. А been to В gone to С go to
stolen Не ... can't have stolen... the money.
4 1 will have finished the book ............... next week.
2 l'm certain they've arrived Ьу now.
А until В Ьу С Ьу the time
must They ................................................
........................................... Ьу now. 5 They ............... eat а lot of junk food when they
3 Perhaps she was having а shower when you rang were at university.
her. А used to В use to С using to
been She .................................................
........ а shower when you rang her. 6 You ...................... always wear your seat belt
4 l'm sure they are still at home. when driving а саг.
Ье They ................................................ А mustn't В needn't С must
......................................... at home.
5 lt's possiЫe that he forgot to reserve а tаЫе. 7 Five years ............... my father was the mayor of
could Не ................................................... our town.
............................................ а tаЫе. А since В ago С before

Tenses ol lhe lnlinilive - Mпking Oerluclio11s

8 Richard ............... me that he had а bad cold. 8 lt's а year since l last wrote to him.
А asked В told С said for I haven't ......................................... .
............................................. а year.
9 1 ............... оп the beach at this time tomorrow. 9 l'm sure they didn't catch the 5am train.
А will Ье lying В will lie С am lying can't They ................................................
................................. the 5am train.
10 1 ............... а gorgeous silk scarf for my Ьirthday.
А am giving В is given С was given
Word Formotion
11 The windows ............... cleaning. 12 Fill in the gaps with the correct words derived
А needs to Ье В need С needs
from the words in bold.
12 Магу was wet because she ............... in the rain.
А is walking В had Ьееп walking С walk

13 The new shopping complex ............... six months

А is building В was built С is built
14 Excuse те, could you ............... те the way to
the station, please?
А say В tel1 С ask

15 lf I were you, 1 ............... go to bed early.

А would В must С will

Кеу Word Tronslormotion

11 Complete each sentence with two to five words,
includlng the word in bold.
1 l'm sure they bought а new саг last month. ln the future our lives might Ье very
must They ................................................ 1) ........................... from today. Advances DIFFER
............................... саг last month. in technology will 2) .................................... PROBABLE
2 Mount Everest is higher than Mount Fuji. make our lives easier and тоге
as Mount Fuji ....................................... 3) .................................. . Computers will Ье INTEREST
........ . .......... ............ Mount Everest. more 4) .............................................. than USE
3 This watch was less expensive than John's and ever and may even replace people in
Jane's watches. certain jobs. lt doesn't take much
least This watch ...................................... 5) .................................................... to picture IMAGINE
............................................... of all. factories without workers and buses without
4 lf you don't wear your glasses, your eyes will get 6) ............................................. . Services will DRIVE
tired. never Ье 7) ......................................... again RELIABLE
unless Your eyes will get tired ................... because everything will Ье done Ьу
.......................................... glasses. robots.
5 The shoes were so small that they didn't fit me. Travel, housing and medicine will Ье
too The shoes ....................................... much more 8) ........................................... in ADVANCE
.................................... те to wear. the future. We may use strange means of
6 "Don't Ье late for school," Michelle said to Bruce. transport or live in space-age houses and
to Michelle told Bruce ........................ а cure for every 9) ........................................ ILL
....................................... for school. in the world may have Ьееп found Ьу
7 "When are you leaving for your camping trip?" 10) ................................................. . Some of RESEARCH
Веп asked them. these changes are good, but others
were Ben asked ..................................... . may prove to Ье the opposite.
.. . ....... .. . . ....... for their camping trip.

P1ese111 011d Pr1s1 Pшliciules - fxu,essiпg P1elere11ce - fxuressi11g Posilive 01 Neg11live Agree111e111

Present ond Post Porticiples

• We use the pre5ent participle (the infinitive of the verb + -ing) to describe what somebody or
something is. lt answers the question: "What kind?"
She is а ve,y caring woman. (What kind of woman? Caring.)
The film was extremely boring. (What kind of film? Boring.)
• We use the pa5t participle (the infinitive of the verb + ed/d or the irregular pa5t participle form) to
describe how someone feels. lt answers the question: "How do you feel?"
They were exhausted after travelling for ten hours. (How did they feel? Exhausted.)

Expresslng Prelerence
We use would/'d rather (= l'd prefer to) to express preference.

• When the subject of would rather is also the • When the subject of would rather is different
subject of the verb that follows, we use: from the subject of the verb that follows, we use:
pre5ent infinitive without to past 5imple (presenVfuture reference)
(present/future reference) /'d rather уои did the shopping today.
l'd rather live in а large city than in а would/
would/ sma/1 village. 'd rather past perfect (past reference)
'd rather perfect infinitive without to (past reference) l'd rather Kate had cal/ed first.
We'd rather have gone to France last

We сап express preference in other ways:

• prefer + -ing form/noun + to + -ing form/noun (general preference)
! prefer walking to work to taking риЬ/iс transport. Не prefers newspapers to magazines.
• prefer + full infinitive + rather than + infinitive without to (general preference)
Не prefers to go to the cinema rather than go to the theatre.
• would prefer + full infinitive + rather than + (infinitive without to) (specific preference)
She would prefer to eat at а restaurant today rather than (eat) at home.
• would rather + infinitive without to + than + (infinitive without to)
/ would rather drive а саг than (drive) а /ог,у.

Expressing Posillve or Negotive Agreement

• We use 50 to agree with а positive statement.
50 + auxiliary verb + 5ubject
А: / love watching comedies.
В: So do /.
А: ! had а wonderful day today.
В: So did /.
• We use neither/nor to agree with а negative statement.
neither/nor + auxiliary verb + 5ubject
А: / don 't like Brussels sprouts.
В: Neither do /.
А: ! won't go оп the picnic because /'т i/1.
В: Nor wi/1 /.

P1esen1011d Posl Pшlicinles - Exшessioo P1ele1eoce · Exn,essiog Posiliie ш Negnlive Ameeшenl М
Present ond Post Porliciples I was ...................... to find out that Thomas had
left his job. (shock)
1 Underline the correct word, as in the example. 6 What's the most ...................................................
thing you've ever done? (embarrass)
1 А: Did Bill like his Ьirthday present? 7 The children were so ...................................... Ьу
В: Oh, yes. Не was thrilling/thrilled with it. the story that they couldn't sleep. (frighten)
2 А: How's your new job? 8 1have had such ап ................................ day that
В: lt's great but it's а Ьit tired/tiring. а/11 want to do is to go to bed. (exhaust)
з А: Did you enjoy the film?
В: No, not at all. 1 found it very confusing/
Expressing Preference
4 А: How do you feel after being away from work З Fill in the correct form of the verbs in brackets,
for а month? as in the example.
В: Wonderful! 1 feel really relaxed/relaxing.
5 А: Was Peter late for dinner again?
В: Yes, and I was very annoying/annoyed
because he didn't call to tel1 те.
6 А: Did you have а good swim?
В: f had а marvellous swim. lt was very refreshed/
7 А: Did you meet Мг Grant?
В: Yes. What an interesting/interested person
he is!
8 А: Have you heard the news? Кеп crashed his
В: Yes, 1 heard. l'm amazing/amazed that he
wasn't hurt.
1 1 prefer ........................ (meet) my friends rather
9 А: Did you read the book l lent you?
В: Yes, 1 found the main character very charming/ than ........................... (play) video games.
2 DebЬie would rather ............................. (stay) at
10 А: How are the twins? home than ............................ (go) to the cinema.
В: They're very exciting/excited about opening з I would prefer ............................. (read) the book
their gifts tomorrow morning. rather than ........................... (see) the film.
4 Bill would rather ........................... (read) а book
2 Fill in the correct form of the word in bold, as in than .............................. (write) а letter.
the example.
s We'd rather .............................. (see) the football
match live than ........................ (watch) it on ТV.
6 They prefer .............................. (bake) their own
bread to ............................ (buy) it from the shop.
7 l'd rather Becky ...................................... (travel)
Ьу train than Ьу plane.
8 l'd rather Sue and Frank .................................... .
(clean) the garage yesterday.
9 Arnold prefers ............................... (work) on his
computer to ......................... (talk) on the phone.
.. 10 1 prefer ............................. (exercise) at the gym
rather than ........................... (jog) in the park.
1 Your trip to Los Angeles sounds . . .fascinating... .
11 They'd rather ............................ (buy) а second-
hand camera than а brand new опе.
2 1 didn't like the film because it was ................... .
12 l'd rather you ................. (go) to bed right away.
13 We'd rather ............................ (live) on the sixth
З Everyone thinks Emily is an ................................
floor than оп the ground floor.
person. (amuse)
14 l'd rather Тот ...................................... (visit) his
4 They were ................ to hear that their daughter
grandmother last night.
was getting married. (thrill)

P1esen1 uпd Posl P1111icioles - Exщessiпo Prele1e11ce - Exo1essi11g Posili1• e 01 Neoulive Ao1een1e111

4 ln pairs, use the the prompts below to ask and 6 Complete each sentence with two to five words,
answer questions, as in the examples. including the word in bold.
1 rather spend the day at the beach ог at the park?
А: ... Would уои rather spend the day at the beach
ог at the park?...
В: . . . l'd rather spend the day at the beach....
2 prefer eat ice cream ог chocolate cake for dessert?
А: ... Would уои preter to eat ice сгеат ог
chocolate cake tor dessert? ...
В: .../ would prefer to eat chocolate cake rather
than ice сгеат for dessert....
3 rather go to the cinema ог the theatre?
А: ....................................................................... ?
В: ·······································································.

4 prefer cook dinner or order а takeaway? 1111
А: .......................................................................?
В: ....................................................................... . 1 like playing chess but I love playing
5 prefer have boiled potatoes or chips with your backgammon.
meal? to 1 •••.•••••.••••.••••••••••.••.•••••••.••••••••••.••••••••
А: ....................................................................... ? ................................................ chess.
В: ·······································································. 2 1 would rather have my own business than work
6 rather wash the dishes or dry them? for someone else.
А: .......................................................................? prefer I would ..............................................
В: ....................................................................... . .......... business rather than work for
7 rather take а computer course or а Spanish someone else.
course? з They'd rather go camping than skiing.
А: .......................................................................? rather They prefer .......................................
В: ....................................................................... . .......................................... go skiing.
8 prefer do the shopping or the ironing? 4 1 like listening to classical music more than rock
А: ....................................................................... ? music.
В: ....................................................................... . to 1 .........................................................
....................................... rock music.

5 Fill in the gaps with prefer, would prefer or would 5 1 would rather own а house than rent one.

l goi�;: ::� ��i;� i��;�t��::f�f.�ie

rather, as in the example.
1 1 • . .prвfвr... painting to drawing.
2 Не ...................................... drink milk than drink 6 ::�:.
orange juice. to We ....................................................
3 We .......................................... going camping to ....................................... the theatre.
staying in the city.
We ............................................... go Ьу саг than
take the bus. Exoressing Posillve or Negotive Aoreement
5 1 ............................................ antique furniture to
7 Respond to the statements, as in the example.
modern furniture.
6 ................................ you ............................ to eat 1 А: 1 haven't been to the funfair.
at home or go to а restaurant tonight? В: . . . Neither/Nor have /....
7 She .................................. study Art History than 2 А: 1 love watching music videos.
Economics. В: .........................................................................
8 ................................. they ................................ to 3 А: 1 didn't know it was Bob's Ьirthday.
stay in а hotel or in а guest house? В: .........................................................................
9 Не ........................................... fix his motorcycle 4 А: 1 went to the annual picnic yesterday.
than take it to the mechanic. В: ·········································································
10 1 ............................................... reading books to 5 А: 1 really liked the latest Star Wars film.
reading newspapers. В: ........... :.............................................................

P1esen1 nnn Pnsl Pшlicioles - Exmessing P1ele1ence - Ex111essing Posilive or Negnli1! e Agreen1en1

6 А:
1 don't like soap operas.
········································································· Кеу Word Tronslormofion
7 А: 1 didn't go to Jane·s party оп Friday night. 1 О Complete each sentence with two to five words,
В: ········································································· including the word in bold.
8 А: 1 really want to go to the Spice Girls concert.
В: ......................................................................... 1 1998 was the year I got my degree.
9 А: 1 love horses. which 1998 ................................................
В: ......................................................................... ••.•.......•••••.•••••..•••• 1 got my degree.
2 lt's ages since I went dancing.
10 А: 1 was late for school this morning.
haven't 1 •••••..•••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••..•
В: ........................................................................ . ............................................... ages.
з The story was so sad that I couldn't stop crying.
Revision: Units 1 - 14 such lt was ..............................................
•••••••••••••.•••••• 1 couldn't stop crying.
4 Мопiса hasn't eaten pizza for three months.
Mulfiple Choice ate The last time ...................................
.......................... three months ago.
8 Choose the correct item. 5 1 don't spend as much money оп clothes as
1 l'd rather eat fresh vegetaЫes ............... eat meat. Stacey does.
А prefer В to С than than Stacey spends ................................
••••.•••••••••.••••.••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••• 1 do.
2 Fred must ............... now. 6 You can't leave the tаЫе if you don't eat all your
А Ье sfeeping В have slept С sfeep vegetaЫes.
з Catherine is one ..................... the most beautiful unless You can't leave the tаЫе ...............
women I know. ..................................... vegetaЫes.
А of В in С than 7 "You took my credit card," she said to Keith.
accused She .................................................
4 There aren't ............... eggs left. her credit card.
А по В any С some 8 1 would rather drink tea than drink coffee.
5 1'11 take my scarf so that 1 ............... get cold. prefer I would ............................................
А сап В wouldn't С won't ........................... than drink coffee.
6 ............... elephants and bears are mammals.
А Both В None С Neither
Word Formotion
7 1 forgot ............... my alarm clock last night so 1 11 Fill in the gaps with the correct words derived
woke up late. from the words in bold.
А to set В setting С set
Аге you ап 1) ......................... person? ADVENTURE
8 Dracula was ............... Ьу Bram Stoker. Would you like to go оп ап 2) .............. USUAL
А write В written С wrote holiday this summer? lf the answers to
9 Janet ............... finished all her homework Ьу six these questions are yes, then you should
o'clock. book а safari holiday with WILDTIMES.
А will have В will С has We offer you the opportunity to see
animals in their З) ................................. NATURE
10 lf I were you, 1 ............... go to the dentist. haЬitat in the heart of Africa. You сап
А will В would have С would spend an 4) ......................... month EXCITE
travelling around the country where
frror Correction you will see both 5) .. ................. ......
animals and 6) ......................... views.
9 Cross out the unnecessary word. Our 7) ......................... tour guides will EXPERIENCE
provide you with 8) ......................... facts INTEREST
1 Не stopped to smoking two years ago.
about the African wildlife. The hotels we
2 1 have always wanted to study the medicine. use have very 9) ......................... rooms, COMFORT
З l'm Ье going to the art exhiЬition оп Sunday. and are not very 10) .............................. . EXPENSE
4 You mustn't to run in the corridors. А safari holiday will Ье опе of the most
5 l've been taking aeroЬics classes for since eight 11) ......................... experiences of your ENJOY
months. fife. For more 12) ......................... , INFORM
6 This is the man who I bought the computer from him.
- �- ----·- -""--
please call 0800 662823.

C[IUSПlive f OIПl

Cousotive Form
• We use have + object + past participle to say that we arraпged for someoпe to do somethiпg for us.
Sue hired а painter to paint the house --+ Sue had the house painted. (She didn't paiпt it herself- the
paiпter did it.)
• The order of words (i.e. have + object + past participle) must поt Ье chaпged because if it is, the
meaпiпg of the sепtепсе will Ье chaпged.
Не had the tyres changed. = Не emp loyed someone to change the tyres. But: Не had changed the tyres.
= Не ( himse/ Q changed the tyres.
• Questioпs апd пegations are formed with do/does iп the preseпt simple апd did iп the past simple.
Do уои have уоиг hair cut every six months? I didn't have the fence painted /ast week.

Study the followiпg:

Present Simple She makes her clothes. She has her clothes made.

Present Continuous She is making her clothes. She is having her clothes made.

Past Simple She made her clothes. She had her clothes made.

Past Continuous She was making her clothes. She was having her clothes made.

Future Simple She will make her clothes. She will have her clothes made.

Present Perfect She has made her clothes. She has had her clothes made.

lnfinitive She must make her clothes. She must have her clothes made.

• We can also use causative form to express that somethiпg uпpleasant happened to someoпe.
Тот had his house burgled last month. (= Tom's house was burgled. This unpleasant incident happened
to him.)

Cousofive Form 4 Не ................................... his саг serviced Ьу the

mechanic next Tuesday.
5 She ................................................... her carpets
1 Complete the sentences Ьу putting the verb have fitted yesterday when I called.
into the correct form, as in the example. 6 1 .................... just .............................. my picture
taken Ьу а professional photographer.
7 Mark ........................................ some apple trees
1 Emily . . .has ... her newspaper delivered every planted in а week's time.
morning Ьу her neighbour's son. 8 Steve .......................... his wallet stolen while he
2 The Campbells ............................... their kitchen was doing the shopping.
painted at the moment. 9 1 ......................... my jeans shortened tomorrow.
З 1 ............................... my hair cut short last week 10 1 always ............................. my rubblsh collected
because I needed а change. оп Fridays.

Cousolive fшш •

2 Each of the following people had something 9 When will you seNice the саг?
unpleasant happen to them last week. Make
sentences using the causative form, as in the
example. 10 Рау someone to make the curtains for you.

1 Meg (her flat/break into) Ьу burglars. 11 Someone has shortened Alison's skirt .
...Meg had her flat broken into Ьу burglars....
2 Gary (his motorcycle/steal) from outside the disco.
12 Doug is going to ask the bank to рау some Ьills
З The MacDoyles (basement/flood) Ьу heavy rain. for him.
4 RoЬin (her favourite dress/tear) Ьу her friend.

5 Thomas (his CD player/break) Ьу his little brother.

4 Jennifer Baker is а successful businesswoman
6 Neil (house/strike) Ьу lightning. who has many things done for her. Look at the
notes below and make sentences, as in the
7 Магу (window/smash) Ьу а ball. example.

8 Charles (car/damage) Ьу а falling tree.

3 Rewrite the following sentences in the causative

form, as in the example.

1 Holly is going to ask the seamstress to sew her

dress .
. . .She is gomg to have her dress sewn (Ьу the
seamstress) ...
2 Someone has tidied the garden for Mark.

З When will they fix his telephone?

4 Pat pays someone to clean the windows every 1 hair/cut (Ьу her personal hairdresser)
week. ...Shв has hвг hair cut Ьу hвг pвrsonal hairdrвsser....
2 nails/paint (Ьу а manicurist)

5 Сап you tel1 someone to move those boxes? з shopping/do (Ьу her housekeeper)

4 telephone/answer {Ьу her secretary)

6 When will they deliver Dan's sofa?
5 letters/type (Ьу her secretary)

7 Sally is going to ask the travel agent to book the 6 appointments/make (Ьу her secretary)
7 fresh flowers/deliver to her office every morning
(Ьу the florist)
8 Howard should ask someone to deliver the
package. 8 house/clean (Ьу а cleaner)

5 Tommy Davis is а local singer. Freddy МаrЫе is
taste the food (Becky) 8 take out the rubЬish
а famous rock star. Tommy does everything
.................................... (staff)
himself while Freddy arranges for other people
to do things for him. Write sentences about
Freddy, as in the example. 7 do the dishes (staff)
Tommy Davis

1 1 write the words for my songs.

2 1 answer my own letters.
З I prepare my meals every
day. 7 Study the situations, then write the answers
4 1 arrange my own shows. using the causative form, as in the example.
5 1 book my hotel rooms.
6 1 carry my equipment 1 Jane is going to the hairdresser's tomorrow.
myself. What's she going to do?
. . .She ·s g oing to have her hair cut....
Freddy МагЫе 1 .../ havв thв words for ту 2 Rob's suit is dirty. What should he do?
songs writtвn ....
2 ................................................. з Mandy's wedding dress was made especially for
her. What did she have done?
4 ................................................ . 4 Chris has paid the mechanic for repairing his
motorcycle. What has he done?

5 Tim's bedroom walls аге dirty. Painting them

would help. What should he do?

6 The tap in their bathroom is leaking. What should

6 Becky is а chef at а popular restaurant. Look at the they do?
list below and say whether she does the following
things or she has somebody else do them for her.

Revlsion: Units 1 - 22
1 clean the kitchen (staff)
...Shв has thв kitchвn
с/вапвd Ьу hвr staff. ... Error Correction
2 organise the menu (Becky) 8 Cross out the unnecessary word.
1 You'II get wet unless you not take an umbrella.
2 1 spent all weekend at the home.
З order the supplies (Becky) з lf they will call, 1'11 invite them to dinner.
4 This novel was being written Ьу Charles Dickens.
5 Your hair is much more longer than mine.
6 Who did won the competition?
4 wash the vegetaЫes (staff) 7 Му mother made me to clean my room.
8 The children love to going to the circus.
9 The girl who she is my best friend is called
5 prepare the meals (Becky) 10 You'd better to see а doctor.
11 They don't mind going to bed late, do they not?
12 Не prefers playing squash rather than to playing
1 З She told to me she would Ье late.

Cousolive forni

Multiple Choice Кеу Word Tronsformotion

10 Complete each sentence with two to five words,
9 Choose the correct item. including the word in bold.
1 We la5t went to the cinema two month5 ago.
1 Fred ............... the hou5e two hour5 ago. for We haven't ......................................
А i5 leaving В left С ha5 left .................................... two month5.
2 lf you ............... апу a55i5tance, 1'11 Ье happy to 2 l'm 5UГе he ha5 fini5hed typing the letter5.
help you. must Не ................................................... .
А пееd В will пееd С needed ....................................... the letter5.
З Му brother has пеvег ............... to Argentina.
з They'd rather go оп а package holiday than
arrange their оwп holiday.
А gопе В go С Ьееп
rather They'd ргеfег to go оп а ................
4 Maria i5n't here. She'5 ............... to the po5t
office. ........................... their own holiday.
А gопе В Ьееп С going 4 Perhaps 5he i5 at home поw.
5 1 haven't 5ееп Andy ............... the la5t day of may She...................................................
5Chool. ................................................ now.
А yet В for С 5ince 5 Fiona i5 kinder than Karen.
as Каrеп .................................... Fiona.
6 1 ............... up the 5tair5 when the accident
6 1 5hould hire а photographer. 1 want 50meone to
take my picture.
Awent В have gопе С wa5 going
to 1 5hould hire.....................................
7 Не ha5 ............... fixed the computer. ............................................ picture.
А already В yet С 5ince 7 She is too young to Ье out 50 late at night.
8 l'm very thir5ty. 1 think 1 ...•........... а gla55 of water. not She ............................................ Ье
А 'm having В 'm going to have out 50 late at night.
С '11 have 8 1 regret поt calling you.
wish 1 ................................................ you.
9 She a5ked u5 who ............... broken the va5e.
А have В had С i5 having
10 l'd rather ............... а book than play golf.
Word formotion
А read В to read С reading 11 Fill in the gaps with the correct words derived
11 А: 1 don't want to watch ТУ. from the words in bold.

В: ............... do 1. ,. ,.
А Not В So С Neither Dear Steve,
12 "You аге coming to the party, ............... ?"
А агеп't you В will you С won't you How are you? l'm writing to tel1 you 1
13 Janet will have fini5hed cooking ............... 5even 50me 1) ............................................. new5. AMAZE /
o'clock. You know how much l've always wanted
А 5ince В until С Ьу to Ье an 2) ........................ . Well, my dream АСТ
has З) .................................. соте true. La5t FINAL
14 1 don't mind ............... to work. week, 1 wa5 cho5en to play the lead role in
А walk В walking С to w".lk
the 4) ........................ play Ьу Shake5peare, FAME
15 That'5 the woman ............... photograph wa5 in Кiпg Lear, at Chat5worth Theatre. l'm
the new5paper. extremely 5) ................................. about the NERVE
А who5e В who'5 С which whole thing but 6) ........................................ LUCK /
16 Oh no! 1 ................... my wallet. l've got а great drama teacher. Anyway, the
А have lo5t В had lost С am lo5ing performance is on Saturday, 5th November.
1 hope you сап Ье there.
17 When ................... you 5tart learning ltalian?

А have В did С had Your5,
-- Sam
Pll!ПS[II VerlJS

look after: to take саге of sb/sth break down: to stop working (cars, engines,
look for: to try to find, to search for sb/sth etc.)
look forward to: to expect sth wffh pleasure break into: to enter а р/асе Ьу force
look up: to try to find а word, пате, break out: to begin suddenly (wars, fires,
number, etc. in а reference book fights, etc.)
break up: to stop for holidays (schools, etc.)
1 Fill in the correct particle(s).
З Fill in the correct particle(s).
1 lf you're not sure how to spell а word, look it
.................... in the dictionary. 1 The fire broke .................... early this morning
2 Who's going to look .................... the dog while and destroyed many buildings in the city centre.
you're оп holiday? 2 School breaks .................... for the summer оп
З I can't wait for the camping trip, l'm really looking June 18.
.................... it.
З The truck broke .................... оп the motorway
4 Tracy has lost her keys. She's been looking and caused а major traffic jam.
..... ............... them all morning.
4 The jewellery shop оп Lewis Street has been
5 When we were young, my grandmother used to
broken .................... three times this year.
look .................... us at the weekends.
5 The washing machine is leaking. 1 hope it doesn't
6 "Excuse me. l'm looking .................... Mount break .................... .
Street. Could you tell me where it is?" 6 А fight broke .................... after the football match
7 А: How сап we find Liz's address? yesterday.
В: Let's look it .................... in the phone book. 7 When school broke .................... for the Christmas
8 А: Don't you have а dentist's appointment оп
holiday last year, Тот went to Spain.
Monday? 8 Two men wearing masks broke ....................
В: Yes, and l'm not looking .................... it at all! Boyd's Bank and stole (100,ООО.

run into sb: to meet sb Ьу chance

come across: to find sth Ьу chance
run out of: to finish; to have по тоге of sth
come back: to return
run after: to chase
соте round: to visit
run over: to hit sЬ/sth with а vehicle
соте into: to inherit sth
2 Fill in the correct particle(s).
4 Fill in the correct particle(s).
1 А: What do you need from the shop?
В: Well, we've run .................... eggs, so get а 1 As I was cleaning my attic I came .................... an
dozen. old photograph of my grandmother.
2 А: What happened to Sam's Ьicycle? lt's in 2 Bill came .................... а huge amount of money
pieces! when his cousin died.
В: lt was run .................... Ьу а bus yesterday. з We are having such а wonderful time here in
З Mike threw the football and the dog ran ................... Barbados, that we'd like to соте .................... next
it. summer.
4 А: Have you heard the news? Billy's in town. 4 Why don't you соте .................... for а cup of
В: Yes, 1 know. 1 ran .................... him this morning. coffee after work?
5 The саг turned the corner, lost control and ran 5 When Mrs Winston died, her butler came
.................... а dog. .................... а small fortune.
6 1 can't do any more sit-ups. l've run .................... 6 Pete came .................... an antique tаЫе in а
energy. second-hand shop.
7 The policeman ran .................... the burglar for 7 Му sister came ... ................. last night and we
five minutes before he finally caught him. played cards.
8 1 ran .................... an old school friend who 1 8 When Мг Jenkins comes .................... from lunch,
hadn't seen for ten years. please tel1 him to call те.

Ph111s111 Ve1l1S •

put out: to stop а fire burning take over: to take control of sth
put sb up: to provide sb with а place to stay take after: to look like, to behave like
put on: to place clothes оп one's body, take up: to begin sth new (а hobby, sport,
to wear etc.)
put off: to postpone, to arrange for sth to take off: (of aeroplanes) to leave the
happen at а later time, date, etc. ground, to depart

5 Fill in the correct particle(s).

7 Fill in the correct particle(s).
1 There were no casualties as ftrefighters managed
to put .................... the fire quickly. 1 Му doctor advised me to take .................... а
2 She didn't put .................... her jacket as it wasn't sport to help me lose weight.
cold outside. 2 Michael is very tidy. ln that way, he takes
з Му brother came to visit me and I put him .................... his father.
.................... for the night. з You should check in two hours before your flight
4 Due to the storm, 1 put .................... my doctor's is scheduled to take .................... .
appointment until the following week. 4 Unfortunately, many small firms are taken
5 lt's past your bedtime! Put .................... your .................... Ьу larger ones.
pyjamas and go to bed! 5 Му husband has beautiful Ыuе eyes. 1 hope our
6 Jenny was too scared to stay home alone while children will take .................... him.
her sister was away, so her friend put her 6 Little Tammy loves dancing and wants to take
.................... for the week. .................... ballet.
7 Don't forget to put .................... the fire before 7 Despite the bad weather, our flight to Chicago
you go to bed. still took .................... оп time.
8 Our monthly meeting has been put .................... 8 While we were sailing my father let me take
until next Wednesday. .................... the wheel so he could rest.

turn into: to change into, to Ьесоте sьtsth

turn down:
to refuse ап offer, etc.
Revision: Phrosol Verbs
turn оп:
turn up:
to switch оп
to arrive
MulfiPle Choice
8 Choose the correct item.
6 Fill in the correct particle(s).
1 Harry said he wasn't coming to the picnic but he
1 1 had to turn .................... Fred's invitation to his turned ............... at the last minute.
party as 1'11 Ье out of town that evening. А оп В into С up
2 ln the famous comic strip, Clark Kent turns
2 А: Why are you going to the post office?
.................... Superman in а phone booth.
З You'II never guess who turned .................... at В: Because l've run ............... of stamps.
А into В out С over
Chris' barbecue yesterday!
4 Could you turn .................... the air conditioning, З Our flight was delayed, so the airline company
please? lt's very hot in here. put us ............... in а hotel for the night.
5 When the princess kissed the ugly frog, he turned А out В up С off
.................... а handsome prince.
4 А fight broke ............... just as we were leaving
6 Vanessa turned ...... ... ........... the answering
the match.
machine before she left the house.
А out Bdown С into
7 James was offered the job, but he turned it
.................... because the salary wasn't very high. 5 Му father's greengrocer's shop was taken
8 Unfortunately, we turned .................... at the ............... Ьу а large supermarket.
restaurant just as it was closing. А off В after С over

PlllllS[II ve, IJS

6 As Michelle was surfing the net, she came

............... ап interesting website оп prehistoric
Кеу Word Tronsformolion
animals. 1 О Complete each sentence with two to five words,
А into В across С round including the word in bold.

7 1 am looking ............... to hearing from you soon.

А after В up С forward

8 Passengers are not allowed to use their moblle

phones while the plane is taking ............... .
А off В after С over

9 Steve ran ............... my skateboard with his

А after В out of С over

10 We put ............... our camping trip because

1 With her gorgeous Ыuе eyes, she really looks like
Joyce wasn't feeling well.
А off her mother.
В out С оп
takes With her gorgeous Ыuе eyes, she
really ...................................................
her mother.
9 Fill in the gaps with the particles in the list below. 2 Joe met his ex-boss at the conference today.
round, after, ир, into, оп, down, back into Joe ......................................................
at the conference today.
3 The puppy was digging holes in the garden,
1 1 have arranged for а babysitter to look ................ trying to find the bone he had buried.
the children оп Friday night so we сап go out. looking The puppy was digging holes in the
garden ................................................
2 You'II never guess who's coming
.................................... he had buried.
tonight! 4 When you go camping, always remember to stop
з Мг Stevens was turned .................... for the the camp fire from burning before you go to sleep.
position because he didn't have any computer out When you go camping, always
skills. remember to .......................................
...................... before you go to sleep.
4 Mrs Stanley will call you when she comes 5 "Why didn't the security guard chase the thief?"
.................... from Seattle. run "Why didn't the security .....................
5 Randy, who loves extreme sports, has taken .................................................. thief?"
.................... skydiving. 6 Samantha inherited an enormous amount of
money when her aunt died last year.
6 А: Оо you know when the telescope was came Samantha ...........................................
invented? of money when her aunt died last year.
В: No, but we сап always look it .................... in 7 lt was such а cold day that I wore my woollen hat
the encyclopaedia. and gloves.
7 1 can't make а сору of this document because оп lt was such а cold day that 1 ..............
the photocopier has broken .................... . ......................................... and gloves.
8 Оо you know when school stops for Easter?
8 Why don't you turn .................... the kettle and 1'11 up Оо you know when ............................
prepare the sandwiches. ................................................ Easter?
9 We had to break .................... our house because 9 Cathy's application wasn't accepted because
we had lost our keys. she had very little experience.
turned Cathy's application .............................
10 The magician clapped his hand and immediately ...................................................... had
the flowers turned .................... а rabЬit. very little experience.

Phrosnl Verl1s •

11 Underline the correct word. 13 Match Column А to Column В.

1 А: Who'5 going to look atter/run after Scruffy j

when you're away? �

В: Му Mum i5. 1 What time doe5 А look it up in the
2 А fire put out/broke out in the we5t wing of the 2 They bought а lovely encyclopaedia.
library late la5t night. hou5e В if а fire break5 out.
З Kate decided to take up/look up ltalian lе550п5 З lf you need тоге
becau5e 5he want5 to live in Venice one day. С becau5e the weather
information оп
4 Caterpillar5 соте into/turn into butterflie5 in the wa5 bad.
5ummer. 4 You are very lucky D the plane to Hong
5 А: How i5 your cou5in'5 book5hop doing? that you weren't Kong take off?
В: Badly, l'm afraid. lt wa5 taken over/run over 5 AII 5tudent5 5hould Е when they ran into
Ьу а Ьigger company. know what to do their grandfather.
6 "Turn on/Put оп your 5un hat if you're going to б We had to put off the F 5he never turned up
the beach," Mum 5aid to me. tenni5 tournament for their meeting.
7 We've put off/taken off our dinner party until 7 The children were оп G with the money they
we've fini5hed redecorating the hou5e. their way to 5Chool came into la5t year.
8 The train turned down/broke down in the middle 8 Не waited and
of the mountain5. Н run over Ьу the lorry!
waited but
9 lt wa5 50 kind of your parent5 to break up/put up
ту brother for the weekend. 14 Fill in the Ыanks with the correct verb to
10 "Did you hear what happened to Мг Wil5on? Hi5 complete the sentences.
hou5e wa5 run into/broken into ye5terday."
1 1'11 make а chocolate cake if you .........................
12 Use the phrasal verbs below in the correct tense оп the oven.
to fill in the Ыanks. 2 John's coming home neX1 week а5 hi5 5chool i5
.................................. up for the holiday5.
соте round, not run out of, соте across, З "Did you hear that Allen ......................................
/ook forward to, look for, соте back, take after down Emily'5 invitation to her Chri5tma5 party?"
4 The Carlton5' dog ha5 run away. They've been
t' ,, .................................. for him all night.
Dear Cindy, 5 When I wa5 on holiday in Mexico, 1 ....................
.................................. into ту old 5Chool teacher.
Sorry I haven't written to you for 50 long but I had 6 А: Doe5 thi5 di5hwa5her have а guarantee?
lo5t your new addre5s. ln fact, 1 1) ............................ В: Ot cour5e. lf it ....................................... down
it for more than а month before I finally 2) ................ { within the next twelve month5, we'II repair it
....................................... it. free of charge.
1 hope everything's ОК and you З) ....................... 7 А: Mum, what do firefighter5 do?
................................... energy with all tho5e trip5 you В: Well, they do тапу thing5, They .................. ..
have Ьееп going оп. Thing5 are а Ьit crazy here а5 .......................... out fire5, re5cue people and
we're trying to fini5h redecorating the hou5e becau5e 5ave animal5.
Su5ie 4) ........................................ from ho5pital with 8 1 ............................................. acro55 а gorgeou5
her new ЬаЬу, Nichola5, оп Tue5day. antique lamp at the local bazaar.
Everybody think5 he 5) .......................................... 9 А: Let'5 have а barbecue tonight.
hi5 mother becau5e he'5 got dark еуе5 and а very В: Good idea! But we'II have to go to the 5hop
pale complexion. Well, you'II tell U5 what you think becau5e we've ..................... out of charcoal.
when you 6) ............................................ to 5ее him. 10 А: Now that it'5 the 5ummer holiday5, what аге
Д5 you сап imagine, little Nicholas i5 all we talk you going to do with your free time?
about the5e day5. Anyway, write back 500П. 1 7) ..... В: Well, l've decided to .......................................

__..._.,-- -�----.-../� J
............................... ........................ hearing from you. up cycling.
Love, 11 А: You don't need to 5tay in а hotel. We'II .........
, ....................................... you up for the night.
....,___ Аппе
...__ ......... В: Thank5 very much. 1 really appreciate it.

P1·euosilio11s о! Pl[lce Моvеп1е111 'Тi111е

Ploce Movement

11 dowп


• off between


D next to/by/beside
out of
past АТ
> at 2.30, 5.15, etc.
at Christmas/Easter

� from at noon/night/midnight

� ::J at breakfast/lunch/

--;.. . . , ,о
to dinner time, etc.

at that time
over towards at the moment/weekend, etc.

п IN

through � under
� ·�. -�··· in the morning/afternoon/evening
in the Christmas holiday(s), etc .

.•/· · · ·r
-·, . '. in May/September, etc.
•• ••:
among =,·
L-...J ..:J over in (the) winter/spring, etc.

in 1989/1995, etc.
in the 18th/20th century, etc .
through in two/four, etc. hours

-+О near ON

in front of
on Tuesday/Friday, etc.
on Easter Sunday, Christmas
Day, etc.
behind •'

В·: ,
on Saturday/Monday, etc. night
on July 15th/May 28th, etc.
оп а summer's/winter's day

-• along in front of
х оп that day
across Note:
х along
We never use at, in or оп
---::,- before yesterday, next, this,
./0 against
:7-, across tomorrow, last, every.

She's visiting her mother this

О •[:j between up

Preuosllions ol Pluce /,loven1err1 lrшe М
1 Underline the correct preposition. 9 We got ............... the train at Ellington Station.
А above В off С down
1 Dave·s Ьike is leaning onto/against the garage 10 Оп our way ............... Joanne's house, we
wall. stopped and bought some flowers.
2 А: Where's Mum? А to В up С off
В: She's in/on the kitchen making an арр/е pie. 11 The mother held out her hands and the ЬаЬу
З The new hotel is opposite/along Stanley Park. walked ............... her.
4 Julie didn't recogn1se me. ln fact, she walked А below В towards С Ьу
straight towards/past me. 12 At night, 1 always keep а glass of water .............. .
5 А: Do you know where Claire lives? me оп my bedside tаЫе.
В: Yes. Doesn't she live near/along the flower А beside В under С across
6 1 hung the painting over/up our bed.
7 Harold sat outside/next to Mrs Medley at the з Fi/1 in the gaps with at, in, and оп where
dinner party. necessary.
8 The cat fell asleep among/under the dining room
tаЫе. 1 А: Don't forget that we are going to the rock
9 The little Ьоу hid from/behind а tree and waited festival .............. Thursday night.
for his friend to find him. В: 1 would never forget the festival!
10 1'11 meet you towards/outside the museum at 2 А: What time is the meeting?
eight o'clock. В: lt's .................. 2.00 ................... the afternoon.
11 We walked between/along the deserted, sandy з А: Let's go away .......................... December.
beach. В: Good idea! Why don't we go оп а skiing trip
12 А: Why аге you so tired? ................... the Christmas holidays.
В: Because I walked al/ the way from/inside the А: That's а terrific idea!
city centre. 4 А: Guess what! Tom and Магу got engaged
.............. last night.
2 Choose the correct item. В: How wonderful! Have they set а date for their
А: Yes, they are getting married ..............
1 1 parked the саг ............... the hospital and went October.
inside. 5 А: When do the children have their Spanish
А under В 1n front of С towards lesson .............. this week?
2 There was а fallen tree ............... the road. В: 1 have arranged for their tutor to come
А outside В against С across .............. Wednesday.
З There's а river that runs ............... my village. 6 А: Mum. when was Grandpa born?
А across В over С through В: Не was born .............. Мау 25th, 1927.
7 А: Аге the Smiths going to come over for dinner
4 ............... the trees was а charming, little cottage. .............. New Year's Eve?
А ln В Along С Among В: Yes, we are expect1ng them .............. the
5 Му house 1s ............... the b1cycle shop and the post evening.
office. 8 А: When did you learn to ride а Ьicycle?
А between В from С among В: 1 think it was .............. 1990 when I was seven
6 А: What's ............... the Ьох? years old. 1 remember it was .............. а hot
В: А diamond necklace. summer's day.
А оп to В opposite С inside 9 А: When was the first automoblle invented?
В: lt was invented .............. the 19th century.
7 We live оп the second floor, ............... the 10 А: Why don't we meet .............. lunchtime
newsagent's. .............. next Friday.
А above В on С in В: l'm sorry, 1 can't. 1 have а dentist's
8 1 walked all the way ............... the city centre to the appointment .............. that day.
harbour yesterday. 11 А: Аге you going away .............. August?
А above В from С near В: Yes, we go away .............. every August.

VerlJs. дdieclives. Nouns �vilh Preuosilions

absent from (adj) agree with sb (v) apply for sth (v)
according to (prep) aim at (v) arrest sb for sth (v)
accuse sb of (v) amazed aVby (adj) arrive at (а small place) (v)
accustomed to (adj) angry about sth (adj) arrive in (а town) (v)
А advantage of (n) angry with sb for doing sth (adj) ashamed of (adj)
(but: there's an advantage in) annoyed about sth (adj) ask for (v) (but: ask sb а question)
advice оп (п) annoyed with sb for doing sth (adj) astonished at/by (adj)
afraid of (adj) answer to (n) attitude to/towards (n)
agree to/on sth (v) apologise to sb for sth (v) aware of (adj)

bad at (adj) Ыаmе sb for sth (v) borrow sth from sb (v)
begin with (v) Ыаmе sth оп sb (v) brilliant at (adj)
в believe in (v) (someone is) to Ыаmе for sth (v) bump into (v)
belong to (v) bored with (adj)

сараЫе of (adj) collide with (v) consist of (v)

саге about (v) communicate with (v) contact between (n) (but: in
саге for sЬ/sth (v) complain to sb about sth/sb (v) contact with)
(take) саге of (n) concentrate on (v) соре with (v)
с cause of (n) concemed aЬout sth (adj) crash into (v)
charge sb with (v) congratulate sb оп sth (v) crowded with (adj)
cheque for (n) connection between (n) cruel to (adj)
clever of you to (adj) (but: in connection with) cure for (n)

LJ close to (adj) conscious of (adj) cut into small pieces (v)

damage to (n) die of (v) divide into (v)

decide оп (v) die in an accident (v) do sth about (v)
D decrease in (n) difference between (n) dream about (v)
delighted with (adj) different from/to (adj) dream of (v) (= imagine)
demand for (п) disadvantage of (n) drive into (v)
depend оп (v) disappointed with (adj) due to (phrasal prep)

engaged to sb (adj) excellent at (adj) explain sth to sb (v)
envious of (adj) excited about (adj)

fall in (n) forget about (v) furious about sth (adj)
famous for (adj) forgive sb for (v) furious with sb for doing sth (adj)
F fed up with (adj) (un)friendly to (adj)
fight for (v) frightened of (adj)

fond of (adj) full of (adj)

generous of sb (to do sth) (adj) glance at (v) (Ье) good to sb (adj)

generous to sb (adj) good at (adj) good of sb (to do sth) (adj)
1 hear about (v) ( = Ье told)
н happen to (v) hear from (v) ( = receive а letter) hopeless at (adj)

- hear of (v) (= learn that sth or sb exists)

impressed by/with (adj) insist оп (v) invitation to (n)

incapaЫe of (adj) intelligent of sb (to do sth) (adj) invite sb to (v)
increase in (n) interested in (adj)

Verl1s. Adieclives. Nouns v1ilh Preoosilions

_:,j jealous of (adj)

keen on slh(adjl
kind of sb (to do sth) (adj)

leave for (v)
kind to (adj)

live on {v)
look after (phr v) ( = take саге oQ
key to (n)

look for (phr v) ( = search for)

listen to (v) look aVhave а look at (v)

� married 10(adjl mean of sb (to do sth) (adj) mean to (adj)

_:_J need for(n] nice of sb (to do sth) (adj) nice to (adj)

� optimistic about (adj)

рау for (v) point at (v) prevent sb from (v)

photograph of (n) (im)polite of sb (to do sth) (adj) protect againsVfrom (v)
р picture of (n) (im)polite to (adj) proud of (adj)
(un)pleasant to (adj) popular with (adj) provide sb with (v)
pleased with (adj) prefer sth to sth else (v) put pressure on sb (ехр)

reaction to (n) rely on (v) rude of sb (to do sth) (adj)

reason for (n) remind sb of/about (v) rude to (adj)
R receive from (v) remind sb to do sth (v) run into (phr v)
regard as (v) reply to (n/v)
11 relationship between (n) (but: а responsiЫe for (adj)
11 good relationship with sb) rise in (n)

satisfied with {adj) shout to sb (v) spend time doing sth (v)
save sb from (v) silly of sb to do sth (adj) split into (v)
scared of (adj) similar to (adj) stare at (v)
s search for (v/n) smile at (v) stupid of sb (to do sth) (adj)
sensiЫe of sb (to do sth) (adj) solution to (n) succeed in (v)
sentence sb to (v) sorry about {adj) (= sorry for sb) suffer from (v)
shocked aVby (adj) sorry for doing sth (adj) surprised at/by (adj)
short of (adj) speak to (v) surrounded Ьу (adj)
shout at (v) spend money on sth (v) suspicious of (adj)

lalklo(v] throw at (v) top of sth (n)

terrified of (adj) throw to (v) translate from ... into (v)
think abouVof (v) tired of (adj) turn sth into sth (phr v)
unreasonaЫe of sb (lo do slh) upset about (adj)


wail for(v] warn sb not to do sth (v) write to sb (v)

warn sb againsVabouVof (v) worried about (adj)

Ver 11s. A11iec1i11 es. Nouns \',1ilh Pr e11osilions

at the bottom of at least at 4, Rose St.

at first at the weekend

Ьу accident Ьу chance Ьу Rembrandt

Ьу bus/train/plane/ Ьу cheque Ьу Shakespeare
helicopter/taxi/coach/ Ьу mistake Ьу the time
Ву ship/boat/sea/air/car, etc. Ьу post/airmail
(but: on a/the bus/plane/

1� in а taxi/car/helicopter/plane)

for breakfast/lunchfdinner for help for а swim

For for а drink (go to а place) for а holiday/my for а walk
for fun ( = for amusement) holiday(s) for а while

from time to time

from now on from that day on

in agony in the countryside in love (with)

in an armchair in disbelief in one's opinion
in cash in the distance in other words
ln in the (city) centre in one's free time in power
in thefa city in the fresh air in time
in common in а hurry

lnto into pieces

on business оп а farm (but: in а field) оп page ...

on the (west) coast оп fire on the phone/telephone
on a(n) cruise/excursionf on the (4th) floor (oQ on the radioЛV
trip/tour on foot on the rightfleft
on а diet on the other hand on strike
on an expedition оп holiday on а trip

Out of out of control out of date out of order

То to one's relief to one's horror

Under under control under repair under threat

Ve111s. Adiecliш. Nouns \'lilh P1e11osilio11s

1 Use the prepositions in the list below to 6 What's the difference between/from an ocean
complete the sentences. and а sea?
7 l'm calling in connection between/with your
for, of, to, from, in, about, with, into advertisement in the Carlton Times.
1 Michael is terrified ................ flying and hasn't 8 "Oid you hear of/about Tim and Helen? They're
travelled Ьу plane for ten years. getting married next summer," said Bill.
2 Мг Peters was responsiЫe .............. the accident 9 Мг Marcus is extremely generous to/of all his
and had to рау for all the repairs. friends.
3 The lifeguard jumped into the pool and saved the 10 Unfortunately, Tanya didn't agree to/with cook
little Ьоу ................ drowning. for the party, so we'II have to hire а caterer.
4 Магу apologised .............. Lucy for not being аЫе 11 Му best friend almost died in/of а boating
to meet her for lunch. accident last year.
5 John is interested ................ studying Law and is 12 Stop shouting at/to me! 1 said I was sorry.
planning to attend а law school abroad. 13 lt is impolite of/to ask someone how much
6 "Excuse me. Could you please take а picture money they earn.
.................. те in front of Big Ben?" she asked. 14 "l'm sorry for/with breaking your window, Mrs
7 1 wonder how Sue is. 1 haven't heard .... ......... her Donaldson," said Sam.
since September. 15 Му sister was so angry that she threw а pillow
8 Scientists who do research and find cures ........... to/at те.
diseases should Ье rewarded. 16 Jonathan has invited all his friends to/at his
9 Melissa is very jealous ................ her little brother Ьirthday party next Saturday.
as he gets most of the attention. 17 Му father was furious with/about my brother for
10 А: Оо you know where the post office is? staying out so late.
В: Yes. lt's close ................ the school. 18 The passengers were extremely angry with/
11 They forgot ............ their differences and became about the cancellation of their flight.
best friends once again. 19 Monica is а very sensitive person. She really
12 А: Оо you believe ................ ghosts? cares for/about other people's feelings.
В: Of course not. How ridiculous! 20 1 was terriЫy annoyed with/about the hairdresser
13 The train leaves ................ Luxembourg at 1 :35. for cutting my hair so short.
14 The children woke up very early as they were
excited ................ going to the beach for the day. З Choose the correct item.
15 "Did you hear that Don is getting married .............
Rachel?" he asked. 1 Joanne is so ....................... drawing that she has
16 Не lost control of the саг and drove ................ а decided to study Art at university.
tree. А bad at В upset about С good at
17 There is а need ................ more parks in the city.
18 "Where have you been? l've been waiting ............ 2 Tommy was ....................... school yesterday
you since two o'clock," she said. because he had а temperature.
19 Maria was so pleased ................ her children's А absent from В worried about
progress at school that she bought them а treat. С satisfied with
20 One of the things France is famous ................ is
3 lt was very ... .. ..... ............ . Larry to throw а
its cuisine.
surprise Ьirthday party for Lauren.
А nice of В optimistic about
2 Underline the correct word(s). С disappointed with

1 How rude of/to Frank to use Penny's саг without 4 Who did the police ......... ............ robЬing the
asking her. corner shop?
2 Look after/at that rainbow. lsn't it beautiful! А charge with В complain to С warn about
3 lt was very kind to/of Mark to drive us to the
airport. 5 ....................... the hurricane, all schools in the
4 Paula had а bad dream about/of monsters last area were closed for three days.
night. А According to В Due to
5 The mayor arrived in/at New York an hour ago. С ln connection with

Ve1IJs. Arliec1i es. Noш1s .•1ilh P1euosilions

б Amy saw an advertisement for а secretarial 8 А: 1 heard ................ the radio that the bank near
position and decided to ....................... it. here was robbed this morning.
А apply for В aim at С answer to В: Oh really! 1 thought I heard sirens ............. the
7 Мг Mattle was ............ his new assistant as she was distance early this morning.
extremely impolite to the customers.
А bored with В furious with 5 Use the prepositions in the list below to
С satisfied with complete the sentences.
8 The criminal was ...................... fifteen years in at, Ьу, for, in, оп, out of, from, into, to
А damaged to В sentenced to С agreed to 1 Let's meet .................... а drink at O'Malley's оп
Friday night.
9 You shouldn't ............... breaking your CD player. 2 "Can I call you back tomorrow? l'm ................ а
А apologise to Leslie В rely оп Leslie hurry right now and don't have time to talk to
С Ыаmе Leslie for you," she said.
10 We ate at а wonderful restaurant which is quite з After the storm, all the telephones in my
....................... the locals. neighbourhood were ................ order and had to
А keen оп В popular with С nice to Ье repaired.
4 А: Can I speak to Мг Watley?
4 Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition. В: l'm afraid Мг Watley is away ............. business.
Would you like to leave а message?
5 ................ my horror, 1 noticed that the lock of the
1 А: Do you know where the Johnsons live? front door had been broken.
В: Yes, they live .......................... 102, Riley Road б Customers can рау ................ cheque if they wish
............................... the city centre. 1 think their to.
apartment is ................ the 6th floor. 7 А: 1 was half an hour late for my lesson this
2 А: Do you drive to work? morning.
В: No, 1 always go to work ............ foot but 1 В: Did you apologise .................... your teacher?
return ................ taxi. 8 During the earthquake, one of my most expensive
З А: The Simms must Ье away ............. holiday. vases broke ................ а thousand pieces.
The lights in their house have been off for 9 ................ time to time she would stop whatever
days. she was doing, look out of the window and day­
В: Didn't I tell you that they went ................ а dream.
cruise but that they will Ье back ............... . 10 А: Did you grow up in а city?
time for our dinner party next week? В: No, 1 didn't. 1 spent most of my childhood
4 А: What do you like doing ................ your free ................ а farm.
В: l love reading plays ............. Shakespeare and
sometimes I go window-shopping .......... . Revision: Verbs. Adiectives. Nouns with Prepositions
5 А: How about going ............... а swim ............ the 6 Underline the correct preposition.
В: l'd rather go ................ а walk ............. the 1 Jason accused Sam of/about breaking into his
countryside. computer files.
б А: Did you know that Магу went to а dietician 2 lf you're fed up for/with doing the housework,
................ help? hire а cleaner.
В: Really? З А: What was Julie so upset at/about this morning?
А: Yes. She was put ................ а diet and seems В: She almost had а саг crash.
to have her weight ................ control now. 4 To/With our relief, we were evacuated from our
7 А: When I was ................ the bus yesterday, 1 got home before the storm hit.
really embarrassed. 5 "Would you like to рау on/in cash or Ьу credit
В: Why? What happened? card, Sir?" asked the shop assistant.
А: 1 stepped оп а woman's foot, ............... . б Kate succeeded to/in winning first prize for her
accident of course, and she started screaming science project оп the solar system.
at me.

VerlJs. Allieclives. Nouns 1·1ilh P1eposilions

7 Мг Bradley complained to Carl's mother 7 Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition to
about/for her son's behaviour in class. complete the letter below.
8 The local council have been trying to prevent ,. ,
people from/of dropping litter in the town's streets. Dear Mum and Dad,
ln/At first, 1 thought she was arrogant, but then 1
Не//о from Amsterdam! Joe апd I arrived 1) ............
realised she was just shy.
Не has been playing that computer game all day.
this fantastic city two days ago and I thought J'd write I
2) ................ you to tel1 you how great it is. 1
Не is bored at/with it, now.
Yesterday, we went to the Van Gogh Museum and /
11 Southern parts of the USA are constantly under/ saw some amazing paintings 3) ................ the artist.
in threat of hurricanes. We were so impressed 4) ................ his work that we
12 One of the main reasons for/about the hole in the stayed at the museum for six hours! We also took а
ozone layer is air pollution. Ьicycle ride through the peaceful streets and I was
13 А: Where are you going for/at your holidays this astonished 5) ................ the beauty of the houses. ln J
year? fact, they reminded me 6) ................ home. l've taken
В: Nowhere. We're redecorating our house. lots of photographs 7) ................ them so you can see
14 The audience was amazed of/by the magnificent for yourself.
voice of the орега singer. This morning we met а very nice Dutch couple and
15 "Can you please look at me when l'm talking they've invited us 8) ................ have dinner with them 1
about/to you?" she said. tonight. They live 9) ...................... а houseboat so the
Being an only child can have its advantages. Оп/ evening should Ье fun. 1 just hope Joe doesn't fall 10)
................ the canal -you know how clumsy he is! 1
ln the other hand, it can Ье lonely at times.
"Оо you think she'II ever forgive me for/of telling Anyway, we're leaving 11) .............. Paris tomorrow
afternoon, so you'II hear 12) .............. us again in а/
Matt her secret?" Paul asked.
"ls the cheapest way to send а рагсе/ to Australia few days.
Lots of love,
on/by airmail?" he asked. t
19 The employees got а rise because their boss was
extremely satisfied with/about their work.
-- ___,,..._..__,___.,,. - ------- / J

20 "Аге you aware about/of the dangers of

smoking?" said Sarah.
8 Match Column А to Column В.

21 1 have а very good relationship for/with my 1

colleagues. .!:!..---
22 At/By the time they got to the cinema, the film 1 Does this red 1 а that I always order
had already started. umbrella takeaway food.
"Don't forget to return the books you borrowed lt took Мг Parks а ь to congratulate me
on the Ьirth of my
from/at the puЬ/ic library," said Mum.
while to
The children are very fond with/of chocolate daughter.
The project aims at j с at the shopping
finding ways centre this
25 1 met Мг Harrods in/by chance in the lift.
26 There's а lot we can do to protect our rainforests Being а doctor, one afternoon.
d get accustomed to
from/of destruction. has to соре with
lt's time we did the fact that he had
The police arrested Mrs Davis on/for shoplifting.
27 5
She worked as а waitress in/for а while before something about
е to help decrease
going to university. Му parents prefer noise pollution.
Spiders don't frighten me, but l'm really scared
29 jazz music f crime in our
with/of snakes. neighbourhood.
Can I rely on you
1 dialled the wrong number by/on mistake. belong to Chris?
We bumped into our
The antique shop was fu/1 with/of old pieces of h working long hours.
8 g
French teacher
furniture. to classical music.
32 Му brother and I have very few things on/in 9 Му brother called me to have the order
common. l'm so hopeless at delivered Ьу

lrregulor Verbs
lnfinitive Past Past Participle lnfinitive Past Past Participle
Ье was been let let let
bear bore born(e) lie lay lain
beat beat beaten light lit lit
become became become lose lost lost
begin began begun make made made
Ьite Ьit Ьitten mean meant meant
Ыоw Ыеw Ыown meet met met
break broke broken paid paid
bring brought brought put put put
build built built
read read read
burn burnt (burned) burnt (burned)
ride rode ridden
burst burst burst rang rung
buy bought bought rise rose risen
сап could (Ьееп аые to) run ran run
catch caught caught say said said
choose chose chosen see saw seen
соте came соте seek sought sought
cost cost cost sell sold sold
cut cut cut send sent sent
deal dealt deatt set set set
dig dug dug sew sewed sewn
do did done shake shook shaken
draw drew drawn shine shone shone
dream dreamt (dreamed) dreamt (dreamed) shoot shot shot
drink drank drunk show showed shown
drive drove driven shut shut shut
sing sang sung
eat ate eaten sit sat sat
fall fell fallen sleep slept slept
feed fed fed smell smett (smelled) smelt (smelled)
feel felt fett speak spoke spoken
fight fought fought spell spelt (spelled) spett (spelled)
find found found spend spent spent
fly flew flown spill spilt spilt
forЬid forbade torЬidden split split split
forget forgot forgotten spoil spoilt (spoiled) spoilt (spoiled)
forgive forgave forgiven spread spread spread
freeze froze frozen spring sprang sprung
stand stood stood
get got got
steal stole stolen
give gave given
stick stuck stuck
go went gone
sting stung stung
grow grew grown strike struck struck
hang hung (hanged) hung (hanged) swear swore sworn
have had had sweep swept swept
hear heard heard swim swam swum
hide hid hidden take took taken
hit hit hit teach taught taught
hold held held tear tore torn
hurt hurt hurt tell told told
keep kept kept think thought thought
know knew known throw t.hrew thrown
lay laid laid understand understood understood
lead led led wake woke woken
learn learnt (learned) learnt (learned) wear wore worn
leave left left win won won
lend lent lent write wrote written

NAME:................................................................................................. DATE: ............................................

CLASS: ............................................................................................... MARK: ...........................................

(Time: 20 minutes)

Choose the correct item.

1 Although she has а саг, she ............... to work. 11 Dave ............... about buying а new СО player.
А is walking В walking С walks А is thinking В thinks С thinking

2 Julia is the chef ............... cooks lunch every day. 12 That's the Ьоу ................. got а Ыuе and red
А who В which С whose Ьicycle.
А who В whose С who's
З Му ЬаЬу brother ...... ......... with his toys at the
moment. 13 l love reading ................ 1 hate watching ТV.
А had played В was playing С is playing А but В also С and

4 The house ............... is over one hundred years 14 That's the girl ................. mother is а singer.
old belongs to Mrs DuPont. А whose В which С who
А who В which С that
15 Eddie doesn't mind going to bed late, but he
5 Fred is impatient ............... rude. ................. waking up early in the morning.
А also В and С but А disliked В disliking С dislikes

6 1879 was the year ............... Albert Einstein was 16 1 heard а joke today ................. was very funny.
born. А which В who С whom
А when В which С why
17 А: Does Jake work at the weekend?
7 Your new outfit ............... fabulous. В: No, he ................. .
А look В looks С is looking А doesn't В do С does

8 ............... was she writing а letter to this morning? 18 The shop ................. 1 bought my jacket from is
А Which В What С Who closing down.
А whose В which С where
9 Не took off his jumper ............... he was hot.
А because В so С and 19 А: Does Мг Harvey mow the lawn every Saturday?
В: Yes, he ................. does.
10 А: Ellen loves spicy food. А never В always С rarely
В: Yes, 1 know. She ............... cooks Mexican
dishes. 20 Do you know ................. AI didn't come оп the
А never В seldom С always picnic?
А which В where С why

NAME:................................................................................................. DATE: ............................................

CLASS: ............................................................................................... MARK: ...........................................

(Time: 20 minutes)

Choose the correct item.

1 А: What time ................. you leave school 11 l've only ................. to the opera once.
yesterday? А been В been going С gone
В: At four o'clock.
А have В does с did 12 А: Would you like а cup of ................. coffee?
В: No, thanks.
2 1 love reading ................. Guardian newspaper Аа В the С-
every Sunday morning.
А the Ва Сап 13 They ................. the airport as soon as they had
collected their luggage.
з At half past six last night we ................. dinner. А left В leave С are leaving
А are having В were having С have
14 His costume was ................. original that he won
4 The food was ................. spicy I couldn't eat it. first prize.
А so В such С such а А so В such а С such

5 А: Where's Bill? 15 She has ................. in her studio since six o'clock
В: He's ................. to the basketball game. this morning.
А been going В been С gone А been painting В painted С paint

б lt was ................. difficult crossword puzzle that 1 16 Our teacher told us all about ................. Second
couldn't finish it. World War today.
А such а в so Сsuch А the В which С а

7 А: ls Lesley at home? 17 Karen ................. а hairdresser for two years.

В: Yes, she's ................. arrived. А has been В was being С is being
А just В since С already
18 There were ................. cars in the street that we
8 Мапу different languages are spoken in couldn't find а parking space.
................. Europe. А such В so many С such many
А the В - С an
19 The ЬаЬу hasn't been sleeping well ................. .
9 А: Why is Paul tired? А yet В since С lately
В: Well, he ................. in the library for hours!
А is studying В has Ьееп studying 20 Do you remember meeting Carl's
С has studied grandfather?
А the В - Са
1 О lt was ................. boring lecture that I left before it
was over.
А such а в so Сsuch

NAME:................................................................................................. DATE: ............................................

CLASS: ............................................................................................... MARK: ...........................................

(Тime: 20 minutes)

Choose the correct item.

1 Molly used to ................... watching cartoons 12 You ................... feed the dog. 1 fed it this morning.
when she was young. А needn't В need С must
А loving В loved С love
13 Магу ................... the house Ьу the time it started
2 First, he had dinner, then he the to rain.
newspaper. А reached В had reached
А read В was reading С had read С was reaching

з The Rosens ................... abroad for fifteen years 14 George never ................. eat vegetaЫes when he
before they moved back to England. was а teenager.
А lived В have lived С were living А didn't use to В uses to С used to

4 Peter was listening to his favourite СО when Paul 15 1 ................. the ambulance siren wailing as I was
walking through the city centre.
А came in В was coming in А heard В was hearing
С had come in С had been hearing

5 You ................... chew gum in class. 16 А: ls Jessica ................. than Susie?

А must В mustn't С needn't В: No, 1 don't think so.
А talented В as talented
б I think History is less interesting ................. .. С more talented
А from В of С than 17 Had you ................. to San Francisco before?
А been В went С go
7 Valerie was making the beds while Mark
................... the floor. 18 You ................. make ап appointment to see а
А was sweeping В swept С had swept doctor. The clinic is open 24 hours а day.
А need В needn't С mustn't
8 You ................... have а driving licence in order to
drive а саг. 19 She ................. а book all night and was very
А mustn't В needn't С must sleepy the next morning.
А is reading В had been reading
'' 9 Brian isn't as ................... as Richard. С was reading
1 А friendly В friendlier С friendliest
' 20 Rachel was watering the plants while her children
'' 10 Му grandfather often ................... old films. ................. in the garden.
'' А has watched В watches А was playing В were playing
' С had been watching С play


11 Maria entered the room very quietly ...................

'' she didn't want to wake anyone up.

' А while В so С as

NAME:................................................................................................. DATE: ............................................

CLASS: ............................................................................................... MARK: ...........................................

(Time: 20 minutes)

Choose the correct item.

1 She ................. her leg so she couldn't go water- 11 1 ................. my lawyer оп Monday.
skiing. А seen В am seeing С see
А was breaking В had broken С broken
12 She turns оп the answering machine every
2 1 hope Tracey ................. home soon. morning before she ................. for work.
А has been coming В will come С is coming А leaves В has left С is leaving

3 Did they ................. travel а lot when they were 13 l'm afraid 1 ................. late for dinner this evening.
first married? А will Ье В сап Ье С am
А using to В used to С use to
14 А: Have you lived alone before?
4 lf they ................. up early, 1'11 make them а Ьig В: No, but l'm ................. to it.
breakfast. А getting used В used С was used
А woke В are waking С wake
15 lf 1 ................ work early tonight, 1'11 give you а ring.
5 Не called а taxi ............... he had finished packing. А will finish В finish С finished
А as soon as В while С Ьу
16 We ................. for an hour before we found the
6 We ................. to spend the afternoon relaxing in perfect picnic spot.
the garden. А had been driving В have been driving
А will В are going С going С were driven

7 А: Sorry l'm late. 17 А: l've got а high temperature.

В: You should Ье! 1 ................. for over an hour. В: 1 ................. you an aspirin.
А am waiting В have been waiting А going to get В get С will get
С wait
18 Joan and Tim had their first ЬаЬу five years
8 lf your father comes home now, we ................. а
pizza for dinner. А since в ago С before
А are ordering В order С will order
19 А: Where ................. going for your Ьirthday?
9 They ................. а taьte before they went to the В: То La Мата's.
restaurant. А do you В are you С will you
А are reserving В had reserved
С were reserving 20 Ву the time she ................. to the bus station, the
bus had already teft.
1 О You may ................. my camera if you promise to А was getting В gets С got
return it tomorrow.
А to use В used С use


PROGRESS TEST 5 Units 9-10

NAME:................................................................................................. DATE: ............................................

CLASS: ............................................................................................... MARK: ...........................................

(Time: 20 minutes)

Choose the correct item.

1 This time next Sunday 1 ................. at my triend's 11 Georgia apologised for ................. so rude to her
party. mother.
А will dance В will Ье dancing А having been В have been С been
С am dancing
12 Не said that he ................. hungry and was going
2 Не said that he ................. call me the next day. to make himself а sandwich.
А will В would С is going to А was В had been С has been

з Не asked me if Susie ................. reading his book. 13 А: What did Alison say?
А had tinished В was finished С finish В: She said that she ................. pick up the
children оп her way home.
4 Mrs Simmons ................. the report Ьу Tuesday. А has В would С was
А will Ье writing В is writing
С will have written 14 1 will have done all my homework before we
................. out tonight.
5 She refused ................. him а pair of jeans. А go В will go С are going
А to buy В buy С buying
15 ВоЬ ................. the ТУ until next weekend.
6 Robert ................. те that Janet was sleeping. А will repair В won't have repaired
А said · В told С says С will Ье repaired

7 Watching too much ТУ causes us to become 16 Му doctor advised me ................. swimming.

inactive. ................. , people who watch а lot of А to taking up В take up С to take up
television may become antisocial.
А But В However С Moreover 17 1 want you to ................. me the truth !
А say to В tel1 С say
8 More and more people ................. computers in
the future.
18 ................. living in а big city is exciting, it сап Ье
А have used В will Ье using
tiring and stressful to travel from one part of the
С аге getting used
city to another.
А Although В However С Moreover
9 Amanda suggested ................. to the theatre оп
Friday night.
19 Who was this letter written ................?
А going В having gone С go
А from В Ьу С with
1 о Jean hopes she ................. herself а саг Ьу the
20 Му teacher told us that the telephone .................
time she is thirty years old.
Ьу Alexander Graham Bell.
А will Ье buying В will have bought
А was invented В is invented
С will buy
С have been invented

NAME:................................................................................................. DATE: ............................................

CLASS: ............................................................................................... MARK: ...........................................

(Time: 20 minutes)

Choose the correct item.

1 She offered to ................. the children to the 11 The curtains ................. Ьу Marie.
cottage for the weekend. А are making В are being made
А took В take С taking С made

2 А suspicious-looking man . .... ............ running 12 Не ordered us ................. .

away from the scene of the crime. А not to move В to not move С not move
А was seen В is seeing С is seen
13 1 work ................. а photographer for Elegance
3 She ................. me of telling everybody her secret. magazine.
А is being accused В accused С accuse А such В like С as

4 The baby's skin ................. very soft. 14 The pool must Ье ................. оп Sunday.
А feels В feel С is feeling А cleans В cleaning С cleaned

5 Не complained that I always ................. too much 15 Не took the knife away from the child and .............
money. that it was dangerous.
А spending В spends С spend А explained В explaining С explains

6 The salad was made ................. lettuce, onions 16 Their kitten was rescued .............. their neighbour.
and cucumber. А of В with С Ьу
А of В Ьу С with
17 She ................. to throw their toys in the Ьin if they
7 Не asked us not ................. late for the meeting. didn't put them away.
А Ье В to Ье С being А is threatening В threatened
С threatens
8 We ................. allowed to stay up till midnight last
Friday. 18 The flowers would have been ................. in the
А were В will Ье С had garden Ьу now if I hadn't been so busy lately.
А planting В plants С planted
9 1 ............... them to go sailing with us this summer.
А invite В inviting С invited 19 She denied that she ................. the suspect.
А knew В is knowing С was known
1 О Pat suggested to the cinema оп
Saturday. 20 Although Тina is only three years old, she swims
А going В go С to go ................. а fish.
А like В as С such

PROGRESS TEST 7 Uпits 13-14
NAME:................................................................................................. DATE: ........................................... .

CLASS: ............................................................................................... MARK: .......................................... .

(Time: 20 minutes)

Choose the correct item.

1 Jack wishes he ................. with his brother. 11 Dr Matthews ................. to have saved many
А is fighting В would have fought people during the war.
С hadn't fought А is being known В is known С has known

2 The silver candlestick needs ................. . 12 lf Магу worked harder, she ............... а promotion.
А polishing В to polishing С polish А will Ье getting В will get С would get

З Carl is expected ................. the gold medal. 13 We had а great time in Mexico, ................. the bad
А win В to win С to winning weather.
А although В in spite С despite
4 lf I were you, 1 ................. how to drive а car.
А would learn В will learn 14 lf Joe ................. to Hollywood, he would have
С would learning been а film star.
А had gone В went С goes
5 lf only 1 ................. where he works.
А knew В have known С know 15 New chairs ................. to Ье bought for the office.
А are needing В needs С need
6 lf we had called the travel agent earlier, we
................. tickets to Toronto. 16 lt ................. that а student broke into the school
А have got В could get library late last night.
С would have got А is believed В has been believed
С was believed
7 lf my typewriter worked, 1 ................. your report
for you. 17 What would you do if your саг ................. in the
А would type В would typing С will type middle of nowhere?
А broken down В broke down
8 lf Donna ................. earlier at the party, she would С breaks down
have seen Billy.
А arrived В had arrived С arrives 18 ................. studying very hard for her exam, she
still didn't pass it.
9 1 wish 1 ................. nearer to my office so I wouldn't А Nevertheless В Although С ln spite of
have to get up so early.
А had lived В live С lived 19 1 wish 1 ................. the flu.
А wasn't having В haven't had С didn't have
10 The flowers for the reception need to ................. .
А Ье ordered В Ье ordering С ordering 20 lf only 1 ................. how to get in touch with her!
А have known В knew С will know

PROGRESS TEST 8 Units 15-16
NAME:................................................................................................. DATE: ........................................... .

CLASS: ............................................................................................... MARK: ...........................................

(Time: 20 minutes)

Choose the correct item.

1 "Excuse те. Сап you ................. те with my 11 1 really regret ................. my саг.
bags, please?" А selling В to sell С sell
А to help В helping С help
12 You have to learn to relax ................. .
2 She works at the library, .................? А itself В - С yourself
А doesn't she В isn't she С didn't she

3 Му brother refused ................. те use his саг this 13 John and I can't agree on where ................. for
weekend. our holidays.
А let В to let С letting А go В going С to go

4 Emily taught ................. how to play the violin. 14 Let's go for а walk, .................?
А itself В himself С herself А won't we в shall we С will we

5 1 don't remember ................. the alarm system this 15 1 saw her ................. the road.
morning. А cross В to cross С to crossing
А turning оп В to turn on С turn on
16 Веп injured ................. on а skiing trip.
6 Tom isn't going to the theatre, .................? А itself В him С himself
А does he В was he С is he
17 lt's no use ................. the toaster. We need to buy
7 Try ................. to someone. l'm sure it will make а new опе.
you feel better. А fixing В to fix С fix
А talking В talk С to talking
18 1 am clever, .................?
8 Don't call me at the office, .................? А was I В aren't 1 С are 1
А do you В won't you С will you
19 Не stopped ................. because his back hurt.
9 She made him ................. the garage. А exercise В to exercise С exercising
А cleaning В clean С to clean
20 They rarely go out any more, .................?
10 Ed hasn't got any brothers or sisters, .................? А do they В does they С didn't they
А does he В isn't he С has he

PROGRESS TEST 9 Units 17-18
NAME:................................................................................................. DATE: ............................................

CLASS: ............................................................................................... MARK: .......................................... .

(Time: 20 minutes)

Choose the correct item.

1 l'm going to the supermarket ................ some milk 12 They booked а room in а hotel Ьу the sea so that
and eggs. they ................. go swimming every day.
А to getting В to get С get А could В сап С may

2 He's ................. to reach the top shelf. 13 She set the timer оп the oven she
А tall enough В enough tall С too tall wouldn't burn the dinner.
А in order to В so that С to
З The ................. were playing basketball in the
park. 14 The police ................. the агеа for clues.
А childs В children С child А is searching В searches
С are searching
4 Annie and Stacy were ................. to Ье admitted
into the cinema without an adult. 15 Не left work early ................. not to Ье late for his
А young enough В young С too young doctor's appointment.
А in order В so that С to
5 ................. the storm, the meeting was cancelled.
А Due to fact that В Because С Due to 16 1 drank а bottle of water ................. 1 was extremely
6 Tim is taking driving lessons so that he ................. А due to В because С because of
pass his driving test and get а licence.
А could В would С сап 17 We had ................. bad weather during our
holiday that we left three days early.
7 Both my brothers ................. in Athens, Georgia. А so В such а С such
А live В lives С is living
18 Many ................. saw the accident and were аЫе
8 The cake was ................. delicious that we ate it to explain what happened.
all. А passer-bys В passers-bys С passers-by
А so В such С too
19 ................. there was а snowstorm last night, all
9 AII the girls in my class ................. dance lessons schools are closed today.
this year. А Due to В Due to the fact that
А taking В аге taking С take С Because of

10 lt was ................. beautiful dress that I bought 1t. 20 She moved to the countryside ............... .. she
А such В such а С so wanted to live in а more peaceful area.
А because of В so С as
11 Elizabeth is ................. to own а mansion.
А rich enough В too rich С rich

PROGRESS TEST 1 О Units 19-20
NAME:................................................................................................. DATE: ............................................

CLASS: ............................................................................................... MARK: ...........................................

(Time: 20 minutes)

Choose the correct item.

1 Не ................. а doctor. Не didn't go to medical 12 1 сап hear ................. knocking оп the door.
school. А anyone В по one С someone
А must Ье В might Ье С can't Ье
13 George works as ................. as Mike.
2 Don't call Sandy. lt's midnight and she ................. А hard В harder С hardest
А may Ье В can't Ье С may not Ье 14 Michelle would prefer ................. dinner rather
than eat at а restaurant.
3 То make а club sandwich you need three А cook В to cook С cooking
................. of bread.
А slices В bars С pieces 15 Сап I have ................. grated cheese оп my
spaghetti, please?
4 There was ................. in the cinema other than us. А а tew В little С а little
А по one В anyone С someone
16 They ................. skiing. They don't know how to
5 How ................. flour do you need for the sponge ski.
cake? А must Ье В must have gone
А many В апу С much С can't have gone

6 ls there ................. 1 сап do to help you? 17 There is ................. in the office today. lt's Sunday.
А someone В nothing С anything А nobody В anybody С somebody

7 Mark told me the joke I have ever 18 The news ................. оп at 8:00 оп Channel 4.
heard. А is В are С Ье
А funnier В funniest С funny
19 The children are laughing. They ................. happy.
8 1 ................ go to the beach than to the mountains. А can't Ье В might have been
А would rather В would prefer С prefer С must Ье

9 Maria is taller ................. Martha. 20 New York is the most exciting city ................. the
А of В than С from USA.
А in В of С at
1 о ВоЬ is the tallest basketball player ................. the
А of В in С than

11 l've got ................. apples. 1 think 1'11 make an

apple pie.
А few В а few С а little

PROGRESS TEST 11 Units 21-22
NAME:. ....................................... ......................................................... DAТЕ: ............................................

CLASS: ............................................................................................... MARK: ...........................................

(Time: 20 minutes)

Choose the correct item.

1 Не was ................. after working the night shift. 11 А: 1 won't go to Beth's party because it's too far
А exhausted В exhausting away.
С being exhausted В: ................. 1.
А So will В Nor will С Nor do
2 She had her саг ................. Ьу а mechanic.
А Ьееп serviced В servicing С serviced 12 Не ................. his windows cleaned when 1
з We'd rather ................. to the theatre last night. А will have В is having С was having
А go В have gопе С have Ьееп
13 She'd prefer to own а house ................. own а flat.
4 The Thomsons ................. their house destroyed А rather than В from С than
Ьу а hurricane last summer.
А has В have С had 14 She is having her dress ................. Ьу а famous
French designer.
5 А: 1 love jogging in the park early in the morning. А designed В designing С designs
В: ................. 1.
А So do В Nor did С So did 15 Jerry is an extremely ................. person.
А amuse В amused С amusing
6 Tony has his letters ................. Ьу his secretary.
А types В typing С typed 16 They didn't have their telephone ................. until
last Thursday.
7 1 prefer working in the garden rather than А repaired В repairs С to repair
................. the house.
А cleaning В cleans С to clean 17 А: 1 hate swimming in the sea.
В: ................. 1.
8 Alison will have her costume ...... ........... Ьу her А Nor did В So do С Neither do
А made В make С making 18 How often do you have your curtains ................?
А clean В cleaned С cleaning
9 l'd rather you ................. те first before you took
my jacket. 19 l'd rather you ................. the ironing tonight.
А had asked В have asked С asked А did В doing С done

10 They must have their report Ьу 20 ................. Mrs Phillips have her hair styled for the
tomorrow. wedding?
А writing В written С write А Does В Will С Has

� ,, fr""'f ;_• • :

PRH.БHES.S TEST 12 Phrosпl VerlJs & Prepositions


1• ;-•�-.. J... -�--"'--"'---1..•: •-м

NAME:................................................................................................. DATE: .................................... ........

CLASS: ............................................................................................... MARK: ...........................................

(Time: 20 minutes)

Choose the correct item.

1 Му little brother was born ................. Christmas 11 Why don't we meet for lunch ................. noon?
Day. А оп В at С in
А in В оп С at
12 The cat was hiding ................. the bed.
2 We ran ................. рарег at the office and had to А over В under С down
order some more.
А after В out of С over 13 The government provided the victims of the flood
................. food and shelter.
З "Mum, сап you drive те to work tomorrow? The А Ьу В about С with
buses are ................. strike".
А оп В in С at 14 The firefighter ran ................. the burning house to
save the young child.
4 lt was extremely generous ................. you to let us А into В across С among
use your cottage last weekend.
А to В in С of 15 Michelle is graduating from university .................
this spring.
5 Due to the heavy rainstorms, the football game А at В - С in
was ................. until next Saturday.
А broken up В turned down С put off 16 Would you like to рау ................. cash or Ьу
6 Larry's father waited for him ................. the school. А in В Ьу С with
А outside В past С towards
17 The burglars ran out of the bank only to find
7 1 ................. some old pictures of my parents when themselves surrounded ................. the police.
1 was cleaning the basement. А from В Ьу С among
А run into В came across С looked up
18 l'm going to collect the children from the park
8 Мг Smith's toy shop is оп Highland Avenue ................. the afternoon.
................. the supermarket and the bakery. А in В at С Ьу
А between В against С along
19 After having а discussion for more than four
9 lt was rude ................. Julie not to call me to tell hours, the executives still couldn't find а solution
me she wasn't coming over for dinner. ................. the ргоЫеm.
А of В to С from А with В of С to

10 Let's ................. the 1V. 1 think there's а good film 20 The Blackstones are not ................. from Hawaii
оп tonight. until next week.
А put up В turn into С turn оп А coming round В coming backC turning up


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