Prepared By: Fr. Arsie A. Lumiqued, JR., MSC

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Prepared by: 1

Fr. Arsie A. Lumiqued, Jr., MSC

Providing comfort care
Recognizing basic needs and helping to solve problems
Validating survivors’ feelings and thoughts
Connecting people with their support systems
Providing accurate and timely information
Providing education about stress reactions
Reinforcing strengths and positive coping strategies 3
•Muscle pain • Fear and Anxiety
•Headaches • Sadness and
•Stomach pain Depression
• Anger and
•Sleep issues Irritability
• Difficulty
• Family difficulties concentrating, and
• Substance abuse with memory
• Recurring dreams or
• Abuse behavior
• Keeping excessively busy • Flashbacks 4
Over-promise or over-reassure Be realistic in your assurances
Minimize the survivor’s losses or Validate the survivor’s feelings
make comparisons to other
Change the subject Stay with the survivor’s focus
Fill up silence with chatter Learn to tolerate silence
Take survivor anger or frustration Accept that they’re venting and
personally it’s not really aimed at you 5
•Look refers to how to assess:
•the current situation
•who seeks support
•what the risks are
•the needs of the affected
•expected emotional reactions.
•Listen refers to how to:
•begin the conversation
•introduce the helper
•pay attention and listen actively
•accept feelings
•calming someone in distress
•ask about needs and concerns
•help find solutions to needs and
problems. 8
•Link refers to how to assist with:
•accessing information
•connecting with loved ones and
social support
•tackling practical problems
•accessing services and other help.

• Guidelines for answering calls.
• Should it be a requirement to note any statistical information as age
and gender of callers, verbal consent must be obtained from the
• Updated information on the virus, websites and measures by the
authorities and available services must be available at all times,
such as for example information on how to contact health
authorities, as well as contact details of health and mental health
• Procedures for when and how to refer persons with severe
psychological distress.
• An updated list of links and other information and
psychoeducational materials that can be sent to the caller when
ending the call.
• The support that will be offered to staff and volunteers and how to
ensure their well-being when having to take many or difficult calls.
• The practical and emotional support callers may need; are
they affected personally by worries, by violence, fear of
losing their livelihood, are they friends or relatives of
someone hospitalized that they cannot visit etc.
• The situation callers will find themselves in: are they in
lockdown, in isolation, quarantined, alone or with families or
others, could they be the general public, frontline responders
or recovered patients etc.
• The imagined or realistic risks callers are experiencing; are
they fearing infecting others though showing no symptoms
and having followed the guidelines set by the authorities or
afraid of infecting others who need their support on a daily
basis etc.
•Listen refers to how the helper:
•begins the conversation
•Introduces himself/herself
•pays attention and listens actively
•accepts feelings
•calms the distressed
•asks about needs and concerns
• helps those in distress find solutions to
their needs and problems
Key psychosocial phrases conveying
interest and empathy:
• I understand your concerns and most people do
think a lot about the situation ...
• It is very natural to be sad, angry, upset or …
• I hear what you are saying, about having to ...
• I fully understand that you are feeling this way ...
• In this situation, your reaction is quite natural ...
• Maybe we can discuss possible solutions ...
• What we can offer is …
• I am concerned about you, and would like to
suggest to refer you to someone who can help you 16
• Empathy vs. sympathy
• These phrases express empathy and help you make
sure you understand what the survivor is trying to
– “I hear you saying…”
– “It sounds like…”
– “It seems to you…”
– “You appear…”
• If you get it wrong, apologize and ask the survivor
to clarify their point 17
• These phrases should be avoided
• “Don’t feel bad.” • “I know how you feel.”
• “Don’t cry.” • “It’s God’s will.”
• “Try not to think about it.” • “It could be worse.”
• “Let’s talk about something • “At least you still have.…”
else.” • “At least [anything].”

They mean well, but feel dismissive or

invalidating to the survivor. 18
 Accurate information is an
important antidote for the
uncertainty and anxiety survivors
experience after a crisis!
• Stay aware of any up-to-date lists of available
resources, treatment guidance, etc.
• Present information in simple language and
provide it in writing if possible
• Be sure never to give out unconfirmed news, or
share information you’re not authorized to
• Say “I don’t know” when necessary, but
preferably “I don’t know, but…” 20
• It’s important to acknowledge and support a survivor’s
strength, competence, courage, and power to begin to
restore a sense of control
• You can ask: “How have you gotten through tough times
before?” or “What skills do you have that will allow you to get
through this?”
• Survivors can be warned about ways of coping that make them
feel better temporarily but don’t really help in the long run
• Encourage them to use effective methods that help them both
feel and function better
• Introduce yourself to the person calling, by
saying your name, organization and position.
• “You are speaking to ______from RMT-Center for
Family Ministires, and I am working as a
volunteer …”
• Ask how you may help and if suitable also
ask the name of the caller. Accept it, that the
caller may not want to say his or her name.
• “How may I help you?
• May I also ask your name, so I know what to call
• Agree on the duration of the call depending
upon what the caller is asking about.
• “I can certainly help you with this information…
Now is there anything else I can do for you?”
• “There seems to be a lot on your mind. On this
call we can talk for about 15 minutes and then
decide how to move on.”
• “When we have talked for about 10 minutes we
can take stock and decide how best to proceed.”
• “What are the most important issues I can help
you with?” 25
•Should the caller be worried, explore
what the person is particularly worried
about and what their specific concerns
• “Tell me a bit about what worries you.”
• “Is there anything else that worries you?”
• “I sense that there is something more on your
• In cases of extreme stress, worry, fear or
loss of control, reassure and normalize
these reactions by explaining that such
feelings are normal during this and any
other crisis. Acknowledge the worry by
• “It is a challenging situation as there are many things
that is still not know about the virus, and its quite
normal to react and be worried.”
• “What you tell me are common fears. Many are
concerned about falling ill or spreading the virus to
others especially loved ones. Many also fear losing
their livelihood or being stigmatized by others.” 27
• Next ask what the caller usually does to cope
with difficult situations and feel better. Have
them name a few and discuss if they can be
useful in the actual situation:
• “It is a difficult situation, and I do understand its
very challenging. Let’s discuss if there is
anything, you can do to make the situation more
• Ask what the caller will chose to do and
assist the caller to find out more and other
things they can do or suggest they write a list
for inspiration. 28
• Should a caller need help with calming techniques,
suggest breathing and relaxation exercises for reducing
worry and for calming down. Inform the caller, that the
mind clears when focusing on the here and now. (Do this
with client.)
• “I will be guiding you for relaxation exercise. .. Take a
comfortable position, put you feet flat on the floor…
You may close you eyes if you wish… Notice the air
that goes in and out of your nostrils. Now, take a deep
breath. Hold…(count 1-5) Then, exhale…(Do the deep
breath 3x). Now, close your eyes and picture in your
mind your favorite place and stay there for a
while…(After 2-3 min) Again be aware of your
breathing as I count 3…2…1. You may open your eyes.”
• Should a caller need help with calming techniques,
suggest breathing and relaxation exercises for reducing
worry and for calming down. Inform the caller, that the
mind clears when focusing on the here and now. (Do this
with client.)
• “I will be guiding you for relaxation exercise. .. Take a
comfortable position, put you feet flat on the floor…
You may close you eyes if you wish… Notice the air
that goes in and out of your nostrils. Now, take a deep
breath. Hold…(count 1-5) Then, exhale…(Do the deep
breath 3x). You may now close you eyes, and as you
inhale say to your self: I am still… (Variation: God loves
me.) Then, exhale. Do this several times now as I quiet
down. (After 2-3 min). Once more, focus on you
breathing, 3…2…and 1. You may now open your eyes.” 30
• Should a caller need help with calming techniques, suggest breathing and
relaxation exercises for reducing worry and for calming down. Inform the
caller, that the mind clears when focusing on the here and now. (Do this
with client)
• “I will be guiding you for relaxation exercise. .. Take a
comfortable position, put you feet flat on the floor… You may
close you eyes if you wish… Notice the air that goes in and out of
your nostrils. Now, take a deep breath. Hold…(count 1-5) Then,
exhale… Now focus on your head*. ..As you inhale imagine a
white soothing air relaxing your head… and as you exhale
imagine black air being expelled from your head carrying with it
all the tensions…all the worries…and all the tiredness that you
are experiencing right now… Once more…inhale white air, and
exhale black air…Slowly you can feel that you head is starting to
relax. . . Very good! Now let’s go down to you neck and
shoulders*. . . (follow the asterisk above and do it also with:
a.arms, hands & fingers, b.chest, c.back, d.stomach, e.pelvic area,
f. thighs, g. knees & leg, h. feet). 31
• It can also be helpful to ask the person to place their feet solidly on
the floor or ground and sense the support from floor or ground. If
sitting on a chair, feet on the floor, tensing the leg muscles by
stemming the feet against the floor as if wanting to push the chair
back without actually doing so, can also be useful. (Do with client.)
• I will be guiding with this relaxation exercise.
Take a comfortable sitting position. Put both feet
flat on the floor. Now, as you inhale tense your
feet* as much as you can…then, exhale and relax
you feet. One more time, inhale and tense your feet
and exhale, relax. . . (Do this also with: a.legs,
b.thighs, c.pelvic area, d.stomach area, e.back,
f.chest, g.shoulders & neck, h.head) 32
• Getting cardiovascular exercise is also an
important and often overlooked resource in
calming down.
•A brisk walk, outside or in nature
if at all possible, also calms the

• Refer to good sources for on-line yoga, exercises,
relaxation or mindfulness.
• If relevant, ask callers what they do to keep
physically and mentally safe if quarantined or self-
isolated; if needed, provide further information on
hygiene or other measures.
• “If you are interested I can mail you a resource on what
to do when in isolation.You may find it useful. Should I
do that?”
• Should a caller ask what to do, the helper can say:
• “I am not sure I can answer that question for you. What
are you thinking about when having to make this
• One more option is to explain that naming
feelings calms the mind and explore how
to manage worries:
• “I wonder if it is any help to you to know that
these feelings are natural for many in the
present situation. It can be overwhelming, so
maybe we can talk about how to manage the
feelings. The first step is to acknowledge the
feelings as you rightly do, the next to ensure
they don’t take up too much time or space in
your life. Should we maybe talk more on this?”
• Should a caller worry or ruminate
excessively, it can be helpful to suggest
setting time limits for the worrying.
• “It can help to have one or two daily worry times
for example half an hour in the afternoon. If
worrying thoughts occur during other times of
the day and night, ask them to come back later, or
tell yourself that you will take care of them during
the worry time. This will give you time to take
care of what else you have to do.”
• “I would also suggest limiting the time following
news on the media to e.g. twice a day and avoid
doing it before going to bed at night.” 36
• Another option is to mention how having
updated and correct information is helpful by
• “Many are anxious, and it is a fact that having
access to correct information can help calm a
person. It also makes it easier to decide how to
react when knowing about the situation. So, I would
encourage you to get the facts and rely on
legitimate and reputable sources.”
• accessing information
• connecting with loved ones and
social support
• tackling practical problems
• accessing services and other
• has not been able to sleep for the last week and is confused and disorientated
• is so distressed that they are unable to function normally and care for themselves or their children by,
for example, not eating or keeping clean
• loses control over their behaviour and behaves in an unpredictable or destructive manner
• threatens harm to themselves or others
• starts excessive and out-of-the-ordinary use of drugs or alcohol
• are living with a psychological disorder and/or were taking medication prior to the situation of
distress may also need continued mental health support.
• presents chronic health conditions and need more supports.
• presents symptoms of severe mental health conditions
• is experiencing violence or is being sexually abused in any way.
• In some call centre units, there will be a supervisor that can take over calls where referrals are
• “To give you the best service I will hand over to my supervisor, who is more experienced than I am.
Thank you for the talk and now I hand you over to the supervisor who is called xxx.“
• If relevant, ask what they know and believe about the
virus and where and how they get updated information.
• “It seems you read a lot on social media about the virus.
Could you tell me more about where you get your
information? Do you also visit the official websites?”
• Ask how the caller stays in touch with social networks
like trusted friends, family or others
• Ask if there are any practical problem or challenges:
• “We have talked about how to stay in touch with friends
abroad using video calls and social media, which are great
resources. Are there any practical issues you face that we
haven’t talked about yet?”
• If needed, refer to other services:
• “For information on the health or social care
services in your area I can refer to this phone
number/webpage for updated information.”
• “To get assistance from the social services, you
will have to phone them. Do you have their
phone number or mail address?”
• Ensure informed consent from the caller
and make the referral. Agree on a follow
up if possible.
• Summarize the conversation by highlighting key issues
discussed and action points.
• “We talked about where you can find reliable sources of
information, and how you can stay in touch with your loved ones
even though living alone and having food delivered. Also, that taking
up your old interest could help pass time in a nice way.”
• “I will say goodbye and wish you a pleasant day.”
• Agree if a follow up conversation is needed, and if so, find a
suitable time.
• “If you would like to talk another time, please don’t hesitate to call
again and talk to me or one of my colleagues. Of course, I cannot
be sure, I will be in to take the call, but you are most welcome to
call again.”
• End the call by thanking for the conversation. 44
• Crises often create a variety of physical needs
and logistical demands that can feel
overwhelming to survivors
• You may be able to help people whose
judgment and decision-making ability is
temporarily impaired
• Break down the brick wall!
• Living through a traumatic event is a new and
confusing experience for most people
• You may be able to help them identify or
express their feelings – but don’t push
someone to talk about their experience if
they’re not ready to!
• The fact that others suffered worse losses doesn’t
minimize the impact of that individual’s own
losses 47
• Stay socially close even when maintaining
physical distance: Stay digitally connected by
keeping in touch with friends, colleagues and
family using mail, Apps or social media. Watch
the same films, read the same books and discuss
in virtual meetings, have a virtual chat whilst
drinking coffee or a cup of tea together.
• Daily routine: First of all, plan and uphold a
daily routine and also create a well-being plan
for the days and weeks. 48
• Set goals and keep active: Setting goals and achieving
them enhances the sense of control and competency.
Goals must be realistic in the given circumstances and
for staff and volunteers, it could also be keeping up with
paperwork even if not able to work in the field. For some
it gives a sense of agency and satisfaction to make a to
do list for the day and tick off tasks as they go along.
• Create a list of activities it would be nice to do, great to
have done, books to read or write, music to listen to,
food to cook and cakes to bake, paint water colours,
knit, stich and sew, learn a new language or skill, listen
to podcasts, clean the house, get fresh air through
windows, balcony or garden. 49
• Plan time alone and time together if living with
others: Create a list of things to do together, read
books aloud to each other, play board games, listen to
and discuss radio, tv and podcasts. Take turns caring
for children. There are many online resources for
activities to do at home with children.
• Look for or inject humor into the situation if
appropriate: Humor can be a strong antidote to
hopelessness. Even smiling and laughing inwardly can
provide relief from anxiety and frustration.
• Maintain hope: Believe in something meaningful,
whether family, faith, country or values.
• Use stress management techniques: Physical
relaxation techniques can reduce stress levels and are
useful methods to manage pain and emotional turmoil.
Most people are familiar with stress management
techniques but not all use them in practice; however,
this is the time to encourage the use of such
• Accept feelings: Being in a stressful situation can
cause a lot of different emotional reactions like anger,
frustration, anxiety, regrets, second guessing yourself,
self-blame etc. These feelings are normal reactions to
an abnormal situation. 51
Behavioral Health and COVID-19. Minnesota Department of Health. Retrieved March 28, 2020 from
Mental health and psychosocial considerations during the COVID-19 outbreak. World Heath Organization
(WHO). Retrieved March 28, 2020 from
Psychological first aid: Guide for field workers. World Health Organization. Retrieved March 27, 2020 from
Remote Psychological First Aid during the COVID-19 outbreak Interim guidance. (2020). Retrieved March
28, 2020 from


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